Phi Theta Kappa (alpha Delta Mu Chapter) Meeting Minutes

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Phi Theta Kappa (Alpha Delta Mu Chapter) Meeting Minutes Minutes Recorded By: Dalleane McNichols

Minutes Reviewed and Approved by: Nicole Schoenstein

Meeting called to order: By Whom: Nicole Schoenstein Date: 10/06/2009 Time: 12:40 P.M.

Officer Role Call: Present (P), Absent (A), Late (L) Nicole Schoenstein (President) P Tammy Medica (Vice President) P Dorothy Doyne (Treasurer) P Dominique Leotta (Public Relations) A Dallelane McNichols (Secretary) P Stephanie Mac (SGA Representative) P Carolyn Coulter (Advisor) P

Excused Absences: N/A.

Member Role Call: Courtney Rice, Raquel Richardson

Secretary’s Report: Dalleane McNichols N/A.

Phi Theta Kappa Meeting Minutes


Advisor’s Report: Carolyn Coulter Break down of costs to attend the International Convention (Individual): Dates of convention: April 8th -10th - Location of Convention: Orlando, Florida. 1. Registration: $279.00 2. Flight: $200.00

3. Hotel Rates: Single/Double Occupancy: $199. 00+12.5% tax= $223.88 per night Triple/Quad Occupancy: $220.00 + 12.5% tax =$257.63 per night 4. Food: 150.00 5. Total: $760.00 Person.

World Hunger Conference: On October Friday the 16th there will be a World Hunger Conference at Rutgers University in New Brunswick New Jersey in. There will be a van and car pooling from ACCC at 8 A.M. and returning at 4 P.M. There are two seats left in the van. If you are interested please see Nicole or Carolyn for more information.

Satellite Seminar Series: Carolyn’s aunt has recently become an Advisor for the Phi Theta Kappa chapter in Camden County. Her aunt has invited our chapter to join the Phi Theta Kappa chapter in Camden County for a satellite series seminar. The Honors Seminars consist of a series of four lectures by outstanding academicians, all experts in their fields, addressing an interdisciplinary aspect of the 2008-2010 Honors Study Topic, The Paradox of Affluence: Choices, Challenges, and Consequences. Dates for this event will be announced at our next meeting.

All- USA Academic Team: Phi Theta Kappa Meeting Minutes


Atlantic Cape Community College is looking to nominate two well-rounded students to the AllUSA Academic Team! The All- USA Community College Academic Team program annually selects 20 students to the national team, each receiving a $2,500 stipend. Applications should be sent to Carloyn before the next meeting, nomination due in December.

Jack Kent Cooke: We are also looking for two nominees for the Jack Kent Cook Scholarship fund. For more information, please see Caroyln Coulter.

New officers: New officers have been added to the website. Benefits of being listed on include but are not limited to the following: 1) officer newsletters sent from, 2) special press releases, 3) Access to officer-only sections of the website.

New Member Orientation: This will occur at our next meeting.

Vice President’s Report: Tammy Medica 1. T-Shirt report- The Art club was contacted and invited to participate in our proposed tshirt design contest. 2. Tammy proposed the idea to do an “Oriental Trading” Fundraiser, where we would purchase customized items, such as can holders and pens and pencils. We conducted a vote and all were in favor of the Oriental Trading Fundraiser. Nicole will fill out and turn in an activity request form.

SGA Representative’s Report: Stephanie Mac SGA Senate Happenings: 1. Clubs must submit their club charter packets by October 9th. •

A club Five members to be recognized as a club.

Once it's chartered, the release of funds from SGA will happen due to the finance department and school's policy.

Everything the charter packet is our advisor’s responsibility to turn in to Cynthia Correa. Phi Theta Kappa Meeting Minutes


Our bulletin Board needs to be activated or it may be put down for some other clubs that needs it, and flyers that are put up should be all stamped for SGA approval.

We cannot assume that events will approved just because we submit activity Request Forms for them. The SGA has to approve everything.

2. Other Information: •

A New Club is forming- Magic Club, which will teach new tricks and do a magic show.

The SGA is attempting to extend the hours at the Student Life Center

Self Defense Seminar- (@ the Gym) Don and his friend, Chris, is working on teaching basic maneuvers that can get a person out of a difficult situation if need be.

The SGA is considering putting up security cameras in the parking lots for safety and put shelves in the girl's bathroom stalls for books.

3. Approved Activities: N/A.

Treasurer’s Report: Dorothy Doyne Proposed a Fundraising of PartyLite candles - 50% of profits will go to our club, no out of pockets costs. There are all different sizes and scents. Dorothy also added that her PartyLite salesperson would be willing to come to ACCC and do a demonstration, either just for our club or as a school-wide event, during activity hour. There was a vote and all members were in favor of the PartyLite Fundraising proposal. Nicole will fill out and turn in an activity request form. If approved, Dorothy will obtain fundraising packets and distribute them amongst the members. Charitable Donations: N/A Account Balances: N/A

Public Relations Report: Dominique Leotta N/A Historian’s Report: Tina Mc Connell

Phi Theta Kappa Meeting Minutes



President’s Report: Nicole Schoenstein Unfinished Business: Honors in Action: Operation Healthy Food Bank: 1. Nicole handed out an “Honors in Action Project: Operation Healthy Food Bank” document which explained her idea is detail. 2. Food Bank Representative Rose Hall-Wilson is tentatively scheduled to come to our next meeting and speak a little bit about the Food Bank (what its is needs are, how we can help, etc) 3. We have also been invited to attend the Food Bank on Saturday October 24th, which is

Make a Difference Day. Apparently the Food Bank does a lot of packaging that day and they could use some help. They offer three different shifts for volunteers: They are 8am10am,10am-12pm, and 12pm-2pm. Rose requested that we let her know which shift we want and how many people we expect to come out and volunteer. Nicole’s goal is to have at least a few members for each shift. Nicole plans to stay for all three shifts. A vote was conducted and all were in favor of volunteering at the Food Bank. In addition, members expressed what shifts(s) they could do. Activity Requests: Nicole has filled out Activity Request forms for Candy Bar Sale, PartyLite Sale, Food Bank Speaker, Food Bank Volunteer Day, T- Shirt Design contest, and will fill out one for the Oriental Trading Fundraiser and one for the film Food, Inc. & Round Table Discussion w/ health food experts. Enhanced Membership: Nicole handed out copies of the Alpha Delta Mu’s Enhanced Membership Program. It is designed to award members who are active in the club. It is also designed to promote selfgrowth.

New Business:

Phi Theta Kappa Meeting Minutes


1. Video & Pictures: We would like to make video for this year’s induction ceremony. Therefore, we need someone who is willing to take video clips at each of our events. We also want pictures.

Open Forum (questions, comments, concerns, ideas): Operation: Healthy Food Bank Project: Carolyn suggested that we could organize an event where we would show the film Food, Inc. in ACCC’s theatre. In addition, we could advertise in newspaper to publicize the event. Members chimed in and collaborated on an idea to do a round table discussion after the film. We could invite Health Food experts to join us for the round table discussion. The health food experts could include the following: 1) dietician, 2) organic farmer, 3) health food store owner/manager, 4) Health and wellness expert, 5) Food Bank representative. It was also suggested that we 1) sell healthy snacks and drinks at the event, 2) accept donations to our club AND the Food Bank. A vote was conducted and all were in favor of the Food, Inc. Activity. Nicole will fill out and submit an activity request form.

Special Recognition: Red Cross Blood Drive was a success! On September 29th several Phi Theta Kappa members volunteered their time working with Red Cross. Members did the following: 1. Recruited Donors 2. Volunteered at the Drive 3. Donated their own blood. Our efforts paid off! Our goal was forty (40) productive pints. We had fifty (50) documented presenting donors (however, please note that some individual never signed the sign-in sheet so in reality we had over 50) The following statistics were generated after the blood drive. There were eight (8) Deferrals, two (2) insufficient amounts, three (3) walk-outs, not enough time to donate. This means we had thirty-seven (37) productive pints, which was 93% of our Goal.

Phi Theta Kappa Meeting Minutes


The following Phi Theta Kappa members and students helped the Red Cross by 1) recruiting donors, 2) volunteering at the drive, 3)donating blood or 4) doing two or more of the preceding: Nicole Schoenstein, Don Palmeri, Michael Simmons, Dalleane McNichols, Ralfina Marinelli, Stephanie Mak, Dominique Leotta, Tammy Medica, Maryam Hussain.

Announcements and Adjournment: Adjournment time: 1:46 P.M.

Meeting Notes: N/A.

Phi Theta Kappa Meeting Minutes


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