Peoples Tonight, Apr. 3, 2019, Andaya To Sotto Name Solons Who Cut Budget.pdf

  • November 2019
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Download & View Peoples Tonight, Apr. 3, 2019, Andaya To Sotto Name Solons Who Cut Budget.pdf as PDF for free.

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Indaya t0 $0tt0

a House l."a* ;h;l;ig"a s"'i't"-8"J"? dent Vicente "Titoo Sotto III to name the senators behind the Senate's p88.6-billion realignments that allegedly remained nonitemized under the 2019 p3.Zb7-trillion national budget /Page 11

ll From Paoe I Cama-rines Sur Reo.

why_tbe Senate slashed total amount Desded hv of rhe Narional nr-pEfiAt"ri lbe..qudg9l -tgt oqly burld, -Buitd, Build program. Tbis iould al_ prqect€, but pen- low the Executive De_ -also of sron lor unilbr_dled per- partEent l,o spur eco_

sonnel and retirement Denetrts o-l goverDment emptoyces. sard Andaya. "Del.usiooal. Obfuscate, The Senate Presitions, said the has. resorted to uililateral move of re- dent name catlrDg and lan_ aligning P83.6-billion guage ea8],Deertng in a Rolando "Nonof Andaia Jr., who chairs-the Hou'se committee on aDorooria-Senite's

could derail the


glams of President ilod-

rigo Duterte. esDeciallv tbe 'Build. Buitd. Buili

Drd Lo


noEic growth'throush

increased public exnen&_ ture. We made sure however that such amend_


*ill pu"; td;;;t

not only of-constitution_

ality and legality. but also

of lransparency and

atten_ countability." Andaya

_drvert tion from the drastic

ac_ ex_

plained. He said the ilems rak_

bxdg^et cuts imposed by the Senate on.the Pres- en out of fie 2Ot0 ;;_ rdeot a maJor intiaslruc_ tional budget by the ture proje{ts and social ate includ;, b;i_;;t Sen_ programs. sald Andaya. ited to, the followiroc{i;De_ +he names of alt senarn the sprnt ol trans_ partment of Transiorta_ tors who made budset parency.Andaya p5_6illion fur(DOTrr _ rion cuts and show the ite;s "t.h" public with for.tghr_of_way p.oiecG; where these were re- Lh,"q oi original Department'of'pirblic aligned," said Andava pnorocoptes oocumenl.s thowing the Works and Highr4avs after Sotto called him ex.renl "delusional" followire his pose^d^ .ot budget cuts im_ r DPWH/ _ pi t.035,bill;;n by the Senate on for right_ot_wav Droiects: sccusstion that the -Sen- tne zury Gencral Appro_ Foreiqn Assisr;d pr;ied; ate was sabotaging the pna-Hons- urll.' -rFA?r under DpwH, ?2.5 pnonty programs of PresAndaya billion: and others .p1 -Mo1day. ident Duterte throrsh sard 'lhe ..Depriviog House of Replha gov_ the senators'unilah;l

Program." "Now is also the time for him {Sotto) to reverl

resencatrves never

budgetarv cuts.

Aodava said Sotto




the P83.6-billion-realionl merrts and stop


pubtrc attention resardillg tbe real storv bihind the controversiei hounding the national budset "All he (Sotto, has ddo is explain to the public

made ernmenr willi funds" for a. move to reduce the righl,_of_wa) and orher 2019 budget for infra- in?rasrrucrirre oroiect" :!]l!l!Je ,p.roJ:lts,9s .ap- will surets hampei uhe plopna[ed..rn the_Nation_ implemeniation of rhe


i:' "'':'".



:",:id' t;"" rB,Tl,1: -tn tact. tbe House in_ f;struction -on orioritv troduced amendments proiects includjrig ngsl mcreasutg the budget for transit and railw"av su._ rntraatrucl.ure projects tems will be mostiv Liwilhout breaching the fected.- said .qlis,l -'

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