While reading for gist
What is gist? When we have gist, what can we do with it? Does having more gist help us than having less of it? How can gist be applied to different question types? If a gist falls in a forest but no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
Possible strategies to apply for an overall understanding of a text to write down in a minute (Aebersold and Field 1997): Note the key words in the first sentence of the paragraph or text Decide which word(s) announces the main topic and aspects of that topic Note if there is a sentence that states a probable main idea Note the most important words from each sentence as you read Look for examples that illustrate ideas stated earlier Look for a sentence that concludes a particular aspect of a topic Look for words that indicate a change in the kind of information
O make me a mask and a wall to shut from your spies Of the sharp, enamelled eyes and the spectacled claws Rape and rebellion in the nurseries of my face, Gag of a dumbstruck tree to block from bare enemies The bayonet tongue in this undefended prayerpiece, The present mouth, and the sweetly blown trumpet of lies, Shaped in old armour and oak the countenance of a dunce
Get into the 5 groups of your assigned group leader. The group leader facilitates all discussion that takes place and you must follow according to her requests. If she wants to finish with discussion about one question or point, let her do so, or conclude your thoughts. The role you play as a group member is you can make the discussion much more rich and meaningful by the perspective you have of the article. Group members are free to comment on what each other says, but the group leader determines what comments are appropriate. Be careful with what you say, as the group leader will be noting down what everyone
Next class will address “reading for fact vs. opinion,” and the topic for next class will be “evolution or intelligent design?” Each of the group leaders will be assigned to find an article from academic sources only. If your author lacks any of the following by his/her name, DO NOT use it: a “Dr.” before the name, or a “Ph.D., M.D., etc.” after the name. Each group leader will be assigned to find an article on one of the below. Except for #5, your article can only concentrate on one of the two theories. It CANNOT start for/against one theory, then the rest of the article talks only about the other theory: 2.An article FOR evolution 3.An article AGAINST evolution 4.An article FOR intelligent design 5.An article AGAINST intelligent design 6.An article evaluating BOTH evolution AND intelligent design Spades and the Joker are group leaders. Group members should consider (but not limited by) the following questions as they write their journal on the article: how explicit is the author’s opinion about evolution/intelligent design? When support is given, is it self-justifying or independent? What do you find difficult as you read the article and you consider your own views about evolution/intelligent design?