The Problem At initial stage, T-girder beam 5 was fixed as parapet edge beam. So, at both end of the beam, the T32 coupler socket and T16 starter bar of diaphragm beam was installed at one side. Due to unachievable of concrete cube to targeted strength, the position of beam to be change to intermediate position. Therefore, the T32 coupler and T16 starter bar of another side required to plant in and rectified. Total 4 no. T32 coupler and 4 no. T16 starter bar required install per beam end.
Proposed Rectification Method 2.1 Planting In T16 Starter Bar 1. Drill a hole 20mm diameter to the correct position and depth (min 140mm) 2. Clean the hole with brush and remove the debris. 3. Hammer in the chemset capsules (Product of ramset) together with T16 bar into holes. 4. Wait one hour for the grout to set. 5. Refer to enclosed page 2 and 3 of performance and properties of chemset capsules. 2.2
Planting The T32 coupler 1. The existing T32 bars which cast inside the beam with one end completed with coupler and the other end remain 50mm threaded length. 2. Cut the concrete surface to 600mm width x 50mm height x 50mm depth to the correct position at beam side without coupler by using diamond cutter. Slowly hacking the area until the thread of 4 number T32 expose out of 25mm. 3. Clean the thread, and tight the coupler onto the bar. 4. Remain the coupler until T32 bar of diaphragm beam installed. 5. The remaining void will fill together with casting of diaphragm beam. 6. Refer to page 4 and 5 for further information.
Photo Showing The Position Of Coupler Of One Of The Beam
1. Mark the position of couplers (App. 600x50) 2. Cut the marking at least 50mm depth. 3. Hack the area until 25mm thread of T32 expose. 4. Install the coupler to the bar.