Rain (twilight Saga) Chapter Two

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  • Words: 3,971
  • Pages: 15
By: Alice Cho CHAPTER 2: VAMPIRE HUNTERS That was my first day to wear a dress—Alice actually made me to wear a dress. It was so…pretty but I was pretty sure I didn’t match with the girlie dress. That was why I protested to go out from Alice’s room when we finished the make-up. But surprisingly, Alice was way stronger than me. The first person I saw when I got out of the room was Renesmee. “How cute!” she said with happy smile that almost made me blush. Then my expression froze when I saw two unfamiliar guys in the living room, smiling at me. Their smile was totally different. One of the guys smile was warm…like sunshine. It was smile from his true heart. His kindness was overflowing from his mind. I was pretty sure that this guy wasn’t evil. But one of the guys smile was like…like if he was insulting me. Like if he was telling me that the dress didn’t match with me. His smile flinched of cold. I felt like as if I was in the freezer. “Jacob,” Edward told the bad-looking-guy. Edward was reading a magazine. He didn’t even lift his eyes to see the guy’s reaction. I felt a little sad…it was like the Cullen didn’t care about me. Then I suddenly felt so calm when Jasper came in. I turned around to stare at him with disbelief. He stared at me back. There was something about Cullens that they weren’t telling anyone. “Here,” Renesmee handed me a drink. Apple juice. I took a sip and stared at the good-looking-guy who was now smiling at Bella as they were talking.

Renesmee followed my eyes and saw who I was staring at, and then she smiled. “That’s Carlisle.” Old fashioned name, I thought. “That’s my…” she paused. “adopted…father, I guess.” I didn’t miss her pause which told me that she was lying. The Cullens. Full of mysteries. “Oh…um. I’ll just…go back cookie and juice for you, Kelsey,” Renesmee pointed at the room which I believed was kitchen. I nodded and smiled at her and she smiled at me back. She turned around quickly and I heard whispers instead of clicking of glasses. It was too quiet for me to eavesdrop but it was loud enough to figure to Renesmee was talking to. Esme. I poked a person who was sitting beside me without thinking. “Hey, why is Renesmee being so weird?” I whispered, but I stiffened when I saw who I was talking to. Rosalie’s face was full of disgust. She was staring at the spot where I poked at her as if I spilled something on her. Her golden eyes slowly went up to see my eyes and I couldn’t face her murderous look. It was too scary—like as if she was cutting my heart with invisible knife. The pain ached. “Rosalie,” this time, it was Jasper who spoke. The pain vaporised like boiling water. I stared at Jasper with curious look. It was second time he did…he eased the feeling. Rosalie’s eyes went up and she stood up and headed to the kitchen so quickly—too quickly. Too quick for humans. “Rosalie. Be careful.” This time, it was Emmett from the other couch. He was watching a basketball game. I wondered if he could see behind him because his back was toward us.

“Cookiesssss are ready!” Renesmee popped out and put down cookies in front of me. I waited until others get it first, but there was no sign that they were going to eat it. I raised one eyebrow with curiosity. Edward glanced at Renesmee and Renesmee flinched as if she got some messages from the glance. She smiled at me brightly but I knew the smile wasn’t coming from her heart. She picked one of the cookies and handed me one. “Here,” she said. I glanced at everyone in the room. “How about the others?” I asked. Renesmee’s smile faded away. “Oh. They…don’t like to eat snacks. Worried about fat, you know.” She whispered to make it realistic. I almost believed it. But who in the world wouldn’t like snack during twilight? I took a bite of the cookie when Renesmee smiled and took a sip of the apple juice. “Time to go now, Kelsey~!” I looked behind my back to see who was talking. It was Alice. “Time to go?” I was confused. How long have I been here? “A long time.” Edward answered my unspoken question. He appeared like a thunder…he was suddenly behind Alice. I gasped for the air. “Are you okay?” Alice asked. Her voice rang in my ear like a bell. I managed to nod. “I’m fine. Don’t worry. It’s just…you guys are…unhuman, I guess.” I couldn’t ignore their reaction because I was surprised. Edward’s mouth froze in one place like ice had frozen him. Alice’s eyes went wide. I thought I heard dishes breaking into pieces in the kitchen but I wasn’t sure.

“You should really go…sorry. We have some work to do this afternoon.” Alice smiled but I could sense hardness in the air. So I just nodded without a piss. “Nessie, why don’t you go with her? It’s too dark for a girl to just go them by herself,” Edward called Renesmee, glancing at the living room. He asked with a little force in his voice as if he was her father. I heard Renesmee answering Edward. She said ‘yes’ brightly as if she never ever had any real friends. She bounced up from the couch and opened the closet which was close to the front door. She was humming while she picked her jacket. How many jackets did they have? She finally picked a light-pink jacket with strawberries on it. It matched with her chocolate-brown hair—well, which clothes didn’t match with her? She opened the front door and waved at me to come and hurry up. I wasn’t sure if I sure just go with these clothes on because I didn’t want to steal anything from the Cullen. Edward answered my unspoken thought. “Don’t worry. Alice has a ton of clothes. Those are gifts.” He didn’t even smile while he was speaking. I kind of felt disappointed. Renesmee grabbed my hand and bounced all the way to driveway. I flinched when Renesmee grabbed my hand. Coldness spread from her hand to a tip of my toe like waves on the water. It wasn’t that cold, but it was cold enough to make people shiver at the night of September. Renesmee’s face changed into darkness when she saw my expression. She let my hand go quickly—too quick, again. “Sorry,” she looked away from me. I felt ashamed…it was mean to flinch. I shouldn’t have.

Her eyes met mine again. She smiled. “Where is your house? Is it far away? Can we walk there?” wow, that was a lot of question…first, I had no idea where we were, but I was sure the house was close enough for us to walk…because this town was so small. “Probably. This town is so small—you almost can walk anywhere.” I snorted and joined Renesmee’s laughter. Renesmee shrugged and started walking again. “I guess. Forks haven’t changed a lot.”

We—well, Renesmee—stopped when we heard some kind of weird noise—well, when Renesmee heard weird noise. I looked around nervously to see where we were. We were at the Night Street…I remembered what Mom told me about this street. She told me to never go to this street because…well, you know what it means. Fear ran through my body like coldness from Renesmee’s hand. Difference between them was only that the fear was worse than Renesmee’s cold hand. Renesmee looked behind me fiercely—so fierce I thought she turned into a lioness for a second. I wondered why she looked behind me so I followed her gaze and I almost fell into my knees. There was a group of teenager boys, smiling at us. Not very good smiles. The tallest one pulled out a knife and whistled at us —or Renesmee. The shortest one was keep staring at me and I couldn’t do anything but keeping my gaze away from the guy. He chuckled when my face went down and studied the floor.

Renesmee pulled me back to her back. I looked at her, expecting her face to be full of fear and terror, her big brown eyes full of tears. I just couldn’t imagine Renesmee the brave. But it was opposite from my thought. Her face wasn’t full of fear or terror; it was full of distrustfulness as if she just stabbed on a crap. Her eyes weren’t full of tear; they were full of anger and frustration. I was so surprised and almost forgot that there was a group of gangsters in front of us. The whole group flinched when Renesmee stared at them— except the tallest one. I wondered if he was trying to be brave. Renesmee’s eyes were now glowing red. It was like as if she was a wild cat, hunting at night, and the group of the gangsters were the group of mice. “Get back,” Renesmee warned them so simply. The rest of them ran away—except the tallest one. His eyes were glowing red too, and then he smiled like as if he met a nice person to bug. The red-glowing-person step forward and Renesmee growled. “This is our territory…how the heck did you get pass La Push?” her eyes were still glowing red. I grabbed Renesmee’s jacket and Renesmee tapped my hand to reassure me that everything will be okay. “Those werewolves? I didn’t cross that line. I came from Alaska.” I was surprised to hear the ringing voice like the Cullens’. I was expecting to hear a hoarse voice by the look of the face with a big scar across the face. Renesmee raised her eyebrow. “Alaska?” her voice was full of surprise but her eyes were still glowing red. “Yes. I’m a vegetarian…well, I’m trying to be, at least.” He shrugged. “And you must be…?” he was asking Renesmee’s

name. He was totally ignoring me, but the fear was stronger than my anger so I didn’t say anything. “Renesmee Cullen.” She answered. Her eyes finally returned to their own colour. “So you came here to see Carlisle?” He nodded. “But I guess there is no needs for going to the house…since some of them are here already.” I had no idea what they were talking about, but Renesmee seemed to understand. She was staring at the top of the red building. She sighed. I heard a quiet chuckle. “Hey, there is a friend.” The voice I have heard before…the ringing-high-tone sound. Something fell—no, jumped from the building—and landed in front of Renesmee and the man. “Hi, Rudi.” It was Alice. The man looked surprised. “How did you know my name?” She chuckled. “You know nothing about us and you came to visit us? That’s funny.” Renesmee gave Alice a warning glance and turned around and glanced at me. “Are you okay?” Renesmee bent over and levelled her eyes with mine. I nodded oddly. She hesitated but she offered me a hand. But I could see her face was full of worry…that I would flinch again, and hurt her. I felt guilt somehow, so I grabbed her hand and stood up. Since when I was on the floor? “So,” Alice was staring at the Rudi guy. “Why are you here? I never saw you before.” Rudi snorted. “Like you don’t know.” Alice’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t trust my vision a lot. They change.” Vision? Why vision?

Rudi raised his head up and looked at Alice as if she was stupid. “I came here to tell you—no, warn you—that my family is visiting. I thought that you wanted to know.” Alice stiffened and Renesmee froze in one place. Her eyes went empty. “Which family?” Alice finally broke the silence. “It’s new one…but you probably heard of it. They’re famous being…” he stared at me as if I was some kind of rare hotdog. I wished he just ignored me as he was doing until now. “…being violent to the humans.” Alice growled and stepped forward to scare him, but Rudi stepped forward, too. He raised his hand and placed it on Alice’s arm. Alice stared at it and tensed, as if she was expecting something to happen. But nothing happened. Rudi looked confused, so did Alice and Renesmee. Rudi’s hand dropped from Alice’s arm. “Was that a gift?” Alice asked. Her voice was misty with confusion. Rudi looked disgusted but he nodded curtly. “It supposed to show you what you fear most…but why doesn’t it work on you” he glanced at Alice. Was there something wrong with her? I heard a giggle. “It’s first time you look confused in a century, Alice.” And a person landed on the ground like Alice did. It was Bella this time. Alice raised her head as if some kind of difficult riddle was answered. “Following us like a tracker…but this time you were helpful, Bells.” Her voice was full of anger and surprise. I guessed that she didn’t know if she should comment her or punish her. “I’ll take that as a complement.” Bella smiled. Her smile sparkled even in the dark.

Rudi’s eyes went dark brown. “So it was you who blocked my…” I could tell that he was trying to find a right word. Bella’s smile disappeared when she faced Rudi. “Yea. It’s my gift to set a barrier. I can set a barrier which blocks almost every gift…including yours, low-life.” Somehow, Bella sounded so angry. Renesmee set her hand on Bella’s shoulder and I didn’t know how she could get to her so fast. “Bella, it’s okay. He didn’t hurt us.” That seemed to calm Bella down. But Bella’s expression hardened whenever she faced Rudi’s face. “You should see Carlisle.” She snapped. Alice, for once, faced me and smiled. “You should go home now. Your parents are getting worried.” I wanted to ask how she knew that my parents were getting worried but I didn’t have time. Renesmee pulled me and she was extremely strong—way stronger than me. Renesmee’s face was harder than any angry faces or nervous faces I ever saw. It was so…scary I couldn’t even stare at it. I studied the floor, not knowing what to say. We didn’t even say a word until we reached my house. I wondered how Renesmee figured my house because I didn’t remember telling her. Renesmee sighed. “We are here.” She looked at me and I could see bitterness in her face. “Sorry I was being a jerk…but can you please promise me that you’ll forget what you saw now?” I felt a little sad about Renesmee not trusting me. But why would she? We weren’t even friends. I nodded because I didn’t know if my voice was still working. Renesmee looked relieved. “Good. Thank you.” And she pressed my house’s doorbell.

After 5 or 6 seconds later, my dad, Robert, opened the door. There was his usual smile on his face, but it disappeared as soon as he saw Renesmee. “Why are you here?” Robert growled at her. I called him by first name because he wasn’t my real father…I was adopted. “What are you doing with Kelsey?” he asked Renesmee as if I was hanging out with a gangster. Renesmee looked confused for a second but she smiled as if she’d gone through this a lot of time. “Hi, Mr. Sunning. I’m Renesmee Cullen. I saw Kelsey lost in the Night Street so I brought her to your house…” she picked inside of our house as if she wanted to come in. Normally, Robert just smiled at the costumers and asked them to come in. But he this time, he didn’t show any chance of letting Renesmee coming into our house. I thought it was a little mean. “Call me Robert,” was the only thing he said. Even that, he didn’t sound he meant it. “Why don’t you come in?” I asked her. Robert stared at me hard without any smile. I felt uneasy. Renesmee smiled happily. The warmth warmed me up from tip of my hair to the last finger on my hand. “May I?” My dad was a priest—there was a ton of stuffs about Jesus and God in our house. But my dad’s interest wasn’t in Christianity so much—his interests were witches, werewolves, wizards…and vampires. I used to think he was a little crazy, but I’ve gotten used to it, but now with Renesmee staring at all the crosses and pictures of dark creatures doing bad stuffs to humans, I felt uneasy…I could feel shiver shaking my bones inside my body.

Renesmee stopped at one picture. It was about vampires—a vampire sucking a young girl’s blood. The vampire’s eyes were red, just like blood streaming down the girl’s neck. “Heh.” She said. “Nice pictures, Kelsey. What’s your father job? Is he a priest…or a pastor?” she asked. I flinched and nodded stiffly. I didn’t think it was a nice picture. I offered Renesmee to sit down next to me. She sat. “It’s like my…” she narrowed her eyes to think. “…my greatgrandfather, I guess. He was a priest…or a pastor, too, and hunted all the…dark creatures, I guess you called all those bad mythical creatures.” She shrugged and I felt relieve that she didn’t think I was weird. Robert, who was listening to our conversation, looked surprised. “Your great-grandfather was a hunter?” his eyes narrowed. “Yes,” Renesmee’s voice hardened. Her voice suddenly made me feel like as if I was sitting with a steel statue. I shivered feeling coldness from my backbone. “Who’s your grandfather, then?” my dad grinned like if he got the biggest prey in his hunting. Renesmee swallowed. “Why do you want to know that?” I felt unease in the air. This conversation had to stop or the fight would just keep going. “Because,” he blinked, “I’m thinking that you’re not human.” Wow. Harsh. Now, it was too far away. I didn’t want Renesmee to get angry at my father. I stood up for a challenge when I heard Renesmee laughing.

“Okay,” she giggled. It sounded like if she was play most fun game in the world, “really? Who are you, then?” I was amazed. No one in my life ever backed up on Robert. He narrowed his eyes. “I asked you first.” I felt like I was left-over. It was like they were talking about stuff I didn’t know. Suddenly it felt like as if I was watching a lion and a…tiger staring at each other, ready to tear them apart. “My grandfather was named Carlisle.” I flinched with coldest fear coming through my throat with the dry air…which made my throat to get frostbite. “Carlisle Cullen, you mean?” Robert looked surprised but it was different kind of surprise from me. It was the kind of surprise when people expect you to tell them a secret after they bug you a lot but you just tell them. Renesmee narrowed her eyes. “Well…his name was Carlisle Cullen, too, but…” she struggled. Unusual. “But it’s not the Carlisle…you know, not the Carlisle who’s known as Dr. Cullen —” “Wait—your…dad—whatever he is—is a doctor?” Robert’s voice was full of surprise. Really, what did he think Renesmee was? A witch? “Hmm-mm” she said, nodding lightly like falling leaves. Then I heard a car engine, crawling our driveway. Whoever it was, my dad was happy about it. His eyes narrowed, and his forehead was increased like old gramps in the movie. “Who would that be?” he asked to himself, but he was glancing at Renesmee. I could tell that he was so sure Renesmee knew who it was.

And apparently, she did. Her face was brightened as she bounced down to the door…when my dad frozen when he saw who was at the door. It wasn’t it—it was they. Plural, two people. Two different people—Carlisle and Jacob, both smiling like the first time I saw them. Renesmee’s smile turned into flower of joy when she saw Jacob holding something—a present? “Hey, Jake, and hi, Carlisle.” Renesmee said with the smile. I didn’t know if I had to greet them because I just came from their house. It was kind of awkward situation I was in. “Nice timing. We were just talking about your…” she glanced at Robert and the vampire picture swiftly. “Oh,” that surprised Carlisle. “Really…” his voice died away. Jacob smiled even more bright when Renesmee turned to see him. “Yo, Nessie! Guess what I have for your spring break!” “The doll I wanted, right?” she cheered like a child. She looked so cute. I blushed when she put her hand like if she was receiving a ball in the air. Jacob frowned. “How did you know that?” he wasn’t happy about this. “Oh, we can’t have secrets in the Cullens, remember?” I had a feeling that there was a double-meaning in the words. “That shorty,” was he talking about Alice? She was the only short one in the Cullens. “Actually, it was Edward…I wanted to know, so Edward helped me…I would have figured out sooner if Bella hadn’t disturbing Edward and guard Alice. It took him for like ages!” she rolled her eyes to show how she was disgusted.

“Well, as usual. Bella smarter than the leech.” Jacob snorted and that was when Robert came in. “Leech? Isn’t that an animal?” I knew that he decided that the Cullens weren’t humans. But I also knew that he needed a clue to prove it. “Err…” Jacob said and Carlisle came in. “Yes, but this friend,” he shot a glance to Jacob, “doesn’t like my adopted son…they’re sort of enemies; trying to beat each other in the report cord. Usually, my son wins.” There was some amusement and some anger in Carlisle’s voice. Jacob snorted loudly. Renesmee broke the silence by jumping into Jacob and hugging him. “So how was the day in La Push?” Jacob smiled at her and hugged her back. “Bad, since I couldn’t see you. My body ached to finish the job and to come here.” Renesmee laughed with her bell-ringing tone. Carlisle stepped forward and stared at my dad. “Thanks for caring my daughter but we have to go now. Our visitors are here, and they want to see Renesmee.” Renesmee face brightened. “Tanya is here, right, Carlisle?” Carlisle smiled back. “Yes, dear. They’re all here.” Only people who didn’t look happy were my dad and Jacob. “Well, I guess Bella’s going to punish me if I pick you up late…Edward doesn’t care, but he can’t win over Bella,” Carlisle shrugged and bowed lightly to say bye. He turned around and pushed the button to unlock the car. “Come on, Renesmee…and Jacob, you too.” Jacob groaned. I felt something weird in my mind, like I have to go and see what the heck was going on. It felt weird…it felt like ice was

freezing in fire. I felt cold but I also felt warmth. I was sure that if I didn’t ask, I would simply spy on the Cullens and found out who Tanya is. “Can I go too?” I blurted it out. Immediately, I realized how embarrassing it was. I blushed and portended to look at the pictures. The Cullens and Jacob froze but Carlisle calmed down in a second. “Sure. Why not?” he smiled and I almost forgot to breathe. “Err…Carlisle? Are you sure?” Renesmee stared at Carlisle, still in Jacob’s arm. The rumour about Renesmee having no boyfriend must be false. “Yes. I’m pretty sure, Nessie. Don’t worry, I’ll handle it.” Carlisle opened the car door and offered a hand to tell me to get in. “Come on. We can’t let our guests wait.”

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