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Problem 2

流程圖 開始 編碼(轉換成二元)

[初始化] 產生初始母體 計算合適度(Evaluate fitness)



否 選擇 Selection

交配 Crossover

突變 Mutation

說明 Selection 1. Change the selection mechanism twice  Roulette wheel selection  Tournament selection Crossover 2. Change the type of crossover operator twice  Single point crossover  2-point crossover 3. Change the crossover probability twice  0.9  0.7 (後續表格中亦比較了其他數值) Mutation 4. Change the type of mutation operator twice  Bit flip  Displacement 5. Change the mutation probability twice  0.1  0.2 (後續表格中亦比較了其他數值) 6.



Change the population size three times  30  50  20 (後續表格中亦比較了其他數值) Change the population maintenance mechanism twice  Enlarged sampling space → Stochastic sampling [roulette wheel selection]  Enlarged sampling space → Mixed sampling [tournament selection] Change the stopping criterion three times (generation size)  50  70  100

- programming language: C++ - Output Size: 1.88127613067627 MiB - Compilation Time: 2.86s

程式說明(僅截取重點部分,完整程式碼如附錄) 選擇 0 和 1 以選擇使用模式 --------------------------------------------------------------------------#define ROULETTE_SELECTION 0 /* 1 = 輪盤法, 0 = 競爭法 */ #define TWOPOINT 1 /* 1 = 2-point, 0 = single point */ #define FLIP 1 /* 1 = bit flip, 0 = displacement */ #define ROULETTE 0 /* 1 = 輪盤法, 0 = 競爭法 */ 產生母體 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

/* 利用 ceil 無條件進位, 求得 bits 的個數 */

int bits = ceil(log(9 * (int)pow(10, prec)) / log(2));

/* 隨機選定母體數量之(x,y)座標, 為 9 乘 (10 的 prec 次方) */

for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++) { x[i] = rand() % (9 * (int)pow(10, prec)); y[i] = rand() % (9 * (int)pow(10, prec)); cout << x[i] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5 << ", " << y[i] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5 << " f(x,y) = " << f(x[i] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, y[i] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5) << '\n'; }

Selection 使用輪盤法 --------------------------------------------------------------------------#if defined ROULETTE_SELECTION double randomProbA = (rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX + 1u)); double randomProbB = (rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX + 1u)); int parentA = -1, parentB = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++) { parentA = ((randomProbA < probIntervalEndpoint[i]) && (parentA == -1)) ? i : parentA; parentB = ((randomProbB < probIntervalEndpoint[i]) && (parentB == -1)) ? i : parentB; } #else Selection 使用競爭法 --------------------------------------------------------------------------bool selectParent[ps] = {}; int parent[2] = {}; for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) { double comp; int competitor1, competitor2; double f1, f2;

/* randomly pick 2 strings, compare their fitness */ /* loser may return to the population for next tournament */ do { comp = rand() % ps; } while (selectParent[comp])

competitor1 = comp; do { comp = rand() % ps; } while (selectParent[comp]) competitor2 = comp; f1 = f(x[competitor1] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, y[competitor1] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5); f2 = f(x[competitor2] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, y[competitor2] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5); selectParent[competitor1] = (f1< f2)?true:keep[competitor1]; selectParent[competitor2] = (f1< f2)?keep[competitor2]:true; parent[c] = (f1 < f2) ? competitor1 : competitor2; } parentA = parent[0]; parentB = parent[1]; #endif Crossover 使用single point --------------------------------------------------------------------------bitset<24> bitStringAx(x[parentA]); bitset<24> bitStringBx(x[parentB]); bitset<24> bitStringAy(y[parentA]); bitset<24> bitStringBy(y[parentB]); if (((rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX + 1u)) < pc) && (parentA != parentB)) /* 符合機率時, 會替換; 不在機率範圍內時, 不換; 父母若一樣不換*/ { int posXLeft, posXRight, posYLeft, posYRight; int posX = rand() % (bits - 1);

/* 選擇斷點 會有 bits-1 個區間的可以切 */

int posY = rand() % (bits - 1);

Crossover 使用2-point --------------------------------------------------------------------------#if defined TWOPOINT int posX2 = rand() % (bits - 1); int posY2 = rand() % (bits - 1); #endif bitset<24> bitStringMask(0); bitset<24> bitStringTemp(0); #if defined TWOPOINT posXLeft = (posX > posX2) ? posX : posX2; posXRight = (posX > posX2) ? posX2 : posX; posYLeft = (posY > posY2) ? posY : posY2; posYRight = (posY > posY2) ? posY2 : posY; #else

/* 單點 */


posXLeft = posX; posXRight = 0; posYLeft = posY; posYRight = 0;

for (size_t b = posXRight; b <= posXLeft; b++) { bitStringMask.set(b); }

/* opp: 複製一個 mask */

bitset<24> bitStringMaskOpp(bitStringMask);

/* 令 opp 反過來, 0 變 1, 1 變 0 */ bitStringMaskOpp.flip();

/* 利用 and 替換 */

bitStringTemp = bitStringMask & bitStringAx;

/* 保留A前半部 和 保留B後半部, 再用 or 合併 */

bitStringAx = (bitStringMaskOpp & bitStringAx) | (bitStringMask & bitStringBx); bitStringBx = (bitStringMaskOpp & bitStringBx) | bitStringTemp;

/* mask 歸零 */

bitStringMask.reset(); for (size_t b = posYRight; b <= posYLeft; b++) { bitStringMask.set(b); } bitStringMaskOpp = bitStringMask; bitStringMaskOpp.flip(); bitStringTemp = bitStringMask & bitStringAy; bitStringAy = (bitStringMaskOpp & bitStringAy) | (bitStringMask & bitStringBy); bitStringBy = (bitStringMaskOpp & bitStringBy) | bitStringTemp; } Mutation 使用bit inversion或displacement -------------------------------------------------------------------------if ((rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX + 1u)) < pm) { #if defined FLIP

/* mutation - bit inversion */


bitStringAx.flip(rand() % (bits - 1)); bitStringBx.flip(rand() % (bits - 1)); bitStringAy.flip(rand() % (bits - 1)); bitStringBy.flip(rand() % (bits - 1));

/* mutation - displacement */

int posX = rand() % (bits - 1); int posX2 = rand() % (bits - 1); int posY = rand() % (bits - 1); int posY2 = rand() % (bits - 1); bool temp; /* 暫存 0,1 */ temp = bitStringAx[posX2]; bitStringAx[posX2] = bitStringAx[posX]; bitStringAx[posX] = temp; temp = bitStringBx[posX2]; bitStringBx[posX2] = bitStringBx[posX]; bitStringBx[posX] = temp; temp = bitStringAy[posY2]; bitStringAy[posY2] = bitStringAy[posY];


bitStringAy[posY] = temp; temp = bitStringBx[posY2]; bitStringBy[posY2] = bitStringBy[posY]; bitStringBy[posY] = temp; }

暫存下一代 -------------------------------------------------------------------------xChild[p*2] = bitStringAx.to_ulong(); yChild[p*2] = bitStringAy.to_ulong(); xChild[p*2 + 1] = bitStringBx.to_ulong(); yChild[p*2 + 1] = bitStringBy.to_ulong(); cout << xChild[p*2] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5 << ", " << yChild[p*2] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5 << " f(x,y) = " << f(xChild[p*2] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, yChild[p*2] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5) << '\n'; cout << xChild[p*2 + 1] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5 << ", " << yChild[p*2 + 1] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5 << " f(x,y) = " << f(xChild[p*2 + 1] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, yChild[p*2 + 1] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5) << '\n'; } replace parents with children – 輪盤法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------#if defined ROULETTE total = 0;

/* sum of population fitness 欲求 max */

for (int p = 0; p < ps; p++) { probMaintain[p] = 0; keep[p] = false; total=total+ 1 / f(x[p] /pow(10, prec)-4.5, y[p]/pow(10, prec)-4.5); } for (int p = 0; p < ps; p++) { probMaintain[p + ps] = 0; keep[p + ps] = false; total = total + 1 / f(xChild[p] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, yChild[p] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5); }

/* prob of selection for string */

for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++) { probMaintain[i] = (1 / f(x[i] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, y[i] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5)) / total; probIntervalEndpointMaintain[i] = (i == 0) ? probMaintain[i] : (probIntervalEndpointMaintain[i-1] + probMaintain[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++) { probMaintain[i + ps] = (1 / f(xChild[i] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, yChild[i] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5)) / total;

probIntervalEndpointMaintain[i + ps] = probIntervalEndpointMaintain[i-1+ps] + probMaintain[i+ps]; } for (int i = 0; i < ps; ) { int index; double r = rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX + 1u); for (index = 0; index < 2*ps; index++) { if (r < probIntervalEndpointMaintain[index]) { break; } } if (keep[index] == false) { i++; keep[index] = true; } } #else replace parents with children – 競爭法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------for (int k = 0; k < 2*ps; k++) { keep[k] = false; } for (int c = 0; c < ps; c++) { double comp; int competitorA, competitorB; double fA, fB; do { comp = rand() % (ps * 2); } while (keep[comp]) competitorA = comp; do { comp = rand() % (ps * 2); } while (keep[comp]) competitorB = comp; fA = (competitorA < ps) ? f(x[competitorA] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, y[competitorA] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5) : f(xChild[competitorA - ps] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, yChild[competitorA - ps] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5); fB = (competitorB < ps) ? f(x[competitorB] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, y[competitorB] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5) : f(xChild[competitorB - ps] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5, yChild[competitorB - ps] / pow(10, prec) - 4.5); keep[competitorA] = (fA < fB) ? true : keep[competitorA]; keep[competitorB] = (fA < fB) ? keep[competitorB] : true; } #endif

初始設定如下表所示,這張表為此次 GA 演算法,較佳的參數設定方法,並且在 後續的實驗中會以此張表格為基礎進行實驗。 表一、初始參數設定 Selection Roulette wheel Single point Crossover Probability = 0.9 Bit flip Mutation Probability =0.1 population size=30 population maintenance mechanism [roulette wheel selection] generation size=50 表二、初始參數實驗所得之結果 (x,y) 第一次 (2.70155, 0.40471) 第二次 (3.36469, 0.57883)

f(x,y) 0.0223028

Generation(g) 47




49 (3.37681, 0.57178) 0.0179724 表二為使用表一所設定之參數進行實驗三次,並求得最佳解。 依照表一所給定之條件,並隨機給定母體,當 generation 疊代接近 50 次時, 可得到較優的解。另一方面,將表一之參數進行修正,仍有機會得更優良的解。 以下實驗,僅改變欲實驗之項目條件,來比較當相同條件下該參數所設不同參數, 對解果有何影響。

壹、若給定相同母體,比較 roulette wheel selection 和 tournament selection (其他條件皆相同) 註:使用相同母體以利比較,故先註解“srand(time(0));” 表三、比較 roulette wheel selection 和 tournament selection 及其結果 Selection Single point Crossover Probability = 0.9 Bit flip Mutation Probability =0.1 population size=30 population maintenance mechanism [roulette wheel selection] generation size=50 selection roulette wheel tournament

(x,y) (3.34868, 0.58065) (3.34876, 0.58064)

f(x,y) 0.0147245 0.0147195

Generation 50 49

由此可知,不管是哪個 selection 方法,都在接近最大 generation(50)才求 得最佳解,且使用 roulette wheel 或 tournament 並沒有影響太多。

貳、若給定相同母體,比較 crossover 之 single point 和 2-point (其他條件皆相同) 表四、比較 crossover 之 single point 和 2-point,及其結果 Selection Roulette wheel Crossover

Probability = 0.9 Bit flip Probability =0.1


population size=30 population maintenance mechanism [roulette wheel selection] generation size=50 crossover single point 2-point

(x,y) (3.34868, 0.58065) (3.34844, 0.58064)

f(x,y) 0.0147245 0.014723

Generation 50 40

在相同母體情況下,其他條件不變的情況下,single point 和 2-point 的所求得 之結果沒有太大的差異,唯一稍微有所不同的是 2-point 在 generation=40 時 就找到最佳解了。

參、若給定相同母體,比較 crossover 之 probability (其他條件皆相同) 表五、比較 crossover 之 probability 三個設定,及其結果 Selection Roulette wheel single point Crossover Probability = Bit flip Mutation Probability =0.1 population size=30 population maintenance mechanism [roulette wheel selection] generation size=50 crossover Probability=0.9 Probability=0.7 Probability=0.3

(x,y) (3.34868, 0.58065) (2.21084, 0.08112) (2.11772, 0.08154)

f(x,y) 0.0147245 0.457881 0.477982

Generation 50 48 34

由表格可知,在相同母體相同條件下,改變 crossover probability,差異頗大, crossover probability=0.9 時得到的最佳解比 crossover probability=0.7 和 crossover probability=0.3 更接近。故 crossover probability 越高越容易得到 較優良的解。 肆、若給定相同母體,比較 Mutation 使用 Bit flip 和 Displacement (其他條件皆相同) 表格六、比較 Mutation 使用 Bit flip 和 Displacement,及其結果 Selection Roulette wheel single point Crossover Probability = 0.9 Mutation

Probability =0.1

population size=30 population maintenance mechanism [roulette wheel selection] generation size=50 Mutation (x,y) f(x,y) Generation Bit flip (3.34868, 0.58065) 0.0147245 50 Displacement (2.21084, 0.08112) 0.457881 48 由表格可知,Mutation 使用 Bit flip 所得到的結果 0.014,遠比 Displacement 所得到之結果 0.457 來的好。

伍、若給定相同母體,比較 Mutation 之 probability (其他條件皆相同) 表七、比較 Mutation 之不同的 probability,及其結果 Selection Roulette wheel single point Crossover Probability = 0.9 Bit flip Mutation Probability = population size=30 population maintenance mechanism [roulette wheel selection] generation size=50 Mutation (x,y) f(x,y) Generation Probability =0.1 (3.34868, 0.58065) 0.0147245 50 Probability =0.2 (2.20204, 0.07378) 0.474377 50 Probability =0.3 (2.21892, 0.08528) 0.448822 48 Probability =0.5 (4.74049, 0.72626) 0.130774 48 Probability =0.7 (4.68168, 0.73371) 0.115084 45 Probability =0.9 (2.9851, 0.49621) 3.62482e-05 44

當 Mutation 的 Probability 越接近 0 或 1 時,都能得到較好的解,Mutation 的機率越大代表變動越大,因為該問題是在有限空間當中,不同於路徑規劃問題, 因此推測當 Probability 接近 1 時,在很高的突變機率情況下,造成求解過程變 動相當大,因次更有利於探索整個解的空間,Probability 越接近 0 解越好,再 基因演算法中,則是一個必然的結果。 陸、若給定相同母體,比較 population size (其他條件皆相同) 表八、比較 population size,及其結果 Selection Roulette wheel single point Crossover Probability = 0.9 Bit flip Mutation Probability =0.1 population size= population maintenance mechanism [roulette wheel selection] generation size=50 population size 5 10 30 50 100 200 350 500




(0.23346, -1.86824) (3.3284, 0.58644) (3.34868, 0.58065) (4.67724, 0.73434) (2.23102, 0.07634) (3.03797, 0.50733) (2.99945, 0.49987) (3.00001, 0.5)

9.46182 0.0206779 0.0147245 0.115327 0.471415 0.000312257 4.93958e-08 1.57812e-10

31 50 50 48 44 48 23 8

population size 越大表示協助搜尋解的 Parent 數量越多,不論在何種演算法搜 尋解的群體越大,越能找尋到更好的解,在本次 GA 演算法中很明顯的可以看到 當 population size=500 時得到負 10 次方的解(1.57812e-10),且只經過 8 代 就找到解

柒、若給定相同母體,比較 population maintenance mechanism (其他條件皆相同) 表九、比較 population maintenance mechanism,及其結果 Selection Roulette wheel single point Crossover Probability = 0.9 Bit flip Mutation Probability =0.1 population size=30 population maintenance mechanism generation size=50 population maintenance (x,y) f(x,y) Generation mechanism roulette wheel (3.34868, 0.58065) 0.0147245 50 tournament (3.34876, 0.58064) 0.0147195 49 不論是用 roulette wheel 或是 tournament,來進行 parent 的選擇,其結果都 沒有明顯的差異,但是 tournament 比 roulette wheel 少一次疊代就找到最佳 解且結果相對好一點。競爭法基本上不同於 roulette wheel 會有機率將較劣的 parent 留下,因此雖然不明顯但是 tournament 是相對較好的方法。 捌、若給定相同母體,比較 generation size (其他條件皆相同) 表十、比較 generation size,及其結果 Selection Roulette wheel single point Crossover Probability = 0.9 Bit flip Mutation Probability =0.1 population size=30 population maintenance mechanism [roulette wheel selection] generation size= generation size 5 10 50 100 200 500

(x,y) (3.00028, 0.58578) (3.00044, 0.58578) (3.34868, 0.58065) (3.3482, 0.58088) (3.34693, 0.57952) (3.3474, 0.57955)

f(x,y) 0.196021 0.19587 0.0147245 0.0148291 0.0142989 0.0143095

Generation 3 8 50 88 176 484

因為是在有限解中找答案,因此當疊代達 50 次找到較佳的解後,後續即使疊代 至 500 次仍沒有得到明顯更優的解。

與其他演算法比較 演算法 最佳解



PSO Global best Neighborhood

GA 1.57812e-10

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