Projecto Educativo Ing

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  • Words: 5,962
  • Pages: 23
Educational Project

I. Concepts and fundaments


II. The School and the environment 2.1. A School with History


2.2. The community


2.3. Organizational Structure


2.4. Human resources of the School


2.5. Result of learning


2.6. Activities and projects


2.7. Support services, school facilities and equipment


III. Educational proposal 3.1. Principles and values


3.2. Objectives and Aims


3.3. Attitudes and strategies to achieve these objectives:


IV Assessment


Educational Project

I. Concepts and fundaments "The educational project is the document that establishes the educational orientation of the school within a horizon of three years and clarifies the principles, values, goals and strategies with which the school proposes to fulfil its educational function.(...)".

The working up of the School Educational Project allows the interested and committed intervention of the educational community in general and of the organs of the School Administration and Management, in particular.

In response to recent legislation, it became clear the urge to reform the School Educational Project in course. With the Educational Project we intend to lay the groundwork for an effective school, which means a "good school" or one that achieves its purposes.

As J. SCHEERENS refers, the conditions that would enhance the effectiveness of the School are: a strategy aimed at results, closely linked to a high level of expectations; asserted leadership at the school level; appropriate physical and material characteristics of the school; experience, consensus and cohesion within the staff; quality of the syllabuses; disciplined environment; friendliness; evaluative potential; parental involvement; frequent monitoring; time for effective learning.

Responding to these challenges involves developing a school culture of responsibility, work, demand, strictness and discipline, contributing, in the words of M. S. Guerra, for the “improvement of society through the formation of critical, responsible and honourable citizens", which we seek to achieve.

In short: more than a guiding document, the Educational Project of the School presupposes the existence of an implicit pact between the actors in the teaching/learning process, namely: teachers, students and parents or carers. The first are required to fulfil their duty with competence, responsibility, justice and fairness; the students are required to understand that the school, though being a space of freedom, is also a place of demand, discipline, study and responsibility, where their success or failure depend largely on themselves and their own understanding of what a school is; the parents or carers are required to take more part in school matters, to monitor the activities of 2

Educational Project their children outside it and to convey them the message that school is a place of enormous importance for their full education and for their future.

II. The School and the environment

2.1. A School with History On May 2nd, 1919, it is published in the “Diário do Governo”, the Decree No. 5490, from the Ministry of Commerce, General Directorate of the Industrial and Commercial Education, which, after justifying the need to spread the Technical Industrial and Commercial Education, creates in Chaves an Industrial School and a Commercial Class. The decree is signed by the President of the Republic, Canto e Castro, the President of the Ministry, Domingos Leite Pereira, and all the ministers, which include: the Minister of Justice, Dr. António Granjo, the Minister of Instruction, Dr. Leonardo Coimbra, the Minister of the Colonies, Dr. João Lopes Soares and, of course, the Minister of Commerce, Dr. Júlio do Patrocínio Martins.

The Industrial School and the Commercial Class started their activity in 1919-1920, in premises located, respectively, near Senhor do Calvário and in Rua Direita, operating the Secretariat of the School in Liceu Nacional of Chaves. Right at the first meeting of the Board, on June 27, 1919, the proposal to give the school the name of Júlio Martins was unanimously approved.

The initial courses were of Mechanic Locksmiths and Civil Carpentry. The Course of Women’s Work begins in 1922. The Commercial Course is integrated in 1924 and, consequently, the minute of the School Council of October 17th, 1924, refers, for the first time, the Julio Martins Industrial and Commercial School.

The 1948 major reform of Technical Education establishes, in the then called Chaves Industrial and Commercial School, the following courses: 1. - Preparatory Level; 2. - Complementary Learning Courses: Trade; 3. - Training Courses: Locksmith; Carpenter; Sewing and Embroidery. In 1957, it is added the Complementary Learning Course of Electrician. 3

Educational Project

From 1961 on, already in the current building, the school began to include other courses, while keeping up growing and serving the school population that the dominant ideology intended for this type of education.

With the implementation of the democratic regime that came out on April, 25th 1974, the educational system undergoes deep changes, emphasising the principles of democracy and consequent opportunities of access and success to all citizens, enshrined in the Basic Law of the Educational System. Our School adapts to this new reality and is considered the one that best translates these principles, being the first choice of the surrounding community.

During the subsequent period there were significant changes, especially the adaptation of the physical structures and teaching/learning methods to the new demands caused by the processes of unification of the 3rd Level and the extension of compulsory education.

In 1978 the school accepts, without hesitation and consensually, the name of Dr. Júlio Martins as its patron, having it written on one of the facades of its physical structure.

Reforms keep happening, both in the nature of the courses and their several options, with an emphasis on the alternative, in secondary education, between Knowledge-based courses (aiming at the preparation for higher education) and professional courses (technical, vocational and technological courses).

The school faces problems of overcrowding and feels the need to invest on its pedagogical organization and restructuring, the results of which were recognized by the community.

The decrease of pupils, caused by birth rates, forced the school to rethink its organization, offering them new opportunities, in order to make it possible to combine the common student with the one at normal risk of dropping out, asserting its tradition of inclusive school.

Nowadays there is an increase of students in the 3rd Level and a balance in Secondary Education, with the creation of CEF and professional courses.

The changes introduced by the current reform, the aim of which is the educational and personal 4

Educational Project success of all, require a new attitude from the whole community. May all the actors in the process be able to understand the changes under way and adapt them to the local context.

2.2. The community Secondary School Dr. Júlio Martins serves primarily the county of Chaves, but also receives students from other counties bordering the Alto Tâmega, with emphasis on those of Boticas and Valpaços.

The County, which extends for more than 600km2, distributed in 51 parishes and occupied by more than 150 settlements, currently has a population of around 44,000 inhabitants, concentrated primarily in the city and in neighbouring villages.

The spaces more marked by rurality appear, as one leaves the valley and begins to walk along the slopes towards the uplands.

Chaves should take a strategic position in the peninsular northwest context, as it is the node where major international roads converge, fact that allows it to take up, inside northern frontier, as a centre for the dissemination of economic and cultural flows for the entire surrounding space.

The county to which the school belongs presents some worrying demographic characteristics because, according to data from 2001, the population has been decreasing due to the fall in the birth rate. The consequent population ageing thus interferes in the school population.

The level of illiteracy has decreased, but mostly keeps at the first level of Elementary Education (former 4th grade). The percentage of attendance at higher levels of education is still very low.

The City Council has looked at education as a decisive factor for sustainable development and for a better future, investing today in the implementation of the Educational Chart and in dynamic projects such as the partnership Portuguese Network of Educational Cities.

The structure of the workforce reflects, in recent decades, a significant reduction in the primary sector (agriculture, forestry, livestock...). More noticeable is the tertiary sector (trade and services), 5

Educational Project in important expansion, followed, at some distance, by the secondary sector (industry). It should be noted that urban parishes are major contributors to the growing weight of the tertiary sector, as it is the commerce that absorbs the largest number of workers.

Nowadays the unemployment rate is low, close to the European average for the population under 25 years of age and becoming worse in the older population and among women. However, emigration is growing again and, as a recent phenomenon, there are immigrants coming with their families.

Recent data suggests, however, a relevant lack of qualification of workers, and many companies in the region have been presenting to the responsible authorities their major needs concerning qualified professionals. The problems are still mainly in technological areas (professional qualification of level III). It is also recognized that any sector of the economy needs not only professionals in their specific activity but also other qualified professionals (middle and upper), in the areas of administrative support, marketing, distribution, etc...

Up to the mid-80s of the last century, the school was characterized by a largely rural population, keeping some continuity with the previous distinction between Grammar School and Industrial and Commercial School. Gradually, the social recognition of their specific courses and enhancement of the image of the school, have reversed the situation. To this change has also contributed the urban development of the surrounding area, including nearby parishes, namely, Santa Cruz/Trindade and Outeiro Seco, and the creation of a new Secondary School, which has received the majority of the students from countryside parishes. For all these reasons, today, our school population is predominantly urban.

2.3. Organizational Structure The organizational structure of the School is according to current legislation and is stated in the Internal Rules, synthesized in the organization chart below.


Educational Project

Organs of Administration and Management:

The Assembly is the body responsible for setting the guidelines for the activity of the School and for the participation and representation of the school community. It consists of 7 teachers, 2 nonteachers, 2 students, two representatives of parents and a representative of the City Council. The Chairman of the Executive Board and Chairman of the Pedagogical Council participate in the Assembly meetings, without voting rights.

The Executive Board is the organ of direction and management of the school in pedagogical, cultural, administrative and financial areas, consisting of a president, two vice-presidents and two teachers.

The Pedagogical Council is the organ of coordination and educational guidance of the school and is composed by 18 members, including non-teaching staff, parents and students.

The Administrative Board is the deliberative body on administrative and financial matters of the School.

Structures of educational guidance:

There are seven Curricular Departments: Languages, Social Sciences, Social-Economic Sciences, Mathematics, Physics / Chemistry and Nature Sciences, Technological and Visual Sciences and Physical Education and Sport, which integrate all school subjects and areas, as well as a teacher of Special Education, with the task of ensuring the curricular articulation, supporting the Pedagogical Council and the Executive Board and accomplishing pursue the remaining legal tasks.

Pedagogical Coordination:

For the tutoring of students and organizing, monitoring and evaluating the activities of the forms there are the Councils of Form and their Form Tutor. There are two structures for the Coordination of the Form Tutors, one for the 3rd level and one for the secondary. 7

Educational Project

Coordination of technological courses, professional training and education:

Their coordinators are appointed by the President of the Executive Board, after having heard the Pedagogical Council, preferably among those who teach the subjects of the technological training component and are supported in their duties by the Directors of Course / Form that they coordinate.

Specialized services of educational support:

They are designed to promote conditions which ensure the full integration of school pupils and should combine their activity with the structures of educational guidance. There are the Psychology and Guidance Services and Support Service for pupils with special needs.

Educational development projects:

For the development of various activities that are considered important in the development of our students, the school has a coordinator of the School Sports, a Coordinator for the Project of Education for Health; a coordinator of BE / CRE, a ICT Coordinator, a Coordinator for Security and Protection, a Secretariat of Examinations and Directors of Sports Facilities, Electricity, Mechanics, Biology and Physics / Chemistry.

The Parents / Carers participate in the life of the school through their representatives in the Association of Parents / EE, Assembly; Pedagogical Council; Form Council and the Assembly for the Election of the Executive Board. The Parents / Carers of a specific form can hold meetings with the Form Tutor.

Students have their rights and obligations enshrined in the law in the School Rules. Students participate in the organization of the School through the Form Delegate and Sub-delegate, Assembly of Delegates, Form Assembly, representatives of Secondary Education in the Elective Assembly, School Assembly and Pedagogical Council, and also, through the Students Association.


Educational Project

2.4. Human resources of the School Statistics School year



Administrative Offices

Auxiliaries of Education
















A-The Students 2007/2008 Number of Students 3rd Cycle


Education/Training Inst. Electrical


Regular Secondary Education


Professional Education




3rdCycle 2007/2008 7thYear






Education Training 2007/2008 Electrical Installations Level II


Secondary 2007/2008 Courses


Science and Technology


Social Science and Humanities


Technological Administrative Professional-Management-Technical/Maintenance-Ind./Elect.Inst.












Educational Project

In the academic year 2007/2008, 204 students, benefit from the Social School Support.

In basic education, distribution by sex is very balanced, although slightly higher the number of male students. In secondary education, the female with 54% is the dominant. If we restrict only to Technological and Professional courses, male is prevailing with 69%.

In basic education, 11% of the students have repeated at least a year along their educational background, and in the secondary, approximately 12%.

This school, whose population was once more rural, has now an essentially urban population. Most students take 15 minutes or less to get to school and only a reduced number takes about 30 minutes. It should be noted that 135 students of basic education and 110 from the secondary education use school transport.



7thyear 8thyear 9thyear 10thyear 11thyear 12thyear
































































On what concerns the level of education of Parents / Carers, we can see that in Elementary Education 14% only have the 1st level of elementary education, in some cases incomplete, and in Secondary Education 18% are in these conditions.


Educational Project

It appears that the Parents and Carers show short engagement with the school. The reasons given regarding to contacts with the DTs (Form Tutor) are: reduced availability and interest; incompatible schedules; lack of reasons which justify it.

Many Parents / Carers keep the idea that coming to school is associated with their children’s behaviour or learning problems, considering that in the absence of such problems, their presence in the educational establishment is not justified, which explains their high absenteeism in school life.

The reduced presence at meetings of Parents and Carers is related to the several factors: reduced ability to resolve the problems; lack of motivation on matters presented; lack of availability and spirit of partnership and distance to school.

C-Teachers 2007/2008

Professional status (QE) list of permanent teaching staff


(QZP) list of educational zone teaching staff




Academic Qualifications PhD








Ages Up to 25 years


26 to 35 years


36 to 45 years


46 to 55 years


56 to 65 years



Educational Project

The vast majority of teachers of the QND have worked in this establishment for ten or more consecutive years, while the number of teachers who teach here for the first time represents about 10% of the total. The number of teachers with teaching service time between 15 and 25 years is 40, and over 25 is 41. There is also a teacher of Special Education.

D-Administrative Offices 2007/2008

Ages 26 to 35 years


36 to 45 years


46 and 55 years


56 to 65 years


Academic Qualifications Graduate High school


3rd Level of Elementary Education


Professional status Permanent Non-Teaching Staff


Temporary Contract Provisions


E-Auxiliaries of Education 2007/2008

Ages 26 to 35 years


36 to 45 years


46 and 55 years


56 to 65 years



Educational Project

Academic Qualifications Secondary School


3rd Level of Elementary Education


2nd Level of Elementary Education


1st Level of Elementary Education


Professional status Permanent non-teaching staff


Individual Contract


Fixed-term contract




The list of non-teaching staff is a group of professionals with many years of service, since the vast majority has already served for more than 10 years.

The shortages of personnel are a constant concern of the organs of the School. It is above all a need felt by teachers, students, parents/carers, and even by the non-teaching staff who are faced with working hours, that in the lack of a better term, are defined as disconnected and irregular, a situation that is aggravated by sick leaves or forced absences due to major reasons.

2.5. Result of learning Rates of transition



7th year



8th year



9th year



10th year



11th year




2006/07 79% 87% 76% 65% 78%




















Educational Project Rates of conclusion

Rates of Enrolment in Higher Education

2004/05 12th year


CEF courses


Course Technology







2004/05 26%

2005/06 44%

2006/07 73%




2.6. Activities and projects The school develops activities and projects that look for the support of career guidance, learning and full training of students. Today we have the School Newspaper, School Sports, Library / CRE, National Plan for Reading, Action Plan for Mathematics, School Health, Tobacco-Free Schools, ICTs Plan, Safety / Civil Protection, School page-, ICTs in School; in addition there are other activities of short duration developed in the framework of the class project or of the Curricular Departments.

The school develops partnerships with several organizations, social and political structures representative of the community, with the aim of contributing to an increase of the extra- curricular activities organization, of the school network and other activities of interest to the school and to the development of students.

This way, there are partnerships or agreements with the City Council of Chaves, Employment Centre, Police, Health Centre No. 2, ACISAT and Ex-students’ Association, Professional Training Centre, Aquae Flaviae Group and several local businesses.

2.7. Support services, school facilities and equipment The school has been working for 47 years in a building with three floors, with 4 outdoor playing fields. It has 34 classrooms with non-specific characteristics. However, there are some specific rooms: 14

Educational Project

Laboratories of Electrotechnics and Electronics, Mechanics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Informatics;

Electricity, Carpentry and Mechanics workshops;

Specific rooms for Mathematics, Secretariat and Administration;

Sports facilities: gymnasium, outdoor multipurpose fields and tracks;

Space and support resources: School Library / CRE, Auditorium, mini-auditorium 3.2, Study Room, Office of the SPO, Laboratory of Photography, Multimedia room 2.3, Lounge to receive Parents /Carers, Repro and Stationery;

Specific facilities for teaching intermediate structures: room 2.2;

Spaces for Administration Services: Office of the Executive Board and Services of School Administration;

Places of conviviality: teachers' room, non-teaching staff room, students’ pavilion, bar, outdoor playgrounds, Students’ Association room.

There are still working on the premises of the School the Training Centre of the Association of the Schools of Chaves and Boticas and the support schools’ team.

The improvement of material resources is important in order to endow the School of essential tools for the development of an appropriate work and leading to success and well-being of the entire school community.


Educational Project

III. Educational proposal

The Secondary School Dr. Júlio Martins is a public school and, as such, it is an educational institution through which the education system according to the 1st Article of the Law on the Educational System, "gives the right to education, that is expressed by the guarantee of a permanent formative action guided by encouraging the overall development of personality, social progress and democratization of society ".

3.1. Principles and values Consistent with its high aspirations the Secondary School Dr. Júlio Martins assumes, as part of its action, to guide its Educational Project, by the following principles, which are considered essential:

1. Creating conditions that allow the development of a democratic and pluralistic spirit among the school community, as well as the existence of an environment of discipline, hard work, participation, involvement and welfare; 2. Contribution to the development of our students’ intellectual, ethical, physical and aesthetic abilities, taking into account their level of development and their cultural capital, binding them to the observance of internal rules of the law; 3. Ensuring equal opportunities for students with special educational needs; 4. Recognition of teachers as autonomous and responsible professionals, engaged in a constant improvement of their teaching practices, aiming at the success of their student; 5. Co-responsibility of parents and / or responsible for education in the educational success of their students; 6. Maintenance and improvement of the materials and physical structures of the school; 7. Integration of the school in an increasingly wider educational community; 8. Recognition of the non-teaching staff as professionals with relevant roles in the school community; 16

Educational Project 9. Awareness of environmental issues and healthy lifestyles; 10. Implementation of practices of individual, departmental and school self-assessment.

3.2. Objectives and Aims For the improvement of educational practices and school results, everyone should be mobilized to achieve the school goal: a full training of the student as a free person, democratic-minded, open to dialogue, creative, committed to his progressive transformation, conscious, independent, tolerant, solidary and socially involved.

1. The students must be aware of the need to have attitudes of effort, attention and discipline, to improve their participation (written / oral / graphic / motor)and strengthen at home the teaching of classes, because these individual contributions are essential to their success or school failure; 2. Increasing by 5% over a period of three years, the levels of educational success of students in various subjects, in the different years of schooling; 3. Increasing by 9%, over three years, the levels of educational success of students in various subjects, of the 10th year of schooling; 4. Maintaining and / or overcoming in the 9th form the average of the results of Portuguese Language and achieving and / or exceeding the national average in the Maths examination of the 3rd level of elementary education, in a period of 3 years; 5. Achieving and / or exceeding national averages in the exams in the national secondary education, within a period of 3 years; 6. Fighting the dropout of school of students aged between 12 and 15, alerting, where necessary, the competent authorities and reducing by 5% the school dropout in secondary education in a period of three years; 7. Improving by 10%, in 2010, the number of students in professional secondary education and ensuring a success rate of at least 80%;


Educational Project 8. Promoting diversified experiences of life, greater autonomy and socialization of students with special educational needs, increasing by 15% the educational success of students in elementary and secondary education by 2010; 9. Informing students of different methods of teaching / educational provision of school to ensure continuity of 90% of students enrolled in secondary school, in the 3rd level of elementary education; 10. Creating conditions so that, within 3 years, all planned classes may be actually taught; 11. Involving parents and / or cares in the educational process to ensure the contact of all those in charge of education in the school, at least once in each period; 12. Developing methods to support distance education through the use of the platform Moodle, included in the school site; 13. Extending the relations of cooperation with the world of work, to enable, on one hand, a better understanding of labour and business reality and, on the other hand an answer to their needs; 14. Encouraging the growth rates of participation of different sectors of the educational community in events whose purpose is to strengthen interpersonal relations of cordiality, mutual respect, tolerance and sociability; 15. Holding in all departments / groups in each period of two years, at least a share of 35 hours of training focused on specific teaching, taking into account the available supply; 16. Fostering the professional development of staff through the identification of training needs. 17. Giving all students an education for citizenship in their interpersonal, cultural aspects, respecting spaces and common property, as well as an effective sex education in its various dimensions; 18. Increasing by 10% the rates of use of new technologies provided by the School; 19. Increasing by 10% the number of home requests of different books in the Library / CRE; 20. Increasing by 10% the number of students who practise different modalities of Sports School; 21. Providing a canteen and a buffet according to the principles of healthy eating, increasing the number of users of the dining hall;


Educational Project 22. Optimizing the consumption of water and electricity, without affecting the quality and comfort of users and sending, at least two thirds of the unused paper, for recycling; 23. Promoting a culture of safety among all elements of the educational community, reducing the possibility of accidents; 24. Achieving a process of self-evaluation as a means to improve the school by fostering a culture of honest and open discussion among all members of the School Community.

3.3. Attitudes and strategies to achieve these objectives: 

Establishment of an Annual Plan of Activities, in accordance with the strategic objectives, the functional tasks of the organic unity and the human and financial resources available;

Planning, setting targets for learning and assessment procedures, taking into account the level of students, the requirements of the subject and even what was settled by the Form Council in drafting the Curricular Class Project as well as the provisions of law;

Diversification of methods and teaching techniques to enable a better adaptation to the contents and characteristics of students, particularly active methods, research and discovery, and also to develop attitudes of participation, cooperation and solidarity;

Analysis of the results of learning per subject, comparing the initial stage with the progress obtained;

Information to the students and the students’ carer about the general / specific evaluation criteria and the objectives to be achieved in each subject, in each year and each course of studies, and the number of classes planned;

Information to the parents, according to the deadlines set out in the Internal Rules, of their students’ attendance;

Exercise of an effective supervision and discipline in school and in the classroom that is the reflection of the seriousness of the objectives and importance of school work;

Creation of a student's file, whose responsibility belongs to the Form Tutor, with as much individualized information as possible, allowing an adequate knowledge of the students in a particular level of intellectual, affective and psychomotor development, and their sociocultural background; 19

Educational Project 

Carrying out evaluations of diagnosis in each class in order to meet the initial state of learning of the students;

Preparation of recovery plans appropriate for students with learning difficulties, developing mechanisms to re-teach the subject to students who still fail to dominate it;

Training assessments to get feed-back on learning;

Enabling the students to self-assess his performance and progress;

Keeping terms of correction and delivery of works and evaluation tests;

Not to overcharge students with homework and, when necessary, take into account the weekly working hours for students;

Development of efforts and promotion of meetings that enable collaboration with the School of Technicians, specialists and other figures representing the Community Education;

Diffusion of teaching materials with quality for the different levels of education (observation and evaluation scales, work-sheets, evaluation tests, educational texts, games ...);

Application, in the different forms of the same year, of tests organized in the disciplinary group and of the intermediate tests of the ME;

Promotion and development of reading habits through BE / CRE team;

Priority of organizing forms schedules in the beginning of the school year;

Development and implementation of specific guidelines, both educational and organizational in nature, in what concerns students with SEN;

Setting each class in a room and each student in a place, if not on a permanent basis, at least over the largest possible number of days per week;

Distribution of the teachers’ schedules in order to ensure the continuity of teaching the same classes in each cycle, except if any obvious incompatibility or impossibilities are noticed;

Ensuring the continuity of Form Tutors over the same course of study, except for cases of obvious and potential conflict or impossibility;

Implementation of interim Form meetings, particularly in the 1st term, at the beginning of November, and in the 2nd term at the time of Carnival, in order to promote effective interdisciplinary and define strategies depending on the development of learning;


Educational Project 

Clarification of the educational character of all curricular or extra-curricular activities incorporating its achievement in the process of teaching / learning objectives and not as occasional activities;

Valuation of non-disciplinary curriculum areas in order to be a space for the development of interdisciplinary, training, and implementation of projects particularly in the area education for health;

Development of the School Sport integrating the largest possible number of students and making its formative virtues prevail on the possible competitive temptations;

Support the creation and development of leisure clubs, valuing the educational function of different extra curricular activities;

Creation of the figure of "personal tutor" to follow students with learning difficulties and with SEN;

Promotion, in addition to the mechanisms of participation in the different organs, of spaces for dialogue, particularly through the holding of regular meetings of Teachers, of Staff, of Form Delegates and of Parents / Carers;

Promotion of partnerships with the Parents / Carers increasing their co-responsibility, valuing their knowledge and experience and involving them in the literacy processes and educational tasks in general;

Promoting an efficient flow of information, organizing and increasing the existing facilities and developing others, including a school magazine printed and digital, website, digital platform, exhibitions, dissemination of news in the local media;

Support the work of the Students’ Association;

Creation of a box for collecting suggestions, criticisms and congratulations in order to know the teachers, students, parents or carers and non-teaching staff’s opinions;

Development of a network of services to be used by all the school community;

Cooperation with the Coordinator of ICT and with other responsible for the fields of new technologies in the development of an intelligent online and digital citizenship in the school population;

Guarantee of the improvement of educational equipment of classrooms, both in quantity and quality keeping it operational; 21

Educational Project 

Affirmation of an environment and a quality service in the canteen as well as in the students, teachers and other staff’s

cafeteria with a different range of available products offering a

consistent healthy diet; 

Ensuring the best conditions for the access to the school in terms of comfort and safety, particularly for students with SEN;

Prevention of all kinds of situations that pose a risk to hygiene, health and safety of the school community;

Implementation of protocols to improve and / or build sports facilities, workshops or others in exchange for their use, outside the school time, by entities not belonging to the school;

Development of collaboration with former students, through their association, bearing in mind that they represent the clearest manifestation of the importance of school and are an important part of their connection to the environment;

Achievement on May 2nd of the event "School Day" commemorating its creation in 1919;

Promotion of a greater number of opportunities for relationships and coexistence between the school community, mainly through the use of the cafeteria, participation in sports and recreational activities, meetings related to special dates or other holidays (Christmas, beginning of school year, graduates’ party) etc;

Implementation of protocols with local companies in order to place the trainees of the educational training courses and professional courses;

Development of practices for evaluating quality that check the standard of proficiency of training offered, their adaptation to the public and the community needs and that allow to introduce on time corrections and updates;

Teachers training in the field of working in partnership with businesses and other institutions in order to meet the needs of the school;

Held in each school year, a wide-ranging debate on the published legislation and structuring documents of the School in educational and organizational terms, in order to make its assessment and make any corrections;

A survey of needs and drawing up a plan for the Teacher's Training School, in collaboration with the Training Centre that the school belongs to, improving the practices in the classroom; 22

Educational Project 

Dissemination of good practices in the field of key skills / knowledge held in the school or related with it;

Availability of training for employees contributing to solve detected problems;

Creation of a working group to make clear the results / data in search of patterns and weaknesses leading to an effective self-evaluation of the school, using the CAF (Common structure of evaluation);

Development of practices for evaluating the school using the model PAVE (Profile of the school self-evaluation);

Formation of a working team to organize and manage the process of application of the autonomy of the school.

IV Assessment

The evaluation of the Educational Project will be coordinated by the Executive Board which will prepare interim and final reports that after the favourable assent of the Pedagogic Council will be submitted to the approval of the Assembly.

The monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Educational Project is therefore a responsibility of the community through its Assembly, where it is represented, but it should still be understood that each board or school structure is particularly responsible for monitoring the areas / activities that concern them.

To give effect to the above, the Coordinator of each one of the nucleus of the curricular and extracurricular activities developed during the school year, must prepare an annual report outlining the developed activities, their frequency and attendance of participants involved; degree of appropriateness related to the Educational Project objectives; satisfaction of the recipients as well as and the degree of achievement of those objectives, including suggestions for the next stage of development of the Educational Project.


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