Rain (twilight Saga) Chapter One

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  • Words: 4,450
  • Pages: 17
By: Alice Cho CHAPTER 1: KELSEY IN 13TH JULY, 2789, 30TH CENTURY It was raining that day. I walked to the school where I belong… where I hated to belong. I was stuck in Forks and I had to go to the damned school today with my damned, rusty car. My mom talked about it like if it was the best car in the world. I slammed the door of my car hoping it would break. But the rusty car was old, but strong…I wanted to kick it when it didn’t break with my arm strength. I growled at it. “Hey, there!” someone slapped my back without a permission. It really hurt. What the heck was going around with this town? I turned around to see who it was…she was a girl with short, blonde hair; it barely touched the shoulder, with green eyes sparkling. I couldn’t say anything for a second. She was smiling; I couldn’t say anything mean to a smiley face. “Er…” I said like a stupid. She stared at me, still smiling. Now I understood. She wanted me to introduce myself to her. Then the answer was simple. Never before she tells herself, I thought. I kept my mouth tight. Her eyes grew wide when I didn’t say anything, even a word. But her smile came back in a minute and stuck her hand out like if she was hand-shaking with invisible person. “I’m Millie,” she said with giggle, “don’t be so nervous. It’s my first time here too. And we’ve met before…when we were babies,” she giggled like a baby. In a second, Millie grabbed her hand. “Kelsey, can we please be friends? Please?” she made her face like a poor kitty in rain…I couldn’t help myself but nodding slowly. Why was I so shakeable?

I hated my car. I hated the school. I hated Millie. I hated Forks. I hated my mom. I hated my dad. I hated my sister. I hated my brothers. I hated being poor. I hated myself. Millie’s annoying talking woke me up from the daydream. “…have you seen the Cullens yet?” she asked. Cullens? Who the heck was that? How am I supposed to know that? You idiot, I thought. “No,” I shook her head. I tried to be kind. “Never heard of them.” And it was true—for the first time. “Gosh, you didn’t?” Millie gasped. Actually, I don’t care if I didn’t ever heard of them, I thought. “I moved here this summer, remember?” she answered. “Then do you like hot guys?” she asked. Gosh. Now she knew how to talk. I nodded fiercely. “Come here, then. Time like this, they should at school. They’re probably in lounge, talking,” she pulled me and I didn’t like it. The school was huge—too huge. Again, I didn’t like it. It was positive that I would get lost. I probably couldn’t even find my locker. Millie was going up the stair—it was tiring. And how the heck she knew all the way to the lounge? “Over there,” she pointed at the small, dirty lounge. I followed her finger and when I saw who were there, I almost forgot to breath. There were so beautiful…especially boys I was looking. I didn’t look at girls; they were so unbelievable I would hit them with jealousy if I could. But it was hard not to look at only boys, because they were all mixed together.

Millie poked me. “That’s Edward Cullen,” she murmured as she pointed at the boy, with light reddish-brown hair, who was closest to me, no, he was more like a god from Greek Myth, “that’s Bella Swan, his girlfriend…they said they’re gonna marry after high school.” I didn’t want to hear that part. Millie seemed not to notice my mad-looking-face. “That’s Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen. They’re getting married, too,” she pointed at the lightly-black haired boy and black-and-silver-likehair coloured girl sitting together closely. “That’s Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale…, not married yet, but going to again, and that’s Renesmee Cullen…some people— actually a lot of people—thinks she’s the prettiest, and she’s the only one who doesn’t have a boyfriend,” then she pointed at the blonde haired boy and girl. Her finger moved quickly to the chocolate-brown coloured haired girl who was laughing. She looked just like…the girl called Bella and the boy called Edward. “Er…how old is they?” I asked carefully. They didn’t look that young. “Seventeen…some of them eighteen, or nineteen,” she answered. Seventeen! They didn’t look like seventeen, eighteen, or nineteen! Was that possible they were faking the age because of some reasons? May be they failed the grade and faked as if they were same age as they were. I smiled like if I got the answer of the exam. “Are they smart? Didn’t they fail grade or something?” I asked softly so the Cullens wouldn’t hear. Usually pretty people weren’t smart. Millie narrowed her eyes. “Of course not!” she screamed as she answered, “they’re so good at everything…when they ditch a lot,” her voice was smooth as if she was talking about a god.

Suddenly, I realized that no one was in the lounge except the Cullens. I wanted to see the lounge before I go to the class…it might be the best place to hide when I was ditching. When I took one step to go near the lounge, Millie held my arm, frightened. I narrowed my eyes, but Millie’s eyes were huge. “What are you doing?” we both shouted at each other same time. “I want to see the lounge. Is that a problem?” I asked with anger. I hated when someone touched my body…especially really harsh. Millie didn’t seem to notice the anger in my voice…it was frustrating. “Don’t you know the rule? When the Cullens are in the lounge, you are not allowed to go in there. Good thing I told you about the rule…or you’d have the awful 3 years in this high school, Kelsey,” she sighed. She sounded like a girl sighing with relief because the war is over. What a school. What a stupid rule. “I hate that rule and I have no reason to follow it if it’s not real law in this school,” I pushed her hand from my left arm harshly and went into the lounge. I thought I hear Millie saying, “get out now, you idiot!” but I didn’t care. I wasn’t kind of person who worries about if people gonna hate me. If people wanted to hate me, go ahead. When I went into the lounge, I had to blink the eyes a lot to get use to the light of beauties. It was like standing in front of the Greek gods. I lost my courage in a second…I hated myself now for not listening to Millie. I expected a long silent with think with heat of anger that would crush me down until I reach the center of Earth. But instead of a string of heat poking me and a sound of ringing bells welcomed me.

“Hi,” the girl named Renesmee welcomed me with a bright smile—brighter, and cuter than Millie’s. “I never saw you before. You new here,” the girl, who was laughing until now, named Bella stopped laughing and asked me a question. The boy who was sitting next to Bella chuckled. I almost got a nosebleed. “Bella. Forks is not that small, you know.” I didn’t agree that part. If there was a smaller city than Forks in the world, I would give ten thousand dollar to everyone in that city. The girl with pure-black hair was staring at the air—like if there was something no one could see. “Be careful, whatever your name is,” she murmured when she finished staring, “you’re not very lucky today…” Emmett chuckled and Jasper didn’t look so happy. Edward narrowed his eyes, and Bella let out a small giggle. Renesmee clapped like a kindergarten. Rosalie sighed and I thought I heard something like, “who cares about humans?” “But I have nothing to lose,” I didn’t like how I was treated. It was like the Cullens had secrets and they were teasing me with not knowing it. “I don’t care. I don’t have any money in my wallet. I can’t be any unluckier than this,” I snorted to show them that I wasn’t stupid. Alice chuckled as she said that. “Not the wallet,” she stopping chuckling. I didn’t know why, but I wanted her to keep chuckle. It was the prettiest sound ever. I noticed that I was staring at her like a stupid. Erg. I shouldn’t look like an idiot on the first day. “I wasn’t talking about the wallet. I was—” Edward sighed and Jasper said, “Alice, that’s enough.” They had a secret they weren’t telling anyone in the school…I had to find it out. I loved to pick on people and figure things out.

I knew it was a bad thing to do. But I wanted to do it when my mom got so over-angry when she figured out I was eavesdropping on her. She was talking to a stranger on the phone, and she wanted me a piano teacher. After I figured out, I cried like a baby to show her I didn’t want a piano lesson. But my mom was tough and made me to do it anyway. I could hear the sharp noise hitting my ear with an accent. Everyone, including the Cullens, stared at the bell. “Time to go,” Emmett sighed as if he was going to the hell. “I want to ditch. It’s Biology…it’s too boring to learn it again,” Bella frowned. Edward smiled. “Bella, you can’t ditch every class you have…it’s high school now.” Everyone snorted at what Edward said…what was wrong with it? It was high school. They sounded like if they went to high school before. Edward’s face changed into darkness. It was like sunset. “Er…we shouldn’t talk about this now.” It was like a code and the Cullens seemed to understand what Edward Cullen said. “Come on,” Renesmee said to me. It was surprising. It seemed like they were ignoring me for all the time they were talking. “I bet you have the Biology class now,” she offered me a hand to stand up. I realized that I was sitting down on the floor… since when? I didn’t take her hand to stand up. I wasn’t that useless. “I’m okay, and I don’t know what I have. I’m first here,” I slapped my clothes to get the dust off from the floor. I hated getting dirty. Again, the word hate.

Renesmee didn’t look so surprise. “You have the biology class,” she murmured softly. “Au—Alice told me…you don’t need books,” she said it louder when I walked different direction than her to find my locker. “You’re first here, so you have an excuse,” she smiled. I looked at where Millie was. She was gone. Probably getting her stuff from her locker, I thought. I was pretty sure I was right.

“We have sitting plans when we’re seventeen,” I snorted quiet so the teacher can’t hear me. Mrs. Klessen was really old lady with old fashioned ideas. She had a sitting plan…for the seventeen teenagers. We had to stand in the front so Mrs. Klessen decide where we gonna sit. This was stupid. “…hmm, let me see,” Mrs. Klessen murmured. “George Berge, and Bella Swan, sit there,” she pointed the third line, close to the window. There were only four lines for the whole class…how small was that? Mrs. Klessen put her index finger on her forehead which told everyone in the class that she was thinking. “Edward Cullen,” she pointed at the second seat which was in front of Bella Swan. When Mrs. Klessen said his name, I could hear a chuckle from someone…and I was sure it was one of the Cullens because it sounded like a bell. I almost went into a shock when Mrs. Klessen said my name and pointed beside the god-like creature. “Kelsey Sunning, you’re sitting beside Mr. Cullen.” I put my binders carefully, careful not to touch his stuff. They were too much for me to touch them.

I glanced at him quickly and I saw him smiling at me. “Hi,” he offered me a hand to shack—again. Offering a hand was too old-fashioned…didn’t anyone realize that in Forks? He shrugged as he put his hand away. “I’m Edward…and you must be Kelsey.” It was surprising to hear Kelsey from him, because I never told him my name and the teacher called me with my full name: Kellison. A weird name. I had no idea which language it was, but I never liked my name. “Er…hi,” I murmured, not looking at him. Then I saw Bella throwing the letter to Edward. I picked since it was my favourite thing to do. It said: Are you okay with the sitting plan? I mean, I’m okay to sit with this George, (he doesn’t smell good) But are you gonna be alright? I think she smells too good. Edward let out a small you-are-worrying-about-stupid-things laugh. Edward wrote the letter back to Bella; it was incredibly fast. Bella, stop worrying. You’re becoming like me. She does smell nice, but I’m a century Older than you. Don’t forget that… I had some training with you.

I didn’t know how the heck he managed to throw the letter back to Bella without getting seen by Mrs. Klessen. But however, he did Bella didn’t look so happy with what it said in the letter and Edward smiled quietly as if there was some kind of great joke on the letter. Bella held her pencil up and wrote really fast—faster than Edward did. She threw on my desk, well, on Edward’s desk angrily but not so powerful. It said: I hate how people smell differently. Like food. What did it mean? Food? She was talking about humans… as if she wasn’t one, and she…ate them before and that was her favourite food. Edward seemed to understand what it meant…whatever it meant, it was bad for Bella. I was sure of it, because Edward’s face turned into a moon from sun. The darkness covered his entire face. I hate it too, Bella. I do. Edward wrote really small I could barely see it. He suddenly raised his hand up like a kindergarten. He could’ve ad just press the button which was on his desk to ask the question. It was like he was from so long ago. Mrs. Klassen seemed to be surprised, too. “Yes,” she finally answered him when she knew what it meant, “what do you want, Edward?”

His expression didn’t change when the whole class was staring at him. I was so surprised. I always got so embarrassed even when one person stared at me. “I think Bella wants to go home or at least go to office and get check, ma’am,” his answer was so old-fashioned, too. I could hear Bella hissing because I was right in front of her, but it was really low; so low I didn’t think anyone in the class heard her. Not even George. I knew I had a good hearing but I didn’t know it was that good to hear so low hiss. But how could Bella make so low sound? That was my question. I could hear Mrs. Klessen asking who’ll help Bella to go to the office. I raised my hand up and I wasn’t the only one…some boys pushed their button. And Edward, of course, raised his hand up. He looked surprised that I putted my hand up to help Bella. “Okay, Kelsey, you can help her,” Mrs. Klessen said. Edward was almost growled but not quite. “But I’m one of her family member and all of our family member suppose to be in the office now anyway.” She looked surprise to hear an argument from a student. She actually looked like if she was in shock. But I could she just faintly nodded, frightened to get in the fight with Edward again. When she could talk again, she growled. “Fine, but Kelsey can go too, Mr. Cullen.” When we got out of the classroom and we were in the hallway where the lockers were, Bella suddenly ditched our arms where she was leaning on. I took one step back of fear. I looked at Edward to see his expression changing, but he was smiling— smiling with amusement. “What was all of that about?” Bella hissed.

Edward just grinned quietly. “What about?” She rolled her eyes. “You know better than that.” I wasn’t sure if I should stay there, listening them fighting. I felt awkward to stand beside the lockers and watch the beauties fighting, which looked like a play. “Grr. Stop protecting me like that. You know I can handle, and now you brought the singer with you when we have to go—” Bella stopped saying what she said as if she heard something I couldn’t hear. That was almost impossible. I was pretty sure I was better at hearing than Bella. “Hey, Bella, Edward, fighting again?” the voice called and I wanted to run away as soon as I heard the voice. It was Emmett who insulted me in the lounge. Emmett whistled as soon as I was in the sight of his. “Hey, you brought the shortie, too.” Rosalie, who was beside Emmett, laughed and I didn’t know she was there. “That’s not funny, Em.” Bella rolled her eyes, but she didn’t look like she cared. “Hmm…” I suddenly heard someone breathing behind me. I quickly turned around with fear because I was sure I didn’t hear someone or sensed. It was scary how they could just…appear. Alice didn’t look so happy. Her eyes were narrowed as soon as she saw my clothes. I didn’t like how she looked at me. It was like I really smelled bad or something. “I don’t think you have a gift with wearing clothes,” she let out what she was thinking in a second. Then I realized what I was wearing. It was just a sweatshirt with short you normally see in the basketball game. My face was red with embarrassment. But I didn’t have any other

clothes…it was the prettiest in my little closet. I hated being poor. Edward narrowed his eyes. “Alice, be easy on her.” Alice rolled her eyes. “I know, I know. Now stop ordering me like if you’re Carlisle, okay? You are not my boss or something. “Before we go hiking, I want to change her…clothes. It’s really bugging me,” Alice frowned. Bella laughed. “Alice will be Alice.” Rosalie growled. “Aren’t you th—um…you know.” Emmett growled. “Grr…I can’t hold it longer.” Alice rolled her eyes like if Rosalie and Emmett were stupid. “Can’t you wait? I’m not that…” she paused if she was trying to find the right word. “hungry.” “Neither am I,” Bella and Edward said together. The new voice joined the Cullens’ conversation. “Oh, Au— Alice! You’re going to dress Kelsey up?” it was Renesmee. All the Cullens were here. Wow, were they all ditching? Alice nodded proudly. “I actually got a new dress for you, Nessie, but I think it’ll match with her much more.” I didn’t think that was true. Renesmee would fit in every clothes—even the Tshirt and the short she was wearing right now. “It’s blue—but you fit red better…but with Kelsey’s hair…” her voice faded away. Renesmee looked so excited. “You are actually coming?” she almost shouted it out. I almost laughed when Bella said, “Shh…” she sounded like the mother of Renesmee. I didn’t know what the heck was going on. I was going to the Cullens’ house; I was ditching the class just to dress properly, and I didn’t even say a word to object. Geez. What kind of person who am I?

“You are fine. Are you going or not?” Edward asked sharply. I wasn’t surprised that he read my mind this time. The Cullens were so mysterious, anyway. I found myself outside in one second. I heard Edward murmuring quietly, “I wish we don’t have to ride cars, but since Kelsey is here…” err. Again. It was like I wasn’t one of the special super heroes. Bella frowned. “I don’t want to ride my car. Let’s just squeeze into Emmett’s and your car.” My jaw almost broke down when I saw how rich they were. Emmett’s green Jeep was so shinny, and it was as big as a mini-ban, I thought we all could squeeze into that Jeep if we wanted to. Edward’s silver car shinny, too, but it was more…royal. If Emmett’s Jeep was like fuck fashion, Edward’s Volvo was like a king’s and queen’s cart. Classic in one word. Rosalie rolled her eyes. “That sounds like a reasonable idea. Squeeze in.” Edward sighed. “Come on, Rose. You can ride with Emmett in front and Nessie and…” he paused. “Jasper can ride with you. Happy?” when I looked around, Rosalie still didn’t look happy and this time, and Jasper’s eyes were narrowed and they were full of frustrations. “Edward—” Jasper didn’t finished his sentence if he knew he didn’t have to. Edward sighed as if he was teaching a kindergarten to listen to him. “Coma on, Jasper. It’ll just take one second. I promise. I’ll drive fast.” Bella rolled her eyes and Renesmee looked disappointed. “Uhh…I want to ride with you, Da—I mean, Edward.”

What did they mean by driving fast? Was it like driving 80 miles in an hour? Why Bella looked so disgusted? “So you’re driving your Volvo and Alice, Kelsey and I’ll be riding on it,” Bella murmured, “and you guys,” she pointed at Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, and Renesmee slowly, “are riding Em’s car.” Bella’s voice was shaky as if she was trying to say she wanted to ride Emmett’s car, too. Edward chuckled as if he understood what Bella meant. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Edward said, “I’d bet you realized by now that I don’t need to look front to drive.” He was talking to Bella as if she was…his. It was strange to think like that. “Grr,” Bella growled. Emmett groaned. “Really think so? I don’t. A bet, Edward?” he smiled as he was walking to his car. Edward groaned. Bella rolled her eyes. “Geez, Em. When will you be a man?” Rosalie chuckled and Alice smiled with a huge smile. “You know what, sis,” Emmett growled with humour, “I’ll be a man when you’ll be a woman.” Rosalie whistled. “Ohhh…that’s harsh, Emmett.” Edward and Renesmee growled at same time. “She is a woman and she was always.” I rolled my eyes but I didn’t say anything. Was the Cullen always fighting like this? It was so different from what Millie told me. Edward sighed. “Come on, we don’t want to disappoint Esme.” Emmett groaned. “Grr, Alice. I was having fun in Gym.”

Alice hissed harshly; not like a way she talked to Jasper. “Guess what, bro? We had to go home, anyway. It’s gonna be sunny—the sunniest day the Forks had.” Every Cullen—besides Alice and Jasper—made a face. “Oh,” that was what Bella, Edward, and Rosalie said and “Crap,” was what Emmett said and “Darn, I was having fun,” was what Renesmee said—which didn’t make any sense. Alice made a face. “Now be careful…come on let’s go…I can’t hold it on. It—” she stiffened as she saw my clothes again, “just bugs me.” Everyone rolled their eyes but they got into their position —where they suppose to ride. **** I nearly broke my jaw when I saw the Cullens’ house…it was really big and somehow it looked like a house she knew of. But she never went in this far…so it mustn’t be the house she knew. I felt so jealous. I knew the Cullens where rich but I didn’t expect them to be this rich! “Hey, you, Kelsey!” I could hear Alice Cullen’s ring voice. She was waving to me to come over. There was a woman beside her and I didn’t recognize her. But she was beautiful—as other Cullens. I was beside Alice before I realized. I smiled at the short Cullen who was right beside me. It felt strange to be at the Cullens’ house. I never knew them—until now. Alice pointed at the woman and me and her again. “Kelsey, this is Esme, my mom. Esme, this is Kelsey.” That was an old-

fashioned way. Most people would just say, ‘Kelsey, Esme, Esme, Kelsey.’ May be she just liked the old-fashioned way. “Hi, Kelsey,” Mrs. Cullen offered me a hand to shake. I polity shook her hand—at least I tried to be. “Hi, nice to meet you, Mrs. Cullen.” I smiled. Her eyes brightened with excitement. “Please, call me Esme.” “Esme,” I echoed with some strange feelings in my voice. It didn’t sound so…polite. But since when I knew the word ‘polite’? “Where is Carlisle?” Edward was now right behind me which made me to flinch. How can he was here so quickly? It was like as if he could Appear like in a fantasy movie. Appear like in magic fantasy. Esme blinked. “Oh,” she murmured. “Hospital. One of the new boys, who came to the Forks, broke his leg and no doctor was ready so Carlisle had to go.” Edward nodded like it made sense to him but I wondered why he was staring at me…why? Bella stepped forward. “Could this be…?” I first time she was jealous, but there was something thicker than jealousy— sadness. “So her bro—” she stopped when Edward gave her a warning glance. “Come in, Kelsey,” Alice shouted from inside. Er? I thought. Since when she was inside? This Cullen family was so weird. But I didn’t blame them. It wasn’t like they weren’t careful to not to reveal the secret in front me; it was just I was really sharp…probably the sharpest person in the world. I went slowly to Alice’s room. There were two reasons I went slowly. First, I wanted to look at the Cullens’ dining room. So

whitish…so beautiful. Second, I actually didn’t want to change. That was the least thing I wanted to do. Edward frowned at Bella when she said something to him. But Edward wasn’t frowning at Bella with frustration. It was a frown when people see one person is right and they don’t want to believe it but they have to. That told me that whatever Bella’s idea was Edward surely didn’t like it. He growled. He looked at me and I didn’t know that I was staring at him. I quickly turned around to avoid him and my face was red with embarrassment.

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