Pdf - Week 06 Managing Enterprise

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Chapter 6 Managing the Business Enterprise

Who are managers ?

Types of strategy Setting of strategy

Setting goals and formulating strategy

Formulating strategy

Corporate strategy, business (comparative) strategy, functional strategy --> figure 6.1 Purpose of goal setting Kinds of goals: long-term, intermediate, and short-term goals Setting strategic goals: figure 6.2 Hierarchy of plans: strategic, technical, & operational plans

Contingency planning & crisis management The management process

Types of managers

Planning Organizing Directing Controlling Level of management: top, middle, and first-line managers Areas of management: HR, operations, marketing, information, financial, and other managers. Technical skill Human relations skill

Managing The Business Enterprise

Basic management skill

Conceptual skills Decision-making skills Time management skill

Management and the corporate culture

Communicating the culture and Managing change

Communicating the culture Managing change

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Who are Managers ?

• All corporations depend on effective management.

Types of Managers


• The principles of management apply to all kinds of organizations. Middle

• Managers are among an organization’ organization’s most important resources. First-Line

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What are Goals ? One who handles, controls, or directs, especially: 1. One who directs a business or other enterprise. 2. One who controls resources and expenditures, as of a household. 3. One who is in charge of the business affairs of an entertainer. Manager • Executive whose function is to plan, organize, and control, and to make decisions in order to achieve organizational objectives. • A person having administrative or managerial authority in an organization: administrant, administrator, director, executive, officer, official. Informal exec. See over/under. • Someone who directs and supervises workers: boss, director, foreman, supervisor, r, foreperson, forewoman, head, overseer, superintendent, superviso taskmaster, taskmistress. [email protected]

Objectives that a business hopes and plans to achieve

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What is Strategy ?

Broad set of organizational plans for implementing the decisions made for achieving organizational goals

Visi, Misi, Strategi

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Hierarchy of Strategy

Types of Strategy

• Corporate strategy determines the firm’ firm’s overall attitude toward growth and the way it will manage its businesses or product lines • Business (or Competitive) strategy takes place at the businessbusiness-unit or productproduct-line level and focuses on a firm’ firm’s competitive position • Functional strategy involves managers in specific areas who decide how best to achieve corporate goals through productivity [email protected]

Levels of Organizational Strategy

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Purposes of Goal Setting

1. Direction and guidance 2. Resources allocation 3. Define corporate culture 4. Assess performance Exhibit 8.4 [email protected]

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What is a Mission Statement ?

• Organization’ Organization’s statement of how it will achieve its purpose in the environment in which it conducts its business • Why organization exists & How it will operate

BNI Visi : • Menjadi Bank Kebanggaan Nasional yang Unggul dalam Layanan dan Kinerja. Kinerja. Misi : • Memaksimumkan nilai bagi pemegang saham dengan menyediakan solusi finansial yang focus pada segmen korporat, korporat, komersial dan konsumer. konsumer.

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Universitas Indonesia

Metro TV

Visi : "Menjadi Universitas Riset yang mandiri, mandiri, modern, dan berkualitas internasional." internasional."

VISION: • To become a distinct Indonesian television station by ranking nu number mber one for its news, offering quality entertainment and lifestyle programming. Providing unique advertising opportunities and achieving loyalty with its viewers and advertisers.

Misi • Sebagai institusi yang berada di garis depan dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni. seni. • Menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas tinggi yang mampu bersaing pada pasar global. • Mendukung perkembangan martabat bangsa Indonesia melalui penciptaan karya di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni yang bermanfaat bagi kemajuan bangsa Indonesia. • Ikut andil dalam meningkatkan peradaban dunia dengan menghasilkan lulusan yang berwawasan global, toleran dan cinta damai, damai, serta karya cipta yang mendukung peningkatan martabat manusia global. [email protected]

Kinds of Goals

MISSION: • To stimulate and promote the nation's and country's advancement towards a democratic atmosphere, in order to excel in global competition, with high appreciation of moral and ethic. • To add a valuable presence to the television industry by providing providing a new perspective, by improving the way information is presented and and by offering quality entertainment alternatives. • To achieve a significant level of growth by developing and leveraging leveraging its assets, to increase the quality of life and the welfare of its its employees, and to produce significant profit for its share holders. holders. [email protected]

What is Strategy Formulation ?

• LongLong-term goals are set for an extended time, typically 5 years or more

• Intermediate goals are set for a period of 1 to 5 years

Creation of a broad program for defining and meeting an organization’ organization’s goals

• ShortShort-term goals are set for the very near future, typically less than 1 year

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Strategy Formulation

Pentingnya Manajemen stratejik


Memberikan kinerja organisasi yang lebih tinggi


Manajer harus menelaah dan menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahanperubahan-perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungan bisnis. bisnis.


Menkoordinasikan unitunit-unit organisasi yang tersebar dan menjadikan mereka terfokus pada sasaran dari organisasi


Sangat berkaitan dengan proses pembuatan dan pengambilan keputusan

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Setting Strategic Goals

Analyzing the Organization and Its Environment

• Strategic goals are longlong-term goals derived directly from a firm’ firm’s mission statement

Environmental analysis is the process of scanning the business environment for threats and opportunities

– SWOT analysis is a process involving the assessment of organizational strengths and weaknesses (the S and W) and environmental opportunities and threats (the O and T)

Environmental Analysis

Organizational Analysis

Organizational analysis is the process of analyzing a firm’ firm’s strengths and weaknesses

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A Hierarchy of Plans

• The matching process is the heart of strategy formulation.

• Strategic plans reflect decisions about resource allocations,

• The matching process may determine whether a firm typically takes risks or behaves more conservatively.

• Tactical plans are shortershorter-range plans for implementing

company priorities and steps needed to meet strategic goals specific aspects of the company’ company’s strategic plans

• Operational plans set shortshort-term targets for daily, weekly or monthly performance

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Contingency Planning and Crisis Management • Contingency planning identifies aspects of a business or its environment that might entail changes in strategy

• Crisis management involves an organization’ organization’s methods for

What is Management?

Process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling an organization’ organization’s resources to achieve its goals

dealing with emergencies

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The Management Process

The Control Process

• Planning determines what an organization needs to do and how best to get it done

• Organizing determines how best to arrange an

organization’ organization’s resources and activities into a coherent structure

• Directing involves guiding and motivating employees to meet an organization’ organization’s objectives

• Controlling monitors an organization’ organization’s performance to make sure that the firm is meeting its goals

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Bagaimana kampret terbang ke awangawang

• Top managers are responsible to the board of directors and stockholders for a firm’ firm’s overall performance and effectiveness

• Middle managers are responsible for implementing the strategies, policies and decisions made by top managers

• FirstFirst-line managers are responsible for supervising the work of employees

• Karyawan: Karyawan: “Kampret! Kampret! Siapa pemabok yang membuat rencana ini? ini? Ini tidak mungkin berhasil! berhasil!” • Supervisor: “Mereka mengatakan strategi tersebut ibarat sejenis binatang yang bisa terbang dan yang membuatnya adalah orang yang telah minumminum-minum. minum. Ada kemungkinan, kemungkinan, walau kecil, kecil, rencana ini akan berhasil” berhasil” • Manajer: Manajer: “Mereka melihat strategi ini bagaikan sesuatu yang bisa terbang. terbang. Pembuatnya pasti minumminum-minum untuk merayakannya. merayakannya. Ada kemungkinan rencana ini bisa terbang” terbang”

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Areas of Management • Kepala departemen: departemen: “Mereka melihat strategi ini bakal terbang. terbang. Strategi tersebut harus dirayakan dengan minumminum-minum” minum”. • Kepala divisi: divisi: “Mereka melihat strategi ini akan membuat perusahaan kita terbang ke awangawang-awang. awang. Mereka percaya strategi ini pasti akan berhasil. berhasil. Mereka akan minumminumminum untuk merayakan” merayakan”.

• • • • • •

Human Resource Managers Operations Managers Marketing Managers Information Managers Financial Managers Other Managers

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Basic Management Skills

Basic Management Skills

• Technical skills are needed to perform specialized tasks


• Human relations skills are required in understanding and getting along with other people


• Conceptual skills are abilities to think in the abstract, diagnose and analyze different situations and to see beyond the present situation • DecisionDecision-making skills include the ability to define problems and select the best course of action Accounting

• Time management skills are associated with the productive use of time


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Employee Satisfaction Depends On:

Human Relations

Other Challenge & Involvement Company Performance Co-Workers Relationships Compensation & Benefits Workload Manager Relationship 0%

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Source: “Managers Beware: Employee Job Satisfaction Depends On You”, Colorado Springs Business Journal, Nov. 21, 2003. [email protected]




Define Problem

Evaluate/Select Alternative

Implement & Evaluate [email protected]

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• Technical skills are needed to perform specialized tasks

Time management

• Human relations skills are required in understanding and getting along with other people

• Paperwork

• Conceptual skills are abilities to think in the abstract, abstract, diagnose and analyze different situations and to see beyond the present situation

• Telephone • Meetings • E-mail

• DecisionDecision-making skills include the ability to define problems and select the best course of action • Time management skills are associated with the productive use of time [email protected]

Management Skills for the 21st Century

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What is Corporate Culture ?

• Global management skills include the need to understand foreign markets, cultural differences and the motives and practices of foreign rivals • Management and technology skills refer to the ability to process, organize and interpret a wealth of data and information

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The shared experiences, experiences, stories, stories, beliefs, beliefs, and norms that characterize an organization

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Communicating the Culture

Managing Change

ThreeThree-stage process : Managers must :

1. Analysis highlights need for change.

1. Understand culture. 2. Transmit the culture to others in the organization. 3. Maintain the culture by rewarding and promoting those who understand it and work toward maintaining it.

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2. Top management = formulate vision. 3. Create systems to sustain new vision/values.

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