Plan Implementation Learning

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  • Pages: 10
Plan Implementation Learning Senior high school : Subject : English Class/ semester : XII (twelve)/ 2 Standard competence : to express meaning in the text of transactional and interpersonal in formal conversation and continue (sustained) in the context of daily life. Basic competence : to express meaning in the transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (society) for conversation and continue with using kind of spoken language in accurate, fluent and acceptable in the context of daily life and involve action speech: persuade, incentive, criticizing, hoping and prevent. Text Skill Time allocation

: Transactional and interpersonal: Criticizing : Speaking : 2 x 45 minute (1x meeting)

1. Learning Objective In the end of learning students can: 1. Identify language unsure in the criticizing dialogue 2. Identify meaning in the criticizing dialogue 3. Answer written question about criticizing 4. Perform a conversation about criticizing 2. Material of Learning .a text transactional and interpersonal : criticizing .b quantity Criticizing ● I don’t think that was a good idea ● It’s not a good thing to do ● It could have been better ● I will not do that if I were you ● It’s a big mistake 3. Method/ technique Three phases (Pre-activity, Whilst-activity, Post-activity) Three Ps: Presentation - Practice – Production Role play/ demonstration Drill

4. The step of learning 1 meeting a. Start activity 1. Prays and Greetings 2. Teacher tell the purpose of the study 3. Ask and answer anything about criticizing 4. Delivery of material and activity explanation b. The core activities Exploration - Sharing experience about criticizing Listen to the dialogue about students criticizing Elaboration - Discuss language that interrelated with Persuade and Incentive dialogue - Discuss the lexis interrelated with criticizing Confirmation - Train to say unsure language - Complete the dialogue - Identification unsure language in the dialogue - Identification all word that teacher said c. End activities - Summarize the material with students - Identify what students problems and give feedback - Give student task to use it in real activity - Greeting 5. Source of learning - Text books: Contextual ENGLISH LEARNING For the SMA/MA Grade XII, page 113-114 Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High School Students year XII, page 45 - Hand out 6. Basic structure task Students make dialogue about criticizing Example: Criticizing friend 7. Scoring Technique : Written test and Show up Type : True or False

Fill the blank Role Play


Penilaian Teknik Bentuk

1. answer the question with Writte written n test

2. answer the about criticizing

Writte question n test

Show 3. perform conversation up about criticizing

Contoh Instrumen True or Read the False dialogue and decide the statement is true or false Fill in the Read and blank complete the dialogue Perform the Role play dialogue in front of the class

c. score instrument I. Read the dialogue and decide the statement is true or false! Riana : Sinta : Riana : Sinta :

I think , I will not come to WInda’s party tommorow It’s a big mistake, if you not come I will very sad I have many home work and I must finish it I believe you can finish it, and you will come to Winda’s

party Riana : I don’t think so Sinta : Come on, you can do it. My young sister will happy if you come Riana : I know that, I will try… I am very happy to see her smile, but I not promise… Sinta : are you kidding? That will make my sister angry if you not come, as you know, she is really want to see you in her birthday party Riana : I know… Sinta : I will not do that if I were you Riana : Ok, I will finish it. Sinta : thank you, she will happy to see you

True False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Winda is Sinta young sister Riana don’t have many home work Winda not happy if Sinta coming to her party Winda criticizing Riana Sinta will not finish her home work

II. Read and complete the dialogue with words and expression from the box.

Monday must not too far wrong hurry so much use a big mistake Be go home

Lira Sisi Lira Sisi Lira Sisi Lira Sisi will not

: Why you 1)___________ that skirt? : This is not 2) ___________,isn’t? : Yeah, but… don’t you know today is 3)___________? : Oh my God, what must I do now? : It is 4)___________, you will get angry from our teacher.. : I know… what 5)___________ I do? : The best you 6)__________now and change it : Your home is 7)__________, You can use my motor cycle, you late isn’t?

Lira Sisi Lira Sisi Lira

: : : : :

That’s right, thank you 8)__________ That’s fine, 9)__________up… OK… 10)___________careful Of course

II. Perform the dialog in front of the class d. The Answer 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F II.1. use 2. wrong 3. Monday 4. a big mistake 5. must 6. go home 7. not too far 8. so much 9. hurry 10. Be I.


Exemplary Dialogue

Wina Sisi Wina Sisi Wina Sisi Wina

: : : : : : :

I ate all lot of food yesterday it’s not a good thing to do I get colic now I will not do that if I were you I was hungry, and I bought food in small stall have drunk some medicine? yes I have

e. manual scoring KD. 9.1 1. For number I : Rvery true answer score 2 Maximal score 2 x 5 = 10 2. For number II : Every true answer score 1 Minimum score 1 x 10 = 10

3. For number III

: every aspect the distance is 1 until 4, so, the maximum score is 16 4. Total score :10 + 10 + 16 = 36 5. students price = Got score X 100 Maximal score f. Score column NO I

URAIAN True answer False answer


The aspect that scoring

1 2 3 4

SCORE 1 0 Score 1 2



Content Fluency Language (pronunciation, vocabulary) Performance (eye contact, facial expression) Total

Score explanation : 4 = Very Good 3 = Good 2 = Enough 1 = Not Enough The criteria of scoring : Maximal score : 4 x 4 = 16 Score Determining : Students price = Got score Maximal score

Understand Head of school

X 100

Jakarta, July 2009 English Teacher

Lesson Plan SMA Class Semester Subject

: : XII (Twelve) :2 : English

I. Warming up - Teacher asks the students do they have making something wrong in their life? - Teacher asks students what will they say if their friend making a problem? - Teacher asks students do the students ever criticizing some one? - Students answer the teacher questions II. Presentation - Teacher gives some expression about criticizing - Teacher identifies and read the expressions - Students read the expressions

- Teacher explain the steps of making dialogue III. Summing up - Teacher makes a summary of the material and how to use it in a real life - Teacher ask students to mention what kind of expressions that they have learnt - Students summarize the material with the teacher IV. Skill Practice - Teacher gives a quit script (true-false) in order to know how far students know about the material - Students answer the question - Teacher check students answer V. Assessment - Teacher gives the speaking assessment from the cloze test - Teacher gives homework for writing assessment which will be presented on the next - meeting to make dialogue in pairs about criticizing that the situation and the expression has been given by teacher before

Presentation Here are some expression used in criticizing and the responses of them ● I don’t thing that is was a good idea ● It’s not a good thing to do ● It could have been better ● I will not do that if I were you ● It’s a big mistake ● It’s awful ● Shame on you ● It’s a quite a shame ● I am glad you bring that up ● You’re right ● Up to you ● I don’t think so

● Yeah? Do you think you do it better? Summing up Tian Susan Tian Susan

: : : :


make my little brother crying can’t believe you did it… it’s not a good behavior wish he will be fine hope so

Skill I. Read the dialogue and decide the statement is true or false! Riana : Sinta : Riana : Sinta :

I think , I will not come to WInda’s party tommorow It’s a big mistake, if you not come I will very sad I have many home work and I must finish it I believe you can finish it, and you will come to Winda’s

party Riana : I don’t think so Sinta : Come on, you can do it. My young sister will happy if you come Riana : I know that, I will try… I am very happy to see her smile, but I not promise… Sinta : are you kidding? That will make my sister angry if you not come, as you know, she is really want to see you in her birthday party Riana : I know… Sinta : I will not do that if I were you Riana : Ok, I will finish it. Sinta : thank you, she will happy to see you

True False 6. Winda is Sinta young sister 7. Riana don’t have many home work 8. Winda not happy if Sinta coming to her party 9. Winda criticizing Riana 10.Sinta will not finish her home work Assessment

Criticizing friend the expression is - I will not do that if I were you

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