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1Cr 9:16 For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for I am under compulsion; for woe is me if I do not preach the gospel. Dear friends, listeners one in the same; First I want to thank God for everything, however to be specific I want to thank God for sending the Holy Spirit to speak to me over an over again. Through prayer I have been given all the answers to the questions I have asked of the Lord. At this time I feel it is my obligation to share them with you. My reason is this: if you are going to be listening to the Scotty Bonner Radio Showgram or to me in any form in the future I believe it is important that you know what it is you are listening to and why. Please understand and remember that whenever you are hearing anyone speak about the Word of God that you are hearing it from man. Therefore it is flawed and filled with bias. It is important to seek God yourself and do your homework. If I or anyone else says anything it is subject to being checked against the Word of God. The Bible is the one and only jury of which any speakers of the Word are to be tried against. So please think for yourselves and come to your own conclusion through reading, meditating and most importantly through prayer. It is a relationship with God that I seek to promote not any religion. My journey through Christianity reveals more and more to me each and every day. From time to time

some scripture literally jumps of the page and smacks me right in the face. Like 1 Corinthians 9:16 for example. For many of you receiving an elongated e-mail letter from me is nothing new, while for others this may be the first. By no accident has my contact list recently grown considerably larger. Those of you, who have been on the list for years please, help the new comers out…  In 2007 I was blessed by divine appointment to be led to Calvary Chapel in Uncasville CT. where the WCSE radio studio is. This is one of my favorite testimonies to give: I have been a nurse for more then 11 years now, and anyone who knows me knows it has never been my calling. So I was moping around unhappy with my job felling trapped by a mortgage, bills, and the idea that I am a father now so I have to be responsible and just bring home the bacon no matter how unhappy I was doing it. Well anyway one day my highly influential wife said to me very loudly, “ I am sick of you walking around complaining and being miserable because you don’t like your job!!! What do you want to do?? Because I can’t deal with this for the next 50+ years!!!” So I responded, “ Dear as always you are right, my dream was always to be a play by play NHL announcer like Jiggs McDonald.” “ SO DO IT THEN!!” she so eloquently shouted. So following the advice of the Mrs. I was enrolled in CSB the Connecticut School of Broadcasting to embark on my broadcasting career with the full intention to save the NHL. A week before CSB was to start the Holy Spirit was overwhelming me

saying “ Study me, pursue me”. So I was like, “ Are you kidding me? Now you say this?” For a couple of days I argued with God. So now I had the task of telling the wife what the Lord has been saying to me, I cannot explain how much I was looking forward to this conversation. Finally I mustered up the courage to approach her to tell the love of my life that I have yet again decided to go down another path. We have know each other for less then 4 years, and I have changed our direction countless times already as I had done for years before ever meeting her. So here we go again. “ Honey, lamb chop, cupcake” I began with. “What?” She so gently said. “ Um ah um ah see ah aummm God doesn’t want me to go to CSB” As I grimaced and anticipated something flying in my direction. But she just stared silent, which if your married you know is much worse then being yelled at. So bravely I pressed on. “ He wants me to study Him.” More silence… “Honey.?.?” Her head swung slowly pivoting towards me like Supreme Chancellor Palpatine looking at Anakin at the circus as I prepared for the worst. Then the most unexpected happened she smiled and said “Whatever do whatever you want just do something, and I’ll support you.” What a Gal!!! So with the most difficult behind me I proceeded to wake up bright and early day after day to read and study and pray. Asking God what it is I should do. After about a month of this I was visiting my Pastor Nelson up at our Church just haggin out, when for no real reason at all I say to him, “ there are no Christian radio stations up here.” You see the Mrs. And I had lived in Virginia for a year where it was not too difficult to find a Christian station. That is when Nelson said

the words that would change everything, “ Yes there is, 100.1 FM” So I checked it out and it was true. Now mind you at this point which is like July ’07 I have had very little is no contact with Christian music. So I’m listening for week or so, but the signal is weak and keeps coming in and out then I hear over the air they say that they also broadcast on 107.3 out of Niantic. Wow what a “coincidence” I live in Niantic. So I most expeditiously move the dial to 107.3, where the signal emits beautifully, loud and clear. Wonderful! Then as God would have it I hear the advertisement for the Church’s web site, and since I received a “B” in typing back in 8th grade I quickly position my hands and type in the website. From there I find my way to where I peruse around to find a section that says “any one can be a DJ” With a mind quick and ready to pounce like a hungry puma I say to myself, “ Hey I’m anyone!” So I call the station, and receive a return call a day later from a Mr. Bill Pratt who asks me to come in and discuss the idea of a show. Like a week later I go up to Calvary Chapel and up stairs there is a cool studio and station. I am so fired up at this point. I pray and walk in. This is where I meet Bill and the gang who basically are the guys behind the station that make it happen. I tell them the whole story to this point, and Bill replies, “ it says that on our web site?” So we sit down pray and discuss the possibilities of doing a show. They invite me back to begin training on the equipment and how all the stuff works. Wow am I fired up!!! So we do that for a couple of weeks meeting like once a week. Then, I had the pleasure of being introduced to Linda who is the daytime DJ and basically the voice of WCSE. She is so nice, and trains me on the inside part of the actual

studio where the broadcasting takes place, and how to upload songs to their computer and everything else. She then types me out a step-by-step letter instruction letter on how to upload songs and get ready for a show, I still bring the letter with me for every show and use it. Then October ’07 comes around and the first ever Scotty Bonner Radio Showgram airs. Now this is a dream come true for me! Moral of the story is I end up broadcasting on the air 20 minutes from my house doing a show for God. Had I listened to myself I’d be just finishing up CSB now. Boy am I thankful to God for sending the Holy Spirit to guide me, and am I ever thankful to God for giving me the courage and ability to not only hear Him but to listen to Him. So here we are 2008, and God is again speaking to me and instructing me to speak to you. The Showgram is just the tip of the iceberg. The purpose of the Showgram is to praise and honor God continually and consistently in such a manner that is appeals to both Christians and those who have been disconnected from God. God has reveled to me that I am to use any and all gifts He has blessed me with to reach out to the average, ordinary, everyday, football watchin, hotdog eatin, red blooded American. See I firmly believe that there are millions upon millions of people in America, really, really good people whom for whatever reason (and there are many) have become disconnected from God and therefore are

suffering a spiritual death. The Holy Spirit has instructed me that these lost Americans are my specific targets, and that I am to show them in a very simple manner; what it is that I believe, why I believe it, and what it has done in my life. This is why I love to give the testimony about WCSE. In 2008 I will be continuing my ministry with the prayer that the Holy Spirit will use me to bring one person to Jesus for a heart transplant, to be saved form their pre chosen destiny of hell and freed from clutches of the enemy. It is important that you know what I believe and stand firmly for. It is you right to disagree with me you have earned that by the blessing of being born American. I BELIEVE: My family has our health, and we are American… We are the most blessed people in the world. In God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In loving God, first with all my heart, and loving one another as He has loved us. That God appeared on Earth in the flesh, as Jesus was sinless died for our sins as a sacrificial lamb rose from the dead ascended into Heaven and will return…

That we are aliens not born here, not from here, Earth is wonderful and beautiful and I am thankful for it, but it ain’t Home. We are Heaven born and Heaven bound. That the Son of God walked the Earth as we do now, as man in the flesh, as Jesus of Nazareth. He then chose of His own free will to do the will of the Father be scarified and become the Christ. That He alone is the only way to the Father to Home. That He faced the same temptations as we do, but unlike us he remained pure and sinless. That the Bible is the Word of God, our manual for our time here and our guide and map Home. That God so loves my son that He sent His so that my son can return Home. That it is my Earthly responsibility to see that everyone in my family returns Home. That Jesus is the only way to return to the Father. That we alone fall short of His glory, no matter what we do. Jesus is the only way to make up the shortcomings of our flesh. That we may only serve one of two masters.

That we may go only one of two places: Home or hell. That free will is the choice presented to us by God to know His Son and return Home or reject Him and be banished forever That God’s scale is absolute any sin no matter how innocent or evil removes our privilege of returning Home to receive our inheritance. That only the blood of the Lamb of God can wash away our sins and make us pure and presentable to the Father so that we may return Home. That our Earthly journey is a one time test of our love for Him. Can we believe to see?? That the enemy will do anything and everything to perpetuate our destiny with him. That the enemy’s path is easier, more accepted, and more appealing. That we all have sinned and will sin, we are all sinners and that it is sin that we are slaves to. It is sin that we cannot remove alone, and it is sin that disconnects us from God and Home. We will forever be held accountable for our sins and are destine to die in our sin unless we invite the heart of Jesus in and CHOOSE to reject our birth heart of Adam. That if we make no choice if we abstain and live with Adam’s heart, our choice was made for us in

Eden and we are doomed to pay the debt of it. That there are 3 kinds of death; physical, spiritual, and eternal. Physical when our body dies obviously this is unavoidable, Spiritual occurs when we sin and disconnect ourselves from God too inevitable, and Eternal occurs when our physical death happens while we are in Spiritual Death, THIS IS AVOIDABLE!!! Which leads us to my ministry. I pray that whether it is the Showgram or any other venue that I am blessed to be given, that by you hearing the good news, the gospel, the Word of God you can avoid eternal death and have eternal life through the heart of Christ Jesus. “It is not enough that I may succeed… Let no one around me fail…” as given to me by the Spirit…

Eze 33:6 But if the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesn't sound the alarm to warn the people, he is responsible for their deaths. They will die in their sins, but I will hold the watchman accountable. Moving my flesh aside and hearing from God is an awesome thing, however it also revels the enemy. It shines light on him and I see him cower in fear and

hide in the corner from me because Jesus is here now and He has my back. The moment I turn from Jesus is the moment the enemy rises up out of the corner and is very brazen in my face. Well ladies and gentlemen I do not think it takes a genius to see the enemy at the gates in our world here today. The question is do we wish to acknowledge his presence and defend ourselves or do we inundate ourselves with the busyness of everyday rush-hour/cubicle life? Please understand I am in no way judging you for any decisions you make in your life. All I am called to do is shed some light on the situation and allow you to make your choice. The enemy has a very deeply entrenched marketing scheme that he has placed into our culture and psyche for over a generation now. Always remember his goal is to keep you from reconnecting with God. He knows that our Earthly time is his only opportunity for him to retain us. Once we choose Jesus and return home the enemy has lost his shot at us forever. This is why it is of the utmost importance to realize, and identify his handy work. Too often he appears gentle and innocent a wolf is sheep’s clothing if you will. Satan will never pronounce his presence there is no big megaphone shooting “HEY I’m SATAN JOIN ME!!!” Of course not he knows we don’t want to choose to join him. But he knows the rules he knows the deal. He knows that if you and I make no choice if we are to busy then he gets us forever. So he launches a massive successful marketing scheme to ensure that it is unpopular and difficult to

proclaim where we stand. He has concocted such “harmless” phrases as: Happy Holidays, Right to Choose, Mother Nature, Theory of Evolution, Global Warming, Separation of Church and State, Tolerance, Political Correctness, the Easter Bunny, and countless others that have been lulled into acceptance in our world today. Should someone like you or I question these “harmless” ways of doing things boy do we get lashed out at. However, should you choose to live your life this way that is fine just understand where it comes from and more importantly why it has been sent. Without Christ, the enemy’s greatest weapon is fear he uses fear to create insecurity. Insecurity governs a majority of our thoughts and actions. Satan uses fear to manipulate governments and people. For example we see today people afraid to even mention God let alone Jesus in public for “fear” of the persecution it may bring to us and especially our families. So what happens? We speak less of Jesus in public, less of Jesus in schools, less of Jesus at home and so it begins… That is why it is such a relief to learn that the spirit of fear is not from God.

2Ti 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Once you grasp this and grasp the heart of Jesus you become fearless and render the enemy powerless. Do not fear the terrorists or the war, for they are afraid of us, why? Simple, because The United States is still the brightest light in all the world. That is why we are so hunted by the enemy. I for one would rather

be free and hunted then in chains and ignored. We are still the strongholds for Christianity and Christ, it is the spread of Christ’s message, which is freedom that has led some Muslims to the desperate tactic of terrorism. It is their fear of choice, their fear that if given choice hoards of Muslims will abandon Allah for the one true God Christ Jesus. It is happening all thorough out Iraq and Iran today as we speak. It is our country’s strength that we must use to free these people from the bondage of Islam and the worshiping of a false god out of fear. However if they choose to remain Muslim and practice Islam that is fine, that is between them and God we are not to judge. However if their faith leads them to fly planes into my buildings then we have a problem. To fight in the name of Jesus is wrong… To defend ourselves against the name of Allah is not… The war itself is a distraction by the enemy to infiltrate our nation from the inside in the battle of ideals and commonplace. No Army is going to march on the United States and occupy us, but the army of the enemy Satan has marched into our hearts and minds. Terrorism can only take you flesh, Socialism, Liberalism, and Atheism are after your soul, your Home, and your eternity. And it is here that we see our true enemy… Which is why, as watchman I am authorized to scream “STAND FIRM”

Eph 6:10

A final word: Be strong with the Lord's mighty power. Eph 6:11 Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. Eph 6:12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. Eph 6:13 Use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm. Of course as an American you are blessed with the right to completely disagree with me, and that is fine. There are plenty of other radio shows on Mon. nights 6:15-8pm feel free to change the dial. But if you agree and the majority of us do then please tune in, praise God with me, thank God with me, and most of all accept God into your heart with me please I beg you your forever depends on it.…

Jam 3:1 Let not many {of you} become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.

Thank you Love Scotty P.S. Have a Nice Day !! 

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