Platinum Plus Fund Ii- Last Date29 Dec2008

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  • Pages: 16

8th September 2008

Confidential Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008

Roadmap Rationale for investing g in Platinum Plus Fund II

Platinum Plus Fund II – Key Features

Platinum Plus Fund I – Positioning & Performance

Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Roadmap Rationale for investing g in Platinum Plus Fund II

Platinum Plus Fund II – Key Features

Platinum Plus Fund I – Positioning & Performance

Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Sensex : Current Equity Market Scenario B A

Notional Loss

C Actual Loss

Investment Point

Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008



Analyzing policyholder’s viewpoint... Key Concern as a policyholder: My capital should not get eroded Key Expectation: I wish I could time the market Assuming you have entered the market at A: Happiest Scenario: Exiting the market at B (maximum returns) However, y you are still happy your capital)) y by y exiting g at C ((saved y Unhappy Scenario: Still invested in the market at D

I Imagine i if after ft investing i ti att A & being b i still till invested, i t d Your capital* is protected …& icing on the cake.. Your returns are locked-in at B, with potential of further upside!!!!! * Invested Amount Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Why should you invest in Platinum Plus Fund II If the equity markets rises….. ……..your your unit value rises BUT If the equity markets falls….. ….Platinum Platinum Plus is designed to ensure that you get your investment amount/Guaranteed Maturity Unit Price

When market goes up……….you are happy When market goes down….you still remain happy!!!! Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Roadmap Rationale for investing g in Platinum Plus Fund II

Platinum Plus Fund II – Key Features

Platinum Plus Fund I – Positioning & Performance

Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Getting to know the Fund Investment Philosophy To build a sound Investment Portfolio within the external and internal guidelines, to ensure Li idit while Liquidity, hil maximizing i i i policyholders’ li h ld ’ wealth lth att an optimal ti l level l l off Risk Ri k consistently i t tl on a Long term basis

Investment Objective To optimize the participation in an actively managed well diversified equity portfolio of fundamentally strong blue chip companies while using debt instruments & derivatives to lock-in capital appreciations

I Investment t t Strategy St t Â

An optimum mix of equities & fixed income instruments, with up to 100% exposure in both equities & fixed income assets & up to 40% in Money Market Instruments (MMI)


At iinception, ti 80% 80%-100% 100% off investible i tibl amountt to t be b invested i t d in i equities iti with ith d dynamic i rebalancing of asset allocation thereafter


Utmost thrust to be laid on building a good quality portfolio


Th ffund The d would ld b be managed d within ithi iinternal t l & regulatory l t guidelines id li

Fund Management Charges : 1.50% pa Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Committed Asset Allocation


Committed Allocation: 0-100% I Investment t t in i value l & growth th driven di ffundamentally d t ll strong t bl bluechip companies

Fixed Income

Committed Allocation: 0-100% Investment in Government Securities, high rated Corporate Bonds & Derivatives (Derivatives for hedging purposes only and as approved by the IRDA)

Committed Allocation: 0-40% Investment in good quality liquid instruments


Asset Allocation will be dynamically managed Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Investment Strategy Robust Asset Quality Seamless & Effective Execution

Liquidity of the Assets

Key Focus Areas Dynamic & Disciplined Asset Allocation

Strict adherence to internal & regulatory guidelines

Strong Support from an experienced parent, Sun Life Financials

Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


How does Platinum Plus Fund II Work In times of Bullish Equity Markets : Similar to other pure equity funds  Upto 100% equity participation  Strategy would revolve around actively managing a well-diversified equity portfolio

of value & growth driven fundamentally strong blue-chip companies Â

Research-based investment approach with focus on asset quality across funds

 The focus will be on maximizing policyholders wealth over a long term horizon

In times of excessive market volatility : Provides Guaranteed Maturity Unit Price  Dynamic Rebalancing of asset allocations to ensure optimum returns ¾

In adverse market scenario, it would protect policyholders interest by assuming the characteristics of a Fixed Income fund

 Would allow policyholders to enjoys the best of both the worlds ¾

Participation in equity (capturing growth & capital appreciation opportunity provided by p y strong g Indian economy y & corporate p sector)) & investment in debt (providing capital protection & regular income)

 Would offer a much better risk-reward ratio compared to pure equity funds Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Roadmap Rationale for investing g in Platinum Plus Fund II

Platinum Plus Fund II – Key Features

Platinum Plus Fund I – Positioning & Performance

Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Platinum Plus Fund I as on 8th Sep 2008 Asset Under Management: Rs 279.9 cr

Equity Exposure as on 8th Sep 2008: 89.2%

NAV as on 8th Sep S 2008 2008: 9 9.706 706

Guaranteed Maturity Unit Value: 11.0942 Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Guaranteed returns in volatile market Loss suffered by investing in the index Notional loss escaped by investing in Platinum Plus Fund I

Despite fall in markets, policyholders continue to enjoy guaranteed maturity value of 11.0942


Despite providing guaranteed maturity unit value to its policyholders, the fund has maintained higher equity exposure (~90%) & has performed in line with Nifty 50


Policyholders will continue to enjoy the upside while the downside is protected by the guarantee

Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Di l i Disclaimer

The premium paid in Unit Linked Life Insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with ith capital it l markets k t and d the th NAVs NAV off the th units it may go up or down d b based d on the th performance f off the th fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for his or her decision. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Birla Sun Life is only the name of the Insurance Company, Company BSLI Platinum Plus Fund I is only name of the unit linked life insurance fund and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation

For more details on risk factors, terms and

conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding the sale. sale

Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


Thank You

Copyright Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited 2008


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