Edward Saavedra Inglés 10 Y 11

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write about the following inventions, which are all to do with communication

EXAMPLE: I think the telephone was invented in…………. by…… 1. The telephone 2. The world wide web 3. The photocopier 4. The fax machine 5. The typewriter II.

1966 1951 1876 1714 1994

Henry Mill Chester Carlson Tim Berners- Lee Xerox Alexander Graham Bell

Complete these sentences using the verb in brackets in the right form of the passive.

EXAMPLE: My phone (make) was made in the USA 1. It (think)______________that more text (send)_______________ by girls than boys. 2. Bill Gates (say)_____________ to be richest man in the world today. 3. One mobile phone (steal)__________________ every three minutes in the UK 4. Mobile phones (should / switch off) ______________________ in the cinema. 5. Yesterday, Helen (tell)__________________ to switch her phones off during lectures 6. When mobile phones (first design)__________________________, security was a big issue. 7. Text messaging (often use)___________________________ because it is cheaper than phoning. 8. I (just call)__________________________________ by an old friend I haven’t seen for ages 9. Mobiles (carry)_____________________________ by virtually everyone in the near future 10. The photos (take)___________________________ at the party last night


Put the verb into the present perfect.

EXAMPLE: I have bought (buy) a new bikini and some sunblocks 1. we______________ (tell) our family and friends 2. we_____________ (rent) a cottage in the mountains for our honeymoon 3. we______________(not plan) a party 4. She______________(not tell) her secretaries or her agents 5. they______________(book) a band to play in the evening 6. they______________ (send) invitations to our friends 7. I don’t know who _______________ (accept) or who ____________(refuse) My secretary _________________(make) the appointment at the registry office


Write sentences in the present passive using the verb from the box, use BY if you need to. Follow the example

Pick - transport - eat - plant - water - buy - pack PINEAPPLES- GROUND- AIRPLANE- MARKETS- HOUSES- BOXESPEOPLE EXAMPLE: Pineapples are planted in the ground


Circle the word doesn’t belong

1. sad 2. nice 3. interesting 4. shop 5. fish 6. onion 7. café 8. art gallery

happy short boring store meat orange dinning room museum

pleased boring friend house coffee apple restaurant exhibition

green funny exciting market biscuits lemon hall bookshop


TIME 6:30 7:00 11:00 1:30 3:00 7:00 9:00 11:00

George is an university student. His twin brother Kurt is a disjockey in a club. Write sentences about what they were both doing last Saturday, using the words in the table. GEORGE Get up Cook breakfast Play basketball Have lunch Work in library Walk home Watch television Go to bed

KURT Drive home from work Have shower Sleep Still sleep Buy some new CD’s Listen to music Still listen to music Drive to work

EXAMPLE: While George was getting up, Kurt was driving home from work a. b. c. d e f g h


Put the verbs in the past simple or past continous

Kelly _______ (hit) Dyson’s arm and ______ (try) to take the gun. A bullet _____(hit) Dyson’s foot and he ______(fall) to the floor. Kelly _____(try) to decide what to do when she _____ (hear) the police car. She ______ (run) out of the building, ______(jump) into her car and _______(drive) away. Dyson_______ (still lie) on the floor of the office when the police _______ (arrive)


Complete the letter with words from the box

Closing- CV- Department – Experience – Interview – Manager – Post – Qualified – salary - Skills Dear Sir, I am writing to apply for the ___________ of Sales Manager advertised on 3rd March in the Times newspaper. I have worked for the past two years as a junior_______________ in an electronics company in the Marketing ______________. I feel now is the right time to apply for a higher position as I believe I have gained the necessary _____________. I am a ___________ engineer (see the enclosed__________________) and I believe I have excellent management _____________________. My ____________________ at the present is $ 25.000 as year. I realize that the__________ date for application was last Friday, but I hope that you will still be willing to consider my application. I am available for_____________ at any time. I look forward to hearing from you the near future. Yours faithfully Jason Stephenson


Join the words in the list on the right side to those on the left side in order to find compound nouns



READING TO THE TOP OF THE WORLD The coldest walk in the (0)________ is probably the one Alan Chambers and Charlie Paton did a few years (1)_____ when they walked to the North Pole.

To prepare for the trip they (2)_______ a day in a freezer at a temperature of -30ºC, but they were more comfortable there than at the North Pole (3)_______ they weren’t tired or hungry! They began their 1,126 Km walk (4)______ 8th march 2000 and (5)______at the North Pole 70 days later. A plane took them straight home from there. Charlie had his 30th (6)________ during the trip and he was amazed when Alan gave him (7)______ small cake with a candle on it. Alan said the (8)______ moment for him was Charlie’s face when he (9)_____ that cake. The strange thing is that more men (10)______ walked on the moon than to the North Pole. • You know what the text is about. Read the text again and choose the correct word for each space. Look carefully at the words around the space. 0. A. world 1. A. then 2. A. passed 3. A. because 4. A. in 5. A. got 6. A. celebration birthday 7. A. the 8. A. greater 9. A. saw realized 10. A. did

B. country C. planet D. earth B. ago C. since D. after B. stayed C. Spent D. put B. but C. therefore D. so B. at C. on D. for B. reached C. went D. arrived B. anniversary C. wedding D. B. a B. good B. looked B. have

C. much D. some C. best D. better C. watched D. C. was

D. has

I. Read this article about the history of mobile phone. Decide if the verb need to be active or passive and put them in the right form. The first public telephone call on a portable radio telephone (make)_________________on April 3rd, 1973 by Martin Cooper, one of a team of engineers in Motorola’s Communications Systems Division. Previously, people could only phone someone from a building or a car. Martin Cooper says “As I (walk)________________ down the street talking on phone , New Yorkers (look)________________ amazed at the sight of someone actually moving around while making phone call.

The phone that cooper (use)________________ looked like a large brick. In 1983 the 28 –ounce “DynaTac” phone , the world’s first commercial handheld cellular phone (introduce)______________________ by Motorola: Each phone (cost)____________________ the consumer $3,500 , today there (be)_______________more mobile subscribers than landline phone subscribers in the world, and mobiles (weight)________________________very little and (can buy) ____________________________for as little as $35.

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