Protect Your Heart

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  • November 2019
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Our hearts are the most precious of God’s gifts; therefore our hearts are the most precious of Satan’s thefts. Our hearts hold our only value. It is our hearts that determine right from wrong. It is our hearts that connect us to God, and it will be our hearts alone that stand before him. They are our fountains of youth. For our bodies will whither and fail, but our hearts, our souls, are as new today as the day God created them. Yet, here we are spending countless hours

pouring out our minds to strangers, and our body’s to pharmacology, in a desperate attempt to please our fellow man. If only we spent such time and effort on our hearts, our minds and bodies would require no such attention. When we were created our souls come from God, this explains why young children see God with such ease. His face is fresh to them because they just left his presence. When God places a heart into a body bound for Earth, he fully intends for it to willfully return to paradise. It is as man, and only as man that we become susceptible to losing our rightful place in Heaven. Our Earthly journey is just one big trial in which Satan gets his only opportunity ever, to steal our reward. He knows the rules, he knows the circumstances, and he most defiantly knows the consequences. This is why he concentrates all his

efforts on us, it is his sole purpose to gathering up as many hearts as possible during this small window of Earthly vulnerability. At every turn, we see the greatest marketing scheme of all time successfully pushing the agenda of the enemy. Look around; it is becoming more inappropriate to mention God, especially Jesus in our society. More and more, time and energy seem to be spent on sheltering us from God, then protecting your freedom to pursue him.

Can anyone here

honestly deny that this is happening? Now what would be the purpose of eliminating God from our society? Why o why would anyone possibly want this to occure? Has anyone among us taken the time to ask why is this happening? I must admit that I have not. Speaking for myself (believing that I speak for many). My focus has been on man; I

was determined to convince you that liberals were the enemy, that they were the cause of all our “Problems” today. In a shortsighted view I was right, however confronting man would prove to be futile. I was fighting the Empire, but I was focused on defeating Vader when I should be focused on defeating the Emperor. I allowed this deception to occur and I often spoke to many of you on it. It was my lack of a relationship with God that made it difficult to recognize his voice. For this I was wrong. My intentions were right but my methods were not of God, they were wrong. However with that being said, we need to acknowledge that there is a war for our hearts spiritually that is manifesting it self physically.

It is nothing new; it’s just new to me. So my hypothesis is that it is new to most of us, and there is the way someone wants it this way. Since I am still a relatively young man lets take a brief look around in recent history. Lets start in 1776, late June, Africa hot, Philadelphia. A group of rich, smart dudes were sick and tired of handing their fortunes over to England. So, they all wanted to start their own country. They unanimously decided that this new nation was to be formed in God’s honor and glory, based on his laws. They are emphatic, without any debate that we were to be a nation under God. To ensure that the decisions of this new nation were in line with that of God’s the men agreed to lock them selves in from everything, and everyone. No food, no water, no one in, and no one out. For three scorching days, and nights in the summer of ‘76

these men did nothing but pray, pray to God for wisdom and guidance. Shortly thereafter we had a nation. On July 4th, 1776 the United States of America was born under God’s law, for God’s pleasure. Since that time America has risen to become a great society, blessed and protected by God. America is the manifestation of God if a nation chooses to follow him. It is America, and the hearts Americans that are so highly coveted by the enemy. He knows that as the United States goes so goes the world. We are still the brightest light, albeit far too dim. Today we see God’s law slowly being eradicated from society behind the ruse of clever marketing, we are bomb barded by: Separation of church and state, right to choose, happy holidays, turkey day, mother nature, intelligent design, tolerance, and political

correctness, and so much more. These catch phrases, now all too commonplace, have reeked so much havoc, that we even hesitate to wish a fellow American Merry Christmas. But, there is nothing new here, no great big revelation unveiled. The question here, is WHY, why is this all happening? Lets start with Resurrection Day, I never heard of it till recently. I could deduct that this is another name for Easter; I just never thought of it as Resurrection Day. I just had never heard it called that. Easter is our highest spiritual day; it’s the day we remember, and celebrate Jesus’s resurrection, victory over evil, and eventual ascension to heaven. It is only logical to presume that this is not a good day for Satan. Every year he gets to be reminded of how he lost the battle for eternity.

Quite the wile adversary though, he doesn’t just sit there and sulk about his loss, oh, no, no, no. He turns his attentions to our weakest, our most precious. He is after our children. How do kidnappers and molesters temp children to them? With candy and kindness he attempts to deceive our babies away from Jesus. Disguised as a cute and fuzzy bunny, he distracts children from the day of his defeat manipulating them into his greatest victory. All the while as parents this is the last thing that any of us would ever allow to happen to our kids. Yet, we are the ones coloring the eggs. You see when a person is talking about Jesus they will let you know, there is no doubt that the Holy Spirit is leading them to shout it out loud and clear! From every mountaintop! When the enemy operates he doesn’t proclaim

his presence. He doesn’t say, Hey! I am Satan, over here, come with me. He knows that we do not wish to walk with him. So he operates through deception, turning evil into good, wrong into right, defeat into victory, and resurrection into a cut and fuzzy bunny. It’s not the following of Man that is the problem; it is the deception leading you to worship man that is our enemy. People believe that they are doing good, that they are a “good person”. Sad part is that they are really good people, who more often then not are in agreement with God. Yet we are unknowingly more often then not, pleasing Satan. We spend hours in line for a picture with their Easter idol, and precious seconds even mentioning Jesus. This describes how many countless of us? Present company included. We are good people, with good hearts; we just

need to do a better job at keeping it real. None of this is made up or opinion, Easter is to honor Christ’s resurrection, and his victory over Satan. That is what it is, it is nothing more, and it is nothing less. I’d just hate for any of us to pass on paradise, for nothing more then a simple gag. Is it that cut and dry? Unfortunately it really is. Better to know, then to presume paradise falling just short, for a lack of knowledge. Great news though, at any point, any point we can confess our sins to Jesus and declare him our Lord and Savior, and we are forgiven, so we’ve got that going for us. Which is nice. We shall be “ Born Again” if you will, free from our flesh such that our spirits may communicate directly with their creator, rendering our bodies worthless, and our souls priceless. We become new creatures; we change,

and emerge a butterfly. God is incorruptible man is not. If we close our eyes of this Earth, and open the eyes of our heart, we can all share from the spoils of victory. Now ask yourself, who would want to prevent this from happening? Why, would he want to prevent this from happening, and most importantly how, would he go about prevent this from happening? Who? Satan Why? Because he hates God, his only pleasure is to displease God. How? Through deception disguised within distraction. Unlike the majority of Earthly things the answers are remarkably simple and most of us know them. It is our lack of knowledge that makes us vulnerable to his attacks. By separating us from God, our society is

unknowingly attempting to serve him. He has twisted everything around so much so that the majority of you reading this are thinking; Bonner has finally lost his mind. Now, he is going after the Easter Bunny? This was not easy for me I loved the Easter bunny, but now that I can clearly see him for what he is, and who he is from. I choose to declare Shenanigans. Should you too, turn your back on the Easter Bunny? That is for you to decide, but isn’t it interesting that many of you along with the majority of society think that there is something wrong with me for warning you about a Pagan god of fertility that is the modern symbol of our highest Holy Day. That I’m “One Of Them”. It has become an atrocity today to go against the deceptions that have been sewn so deep into our

society. Questioning the deceptions leads to ostracism from others. “ What could you possible have against the Easter Bunny?” “You don’t believe in Global Warming?” “How could you even argue with evolution?” I don’t think that I am saying anything you haven’t heard before. Rev 13: 1-8 “And I saw a beast come out of the sea. He had many heads, one of them seemed to have a fatal wound that had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. They worshiped the beast and asked “ Who is better then the beast? Who will make war against him?” The beast was given a mouth to utter blasphemies against God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place. The beast was given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation. All inhabitants of the Earth

shall worship the beast.” You can go see an upside down crucifix in a cup of urine at an art exhibit, protected by our GOVERNMENT under freedom of speech but your child cannot bring their Bible to a GOVERNMENT school. I’m just saying… The enemy loves to deceive us into believing that everything is so complex, that you must be well rounded, and highly educated to truly understand what it is that’s going on. He doesn’t want it broken down, and simplified. He wants it all fuzzy, and multi layered. He wants us to try to “figure” it out, to rationalize everything, to come up with an “answer”. Well Sir; you are attempting to con a conman, and through the Holy Spirit I proclaim in Jesus’s name I see you! I see your plan! The jig is up, and I am

going to tell everyone that I possibly can about your deceptive attacks on our hearts. You will not steal eternity on my watch! Because of Jesus, I am protected from you, and you will find defeat you at every turn. In Jesus’s name Amen. We have two choices folks: As Jesus of Nazareth, George of Crawford, and Anakin of Tatooine said, “ You are either with me or you are my enemy.” It is that simple, we either choose to believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior or we don’t. We may only serve one of two masters. Of course if you’re an atheist, then you feel that you may have another choice, yeah about that… Imagine being disappointed to meet God? The Devil does not want to be noticed, he does not wish to be exposed. He wants to remain inconspicuous, almost silent. We must acknowledge

him, so we can recognize his works when they come upon us, and act on them. Also simple, if it is not of God then it is of him. For example, God did not give us fear, doubt, or worry. They are not from him, so therefore they must be from taught from man, as a tool of the enemy. This is actually good news! It means that because they are from Satan, that we have complete authority over them. Simply, ask Jesus to remove your burdens, and you load will be lightened. His back is much stronger then ours, and he loves to carry them off for us. 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a spirit of fear.” Look at it this way when a celebrity goes out in public, say for instance P. Diddy is in the club cutting the rug. Does he go alone? Of course not, he brings

his bodyguard with him. Any trouble stirs up, over comes his bodyguard and problem solved. Well, when fear, doubt, and worry stir up, just yell out “SECURITY!” and our soulgaurd, Jesus will quickly escort Satan right out the door right on his keyster. Along with him go all his fear, all his doubt, and all his worry, leaving us free to enjoy ourselves. Naturally, Satan doesn’t want you to hear this. He wants us crippled by fear, over run with doubt, and consumed with worry. It is our acceptance of Jesus, and the acknowledgement of the enemy that makes us impenetrable and delivers Satan powerless. This is why we need to know who’s voice it is saying Bonner has flipped his lid, and why is it, that anyone would want us to think this way? Since I was raised in a predominantly Catholic

neighborhood, I knew of Jesus, of Mary and Joseph, and of his miracles and stories. I knew about the walking on water, the raising people from the dead etc… I knew he died on the cross and was resurrected three days later. I believe it is fair to say, that most of us from my old neighborhood would still today both acknowledge and believe that Jesus was the Son of God, born of man, died and came back. What I do not know is, why he was here, what his message is, or what the results of his actions accomplished for us. Maybe you do? God Bless you if you do. I can’t say for certain if it was a lack of listening or a lack of Jesus being spoken as to why I can’t answer these questions. What I can say is that I no longer can just meander around blind as though the Holy Spirit does not exist.

Since the only time I ever heard God mentioned back in the day was when Lloyd would look at our enormous bar b q spread at the rink and say “God Bless America Boys.” I am hypothesizing that, we as a group do not know why Jesus was and is here. Our Nation Under God has been turned into, a nation that dare not mention him by name. This can only be the lovechild of none other then Satan. Here is his plan: The lack of God will lead to, the lack of knowledge, which then becomes the lack of wisdom, which leads to a lack of protection, leaving us to be easy pickens for Lucifer. Lambs to the slaughter. If we think that we can defeat Satan alone, we are playing right into his hands. He would eat us for lunch. We are no match for him. We need to acknowledge his plan, expose it, and rely on Jesus to defeat it. We need to pray for

the strength and wisdom to take control. Do not allow for the battle to take place on their home turf. Do not allow them to select the playing field, by defining the argument. Do not allow for the discussion to occur on the Devil’s terms. For example: Intelligent Design VS Evolution. No! God VS Evolution. My creator has a name! The only way to get the message into our hearts is to read the Word of God. I have been instructed by God to enlighten, and encourage, but if we want to know God, then we need to establish a relationship with him. Not by reading what I write, or by going to church, or by any man. We need to communicate to Jesus;

mono-a-mono the way John Wayne woulda

done it. We must consciously choose not to accept God, we must allow for our flesh to eclipse our hearts, not

the other way around. We were not designed to operate in the flesh. Adam was not of flesh until he bit from the apple. Our souls are equipped with a homing device, which must remain “on”. Choosing Jesus is not the easy, or popular choice. You feel embarrassment, you feel shunned, you feel the emaciation of your flesh, and you feel the eyes of the world as they judge you. 1 John 3:13 “Do not be surprised if the world hates you.” But, the world cannot grant us paradise; it can only cost us it Cover our ears, open our hearts, and listen, listen, listen. You know what is of God and what isn’t. Just take an honest look inside, and then take a look around. We will see, all that we choose to see. Take a minute to talk to God he misses us

terribly. I pray that we listen in our hearts, just listen…

You shall not deceive us from our God, Temp us from our Families, Nor separate us from our Country. In Jesus name Amen Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of your life.” Love Scotty P.S. Have a Nice Day !! 

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