Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

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The Jesuit Pierre Teilhard De Chardin The New Age Movement is a complex religious philosophy. It's common threads are its embrace of the occult, the godhood of man, mysticism, reincarnation, and the praise (or even worship) of Nature. Today, most New Ageism is a merging of Eastern evolutionary pantheism and Western evolutionary views (including Western occultism). In essence when you get down to it, the New Age Movement is not new. It’s nothing more than the modern expression of the ancient tenets of the Mystery Religions. The New Age reached the forefront of Western culture in the 1960's. This period in the 1960’s was called the Counterculture. Its effects have been felt today in 2009 from the language we use to the clothing we dress. The Hippies loved it, but many of the lower level Hippies didn't realize that the leadership of the Hippies had ties to the military industrial complex (that includes the government, U.S. military, and U.S. intelligence). One of the Hippie leaders was Professor Timothy Leary. He was a drug guru that

promoted LSD like candy. He was not only Jesuit trained in the College of Holy Cross in Worchester, Massachusetts. He also supported Aleister Crowley. Crowley was apart of British Intelligence during WWII, he was a Satanist, he was apart of the Golden Dawn & the OTO, and wanted society to break down traditional morality to accept the Satanic Age of Horus. Crowley admitted that the cinema would be a means to grow the possibility of

the New Aeon (or the New Age) to arise in the world. Leary said that he was carrying on the work of Aleister Crowley (like embracing the phrase do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law under love. Leary added under love since Crowley's original motto didn't include those 2 letters). Leary's ally was pro-New Ager Robert Anton Wilson who wanted to attack Christianity. Timothy Leary was accused of being a CIA agent. We do know for certain that the CIA and University professors promoted LSD in experiments and started much of the Hippie Movement that flourished in the 1960's (in other to control people and stagnant real improvements in America along. The Hippie Movement was a distraction during the continuation of the evil Vietnam War). MK-Ultra was even created in 1947 by the CIA to test mind control drugs on the American people to test out their behaviors in certain circumstances. Aldous Huxley supported these LSD experiments. The Hippie Movement damaged much of the culture stables of America and many ex-Hippies even admit to this. Music occurred in that time that promoted this New Age themes from the Beatles to others. Theilhard de Chardin was a famous Jesuit and a father of the modern New Age Movement. He promoted a New Paradigm shift in the wrold. A Paradigm shift is a holistic view that wants the world more integrated instead of broken apart. This shift accepts New Age thinking of the world. To New Agers, the Old Paradigm is about seeing things as a mechanical system of building blocks. One famous exposing the New Age movement was the top former New Age leader named Randall Baer. He became a born again Christian to expose the occult Nature of New Ageism in his book entitled “Inside the New Age Nightmare.” He died mysterious. He wrote that:

“…This agenda is nothing less than the complete revolutionizing of the very foundations of not only America but the entire world. Such a plan calls for the total restructuring of planetary civilization into an enlightened One World Federation in which national boundaries and sovereignty are secondary, and 'planetary citizenship' in the 'global village' is the order of the day. This (conspiracy) offers a world in desperate need a grand solution to profound global problems. Apparent world peace and unprecedented opportunities ... are to be unveiled." Many New Age tenets of Universalism, occultism, and Evolution are found in the Masonic Lodge. That is why Freemasons like Erasmus Darwin and others agreed with Evolution. The philosopher and French mathematician Rene Descartes (1596-1650) believed in reductionism. Reductionism is an analytical approach to things that wants to break up thoughts (or problems) into pieces plus arranging them in their logical order. It's a belief that you can learn complex phenomena by breaking them down into their consitutent parts. So, the New Age view is that all human life are fragments of the "Universal All." They want man to grow up and be apart of the whole. Now, French Roman Catholic Jesuit Pierre Thielhard de Chardin accepted the New Paradigm concepts. He is even considered the most influential individual of the New Age Movement. Chardin believed in Evolution. Now, Evolution is a Mystery religion concept that relates to reincarnation. That is why New Agers typical accept the tenets of Evolution. Evolution teaches that natural selection created all life forms from less complex to more complex organisms (man is a final product of these chance filled gradual developments over billions of years). Reincarnation itself teach that man is evolving endlessly in many lifetimes until they reach perfection. Eastern Mysticism teaches that the lower forms of

life evolve into higher forms of life and that eventually all men will evolve back into godhood or the 'Source from which they came'. Chardin believed that man can evolve into his true or Higher Self (and be more llike what God is). This New Age concept is about how they believe that man was already God, but he must go to that Source to find his True Self. This evolution into godhood (which is embraced by Freemasonry, Mormonism, and many other false religions) is called the "Cosmic Consciousness." This blasphemy is a form of New Age Spiritual Evolution. It refuses to acknowledge that man needs

a Saviour or that man can never be like God.

Evolution teaches that humans can potentially evolve into a god. Theilhard studied fossils, but supported the Piltdown man hoax. Some believe that Theilhard de Chardin believed in pantheism or that God resides in all things. Other New Agers love that concept. Some New Age view God as an impersonal force that is your inner voice, higher self or intuition. They view it as immanent in all things like man. To the New Age Movement, God can be a he or a she. Oprah Winfrey is a famous person that has brought up into the lie that man can be a God as well (she denies Jesus Christ as the only way to God the Father). Oprah follows the teachings of the New Age promoter Eckhart Tolle. She feels that God is only loving. Yes, God is Loving and also a Judge. Oprah denies that God is Jealous. Top New Age figure, Marilyn Ferguson said, "God is experienced as flow, wholeness, the infinite kaleidoscope of life and death. God is that organizing matrix we can experience but not tell, that which enlivens matter." (Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy, pg. 382). Simply, New Agers ascribe nature as to God instead of worshipping the Creature. That’s a definition of a pagan as defined by the apostle Paul in Romans 1:22-24. de Chardin also believed in the Omega Point or the view that everything will converge toward total unity. The notion of humanity evolving into a single consciousness is supported by de Chardin's literature: "Teilhard de Chardin though that 'besides His mystical body Christ also has a cosmic body spread throughout the Universe'". -Teilhard de Chardin, La Vie Cosmique, in Ecrits Du Temps De La Guerre, pg. 67-69 (Quoted in Fox, 137). de Chardin also followed the ideal of a Cosmic Christ (or a false Christ that fulfills all of the religions of the world). Matthew Fox, the Dominican Scholar also said in his book, "The Coming of the Cosmic Christ" on pg 83 that Teilhard de Chardin "...calls the Cosmic Christ the 'third nature' of Christ, meaning that it takes us beyond the fourth century conciliar definitions of Christ's human and divine natures into a third realm, 'neither human nor divine, but cosmic'. Clearly de Chardin saw the paradigm shift that was implicit in powerful celebration of the Cosmic Christ." Here's another source on this man:

"Teilhard de Chardin though that 'besides His mystical body Christ also has a cosmic body spread throughout the Universe'". -Teilhard de Chardin, La Vie

Cosmique, in Ecrits Du Temps De La Guerre, pg. 67-69 (Quoted in Fox, 137). So, the Jesuit Order had a key relationship with the New Age Movement. We do know that the Vatican had a key role in the creation of the city of Washington, D.C. There is pagan influence in D.C.'s design as well. There is the goddess Persephone as a statue on the top of the United States Capitol Building. Persephone is a Greco-Roman goddess of the pysche and the soul. He was kidnapped by Hades and was the queen ruler of Hell or the underworld. The Persephone statue was sculpted in Rome and installed on atop of the Capitol on the 47th anniversary of the death of John Carroll (who is America's first Roman Catholic bishop). That events was heralded by 47 gunshots (which constituted of thirty-five from a field battery on Capitol Hill, twelve from the surrounding forts). Bishop Carroll's family owned the property where the Capitol resided in. Even in 1663 Maryland

record, the exact site was recorded under the title of Rome and its owner was a man named Francis Pope. That is why it isn't uneasy to see that Maryland was originally a Roman Catholic colony that was named after the Catholic Virgin of Mary (not the Biblical Mary of the Bible). Roman Catholicism is a religious order and a secular government whose headquarters is in Vatican City in Rome's surroundings. The Pope views himself as an absolute ruler. In the political context, the Roman Catholic Church has been determined by the United States District courts to be a foreign State (U.S. court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, case No. 85-1309). It was founded by Lord Baltimore, Celilius Calvert, whose father, George, had been converted to Catholicism in 1625, about the time that King Charles I came to the throne in England. Charles was the son of James I, under whose direction the King James Bible was published. Anyway, George Calvert was the Secretary of the State to Charles I. When he converted to Catholicism, he resigned his position, because of difficulty in serving a Protestant King. But Charles himself married a Roman Catholic princess, Henrietta Marie, sister of Louis XIII of France. He also promoted to the highest levels in the Church of England men who were sympathetic to the Roman Catholic rituals and traditions—which greatly disturbed the Puritans and Calvinists. Charles I was deposed and beheaded for his Ecumenical views and the monarchy was abolished for years. George Calvert couldn't develop his grant because he died. His

son Cecilius Calvert did. Cecilius sailed to America on November 22, 1633 with 2 ships called the Ark and the Dove. The voyage was spiritually directed by Jesuit priest Andrew White. On the ships, there were 3 Jesuits, 16-20 Roman Catholics, and hundreds of Protestant slaves plus laborers. The White House is named after Andrew White. It was founded by Lord Baltimore, Celilius Calvert, whose father, George, had been converted to Catholicism in 1625, about the time that King Charles I came to the throne in England. Charles was the son of James I, under whose direction the King James Bible was published. Anyway, George Calvert was the Secretary of the State to Charles I. When he converted to Catholicism, he resigned his position, because of difficulty in serving a Protestant King. But Charles himself married a Roman Catholic princess, Henrietta Marie, sister of Louis XIII of France. He also promoted to the highest levels in the Church of England men who were sympathetic to the Roman Catholic rituals and traditions, which greatly disturbed the Puritans and Calvinists. Roman Catholic Pierre Charles L'Enfant laid out a design for Washington, D.C.

Washington D.C. is a Masonic inspired city. Even Freemason David Ovason would admit to this. That’s easy to see because the construction of the White House, the Washington Monument, and other locations have been done with the help of Freemasons. Numerous Buildings in Washington, D.C. have Masonic cornerstones in them from the Smithsonian to Capitol Building. Even the White House’s architect was a Irish Freemason named James Hoban. Washington, D.C. has occult street Patterns like the Pentagram with one side missing, an owl image, and other geometric shapes. The same Secret Societies (or these wicked Brotherhoods) that help built Washington, D.C. have built similar structures for thousands of years.

According to Rick Stanley:

"...When L’Enfant numbered the city blocks, the series runs from Q Street North through the Capitol grounds down to the mouth of James Creek. All the numbers between 600 and 900 are assigned to blocks within this area—except for the number 666 which is missing. It must have been given to the only section of blocks in the 600 series—the Capitol grounds. Of course, the prehistoric name for Rome was STUR (from Satyr, short for Saturnia, or Saturn). In the ancient Chaldee language, which used its letters for numbers, S=60; T=400; U=6; R=200, for a total of 666...Meanwhile, Constantino Btumidi had arrived from work to do the artwork for the Dome of the Capitol. He painted what is called the “Apotheosis of Washington.” That means “the deification of George Washington.” According to Webster’s Dictionary, Apotheosis means “the act of placing a prince or other distinguished person among the heathen deities.” Between the deified Washington and the earth flies the Virgin pursuing “evildoers” with the Roman Eagle at her side. Her position between heaven and earth was meant to identify her as

the Mediatrix, the most prominent role of the Roman goddess, Minerva (or Venus). The eagle at her side is the mascot of Jupiter, the ruling god of Rome. It represents Roman justice...In fact, the motto of our Justice Department is Qui Pro Domina Justita Sequitur, “He who follows the Goddess Justica.” Persephone, or Minerva, or Venus (different names for the same goddess), when judging the dead in Hades, was called “Justica.” The Justice Department’s motto encircles the eagle, of course, who was said to follow Justicia...Other details of this painting are too many to describe here, but when we focus upon the one young man in the painting who is called “Young America,” we will see the real point of our entire discussion. Young America wears a little cap known as a “Phrygian cap.” Phrygia was a district in Pergamum, or Pergamos, which Revelation 2:13 calls “Satan’s seat.” Phrygian caps were given to freed slaves to show the world their liberated status. However, Roman law stated that this freedom could be revoked at any time for any cause. In other words, their liberty was given as a privilege, not as an inherent right..." (From http://www.stanley2002.org/seeingunseen.htm)

Therefore, Roman Catholic influence in Washington, D.C. was and is very real. Some even believe that America is Mystery Babylon and others believe that it is the Roman Catholic Church. According to Dr. Cathy Burns' book entitled, "Billy Graham and His Friends: A Hidden Agenda?," Theilhard de Chardin was an eugenicist, a Marxist, a humanist, a great admirer of the Communist system of China, and a proponent of one world government. De Chardin accepted the fantasy that man was evolving into the being of the godhead. He said once that: "...I can only be saved by becoming one with the Universe..." (Theilhard de Chardin, "Christianity and Evolution," SCP Journal (19:2/3), p. 56). He is wrong since man can't be one with the Universe. Not to mention that man is saved by God alone not by connecting with the Universe. He wanted an Universal Christ to convert the world, but Christ will not yolk with unbelievers at all. de Chardin was a slick, sinister globalist that was even called a heretic by the Catholic Church (although, the late Pope John Paul II liked him). Some New Agers like Theophists openly admitted that their goal is to develop the global government system. In a theosophist Magazine, Theosophist C. Jinarajadasa praises the internationalist League of Nations (which failed by the time WWII commenced):

“First, the League of Nations. Such an international body would not have come into existence when it did but for our pioneer work. It certainly would have come into being sometime, perhaps fifty or a hundred years later than it did. But we were its advance-guard, and we prepared the world’s mental atmosphere through our work; we ‘turned over’ the world’s mind, as a farmer turns over the soil to make it ready to receive the seed, and the League’s birth was made easier as the result of our pioneer work.” (C. Jinarajadasa, ‘The Pioneers of God’, THE THEOSOPHIST, June, 1939, pgs. 205-206). In the same article Jinarajadasa looked forward to the creation of an economic blanket for the world: “Our work is only begun. It will not be complete till mankind has one World Organization to direct the affairs of all the nations, till there is a World Economic Council to cater justice to the needs of all.” (Ibid, pg. 207). Alice Bailey (a wife of Freemason Foster Bailey) wrote that: "...Only in the final root-race of men upon our planet will the essential central Triangle make its appearance and function openly in the third planetary Center, that of Humanity. One point of this future triangle will emerge out of the field of world governments, of politics and of statesmanship; another will appear out of the world religions, and a third out of the general field of world economics and finance..." ("Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle: VI. The Planetary Life - A Center in the Solar System" excerpts from pages 94-95) "The prime work of the church is to teach, and teach ceaselessly, preserving the outer appearance in order to reach the many who are accustomed to church usages. Teachers must be trained; Bible knowledge must be spread; the sacraments must be mystically interpreted, and the power of the church to heal must be demonstrated. The three main channels through which the preparation for the new age is going on might be regarded as the Church, the Masonic Fraternity and the educational field. All of them are as yet in relatively static condition, and all are as yet failing to

meet the need and to respond to the inner pressure. But in all of these three movements, disciples of the Great Ones are to be found and they are steadily gathering momentum and will before long enter upon their designated task. The Masonic Movement when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralysing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward. It is a far more occult organization than can be realised, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lies hid the wielding of the forces connected with the growth and life of the kingdoms of nature and the unfoldment of the divine aspects in man. In the comprehension of its symbolism will come the power to cooperate with the divine plan. It meets the need of those who work on the first Ray of Will or Power…There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity, if those groups leave off being organisations with material purpose, and become organisms with living objectives. When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have (after a period of intensive work on the physical plane beginning around the year 1940) the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation, as a consequence of the first initiation." (Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Lucis Pub., 1957, pp. 510-11, 14) Robert Muller said that "We must move as quickly as possible to a one world government; a one world religion; under a one world leader." ("A One World Order is Coming" by Dr. Cathy Burns, pg. 6) Alice Bailey want the occult interpretation of the Scriptures to infiltrate churches. Bailey also admits that Freemasonry plays a key role in the institution of the New Age in the world. Benjamin Creme, another big New Age leader, also believes Freemasonry with a revitalized Christian Church will be the religion of the New Age. Alice Bailey was a New Age leader, who was affiliated with Lucis Trust. She found many new groups, wrote books, and wrote educational goals in America (for the U.S. Health, Education, and Welfare in 1958 according to Fritz Springmeier). Conjecture is never apart of what these occultists really desire. They apparently want the unification of economies, religions, and government. Even the Baha’i religion believes that they want a unification of religions and government. They see the historical Jesus as only one of several manifestations of Christ on equal ground as Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Zoroastrian, Buddha, Mohammed, the Bab, and their founder: Baha'u'llah. The Bahai religion is the smoking gun proving that the One World Religion agenda is potent today. One of the secrets of the New Age Movement is that some New Agers worship Lucifer like David Spangler. For example, Benjamin Crème praised Lucifer just like Rudolf Steiner of the Anthroposophical Society (which tried to separate Satan and Lucifer, which is a common New Age tenet. Yet, the Bible is very clear that Lucifer became evil and fell from Heaven to be Satan. Satan and Lucifer are the same being). Even Manly P. Hall being a 33rd degree Freemason praised Lucifer in his book entitled, “The Lost Keys of Freemasonry. So, the many New Agers are Luciferians. Some New

Agers call their false Messiah the Christ. The New Age views of Blavatsky and other occultists influenced Adolf Hitler (who believed that they were descendants from the Aryans from Atlantis. Even Heinrich Himmler saw the men in his army as the reincarnation of Teutonic knights and kings, in particular the Knights of King Arthur's Round Table): “…Toward the end of the nineteenth century a sinister Order of New Templars was estabished in Germany and Austria, employing the Swastika as one of the emblems. Figures like H.P. Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy, and Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy spoke of an esoteric "wisdom tradition" running back through the Rosicrucians to the Cathars and Templars who were purportedly repositories of more ancient secrets still..." (Secrets of the Code p. 181-182) Secrets of the Code p. Hitler wanted his Millennial Utopia to last for 1,000 years. The Nazis also had an obsession with the Holy Grail as well. The lie that all religions are equal is certainly a doctrine of devils. Even Al Gore in his book called “Earth in the Balance; Ecology and the Human Spirit” praises the concept of a

Mother Goddess, Nature worship, and believes that we should accept other religions as valid. Gore is a Club of Rome member and subscribes to global warming hysteria. Some New Agers even deny the existence of Hell or sin. There is no question that with all of these events going on (like false Messiah, a war on terror, Israel being a nation again, people showing false doctrines, the rapid increase of knowledge, the promotion of world government & a world economic system, etc.) that we are in the last days. The signs are everywhere. Now, the New Age Movement believes in the Age of Aquarius or a paradigm shift where a new world order will be created. The New Age Movement was popularized by the mass media heavily from the late 1970’s and early 1980’s onward. Prominent artists who create New Age music expressly for healing or meditation include Aeoliah, Deuter, Deepak Chopra, and Steven Halpern. Some view that the New Age initiation ultimately is the Mark of the Beast. The lesson is that we shouldn't just expose the New Age Movement, but we should help people leave their deceptive doctrines. We ought to get right with God and reject the worldly propaganda. The Jesuit Pierre Theilhard de Chardin was one deceived individual. I’m over the unnecessary agitation. I’m pro-God and I’m pro-real freedom. Folks now are waking up, while others are being more wicked than ever. It’s our jobs in our generation to help others and express the truth even more. We owe to ourselves, others, and God to fulfill our real goals in life.

By Timothy

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