Implementation Plan

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  • Words: 14,168
  • Pages: 60
Curriculum and Professional Development Implementation Plan for the 2009-2010 Academic School Year

Hoboken School District

Submitted by Dr. Anthony Petrosino

Fall 2009

Table of Contents

1. Opening Day Agenda 2. First Day Activities 3. Curriculum Committee by School 4. Observation Forms a. TB Teacher Observation Quicklist b. Principal Checklist (2 sided) 5. Planned Professional Development Activities for 2009-2010 a. Tools of the Mind b. LitLife c. ASCD- Understanding by Design d. NJTAP (tech training) e. Para/Teacher/Parent PD

6. Unit Planners a. Unit Plans 2009-20 10 (HHS/Dr. Cella form) b. Unit Plan Template (HHS/Dr. Cella form) c. Observable Indicators of Teaching for Understanding form d. Unit Plan Memoir e. MYP Unit Planner (blank) f. MYP Unit Planner (with annotations) 7. FAQ’s

8. Supplements a. 2007 Curriculum Audit (NJ DoE) b. 2008 Science Curriculum and Instruction Audit (LSC)


Opening Day Agenda Is change necessary to facilitate growth? Welcome Remarks/Overview 9:00-9:15 Break to Individual Meeting Rooms 9:15 Individual Group 9:15-10:30 Map Overview: Look at the curriculum map and discuss what the map represents/time frames/topics on the map (as an attempt to keep grade levels/content material consistent among teachers and schools)/ importance of pacing/flexibility with testing schedules UBD/Unit Planner Overview: Look at the sample provided and discuss each section. Discuss MYP role of planner and the Areas of Interaction as part of the unit. Sample Planners: Distribute and discuss existing units in content areas. Assessments: Distribute and discuss district assessments as well as teacher assessments in the classroom. FAQ: Have colleagues complete frequently asked question form and collect. If time allows discuss. If time does not allow save discussion until the next session. 10:30—10:45 Break 10:45 11:15 Resume Group Meeting Practical Use: Discuss FAQ if necessary. Have colleagues begin planning their first couple days of school. How will they take the existing curriculum/planners and make them their own? 11:15-11:30 Full group reconvenes to share questions or comments to be addressed at future professional development. —


First Day Activities

The following curriculum committee members will lead discussion on practical aspects of implementing the new cuniculum. Members will help fellow teachers navigate the resources that have been developed. These resources include curriculum mapping, the Big Idea for each unit, updated

PYP planners, MYP planners, district assessments, and the


Grade Level/Discipline

Curriculum Committee

Room Number


Primary 1

Ms. Elise Granovsky



2 and Grade 3

Ms. Veronica Ramos




Ms. Kelly Sogluizzo




Mr. Kevin Metcalf


Social Studies/Holocaust

Ms. Tara Donnelly


Language Arts

Ms. Andrea Canonico and




Mr. Martin Shannon Mathematics


Mr. Lou Taglieri and Ms. Gabriella Garcia


Secondary/High School World Languages

Ms. Bess Mitsakos


Ms. Geidy DelaRosa and Ms. Tasha Leggard


Ms. Kate Kezmarsky



Mr. Howard McKenzie






Chris Munoz and

306 220



Social Studies


Mr. Damian DeBenedetto Visual Arts (K-12)

Ms. Fran Cohn and Ms. Lynn Fusco,


Health/Physical Education

Mr. Ryan Sorafine and Ms. Melanie Kolmer


(K-i 2) Business/Technology

Ms. Robin Piccapietra


Music (K-12)

Ms. Stephanie Safko Mr. Jared Ramos



Ms. Michele McGreivey


Attend session in your

Study Team (K-i 2)

Room Assignment/Floater No

grade area to get general

idea of curriculum Special Education

Attend area of HQ status


Curriculum Committee by School The following faculty should be considered curriculum resources at the individual school level. Each of these faculty members spent considerable hours as part of the Hoboken Curriculum Committee and are well versed in the scope and sequence of the curriculum as well as details centering on state standards, Understanding by Design, and assessments. Tomlinson Cullen Donnelly Littzi Gualario Ramos Shannon Sogluizzo Suyat Taglieri Cohen DeBendetto DeRose England Kelly Munoz Piccapietra Alberto-Kolmer Barfield Bruno Chodos DeLaRosa Kezmarsky McGreivey McKenzie Patel Ramos Safko Sorafine Stephens Taraszkiewicz Toles Wilson Cacsiano Canonico Cassessa Fusco Leggard Marchesani Mitsakos

Beth Sharlette Tara Jill Lea Veronica Martin Kelly Jennifer Louis Frances Damian Helen Derek Kathleen Christopher Robin Melanie Edward Isabel Victoria Geidy Kate Michelle Howard Meghna Jared Stephanie Ryan Fiona Mark Denise Jenissa Amy Andrea Vincent Lynn Tasha Romy Bess

Brandt Calabro Calabro Calabro Wallace Connors Connors Connors Connors Connors Demarest Demarest Demarest Demarest Demarest Demarest Demarest HHS HHS HHS HHS HHS HHS/District HHS HHS/District HHS HHS HHS/District HHS HHS HHS HHS HHS Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace


Perez Rosenberg Shikham Taglieri Tirnidad Payamps Yula Yula

Roseangela Fuse Janice Gabriela

Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace

Tania Donna Donna

Wallace Wallace Wallace


Observation Forms The following are a series of observation forms that were developed by the Curriculum Committee


lB Teacher Observation Quicklist “What to look for in an MYP classroom?” 1. Is a unit question posted? a. If yes, what is the unit question?


Is the teacher focusing on an Area of Interaction? a. If yes, with which Area(s) is the teacher working (Approaches to Learning, Health and Social Education, Community and Service, Human Ingenuity, Environments)?

3. What pedagogical approaches is the teacher using to structure student learning today?

a. Independent Student Engagement with Text Somewhat Evident

Very Evident


No Evidence

Small Group/Partner Project Work Somewhat Evident

Very Evident

Little Evidence

Little Evidence

No Evidence

Little Evidence

No Evidence

Little Evidence

No Evidence

Little Evidence

No Evidence

c. Purposeful Talk Somewhat Evident

Very Evident

d. Closure/Reflective Activity Somewhat Evident

Very Evident

e. Teacher Lecture Somewhat Evident

Very Evident

f. Very Evident

Teacher Lecture with Multimedia Somewhat Evident

Little Evidence

No Evidence



Principal Checklist (2 sided-Side A) 3-5 minute informal observations Grade/Subject:



The Big Idea and unit questions were displayed so that the students could refer back to them throughout the unit Date






The Area of Interaction was posted (grades 6-10) Date


The teacher and students were actively engaged in meaningful discussion (open-ended question) Date




The textbook is one resource among many (evidence of multi-medialvarious types of resources) Date




The learning activities helped the students experience key ideas and explore the issues (whereto) Date




The students had opportunities to generate relevant questions Date






(2 sided-Side B)

Pedagogy: Comprehension






Professional Development Following are the Professional Development Plans in place for academic year 2009-2010 to assist in curriculum implementation and State compliance.


Tools of Mind Kindergarten Implementation Plan (updated 8/5/09)

Summary: Tools of the Mind is a research-based early childhood program that builds strong foundations for school success in preschool and kindergarten children by promoting their intentional and self-regulated learning. In a series of rigorous experimental trials, Tools of the Mind has been shown to have a significant impact on self-regulation of preschool children. The study also found these gains in self-regulation to be related to scores in child achievement in early literacy and mathematics. Early Childhood Coordinator Jessica Peters and Dr. Petrosino brought Tools of the Mind to the Hoboken School District during the 2008-09 school year for PreK grades only with the plan that “Tools” would be extended to Kindergarten throughout the district starting in 2009-2010. .


Supplies a. Manuals and Tools of the Mind books have been ordered and will be distributed to the correct staff once it is known who is teaching Kindergarten (Completed SPG 09) b. Classroom materials and supplies will be ordered by building principals and Jessica: do not need to order anymore consumable workbooks (Completed SPG 09) Training Dates a. June 22/23, 2009 teachers and assistants (we need to notify current Kindergarten t1, teachers that the last day of school is the 19 not the 23”’) (Completed) b. Week of July 13 Administrators training (Completed) c. August 26- Volunteer Classroom Set Up Visitation d. August 31— teachers and assistants, administrators when possible e. October 21 teachers, assistants, administrators f. December 16- Full Day Training for Teachers and Administrators (Substitutes needed) g. January 27- (District has a 1:00 day, substitutes may be needed) h. March 10- Full Day Training for Teachers and Administrators (Substitutes needed) i. April 21 (we will need a full day and district has a 1:00 day) Prep periods and Coach visits will attempt to have at least one common prep a week, as many preps in the afternoon as possible and the coach visits will occur as often as we need them —




Summary: LitLife consultants work in schools to implement innovative structures for teaching reading and writing. After a careful analysis of a school’s environment and history, they work with staff members to enrich teaching methods and curriculum in reading and writing. They help teachers and administrators in realizing their goal: a happy school in which children and adults alike thrive. During the 2008-09 school year LitLife was contracted to work with teachers in Grades 1-3. For the 2009-2010 school year the contract has been expanded to Grades 1-5. LitLife emphasizes reflection and self regulation- consistent themes along the full PreK-12 arc of the curriculum revision process. Principal Lorraine Cella was instrumental in bringing LitLife to the attention of the district and NCLB Coordinator Jennifer Lopez and Dr. Petrosino have worked with Ms. Patricia Reily and associates at LitLife to develop a comprehensive plan for professional development in literacy for Grades 1-5. In addition, LitLife has assisted in curricula review for Language Arts Grades 1-5. •

Meeting with teachers grades 1, 2 & 3 either Sept.1 or Sept. 2, TBD at Aug., ‘09 Principals’ Mtg • Tentative training dates have been sent to each Elementary School for approval by building adrn in • Need to develop dates for district grade level trainings and to determine if LitLife will be asked to participate in the additional in-service activities Sept., Oct., & Jan. If so, LitLife trainer availability must be confirmed with Patty Reilly Following Dates are Planned • 9/24 Full Day • 10/21 In Service Trainers in the AM/PM workshop • 1/27 In Service Trainers in the AM/PM workshop —


ASCD- Understanding by Design (Tentative to RFO solicitation, if required by BA)

Summary: Understanding by Design, or UbD, is an increasingly popular tool for educational planning focused on “teaching for understanding”. The emphasis of UbD is on “backward design”, the practice of looking at the outcomes in order to design curriculum units, performance assessments, and classroom instruction. The UbD framework was designed by nationally recognized educators Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, and published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. According to Wiggins, “The potential of UbD for curricular improvement has struck a chord in American education. Over 250,000 educators own the book. Over 30,000 Handbooks are in use. More than 150 University education classes use the book as a text and it has become the standard suggested format for curriculum design by the State of New Jersey’s Department of Education. UbD/ASCD was brought to the district by Dr. Petrosino in November of 2007 and was greatly expanded with the help of professional development funds and coordination with NCLB Coordinator Jennifer Lopez. All principals have attended workshops on UbD and over 50 teachers in the district (primarily on the Hoboken Curriculum Committee). • • •

Sept. 24, 2009 —4 ASCD trainers (staff groupings TBD) Oct. 21* & 22— Elizabeth Rossini Jan. 27* & 28 Elizabeth Rossini

6 additional dates TBD



PM scheduled district in-service day


Other Professional Development Planned or Pending for 2009-20 10 School Year


Tech training (as of 7/709 conversation wIE. Carvalho, details TBD)

Summary: School districts/Charter Schools are required to assess students’ technological literacy from state (8.1 Computer and Information Standard) and federal (NCLB, Title lI D) mandates. New Jersey Technology Assessment of Proficiency and Integration (NJTAP-IN) is a combination of strategies, tools and resources so that teachers can assess technological literacy (while doing what they already do) in the classroom using technology. The information sessions that were conducted in early October 2006 provided detail on what that would look like. However, the NJDOE does not dictate when or how assessments are to be done. There are several options, such as purchasing an assessment tool, developing a district-made tool or adopting NJTAP-IN recommendations. NJTAP-IN is the recommended option. • •

Training schedule/ hrs. required Staff involved


Para/Teacher/Pa rent PD Summary : Dr. Aniello has a proposal designed for After-School but specific sessions could be incorporated into in-service days as well, especially for paraprofessionals, if administrators are interested in coordinating w/PD programs. Dr. Aniello’s proposal: —

Para Professionals Five (5) Sessions September 2009 to June 2010 3:00 to 5:00 Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Identification of students with Special Needs Laws/Regulations (IDEA/NCLB/504-ADA/FERPA) Intervention/Accommodations/Strategies Behavior Management Inclusion Co-Teaching Bullying Autism Para Professional! Parent Communication Teacher! Para Professional Communication

Hoboken Professional Development For Teachers All teacher sessions conducted will be geared to individual schools and staff at the various educational levels. • During School (Professional Development Days) • After School ( Faculty’ Meetings) • Observation, consultation staff classroom follow up Topics 1. Inclusion 2. Co-Teaching 3. Behavior Management 4. Assistive Technology 5. Intervention/Accommodations/Strategies 6. Bullying 7. Laws/Regulations (IDEA/NCLB/504-ADA/FERPA) 8. Identification of students with Special Needs 9. Teacher! Parent Communication 10. Teacher/ Para Professional Communication Hoboken Parent Educational Program Topics 1. 2.

Bullying Understanding your Child as a Student a. Home Work b. Classroom c. Social interaction


Your Child and Special Needs




Effective Home/School Partnership a. Communication b. Cooperation c. Responsibility (Parent/Child/Teacher) Transition Stages in Education a. Entering Kindergarten b. Sixth (6) Grade c. Junior High School d. High School

These listed PD activities are district-wide SINI schools are required to spend mandated PD reserves ($) to address their specific issues/concerns in not meeting AYP. —


Unit Planners- Dr. Lorraine Celia


Unit Plans 2009-2010

Unit plans/lesson plans are due prior to implementation to your supervisor. In addition, all general educators must provide copies of unit plans to their special educator on the same day that plans are given to the supervisor. The inclusion teacher, then, over the course of the unit, will modify lessons as per IEPs. Those modifications (study guides, word charts, graphic organizers, T-charts, mnemonics, KWL charts, etc.) should be submitted to special education supervisor (principal) upon completion of the unit. In theory, if you plan units for about 4 weeks, the following dates might serve as “due dates”: General Educators: September 4 October 2 November 13 December 4 January 8 February 5 March 5 April 2 May 7 June 4 Plans should include

In-class Support Educators: End of Sept/beginning of Oct. End of Oct/beginning of Nov. End of Nov/beginning of Dec. You get the picture

tests, quizzes, rubrics, etc.

Midterms and finals are to be generated by course, so these exams need to be “common”. I understand that the curriculum committee has written some common assessments. These should be reviewed as soon as possible. Teachers new to a subject should also see their supervisor for a suitable “due date” schedule. Teachers who plan units longer than 4 weeks, simply need to alert their supervisor.


Side A

Unit Plan Template 2009-2010 Teacher’s name:

Co-teacher: (if applicable)


Unit Title:

Dates of unit delivery:

Stage One: Desired Results (should not be differentiated)

Essential Questions (and area of interaction for grades 9 and 10)

Knowledge (What do I want my students to know?)

Skills (What do I want my students to be able to do?)

Stage Two: Assessment Evidence: How do I know what my students learned and can do? (Differentiation is likely)

Performance Tasks

Other Assessment Evidence


Side B

Stage Three: Learning Plan aka Lesson Plans

Daily work (should be





Observable Indicators of Teaching for Understanding What does “teaching for understanding” look like? What would we expect to see in an Understanding by Design classroom? The following list of observable indicators includes items can be found on pages 268 and 269 in Understanding Design: Professional Development Workbook by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins. N/N not


5 Clear

3 Somewhat Clear

C Misguided/Misunderstood

The Unit and Course Design

Units and courses reflect a coherent design. Big ideas and Essential Questions clearly guide the design of, and are aligned with assessments, teaching, and learning activities. In the design, clear distinctions are made between Big Ideas and Essential Questions, and clear indication is given of knowledge and skills necessary for learning the Big Ideas and answering the Essential Questions. Multiple forms of assessment allow students to demonstrate their understanding in various ways. Instruction and assessment reflect the six facets of understanding. The design provides opportunities for students to explain, interpret, apply, give perspective, empathize, and examine their own self-knowledge. Assessment of understanding is anchored by authentic performance tasks calling for students to demonstrate their understanding and apply knowledge and skills. Teacher, peer, and self-evaluations of student products and performances include clear criteria and performance standards. The unit or course design enables students to revisit and rethink important ideas to deepen their understanding. A variety of resources are suggested. The textbook is only one resource among many (instead of the syllabus). Comments:


N/N not noticed

5 Clear

3 Somewhat Clear

0 Misguided/Misunderstood

The Teacher

Informs students of the Big Ideas and Essential Questions, performance requirements, and evaluative criteria at the beginning of the unit or course. Hooks and holds students’ interest while they examine and explore Big Ideas and Essential Questions. Uses a variety of strategies and interacts with students so as to promote deeper understanding of subject matter. Facilitates students’ active construction of meaning (rather than simply “telling”). Promotes opportunities for students to unpack their thinking to explain, interpret, apply, give perspective, empathize and examine self-knowledge (incorporates the six facets of understanding). —

Uses questioning, probing, and feedback to stimulate student refection and rethinking. Teaches basic knowledge and skills to help students uncover Big Ideas and explore Essential Questions. Uses information from ongoing assessments to provide feedback for guiding rethinking and revising instruction. Uses information from ongoing assessments to check for understanding and misconceptions along the way. Uses a variety of resources (more than text) to promote understanding. Comments:


N/N not noticed

5 Clear

3 Somewhat Clear

0 Misguided/Misunderstood

The Learners...

Can describe the goals (Big Ideas and Essential Questions) and performance requirements of the unit or course. Can explain what they are doing and why (i.e., how today’s work relates to the larger goals). Are hooked at the beginning and engaged throughout the unit. Can describe the criteria by which their work will be evaluated. Are engaged in activities that help them to learn the Big Ideas and answer the Essential Questions. Are engaged in activities that promote explanation, interpretation, application, perspective taking, empathy, and self-knowledge (the six facets). Demonstrate that they are learning the background knowledge and skills that support the Big Ideas and Essential Questions. Have opportunities to generate relevant questions. Are able to explain and justify their work and their answers. Are involved in self-and peer assessment based upon established criteria and performance standards. Use the criteria and rubrics to guide and revise their work. Set relevant goals based on feedback Comments:


Teacher’s name: XYZ (Memoir) ABC

Co-teacher: (if applicable)

Course: English I Dates of unit delivery: September

Unit Title: Writing Memoir —

possibly into the first week of October

Stage One: Desired Results This writing unit is based on the theory that if I want students to write in a particular genre, they need to read and analyze that genre first. Therefore, we • will study memoirs that students can “write like” • will mentor authors, analyze writing structures/techniques employed by authors • will ultimately construct an original memoir of object, place, event or person utilizing the stages of the writing process. Essential Questions (Areas of Interaction: Approaches to Learning/Human Ingenuity) While reading and analyzing memoirs: 1. How can we read as writers do? 2. What are effective writing structures? 3. How do authors craft experiences into engaging memoir? After several memoirs have been read: 4. What if any common themes emerged in our mentor memoirs? As students craft their memoirs: 5. Which small moments in our lives can be developed into effective memoir? 6. What can we learn from writers to improve our own writing? Knowledge (What do I want students to know?) • that small moments in our lives can be shaped into effective writing • that detail and word choice are critical elements of good writing • that “good” writing is unified and “sticks” together • that good writing takes time, is really hard work, and is not easy (for anyone) • that effective writing involves risk taking • that revision strategies are keys to successful writing pieces Skills (What do I want students to be able to do?) 3.4 Reading: 1. use speaking, listening, viewing to assist with reading; 6. read literally, inferentially and critically; 8. read with comprehension; 9. use prior knowledge to extend reading ability and comprehension and to link aspects of the text with experiences and people;


10. identify passages that support point of view; 11. distinguish person opinions and POV from those of the author; 12 .identify elements of memoir; 14. identify memoir as a literary form; 15. expand vocabulary using appropriate strategies; 18. begin to identify common aspects of human existence; 21. analyze text patterns of organization; 22. analyze text purpose, ideas, and style of author; 23. understand the role of characters, settings, and events; 24. understand the concepts of figurative language; 28. analyze how the works of a given period reflect historical events and social conditions; 31 .understand the effects of literary devices; 32. understand the range of literary forms (memoir) and content that elicit aesthetic response. 3.3 Writing: 1. use speaking, listening, viewing to assist with writing; 2. write from experiences, thoughts, and feelings; 3. use writing to extend experience; 4. write for a variety of purposes (memoir/personal narrative); 5. write on self-selected topics in a variety of literary forms (memoir); 6. write collaboratively and independently; 7. use a variety of strategies for developing ideas about which to write; 8. synthesize information from multiple memoirs; 9. use figurative language; 10. revise content, organization and other aspects of writing using self, peer and teacher collaborative feedback; 11. edit writing for developmentally appropriate syntax, spelling, grammar, usage and punctuation; 12. publish in a variety of formats (memoir); 13. establish and use criteria for self and group evaluation of written products; 14. develop a portfolio of writing Listening, speaking, viewing are also ongoing parts of unit although not the focus.

Stage Two: Assessment Evidence or How will I know what students learned and can now do? Performance Tasks Upon completion of this unit students will construct a memoir applying/incorporating various techniques learned from our memoir study. (see rubric attached) Other Assessment Evidence Annotated copies of mentor memoirs (housed in folder) —


Notes on authors Writers notebook of try its Drafts and annotated drafts of original memoir Process essay (meta-cognitive)

Stage Three: Daily work (include handouts, rubrics, quizzes, etc.) Premise for daily work: Students must read a particular genre if we want them to write in that genre. So the first two weeks are spent analyzing memoirs pieces. The last two weeks are spent “writing” memoir. For the purpose of this sample, an brief outline is included anyone who wishes more detailed daily plans/information, see Lorraine Celia.

Day One: Read aloud “The Jacket”. Provide a photocopy and highlighter to each student. Annotate and discuss based reading CPIs memoir of object. Discuss the significance of the jacket to the writer and how it touches the reader’s life, too. —

Day Two: Read aloud “Hunger” from Black Boy memoir of event. Then provide photocopy to each student and a highlighter. Ask students to re-read, highlight and annotate according reading CPIs. Review as necessary based on yesterday’s discussion. -

Day Three.... Differentiated Instruction: Arrange students into 4 groups with leveled memoir pieces, etc. Students work in teacher determined groups on reading strategy: Visualization. Challenging Pieces: “Homeward Bound” (memoir of person) “The Long Tale of Madonna the Iguana” (memoir of object) Moderate: Excerpts from “But I’ll Be Back Again” (memoir of event) Easy: “Eleven” (memoir of event/object) Day Four: Jig Saw yesterday’s work. Day Five Ten Emphasis on What is the So What of the piece? “The Visit” (memoir of person) “The Kitten” (memoir of event) “Barbie Q” (memoir of object) —



“Nintendo Saved Me” (memoir of object) Next two weeks is spent brainstorming, drafting, revising an original slice of life memoir, using each piece studied as a mentor piece. (For detailed daily plans, see L. Cella)


MYP Unit Planner- Blank




Unit Title Teacher(s) Subject and Grade Level Time frame and Duration

Stage I: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question, and ensure it can be assessed

Area of Interaction Focus

Significant Concept(s)

Which Aol will be your focus? Why have you

What are the big ideas? What do I want my students to retain for years into the future?

chosen this?

MYP Unit Question

Assessment What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question? What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?

Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?


Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?

Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content What knowledge and/or skills (from my course overview) are going to be used to enable the student to respond to the guiding question? What (if any) state, provincial, district, or local standards/skills are to be addressed?

Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general AtL skills?

Learning Experiences

Teaching Strategies

How will students know what is expected of them? Will they see examples, rubrics, templates, etc.?

feedback during the unit?

How will students acquire the knowledge and practise the skills required? How will they practise applying these? Do the students have enough prior knowledge?

How will we use formative assessment to give students What different teaching methodologies will we employ? How are we differentiating teaching and learning for all? Have we considered those learning in a language other than their mother tongue? Have we considered those with special educational needs?


Resources What resources are available to us? I—low will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to facilitate students’ experiences during the unit?

Ongoing reflections and evaluation In keeping an ongoing record, consider the following questions. There are further stimulus questions in the unit planning section of MYP: from principles into practice. Students and Teachers What did we find compelling? Was our disciplinary knowledge/skills challenged in any way? What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, extension activities arose? How did we reflect

both on the unit and on our own learning?

Were there any attributes of the learner profile that were encouraged through this unit? Were there any opportunities for action?

Possible connections How successful was the collaboration with other teachers within my subject group and from other subject groups? What interdisciplinary understandings were or could be forged through collaboration with other subjects?

Assessment Were students able to demonstrate their learning? Did the assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this unit? Did I make sure students were invited to achieve at all levels of the criteria descriptors? Are we prepared for the next stage?

Data collection How did I decide on the data to collect? Was it useful?


Unit Title

Theme of the Unit

Teacher(s) Subject and Grade Level Time frame and Duration

Stage I: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question, and ensure it can be assessed

Area of Interaction Focus

Significant Concept(s)

Which Aol will be your focus? Why have you chosen this?

What are the big ideas? What do I want my students to retain for years into the future?

There are five Areas of Interactions: • Community and Service •Health and Social •

• Environments •Human Ingenuity

Understanding from Big Idea sheet (UBD planner)

.Approaches to Learning

Each unit should include Approaches to Learning and one additional Area of Interaction

MYP Unit Question

Essential question

Each student should be able to answer the unit question at the end of each unit. The unit question should summarize the entire unit.

Assessment What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question? What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?

• Summative tasks • Formative tasks

Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?

• •

Variable based on subject Obtainable from subject guides available on N drive

Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?

• MYP assessment criteria • Obtainable from subject guides available on N drive

Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities through inquiry Content What knowledge and/or skills (from my course overview) are going to be used to enable the student to respond to the guiding question? What (if any) state, provincial, district, or local standards/skills are to be addressed?

•Established Goals from Big Idea sheet (UBD planner) •NJCCCS

Approaches to Learning How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general AtL skills?

•Variable based on subject

Learning Experiences

Teaching Strategies

How will students know what is expected of them? Will they see examples, rubrics, templates, etc.?

feedback during the unit?

How will students acquire the knowledge and practise the skills required? How will they practise applying these? Do the students have enough prior knowledge?


Vary based on teacher

How will we use formative assessment to give students

What different teaching methodologies will we employ? How are we differentiating teaching and learning for all? Have we considered those learning in a language other than their mother tongue? Have we considered those with special educational needs?

•Vary based on teacher

Resources What resources are available to us? How will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to facilitate students’ experiences during the unit?

Variable- examples may include: •Textbooks •Novels .Technology •Audio •lnternet ‘Video

Ongoing reflections and evaluation In keeping an ongoing record, consider the following questions. There are further stimulus questions in the unit planning section of MYP: from principles into practice. Students and Teachers What did we find compelling? Was our disciplinary knowledge/skills challenged in any way? What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, extension activities arose?


How did we reflect

both on the unit and on our own learning?

Were there any attributes of the learner profile that were encouraged through this unit? Were there any opportunities for action?

Possible connections How successful was the collaboration with other teachers within my subject group and from other subject groups? What interdisciplinary understandings were or could be forged through collaboration with other subjects?

Assessment Were students able to demonstrate their learning? Did the assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this unit? Did I make sure students were invited to achieve at all levels of the criteria descriptors? Are we prepared for the next stage?

Data collection How did I decide on the data to collect? Was it useful?

• Unit reflection based on students and teachers


FAQ- Curriculum Implementation

How am I supposed to implement this curriculum when I have not had any real training?

The curriculum was designed and created by Hoboken teachers for Hoboken teachers. As licensed professionals. it is the expectation of the State and the District that you are able to deliver standards based curriculum. There has been much time and effort placed in trying to provide as many support materials as possible for you. In addition, there have been and there will continue to be long term systemic professional development opportunities for district teachers in such areas as “Understanding by Design”, “Tools of the Mind”, “LitLife” and the International Baccalaureate program. Additionally, each school has a number of curriculum committee members on staff and should be able to provide some assistance and guidance during common planning period. And ultimately, your building principal is the instructional leader of your school and has attended workshops on numerous aspects of the curriculum. They should be considered another resource to be utilized for curriculum implementation. Where do textbooks fit into the implementation of the curriculum?

Textbooks are certainly a resource to be utilized for enacting curriculum but they are not the only resource. There has not been a change in the textbooks the district uses nor has there been any acceleration or deceleration for new textbooks. If the curriculum was textbook dependent, we would need to revise the curriculum every time we adopted new textbooks or changed textbook publishers. With the new curriculum we will be less dependent on textbooks but they will still be a useful resource. How will planning be different (or not) compared to previous years?

Preparing to teach will be more time consuming, if done correctly, but certainly more interesting. More reading of supplemental materials, finding accessible texts to support content, creation of formative and alternative assessments... .components of effective instruction that research shows leads to engaged professional activity and positive student outcomes. It is quite possible that some aspects of planning may be easier than in years before since you will now have at your disposal a full curriculum mapping of all topics to cover for the year, unit planners, essential question guides, and suggestions for evaluations, assessments and additional resources. It was the hope of the committee that this would facilitate planning. How come the unit plans do not follow the textbook?

Most of these objectives have been completed by the curriculum committee over the past 18 months and also previously gone over in lB Workshops that many district teachers participated in over the last 5 years. Again, the textbook is a resource but does not take the place of the unit planner which helps the student link the curriculum to broader more integrated topics. 37

The unit planner is meant as a tool: • Starts from an area of interaction context • Includes the MYP objectives in stage 1 of the planner What Makes a Good Unit? • Is the unit driven by an open-ended, multifaceted unit question that engages students? • Are the significant concepts and unit question conceptually based? • Does it focus on one main area of interaction and potentially leads to interdisciplinary learning? • Will the unit be guided and driven by the MYP unit question that integrates the significant concept(s) of the subject matter with the context provided by the areas of interaction? • Do the assessments distinguish students’ engagement with the MYP unit question and learning objectives? • Do the assessments provide varied opportunities for the students to show their knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes? • Have appropriate assessment criteria been selected and aligned with subject objectives?

When am I supposed to do all this new planning? I only have one prep period a day?

As professionals, teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities, but they shall not be required to “clock in or clock out” by hours or minutes”. While Moreover, all elementary teachers shall be granted one (1) preparation period per day”, the planning period is to help supplement the requirements of a planning period and not to indicate that professionally speaking, all that is needed to be done to prepare for a day’s worth of teaching can be professionally accomplished in a 40 minute period. The expectation is that you will do the needed preparation to deliver effective instruction utilizing the revised curriculum. How will the new curriculum address the needs of my “bright” or “accelerated” child?

It is the expectation that the district will continue to meet the needs of all its students by basing instruction on the individual attributes, aptitudes, interests, and competencies of each student in the district.


How will the curriculum help raise test scores?

Evidence from many studies supports the contention that accountability testing narrows curricula to mostly English and mathematics, the subjects that count for No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The extra time spent on the tested subjects detracts from many other aspects of schooling. The impact is greatest in schools labeled “in need of improvement” by NCLB, which tend to be those serving low-income and minority students. Studies find that high-stakes testing damages all three aspects of the curriculum: subject matter content, structure or form of content knowledge, and instructional practices. The dominant trend is that testing narrows content to tested subjects. In the tested subjects, knowledge tends to narrow and become fragmented into “bits and pieces learned for the sake of the tests themselves.” Also, high-stakes testing often leads to more lecture-based, teacher-centered ways of teaching, which other research has found fails to enhance learning. In the end, raising test scores is probably more about pedagogy than curriculum but, if enacted as intended, this curriculum and resulting pedagogy it supports should see gains in student learning. How that translates to standardized testing will be based largely on how much and to what degree people “teach to the test” as opposed to “teaching to the curriculum and to the standards.” Where can I get a copy of the new curriculum?

CD’s will be provided to all faculty and administrators. In addition, it is the intention that hard copies will be printed and will be available in each school and in the Hoboken Board of Education located at 1115 Clinton Street. Will all the schools be using the same curriculum and textbooks?

All the schools will be using the same curriculum. Textbooks (and other resources) will be left largely to district and school administrator’s discretion. How will this impact homework and testing?

Homework and testing will remain consistent with Board policy.


Curriculum Audit Report Hoboken School District February 26- March 1, 2007 PART 1. INTRODUCTION Team Members: Diane Pallitto Ann Small Stan Grajewski, Linda Gross, Barbara Sachs, Robert Kramer, John Moschella, Walter Rusak, Bill Demefroulakos, James LermanAudit of District Curriculum Materials and Professional Development Contracts February 26 and February 27, 2007 by Diane Pallitto and Ann Small School Visitations and Dates: Deniarest MS Hoboken HS Connors Primary #9 Wallace Primary #6

Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.

28 & Mar. 1 28 & Mar. 1 28 28

Focus and Questions: The focus of this report is to document evidence pertaining to the following overarching questions: 1. Is there a Board approved curriculum that is aliaed to NJQSAC elements in existence for all of the subject content areas? 2. To what degree is the District’s curriculum being implemented in the classrooms? 3. Is the academic program supported by staff development? 4. What staff development has the district had since September 2005 and what has it cost?

Curriculum Audit Report Process Used in all School Districts questions and not to The charge for this project was to document the evidence in support of the above overarching 57 retired evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction and / or curriculum resources. To achieve the aim, selected to visit were superintendents, staff developers, principals and supervisors as well as university personnel the districts and record evidence available to an observer. in each content At the beginning of the process, two members of the district team examined the written curriculum presence or the noted area required by the state and listed the materials outlined in the district documents. They absence of the following important curricular elements • • • • • •

The curriculum is clear about what is taught to children. There are references of the NJCCCS to the curriculum. The curriculum includes grade-level benchmarks and / or interim assessments. The curriculum contains a pacing chart! scope and sequence. The curriculum contains references to technology. The curriculum identifies instructional resources.

visits to the The information from the written curriculum review was given to school visitors who used it in their the classrooms in selected schools. (The schools in each district were selected by the process developed by written the which to extent the of evidence director of the QSAC research) The classroom observations served as curriculum was being implemented. The observers looked for evidence that the teachers used the district curriculum to make decisions about what to teach. They noted teachers’ expectations as expressed in their in the objectives, observed student work as displayed in the rooms and hallways and recorded what was happening classroom during the ve minutes they were in the class. For this latter observation they used the protocols set forth in the book, The Three-minute Classroom Walk-through by Carolyn Downey, Betty Steffy, Fenwick English, Larry Frase and William Poston, JR. The District’s professional development contracts and staff surveys serve as evidence that staff development supports the instructional program and serves the needs of the system. While all staff development was examined, only contracts near or above $100,000 are reported individually. Finally, a short survey of teachers in each of the schools was distributed to the teachers and collected anonymously. The results give some sense of whether the staff values the district’s staff development efforts and whether they report that they use the information in their practice. All data collected for this project are called an Appendix and included in a file held in the Department of Education office. In addition to the completed forms, sample forms that were used in the whole project are also included in this appendix.

Hoboken, New Jersey Curriculum Audit

Overview As a small urban district, Hoboken faces challenges in the area of curriculum and instruction. On one hand, Hoboken High School offers the International Baccalaureate Program (13) for grades 11 and 12. The lB curriculum in all subjects is inclusive of scope and sequence, interdisciplinary studies, and correlation with the NJCCCS. It is a challenging and proven program of studies that focuses on higher order thinlcing skills and has clear assessment information and benchmarks for student success. “The International Bacca:laureate (IB) Diploma Programme is a challenging two-year curriculum, primarily aimed at students aged 16 to 19. It leads to a qualification that is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. The three core requirements are: extended essay ‘ theory of knowledge • creativity, action, service. All Diploma Programme students must engage in these three activities. Extended essay The extended essay has a prescribed limit of 4,000 words. It offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest, and acquaints students with the independent research and writing sidils expected at university. Theory of knowledge (TOK) The interdisciplinary TOK course is designed to provide coherence by exploring the nature of knowledge across disciplines, encouraging an appreciation of other cultural perspectives. Creativity, action, service (CAS) Participation in the school’s CAS programme encourages students to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports and community service work, thus fostering students’ awareness and appreciation of life outside the academic arena. At the end of the two-year programme, students are assessed both internally and externally in ways that measure individual performance against stated objectives for each subject. The grading system is criterion based (results are determined by performance against set standards, not by each student’s position in the overall rank order); validity, reliability and fairness are the watchwords of the Diploma Programme’s assessment strategy.” (from the lB website:

The Demerest School is also adopting a version of the International Baccalaureate program for the middle school, called MYP. Its goals and activities are similar to that described in the High School lB Programme, but it is intended for younger students who plan to go on to the High School LB Programme. Again those curriculum documents are complete and meet the QSAC standards. It is not clear how many students are enrolled in the MYP program, however. On the other hand, with the exception of the LB program documents, there is essentially no locally desigued written curriculum in place or in use, as measured by today’s QSAC standards. The documents examined included a download of the NJCCCS Frameworks (downloaded 1//7/2007 or 2/12/07) and some older undated typed documents that outline student outcomes in each subject and seem to be correlated loosely only to older NJ Core Content Standards. There is no sequence or scope, technology references, interdisciplinary activities, benchmark or assessment information. One key to student success in the achievement of the NJCCCS is the existence and everyday use of curriculum documents that guide teachers in the scope and sequence of the subject matter. The curriculum should show direct and detailed correlation to the NJCCCS, include interdisciplinary activities and references, and contain technology

references that help guide teachers to appropriate technology learning and use across all content areas, and assessment information with benchmarks for student success.

This does not currently appear to be the case in Hoboken; however there is a timeline in place for curriculum revision taking in all subjects through 2009. The district has no central office administration dedicated to curriculum and instruction. However, teachers in the schools seem to have done a good job of using the NJCCCS, Curriculum Frameworks, texts, and old. undated course outlines to implement a program that helps students achieve the NJCCCS. They need the direction of well constructed curricula that meet NJQSAC standards to help student achieve their full potential.


Is there a written curriculum in all content areas that include all elements cited in NJQSAC?

th th 11 grades. This curriculum is and 12 Hoboken High School offers the International Baccalaureate program in designed to be challenging for students and focuses on interdisciplinary activities and higher order thinlciiig skills. The written curriculum is clear with scope and sequence, material, assessments and benchmarks and correlation to the NJ Core Content Standards. It is not clear how many students are enrolled in the LB program, but it is not all students.

The district also has the curriculum in place for a middle level LB program called MYB, which meets NJQSAC standards. It is not clear how many students are in this program. But other curricula at the high school, middle, and elementary grades are not where they need to be but the district has a plan to address that over the next three years. The documents that were read at the district level included dewnloads of the NJCCCS and Curriculum Frameworks, dated 1/7/2007. Other documents on file were described by the readers in this manner; “There are only two types of documents, both State Curriculum Guides with Hoboken Public Schools cover no date. 1. Looks like early 1980’s (typewritten) 2. NJCCCS Curriculum Frameworks download 1/7/07 or 2/12/07 HS.

The Curriculum Office has no scope and sequence or pacing charts for any content areas. No documents connecting the content areas to the NJCCCS. There really isn’t a true curriculum office. 1 Superintendent is also HS Principal 2— There is an administrative assistant who is alone in the Curriculum Office. 3 Bi lingual coordinator 4 The technology coordinator is also a vice-principal. —


the school visits were much more positive.”

on? 2. Is the curriculum being used in the classroom to manage iii structi High School

Observers visited 37 classes at the high school. curriculum document available in Seven classes visited were lB classes. In these classes, the teachers all had the was seen as intense and the cognitive the rooms, and correlated their daily objectives to the NJCCCS. Instruction le, an 18 World Literature Class, levels being addressed were mostly that of analysis and synthesis. For examp in to have a valid thesis students were directed to “Complete and essay test on Death ofa Salesman. Be certain y class, the objective was, statement and be sure to expand all points with textual support.” In an lB Biolog species, and habitat and explain how “Students will be able to define ecology, ecosystems, population, community, materials were up-to-date and the biosphere consists of interdependent and interrelated ecosystems.” Texts and use in others. students were seen using technology in two of the classes and had it available for classes were up to date and Visitors also observed 6 Honors level classes in various subjects. Texts used in the ents present in the classrooms. appropriate for the subjects observed. Teachers had the undated curriculum docum . There was no computer Higher order thinldng skills of analysis and synthesis were seen in most of these classes ts arid teachers seemed S. Studen use seen. Two of the observed classes had objectives correlated with the NJCCC to be highly engaged in the activities observed. d curriculum documents in the In the other classes visited, regardless of subj ect area, observers found the undate classes were preparing to take room or NJCCCS on CD ROM. Textbooks in all subjects were up-to-date. Many either in their plan books, the HSPA and were reviewing key concepts. All teachers had objectives clearly written activities, i.e. “do a practice on the board, or both. Many of the objectives were merely statements of the day’s an Algebra I class, the objective test,” but quite a few were focused on measurable student outcome behaviors. In ” Little computer use was was, “students will be able to determine the slope of a line from a graph or 2 points. seen, the exception being two students using computers in a Social Studies class. several teachers had is. Cognitive levels addressed in classes observed ranged from comprehension to analys While left to the undated written the correlate NJCCCS in their plans, it was found that in most classes, this was curriculum document. School. Many classes en Students and teachers were seen as engaged in the learning process at Hobok High g The texts being used including 13, Honors, Regular, and Remedial classes addressed higher order thinldn skills. are up-to-date and appropriate for the classes. lum documents and that may The lack of use of technology is not surprising since it is not included in the curricu s. The teachers seem to help some students achieve. The same can be said for interdisciplinary studies and project ent a program of study that have done a good job of using the NJCCCS and Curriculum Frameworks to implem g QSAC standards leads students toward achievement. However, a strong living curriculum document, meetin S and even greater would be a great assistance for them to guide their students to full achievement of the NJCCC learning. Demerest

either MY? Visitors observed 25 classes at the A. 3. Demerest School, grades 7-12. No LB classes were found in al in nature. or lB High School program at Demerest. All classes observed were general or remedi Textbooks in all Observers found the undated curriculum documents in the classrooms or NJCCCS on CD ROM. subjects were up-to-date.

on the board, or both.. Many of the objectives All teachers had objectives clearly written either in their plan books, PPT (powerpoint) projects for Black were merely statements of the day’s activities, i.e. “continue to complete th 8 grade math class ors. In an behavi e outcom t studen rable measu on d focuse were few a quite but th 7 History Month,” grade ular prisms and cylinders.” In a the objective was, “students will be able to identify the formula of rectang the effects of the Industrial Revolution on social studies class the objective was, “students will be able to explain the US.” many addressed cognitive levels of Even though the observed classes were general or remedial in nature and and synthesis were seen in a significant comprehension and knowledge, higher order thiriidng skills of analysis ed class. number of observations. Students were seen using a computer in one observ using the NJCCCS and Curriculum As in the High School, the teachers seem to have done a good job of achievement. However, a strong living Frameworks to implement a program of study that leads students toward nce for them to guide their students to full curriculum document, meeting QSAC standards would be a great assista achievement of the NJCCCS and ev&n greater learning. Wallace Primary School middle grades, the same documents Observers visited 17 classes in this K-6 school. As in the high schools and works. were presented as curriculum, either the NJCCCS or Curriculum Frame were available for most class reviews, Classes were found to be active and traditional in approach. Objectives two classes. Objectives found ranged from either on the board or in plan books. There were no objectives found in e statements such as, “students general statements of activities, i.e. “picture prompts” to specific student outcom will name and detail issues facing the indigenous people of Guatemala..” d lessons focusing on lower order Texts and materials were up-to-date. The large majority of observations showe computers in only one class and thinking skills of knowledge and comprehension. Students were observed using r. the teacher was using a computer to display picture prompts in anothe help guide teachers in sequence and As in other schools mentioned there needs to be a strong, living curriculum to students achieve the NJCCCS and scope, integrate technology, deliver interdisciplinary instruction, and help higher levels of success. Connors Primary School g but observers found it to be neat, Observers visited 28 classes in this K-6 school. This is an old school buildin ts were observed working on them in 7 clean, and newly painted. Computers were found in all classrooms. Studen classes. were presented as curriculum. In about The NJCCCS were available in all classrooms, or curriculum frameworks S and made note of that in their plans. 60% of the observed classes, teachers correlated the lesson with the NJCCC All teachers had plan books on desk. t outcome statements. Cognitive c Objectives found ranged from general statements of activities to specifi studen h the former was much more levels ranged from knowledge and comprehension to analysis and synthesis, althoug r-made, copied handout as the learning predominant. The majority of classes observed used some type of teache tool. Texts were up-to-date. th grade, an interdisciplinary theme In 6 from this project in all classes.

THE SEA was observed on display. There was worked freely displayed

in sequence and scope of instruction. A Again, there needs to be a strong, living curriculum to help guide teachers even more interdisciplinary good curriculum would assist them to effectively integrate technology, deliver benchmarks for student success instruction and address higher order thinking skills. Assessment criteria and would help students achieve the NJCCCS and higher levels of achievement

Professional Development Findings: Hoboken activities conducted from September Hoboken arlministra.tors submitted a list of 221 professional development no cost to the district and six at costs 2005 to June 2006 and forms describing 13 activities, seven of them at ted additional documentation about two ranging from $480 to $70,000 (total costs = $123,480). The district submit r. The 11-page contract, which activities, a letter of agreement with one provider and a contract with anothe ing expected outcomes or evaluation. appears to have been prepared by the provider, contains no provisions regard evidence” that professional development District staff differed in the quality of their responses to requests for “best ement. In some cases, respondents presented activities resuited in improved instructional practice or student achiev c, recorded changes in instructional practice cogent arguments that professional development had resulted in specifi responses appear to reflect hopes rather or improved test scores among relevant groups of students. In other cases, than outcomes. t that activities in the period under review The few professional development forms submitted by the district sugges iven instruction, classroom assessment satisfied QSAC requirements that professional development address data-dr nce for students who fall behind practices, how to use assessments to adjust instruction and how to seek assista of the NJCCCS and support the (QSAC Cid); address bow staff can contribute to student achievement Cle); address culturally responsive intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of all students (QSAC e support and follow-up (QSAC C2); teaching and ways to address needs of diverse learners (QSAC Cig); includ in areas of need (QSAC C3b). and address student subgroup performance and improving student achievement e that: Teacher Professional Development Survey results (see Appendix) indicat pment that relates to improving develo ional • respondents tend to agree that they receive high-quality profess school to school (ranging from 3.00 student performance (QSAC Cib), but differ somewhat in this regard from to 3.56 on a scale of ito 5); es follow-up training, such as coaching • respondents are equivocal about whether their district or school provid but differ somewhat in this or classroom visitations, after professional development activities (QSAC C2), regard from school to school (ranging from 2.47 to 3.12 on a scale of ito 5); about quality or results of • 82.6% of respondents report that their district or school sought their input differ in this regard from school professional development at least once in the past two years (QSAC Clh), but to school (range = 61.1% to 90.2%); ional development about how to • 75.0% of respondents report that their district or school provided profess years (QSAC C3b), but differ in this improve achievement of student subgroups at least once in the past two regard from school to school (range = 61.1% to 84.6%); and e as a result of recent professional • 67.7% of respondents report that they have modified their classroom practic to 79.6%). However, only development activity, but differ in this regard from school to school (range = 42.1% as requested. 3 9.7% of respondents provided a meaningful example of such modification, need to conduct its own periodic Variations in survey responses from school to school suggest that the district may outcomes, and devote efforts to g professional development surveys, including items about follow-up trainin and ional development as defined by QSAC. ensure that teachers in all schools have equal access to high quality profess

Teacher Professional Development Survey Results: Roboken 1. My district or school provides me with high-quality professional development activities that relate to my needs in relation to improving student performance. [1 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Strongly Agree] School

1 4 3 0 3 10

Connors Demarest Hoboken High Wallace Total

2 4 2 6 5 17

3 6 7 6 16 35

4 17 6 12 16 51

5 5 1 5 12 23

g 3.42 3.00 3.55 3.56 3.44

Responses 36 19 29 52 136

2. After professional development activities, my district or school provides follow-up training, such as coaching or classroom visitations. [1 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Strongly Agree] School



Connors Dernarest Hoboken High Wallace Total

4 6 3 4 17

10 3 11 13 37

3 9 6 7 15 37

4 10 3 6 13 32

5 3 1 2 7 13

Responses 2.94 2.47 2.76 3.12 2.9

36 19 29 52 136

3. In the past two years, my district or school has sought my input about the quality or the results of the professional development I have received. School

% Yes

Connors Demarest Hoboken High Wallace Total

80.0 61.1 85.7 90.2 82.6

4. In the past two years, my district or school has provided professional development about how to improve achievement of student subgroups. % School Connors Demarest Hoboken High Wallace Total

77.1 61.1 63 84.6 75.0

5. I have modified my classroom practice as a direct or indirect result of professional development activity in the period September 2005 to December 2006. If yes, describe how your practice has changed. School Connors Demarest Hoboken High Wallace Total

% Providing Example 38.9 31.8 34.5 46.2 39.7

% Yes 71.4 42.1 59.3 79.6 67.7

Response Rate School Connors Demarest Hoboken&llgh Wallace Total

% Faculty Responding 144.0% 90.5% 49.2% 113.0% 90.9%

science center Consultant’s Report to Hoboken School District Re: Science Curriculum and Instruction IntroductionlContext of the Schools and District This report is the result of a collaborative agreement wherein the Hoboken Board of Education contracted with Liberty Science Center for a consultation study of its K- 12 science program. This resulted from the district’s recognition that, although there were many indicators of good student performance including good scores on state tests, the district lacked a science curriculum with vertical and horizontal alignment. Furthermore, the district questioned if methods were consistent with current trends in the methodologies employed in science instruction. The consultation was conducted by Mr. Edward Barry, Director, Teacher Development at Liberty Science Center who has prior experience as a science supervisor, assistant principal for instruction, high school principal, consultant and school evaluator. The report is based on first hand observations, data and information gained during visits to all six of the schools, and interactions with science instructors and administrators in all of the buildings visited. These interactions consisted of classroom observations and/or individual meetings with staff members as well as attendance at leadership and curriculum committee meetings. Brandt School was visited on 2/14 and 3/17, Calabro School on 1/3 1, Connors School on 3/18, Demarest Alternative School on 3/10, Hohoken High School on 1/23, 2/7, 4/10, and 4/15 and Wallace School on 3/28. It is hoped that the findings and recommendations contained herein can provide direction to the district in its subsequent in-service and summer curriculum work. The objective of that work is to develop an updated K-12 curriculum with a built-in process for on-going review and revision. The Hohoken district has approximately I 850 students in six schools. At this time there is a high school, an alternative school, a grade eight facility and three elementary schools. A transition plan is in place which will convert the three elementary schools and the grade eight school into three schools with a consistent K-8 configuration and the current eighth grade facility will house a pre-school program.

Responsibility for curriculum currently rests with the interim assistant to the superintendent and the principals. In addition, the job descriptions for the high school department chairpersons include responsibility for curriculum development. However, these staff members do not serve in a supervisory capacity, hence cannot directly observe if the approved curriculum will be implemented. Initial impressions of the consultant were very positive. Although some facilities are showing their age, the buildings are safe and well run. The administration and staff are committed professionals who daily face the challenges of educating students in an urban school setting. It is clear that the students feel safe and well cared for and they treat each other and the staff in a respectful manner. The tone one senses within all of the buildings is more typical of a suburban rather than that of an urban district. The district and all the schools are to be commended for their excellent co-operation during the study. Dr. Raslowsky and Dr. Petrosino invited the consultant to a principals’ meeting to become familiar with the key staff members and explain the purpose of the study. All requested materials were provided in a timely manner and easy access was provided to the schools and classrooms. Administrative and teaching staff members were courteous and helpful. Dr. Petrosino gave willingly of his time and good counsel which is much appreciated as he has undertaken a challenging and time-consuming assignment.

Compliance with Core Curriculum Content standards One of the factors which brought about this study was the districts “New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum” (QSAC) report from the New Jersey Department of Education. This report indicated that the Hoboken district lacked a cohesive curriculum aligned to the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. This was supported by the consultant’s review of the courses of study for the high school which referenced the Core Curriculum Content Standards, hut were not specifically mapped to them. However, the result of the QSAC report is an increased consciousness of the standards by the school staff. It was very apparent in the curriculum committee meeting attended by the consultant on April 10, that Dr. Petrosino is designing the district’s new curriculum around the standards. When completed this curriculum should further enhance the district’s test scores since NJASK and 1-ISPA tests are based on the standards, the lone exception being the new end of course test in biology. Attached to this report is a sample unit of study which is mapped to the core curriculum content standards. Although it is specific to the subject of physics, it could serve as a template for the district as the staff moves toward finalizing the curriculum documents. See Addendum

Curricular materials Grades K-5 The textbook series in place for grades I -5 is “Scott Foresman Science” 2003 printing. which utilizes a spiral approach to the teaching of science. All areas of science are covered in all grades with each general area (i.e. life science, physical science, earth

science and human body) enriched and expanded in subsequent years. The series is readable and includes many hands-on activities which can he conducted without incurring a major investment in specialized science kits. In classes observed where these activities were conducted, students were engaged and able to carry out the activities as well as understand the significance of the projects. Teachers indicate that financial resources are in place to support the program but that the schedule does not allow sufficient time to cover all of the topics and activities for each grade. Grades 6-8 The middle grades utilize the Prentice-Flail series with “Physical Science” in grade 6, “Life Science” in grade 7 and “Earth Science” in grade 8. The series incorporates many meaningful activities which involve inexpensive materials. However, teachers of the sixth grade program indicate that the reading level of the “Physical Science” text is very difficult for students at that age. Again, time concerns are a problem, particularly in grade 8 at Brandt school which schedules science for the equivalent of only three days per week while grades 6 and 7 classes in other schools meet 5 or 6 times per week. With the incorporation of grade 8 into the other elementary schools in 2008-2009. it should be possible to schedule grade 6, 7 and 8 for the same amount of contact time each week. The texts in the series for the grade 6 physical science and grade 7 life science progra ms are 2001 printings and should be replaced soon with updated editions. The grade 8 earth science series dates from 2005 and is still usable for a few years. Considering teachers’ expressed concerns about the reading level of the grade 6 text, the selection committee should review the latest edition to see if it is more readable or consider a different text. It is not essential that all text books in the middle grades belong to the same series. Grades 9-12 The Prentice-Hall Series continues, in part. into the high school program with “Physical Science-Concepts in Action”, and “Biology-Exploring Life”. It is noted that these texts do not appear to he significantly more challenging than the middle school versions in the series. However, the high school versions reflect a slight shift from a factual to conceptual emphasis. The biology text is adequate for a basic college preparatory program hut is not challenging enough for an honors program. These two texts are 2004 printings and consideration should be given to using a more challenging program in the next textbook cycle. Prentice-Hall “Chernistry”-2005 printing-is used thr both Chemistry A and Honors Chemistry. This text is traditionally utilized for regular college preparatory courses and would need to he supplemented with a rigorous laboratory program and more empha sis on chemical thermodynamics and quantum mechanics in order to prepare students for the challenges of the SAT II test in chemistry. which is typically taken by students in honors 3

classes. A more rigoroLts text should be considered for the honors chemistry class. Due to the phase in of a new course sequence, no course in academic physics is offered this year. The science department took the forward looking step of making physics the first course in the high school sequence for honors level students. Unfortunately, the department found that their ninth graders could not handle the concepts, largely because they did not have a sufficient background in mathematics. Some schools have had great success with “Physics First” programs while others have tried the approach and had to revert to the more traditional sequence of biology-chemistry-physics. The last group of ninth grade physics students is currently sophomores in chemistry. An academic physics program will he re-instated in ‘08-’09 when this group enters the junior year. Addison-Wesley’s “Conceptual Physics”-1997 printing-is used for the current eleventh grade non-college preparatory physics program. This text utilizes a largely non mathematical treatment in its approach to physics concepts and is often utilized as a text in non-college preparatory physics courses in those high schools which require physics for all students. Now past 10 years old the text is due for updating. Students in this program are also involved in “First Robotics” through a grant with Stevens Institute of Technology. The 2004 printing of Prentice-Hall’s “Criminalistics-An Introduction to Forensic Science” is utilized in the elective course in “Forensics” and is appropriate. Based on observation of the course, the textbook is also supplemented with a variety of appropriate hands-on activities.

Facilities Grades K-7 With the exception of Calabro School which was built in 1975, the elementary buildings are nearly 100 years old but are well maintained. Although there are some rooms with running water, there are no science laboratories with work stations, water and gas. Despite this, teachers manage to conduct hands on activities. Classes were observed in grades 6, 4, 2 and kindergarten and teachers demonstrated excellent flexibility in performing hands-on activities in limited facilities. At Wallace school, students were observed researching science topics in the computer lab. Grades 8 Brandt school is also an aging facility with many classrooms converted to offices and some not utilized at all. Starting in ‘08-’09 it will flO longer he an eighth grade facility as grade 8 will he integrated into the other elementary schools and the facility will house a pre-school program.


Grades 9-12 The high school was built in 1962 for a student population of nearly 2000 students hut is under-utilized with an enrollment of just over 500 students. Although the district has lost population from its peak years, there is an unjustified perception on the part of some parents that they need to abandon the district after elementary school and enroll their children in charter or private schools. The science department at Hoboken High School has the rare luxury of space. There is at least one room which is unscheduled for the entire day, allowing for special or long term projects to he developed and left undisturbed. However, running water, gas and safety showers are not working in one of the laboratories which are scheduled for renovation. Laboratories have separate preparation/storage areas and operate in a safe manner.

Methods of Instruction Grades K-7 Classes were observed in kindergarten, grade 4, grade 6 and grade 7. A variety of methods were utilized by the teachers including both teacher and student centered approaches which involved student reading. laboratory activities and computer laboratory work. There was good evidence of an inquiry based approach which utilized the adopted textbook series as one of many resources. Some of the elementary teachers are involved with the Partnership to Improve Student Achievement (PISA) project through Stevens Institute of Technology. Liberty Science Center is a partner in this program and trained several of the E-[ohoken teachers who participate in the program Grade 8 A significant concern is that none of the teachers of eighth grade science is a specialist. Science is taught by teachers with elementary certification who achieved “highly qualified” status under the matrix plan. Quality of the instruction is further undermined by the fact that eighth grade science is taught on a rotating cycle with social studies, resulting in an average of only three forty minute periods of science instruction per week. These circumstances put students at a disadvantage when facing the challenges of high school science which is taught by specialists for 200 minutes per week. Grades 9-12 Since the high school represents the end result of a K-I 2 sequence, all programs and all but one science teacher were observed at Hohoken High in both regular classroom and laboratory sessions Laboratory experiments were appropriate to the instruction and conducted in a safe and competent manner by the instructors. However, much of the classroom instruction was entirely teacher centered with students listening, taking notes and answering questions. In most cases the focus was on vocabulary and basic information with little or no emphasis Ofl inquiry. analysis or evaluation. It was also 5

apparent that many of the teachers were not trained in questioning techniques. Often teachers would accept answers from any student rather than call on specific individuals in a random fashion to ensure attention from all in the class. Furthermore, questions focused on recall of specific facts or terms rather than probing for predictions or explanations of concepts. Overall, contemporary methodologies were not in evidence. Although some teachers used “Power Point” presentations in their classes, no use of technology by students was apparent with the sole exception of participation in the “First Robotics” competition by the physics classes. Based on students’ overall attention and co-operation, they could have handled more hands-on and challenging activities.

Overall Stren2ths of the district The quality of the Hohoken School district may well be one of the better kept secrets in Hudson County. The learning environment in all six schools reflects concern for students by the school leadership and the staff. Students are well behaved, polite and reflect a sense that they know they are cared for in their respective buildings. None of the impediments to learning which one might expect in an urban setting such as violence, gang influence or disruptive behavior was in evidence. The district has the distinction of having been accepted into the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Although the program is small, it is nonetheless an irrefutable index of a quality school. The new leadership of the district is moving forward to identify and address instructional concerns on both immediate and long term bases and to maximize the potential of the positive learning environment which exists in all of the schools. Although somewhat outside the purview of this report, it is suggested that the district mount an aggressive campaign to get parents into the schools while they are in operation. This may help particularly at the high school level where it is acknowledged that the district is losing students to charter and private schools. Overall Strengths of the Science Program I. 2. 3. 4. 5.


With some modifications as suggested above, the existing series of textbooks is sound. Science classes observed reflect the overall positive environment for learning which is evident in all of the schools. Based on classes observed, class size in the district is excellent. Teachers’ flexibility, particularly at the elementary levels, in providing meaningful hands-on activities despite limited physical facilities. Participation by science teachers Ofl the Curriculum Committee which ensures that science will he appropriately represented in the district’s current curriculum reforms. Based on the conversations with many staff members, it is apparent that they recognize the new leadership in the district and acknowledge that it is time to update and upgrade some long standing traditions. 6

7. Genuine desire to improve the science program as expressed by the staff. 8. Emphasis on a hands-on approach for students at the elementary level, in evidence even at the kindergarten level.

Overall Areas of RecommendationlSuggestions for Improvement Science Instruction in the Hoboken district can he significantly enhanced with attention to the following recommendations which are offered from the perspective of a critical friend. I. Upgrade methods of science instruction by training teachers, particularly at the high school level, in contemporary methodologies including co-operative learning, questioning techniques, inquiry-based science, multiple intelligences and use of technology in the science classroom. This can be achieved either through in-house programs or by sending teachers to conferences or summer institutes. As an Abbott district, students and teachers in the Hoboken schools are entitled to an array of free programs at Liberty Science Center. These include field trips to the Center, classroom workshops, family nights and teacher development programs. Although the district has utilized its allotment of field trips to the Center, until recently none of the staff development allocation has been utilized. Many of the recommendations listed above can he addressed by utilizing these professional development resources and the district is strongly encouraged to use its full compliment of available staff development programs at Liberty Science Center. Teachers may come to the Center or staff from the Teacher Programs Department can present programs in the district either after school or at in-service days. A significant impediment to comprehensive staff development in the Hoboken district is the very limited amount of time built into the district calendar for inservice programs. At this time only three half-days are in the calendar for inservice training. The consultant has worked with schools having as high as five full days of staff development time in the regular school calendar. This concern has implications for the teachers’ contract but, as negotiations are scheduled for this year, this is an opportune time to address this limiting factor. 2. Involve science teachers from all grade levels in the design of a K-12 science sequence which results in comprehensive courses of study for each grade level or specific course title. The courses of swdy should include the following A) Topical scope and sequence, each of which is referenced to specific New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards in Science B) Specific methods/activities by which the content will he presented C) Specific student performance objectives D) Methods of assessment E) Instructional resources utilized F) Safety precautions for demonstrations and laboratory work G) Supplemental activities to challenge students able to go above and beyond the regular curriculum. 7


The spiral nature of the K-5 curriculum requires organization and oversight. Since all topics are covered each year, but time constrains make it impossible to cover all of the content, it is apparent that inconsistencies in the amount of time spent on specific topics will vary from teacher to teacher and school to school. It is recommended that one of three approaches he utilized in developing the K-5 curriculum: A) Adjust the scheduled time allotted to teaching of science so that all topics can he adequately covered. B) Teach specific areas in alternate years. For example an overview in kindergarten, physical and life science in grades 2 and 4, earth/space and environmental science in grades 1 and 3 with a comprehensive review and expansion of all topics in grade 5. C) Recognizing that the NJ ASK 4 test covers all topics and assuming that the time devoted to science cannot be expanded, another approach would be to cover all topics each year but emphasize specific areas on alternate ones. For example the emphasis of grades 2 and 4 could be physical and life science hut with some time still devoted to the other areas. Likewise, earth/space and environmental science would be emphasized in grades 1 and 3 but all topics still covered.

4. Review schedules in all K-8 schools to ensure that science meets at least several days a week for all students at the K-5 level and daily for a minimum of 40 minutes in grades 6, 7 and 8. 5. Ensure that the standards and curricular materials utilized at Demarest Alternative School are consistent with those utilized in the regular programs for students at the same grade level/subject. 6. Develop a cycle of scheduled curriculum review so that content, scope and sequence, and methods of delivery are reviewed no less frequently than once every five years for each discipline. A standardized reporting format should be developed so that there is consistency in the breadth and depth of research as well as development of recommendations for revision across disciplines and grade levels. 7. Adjust staffing so that science in grades 7 & 8 is taught by fully certified science teachers. 8. Review the need for use of technology at the high school. Although technology based science lessons were in evidence at the elementary level. use of technology at the high school was limited to teachers’ use of’ Power Point presentations in their classes. 8

9. Develop a long-range facilities plan which provides for science laboratories for all science classes grades 7-12. 10. At the present time, classroom observations/evaluations are conducted by principals and central office administrators, all of whom by the nature of their positions must function as generalists. The department chair people at the high school do not serve in a supervisory capacity. The curriculum which will emerge from the current thrust of the district will require oversight. It is recommended that positions for certified subject supervisors be developed to ensure that the new curriculum is being implemented by teachers, monitored and reviewedlupdated in a regularly scheduled manner. One possible configuration would be three supervisors, on each for math/science, language arts/foreign languages, and humanities/technology. 11. Consider adding Advanced Placement (AP) courses to the high school curriculum. Although the school is to be commended for the distinction of being an International Baccalaureate (MI) high school, the Advanced Placement program is more widely known. Furthermore, only a very small percentage of students continue with the program long enough to earn an lB diploma. Advanced Placement courses can also qualify as part of an MI curriculum. Considering the upscale population which has recently migrated to 1-loboken, addition of AP courses may serve to stem the exodus of students from the district after elementary school.

The science program in the Hoboken district has the potential for excellence. There are many positive indicators already in place. These recommendations are made in a good faith effort to help the district bring science education to its full potential. Liberty Science Center stands as a willing partner to help in this endeavor.

Submitted by, 7

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Edward J. Barry Director, Teacher l)evelopment Liberty Science Center Liberty State Park 222 Jersey City Boulevard Jersey City, NJ 07305






Addendum to Consultant’s Report to Hoboken School District

Sample for a Unit of Study within a comprehensive Course of Study Unit: Rectilinear motion

Time Frame: Three Weeks

Objectives: By the conclusion of this unit of study. students will be able to perform as follows: I. State the definitions for each of Newton’s three laws of motion and inertia. CPI 5.7A-l, 5.7A-2 2. Recognize and state the distinction between mass and weight. CPI 5.7A-3 3. State the definitions for coefficient of friction as well as the distinction between static and sliding friction. CPI5.7A-1 & 3 4. Utilize the relationships within Newton’s laws to accurately compute force. mass, weight or acceleration given other information. CPI5.7A-l 5. State the distinctions between scalar and vector quantities. CPL 5.7A-l 6. Solve problems in vector analysis, utilizing graphical, geometric or trigonometric methods for resolving vector components into a resolution or breaking a vector quantity into its components. CPI 5.7A-l and 5.7C-1 7. Utilize knowledge of vectors, friction and Newton’s laws to accurately solve traditional problems involving stationary and moving masses on inclined planes. CII 5.7A-l, 5.7A-3,5.7C-1 & 5.7C-3 8. Incorporate prior knowledge of linear motion and current knowledge of Newton’s laws and vectors to accurately solve problems involving projectile motion. CPI 5.7A- I ,5.7A-2,5.7A-3, &5.7C-3 Classroom activities Demonstrations: A. “Feather and Farthing” apparatus. CPI 5.7A-3 B. Second Law Apparatus-drop and project steel ball simultaneously CII 5.7A-3 C. “Exploding” collision carts and balloon to illustrate third law of motion CPI 5 .7A-2 D. Linear air track to demonstrate inertia of moving objects CIP 5.7A- 1


Laboratory experiments A. Exploratory lab utilizing spring gauges and variable masses on roller blades. CPI 5.7 A-I, 5.4A-I. & 5.7C-3. B. Force table tbr vector resolution CPI 5.7C-I,5.7C-3 C. Block and inclined plane to determine coefficients of static and sliding friction 5.7C-1, D. Second law confirmation utilizing “Smart Pulley” or traditional tick timer CPI 5.4 A-I, 5.4 B-1,2 75.7 A-I Computer Lab simulations A. “One dimensional spring in gravitational field:—mag/eng/simple.php B. “Atwood’s Machine and Newton’s Second Law” http://www.hazelwood.k 1—grichertlsciweb/atwood.htm Classroom presentations will he utilized to present and reinforce new material, review homework, and assess student performance. Techniques utilized will include, but not be limited to: A. Utilizing contemporary questioning techniques whereby teachers question all students in a random pattern, requiring them to reflect upon questions posed at a variety of levels (i.e. knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation) B. Presenting ideas utilizing as many of the currently accepted multiple intelligences as possible C. Utilize co-operative learning groups to reinforce concepts, correct homework and analyze results of laboratory work. D. Utilize technology for class work as well as laboratory work whenever possible E. Assess students regularly by evaluating laboratory work, homework, classroom participation, and performance on demanding quizzes and tests.


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