Phi Theta Kappa, Iota Xi New Officers Application

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  • Pages: 7
Chapter Officer & Committee Leader Application Form Position Interested in (Check All that Apply) ____ Chapter Officer ____ Committee Leader Which Position are you applying for? ________________________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION CLEARLY Name: (First)___________________________(Last)___________________________________ Major (if declared): ________________________________________ Total Credits Earned at UCC (as of today) ____________ Home Address: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Home Telephone: (

) ____________________/ Cell: (

) _____________________

EMAIL: ________________________________________ Current (Spring 2009) Course Schedule (i.e. Course Number: SOC 101 Course Number _____________ Course Number _____________ Course Number _____________ Course Number _____________ Course Number _____________

Days & Time: Tu/Th 9:30-10:50 a.m.) Days & Time:__________________ Days & Time:__________________ Days & Time:__________________ Days & Time:__________________ Days & Time:__________________

Credit Hours: 3.0) Credit Hours ____________ Credit Hours ____________ Credit Hours ____________ Credit Hours ____________ Credit Hours ____________

Fall 2009 Course Schedule (If known) (i.e. Course Number: SOC 101 Course Number _____________ Course Number _____________ Course Number _____________ Course Number _____________ Course Number _____________

Days & Time: Tu/Th 9:30-10:50 a.m.) Days & Time:__________________ Days & Time:__________________ Days & Time:__________________ Days & Time:__________________ Days & Time:__________________

Credit Hours: 3.0) Credit Hours ____________ Credit Hours ____________ Credit Hours ____________ Credit Hours ____________ Credit Hours ____________

In addition to this application, please include a brief statement (no more than 1 page) describing why you are interested in an officer or committee leadership position. ALL COMPLETED APPLICATIONS ARE DUE TO THE SELECTION COMMITTEE   BY NO LATER THAN Friday, April 17TH BY 5:00 P.M. to Prof. Stokes’ Mailbox in the Faculty Lounge located in  the Nomahegan Building, First Floor (Across from the Main Lecture Hall and the Alumni Conference Room)  OR Submitted via email at [email protected]   


Phi Theta Kappa Iota Xi Chapter New Officer/ Committee Leader General Interest Meeting Tuesday, April 7 2009 4:30- 5:30 p.m. Location: Alumni Conference Room (near N-7) Agenda I.



Brief Overview of the benefits of leadership positions 


Review of Positions Available:  



Position Duties and Responsibilities 


Application Procedure (Timeline) and Selection Process 


Q & A 



The Structure of Chapter Leadership Faculty Advisors At each campus where there is a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the college administration selects a faculty member to serve as advisor of the local chapter. Chapters are encouraged to have co-advisors (if possible) to help share in the experiences of advising a chapter. The “contact” advisor is the advisor designated by the college to conduct the main correspondence with Headquarters (e.g., the Chapter Annual Report and reporting new inductees to Headquarters). Chapter advisors are considered the authority of the chapter from the perspective of the campus administration and Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters. While students provide leadership as chapter officers, advisors provide the continuity to our Society. Chapter advisors are a dedicated group of people, who generally volunteer their time to supervise the Phi Theta Kappa chapter on campus out of their love for students. A Phi Theta Kappa advisor must be an employee of the college where the chapter is located and must be officially appointed by the college administration.

Chapter Officers Being a Phi Theta Kappa chapter officer provides unique opportunities for leadership including working with people of all ages and backgrounds, learning to speak in front of a group and developing organizational skills. Within each Phi Theta Kappa chapter, the number and nature of chapter officers vary, but the minimum requirement for a successful operation seems to be a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Many chapters also elect a public relations or communications officer and a vice president for each of the Society’s four Hallmarks. Although some chapters have more officers, and some arrange officer responsibilities differently, the following chapter officer positions and responsibilities have worked well for many chapters. Officers should refer to their chapter bylaws and advisor(s) to learn their specific duties.

Chapter Officer Positions & Responsibilities President (Open for 2009-2010) MUST be available to serve for both semesters (Fall & Spring) • • • • • • • •

Prepare meeting agendas and lead chapter meetings Appoint and establish necessary committees Vote only in the case of a tie Develop goals for the chapter with help from other officers and advisors Submit Five Star Goal and Update Forms online Oversee chapter projects Oversee award entry preparation Report successive officers to Headquarters

Vice President of Honors/ Scholarship • • • • •

Oversee & coordinate all Honors Study Topic activities Coordinate the chapter’s participation in the Honors Satellite Seminars Encourage and recognize academic excellence within the chapter Coordinate the preparation of and/or submit the Scholarship Hallmark Award entry Perform other duties as delegated and as needed by the Chapter President and Advisor

Vice President of Leadership (Open for 2009-2010) • • • • •

Direct the chapter in the use of parliamentary procedure (Robert’s Rules) for meetings Oversee & coordinate all leadership activities Encourage the development of leadership skills Coordinate the preparation of and/or submit the Leadership Hallmark Award entry Perform other duties as delegated and as needed by the Chapter President and Advisor

Vice President of Service (Open for 2009-2010) • • • • • • • •

MUST be available to serve for both semesters (Fall & Spring) Report the chapter to Headquarters as a Chapter of Service Oversee all International Service Program activities Develop activities that promote volunteerism and community service (i.e. the Blood Drives, Beach Clean up, Tree planting, etc.) Coordinate the preparation of and/or submit the Service Hallmark Award entry Work in conjunction with the VP for Fundraising to coordinate joint activities as needed Coordinate and follow up with volunteers who participate in service-based activities including scheduling the set-up, clean-up and work schedules for service activities Perform other duties as delegated and as needed by the Chapter President and Advisor

Vice President of Fundraising (Tentative Opening for 2009-2010) • • • • •

MUST be available to serve for both semesters (Fall & Spring) Oversee and implement all fundraising activities for the chapter including Bake Sales, Book Sales, and other activities as decided by a majority of the chapter Coordinate and follow up with volunteers who participate in fundraising activities including scheduling the set-up, clean-up and work schedules for fundraising activities Work in conjunction with the VP for Service to coordinate joint activities as needed Perform other duties as delegated and as needed by the Chapter President and Advisor

Vice President of Fellowship (Tentative Opening for 2009-2010) • • • • • • •

MUST be available to serve for both semesters (Fall & Spring) Encourage scholarly fellowship at all levels of the Society Coordinate all activities related to membership, including new member recruitment, induction ceremony and coordinate the luncheon event Develop and implement strategies to increase membership acceptance Enroll the chapter in the Pinnacle Scholarship Award Program Coordinate the chapter’s member participation program Perform other duties as delegated and as needed by the Chapter President and Advisor

Vice President for Public Relations • • • • • • • •

Promote and provide publicity for the chapter at all levels of the Society Write and submit articles to campus and community newspapers Produce and distribute issues of the chapter newsletter Oversee the development and updates to the chapter website Take photographs at all chapter events or select a designee to do so Send chapter newsletters to the Chapter Programs Coordinator at Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters Work in conjunction with the Recording Secretary to coordinate and publicize up-coming chapter events Perform other duties as delegated and as needed by the Chapter President and Advisor

Secretary/Recording Officer (Open for 2009-2010) • • • • •

Take and present minutes at each chapter meeting Maintain the chapter calendar of events Maintain a record of chapter events, including photos, flyers and newspaper articles, for the Chapter Record Book Compile and update contact information for members Perform other duties as delegated and as needed by the Chapter President and Advisor

Treasurer • • • • • • •

MUST be available to serve for both semesters (Fall & Spring) Open and/or maintain a financial accounting/records for the chapter Receive all money and write all checks (with Faculty Advisor) Keep a set of financial records to be audited and notarized at the end of the officer term Present the chapter’s financial records at business meetings File all financial records in the chapter’s official files at the end of each academic term Perform other duties as delegated and as needed by the Chapter President and Advisor

Note: Many colleges require that a chapter advisor approve expenditures. Officers should consult the advisor to determine the college’s policies on finances for campus organizations.

Traditional Committees/ Committee Leadership Positions (New Positions—All are open for 2009-2010) Honor/ Scholarship Committee (1-3 positions available) • • • • •

Work with VP of Honors/ Scholarship to implement chapter activities in this area and in all of the following ways: Lead Honors Study Topic activities Coordinate faculty and student recognition Provide information on scholarships ( Oversee chapter-sponsored scholarships (if applicable)

Leadership Committee (1-3 positions available) • • • •

Work with VP of Leadership to implement chapter activities in this area and in all of the following ways: Coordinate new officer /committee leaders selection process Assist with new officer / committee leader orientations Implement chapter-sponsored leadership events / in-service training meetings

Service /Fundraising Committee (6-8 positions available) • • • •

Work with VPs of Service and VP of Fundraising to implement chapter activities in this area and in all of the following ways: Oversee International Service Program activities Facilitate campus and community service projects Assist with the coordination of all fundraising activities including the book sale, bake sales and other activities as needed

Fellowship/ Membership Committee (4-6 positions available) • • • • • • • • •

Work with VP of Fellowship and the Faculty Advisor to implement chapter activities in this area and in all of the following ways: Coordinate activities with other PTK chapters Cultivate a relationship with campus organizations, faculty, staff and community members in terms of chapter events and programming Assist the advisor in planning travel to regional and international PTK meetings Assist the advisor in preparing membership invitations for eligible students Oversee a phone-a-thon inviting eligible students to attend orientation Prepare for orientations and inductions Contact members regarding the chapter’s calendar of events (if needed) Coordinate evening or online meetings, which provide opportunities for members with varied schedules to participate (if needed)

New Officer/ Committee Leaders Calendar of Events All individuals who accept an officer position/ Committee Leadership position MUST be available and comply the following: •

Attend Chapter Annual Dinner at the Spanish Tavern Restaurant in Mountainside, NJ on May 19, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.

Attend New Officer /Leader Training and Orientation August/ September 2009 (date TBA)

Attend Iota Xi chapter meetings for the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010 Semesters held Thursdays 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Position Application Timeline and Procedures What to do from here? •

Complete a candidate application and turn it in BY NO LATER THAN Friday, 4/17 at 5 p.m. EARLIER IS ALWAYS BETTER!!!

Schedule an brief interview with the Selection Committee (Consisting of the Faculty Advisor, Current Chapter President, a Returning Officer, and a Chapter Member-at-large)—see dates below

All individuals interested in applying for an officer/ committee leader position MUST take note of all of the following: •

Friday, April 17th—All completed applications are due to Prof. Stokes by 5:00 p.m.

Monday, April 20-Monday, April 27th—Candidate Interviews Conducted

Tuesday, May 5th—Candidates are notified of decisions via email

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