Budget cuts spark Andaya-Sotto word war Bvruaricerv'cruz ffi:ll"i'"Jtjj:ii::il""Iff:::J,?fi ,,?f;:',ff:,:iJfffi5:l:t'":,*i'il1
THE head olthe House of Representa- the proJects wh; they had realigned him "delusionaf'for accusing the Sen o1 funds in the 2019 General Appropria- ate of"sabotaging" the programs ofthe tives' afpropriation, Next page "omrnitt"" Tuesclay'ihailenged Senate Pr€sident tions Bill.
ate slashed the budget not only of the Btild,Bnild, Build projects but also of
the pension for uniformed personnel and the retiremenl benefits of govern-
ment employees. Now is also the time the names of all senators who made budget cuts and show the items where these were realigned."
of what -Duterte administration in light
Andaya hacf described as "drastid' for him to reveal
:budget cuts.
"lrelusional. Obfuscaie. The
iPresident has resorted to name-calling and language engineering in a bid 10 divert pub-
lic attention from the drastic budget cuts imoosed bv the Senak on the President\ infi*nu.tur" projeca and social programs." Andaya said in a staremenr
ruj. t 'But the Senate President need not
consult'the dictionary in search of mole pompous words. All he has to do is explain to the public why the Sen-
Andaya earlier slammed the S€nate's 'lmilateral" decision io crli abort P837 billion for priority pqjects. including those undo the :'eum, nui4 ndd" inaastructure ptan
Instead of resorting to name-calling, Andaya said. the Senate must exercise lransparency by identifying the senators who would wish to hamPer the Duterte administration's infrastructure and other socio-economic projects.