On The Border By Steven Donnini

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  • Pages: 55
“On the Border” Meaner than a Del Rio dog fight. by Steven Donnini

Library of Congress Copyright Steven Donnini 2007 Steven Donnini 407-645-4705


[email protected]

Today, the West Texas town of Del Rio on the Rio Grande, just across the Mexican border from Ciudad Acuna, is a place where the locals must endure nightly incursions into the U.S. by Mexicans crossing the desert and the Rio Grande River.

Here the pressure to

deal with prejudice against Mexicans has a long history even among Hispanic Americans.

However, the

people of Del Rio are good and simple people, quickly being drawn into the 21st Century by drug cowboys, illegal aliens lost in the desert and Washington Politicians. Characters Henry Kyle:

40 year old Sheriff

He is a strong willed, 40 year old, elected official. His skin has the look of a well worn pair of Tony Lama leather boots.

He beat the old Sheriff, Buford Betts

in the last election.

Buford called Henry a “half-

breed” during a radio debate. Henry won the election.

So it was sweet when

But there are still people

that don’t want Henry to do well.

His father is a

direct descendent of one of the “Buffalo Soldiers,” an all black Civil War Union Army Unit. Mexican woman from Lubbock.

His Mother is a

He enlisted in the Marine

Corps and was on the front line at the road from Kuwait City to Basra, Iraq.

The Road of Death as it

became known, because of the thousands of Iraqi 2

solders that met their hellish end at the hands of the U.S. made Daisy Cutter Bombs.

Henry is a small town

guy, his family lives in Eagle Pass just down the Rio Grande.

Now it’s a hot bed of anti-American activists

that want Texas to secede from the union.

In the

Texas Constitution, there’s a clause (a compromise with the U.S. Government) that states, if the people of Texas decide they don’t want to be part of the U.S.A., they can vote to secede.

It’s been tried

several times in recent years. Brenda Kyle:

Henry’s 35 year old wife.

Brenda is a loving and caring wife with a thick New England accent. Her family back in Boston is a tight nit group who’s linage goes back to the first New England settlers. She met Henry in US Army stationed in Saudi Arabia during the Kuwait War.

There they

became quick friends and married as soon as they got back state side. She has become a real Texan and has a keen interest in all the southwestern Indian customs. Alice Grandbary: Manager.

35 year old Sheriff’s Office

Alice is a country girl with long black hair

and country manners. elderly mother.

She lives with her husband and

Men seem to die early in these parts.

But she has always loved her family.

They have been

there for her when the two kids were born and husband Andy was in Midland working at an EXXON natural gas processing plant. Sam Peets:

26 year old Sheriff Deputy


At 6’3 and 350 lbs., Texas A&M in College Station wanted him for the football team.

But, his Dad was

sick and he couldn’t leave the ranch, so he stayed around to help.

It’s real hard out there with falling

beef prices, rising fuel prices and the everlasting poor local economy. Judge Dolby:

65 year old Val Verde County Judge

Judge Dolby is out at his ranch in Post, Texas near Lubbock (original home of Post Cereal), where his son and family live. afternoon. offend.

He won’t be back until Monday

Judge Dolby is one man you don’t want to

He keeps an office that is small, efficient

and clean.

His courtroom is stately, worthy of his

reputation for strict procedures and composure.


20 years on the bench, there never has been an over turned ruling.

Texas is unique in the way the County

seats are geographically drawn on the Texas map same sized boxes are drawn all across the state.


State law requires that counties be drawn based on how long it takes to ride on horseback to the county seat. It can’t be any further than a one-day ride.


Dolby, at 65 has no intention of retiring anytime soon.

He has important friends in Austin that protect

him from criticism.

He’s known as “King Dolby” to his

friends or Judge Roy Bean the "Law West of the Pecos” by his detractors. Nanci Jo Anderson:

45 year old housewife.

Nanci Jo has been a native of Del Rio since child hood.

The Anderson’s are well known across the area

as good folks.

Her dad Captain Anderson is a retired 4

Marine Corps Vet.

All his 5 brothers were decorated

in the Vat Nam War.

But he was the only one to come

back alive. He and she love the Harley Davidson motorcycle rides they take across the desert. Lt. Jim Fielding:

45 year old Texas Rangers

Fielding is the best example of a Texas Ranger, tall, thin, gray hair and a handle bar mustache. Elliot type.

A Sam

Lt. Jim Fielding comes from a family of

Texas Rangers going back to the their inception.


is a graduate of West Point Navel Academy and was a Commissioned Officer on the nuclear-powered U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt. They sailed from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf when hostilities began with Iraq.

That fact carries a lot

of weight in these parts. Mayor Robert Stevens:

The oldest sun of a oil lease

operator and the 60 year old Del Rio, Town Mayor. Mayor Stevens didn’t support Henry during his election.

He is an opportunist when it comes to

politics. A fast food franchisee mogul with over 25 restaurants all over west Texas.

They include Dairy

Queens, Pizza Huts and Mc Donald’s.

He is best known

as an Arabian Horse owner and race horse racer. He also owns a GMC Truck Dealership. Robert “Robby” Steven Jr.: Mayor.

30 year old son of the

A spoiled only child, he’s had all the

privileges that come with royalty. Unfortunately he has never shown and interest in helping people who are less fortunate.

He spends any assets available to 5

give him an appearance of nobility. He’s known as Prince Robby by the local folks.

Jr. has always been

looking for an opportunity to place himself into a political position in Austin.

Even in High School, he

was always grand standing in one way or another.


he had a girl friend say that he had defended her from a Mexican who was trying to rape her.

Later, when

they had a falling out she told everyone it wasn’t true and then she was paid $100 to make up the story. In the mean time, there were a lot of Mexican migrant workers that were needlessly hassled. William Rohas:

30 year old INS Special Agent.

William is an experienced Border Patrol Policeman with years on the job he has seen it all from the poor Mexicans coming across the border to drug smugglers. He knows every square foot of the Val Verde County along the Rio Grande. by name and site.

He knows the current drug lords

He tracks them like watching

rattle snakes. Harold Fine:

60 year old Val Verde County Coroner

Harold moved here several years ago from the Dallas County Medical Examiner’s Office at Parkland Hospital. Parkland is famous, because President John F. Kennedy was taken there after he was shot and later pronounced dead. Harold was a little too sensitive from the 200+ murders, suicides, and accidental shootings a year, especially when the victims were children.


FADE IN EXTEROUR DAY: The West Texas town of Del Rio, Texas. The West Texas town of Del Rio was suffering the afternoon desert winds. Sheriff Henry Kyle opens the door of his Dodge SUV, Del Rio Sheriff Department’s Cruiser.

Hanging on to

his Resistol hat, Henry fights the wind across the street to the front door of the Del Rio Sheriff’s office.

A “Blue Norther” is blowing in from Colorado

and the temperature will drop 30 degrees in 2 hours. INTERIOR DAY: DEL RIO SHERIFF DEPARTMENT OFFICE He opens the office door and is greeted by Alice Grandbary, a kind woman with big hair and heavy Merle Norman pancake make-up, no match for the West Texas wind. ALICE “Hey, Henry!” HENRY “Hey, Alice.” ALICE “Nothin happing around here.


It’s been quiet. Do you mind if I listen to some tunes.” HENRY “Knock yourself out, girl.” She plays a Garth Brooks CD, No Fences. his small office.

He walks into

It has half wooden walls, with

glass to the ceiling, so there’s no privacy, but it’s somewhat quite except for on the weekend nights when he has to book drunk cowboys and Air Force servicemen into jail. INTEROUR DAY: HENRY’S OFFICE Henry is going over his messages at the front desk. HENRY “Alice, are you going to the Rodeo this weekend?” ALICE “No I need to stay home with Clifton.” Henry stuffs a handful of messages in his coat pocket.

INTEROUR DAY: SHERIFF’S OUTER OFFICE HENRY “Can you find me a gal that can type for that night. 8

I’m sure there is going to be some business coming through this office and Sam can’t spell worth a damn.

It’s a real pain

in the butt to fix all those typing mistakes.” ALICE “I know, Judge Dolby is unforgiving on that point.

I’ll ask my niece

Pammy to sit in.

She graduated

high school and her husband is out of work, so she needs the money.” HENRY “Does she speak Spanish?” ALICE “Enough to get by.” Henry knows that this weekend is going to be hell, because the rodeo is in town and they’ll be lots of illegal cowboy’s coming across the Rio Grande from the Mexican border town of Ciudad Acuna.

They’ll come

over the bridge here for the rodeo and get a bus ride to Dallas, Austin or Houston.

The INS and Border

Patrol will need help handling the Mexicans that come across and run.

After 2 years, of providing security

for the Annual Del Rio Rodeo, Henry and Sam have learned the hard way that it takes lot of attention to handle 10,000 fans and 75 riders, ropers, clowns, drunken cowboys, servicemen from Laughlin Air Force 9

Base and the Mexicans.

The Sheriff’s Department is

responsible for what happens in all of Val Verde County, outside of the city limits of Del Rio, which includes the county fair grounds. Plus, the INS and Border Patrol is always underpowered and playing cops and robbers.

HENRY “Can your brother Leland come in for Friday night?” ALICE “I’ll call him.

But, I’m sure

he’ll be OK with it.” HENRY “I’ll put him with Sam down at the Fair grounds.” The office phone rings. Alice answers. ALICE “Sheriff’s office, how can I help ya?.”


She isn’t breathing. 10

Please send the Sheriff, I think she is dead!” ALICE “Stay on the phone.

What’s your name?

NANCI JO ANDERSON “Nanci Jo Anderson.” ALICE “Where are you?” NANCI JO ANDERSON “Off state road 377 just after the Amistad Dam turn off.

Please hurry,

I’m very scared.” ALICE “Stay on the phone.” INTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE Alice calls out across the office. ALICE “Henry we have an emergency call out at on 377.

A child is down

and not breathing.” HENRY “Give me the address.”


He grabs his hat and coat and rushes out the door. Alice calls the Del Rio Emergency Response. EXTERIOR DAY: ANDERSON HOUSE IN DESERT. Henry arrives at the Anderson house. acres of sand, pair cactus and brush.

It lays on 66 There’s a long

driveway from the highway to the 1920’s ranch house that is surrounded by tall poplar trees.

Now, the

ranch has been abandoned but the small wooden house still stands in a cluster of wind break trees.


spots the EMT truck backing down the long drive kicking up a plume of dust into the wind.

He stops

and joins the EMT team working on the girl. EMT Steve Campbell is working to get an airway. HENRY “Where did she come from?” STEVE “Beats me, ask Nanci Jo.” Henry walks over to Nanci Jo standing in the screened porch doorway, dressed in an well worn housedress smoking a hand rolled cigarette. HENRY “When did you find her?” NANCI JO ANDERSON “I came out to hang clothes on 12

the line and there she was.” HENRY “Do you recognize her?” Nanci Jo wiping tears away from her eyes with her fingers. NANCI JO ANDERSON “No.

In a way I feel better that

I don’t.

This is horrible.

That’s all I know.” Henry hands her his card. HENRY “Well, if you remember anything, just call me at this number.” STEVE “Henry, come here.” Henry joins him over the girl’s lifeless body. STEVE “She may have died of exposure overnight.

I’ll turn her over

to the coroner.

This is one of

those times when I hate this job.” HENRY “There has been a lot of people 13

that get lost in this vast desert wilderness over the years. It is very unforgiving of the weak and the young.” INTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE Later that day, in the Sheriff’s office, Henry and Alice filed a report. HENRY “I’m going to have to get some help on this one.” Alice opens the case file gazes at the crime scene photos. ALICE “By the looks of her, she’s about 10 years old, but I don’t think she is from around here.” HENRY “Could be, but how the hell did she wind up at the Anderson’s place? That’s way off the beaten path.” ALICE “I’ll call the Texas Rangers to see if there’s a girl with this description whose gone missing.”


EXTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE 7:00AM Friday morning, Henry and Sam arrive at the Sheriff’s office at the same time meeting each other at the door. SAM “I’ll tell you something, I don’t feel good about this little girl thing.” HENRY “Yeah, my wife won’t let the kids out.

It’s all over all over town.”

Sam looking out the window. SAM “I swear, they know about things faster than a dose of salts going through a widow woman.” INTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE Del Rio News reporter Jane Goodwin walks in from across the street.

She was an award winning reporter

for the Austin American Statesmen’s office in Lubbock for 3 years and returned to her hometown as an expert investigative reporter. ask her.

If you don’t believe it, just

Her friends say that she is really a

sweetheart. Henry is talking with Sam. 15

SAM Sam interrupts. “Here comes trouble.” Jane walks in. JANE “Sheriff, what’s happening with the little girl who was discovered out by the dam?” HENRY “Well, at this point we’re trying to identify her.

We’re searching

for people that might know who she is.” JANE “Do you have any evidence of fowl play?” HENRY “I can’t comment on evidence, you know that.” He opens the office door to find his office teaming with Texas Ranger Deputies.

He looks at Alice as he

passes the front desk. HENRY “Good morning Alice.

So, did you 16

round up the posse?” ALICE “You may want to read the note on you’re desk.” He walks directly to the office and shuts the door. He sits down reads the note she left for him and lifts the phone and pushes the intercom button. ALICE “Yes sir.” HENRY “Yes, I do believe we need some more deputies.

Get on the horn.” ALICE

“I’ll go down the list.” A Texas Ranger Lt. Fielding taps on the glass window. Henry waves him in. FIELDING “Hi, I’m Lt. Jim Fielding and we’re here to help you.” HENRY “Good, we need your help.” FIELDING “I suggest we do an evidence 17

search of the Anderson property today.” HENRY “How fast can we get to it.” Henry hands Fielding directions. FIELDING “There’s no time like the present.” HENRY “You go on, I’ll catch up in a few minutes.” Fielding goes for the door. HENRY “Thank you.” EXTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE Fielding and 12 Deputies load up in three white Chevy Suburban SUV’s and drive out to the Anderson house. INTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE Henry talks with INS Special Agent William Rohas over the phone. HENRY “Bill, I’m hoping you can shed some light on this girl.” 18

ROHAS “We’ve been looking for people that may have some information about her.

If she is indeed

Mexican, she was traveling with someone else.

We need to find

out what happen to the others.” HENRY “Along this point on the River we have seen a lot of people coming across. It’s safe to cross here, because of the dam up stream.” ROHAS “We have seen a lot of activity here as well.

When will you get

a complete coroners report? HENRY “Before the end of business today.” ROHAS “Great, I’ll bet that she died of exposure and dehydration. We’ve seen more of this lately. I need a photo of the girl.”


Henry picks up the intercom. HENRY “Alice, fax Rohas a photo of our girl and the Coroner’s report when it comes in.” ALICE “Roger that.” EXRERIOR DAY: ANDERSON FARM At the Anderson place, the Rangers are walking in a grid pattern searching across their back yard.


Fielding is collecting evidence into plastic baggies. There are cigarette butts, a quart sized beer bottle, a pocketknife and a small backpack containing empty food containers. EXTERIOR DAY: ANDERSON FARM Henry arrives back at the Anderson yard to meet Fielding. HENRY “Got anything interesting?” Fielding holds up the baggie with the pocketknife. FIELDING 20

“This is something that a man would not want to leave behind.” HENRY “Prints maybe?” FIELDING “Hopefully, if this guy has been picked up in the last few years, we could have a match and name in the computer in Lubbock.” HENRY “I need to get with the Annual Del Rio Rodeo people for a briefing.” FIELDING “I’ll meet you at the office later. An army travels on its stomach you know.” HENRY “Take your crew to the Cripple Creek Restaurant.

Tell your boys to

stay away from the chili. account there.

We have an

So, use it.”

INTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE 5:30 PM, the County Coroner, Harold Fine arrives with his report at the sheriff’s office.

The Texas Rangers


and Sheriff Deputies are laughing and talking on cell phones.

Henry opens his office door to greet Harold. HENRY (shouts) “Keep it down boys, I can’t hear.” HAROLD “Sorry, I’m so late getting this to you, but I needed to spend some extra time on it. I don’t like being found wrong in these high profile cases.” HENRY “Harold, you smell.

Don’t you

wash your hands?” HAROLD “I was in a hurry.

You sound like

my wife.” HENRY “What do you have? Harold peers over his half round reading glasses. HAROLD “The girl is about 9 to 11 years old. There’s no food in the stomach. She was dehydrated.

There are

bruises around her neck that are consistent with strangulation.” 22

HENRY “What’s the time of death?” HAROLD “About 2:30 AM, give or take an hour.” HENRY “So, we’ve got a murder.” HAROLD “That’s my opinion.” HENRY “Oh, shit.” Henry calls Mayor Stevens at home to inform him. HENRY “Sorry to interrupt you at home Mayor, but we have a situation.” MAYOR “I hear there was a young girl found out near the dam.” HENRY “Yes sir.

Harold from the

coroner’s office is here with me and it’s his opinion that we have a murder here.”


MAYOR “What can I do?” HENRY “Just sit tight and we’ll have a News Conference in the morning. I’ll copy what I have and get it sent over to you.” MAYOR “I don’t want to talk about this too much until the Rodeo is over.” Henry, “I understand.

But we know that

telling the public is important, because they provide leads for our investigation.” Mayor, “My son Robby is here he can handle the Press.”

He hands the phone to Robby. ROBBY STEVENS “Henry, this is Robby Stevens. I have been in touch with the Coroners office. I don’t want some little girl to ruin the Annual Rodeo Weekend.” 24

HENRY “Robby, you don’t understand.” ROBBY STEVENS “I understand perfectly.

Keep a

lid on it until Sunday night.” HENRY “I don’t think I can do that.” ROBBY STEVENS “If I were in you’re boots, I would remember that there’s an election coming up next November and you’ll need friends.” Robby hangs up. HAROLD “What the hell was that?” Henry frowns. HAROLD (with a crooked smile) “So, you got a dose of salts from Jr. right?” HENRY “I guess so.”


Henry’s wife, Brenda, calls on his cell phone.

HENRY “Hi Honey, what up?” BRENDA “Should I wait on dinner for you.” HENRY “No, go ahead and eat.

This is

going to be a long one.” BRENDA “I’ll be happy when the Rodeo is over.” HENRY “Me too.

But now, we’ve got a

murder investigation to deal with.” BRENDA “Oh my, who?” HENRY “I’ll try to call you later and explain.

But, don’t wait up.

I love you.”



The Texas Rangers are at the River Grande Motel lobby laying out the evidence that they have collected.


motel is crowded with rodeo cowboys, unpacking riding tackle and checking it for their ride.

One of them

stops to talk to a Texas Ranger and asks what all the fuss is about. RANGER “We’re here to investigate the homicide of a girl who was found out by the dam.” COWBOY “You know that if you need help, these boys will get it done.” RANGER “I’ll keep that in mind.” EXTERIOR DAY: OUTSIDE SHERIFF’S OFFICE 6:30PM, Media from all over the world has setup camp across the street from Sheriff’s office.

There are

CNN Stringers, NBC, ABC, CBS affiliates and a Japanese News crew, who are known for their aggressive and unethical practices. They’re fighting the ever present wind, putting up satellite dishes and white pop up tents. EXTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE


There’s no room in the office, so officers and deputies are on the sidewalk. Henry asks Sam to put up police tape around the office and close the street to traffic. Henry looks over at all the reporters. HENRY “Here’s our 24 hours of fame.” Sam walks over to Henry.

Henry looks up at him. HENRY

“Damn Sam, you’re a tall glass of water.”

Sam stands by the open car door. SAM “Sometimes it’s hard on the head getting in these cruisers.” HENRY “Lighten up on those tacos.” SAM “Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have anything to put my hot sauce on. I’ve got to have my hot sauce.” HENRY “Look…stay loose, I’m thinking 28

things can only get worse around here.”

That night Henry calls a meeting with Stevens Jr.


knows that the press conference in the morning will be proceeded by a sleepless night. EXTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE 11:30 PM, Stevens Jr. arrives with his girlfriend Ginger, she’s dressed in an elegant strapless evening gown, high heels and a blonde full length mink coat. Jr. is confident and eager to deal with the tough questions that are going to be asked. Henry’s office with a swagger. cigarette.

He enters

Ginger is smoking a

Henry greets them coolly. HENRY “Have a seat.

As you can see,

we’ve got just a few things happening.” Henry is on the phone with the Chairman of the Rodeo Committee. HENRY “Look Bill, I’m up to my butt in rattle snakes.

You’re going

the have to figure this one out yourself.”


STEVENS JR. is posturing in his seat.

Ginger’s is in

the office window with an air of pretentiousness for all to see.

The Rangers take note of her.

STEVENS JR. “I don’t have a lot of time for this.” HENRY “Well, too bad, you better sit back in the saddle and brace up for a long ride.” STEVENS JR. “I don’t like your attitude.” HENRY “You just wait till those gorillas from the media circus get their paws on you, then see what you like.” STEVENS JR. (boasting) “I studied media relations at the University of Texas in Austin.” Henry “Here’s your chance to use it then.” STEVENS JR. opens a black portfolio with a pad in it.


STEVENS JR. “Here’s a list of questions we need to answer in the morning.”

HENRY “It’s not a we problem. You’re gonna be doing all the talking.” STEVENS JR. almost slides out of his chair. STEVENS JR. “I’ve never done this before.” HENRY “That makes two of us. you in the morning.

I’ll see

Don’t make

the circus wait, they’ll be very hungry by then and they don’t like biscuits and gravy.” Henry gets out of his chair and goes to the bathroom and shuts the door with a loud slam.

Everyone looks

around to see Jr. and Ginger standing in the office door.

Someone gives a cat whistle.

Jr. and Ginger

hurry out to the street to a waiting limo. EXTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE 2:15AM, Fielding walks into Henry’s office to report what they have found out about the girl. 31

FIELDING “Henry, I don’t have a lot on the girl.

But, we know who she

was traveling with, one Pablo Martinez.

We got his name in

the database off his fingerprints on the pocketknife we found. This guy has been on the DEA radar for about 16 months.

Drug dealing,

smuggling, murder and sexual assault, he is smart and resourceful. This thing looks like a kidnap and murder.

We need to look for

her Mom and Dad in Mexico.” HENRY “Don’t talk to Jr. about this. He’s an unbridled blabber mouth.” Fielding, “OK, you’re the boss man.” HENRY “I want you guys at the fair grounds looking for him.” Fielding, “I’m way ahead of you.

They started

search 30 minutes ago.” HENRY 32

“Stay close.”


The street in front of the Sheriff’s

Office is alive with reporters and camera crews.


Rangers help setup a make shift platform and microphone stand for the news conference. for Jr. to arrive.

Henry waits

There’s a bone chilling wind

blowing up the street. It’s 7:30 AM, and still no, Stevens Jr. Henry calls the Mayor’s office.

No one is in yet.

He calls the

Mayor’s home. MAYOR STEVENS “Hey, Henry.” HENRY “We have a press conference here. Where’s Jr.?” Mayor, “Call him on the cell.

You got

his number?” HENRY “Yeah.” Henry calls the number he has on a card in his pocket. 33

He gets no answer.

EXTERIOR DAY: FRONT OF SHERIFF’S OFFICE 7:45AM, Henry walks up to the “TREE” of microphones. HENRY “Hello, I’m Sheriff Henry Kyle and I’ll answer your questions. However, I can’t answer any questions about evidence.” He points to one reporter from CNN. CNN Reporter, “Sheriff Kyle, we understand that you have an investigation underway into the murder of a young Mexican girl. What can you tell us?” HENRY “I can’t tell you the details of the case, because we don’t know a lot. But, we are looking for this man.” He holds up a photo of Pablo Martinez. HENRY 34

(continues) “We have copies for you.” CBS REPORTER “What’s his name?” HENRY “Pablo Martinez.

He is wanted

by the FBI, INS, and DEA and by the Mexican authorities.” BBC REPORTER “I have a question for the Texas Ranger representative.”

Henry leans over to Fielding. HENRY “Fielding, you silver tongued devil, it’s your turn in the barrel.” FIELDING “Let’s give these good folks what they CAME FOR.” HENRY “I’m going home for some shut eye, you handle it.”

Fielding steps into the lights. 35

FIELDING “My name is Texas Rangers Lt. Fielding and I would like to tell you about the Texas Rangers. The Texas Legislature authorized the creation of the Unsolved Crimes Investigation Team on September 1, 2000. The UCIT is led by a Ranger Lieutenant and staffed by eight Ranger Sergeants whose mission is to provide Texas Law Enforcement Agencies with a process for investigating unsolved murders or what appears to be serial or linked criminal transactions. Since there is no statue of limitations on the offense of murder, the state has the moral and statutory obligation to pursue these cases to a successful resolution or until no other leads are viable. Law enforcement must devote every effort to investigate these crimes to the fullest extent for the state, the victims, and their families.”


The news reporters are so enthralled with Fielding and his story that they all but forget what the news conference was about.

INTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE 2:45 PM, Henry returns to the office.

The media crews

have moved to the Rodeo arena at the fair grounds. In the office, Alice has been replaced by her niece Pammy. She knows her way around the office and has been around cowboys all of her life so she can hold her own. Henry walks through the door. HENRY “Hey, Pammy.” PAMMY “Hey, Henry.

I have all your

messages here on the desk.” HENRY “Thanks, I won’t be here long.” He grabs a handful of sticky notes messages and stuffs them in his coat pocket. A couple of sticky notes fall to the floor. 37

HENRY “I’ll be at the Rodeo.

Call me

on the cell if you need me.” PAMMY “Yes sir.” EXTERIOR DAY: SHERIFF’S OFFICE Henry walks out the office door to the street.

It has

warmed up to 50 degrees. The sunlight feels good to his skin.

As he drives to

the fairgrounds his cell rings. Fielding is at the Rodeo and has his men working the crowd for Pablo Martinez. EXTERIOR DAY: FAIRGOUNDS FIELDING “Henry, no luck yet with Pablo. But rest assured that if he is here, we will find him.” HENRY “Don’t you ever sleep?” FIELDING “Never with both eyes closed.” HENRY “I’ll be there in a few.” 38

FIELDING “One thing, we think, we found the Mother of the girl in Ciudad Acuna. She reported the girl missing Wednesday afternoon when she didn’t make it home from school. She’s coming over with a homicide detective.

I know him.” HENRY

“He must have snatched her off the street.” FIELDING “Sounds right. announcers box.

I’m in the Come up and meet

with me. It’s a birds eye view.” EXTERIOR DAY: FAIRGOUNDS PARKING LOT 3:15 PM, Henry walks from the parking lot to the entrance gates. The crowd is arriving for the opening part of the show.

He navigates his way through the crowd and

glances at a man that looks like Pablo.

But, he

disappears into a mass of men wearing western hats. EXTERIOR DAY: FAIRGOUNDS CATTLE SHOOT AREA Pablo Martinez is walking through the crowded cattle shoot area.

He is paranoid.

He knows that his 39

impulsive murder of young Rose was a huge mistake. Now he has the police on both sides of the border looking for him.

The Mexican Police are more flexible

with how they handle things if they get money, US dollars that is. Pablo’s cell phone rings. PABLO “Yeah.” CALLER (in Spanish) “You fucking ass hole.


dead Mother fucker.” PABLO “Who do you think you’re talking to?” CALLER “I know that you have my money.” PABLO “If you want it you better show some respect.” CALLER “You stupid fucker, you have every policeman in the United States looking for you.” PABLO “So what?”


CALLER “Now we are in the shit with you. The DEA is all over us.

We can’t

move any product.”

PABLO “Then it helps to protect me, right?” CALLER “We want the money back. Where is it?” Pablo walks around a cattle shoot into a crowd of Sheriff Deputies and knocks a cup of hot coffee out of Sam’s hand. SAM “Hot momma.” Everyone looks at Sam.

Pablo quickly disappears into

the crowd. EXTERIOR DAY: FAIRGOUNDS ANNOUNCERS BOX Henry arrives at the announcers box.

Fielding is

looking at the crowd through field glasses. FIELDING “Henry, there’s Rohas over there. 41

He looks like a Mexican tourist, with a taco in one hand an a Lone Star Beer in the other.” HENRY “I thought I saw Pablo in the crowd over by the cattle shoots.” FIELDING “This guy wouldn’t miss the rodeo. So, we have him trapped. He can’t get out.” EXTERIOR DAY: FAIRGOUNDS 4:00 PM, Henry switches on his hand radio.

He listens

as the rodeo begins. THE ANNOUNCER “Welcome to the 25th Annual Del Rio Rodeo, we hope you enjoy all the fun and excitement that comes with a real West Texas style rodeo.

On behalf of all

the cowboys and cowgirls we want you to just sit back and watch the action brought to you this year by Lee Western Wear, Resistol Hats and Dr Pepper. But first, let’s sing the National Anthem.”


Henry can hear the chatter of all the agents on his radio. RANGER “I think I’ve spotted him behind the concessions stand sitting at a picnic table eating. FIELDING “Move in like a you had good sense.” RANGER “10-4.” A few seconds pass, then the suspect is in cuffs. FIELDING “I’m coming down.” They ask the suspect for his ID.

Before he can get it

out of his pocket, his wife and 4 kids come up and want to know what he has done. FIELDING “Let him go.” HENRY “Close, but no cigar.” EXTERIOR DAY: FAIRGOUNDS PARKING LOT


Pablo sits down beside a horse trailer.

He pulls his

straw hat down over his face. INTERIOR DAY: ARENA SECURITY OFFICE 4:30 PM, in the arena security office Henry and Fielding agree that the Mother of the dead girl may know Pablo Martinez or may have seen him.

They radio

the Mexican detective that is bringing her across the bridge.

They ask him to see if by chance she could

identify him. They know that it’s a lot to ask a grieving mother to do anything, but it’s worth a try. EXTERIOR DUSK: CROWED ARENA 5:15 PM, Henry is impatiently walking through the crowed arena looking at everyone. his cell phone.

He gets a call on



We have an ID on the girl.

Her name is Rose Hernandez. She disappeared Wednesday about 4:00 PM.

The girls mother,

Lea Hernandez identified Pablo Martinez as a neighbor going by the name Felix Montaro.” FIELDING “Is she sure this is our guy?”


HENRY “Yeah.

Take her to the office

and make her comfortable.” Fielding and Henry agree it’s time to flush him out. The plan is to force him out in the open before the rodeo is over so that he can’t get use the crowd to hide in as they leave the fairgrounds. INTERIOR EVENING: PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT BOOTH 6:00 PM, Fielding asks to make a public announcement on the PA system. FIELDING “Would Pablo Martinez please report to the front gate and speak to Texas Ranger Fielding, we have a lost item for you.” They repeat it in Spanish.

All the Rangers are

stationed at different gates.

They wait.

EXTERIOR NIGHT: ARENA Pablo is listening.

He knows it’s just a matter of

time before the Rangers catch him.

He slowly walks

around the trucks looking for one with the keys in it. EXTERIOR NIGHT: MEDIA CAMP The CNN, NBC and the rest of the media are currently at the main entrance to the building.

They are all

waiting for a break in the story and are filling in 45

with local color segments about the rodeo riders and some local personalities like Jim Branch, a famous Cowboy Poet and songwriter. During intermission Jim provides entertainment. He walks out to the center of the arena and Sings a song for the audience.

EXTERIOR NIGHT: PARKING LOT 7:20 PM, a black, GMC pickup races toward the back entrance of the fairgrounds. It crashes through the closed chain link gate and races across the grounds. INTERIOR NIGHT: GMC PICK UP TRUCK Pablo calls his girlfriend in Mexico on his cell phone. PABLO “Nina, I’m coming home tonight.” NINA “Where are you?” PABLO “Don’t ask a bunch of stupid questions.” NINA “OK, Jesus!” PABLO “I’m in Del Rio.

I’ll be at the 46

crossing at El Moral.” NINA “What time?” PABLO “Just be waiting there in 30 minutes, and bring my gun.” NINA “Did you kill that little girl?” PABLO “It was her fault, I couldn’t shut her up.” NINA “You dumb fucker, this is very bad.” PABLO “If you’re not there, I kill you and all of your family.

Got it?”

He tosses the cell phone at the windshield. PABLO “Fucking bitch.” INTERIOR NIGHT: SHERIFF’S CRUISER The Sheriff cruisers give chase.

Henry and Fielding

jump in Henry’s SUV Cruiser and follow.

They race

south on 277 toward Eagle Pass weaving around tractor47

trailer rigs.

The sun is setting.

They believe that

Pablo is running for a safe haven in Mexico. EXTERIOR NIGHT: DESERT HIGHWAY 8:00 PM, The Highway Patrol cruisers can’t catch up so, they decide to try and intercept it with spike strips at the town of Quemado, they call ahead.

INTERIOR NIGHT: SHERIFF’S CRUISER Henry calls the Laughlin Air Force Base for a chopper to aid in the chase. HENRY “Fielding, we need to get him before he can get off the road and crosses the river on foot.” FIELDING “Once he’s back in Mexico we’ll have hell trying to find him.” HENRY “There’s a shallow sandbar at Normandy and across the river is El Moral. That’s where he’ll try to make a crossing. It’s well known to drug traffickers.” EXTERIOR NIGHT: DESERT HIGHWAY


8:45 PM, the Black GMC pickup is speeding at over 100 miles an hour.

At that rate, he’ll be at Quemado

before the strips are put down. only 3 miles from there. contact with the chopper.

And the crossing is

Fielding establishes radio It will not be airborne in

time to intercept, so they ask for them to pick up Henry and Fielding on 277. EXTERIOR NIGHT: DESERT HIGHWAY 9:00 PM, Pablo cuts his lights on the pickup.

It’s a

clear black sky with only starlight to see by.


turns off the main road onto a sand path through the dessert. The trucks wheels spin to get just enough traction to keep it moving ever closer to the rivers edge.


EXTERIOR NIGHT: DESERT HIGHWAY Highway Patrol cruisers slow when the lights go out on the truck.

It has vanished into the darkness.


the spotlights from the chopper illuminate the night sky.

The chopper flies back and forth along the

river. EXTERIOR NIGHT: RIO GRANDE RIVER Pablo sees the glistening river ahead. EXTERIOR NIGHT: SHERIFF’S CRUISER Finely they spot the faint lights coming from the open door of the truck, which is half way submerged in river mud. EXTERIOR NIGHT:CHOPPER FLYING 49

In the chopper, Henry is angry. HENRY “Shit, we let him get away!” FIELDING “He’s back in Mexico and we’ll have little chance to get at him.” Off in the distance deep in Mexico, on the horizon a thunderstorm sends chain lightening across the sky. EXTERIOR NIGHT: CHOPPER FLYING RIO GRANDE SHERIFF’S CRUISER 9:55 PM, They call the Mexican police and inform them that Pablo Martinez has slipped across the border. The flight back to the Sheriff’s Cruiser is quite, except for the chatter coming over the chopper radio. EXTERIOR NIGHT: SHERIFF’S CRUISER They drive back to the empty fairgrounds to the waiting Ranger Deputies. 11:00 PM, Henry drops Fielding off. HENRY “Well, we gave it our best shot.” FIELDING “That little girl was a hostage and she suffered.

I don’t think

I’m gonna forget her anytime soon.” 50

HENRY “Don’t blame yourself.” FIELDING “I screwed up and I know it. I’ll see ya’ll later.” HENRY “Hey, don’t be too hard on yourself, tomorrow is another day.” FIELDING “Mama always said, life always looks better after a good night’s sleep.” EXTERIOR NIGHT: SHERIFF’S OFFICE 11:30 PM, Henry arrives at the office.

The street is

empty of all the media vehicles and patrol cars.


wind is blowing white plastic cups, paper plates and newspaper around like tidal waves beating on the buildings. INTERIOR NIGHT: SHERIFF’S OFFICE The office lights are out.

He picks up a stack of

messages and stuffs them in his coat pocket, then sits back in his chair and puts his boots on the desk.


pulls the brim on his hat down over his eyes.


3:30AM, Henry’s cell rings awakening him from a deep sleep. He answers. HENRY “Kyle here.” FIELDING “Henry, I just got a call from the Mexican Detective in Ciudad Acuna. Are you awake?” HENRY “Yeah, yeah.” FIELDING “Well if not, this will wake you up. It seams that Pablo Martinez has some drug running cowboys that aren’t too happy with his business ethics.” HENRY “Surprise, surprise.” FIELDING “These guys have better radio equipment than we do.

In fact,

they were listening in when he came back across the border. They caught up with him in Jimenez, just north of where he crossed. 52

He has a girl friend there.” HENRY “So far, so good.” FIELDING “Mr. Pablo Martinez, apparently made off with $6 million in small bills that were supposed to be laundered and the boys down there are really pissed.” It would appear that we ran him into a fate worse that rotting in a Texas Prison.” HENRY “Those drug cowboys will get their money back and they’ll bury him alive in the dessert. The fire ants will take care of the rest.” FIELDING “Another thing is that our Mrs. Hernandez…” HENRY “The girls mother?” FIELDING “The same, has a brother that is 53

a well know drug cowboy.” HENRY “Really?” FIELDING “So, I was right about one thing, the girl was a hostage. They were looking for him, when he snatched the girl. I can’t figure out why he killed her.” INTERIOR NIGHT: SHERIFF’S OFFICE Henry gets up and walks out into the dark west Texas night. HENRY “He’s just plain mean and didn’t want her talking.

We ran him

straight into a hellish shallow grave.” FIELDING “One thing I do know…

Never mess

with God’s children.” HENRY “I hear that. Thanks for everything.” FIELDING “I’d say it’s been a pleasure, but 54

that wouldn’t seem quite right.” HENRY “I’m looking forward to some off time.” FIELDING “Take care Henry.”


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