Planeacion - World Trade Organizations And Agreements.docx

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  • Words: 939
  • Pages: 4

As group report on their research, use this table to record the information.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

European Union ( EU)

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Years of operation

Main goals or Issues

Agriculture connection

twenty-three years of operation

Make positive efforts so that developing countries, and especially the least developed ones, benefit from part of international trade. The values of the Union are respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Promote innovation in the local economy and the development of employment

the products of the extractive industries, the products of the automotive industry, chemicals, textiles and clothing or iron and steel

sixty-one year of operation

Fifty seven years of operation

Interesting information related to agriculture WTO Members continue to hold negotiations aimed at reforming agricultural trade.

Countries Involved

The countries involved are Algeria Azerbaijan Bahama etc.

secondary economic activities and tertiary

The agricultural policy of the EU has evolved considerably in recent decades to help farmers to face new challenges and adapt to the evolution of citizens' attitudes.

The countries involved are Germany Austria Belgium

International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables. Policy Framework for Investment in Agriculture in Burkina Faso

It is a unique forum where the governments of 30 democratic economies work together to face economic challenges.

The countries involved are Portugal Burkina Faso Iceland, etc.

across the globe General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

Reciprocal Trade Agreements (ACT)

Seventy-one the objective years of is to more operation open, stable and transparent world-wide commercial promote a ordering

connection with products such as raw materials finished or industrialized products.

84 year old of operation

primary sector: agriculture

Among its main objectives is the reduction of tariffs and the Nondiscrimination between Nations. facilitate trade between its parties, but without creating trade barriers with respect to third parties

WTO Agriculture Agreements (1986-94)

23 year old of operation

create an equitable and marketoriented

The expansion of trade facilitates a more complete and efficient use of world resources that results in higher levels of employment, income and welfare of humanity.

Secondary sector: industry tertiary sector: The most important activities in this sector are banking, insurance, education, entertainment, research, transport, tourism and trade

in world trade, agriculture is still ahead of other products

The WTO Agreement on Agriculture establishes a

The countries involved are Colombia Spain Germany etc.

The countries involved are Australia, Bélgica, Birmania, Brasil, Canadá, Ceilán, Chile, China, Cuba, Estados Unidos de América, México, Francia, India, Líbano, Luxemburgo, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Países Bajos, Pakistán, el Reino Unido, República Checa, Rhodesia del Sur, Siria y Sudáfrica. The countries involved are Argentina Australia

North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

24 years of operation

Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)

14 years of operation

agricultural trade and initiate a process of reform through the negotiation of commitment to support and protection through the establishment of reinforced and more effective rules from the operational and disciplinary point of view Eliminate obstacles to trade and facilitate the trilateral movement of goods and services between the territories of the parties.

such as extractive industry, automotive products, chemicals, textiles and clothing or iron and steel

framework for the long-term reform of trade in agricultural products and national policies in that area, in order to achieve more fair competition and less distortions in the sector.

Brasil Canadá Colombia Costa rica Unión europea Ex república yugoslava de macedonia Islandia Israel Japón Jordania Corea México U.S.A Etc.

Agriculture, capital investment, industry, textiles, intellectual property.

Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Encourage the expansion and diversification of trade in the

Investment of public and private capital, intellectual property,

The Secretaries of Agriculture of the United States, Canada and Mexico pledged to keep the markets "open and transparent," officials from the three nations said the treaty that went into effect in 1994 has been "very beneficial" for the agricultural sectors and the consumers of the three countries The main threat of the treaty in the agricultural chapter is that: it obliges the

Costa Rica, El Salvador, United States, Dominican Republic,

Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)

years of operation twenty-four

Gross Domestic Product

commonly one year

region, eliminate barriers to trade and facilitate the cross-border movement of goods and services. Promote prosperity through the growing economic integration and free trade among the countries of the hemisphere. Establish a free trade area in which barriers to trade in goods and services and investment will be progressively eliminated.

measure the flows and operations that take place in a country's economy

agriculture, trade in goods and services, public procurement of goods and services.

Central American countries to eliminate all tariffs - with minimal exceptions.

Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua

According to the bland presentation text of this group, its main mission is to reduce and, over time, equalize all the tariff rates of the countries that will make up this economic bloc. The rules to follow would be those of the Agricultural Agreement (AA) negotiated in the World Trade Organization (WTO). manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, mines and quarries, tax on products and imports, etc.

The bulk of the gross geographic product (GGP) of the different provinces and / or regions of Argentina is made up of agricultural primary products, by the MOA, by the MOI and by energy and fuels.

Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, etc

is a term used in macroeconomics to call an aggregate measure of the monetary value of the final production of goods and services of a country

the vast majority of countries are involved

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