Usrcheat Downloader v1.1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2011-2013 =================================================================================== ======= Usrcheat Downloader downloads the latest usrcheat from the Internet to your PC. It checks to see if you have the latest version; if you do, it will alert you by saying that it is currently up-to-date; if you don't, then it will tell you that a new version is available for download and it will give you the option of downloading it now or later. Prerequisites: - Requires .NET Framework 4.0 - Requires an Internet Connection Features: - Downloads the latest usrcheat - Checks to see if you have the latest usrcheat file - Checks for updates once per hour while running - Program runs at Startup (to disable this, go to: Start > Run > msconfig.exe > Startup > Uncheck Usrcheat Downloader) - Minimizing the window just removes it from the taskbar (you can reopen it from the system tray in the taskbar) - Alerts the user when there's a new update by displaying a notification pop up Warnings: - Usrcheat Downloader will create a folder named "Usrcheat" in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\ DO NOT REMOVE IT unless you uninstall the program Credits: - Demonic722 for programming this application - Scythe for providing the images that is in this application - NDS Scene/Contributors that has helped with the usrcheat project - for hosting and the usrcheat - for taking over the project and continuing to host the usrcheat =================================================================================== ======= Installation =================================================================================== ======= Installing Usrcheat Downloader is simple. Simply run the setup.exe and follow the instructions provided by the installation wizard. If you are having problems running the setup.exe, right-click on it and "Run as administrator". Also, please let Usrcheat Downloader install in C:\Program Files\\Usrcheat Downloader\. =================================================================================== ======= Uninstalling =================================================================================== ======= There is two ways you could uninstall Usrcheat Downloader: 1) You can run setup.exe again and tick the "Remove Usrcheat Downloader" radio button. 2) Navigate to Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features, right-click on Usrcheat
Downloader and click Uninstall. Note: Uninstalling does not remove the downloaded usrcheat.rar file from your computer. =================================================================================== ======= Bug Reports/Feedback =================================================================================== ======= Contact the developer by e-mail at
[email protected] or sign up and post on: =================================================================================== ======= =================================================================================== =======