Peoples Tonight, Apr. 2, 2019, Andaya Hits Senate For Sabotage Of Duterte's Build,build,build Program.pdf

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Download & View Peoples Tonight, Apr. 2, 2019, Andaya Hits Senate For Sabotage Of Duterte's Build,build,build Program.pdf as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 867
  • Pages: 2
Volume XXXIX, No. 131


Tuesday, April2,2019




Srqp u'ell as the pension for military retirees and- ot.her personnel after it allegedly -cut down so-me p8_B biuion ?""ri zorg


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From page

test not only of constitubooality and lega1ity, but also


transprrency aod

. accountability," Andaya


"It is the Senate that may find itself liable to

explained. He said the items taken out of the 2019 national budget by the Sen-

the program will lose following: Pension of their scholarship this Armed Forces of the year; Departmetrt of Philippines (AIP) retirEnviionment arld Natu- ees; war or military vetral Resources (DENR)- erans of the Department P2.254 billion for Nation- of National Defense (DND); retired unial

size that the details of these budget cuts were not firlly iliscussed in the


conference comm;ttee. T'l'e senators unilaterally decided on the budget cut6 and re-

Greeniog Program, formed personnel of the aligned them to other Department of Interior items based on request cent budget cut for all and Local Government of individual proponents. erally, to cul, down the partmeot of Tra;spor- PENROS except Antique; (DILG), PC-INP, NAM- Up to now, the. Senate allocation for the Prcsi- tation (DOTi) - P5-billiotr Departmept of Foreign RIA aad Pbilippine Coast has yet to male public a dent's Build, Build. Build for risht-of-way projecl,s; Atrairs (DFAI-P7.5 bil- Guard (PCG); and other detailed report on the Program and other pri- Depailment irt'pirUtic lion budget for South retirees of the national proponents who recomority projects. We are Works and Highways East Asian (SEA) Games government, mended the individual confiilent that the Office (DPWH) - P11.033-billion tal€n out, but P5 billion "Retirement benefits realignments," said AIIof the President would for rightof-way pmjects; transferred to Philippine for optional ietirees of daya. accusation of sabotage ate include, but not limwhen it decided, unilat- ited r,o, rhe following: De-

consider these items


Foreign Assisted Projects

which resulted in 50 per-

Sports Commission (PSC)

the national govemment;

Andaya said the 2019

their review and find (FAP) ulder DPWI{, P2.5 and P2.5 billion nowhere retired personnel of General Appropriations ways on how to restore bjllioo: and others. to be found; Miscella- GOCCs (qovernment- Bill (GAB) has been them in the Presideol's "Depriving l,be gov- neous Personnel Benefit owned and controlled transmitted for signaveto message," said Ca- ernment with funds for Fuld IMPBF) - P13.,1.bil- corporations ) which are ture of -President Du' marines Sur Rep. Rolan- right-of-way and ol,her lion. flnancially unable to pay terte, and we eipect it do "Nono/ Andlaya. Jr., inTrastructirre projects Andaya explained said benefits; and per- to be signed after the the panel chairmiaa. will surely hampei lhe that the MPBF is one of sonnel devolved to LGIls. Offrce of the President Andaya said 'the implemeniation of lbe three sources of money Separation bdnefits or has wrapped up its. reHouse of Representa- President's Build, Build, paid to government per- incentives of affected view of the veto mes; tives never made a move Build Program. Con- sonnel, adding that the personnel pursuant to sage. to reduce the 2019 bud- struction on priority other two are the bud- the implementation of: (i) "We resr'ec-r *'e veto get for infrastrucl,ure proiects includirig masi gets lodged under each restructuring of agencies power of tfie President, projects as appropriated transit and railwav s.'/s- agency anil the"+ensioB affected by the integra- arid we are convinced in the Nalional Expen- tems will be mosllv af- and Giatuity tion and auinmation of that he will exercise diture Program (NEP'." fected." said Andaya. Fund.Under Special Pro- the Budget Treasury and such authority for the "In fact:the House inAndava also saiid that vision No. 1, Andaya said Management System and benefit of the nation and troduced amendments the Sendle allegerlly took the MPBF may be used the operationalization of of our people. Neverincreasing the budget for away the budglt of the for "deficiencies in au- the Treasurv Sinsle Ac- theless, we wish to clarinfrastructLrrp pro_iects Tecbnjcal Education a-od thorized salaries, bonus- count; and fi;t ;lghts;r- ify allegatiods from the without breaching the Skills DevelopmeDt Au- es, allowances, associat- ing, merger, streamlin- Senate that the amendtol,al amounl peggid by thoritv TTESDA)--P3-bi|- ed premiurns and other ing, abolition or privati- ments introduced by the the National ExpendjLure lion for scholarsbip of sirnilar personnel bene- zation," said Andaya. House of RepresentaProgranl. This would al- rebel returnees, oul-of- frts of national govern- "Monetization of leave tives in the bicameral low tbe Executive De- school youlhs and reha- ment personnel..,." credits of national gov- conference committee parlment to spur eco- bilitaiing drug depenHe said the Senate ernment personnel and meetings were meant to nomic growth through dents etlrllled inder the also allegedly removed transferred leave credits debilitate the Executive increased public expen- Universal Access to Ter- the Pension and Gratu- of those devolved to the Department in implediture. We made sure tiarv Education. As a ity Fund in the amount LGUs (local government menting the President's however thal, such resu-lL. at least 320,OOO of P39-billion, which cov- units)." pdority proglams and amendments will pass the stude;ts enrolled under ers the paj.ment. for the "We wish to empha- projects," said Andaya.

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