Rain (one Of Twilight Saga) Chapter Five

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  • Words: 1,602
  • Pages: 9
CHAPTER 5 “You have to study a lot. Do I look like a human to you?” Jacob said. His voice was cold as if he was playing like a ghost. For some reason, he wasn’t happy with my dad. Why? I heard Robert snorting. “Well, you don’t look like a vampire, so what can you be? A wizard?” Rosalie laughed, but I had a feeling that Jacob wasn’t very happy about what my father said. “A wizard! Mabby he watched too much of Harry Potter!” Rosalie laughed out loud.


I didn’t like how Rosalie was making fun of my dad. Sure he wasn’t very nice to the Cullens, but she didn’t have to that bad to Robert. “Then what is he?” Robert’s voice was calm as sea. It was as if he was never insulted before. I was amazed by his calmness. Jacob stuffed his mouth with something. (Probably cookies, what else?) So he couldn’t answer for a while. It was so quiet that I started worrying about my breathing being too loud. Then Renesmee (oh, fine, Nessie) burst out laughing. I’d bet the Cullens and Robert was as confused as I was. But they didn’t say anything about Nessie laughing. After Renesmee’s laugh, someone said something scary. “Hey, Kelsey, you’d better come down here. Your dad is angry~!” It was Alice who spoke. Her voice was as cute as ever, but to me then, it sounded like a sentence from a horror movie. I held my breath, but I knew somehow that it was no use. This time, Robert spoke. “Kelsey, I know that you’re there. Come down.” I slowly got up and started walking down the stairs. I was wobbly with fear that I almost fell down the stairs. When I sat a foot on the floor, I couldn’t look up. Somehow I knew I heard something great, something dangerous, and something that should have been kept secret. 2

“I’m—I’m sorry,” I murmured before I got into more trouble. Esme bend down and looked into my eyes. “You don’t have to be sorry, dear. You were just curious, right?” I nodded, not trusting my voice. “So, Edward, how far have she heard?” Carlisle asked Edward. It was weird—why would he ask Edward about that? It was me who was eavesdropping. He stared at me for a long time with narrowed eyes. His face was full of annoyance as if he was telling me I was annoying. Why would he think I’m annoying? Millie told me that Edward was nice to everyone. But why was he annoyed by me? Did I do something really stupid? “Not clear,” Edward muttered. Everyone except Robert stared at Edward. “What do you mean?” Bella asked after a minute. “Her thoughts aren’t clear. I can read it but it’s not clear… it’s almost like I’m trying to read through muddy water!” he growled. Alice sighed, “Her future is unclear too. It’s very annoying. It’s clearer than Nessie’s or Jacob’s, but it’s muddier than any human’s future.”


“I can’t feel how she’s feeling right now clearly,” Jasper said with surprise in his voice. Nessie stepped forward and grabbed my right arm tightly. “Can you see anything?” she asked with serious face. I could see something, but it wasn’t clear. It was something like a wolf howling. But I wasn’t sure if that was right. It was too blurry. I narrowed my eyes to see it clearly, but it just didn’t work. I couldn’t see it clearly. “Something like…” I murmured, “a wolf howling?” “Why did you add something like?” Nessie asked as she let go of my arm. When I looked at my arm, I had a bruise on my arm. How hard had she grabbed me? “It…wasn’t just clear. Why?” I asked with curiously. Bella’s head tilted. “That’s weird.” “Really weird,” Jasper agreed. Without any reason, my dad just started to laugh like crazy. “Why are you laughing?” Carlisle asked. “Because,” he paused laughing, “it’s funny to watch leeches confused.” Emmett growled and Rosalie hissed. Edward kinda tensed, but Carlisle shook his head to them. “Don’t attack. It’ll just make things worse,” Edward said 4

with Carlisle’s voice as if he was translating his word. Emmett didn’t look happy but he just turned the TV on and sat down on the couch, and started watching a baseball game. “Oh, the game is going interesting,” Jacob glanced at the TV, but it just turned off. “Who the hell did that?” Emmett turned around. Edward was holding the remote. “Carlisle doesn’t like it. He thinks it’s not polite,” he said with grumpy voice. “You’re so grumpy,” Bella said, touching his face. He sighed, “Yes, because it’s maddening not to see.” Bella laughed, “You sound like someone I know.’ “That’s me, isn’t it?” Alice said with same grumpy voice, as if someone told her to work forever. “Do you know something?” Carlisle asked politely. My dad nodded. “Of course I do. You seem like the talented family I ever known. 9 vampires, 5 are gifted. That one—” he pointed at Emmett, “—looks strong, and you look smart. That older female one looks kind (too kind for a vampire) and that one —” he pointed at Rosalie “—looks like she can fight well.” I heard a word that wasn’t used a lot in the world. Vampire.


“Did…” I murmured with shaky voice. “Did you just say vampire?” Robert stared at me. “Haven’t you realized? I taught you what I know about vampires all along, and you didn’t realize?” “You taught her about vampires?” Alice gasped. “Why, I can, can’t I? It’s my choice,” Robert insisted. Emmett smiled as if he was telling Robert you are a stupid. “You can teach her about vampires—” he started. “If you want to get your daughter killed by the Volturi,” Rosalie finished. “The Volturi?” Robert muttered. Rosalie laughed, “You don’t know about them and you taught her about vampires, that’s hard.” Esme sighed, “Rose, stop please. That’s not kind.” “Sorry.” “How about this,” Jacob came forward, “We’ll tell you about the Volturi, and you tell us about everything you know. Deal?” He offered his hand. Robert stared at him then his hand. He seemed to think, and said, “Fine. But I won’t shake hands. You vampires’ hands are too cold.” Nessie giggled lightly and Jacob frowned. “Do I look like a 6

vampire, human?” Robert grabbed his hand swiftly. “Oh, sorry.” He flinched when his hand and Jacob’s hand were together. “Your hand—” Robert began. Jacob rolled his eyes. “I know, I know. It’s really hot, right?” He cut Robert off. Okay, it might sound silly to you (don’t hate me because of this), but I had reasons. I can tell you why I suddenly cried there. First, I was standing. I was tired and I just couldn’t stand there any longer. Second, my curiosity was too great for my brain to hold it on. It was like a bomb, quiet, quiet and it just blasted. My curiosity just blasted. Third, I had no idea what the hell was going on. It was hard to catch on, and crying was the best way to cut the conversation. I was right. Everyone stopped speaking and staring and glancing, and looked at me, crying. “Oh, dear. Are you all right?” Esme was the first one who comforted me. Next was Rosalie. She came closer to me, and said to Esme, “May be she’s sleepy?” What did she think I was, a new-born baby? “Rose, you’re talking about her as if she’s a new-born 7

baby,” Alice came up and said. She even asked if I was okay, but I couldn’t answer. Bella padded me on the head, and Nessie said something to comfort me. Even Edward and Jasper brought me some drink and Emmett turned my favorite channel (he did muttered something). But my dad didn’t do anything, just kept staring at the Cullens as if he was the keeper and the Cullens were thieves. Then I figured why I was crying. I figured the fourth reason I was crying like a baby. I was angry at my dad for saying mean things to the Cullens. They were nice to me, and kind to me. Sure Emmett was being like a jerk sometimes, but that didn’t matter. They showed me how the real family should have been, and they showed me a lot of love, especially Esme. And now, Robert was calling them with bad names like leeches and parasites. “You never show some feelings,” I murmured really quietly so no one can hear. But apparently, all the Cullens heard what I said. They suddenly looked at me and asked what I meant. I raised my head. “You never show feelings to your family, and we never do something together as a family! My brother—even if we aren’t related—was the only person who showed me love in


the family!” Robert’s eyes widened. “I just remembered—Nico broke his right leg.” Carlisle whispered something in Bella’s ear, and she nodded sadly. But I was too angry to care about Nico’s leg. “Whatever! I’m talking about you and me, Robert! The Cullens were so kind to me, kinder than you! And you shouldn’t be calling them leeches and stuff like that—” Robert suddenly looked angry when I said you shouldn’t be calling them. “Do you even know who you are with right now?” Robert growled. “Let me tell you before I tell them everything I know. They are vampires, Kelsey!” I just froze there, not being able to absorb everything my father had said.


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