The Bar

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 7
The Bar (04/14/06) R [X-Evo] One-shot COMPLETE NC/S/Mi This was my first X-Men: Evolution vore story. <><><><><><><><><><> Kurt Wagner sighed as he waited for six o’clock to come around. Why did the clock have to move so slowly? He fiddled the time away by playing checkers with Scott, hands behind his head and his tail moving the pieces as skillfully as any finger. Scott won though, and it was six. Kurt got up stretching and then went to the door, calling out as he turned on his hologram, “See you later, guys!” There was hardly anyone left in the house and Scott only nodded as he set up a movie for himself. Kurt slipped out into the darkening world and then started ‘porting. He could go three miles at a time and ‘ported about ten times, coming to a stop in front of an old bar. He went to the door and knocked. A tiny opening in the door appeared and a gruff voice asked, “Who is it?” Kurt smiled and turned off his hologram. The voice then laughed, saying, “Oh! It’s you, fuzzy! Come on in!” and then closed the opening. But the door didn’t open. Kurt just ‘ported inside and was greeted by about thirty people. He smiled back and approached the bar, waving down a pretty-looking girl. She turned to him, and smiled, her eye color changing from brown to blue as she said, “Well! The mighty Nightcrawler returns! What can I get you, darling?” Kurt grinned and reaching over, pinched her chin playfully, crooning, “Just the usual, love. Wait, on second thought, triple that. I’m starving!” She giggled and walked off while a man with white wings from his shoulders came over, clapping Kurt roughly on the shoulder as he sat down, saying amid laughter, “The same line every time!” Kurt smiled and punched Warren easily on the shoulder, saying, “Hey, man. What’s happening?” Warren shrugged and pulled a pouch from his pocket as he said, “Oh not much. Keeping low. You?” Kurt shrugged as he watched Warren open the pouch, which had something moving inside it, “School and training.” Warren grinned at him and then pulled the object out of the pouch; a three inch tall person. He pinched his tiny prey at the waist as he said casually, “You got the easy life!” Kurt looked shocked and mocked, “Easy?! You try training with Logan! He rides us to the ground!” Warren nodded and grinned, saying, “Yeah. Old Wolverine’s a hard one.” Then he put the tiny human halfway in his mouth, sucking the tiny body. Then, grinning at Kurt, he swallowed the little thing down whole, and smacked his lips, saying, “Delicious!” Kurt smiled at him, and then looked back to the bar as the girl came back with a cloth bag, saying cheerfully, “Here you go, fuzzy.” Kurt took it with his tail and took her hand in both of his, kissing it as he said, “Thanks, love.” Warren looked at the cloth sack with its squirming contents, asking in disbelief, “You really gonna eat all of them?” Kurt laughed and brought the bag to his front and gripped it in his hands, answering, “Yeah.” Then he turned to the other patrons and said loudly, “All hail the lightening fast metabolism of mutants!” Everyone in the bar, most with a cloth sack before them, all cheered out, “Hail!” and then laughed and went back to their business. Kurt opened the bag as Warren grumbled good-naturedly, “Show-off.” Kurt sneered at him and reached into the bag, pulling out a tiny person. He was about to put it in his mouth when the little thing shrieked, “What’s going on?!” Kurt smiled at it, and then looked at Warren, asking, “Should I tell ‘im?” Warren shrugged and then reached into Kurt’s sack and pulled out another person, a female this time. In front of the little guy, he popped the body into his mouth, and then swallowed easily. Kurt felt the little person grow stiff in his fingers as the bulge slid easily down Warren’s throat into his chest. Warren then

smacked his lips, answering, “If you want, Kurt. He must be mighty curious. I have to go, though. See you next week then?” Kurt shook his head, saying regretfully, “Nah. Logan’s here.” Warren frowned, suggesting, “The week after?” Kurt smiled broadly, revealing his fangs as he said, “That I can make!” Warren smiled and then put a hand on Kurt’s shoulder, saying, “See ya then.” Kurt wrapped his tail around the bag, closing it, and put his free hand on Warren’s shoulder, saying gently, “Fly safe, Angel.” Warren smiled and answered, “Watch where you ‘port, Nightcrawler.” They smiled and then Angel walked off, exiting the door, which was guarded by a huge man with shiny, metallic skin. Kurt smiled and took his meal to a corner table, as was his norm. The guy in his three-fingered hand was petrified and shouted again, “What’s going on? What are you?!” Kurt grinned and using his other hand and tail, tied the bag shut, hanging it from a hook on the side of the table, made for such a purpose. He then put the little guy on the table and grinned at him widely, showing off his fangs. The man trembled and turned pale at the sight of pointed teeth as large as his lower arm. Kurt then licked his lips and leaned back comfortably, saying, “Okay, buddy. Listen up. I’m a mutant. Got that? I’m one of those disgusting, dangerous mutants that you normal humans seem so intent on eradicating. But guess what? You know how every mutant has got different abilities? Mine’s teleporting, Warren’s is flight and Colossus by the door there is invincible…” “And I blow stuff up!” interrupted a French-accented voice. Kurt tilted his head back as far as it could go and saw a man with strange eyes standing right over him. The irises were blood-red, and where the white should be was jet-black. Kurt grinned and gestured to the seat across from him, saying, “Remy! Hey man!” The French-man smiled and took the offered seat, saying smoothly, “How are you doing, Kurt?” Kurt smiled and used his tail to poke the person in front of him, saying, “I’m here for my dinner.” Remy laughed, and then said, “Then why aren’t you eating?” Kurt grinned and said while wrapping his tail around his prey, “He asked for the 411.” Remy grinned at the tiny thing, and leaned very close, saying, “Really?” The man gulped and was about to speak when he was brought to be in front of Kurt’s blue face and yellow eyes. He was leaning back, both hands behind his head as he said casually, “Yeah, and if you wouldn’t mind, Remy, I’d like to give the man his last request.” Remy laughed and stood up, saying, “Watch where you ‘port, Nightcrawler.” Kurt answered, “Always get aces, Gambit.” The French mutant laughed and walked away. Kurt looked back at his prey, and said, “Now where was I? Oh, right! We all have different abilities, but you humans fear us for that. So you try to kill us. Fortunately, at the risk of sounding like Remy, we’ve got an ace up our sleeve. You see Sandra? The girl behind the bar? She can shrink human beings. Not mutants, like me, but normal people, like you!” The man started shaking, remembering how the girl had trapped him in the subway, shrunk him and put him in a smelly cloth bag. Kurt then smiled, saying, “You see, some of us mutants have extra appendages, either internal or external. Right, Todd?” A teenage boy looked up at the sound of his name, and grinned, saying, “You know it, fuzzy!” Then he threw another person in the air and then, from his mouth, an impossibly long green tongue shot out, grabbed the tiny body and sucked it back into his mouth. He swallowed and then laughed with the other guys at his table. Kurt grinned and then addressed the man trapped in his tail, “See what I mean? Well, anyway. Such appendages take some serious muscles and thus, we need to eat more to keep up with it. And why humans? This is certainly one way of getting rid of all of you and we get a decent meal out of it with some first-rate proteins.”

The man looked up at him, terrified, and begged, “Please no! I’ll give you anything!” Kurt smiled and said, “Nah. Sandra emptied your pockets after she shrunk you. You’ve got nothing to interest me.” Then he grinned and lifted the man higher and opened his mouth wide. The man let out a hysterical scream as he was lowered towards the dark red mouth, rimmed by sharp white fangs. Kurt stuck the man and his tail into his mouth, and then, with apparent pleasure, shoved his tail down his own throat, dragging the man in by default. If one were a newcomer to the bar, they would be a bit shocked to see a furry, blue kid in the corner with two-toed feet up on the table, three fingered hands crossed behind his head, a furry blue tail in his mouth and a very visible bulge in his throat, moaning in pleasure. Kurt shoved his tail down deeper, feeling two sensations at once. He could feel the soft fur on his tail brushing against the walls of his throat, a pleasant feeling. He could also feel the walls of his esophagus squeezing his tail and the bundle it still held, which was squirming so deliciously. He let out another soft groan at the double sensations, and pushed to go deeper. He wasn’t swallowing, just pushing down. He then felt the squeezing ease up and at the same time, felt his tail touch a softer, wetter wall. He grinned and loosened his tail, and felt the man start to squirm inside his stomach. He let out a muffled laugh as he felt the man actually trying to grab hold of his tail, and withdrew it, smiling as the squirms quickened. He then slipped his tail back up his throat, doing it carefully so the barb didn’t catch on anything. He’d done that once and once only. He then finally slid it out of his mouth, sighing deeply in content. He opened the bag and peered in at the twenty other people, staring up at him in horror. They hadn’t heard his speech, the rest of the bar noise had drowned it out, but his appearance made them all think of a demon. He reached in and took two of them, smiling as they struggled. He then purred, “Yeah. Squirm.” and shoved them both in his mouth at the same time. And squirm they did as Kurt swallowed, moaning again at the absolutely incredible feeling of having something alive and moving being involuntarily forced down his throat to serve as nothing more than fuel for his teenage body. He then proceeded to eat ten of them rapidly and let out a loud burst of laughter as he felt all of them squirming and wriggling around inside of him. Some the other patrons looked over at him, and would smile before turning back to their own little prey. Kurt then picked out a fine specimen of young male adulthood and held him so his arms were caught in his fist. The young man shivered as Kurt looked him over. Kurt then licked at the boy’s face, making him sputter and cough. He then seemed to get angry, yelling, “You freak! Let me go!” Kurt’s eyebrow raised as he repeated in confusion, “Freak?” The man struggled, saying angrily, “Yeah! You’re one of those mutant freaks! Now let me go or you’ll regret it! I’ve got connections!” Kurt couldn’t help but laugh as he said, “Connections? You’re three inches tall. What kind of connections could you have?” The young man kicked fruitlessly as he replied warningly, “My father’s a powerful man! You’ll regret it if you don’t let me go!” Kurt then cocked his head, asking, “Let you go where?” The kid stopped struggling, asking, “What?” Kurt grinned and put him on the tabletop, saying gently, “You’re three inches tall, kid.” Then he laughed and one hand slipped to be behind his head while the other rubbed his stomach as he said, “You’re not going anywhere except inside this empty tummy of mine.” His tail snapped forwards, enveloping the kid’s waist in the barb and holding him firmly. The kid started yelling, both in anger and fear, as he was lifted to the blue mutant’s face, and Kurt opened wide, grinning mentally as the kid instantly shut up. Kurt then lifted the kid above him and released him, letting him fall into his mouth. He quickly closed as he felt the kid start moving around, trying to find a way out. Kurt toyed with him for a while, shoving him with his tongue to make him

squirm. Then he positioned the kid to have his body pointed headfirst to the back of his mouth and swallowed, shivering as he felt the body squirm the whole way down. He finished the rest of the humans in this playful manner, and then began considering the last one. The last one must have been a weight lifter or a jock. His body was buff and well built and Kurt knew this one was the sweet cream of the crop. The guy had been pulled out early on, but Kurt had kept him wrapped up in his tail as he had eaten the other humans, often humming his pleasure. Kurt swallowed the current person in his mouth, a rather loud woman, and leaned back, rubbing his stomach as he smiled, eyes closed. He sighed deeply in content and then rubbed himself harder, moaning pleasurably as he felt a bunch of struggles renew. He then smiled and brought his tail to the front, the guy stuck in his tail’s coils. He then grinned at him, and whispered, “Hmmm… you have no idea how good this feels! But with these many inside me, they tend to take up space. And I want room for you! So, if you’ll excuse me…” Kurt sat up straight and leaned backwards very far, stretching his arms as far as they’d go, bending back over the rise of the booth, and then tensed his stomach muscles as tightly as they could go. He looked at the small human and saw the jock’s face pale as snaps and cracks were easily heard from the area of Kurt’s chest. Kurt felt the bodies inside him break and crack, easing the pressure that had been building up. Kurt let out a shuddering sigh as he let himself (except his tail) go limp, moaning softly, “Ohhhh… that felt so good…” then breathed out all the air that had been forced out of his stomach and sighed again. The jock was staring at Kurt’s chest with eyes that had gotten almost dangerously wide and then started to talk in nervous tones, “Listen man, I understand! You hate us humans, and I totally dig that! I do! Those other jerks got what they deserved, but I’m not a mutie-hater! My girl friend’s a mutant and I love her, though my parents would ride me if they found out, not to mention the school! Listen dude, help me out of this, and I’ll help you get more humans! All you can eat!” Kurt brought both arms onto the table and crossed them, resting his chin on them, and brought his tail around to be facing the jock, who was starting to sweat. His yellow eyes were half-lidded; he was getting tired. He grinned lazily at the jock, baring his fangs, and then whispered, “Listen carefully, I’m gonna put you in my mouth and pretend to eat you. I won’t though! Just act like it! I’m staying the night, but I can hide you in my room and talk there!” Then he smiled broadly, saying in a normal tone, “Sorry, little guy. You’re mine!” and opened his mouth wide, shoving the jock inside. He slipped his tail off his prey and out of his mouth, shutting his lips firmly as he felt the panicked jock try to escape. He then made himself swallow, but kept the jock in his mouth by pressing him against his teeth with his tongue. This seemed to prove his earlier statement to the jock, because he became still and quiet. So gullible, Kurt grinned. Kurt got up, stretched and then walked to the bar, returning the cloth bag. Sandra came over and he winked at her, pointing a finger to his mouth. She knew this game! She giggled and reaching behind her to a board filled with ringed keys, picked a specific one and gave it to him. He winked at her and walked off, twirling the key around his finger. He got to his room and went in, closing the door behind him. It was a simple-looking room at first glance, but a second glance showed that there was no space for anything three inches tall to hide. The beds all sat on the floor, same with the dressers, and the doors had rubber underneath so nothing got out. Kurt then leaned over the bed and spat the jock out onto the bed forcefully, pretending to be disgusted. He smacked his lips, muttering almost accusingly to the jock, “Aww man! You taste awful!” The jock, soaked in Kurt’s spit, then sat up and asked shakily, “I have to know. Did you bring me up here for dessert?” Kurt covered his mouth, hiding a grin, as he said firmly, “No.” That was true; he’d brought the jock up here for breakfast.

The jock sighed, obviously relieved and blissfully ignorant. Kurt sat down on the bed and started taking off his shirt, and the jock then asked, “Why the others then?” Kurt sighed and responded softly, “I had to look the part!” He then glanced at the door and whispered, “If they knew I was doing this, they’d kill me!” The jock muttered, “Oh…” Then, a heartbeat too late, said, “Oh! L-Like me and my girl!” Kurt noted the delay, but pretended not to, saying firmly, “Exactly!” He draped his shirt over the chair in the corner, and then said, “Okay listen up. The mutants downstairs don’t want to give you humans a chance. They want to kill all of you before you kill all of them. They think that this way is the best. I play along. I have to! If I do, they help protect me, feed me, house me. And with looks like these, I can’t exactly check into a Motel Six.” The jock nodded, saying, “You’re a good guy, man! A good guy!” Then he looked thoughtful and blurted out, “I can help you!” Kurt knew the kid was spouting pure junk. He just didn’t want to end up on the other side of Kurt’s chest-fur, and would say he had the directions to the Fountain of Youth if he thought it would help him. But Kurt had played this game before, and was always amused as to the ways the poor humans would try to save themselves. So he made himself appear pitifully eager, asking, “You can?” The kid took the bait, and lapped it up, saying, “Yeah! My dad’s the principal of the high school in my town! He can pull strings!” Kurt pretended to be touched, asking quietly, “You’d do that for me?” The jock nodded, saying, “Sure thing! I’ll have to be normal, but I’ll get you set up!” He added in the height change with a wave of his hand, as if it weren’t all that important, but Kurt knew it was a cry for help. He played along, muttering a, “Thanks.” There was a knock on the door and Kurt’s tail snapped around the jock and hid him behind his back as the door opened and a young boy looked in, asking, “Someone in there with you, Kurt?” Kurt shook his head, grinning secretively at the kid, who had opened his door right on cue, saying in a hasty tone, “No! Just saying my prayers!” The kid nodded and winked back, saying in his careless tone, “Oh, ok. Night, dude.” Kurt answered with a wide grin, “Night, Bobby.” Kurt waited until the door was closed before bring his tail around and then saying, “That was close. We’ll have to talk about getting you back to normal tomorrow morning. It’s curfew and if I don’t go to sleep now, they’ll get suspicious. You’ll be here?” The jock, sensing freedom, grinned and nodded, saying, “I sure will be.” Kurt hid the guy in a shirt pocket on the chair, knowing the kid wouldn’t leave the room. He was terrified he’d be found and eaten by a mutant. Kurt chuckled at that as he crept into the bed, sighing silently in pleasure as his body began to digest his meal at its usual rapid pace. Tomorrow morning, he’d be nice and empty for breakfast: Jock on Toast! The jock, who was known to his friends as Red, shivered in the pocket of the blue mutant’s shirt. What did tomorrow hold? Would the blue freak keep his word and get him out of hellhole? He must! He had seemed terrified of being found out. Red sighed, and made himself comfortable. He’d better get some sleep. There was no way in hell he was going out of this room! He’d be stepped on, eaten or killed in some other horrible fashion. He eventually slipped into an uneasy sleep. He was woken the next morning by the blue freak nudging him, whispering, “Hey. You up?” Red yawned, and got up, rubbing his eyes as he answered sleepily, “Yeah.” He was picked out of the pocket by the blue mutant, who said, “Good.” and then dumped him on the bed. Red wanted to protest the rough treatment, but decided not to show any weakness. He then asked conversationally as the blue mutant got up and stretched, “Hey, what’s your name?” The mutant started to stretch himself in ways Red had only seen at carnivals and circuses as he answered, “Kurt. Why?” Red shrugged, answering out loud, “Just wondering.” but thinking ‘So I know what name to give the police so they can arrest you for murder!’ He then rubbed his hand together excitedly, asking eagerly, “So when I do I get to be normal-sized?”

The mutant, Kurt, was bending and touching his toes as he answered matter-of-factly, “You don’t.” Red stuck a finger in his ear, but found no cotton fluff that might have caused his slight deafness. He then said carefully, “I must be a little sleepy. I thought you said I wouldn’t be turned back.” Kurt stood up, and smiled, saying, “No, you’re awake. You’re not turning back to normal.” Red felt himself break out in a cold sweat as he asked, “Why not?” Kurt then crouched next to the bed, putting them on the same eye-level as he answered sweetly, “You’ll be too big to swallow.” Red’s face turned as pale as the sheets, but then turned red as he shouted in anger born of fear, “You said you wouldn’t eat me!” Kurt grinned at him and went to the window, opening it to reveal it was early morning, saying, “For dessert. This is breakfast. Entirely different!” Red shook as Kurt came back to the bed, sitting at the end of it and patting the cloth near him playfully. Red backed up, gasping out, “But what about my offers?” Kurt laughed, saying scornfully, “What offers? You have no mutant girlfriend and I’ll bet your dad works at an office. I’m right, aren’t I?” He was, but Red wasn’t admitting nothing to this blue freak! But then he realized what the mutant was planning to do to him and fell to his knees and clasped his hands, begging, “Please don’t do this!” Kurt shrugged and answered, “Why? I’m hungry, and you’re really small.” Red’s voice cracked as he pleaded, “Don’t eat me!” Kurt looked smug, saying, “I’ll need a good reason.” “I have money!” Red blurted out. Kurt shrugged, “Big deal.” Red thought and tried sympathy. “I have a family!” “People go missing all the time.” the blue mutant responded evenly. Red then said, “This is because I supported the Mutant Registration Act, isn’t it?!” Apparently that was the wrong thing to say as Kurt’s face got grim. He then growled softly, “You supported that thing?!” He grinned evilly, saying, “Ohhh… now I’ve got a really good reason to eat you!” Red panicked, saying as the mutant reached for him with that freaky hand, “No! Please! I’m sorry! I’ll never vote for it again! I’ll give you anything!” His efforts were for naught as he was trapped from the waist down in the warm, firm grip and brought up before a dark blue face with yellow eyes. They glittered with evil intent and playfulness. Red shivered as the mutant then said, “You humans are scum. What you don’t understand, you attempt to control, and if that fails, destroy. It’s about time the tables were turned!” He then sat back comfortably on the bed and grinned at Red as he felt an almost serpentine thing touch his leg. He looked and saw it was the freak’s tail, wrapping around his left leg! He tried to kick free, but was stuck tight. He was then lifted up into the air, now upside down. The mutant waited below, smiling broadly, showing off those fangs of his. He then winked at him, and blew him a kiss before tilting his head far back, closing his eyes and opening his mouth wide. Red started screaming as he was lowered into that dark red cavern. He shut his eyes as he was deposited on the slick, wet tongue, instantly soaking his clothes. He tried to get out, but the mutant’s tail had released him, and he had shut his mouth, encasing Red in heat and darkness. He felt his balance change and guessed that the mutant had righted his head. Red pushed against the teeth, hoping against hope he could force his way out. But his hopes were frail and were shattered as the thick tongue began to shove him around, coating him with even more slimy spit. Red tried kicking, but he could get no purchase and just succeeded in spinning himself around. Suddenly, all the flesh around him shifted and he felt himself lifted up a little as the tongue prepped him for the last voyage of his life. He tried to struggle, but before he could move, he had been violently shoved headfirst into a tight, hot, slimy and small tunnel.

He knew this must be the damn mutant’s throat and tried to kick, to punch, to cause him some kind of harm, but it was so tight he could only squirm. Suddenly he felt the muscles around him start working, forcing him downwards, deeper into the mutant’s body. All around him, he could hear amplified sounds of breathing and a repetitive thumping sound. These sounds reminded him where he was heading and this made him renew his attempts of freedom, trying to squirm free of the muscles surrounding him, somehow, but he just couldn’t. But the survival instinct is strong, so he kept kicking and choking out curses against the blue freak. Then he felt himself squeezed through a tight ring of muscles and let out a groan of deep despair as the smell of gastric juices stung his nose. He was forced through and tumbled unceremoniously on soft, wet flesh. He struggled to stand up, feeling his feet slip on the wet heaving muscle. He tried one last time to beg, but the air grated his lungs, making him cough and gasp. He fell to his knees, coughing, and didn’t notice how the walls around him were starting to secrete a shiny fluid capable of burning the flesh off his bones. Then, he was suddenly squashed flat between two walls and guessed that this accursed Kurt was rubbing his tummy, making his meal comfortable. Red got angry and as soon as he could move again, started to thrash. But then his struggles grew weaker as the air, which was stale to begin with, was used up, and then he started feeling sleepy. He kept struggling to the end, right up until he passed out from the pain of his skin burning off his body. Kurt sighed happily as he rubbed his stomach, feeling the jock tucked away inside his body. He drew back his hand and then felt the struggles and squirms intensify. Apparently, the human wasn’t happy about being a meal for a mutant. Kurt laughed aloud as he put his shirt on, feeling the jock wriggling behind his fur and skin. He walked out of the bar, muttering to himself as he turned his sights to the Mansion, “Helping make the world safe for mutants, one week at a time.” FIN

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