Phoenicians - Chapter 32

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Phoenicians Chapter 32 Oct 28th – Fighting has now engulfed the luxury hotels, embassies and parliament and the mass exodus by most foreigners is continuing. Most Americans going to Athens, Greece. The U.S. Ambassador “McMurtrie Godley” said he delayed the evacuation orders because he didn’t want to let the Lebanese government down by ordering the Americans to leave earlier. United States Marines at the embassy are in full battle dress and fully armed and ready to defend their territory. International news reports say the Christians are loosing ground in this new fighting whereas the Muslim leftists have occupied high ground above the Phalange territory. The reporters trapped inside the “Saint George Hotel” watch as the fighting escalates beyond control by anyone – it is war at its best. Christian militia occupy the Saint George and the Holiday Inn – most guests have left the country – the United State embassy moves the flag to the hotel – it is noted (international press) that the PLO and its Muslims partners now control most of high locations in the city. The member of the Parliament that did show up today, are assisted by the Security Force in an organized evacuation. The PM calls for a special council of all factions to end the violence. More barricades are put up throughout the city, fighting is sporadic but deadly as the various groups roam the streets, leftists, rightists , Christians, Muslims and the PLO looking to kill each other – and the hospitals are filled with the wounded, mostly civilians trying to survive the madness. 75 are reported killed today. Oct 29th – The fighting shifts to concentrate on the luxury hotels and area still controlled by the Christian forces, but the move is on by the leftists to gain control – in the meantime Lebanese Security forces drive armored cars through the fighting in attempts to rescue the foreigners caught in the middle. They evacuate some in the Holiday Inn and the Phoenicia Hotel, but many are still trapped at each. The Holiday Inn, Phoenicia and Saint George come under heavy attack by the Muslim leftists, whereas 100 Americans gather at the Riviera Hotel (the US Embassy has move the flag to this hotel) as their first step in their evacuation to Greece. They are leaving with the clothes on their back.

The exodus numbers are increasing by the hour – almost unmanageable. Over 100 have been reported killed this day, numbers or wounded are not noted, and it is also noted that the hospitals have little or no supplies. Oct 30th – The intense fighting is still centered around the luxury hotels, the Phalange still hold the Holiday Inn, where they are withstanding heavy and frequent attacks by the Muslims.

And the Muslims still occupy the “unfinished” Mour

building. People move around the city as if they were walking on glass (which in most cases they are) one reporter “Phil Caputo” (Chicago Tribune) was shot by the leftists said it is a madhouse (he recovered fully) and wonders what will happen if the Muslims gain control over Lebanon. Other Muslims, like Yemen students and Arabs from other countries are flooding the airport in their rush to leave. It is now reported with urgency that the hospital are out of medicine and really can’t treat anymore. The PM of Lebanon says he’ll quit if the latest cease-fire doesn’t work. United Nations Secretary General “Kurt Waldheim” is deeply concerned over the possible international consequences over the situation, especially with Israel watching to see if Lebanon becomes a Muslim-controlled state where PM Itzhak Rabin has said, “if this happens the forces in Lebanon will present a serious security threat to Israel”.

Other people agree noting that Syrian troops on the Lebanese

border would create a large threat to Israel.

There are no indications of a large

buildup of forces in Israel – yet! Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres has visited the border and said the situation is serious and made mention that Israel had hoped to do business with Lebanon. All but essential U.S. personnel have been evacuated, and now the United States feels that the PLO has seriously upset the balance between the Christians and Muslims, and note that the Syrian desire to calm the situation is genuine, but the U.S. says if its military gets involved Israel would step in – so the United States can only urge restraint. The government declares its 10th cease-fire, to no avail. As the attacking Muslim militias thirst after the control of the luxury hotels in the heart of Beirut. In the midst of all this a fire breaks out at the Phoenicia International Hotel, as armored cars make almost fruitless attempts to evacuate guests. And at the Saint George Hotel there are more gunmen than guests, instead of a doorman there is a

machinegun nest and roadblocks on each side of its entrance – weary Christian gunmen sleep in the lobby – they like their counterparts now that position is everything in downtown Beirut, and right not the Christians are losing control of the area to the Muslims. Lebanon Security forces are unable to evacuate any more foreigners so it falls the U.S. embassy limousine who takes some, including a reporter to safety. Most Americans now at airport waiting for planes to spirit them away from the fury of Beirut. The 3rd American in 8-days is kidnapped by the Muslims, a civilian pilot by the name of “Herman Clyde Huddleston” is taken from his apartment, where his kidnappers accuse him of being involved in the civil war. Phalange troops attack the “Kantari” section Beirut a Muslim area, as each faction tries to capture of much as the city they can. 30 are killed today in the country of Lebanon in a war that seems will never end. Oct 31st – Another cease-fire is announced, number eleven and it is noted that during the last one 30 were killed and 70 were wounded. The Phalange occupy the large hotels and the Muslim leftist up on the hill, people are walking the streets in the relative calm shaking their heads at the destruction to their city – it is noted that the U.S. embassy has even taken a few shells.

Shoppers converge on one area of the city during lulls in fighting,

government security forces patrol safe streets and they haven’t been used to stop fighting as it is feared they will split and join their respective sects. Government inoculation centers have been setup, with long lines of people waiting for their shots – in hopes that if disease runs rampant they will be protected – and some fierce fighting starts on “Clemenceau Saint” where Christians, Muslims and Foreigners all live. President Anwar Sadat puts in his two cents by announcing it would be a disaster for any foreign power to step in at this time, going on to say he has had his differences with the Palestinians, but he supports them. Beirut on this last day in October 1975 is a mess. Nov 2nd – The two Americans kidnapped 11-days ago by the “Popular Front the Liberation of Palestine” send out ransom demands the negotiations are underway for Charles Gallagher and William Dykes.

The government tries to patch together another cease-fire, this time getting the Muslims to move back from some Luxury hotels. The Marxists, Palestinians, Muslims and a few others are on the “left” side, although they out numbered the right (Christians) they lack the education and discipline of the right. Most of the street fighters (on the left) call this war a class war, whereas most left areas are mostly poor – when reporter travels with a representative of the Palestinian Rejection Front to one of these areas, he is treated with abject hostility. Nov 3rd – Merchandise is sold on streets as most stores are either closed are abandoned, the mass exodus from country continues especially the American firms and their Lebanese employees.

Most agree that Lebanon has descended into

anarchy and out-of-control civil war. In the USA President Ford has stated that the PLO must recognize Israel before it is allowed to join in Middle East peace talks – President Anwar Sadat says he hopes that President Ford will change his mind on this condition – USA threatens to pull out of the United Nations International Labor Organization because it admitted the PLO as an observer. Nov 4th – Shaky cease-fire in Beirut – Muslims and Christians in hotel district have withdrawn from strongholds. Nov 6th – Cease-fire still holding – fighting breaks out in Jounieh after weapons arrive by ship for the Phalange – Premier Karami, who is Muslim, issues order to stop unloading but they are ignored by the Christians. November 10th - Cardinal Bertoli, an emissary of Pope Paul VI arrives in Beirut presenting a papal message calling for all leaders to work on restoring peace. Nov 13th – Both Christians and Muslims kidnap 140 persons in 24-hours – Ceasefire is threatened.

Lebanese Army commandos kill 2-Palestinians guerrillas for

trying to attack plane at airport. Nov 14th – Israeli troops withdraw from Ras Sudar oil fields Nov 15th – two bombs explode on Israeli-occupied west bank of Jordan – 2 wounded Nov 16th -

President Frangieh and Prime Minister Karami “studied” the

political reform and the secularization of pubic services. The Prime Minister presents a plan to redress the economy and to “curb” unemployment. He claimed religious equity in the parliamentary representation and a complete secularization of public


The government decided to create a “shock squad” in charge of re-

establishing security in Lebanon. Nov 18th – 11 are killed in Beirut fighting. Syria to extend UN buffer force mandate in Golan Heights Nov 19th – PLO say anti-aircraft fire drove off 4-Isreali jets from outside of Beirut, fighting continues in some parts of city. Muslim create slaughterhouse in some parts of city, they report that there will be no peace until the Christians share wealth and political power with the Muslims. Nov 20th – 18 reported killed in Beirut street battles Nov 21st – 20 killed in streets, PLO backed Muslims still have the advantage in the streets. Noted that Israeli Air Force have flown over Beirut for the last 3-days. Three Israeli soldier-students killed and 2 others wounded in PLO raid in Golan Heights – 3 guerrillas slipped into (Ramat Magshimin) Jewish religious school after dark, the raiders ordered one of them (the survivor) to go back to Syria with them, he ran and escaped.

Israeli spokesperson said the raid was made under an

agreement with Syria and their armed forces. Nov 24th – 100 have died in Beirut street fighting that started on the 21 st – Many vital services are no longer available, education impossible, over 3,600 shops have closed and countless businesses destroyed and it estimated that over 200,000 people have left the country. The Lebanese “National Reconciliation Committee” breaks up after two keymembers fail to attend, the meeting for the 13th cease-fire in Beirut collapses, and fighting resumes. Nov 25th – International news reports that the Leftist force wants social revolution and the complete control of the western part of city – were now the Christians occupy the center, gunmen on both sides were masks, and the Muslims scream that the Christians are the “privileged class” despite being the minority, such as it is a conflict between the rich and the poor. Another truce is destroyed. Nov 26th -

Kurt Waldheim, Secretary General of the United Nations visits

Lebanon for a “few hours” and declares that the “LEBANESE THEMSELVES HELD THE SOLUTION TO THE LEBANESE CRISIS”, strange considering the history of events leading to the crisis – don’t you think?

It is believed that if “partitioning” happens in Lebanon, Muslim Syria will intervene which in turn would cause Israel to do the same. In Moscow news short is showing that the USSR sees a chance of moving in also. The shaky at best 3-week cease-fire falls apart, and the bulk of 15 that die daily are mostly by indiscriminate snipers. December 1st – Israel agrees to extend UN peace-keeping force for 6-months in Golan Heights, but they “denounce” UNSC resolution linking Middle East debate by council to PLO participation. Israel raids the villages of Beddawi, Nahr El Bared, and Nabatyeh are noted more violent then ever; their attacks kill 111 citizens and wound over 140 others. Lebanon requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council which meets on Dec 5th, and condemns the incident and the overall raids against Lebanon. Israelis report they attack 3 refugee camps, Lebanese report they were refugee camps. One school was hit, children along with commandos are killed. Dec 2nd – It is reported that Kissinger has promised Israel that the United States will veto any PLO participation in UN Security Council debate. Lebanon and Egypt continue protest in UN about raids on the 1st. Dec 3rd – PLO promises reprisals because of raids, Lebanon and Egypt leaning heavy on UN at this time. In Rome the Vatican calls attack an “inadmissible gesture of violence”. Dec 4th – United Nations Security Council votes 9-3 to let PLO take part in debate on Israeli air raids into Lebanon. Dec 5th – UN debates Israeli air raids into Lebanon, Israel boycotts session because the PLO had a representative at meeting – United Nations condemns Israel for occupying Arab lands and denying national rights to Palestine Arabs. UN votes 84-17 for Israel to withdraw from Arab Lands.

They also pass resolution that all

“help” (aid) for Israel should be stopped while Israel occupies Arab territory. 200 Influential Jews sign document condemning the UN resolution that “Zionism is racism” – council called to create a Jewish unity and to fight animosity. December 6th, 1975 (Black Saturday) Four Christians were murdered and one wounded in a car outside the Lebanese Electricity Company headquarters in east Beirut by a Muslim militia party – they had been hacked to death with axes and shot – these killings took place on the eve of

Pierre Gemayel’s visit to Damascus.

A Lebanese reporter, James Saady was the

father of one of those killed --- sadly a few weeks before he had lost his other son who had been abducted from his racing car during a rally and killed. When he hears of his son’s murder he goes on a rampage (understandably) and begins randomly stopping cars and killing Muslim occupants. Discipline within in the Phalangist fighters completely collapsed when they setup a road block on the “ring road” and started killing Muslims. Others within the group went to the port area and killed Muslim dock workers, they are some sources that report that the Gemayel’s had ordered the killing of 40 Muslims in retaliation for the 4 dead Christians – these reports are not supported. It is recorded although that a number of senior Phalangist officers including “William Hawi”, the Commander-inChief of the Kataeb Military Council, ran from the military Kataeb base and tried to stop the murders – but the rage had grown to such a magnitude that his own people fired on him. When the news of this action reached west Beirut, Muslims militias along with their Palestinian allies setup road blocks and started killing Christians --- in a matter of hours a total of over 200 civilians from each side had been killed. Indeed a Black Saturday. In the aftermath the number of dead and maimed mounted in Beirut. Snipers on rooftops or from high windows shot their victims in the streets, in their homes, in shop and in offices. A too common site was a pickup truck with a mounted Soviet heavy machine-gun (“Douchka”) mounted in its bed; the gunner holding its grips with both hands (to keep his balance) as the truck hurtled through the streets and careened around corners. Everywhere in the city, “armed elements” walked into public places wearing masks, balaclavas, or squares of cloth covering their features, or carnival papier-mâché faces, comic or grotesque, under cowboy Stetsons, helmets, or any kind of headgear.

Feather boas were seen draped around necks and shoulders, under

masked faces, bits and pieces of all kinds of uniforms were worn: camouflage fatigues, jeans and T-shirts.


Guns were carried as an indispensable

necessity, even in restaurants and on the beaches, by woman as well as men.

The masking was done, often from a genuine fear to conceal ones identity to avert possible vengeance, but it also contained a certain amount of illicit excitement in that it carried the freedom to kill with no fear of reprisal, and this adventurous manner attracted men and women from far beyond the shores of Lebanon. Beirut had descended into an “old west” type of anarchy, where men walked the dusty streets of a silver-town in search of a crooked card game, a cheap bottle of whiskey and a fancy lady to run too during the late evening hours. In Beirut’s case, many a person “toted” his gun in the ranks of the Fedayeen and the Marxists, along with bourgeois idealists, youths from Europe, most of them diehards of the “New Left’s” militant (peace movements) of the late 1960s that ran rampant across the America’s, and now found themselves “playing” at revolution, and others neo-Nazis, all drawn to Lebanon from the “safe” societies of the West to walk amongst the “real thing”. They sat in the restaurants by the beach, drank their whiskey and puffed on their water drawn hookahs; each with a license to shoot and kill in an alien world, with almost complete impunity – to them the parasitic PLO state of Lebanon was a wonderland full of adventure with death leaning on the lamppost watching them carry on.

The would-be heroes of the “Revolution”, including the playboys and

playgirls of West Germany, Italy, and Scandinavia were playing at their masquerade of dress up, dress down, strut, blow up and kill – the ultimate video game. Albeit a masquerade it was cruel beyond description, whereas their “adventure” required the suffering and dying of multitude of helpless people, these people who walked with innocence into the carnival of death – Lebanon. To add to this, was the almost theatrically arranged scenes of convoys of cars with guns protruding from their windows, accompanied by armored vehicles and motorcycles as they screamed through the streets escorting “Arafat” or “Abu Iyad” on their visits to politicians, foreign envoys, or allied commanders of the revolutionary forces. Upon arrival at their destination the accompanying “henchmen” or “bodyguards” armed with ‘klashens’ would push ahead of the short little man, Arafat with his kafliyah pinned back from his face, dark glasses and an all too obvious three-day growth of hair on his face, or maybe it was Abu Iyad, another short stout man dwarfed by his huge bodyguards.

Dec 8th – Fighting hot and heavy in hotel district, curfew is declared but ignored, man leading the Muslim assault is “Abu Mort” known as the father of death. The leftists expect to occupy the hotels by nightfall – the international press says over 150 had been executed over the weekend. The government pleads with Muslims and Christians to stop fighting and sends its Army commandos into Beirut streets – reports issued say over 4,000 have died in Lebanon since April – and that some of dead were kidnapped and then mutilated. Dec 9th – Army commandos drive Muslims and Christians apart on the waterfront, 230 have been killed in 2-days, it is now reported that Communists & Nazarites have spearheaded attack on the “rightists” in the luxury hotel district – the commercial district also attacked. The “leftists” set fire to the Phoenicia Hotel, in an attempt to drive the Christians from the Holiday Inn – 100 Army troops guard the banking district as “leftists” try to gain more territory. Leftist Muslims “seize” Saint George Hotel, Christians only hold the Holiday Inn – Lebanese Government Security Forces are suspiciously absent (this noted by International reporters), Lebanese Army guards the U.S. Embassy which is near hotels. Dec 10th – Heavy fighting in hotel district – Security forces now clear out snipers and occupy their positions, and they also move into the business districts. Another cease-fire (the 14th) and fighting continues in the luxury hotel district and another 30 die in the pit called Beirut. Dec 11th – The Lebanese Army withdraws from the area of fighting in Beirut, as the Muslims drive nearly all of the Christians out of the hotel district.


continue the attacks into the territory at night, the Phoenicia Hotel flies the “Socialist Flag”, and the leftists set fire to the Royal Bank of Canada – the “leftists” consider the Army to be biased towards the Christian Phalange – they suspect that the Premier “Rashid Karami” called the cease-fire to isolate left as “warmongers” and have boycotted government meetings on cease-fires, they also steal an armored car from the Army. The Phalange still occupy the Holiday Inn, standing up to the siege. PLO has set up hospital to deal with wounded “refugees”.

The PLO’s Red

Crescent Society operating hospital near each refugee camp in Lebanon, the

brother of Yasser Arafat, Doctor Fathi Arafat will open doors to anyone who needs medical or social services. It is reported that over 5,000 have been killed and 10,000 have been wounded since fighting started in April. Dec 12th - Twenty-four Christians are “massacred” in their farm outside of Beirut circle of death. International TV is shown the dead staff of the Phoenician Hotel, killed by the Socialist Muslims who occupied it. North of Beirut, Phalange unit captures a band of Muslim refugees, all are released no injury to any.

Christian Phalange believe there will be no political

agreement until progress is made on battle front. Leftist say they have trapped Christians in Holiday Inn, they set fire to it, the entire Hotel district is paralyzed. Dec 14th – Nazarites and other leftist gain control over large sections of Beirut, from Mour Tower they have a command view over the hotel district – the fire directed against the Holiday Inn, which is still held by the Christians. The Christians say they will not withdraw unless the Lebanese Army occupies it – the Phoenicia and the Saint George have been gutted by mortar and rocket fire – Canada and Australia have told their nationals to leave country – 5,000 American left when they got the word from their embassy. 49 have died today. Dec 15th - After a week on intense fighting the 1 st phases of the 18th cease-fire agreement are reached with the evacuation of the towers and big hotels in the capital.

The 16th cease-fire seems to be holding – one ABC cameraman “Steve

O’Neil” is allowed into the Holiday Inn – he reports supplies still available for Christians, and the elevators are working – their defense is holding up against the leftists. Government has set up a buffer zone in district. Sporadic fighting still reported. Dec 16th – Premier Rashid Karami accuses Israel of planning invasion to rescue Jewish population in Beirut, Israel denies charge they tell reporters the man is being silly. Worst of fighting still in the hotel district – the immediate job is to turn the slow burn cease-fire into a lasting one. Government troops still in the hotel district.

Dec 20th – Masked gunmen kill the Muslim governor of North Lebanon and wound his wife – fighting continues in Beirut. Dec 22nd – Christians and Muslims still fighting in Beirut, 37-killed and 69 are wounded – the Premier is talking to Syrian leaders about ending strife. Thousands of armed elements attempt to invade Zahleh, the army countered and hundreds of shells, mortars and rockets rained down on the town, at the same time bloody battles are reported in Tripoli. Dec 23rd – Premier Rashid Karami returns with promise from Syrian President Hafez Assad to “encourage” Syrians to observe cease-fire. Heavy fighting still going on in Beirut. Israeli Air Force are flying “reconnaissance” flights over the city. Dec 25th – Beirut fighting quiets for Christmas, then resumes – kidnapping reported and violence casualties are reported. Children pay in street when they can, their pets fall victim to fighting and the city is at a standstill – parents around the world who watch TV broadcasts of Beirut wonder about the long-time effects of the war on the children, psychological, physical and their death – the effects of this “conflict” will remain for years in Lebanon. CBS featured a Christina family in Lebanon at Christmas time, where it is reported that Mr. Tonb must travel outside the country to keep his medical supply business open, and the family remains secluded in their apartment – no school since April and the children wear knit ski masks from the Phalange to keep warm – Lena Tonb says it doesn’t feel like Christmas, other residents in the unit hold mass in the lobby. No holiday decorations scattered across the landscape, stores closed and luxury hotels in ruins, gunmen control the streets, and the Lebanese government unwilling to compromise, and a local Anglican Church is looted – it doesn’t feel like Christmas anywhere in Lebanon. 26 are killed today and 61 wounded. Reports are issued that over 7,000 have been killed since April. Dec 26th – Arab League is trying to enforce cease-fire in Lebanon, and local Beirut newspaper say Christians in parliament agreed to share government power with Muslims.

Heavy fighting near Holiday Inn killed 12 today and wounded 35, and fires are set in the business district. Defense minister Shimon Peres calls for Israel to begin discussions with Palestinians, but not PLO representative or Yasser Arafat. Dec 29th – Mediterranean storm brings temporary respite from fighting – sandbags still in place and small arms erupt from time to time, another cease fire called or on January 2nd – government agrees to give Muslims a greater voice in government – sadly the hate left by the fighting will remain for years. As 1975 drew to a close, it was very evident that no side had a clear decisive military advantage, although it was generally acknowledged that the “Lebanese Front (right)” had done less well than expected against the disorganized “Lebanese National Movement (left)”. The political hierarchy still was incapable of maintaining the peace, except for occasional short-lived cease-fires. As usual, reform was “discussed” but due to the nature of the persons participating in the discussions, little headway was made toward any significant improvements. Syria, which was deeply concerned about the flow of events, also proved powerless to enforce calm through diplomatic means --- in the end providing as much to the ongoing violence as anyone. And, through all of this, the end of the year the Lebanese Army (which had mostly stayed a distance from the action) was beginning to show signs of factionalizing and threatened to bring its heavy weapons into the conflict

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