Rain (one Of Twilight Saga) Chapter Four

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,698
  • Pages: 8
“What the heck?” I groaned. He never hung up on me!! Did he have ants in his pants or something? “What’s wrong, Kelsey? Did your dad say yes?” Alice came up to me and asked. She had smile on her face I couldn’t understand. What was wrong with her? It was as if she could read my mind and guess that my dad said yes. “Yes, he did,” I said with flat voice. She smiled, “Good. Tanya is waiting for us.”


“So how does this…Tanya look like?” I asked while we climbed the stair. I didn’t know why, but I felt like I had to know. “Oh,” Alice said with surprise in her voice, “she looks like us. Sort of. Golden eyes, white skin, ringing voice…” she grinned sadly. “Like a curse, following us ‘till death,” she whispered to herself, but I heard her. “A curse? But it’s nice to be pretty, isn’t it?” I asked curiously. Nice? No. It probably felt very good to be pretty and special. I’ll never feel that way in my life, I thought sourly. Alice’s eyes flashed with alarm. “Forget what I said. Please forget it!” Then she dragged me to (probably) her room. “Ah, finally done talking, Kelsey?” Nessie said brightly when I went into Alice’s room. I was staring at the room when Alice was closing the door, sighing. The room was beautiful—Alice probably liked pink very much since the room was very pink. It had pink walls and white bed with pink blankets and pillows. The cushions were white, but all the girls’ pyjamas were pink with white polka-dots. Bella smiled, “Don’t worry about pyjama. Alice has one.” That’s why I’m worried. I hate pink, I thought. But what my mouth said was, “Sure, pink is nice.” I heard a little giggle from the living room, but I couldn’t tell whose laughter it was. Alice rolled her eyes. “Will someone please shut Edward up? He’s annoying me to death!” Tanya laughed, “It’s sounds like Bella’s job to me!” Bella sighed, “No thanks! I don’t want to go to the living room, full with baseball-fools!”


“I’ll tell him,” Nessie said, but she didn’t even got up from her chair. “That’s one good way to do it,” Alice chuckled, sitting on bed beside Tanya. Bella rolled her eyes. “You really think Edward is going to listen?” Everyone chuckled. “No, I suppose not,” Tanya giggled. I had no idea what they were saying. I was the only one who didn’t know what to say. I was left out. Why did they invite me anyway? If I was home right now, I would be talking to Robert and my brother and my stepmother, joking and laughing like them… “Are you okay, Kelsey? You are crying,” Alice’s murmur woke me up from daydreaming. “Oh, I’m okay, I’m just tired…” my voice got smaller and smaller. Rosalie shrugged. “Then why don’t we just go to sleep early?” Bella and Nessie nodded, agreeing with her. “Good idea. What do you think, Alice? Tanya?” “I don’t care,” Alice and Tanya said same time. Rosalie got up and turned the light off. “Then good night.” Murmurs woke me up from a nightmare. When I woke up, no one was in the room except for Nessie, who was sleeping. Did they go to the bathroom together or something? “…It’s been since we went hunting together. Why don’t we go?” It was Esme’s voice. “But what about Nessie? She’s sleeping right now,” Bella demanded.


“Yes, don’t forget about Nessie, or Bella will lose her control,” Tanya said with giggles in her voice. “Very funny, Tanya,” Bella growled. “Whoa, whoa, Bella. It was a joke, get a grip.” That was Alice’s voice. Hunting? What did they mean by hunting? Why did they want to go hunting when it was dark with no moon? And I’ve never heard of group of teenager girls, going out in the woods with the guns and hunt. “So I haven’t had a chance to ask—why did you come here, Tanya?” Esme asked with kind voice. I heard Tanya’s giggle. “Can’t I just visit you guys whenever I want to? Am I unwanted?” “My dear, you’re always wanted,” Esme said with apologizing voice. Tanya laughed, “I was joking, and I came here to tell you something anyway.” Everyone was so silent now that I could hear my heartbeats. They were too loud—compare to the Cullens. I couldn’t hear their heartbeats except Nessie’s. “What I wanted to tell you is this,” Tayna’s voice was serious. “The Volturi are coming to Forks. I thought you might want to hear that.” Alice growled, “But I didn’t see anything.” Tayna laughed half-heartedly, “Oh, that’s because Aro wasn’t the one who decided.” “Who, then?” Rosalie’s sharp voice almost knocked me out.


“Kate told me—Jane and Alec are having some kind of break, which sound kinda weird to me. I mean, there are tons of places like Florida to go on vacation, but why Forks?” Bella’s voice was full of worries. “Good point…but still. Why couldn’t Alice see them?” “Well, I wasn’t watching them since there was no need. You know, I don’t think I see stuff if I’m not watching, you know what I mean? Like the last time, I was watching Aro’s movement, for Bella’s sake. But now? It’s all peaceful, so I don’t watch anything particularly,” Alice said with her high voice. “What if they come? What’s so bad about it? We didn’t do anything bad, you know,” Rosalie sighed. Esme choked the words out. “You’re right…but I’m still worried…” I half-climbed out from my bed-ish couch. I wasn’t used to sleeping on the couch. I stretched and looked around. No one was in the bedroom—not even Nessie. The last night’s conversation was like a dream to her. It was too blurry and unreal. I decided that that was the weirdest dream I ever had. I walked down the stairs wobbly. I felt like as if I was sleepwalking. “Oh, good morning, Kelsey!” Nessie greeted with toast in her right hand. She smiled and turned around to continue her talking with Jacob. I (rudely) grabbed a chair which was beside Nessie. I asked with no thinking, “Is Jacob your boyfriend?”


Then in one second, I realized how rude I was. Nessie’s face was all red, and Jacob just froze. Bella’s—who was standing right beside Nessie—expression kind of went hard. Edward—who was standing behind Bella—looked like as if he was holding a laugh. “Well, I guess. We were this close ever sine I was born, so…I actually never thought about it so deeply.” Nessie shrugged. I murmured, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be mean.” Nessie shook her head. “No, no. It’s okay. Right, Jacob?” she smiled at her…boyfriend. Jacob’s mouth was full of food, so he just nodded. Then, the doorbell rang. I turned around to stare at the door, wondering who it was. Carlisle was at the door already. That was really quick, I thought. I couldn’t be that quick—I was clumsy as a bear. When Carlisle opened the door, I gasped with surprised. It was Robert—he was the last person I expected to see here. “Robert!” I screamed and got off from the chair. Now everyone in the Cullen family, and Tanya, were in the living room. Again, that was fast. “What’s wrong with the bloodsuckers today? Do they have low blood pressure or something?” Jacob murmured with low, low voice. It would have been impossible for normal human to hear his murmur, but my ears were pretty good. Bloodsuckers? What did he mean by that? “I came here to pick my daughter up,” Robert said with no expression in his voice. It was almost like...colourless. Like the colour grey. My mouth fell open. “You didn’t need to do that.”


“Yes, probably not,” he snorted. “Come on now. We better go.” Robert glanced at Nessie and Jacob shortly, confusion in his eyes for a second. Robert’s eyes went on Jacob alone now. “What are you doing here?” His voice was full of confusion than anger. Jacob paused (he was going to eat a cookie). “Why shouldn’t I be here? I’m here by my free will, you know.” “No, I mean—” Robert stopped himself. He glanced at me with worried eyes. I didn’t get it, but Rosalie apparently did. She turned around to look into my eyes and said, “Why don’t you go to Alice’s room and get your stuff ready?” And I did what she asked. But I wasn’t going to pack. I had nothing to pack. Instead I sat on the last stair and listened carefully. “Well, well. And I thought Forks was a safe place,” Robert said. Carlisle sighed, “Will you calm down and sit? Just let us expl —” but he didn’t get a chance to finish. “Explain what?” Robert snapped. I never, ever saw Robert snapping at someone—well, only once. I was seven, and we went to amusement park. One guy kidnapped me and dragged me to the washroom. For somehow, he tried to bite me on the neck just when Robert found me. The guy silently cursed and ran away. “…you know there are different kinds of us. We’re vegetarians,” Alice said. I missed some of their conversation. “Vegetarians!” Robert snorted. “What does that supposed mean?”


“It means that we don’t drink humans’ blood,” Bella answered with cold voice. Humans’ blood? What the heck were they talking about? “This is too risky. You know I’m not going to believe you,” Robert snapped. “Look into our eyes,” it was different voice—a guy’s. It was as smooth as honey…Jasper? “Are they crimson? No, they’re gold. This means we’re vegetarians. Now do you believe us?” I had a feeling that Robert shrugged. “Who cares if he doesn’t believe you guys? It’s not like a human can hurt you guys,” Jacob said with playful voice. Robert hissed, “Well, if you know that a human can’t protect himself against parasites here,”—he emphasized the word parasites —“why are you here? You know it’s pretty dangerous.” I had no idea what they were talking about…but I could smell the danger coming upon us.


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