Phi Theta Kappa (alpha Delta Mu) Meeting Minutes.

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Phi Theta Kappa (Alpha Delta Mu) Meeting Minutes. Minutes Recorded By: Dalleane McNichols Minutes Reviewed & Approved By: Nicole Schoenstein Meeting called to order By Whom: Nicole Schoenstein Date: 12/3/09 Time: 12:36 P.M.

Officer Role Call: Present (P), Absent (A), Late (L) Nicole Schoenstein (President) P Tammy Medica (Vice President)P Dorothy Doyne (Treasurer) P Dominique Leotta (Public Relations) P Dalleane McNichols (Secretary) P Stephanie Mac (SGA Representative) P Carolyn Coulter (Advisor) P. Excused Absences: N/A Member Role Call: Please refer to the attached attendance sheet.

Secretary’s Report: Dalleane McNichols. N/A

Advisor’s Report: N/A Vice President’s Report: Tammy Medica N/A SGA Representative’s Report: Stephanie Mac Club Coordinator’s Report: · Any clubs who wants to use the area in front of the bookstore, in J Building, for a club activity must see Lisa Gibbens.

· There is a basketball game on November 21. Time: N/A · Clubs are only allowed one bake sale per month. When doing a bake sale clubs must bring their supplies, do not ask the cafeteria for supplies. · The Pleasantville Police Department is looking for volunteers for gift wrapping presents on Dec. 18 at 5pm at the Pleasantville Recreation Center. · The Pleasantville PD is also holding a holiday dinner for the elementary school on Dec. 19 at 12-3pm at the Pleasantville Recreation Center. If there is any questions contact Cynthia. · The adopt-a-school event and the Great American smoke out can be considered as minutes for any clubs that want to attend. · There will be an open mike hosted by the Drama Club in Cafe B on Mon. Nov. 23rd at 7pm. Program Chairs Report: · Gift wrapping for the adopt-a-school gifts will take place on Dec.1st at 1:30-2:30, Dec. 2nd at 2:003:00pm and Dec. 3rd at 2:00-3:30pm. For location contact Wanda. Sophomore Senators’ Reports: · SGA is planning a Singles Ping Pong tournament in the student life center. Winners will get a gift card. Date: N/A · SGA wants to do an activity to increase student awareness of SGA and all the clubs within ACCC. President’s Report: · Thanks for those who came to the self defense seminar. SGA is trying to host another seminar in the spring. · There will be no SGA meeting until Dec. 2nd. · The end of the semester trip will be put off until the beginning of spring semester. Open Forum: · Latin experience is holding a drive to benefit the AC Rescue Mission. All items are needed, but they mostly need men’s underwear and socks. They will be putting out donation boxes. · Art Club is having a holiday fair on Dec. 1st , 2nd , and 3rd. They are in need of vendors and they also want to know if any clubs want to participate. · Radio Club is collecting donating for the US Troops. There will be a box put out in front of the studio only during live shows. · The Atlantic Review needs a logo. They are planning on doing a contest for who could create the best logo, winner will get a gift certificate. They also want t-shirts. Special thanks to member, Raquel Richardson for filling in for Stephanie Mac. Treasurer’s Report: Dorothy Doyne N/A President’s Report: Nicole Schoenstein Unfinished Business: Operation: Healthy Food Bank: Nicole spoke with Zane yesterday and was pleased to report that he is VERY interested in working with our club. In fact, he is a huge fan of the film Food, Inc. and has hoped that someone would bring it to the Eagle Theatre. He told Nicole that he will speak to the owner of the theatre, Rose Mineo, on her behalf in hopes of getting our project approved. He is also looking into the costs entailed (including obtaining the rights to show the film.) In addition, he hopes that the theatre can offset some of the costs because he wants our event to be a

success. Furthermore he ensure Nicole that he will contact her by Wednesday December 4th with more information. Nicole will inform everyone one about the decisions. Adopt-a-school – As discussed at our last meeting, The SGA will be hosting a Christmas Event for first graders from Egg Harbor City’s Charles L. Sprague School on Tuesday, December 8th from 10:00 – 1:30 PM. Nicole will send out an e-mail a couple of days prior to the event as a reminder for those who volunteered to participate. In addition, for those who signed up to help with gift wrapping, please take note of the following days & times that gift wrapping will be taking place. Please also note that gift wrapping will take place in the Student Life center in the J Building on all three days: 1. Today from 1:30- 2:30pm 2. Tomorrow from 2:00- 3:00pm 3. Thursday from 2:00- 3:30pm. Adopt-A-Family – the boxes must be delivered to Rutgers by Monday, December 7th. The drive is scheduled to expire December 4th, this Thursday night. Anyone who would like to donate last minute should do so no later thank Thursday afternoon. Further, a sheet containing a list of items we are collecting and a list of items we cannot accept is posted on each of the five boxes located around the campus. On Thursday night Tina McConnell, our club’s Historian, and Nicole the president will gather the boxes and prepare them for delivery. Nicole will like host a very short meeting this will be the last meeting for the fall semester. However if December the 15th is not good for anyone to meet at 12:30pm because of exam finals please contact Nicole on the time you can meet her. Candles – Treasurer Dorothy Doyne has extended the candle fundraiser; it will end this Friday, December 4. Members participating in this fundraiser must setup a time to meet with Dorothy to hand in their fundraising folders. Lollipops - The lollipops came in last week and Nicole reported on Tuesday that over the weekend she sold more than 70 lollipops. There are 480 lollipops total. The McJaks lollipop company states that we will earn 50% profit if we sell all lollipops at 50 cents a piece, however if people are willing to pay more than 50 cents Nicole advise selling them anywhere between 50 cents and a dollar. Phone-a-thon – The club is conducting a Phone-A-Thon to increase membership & to fundraise for the club. E-mails containing information about the phone-a-thon were sent out last week. There are extra lists of potential new members if anyone is interested in participating in the phone-a-thon fundraiser please contact Nicole. Moreover if you successfully recruit a member you will earn fived dollars to be put towards your trip to the international convention which will be held in Orlando, Florida.

NEW BUSINESS Nicole announced that the Phi Theta Kappa club is hoping to gain administration support for our club by way of collaborating on a college project between the Phi Theta Kappa club and the college administration. She reported that, Tammy Medica, the Vice President, and Carolyn Coulter the Phi Theta Kappa’s advisor, and

herself attended a meeting with Dr. Mora, president of the school, on Tuesday, November 17th an effort to get the club so help. Moreover they proposed an idea to Dr. Mora about forming some sort of partnership between our club and the administration; this partnership would require members of the club to work for the school and in return the club would be allotted a certain amount of funds per year. She further elaborates they t he club goals are often costly (for example, a trip to the International Convention.) SO, having the opportunity to present itself where we can be added to the school’s budget will place us in a very good financial situation. Nicole suggested some ideas for on how we as members can go about working for the school to Dr. Mora. One of the ideas was for us to become a college ambassador. She explained to us what exactly this means ,and said that if we choose to become a College Ambassador, we will most likely travel to local high schools on any “College Days” that they will have and promote Atlantic Cape Community College as a viable college option. We will discussion to the students, which is gauging towards high school juniors and seniors, on how much money they would save by making Atlantic Cape Community college their first choice of community colleges if they cannot immediately attend a four- year university. My doing so, they can gain a great education. Moreover at the same time, within the process of promoting the college, Nicole suggested that we can inform the students about Phi Theta Kappa my educating the high school students that Phi Theta Kappa is an International Honor Society for two-year colleges with 700 colleges and universities in the U.S., the District of Columbia, Canada, and London, and it offering more than $36 million in transfer scholarships to Phi Theta Kappa members per year. Another idea that was proposed, and Dr. Mora was interesting in was the Green Campus Committee, he like the idea that we as a Club members are helping with the school’s green campus initiative. At the meeting Tammy, Carolyn and Nicole learned that the ACCC has a Green Campus Committee and they are looking for student representatives. Furthermore they told the president that “going green” is the path Phi Theta Kappa’s club is involved into. Therefore Vanessa English, Secretary for Dr. Mora has since contacted Dr. Richard Perniciaro, chair of the Green Campus committee, to express Phi Theta Kappa’s interests in the committee and she is now waiting his responses. Nicole hopes that by next January semester to have a definitive college project so that we can begin gaining administrative support. Also they discussed with Dr. Mora the club’s plans for the year and He was especially interested in our project entitled “Operation: Healthy Food Bank.” They explained to Dr. Mora that this year the Phi Theta Kappa club decided to promote healthy food options (specifically at the Food Bank.) The ultimate goal of this project is to raise enough money for the local Food Bank so that it may build a green house. Nicole explained to him that we plan to collaborate with Stockton College and a few clubs from ACCC and a host a huge event where we will show the film “Food, Inc.” followed by a roundtable discussion comprising of a panel of health food experts. At the event, donations for the green house will be collected, along with healthy food donations for the Food Bank. This event is tentatively scheduled for February.

Moreover they outline to Dr. Mora what the chapter has already done: a. Members of Phi Theta Kappa attended Rutgers University’s World Hunger Conference. At the

conference we learned just how big the war on hunger is AND the importance of healthy food options. We also networked with other groups that have or are in the process of organizing their own hunger-related projects. b. We had a speaker from the Food Bank attend one of Phi Theta Kappa’s meetings. She expressed that the Food Bank does not have enough healthy food options and she talked a little bit about the Food Bank’s plans to build a green house. c. Members of Phi Theta Kappa volunteered at the Food Bank for “Make a Difference Day.” Make a Difference Day is a huge event at the Food Bank where hundreds of volunteers from all over southern New Jersey package boxes with Thanksgiving foods, to make everyone gets the food they need this holiday season. In addition, Nicole states that Dr. Mora proved to be a fantastic resource for this project. He suggested that Nicole contact a man by the name of Zane Sebasovich who works at the Eagle Theatre in Hammonton, in the Hammonton Arts District. Dr. Mora explained to Nicole that the Arts District is looking for great events to host, as a means to draw people to Hammonton. At our last meeting we had a special guest speaker, member of the Phi Theta Kappa alumni advisory counsel, Pattie Van Atter. Pattie hosted what is known as a “mini Hallmark Success Workshop.” She gave us an overview of Phi Theta Kappa’s Hallmark Awards program with a focus on understanding the rubrics. So as to help us to submit quality Hallmark Award Entries for Regional and International Hallmark Awards Programs. Pattie also explained that our chapter, Alpha Delta Mu, is a part of the Middle States Region. Before the meeting was adjourned, Pattie asked us if we would be willing to a host a large Hallmark Awards Success Workshop where other chapters around the areas will attend. She wants to do this during Winter break, so Nicole has e-mailed Cynthia Correa, advisor of the Student Government Association, seeking permission to host an event during Winter break. If the event is approved it will most likely take place anytime between Jan 2 thru the 8th. Pattie and Nicole both agree that a Saturday will probably be best for this type of event. Nicole will keep everyone updated by e-mail. Also, as Pattie told us that Phi Theta Kappa’s International Hallmark Awards are due Feb. 3rd and the Middle States Region’s Hallmark Awards are due January 14th. She strongly encourages chapters to participate in the Regional Hallmark Awards for a couple of reasons. Number 1, chapters have a much greater chance of winning an award because they are competing only with the middle states region. And number 2, if chapters send a self addressed manila envelope along with the entries, the Middle States Region will return the Hallmark entries with judges comments and suggestions within one week so that chapters can use this information to review their entries before sending them to Headquarters for the International Hallmark Awards Program. Should we participate in the regional hallmark awards program, we can review our corrected entries at the first meeting of the Spring Semester, which will be held on Tuesday, January 26th. In addition, the Middle States Region Hallmark Awards rubrics for all categories are identical. The only difference that exists is the individual awards for Chapter President, Officer and Member in which only the name is different. At the meeting on Tuesday December 3rd, Nicole along will the members that was present voted:

Racquel Richardson for the members awards Dorothy Doyne for officer’s awards Carloyn Coulter for advisor award And the members voted Nicole our president for the Chapter President award. Middle States Region offers the following Hallmark Award Categories: Hallmarks Scholarship Leadership Service Middle States Region Hall of Honor Chapter Member Chapter Officer Chapter President Advisor Awards Paragon Award for Advisors (having served under 5 years) As far as the Hallmarks category goes, Nicole said we can submit awards under scholarship, leadership and service, she thinks we will be the most success in entering the scholarship hallmark. The scholarship hallmark is basically all about planning, doing research and using resources. She strongly believes that we can win the scholarship hallmark award by writing about the Food, Inc. Project. She moreover elaborates that we have done so much planning for this project and we can used different resources including but not limited to: Rose HallWilson, the Food Bank Representative, The World Hunger Conference at Rutgers, Dr. Mora, Zane Sebasovich, and also along with a lot of internet research that she has done. Her plans are to form a small committee and work on writing the scholarship hallmark over winter break. Anyone interested should see Nicole. Regional Convention – Pattie Van Atter also encouraged us to attend the Regional Convention & Mini Honors which will take place between February 11 - 14, 2010 at the Ocean Place Hotel in Long Branch, New Jersey. Mini Honors begins on Thursday evening and ends Friday at noon. Regional Convention registration begins at 3pm on Friday. Pattie advised that if we cannot attend both, the Regional Convention is the most important of the two. Breakdown of costs: TOTAL NUMBER OF CHAPTER MEMBERS, ADVISORS and GUESTS ATTENDING # of students attending Mini Honors & Regional Convention __________ x $245 = $ __________ # of students attending Regional Convention

__________ x $160 = $ __________

# of advisors attending Mini Honors & Regional Convention __________ x $255 = $ __________ # of advisors attending Regional Convention Make checks payable to Phi Theta Kappa Middle States

__________ x $170 = $ __________ BALANCE DUE = $__________

Circle method of payment: chapter check, college check, individual checks, college purchase order enclosed Registration after January 29 is $270 (MH/RC) or $185 (RC) – No refunds after January 29 For reservations call Ocean Place at 800-411-6493 - Hotel deadline January 29 Rates: $99 per room + $4 per room for facility fee (fitness center, pool, internet, luggage handling, parking, shuttle service, newspaper and pool towels), plus tax Mini Honors includes: Thursday dinner & entertainment, Friday breakfast, lunch, speakers, & forums. Regional Convention includes: Convention shirt, transfer college fair, speakers, forums, dances, Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast & lunch, Saturday night awards gala and lots more. In addition, Nicole plans to run for regional office, which as she explained is like being an officer of an ACC club, only on a larger scaled. Also, as a candidate Nicole believes she is expected to attend all four days. However, she has e-mailed Pattie Van Atter, Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Advisory Council to discuss the possibility of only attending two days, so as to cut down on expenses. In addition to the Regional Convention, Nicole asked by a showing of hands, who would like to attend. Four members (including Nicole) wished to attend. A motion was made to use $840.00 in senate funds to put towards the Regional Convention. The money will cover registration costs of the convention as well as hotel fees. Nicole will put in a request to the SGA by Wednesday the 4th, since the last day to be approved for activities is tomorrow. Fundraisers – Nicole would like to host a short and informal meeting on Tuesday, December 15th to tie up any loose ends AND to collect all monies earned from our candy bar fundraiser and our lollipop fundraiser, so that they may be deposited in our club account. All monies and extra lollipops must be returned no later than Tuesday, December 15th. At the conclusion of the meeting, Nicole handed out bags of lollipops to members who wished to help raise funds for the International convention. Furthermore, she collected the names of each member who chose to participate.

Open Forum (questions, comments, concerns, ideas): N/A Special Recognition: N/A

Announcements and Adjournment: Adjournment time: 1:19 P.M.

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