0905 The Ceo Challenge Creating A Culture Of Growth, Innovation & Leadership

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  • Pages: 32
Asia/Pacific Chairman’s Series on Growth The CEO Challenge: Developing a Culture of Growth, Innovation and Leadership

26 May, 2009

Today’s Presenters

Craig Baty Global VP, IT Practice

Frost & Sullivan Sydney

Warren Parry Managing Director

Change Track Research Sydney

Moderator: Michael Buchholz VP, Marketing, APAC Frost & Sullivan



Recap on poll results from the previous webcast


Brief overview: Where we are in the series


The CEO’s Challenge: Creating the Growth, Innovation and Leadership (GIL) culture


What the CEO can do to develop a GIL culture?


Alignment of the CEO’s vision and staff


Best practices in the development of a GIL culture


Serious about growth: Next steps

Polling Responses from April APAC/J CSG 1. With regard to growth strategies, which challenges exist in your company? Company is not in alignment on vision 0.0% The company culture does not support fast growth 33.3% We are great at strategy and poor at implementation 66.6% We are great at implementation and poor at strategy 33.3% We do not properly evaluate growth opportunities 0.0% We have no ability to create future scenarios for strategy development 0.0%

2. How would you rate your company’s ability to generate a powerful growth strategy? Highly Successful 0.0% Good 50.0% Average 25.0% Poor 25.0% We are lost 0.0%

Polling Responses from April APAC/J CSG 3. How would you rate your company’s ability to implement a powerful growth strategy? Highly Successful 0.0% Good 33.3% Average 0.0% Poor 66.6% We are lost 0.0%

4. Looking in the rear view mirror, How would you rate your company’s historic growth relative to your top competitors? performance The best 0.0% About the same

50.0% Somewhat worse 50.0% Significantly worse 0.0% Don't Know 0.0%

Polling Responses from April APAC/J CSG Looking forward, relative to your industries top competitors how would you rate your company’s future growth potential? The best 0.0% About the same 100.0% Somewhat worse 0.0% Significantly worse 0.0% Don't know 0.0%

The Growth Acceleration System

What is a Growth, Innovation and Leadership (GIL) Culture? •

Teamwork is Focused on Growth

Business Units, Regional Units Cooperate to Drive Growth

An Innovative, Dynamic, Trusting and Fun Environment

Leaders are Humble, Team Players, and Inspirational

Communication and Collaboration on Vision

Visionary Leaders Who Set the Standard

Growth is Celebrated

Developing a Growth, Innovation and Leadership Culture •

The Human Element of Success

An Inspiring Vision: Total Shareholder Return Doesn’t Work

Focused on Leadership Skills

GIL Culture Sits on CEO’s Desk

Continuing Research into GIL Culture

The Top 10 To Do’s for GIL

A Best Practice Case History

Definition: What is Best Practice? Specific activities performed to solve a tough business challenge that 9 out of 10 companies are NOT performing but SHOULD, with measurable results proving effectiveness

Olympic Performance

Growth Excellence Matrix: Future Growth Potential Measure and forecast the future growth potential of your company vs. the competitors

New York KL

Introducing our Guest Speaker…

Warren Parry Managing Director

Change Track Research Sydney [email protected]

©2008 Dialect, all rights reserved

Creating a Culture of Growth, Innovation and Leadership FOR USE BY CTRE

It is not enough to state, We need to Grow or to implement processes that you want your team to follow to achieve growth. Nor is it enough to simply instruct the individuals and departments responsible for driving growth. It is the behaviour, beliefs, and the establishment of a growth-focused culture that lead to successful growth. By establishing a culture of growth, you will ensure that all members of the organisation understand and participate in driving the organisation to be on the forefront of innovation and leadership. Managers are struggling to identify the underlying drivers of high performance change and looking in the wrong place to find the answers. 1 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009

ChangeTracking® is the result of extensive research over 9 years linking people, change and business performance FOR USE BY CTRE

0% 2% 0% 1%

Comprehensive database built from over 280,000 individuals in more than 250 companies undergoing change across industries, nationalities and languages: -

Government Financial services Health services Mining and Resources Manufacturing Engineering Energy Utility Pharmaceutical, Motoring, Sanitation, Biotech Telecommunications

Transport Consulting


Telecommunications 22%



Banking Insurance Government 3%


Defence Health Services 15% 13%

Resources 5%



Oil and Gas


Communications and Media



Delivering benefit to change stakeholders:

2 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009

Manufacturing Pharmaceutical


Transformation, SAP/IT enabled change, new business strategy, IT systems implementation, manufacturing best practice, global post-merger integration, building an environment to foster scientific innovation, cost management, occupational health and safety research, emergency department performance improvement, shared services implementation, change risk assessment, culture change

Community services

Restructure (Reorg) Cost management (Reorg) IT implementation (Reorg)


Merger/Aquistion (reorg)

42 1 22

Shared Services (Reorg) Culture change Performance Improve



Groups that improve performance across times of change define the benchmarks for high performance FOR USE BY CTRE

Our research shows 1 in 9 work groups improve their performance across times of change

Project preparation




Business blueprint




Final preparation




Go live and support




Continuous improvement




High Performance Peak Performance and high Change Capability

On Track Good Performance Improvement and above the norm Change Capability

Unsustainable Better Performance Improvement but low Change Capability

With the best intentions the norm on change projects is that they typically take longer than planned and cost more – 16% of projects hit their targets – 18% average overrun on budgets – 23% average over run on schedule – 7% do not achieve scope/functionality The state of IT project management in UK 2002–2003, Chris Sauer and Christine Cuthbertson, University of Oxford

3 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009

Stage of project

Off Track Declining Performance and low Change Capability

What is ChangeTracking®? FOR USE BY CTRE

Acquisition, Restructuring, ERP, Merger, Cost Reduction, Turnaround, Culture Change, CRM, Growth, BPR, New Strategy, Transformation, Downsizing…

4 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009

Leaders implementing change need to know what actions to take that will give them the best chance of success ChangeTracking shows leaders if their change is on track? - properly defined and resourced - are people actively engaged - will deliver required financial outcomes - in the shortest possible time - with the highest probability of success ………where change is off track, ChangeTracking shows the corrective actions that are required

Validated research that sits behind ChangeTracking has proven what drives performance improvement FOR USE BY CTRE

ChangeTracking measures the extent to which the benefits of the change program have been realised, whether or not business performance is improving or declining while change takes place, and the strength of six change Drivers

Is the change on track to high performance? Realising Business Benefits

Improving business performance




Change Capability



Aligned Direction

Change Leadership

Work Roles

Emotional Energy

Risks and Roadblocks

Training and Capability

Vision and Direction

Management Commitment


Passion and Drive

Changes Taking Place

Systems and Processes


Team Leadership



5 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009

New knowledge has provided hard evidence about what is important to deliver high performance change FOR USE BY CTRE

Change Leadership Systems and Processes Risk and Roadblocks Passion and Drive Involvement Disturbance Vision and Direction Team Leadership Communication Training and Information Accountability Source: ChangeTrack Research (R2=0.482, N=41725)

High negative

High positive

Relative importance of factor in driving improvement in business performance

6 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009

Our research shows what is required to bring about a New Way of Working, changes in Culture, Values and Attitude? FOR USE BY CTRE

1. Cultural Change must be linked to Company performance improvement People must be confident confidence that that the the culture change program will improve company performance and need to see signs of improvement in effectiveness and cost management

2. Teams must be actively involved in managing change

Culture change

People must be actively involved in planning and implementing change in their team and willing to initiate change

3. Individuals must have something at stake When there is a degree of personal risk and urgency because of the change Primary drivers

7 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009

> Emotionally Engaged Leaders

Emotional agreement to the vision and high confidence and trust in the leadership

> Clear direction, a positive team spirit

People need to understand the vision, feel valued and have clear performance objectives

> Strength to face the challenge

People feel a degree of fear, but are not thinking of leaving

Secondary drivers

Breaking the cost-cutting cycle FOR USE BY CTRE

1. Co st -cut t ing b e g ins. In t o ug h t im e s ma nag e rs fo cus o n incre a sing a cco unt ab ility to a chie ve co st re duct io n.

4. Acco unt ab ility is fo rg o t t en fo r t he t im e b e ing a nd co st s cre e p up a ga in.

5. The cycle o f co st cut t ing b e gins ag ain.

3. Lea d e rship t raining , 2. Co st -cut t ing g o e s t oo fa r. Ma nag e rs t he n find sta ff spirit suffe rs, so t he y p la ce a g re a t e r emp ha sis o n m aking p e op le fe e l b e t t e r.

cre a t ivity a nd innova tio n p rog ram s a re put in p la ce .

8 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009

Change is off track 3 months after go-live, a major IT system had been installed and not implemented - $3.8 million over budget, 1000 manual overrides on the new system…

Case study 1: Bringing an IT implementation back on track FOR USE BY CTRE

When change is off track the impact ripples through reporting levels in different ways - here, there is a disconnect between the Driver profile for managers and those reporting to them


Aligned Direction

Vision Direction


Change Leadership

Emotional Energy

Team Leadership


Management Skills

Feeling Valued


Passion & Drive


Manager Team Leader Team Member Other

Vision declines under leaders

Communication is OK

9 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009

Management Skills are OK but not great

Accountability is low at all levels

Disturbance is too high

Case study 1: Bringing an IT implementation back on track

The large gains in cost effectiveness was achieved without a detrimental effect on service quality


Se r vice Q ua lit y Le ve ls

Co st p e r Unit o f Act ivit y

Financial rigour improved:

(includ es all lab o ur and o ver head exp ens es ) 95%




$14 $12





Act ivat ion (%)


Rest orat ion (%)



Assurance (%)




Target % 70%




Budget back on track, taking 3.8 million out of costs and maintaining customer service levels


60% 2004 Q1

Sig nifica ntly ove r b ud g e t on la b our c osts

2004 Q2

First Cha ng e Tra cking Proje c t

2004 Q3

2004 Q4

Are a Volum e s ad d ed

2005 Q1

Se co nd Cha ng e Tra cking Proje c t

2004 Q1

Sig nifica ntly ove r b ud g e t on la b our c osts

2004 Q2

First Cha ng e Tra cking Proje c t

2004 Q3

2004 Q4

Are a Volum e s ad d ed

2005 Q1

Se co nd Cha ng e Tra cking Proje c t

“Without ‘hard’ data about how my people were responding to change, I would still be reacting, rather than proactively driving effective change,” Bill says. “Validated through direct and open discussions with my people, we learnt to focus on the drivers of improvement and act where it really mattered. The end result for my team was that complaints about the IT system moved off the agenda, we reduced unit costs by 25 per cent, improved customer service levels by over 10 per cent in less than six months and our people measures improved significantly.” Bill Lyon, National General Manager for telecommunications group 10 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009


Leaders need to know if their change program is on track; if change is off track what corrective actions to take Does everyone: See the way forward and understand what is involved Have the required resources Have clear roles and objectives Engage and commit Have passion and drive to over come obstacles along the way! To ensure success they need to: Have the facts - accurate measures Have insight – know what matters Take action – in the areas that really matter Manage change based on understanding how to achieve high performance. To Contact ChangeTrack research: [email protected], +612 9247 6988 11 • © CTRE Pty. Ltd. 2009 • Presentation: Inside ChangeTracking® • 25/05/2009

Companies to Watch for a GIL Culture…and Why? •



Outsell Research




Im pl

em en


Establishing the GIL Culture: The Growth Model


Evaluation of Opportunities & Strategies

Ge ne r




al u at


Implementation of Strategies

Generation of Opportunities & Strategies

Growth Workshops: Strategy Sessions to Build Teamwork and The Same Page

CEO's Growth Team Building Teamwork & A Culture of Growth Innovation & Leadership

Starting the GIL Culture Program 1)

Communicate GIL through Town Hall Meetings


Benchmark with Top 20 Competitors


Benchmark Growth with Industry Average Over Time


Internal Growth Excellence Matrix


External Growth Excellence Matrix (with competitors)


Training on Best Practices & Growth Models


Invest in Growth: Budget, Workshops, Time


Shift Incentive to Stretch Growth Targets


Develop a Best Practices Perspective on Growth


Bring Team to Annual GIL Event



A global community focused on Growth, Innovation and Leadership

September 2009 Phoenix, Arizona

October 2009 Kuala Lumpur October 2009

October 2009



October 2009

December 2009


Sao Paulo May 2010 London

Next Steps 

Request a proposal for Growth Partnership Services to support you and your team to accelerate the growth of your company.

Attend Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange best practice networking events (http://www.frost.com/cal) to share and address strategic challenges

Consider Conducting a 360 Degree Growth Workshop to support your long-term growth strategy

Join us at a Growth, Innovation and Leadership 2009: A Frost & Sullivan Global Congress on Corporate Growth (www.frost.com/gilglobal)

Register for the next Chairman’s Series on Growth: (http://www.frost.com/growthapac)

Schedule a Recession Strategy Session with a Frost & Sullivan Industry consultant (email us: [email protected])

Schedule a One-on-One Growth Strategy Dialogue with a Frost & Sullivan Growth Consultant (email us: [email protected])

Register for Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Opportunity Newsletter and Growth Team Membership e Bulletin to keep abreast of growth opportunities in your industry and best practices in your career track. (www.frost.com)

Contact Us If you have questions or would like further information about anything we discussed, please send your query to the email provided below and we will get back to you shortly.

Alvin Chua Account Manager Automotive, Transportation & Logistics DID: +65 6890 0997 Mob: +65 9199 4566 eMail: [email protected]

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