Abuelo “el Oso” By Steven Donnini

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“The Bear” Abuelo “El Oso” by Steven Donnini

Written by Steven Donnini Library of Congress

Copyright Steven Donnini 2003 Austin, Texas Orlando, Florida [email protected]


10 year old Jesse Santiago is dreaming of gliding through the air in the twilight with his arms stretched out.

Although he loved his dreams about

flying, his favorite one is when he runs across his little league baseball field in Phoenix and lifts off into the warm summer sky.

But, this dream was

different. A wind gust lifts him higher than ever before.


thinks, never look down, keep your arms extended, cup your hands.

He looked, just a glance to see

the ball field getting smaller, so small that his confidence began to slip away.

He knows it’s the

belief that he can fly that makes it so. the lift from the air is gone.


He frantically

waves his arms to catch some lift, but nothing works. ground.

He falls faster and faster toward the Suddenly he wakes up in his Grandfather,

Roberto’s, arms.

Roberto was a World Class weight 2

lifter and professional wrestler, during his professional career.

Roberto’s chest, arms and

legs were photographed many times for bodybuilding and wrestling magazine covers.

Now, he’s a little

too old for professional wrestling, but he has many adoring fans that still recognize him wherever he goes.

They called him “El Oso”(The Bear), because

he would bear hug his opponents until they passed out and then throw them on to the canvas.


looks up at Roberto with relief knowing he is safe. They are riding in the back of a Trailways Coach Bus on a trip to the mining town of Jerome, 125 miles north of Phoenix, Arizona.

The tall Saguaro

cactus stand shoulder to shoulder most of the way along Interstate 17 from Sun City to Camp Verde, an amazing sight.

Jerome is a simple place with many

tiny wooden homes desperately clinging to the side of the mountain.

It’s a small town with restored

collectable stores that sell artifacts from the copper mining days in the 1800’s.


This is a trip that Roberto had planned all winter, after the traffic accident that killed his daughter and son-in-law, Jesse’s parents.

For Roberto the

idea of being a parent to a young boy is like getting a second chance at something that he had not done to well the first time around.


was on the road working most of the time that his daughter was growing.

He wanted to spend some time

with Jesse and to visit his brother Ed in Pason, and Ricco, a friend, who had moved to Jerome a few years ago.

It was going to be a week that they

would never forget.

As the Trailways Coach rolled

to a stop, Jesse looks out the window at a sign that read “Welcome to Camp Verde.”

The Verde River

runs through the town, which is clustered among hundreds of mature cottonwood trees. the 125 degree summer desert heat.

An oasis from Jesse and

Roberto retrieve their bags and cross the main street to a car lot that rents used cars and trucks.

Roberto is instantly recognized as “El



The owner asks him many questions.

Did he

really squeeze his opponents until they were out on their feet?

Naturally, there’s always drama in

professional wrestling. So, Roberto answers, “It was a Saturday night in Ft. Worth when I earned the name “El Oso,” The Bear.

I was in the ring with “The Undertaker” and

he had me in the death grip.” Jesse comments, “Oh yeah, the death grip.” Roberto, “There was no way to get loose.


wiggled, turned around, put my arms around him and squeezed his body until he went limp. done that before. Oso.

I had never

The ring announcer called me El

It stuck and I used the bear hug from that

point on.” Roberto asks for directions to Tuzigoot Indian ruins in Clarkdale.

The car lot owner showed them

the way on a road Atlas.

He explains, “Tuzigoot is

a deserted hilltop ancient pueblo, it is easy to imagine what life was like in this ancient village


built by the Sinagua. 1000.

It was built around A.D.

You can see Sinagua Indian spirits that

appear as flickers of light after dark.

I suggest

you arrive at dusk and watch them dance over the ruins.” He gives Roberto the keys to an aged Isuzu Trooper. The drive up the mountain to Jerome is a slow winding road with sharp turns and steep grades. Jesse reads to Roberto from a travel booklet as they wind up the mountain, “At the turn of the twentieth century, the town of Jerome was a collection of houses and buildings, not beautiful, seldom comfortable, but durable.

Those who came

were willing to put up with conditions at the time. Jerome, Arizona was for making a stake and going somewhere else to spend the easy fortune. above all else a copper mining town.

It was

Most of its

people were young men drawn by the advantages of steady employment and excitement.

Jerome became an

around the clock, three shift town boasting 13


hotels, 21 bars, and 8 houses of prostitution with names like "The Cuban Queen," and the less elegant "Cribs."

Belgian Jenny, the honky-tonk queen of

the houses of light love was Jerome's most famous Madam.” Roberto parks the truck in front of a general store.

They walk down the old town street until

they see a restaurant, there is a man sitting in a chair on the old wooden sidewalk. Roberto asks, “I’m looking for a friend that lives here.

His name is Ricco, do you know him?”

The man answers, “Ricco?

Yeah, he spends his time

down the street at the Copperhead Saloon.” Jesse asks, “Who’s Ricco?” Roberto isn’t forthcoming with anything that would incriminate himself. He answers, “We’ve been old friends since we were in grade school in Tucson.” Jesse is only more interested, “You played ball together?”


Roberto, “We didn’t have gloves or bats, so we played stick ball or soccer everyday after school.” Jesse, “Grandpa, what’s prostitution?” Roberto explains, “It’s when woman sell their time with men.” Jesse looks up at him, “Did Dad pay Mama for her time?” Roberto answers, “No, they were married.” Jesse, “Then when you’re not married, you have to pay?” Roberto, “Not always.” Jesse, “Do girls pay boys for their time?” Roberto, “No. Well, yes sometimes. This is not something you should be thinking about.” Jesse, “Did Jesus pay girls for their time?” Roberto annoyed, “Jesus didn’t have to pay anybody to spend time with him.” Jesse, “When we go to church everybody gives him money.”


Roberto frustrated, “That’s not the same thing.” Jesse confused, “OH!” They walk into the busy Copperhead Saloon.

The one

large room has pool tables, floors covered with sawdust, dark raw wood walls, antique wooden tables and hundreds of snake skins stapled to the wall behind the bar.

There’s the smell of stale beer,

tobacco smoke and fried food hanging in the air.


sign over the bar reads “Nuke the gay whales for Jesus.”

Roberto stops to look around the bar,

taking it all in. He takes a deep breath, “This is my kind of place.” Jesse looks around, pulls up his baggie pants, “It smells bad in here Grandpa.” Roberto, “It’s an acquired smell.” He pulls out a chair for Jesse at an empty table. “Set here, I’ll get us something to drink.”


walks to the bar and orders a draft beer and a root beer.

The bartender Sam is drying glasses and

drawing beer for customers.


Roberto asks, “Do you know Ricco?” Sam answers, “Who wants to know?” Roberto, “I’m Roberto Suarez, an old friend.


haven’t seen him in years, but I heard he was living up here in the mountains.” Sam asks, “Are you the law?

There are a lot of

people up here that have gone missing, you know what I mean?” Roberto, “No, I just want to see him again.

Like I

said, it’s been years.” Sam is reluctant to say more, “He comes in about noon and stays until we close.

He’s a regular.

That’s all I know. I don’t ask too many questions.” Roberto carries the glasses to the table and sits looking at his watch. Jesse asks, “Where’s your friend?” Roberto, “He’ll be here soon.

How about a burger

and fries?” Jesse is into the root beer, he just shakes his head yes.


When Ricco appears in the doorway Roberto doesn’t recognize him.

By the time he gets to the bar, Sam

greets him with a drink.

The bartender puts burger

baskets on the bar and signals Roberto to come get them. He leans forward and points to Ricco, “That’s him.” Roberto gives the burger to Jesse and returns to the bar beside Ricco. Roberto, “Ricco, it’s me.” Ricco looks at him, “Roberto?

What the hell are

you doing here?” Roberto, “I’m here with my grandson.

I heard you

were living here.” Ricco, “I’m kind of laying low. There’s some people in Texas that would like to get their paws on me.” Roberto, “No doubt.” Ricco, “It’s quite up here most of the year.

I do

odd jobs, painting and such. What have you been doing?”


Roberto, “When the ground soured in Texas I drove to Payson to visit with my brother Ed. camping supply store up there.

He has a

But, he’s a hard

case when it comes to government stuff.

So, after

six months of splitting wood and listening to right wing conspiracy talk, I packed it in and moved to Phoenix where my sister lives.

Ed is a little

touched in the head after that 5 year jail term in Florida.

He has an arsenal you wouldn’t believe.

It was kind of scary when his weird friends showed up.” Ricco lowers his voice, “There’s a lots of Arizona Militiamen living up in these here mountains. They’re all into camouflage clothing, easy to spot.” Roberto glances around, “There’s half a dozen guys dressed like that.” Ricco, “That’s a problem, there’s a lot of wannabes.

You never know.

The best thing is to


make friends with one of them.

It’s a good idea to

be agreeable with their anti-government talk.” Roberto, “I’ve rented an SUV, would you like to take a drive with us through the mountains to go see him in Payson.” Ricco, “OK, that sounds good, let’s go in the morning.” Roberto and Jesse spend the night at Ricco’s place. In the morning, they pack the SUV with Ricco’s camping gear and drive down the mountain to Cottonwood. The trip east through the mountains is breathtaking.

There are many campgrounds and

National Monuments along the way. stop and see all of them.

Jesse wants to

They agree to stop at

the Tonto Natural Bridge State Park. campsite and settle in for the night.

They set up a The sky

above the campsite is crystal clear except for the campfire smoke curling up to meet the stars.


are all around a campfire.


Ricco is lying back on an Indian blanket.


always magic to me to look at the stars in the mountain sky.

Oh, look there goes a satellite

through the stars.” Jesse, “It could be the space station.


Higgins, my science teacher said we could see it clearly.” Roberto, “The Sinagua Indians that lived here must have seen the stars as part of their lives in a totally unremarkable way.” Ricco, “Yeah, they didn’t have TV, satellites and space stations to distract them.”

The next morning Roberto cooked his famous jalapeno tortillas in a cast iron skillet along with Jesse’s favorite food with scrambled eggs and hot salsa. They packed up and hit the highway to Payson.


summer sun is heating the newly laid black asphalt, making it soft and sticky.

By noon the traffic is

thick with vacationers at Ed’s camping supply



Roberto finds a parking spot out of the way

of store customers.

Roberto, Jesse and Ricco enter

the old wooden store and waits for the customers to clear out.

It’s a small store packed with

everything a camper would need, toothpaste, toilet paper, trail mix, canned foods, dried fruit, cigarettes, waterproof wooden matches and fire wood.

Ed is packing the last foodstuffs into paper

bags for a customer. be!

Ed looks up at Roberto, “I’ll

What brings you to these parts old man?”


walks over and hugs Roberto. Roberto answers “We came for a visit.

How the hell

are you?” Ed, “You should have called, this is the busy season here at the campgrounds. I won’t have much time to spend with you during the day.” Ricco, “Is there anything we can do for you?” Ed, “Sure, there’s a pile of wood out back that needs chopping.”


Roberto, “I’ll do it, I could use a little exercise.”

Jesse steps up, “Uncle Ed, I can bag

for you?” Ed is working the cash register, “OK great, but don’t drop anything.” Jesse “Yes, sir.” Ricco walks behind the front counter.


your new bride?” Ed, answers without looking up. “Rita’s in the trailer out back rehearsing her comedy act. has a gig tonight.


I’m going to video tape it.”

Ricco, “Can we see her do her thing?” Ed, “Of course, we can all go to the Starlite lounge, it’s 25 cent beer night.

There should be a

big crowd.” Ricco, “What kind of stuff does she do?” Ed, “I’ll only spoil it for you, so let it be a surprise.”


That night Ed and Rita load the minivan with all kinds of boxes, bags and a full sized stuffed dummy she calls “Studly.” Ed says, “Be careful his head is getting loose, I didn’t have time to do any repair work on the props.” Rita irritated, “I asked you to do it yesterday. You said it would be handled.” Ed, “Don’t worry, everything will be fine, it’s not that bad.

He’ll hold up for the next few shows.”

Rita gets into the van and slams the door so hard that the van shakes. Ed, “Jesus, Rita your going to break the door. don’t realize your own strength.”


Rita, “Now, I

suppose your going to blame me for breaking Studly in the first place.” Ed rolls his eyes and closes the sliding door of the van and walks around to the driver’s door. Ed, “I told you not to be so rough with the props.”


Rita, “When the strap on the hard hat came loose and ruined the gag, you didn’t fix it.

Did you?”

Ed sheepishly, “Yeah, but we were in that small motel near Vegas and we slept late that day, we wouldn’t have had time to make to the next gig.” Rita, “That’s no excuse. it didn’t work.

I was so embarrassed when

I’m a prop comic Ed.

That means

that the props are the joke.” Ed, “That’s the problem.” Rita, “What’s that mean?” Ed, “Nothing.” Ricco knocks on the driver’s side window, “Are we ready to go now?” Ed, “Yeah, just follow me, it’s just 3 miles down the mountain.” The caravan rolls out of the dusty parking lot at Ed’s Camping Supply Store. Ricco, Roberto and Jesse can see Ed waving his arms. Jesse, “What is Uncle Ed mad about?”


Roberto, “It’s just his way.

He’s a Scorpio.”

Jesse, “What’s that?” Roberto, “It’s an astrological sign.” Ricco, “When you are born, you come into this world under a sign that is about the position of the stars and planets.

You must be a Gemini.”

Jesse, “Why?” Roberto, “Because, you ask so many questions and talk too much.” Jesse, “Oh.” Inside the Starlite Supper Club, Ed is setting up the stage and video camera.

Rita is at a table

going over the new jokes and gags.

Ricco, Jesse

and Roberto are setting at another table in the dinning room. Roberto asks a waitress, “What would you recommend for this young lad?” Waitress, “The chicken wings, or the Beefalo sandwich plate.” Ricco, “What’s a Beefalo sandwich?”


Waitress, “These ranchers out here breed Buffalo’s and cow’s.

It makes them tougher than cattle.

They can handle the harsh winters better.


really very good.” Roberto, “OK, great.

Jesse and I will both have

one.” Ricco, “I’ll go with the Chicken wings and a draft beer.” The club begins to fill with men from logging company crews that are working in the area.


the club owner and host, introduces Rita onto the stage.

Ed is in the back of the room operating the

video camera. Rita takes the microphone, “Welcome to the Starlite Club.

I have a few things to say about men and the

way they treat women.” A man in the front row says, “Let’s have it.” Rita, “You asked for it.

So, I want you to meet

the perfect man, his name is Studly.


She lifts anatomically correct Studly onto a stool, where he is facing the crowded room.


continues, “As you can see he’s very excitable in all the right places.” She pushes a button on his back and a dildo whips straight up from between his legs to put a bulge in his pant. Rita, “Now, that’s what I call a real man.”


crowd goes wild laughing. A guy shouts, “That’s my evil twin.” Rita, “This one doesn’t talk back.” The guy says, “Bite me.” Rita, “I’d have to find it first.” The crowd laughs. Another guy stands up, pulls his pant down and says, “Bite this one, baby!” Rita, “That looks like a frightened turtle.”


crowd laughs. Another guy says, “Take it off. Lets see what you’ve got.”


Ed doesn’t like the way the guys are talking to her. So, he walks down to the stage and glares at the guy. Ed, “Watch your mouth buddy.” One guy says, “She’s the one with the dildo.” Ed, “That’s my wife you’re talking about.” One of the guys stands up to Ed and pushes him backward onto the stage. Rita screams, “Stop it right now.” Ed gets up and another guy jumps on him.

Ed moves

back and falls over Studly and the stool onto the other props.

Rita runs off the stage crying.


guy is punched and a brawl breaks out in the first row of tables. hand.

Ed has Rita’s comedy props in each

He smashes a guy in the head with one dildo

prop and then again with another. Ricco stands up and shouts, “Ed, what the hell are you doing?”


Roberto and Jesse stay at the table eating their dinner. Roberto, “This is more fun than the days in the wrestling ring.” Roberto tells Jesse, “Stay put in your chair, I’ll be right back.” He makes his way to Ed. pile of lumberjacks. the guys off of Ed.

He is at the bottom of a

One by one Roberto peels away “Your too small for this.”

Roberto throws a guy over a table, “You’re too skinny to be fighting.” He throws another guy off the stage and grabs two guys by their necks and bangs their heads together. “And, you guys are to stupid.” He pulls Ed to his feet. Ed, “No one is going to talk to Rita that way.” Rita is at the bar crying her eyes out. “All my props are gone, I’m finished.”


Seth comes out of his private office to see the mayhem.

He knows that this night will cost him

dearly. He hurries over to the bar. Seth asks the bartender, “What the hell happened?” Bartender says, “Well, the best I can figure, Rita’s husband, Ed, got pissed at one of the customers and he started fighting with him in the front row of tables.

Then the guy’s buddy jumped

on Ed and they fell… ah, backward I think.” Seth, “I get the picture.” Seth walks down the bar to Rita, “What happened Rita?” Rita explains, “This guy in the front row of tables jumped on Ed and they fell back onto the stage.” Seth, “Collect your dildo’s and get out.” Rita, “What about my pay?” Seth, “Get out before I make you pay me!


both banned from here.”


Ed picks up what is left of the props and walks out the door to the parking lot where Rita is waiting, posed with hands on hips. Ed, “I did what any man would do.” Rita, “You have destroyed my dreams.” Putting the broken props into the minivan, Ed says, “What was I supposed to do?” Rita, “Let me handle things, it’s part of the act, I had them in the palm of my hand.” Ricco opens the SUV door for Jesse. Ricco, “Wow that was fun.” Jesse, “Is uncle Ed OK?” Ricco, “Yeah, he’s fine.” Jesse, “He must have a hard head.” Ricco, “If you only knew. Ed Head.

That’s why they call him

He always ends up landing on his head.

Just ask your Buelo.” Roberto gets behind the wheel of the SUV. Jesse, “Why do you call Uncle Ed, Ed Head?”


Roberto, “Jesse, I don’t think it’s time to talk about this but, Ed is thick headed.

Let’s just

leave it there.”

The next day at Ed’s store an unmarked government car is parked at the front door. is standing at the door.

IRS Agent Louis

Ed drives his van along

side the white Ford sedan, gets out and walks up to Louis. Ed, “Can I help you?” Louis, “Let’s step inside.” Louis moves his coat to expose a 9mm pistol on his hip, Ed opens the door and walks in, Louis follows. Ed grabs Louis’ arm, twists it behind his back and pushes him face first onto the floor and then handcuffs him before the agent can take his gun out. Ed takes his gun.

Standing in back of the

counter Ed asks, “So, what can I do for you?”


Agent Louis, “I’m an agent of the US Government. Un-cuff me or you’ll be in more shit than you can handle.” Ed, “Is that all you have to say for your self?


far as I’m concerned you came in here and threatened me with a gun.” He reaches down to retrieve a small tape recorder and ID from Louis’ inside coat pocket.

Ed, “I

think I’ll keep this.” He walks to the telephone and calls 911. Ed, “Hi Doris, it’s Ed, can you send Billy over to pick up a criminal I found at the store.” Louis, “I’m FBI. I need to call my office.” Ed, “You’ll get the customary phone call after you’re booked at the town jail.” Sheriff Billy walks in the door with Rita, Roberto, Ricco and Jesse. Sheriff Billy, “Looks like you caught yourself an office worker.” Ed, “Yeah, he’s a real nasty one, he threatened me with this.” Louis, “You’re all in deep shit.”


He hands over the gun to Sheriff Billy. Ed continues, “I think he soiled his draws. file charges.

I want to

He was standing in the doorway and

forced me inside after showing me his firearm. I’ve got it all on audio tape.” Billy, “OK, the judge is going to be pissed. gone for the weekend.


So, this one will have to

stay in lock up until Monday morning.”

He lifts

Louis off the floor. Rita, “Ed don’t you think this is over the top.” Ed, “No just a little off center.” Ricco hides his face behind a magazine as Billy takes Louis to the patrol car. Ed stands in the doorway holding the tape recorder and FBI ID, “Louis, don’t worry, I’ll call this interview in for you.

We don’t want any

misunderstandings back in Phoenix.”

Roberto, “I

didn’t think there was this much action up here.” Ed, “I came here to get away from all this crap.” Roberto, “You must be a crap collector.”


Ed, “Only the finest.”

That night Roberto and Ricco, set up camp in a clearing not far from the Ed’s store. is fueled with Ed’s seasoned wood. fed and put down for the night.

The campfire

Jesse has been

Ricco, Roberto and

Ed are sitting on Indian blankets, huddled around the campfire. Ricco opens a can of beer. “It’s been a long time since we were all together like this.”

Roberto, “I

know.” Ed, “Yeah, I have got to admit, I’ve missed you both.” Ricco, “The last night in Dallas we were over served at Lockers Bar.” Roberto, “Some of us did things we now regret, right Ed.” Ricco, “Let’s not get into that.

It was a long

time ago.”


Ed, “I still have a dent in my head where I hit the ground.” Ricco, “You asked for it.” Ed, “I was over the line, I must admit.” Ricco, “Right, you flew over the car and landed on your head.” Roberto, “I felt real bad about that for a long time.” Ed, “I don’t think you could pick me up like that now.” Roberto, “Let’s just leave it at that Ed.” Ed, “I mean it.” Ricco, “That’s why everyone calls you Ed head.” Roberto, “Its true, you always do things head first.” Ed, “Very funny.

The next day I went back to the

spot where you stopped the car.

In the daylight

very thing looked so different.

I never did find

the left lens from my glasses.

I developed a tick

in that eye.”


Ricco, “I was in my mama’s kitchen in Ft. Worth when I saw you and Rita get married on the Sally Jesse Raphael Show.” Roberto, “I wish I had seen that.” Ed, “That was Rita’s idea.” Ricco, “Mama said, you looked scared.” Ed, “I was sick from the night before.” Roberto, “You knew this was your last free night, right?” Ed, “No, I was too sick to think about that.


best man Danny took me to a Sushi Bar around the corner form the hotel on 74st.” Roberto, “So you went to a bait shop to eat?” Ed, “Yeah, but it wasn’t my idea.

Dan was paying,

so I said what the hell, I’ll just eat cooked fish. Well, I had a couple of glasses of hot Sake. told me, I was marrying my mother.


Later, I got

stomach cramps and was up all night on the crapper.”


At sunrise, Jesse is the first up. store to get something to eat.

He walks to the

Rita is behind the

counter. Rita, “Hi Jesse, what are you hungry for?” Jesse, “I like honey buns.”

Rita, “You’ve come to

the right place.” She turns to a box on the counter and takes out a hand full of plastic wrapped Honey buns out. Rita, “Want me to heat one up?” Jesse licking his lips, “Oh please.” Rita, “Here’s coffee for the boys.” She puts everything in a cut off box top and hands it to him. Jesse, “Thank you, Mrs. Ed.” Rita, “I’m your auntie now, sweetheart.” Jesse, “Oh yeah, that’s right.


Rita, “Honey, I’m very sorry about what happened to your mom and dad.

They were good people.

never a good time to bring it up.


I just wanted

you to know that you’re always welcome here.”


Jesse, “Thank you, ma’am, I mean Aunt Rita.” Jesse walks away from the store thinking that if he had been with them in the car that night, he would be with them in heaven.

When Jesse arrives at the

campsite Ricco is up and covering the fire with sand.

Roberto is folding up the tents and packing

them into bags.

They’re happy to see the coffee

and honey buns. Roberto, “Good work, Jesse.” Ricco, “Ah, room service with a view.”

Later they drive around to the front of the store, where Rita is standing in the doorway in a housedress.

She is smoking a cigarette.

Roberto asks, “Where’s Ed?” Rita, “He’s in the trailer.” She lifts the wall phone up and dials. Rita, “Ed, the guys are going to leave, get your butt out here.”


Roberto walks around the store with Jesse shopping for supplies for the trip ahead.

Ricco, “Rita, I

thought your show was very funny.” Rita, “Sometimes Ed gets mental.” Ricco, “I would have done the same thing.” Rita, “I’ve had enough humiliation therapy to last me for a while.” Ricco, “What about all the props?” Rita, “Oh well, Ed couldn’t keep them working anyway.” Ricco, “Can’t they be fixed?” Rita, “Forget it, I’m going to become a cartoonist.” Ricco, “I didn’t know you could draw?” Rita, “I can’t, I’ll take a course at the community college.” Jesse, “What kind of cartoons?” Rita, “I have an idea about fat girls living in a trailer park.” Jesse, “What do they do there?”


Rita, “Its about girls who are bored with life and just want to have fun.” Roberto knows where this is going, “Rita, so you’re going back to school?” Ed walks in the front door. “Yeah, she’s going to be an artist.” Roberto, “Great.

We’re headed out to the Tuzigoot

Indian ruins in Clarkdale. Ed, “That’s a full days drive from here.” Ricco, “I know I’ve been kicking around these hills for some time.” Roberto, “I want to see the dancing spirits.” Ed, “That’s just a story for the tourists.” Roberto, “That’s what we heard.” Ed with a knowing wink, “You might just be surprised.

Anyway, have a good trip.

such strangers.

Don’t be

We’re always here now.”

Rita, “I’m usually here.

Ed has been hanging with

the Militia up here.” Ed, “They’re Arizona Militia.”


Roberto, “Those guys are gun nuts.” Ed, “Most of them are gun collectors. They just go to gun shows.” Rita, “They come up here dressed in camouflage, drink beer and polish their Pistola’s.


harmless.” Ed, “There’s a short cut to Tuzigoot ruins. It’ll save you 2 hours and the view is spectacular.” Ricco, “That sounds great.” Roberto grabs an Arizona state map and opens it onto the counter, “So, we are here.” Ed, “When you pull out of the parking lot turn left down the first mountain road.

It’s used by loggers

and forest rangers, a little rough going, but you’ll be fine.” Ricco, “That’s OK, we’ve got the SUV.” Ed, “Gas up, there’s no place to stop for about 50 miles.” Roberto, “Where will we come out to black top?” Ed, “Over here. Got it?”


Roberto, “I think so.” Ed, “You can’t get lost if you stay on the main road.

If you get lost call me on the cell phone.”

Ricco, “Let’s hit the road.” Roberto, “OK, we’re off like a herd of turtles.” Ricco pulls the SUV up to the gas pumps and fills the tank. Ricco “It’s hard to say goodbye.” Roberto, “Never say goodbye, its bad luck.” The trip down the mountain starts with some hesitation. The road is full of potholes and washouts. A bright yellow warning sign reads, Logging Road, Authorized Personnel Only!


saw the sign too late to turn around, because the trees grow up to the edge of the road. It’s a one-way trip. 4wheel drive.

Roberto puts the SUV into

He knows if he pushes in the clutch

he won’t be able to stop.

So, he must steer around

rocks, potholes and let 1st gear keep it from going


too fast.

Roberto is getting the hang of things

when Ricco needs to stop to make a deposit. Ricco, “Please pull over somewhere I so I can leak the lizard.” Roberto, “So why didn’t you do that before we started.” Jesse to the rescue, “I need to stop too.” Roberto, “OK, all this talk and bouncing around is making us act like a bunch of girls.” waits for a safe place to stop.


He pushes in the

brake and the SUV stalls on the road.

He pulls up

the hand break. Roberto, “Ricco, get two big rocks and put them under the front wheels.” Jesse, “I can help.” Roberto, “No, let Ricco do it. watch where you’re walking.

Just get out and

There’s copperheads

and black bears out here.” Roberto stands in front of the truck peeing on the road and enjoying the mountain view.

Ed was right


about that, it’s beautiful.

They finish up and get

in the SUV, but Ricco forgot to remove the rocks from in front of the tires. on and lets the brake off.

Roberto turns the key They don’t move.


lifts the clutch and the truck leaps over the rocks and they take off down the mountain.

Jesse pulls

his seat belt tight. Ricco smiling, “If I had known it was going to be this much fun I would have stayed in Jerome.” They are winding around the switchbacks when they see a GMC hunting truck in the road and must stop. There’s no one in the truck. Roberto gets out to look around for the owner, “Hello!

Is anybody out here?”

There’s no answer.

Ricco get out of the truck and walks over to Roberto. Ricco, “What do you think?” Roberto, “If we wait long enough someone will come back for their truck.”


Ricco, “Or, we can push it off the road out of the way.” Roberto, “Maybe they’re out there hunting.” Ricco, “Probably, I say lets push it.”

He walks

over to the driver’s door and tries to open it. Ricco, “It’s locked.

Looks like we’re going to

have to do this the old fashion way.”

He walks

back to the SUV. Ricco, “Jesse, get me that wire coat hanger from the back seat.” Jesse hands it to him.

Ricco has

done this hundreds of times, but not for a few years.

In fact, this is what got him in trouble

with the law back in Texas when he was a gang banger. Roberto, “What are you doing?” Ricco, “Sometimes you have to use old skills.” Roberto, “What if they come back and you’re trying to break into their truck?” Ricco, “Remember, I’m the fastest gun in the west.”


Ricco goes to the window and pushes the wire hanger down into the door, setting off the burglar alarm. Roberto. “Oh great!” Ricco, “I’m almost there.” The door pops open, Ricco looks under the dash and pulls out a wire stopping the alarm.

Ricco, “Get

in the SUV, I’ll get this out of the way.” Roberto hops into the SUV and starts it.


puts the truck in neutral and releases the hand break.

It starts to roll down the road, but

because the motor isn’t running the power steering and brakes don’t work, so Ricco runs into a tree to stop it.

The front right light is smashed and the

fender is bent into the front wheel.

Ricco gets

out and runs back to the truck. Roberto stops to pick him up.

“Ricco, that was as

bad a job as I’ve ever seen.” Ricco, “Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve done any automotive work.” Roberto, “So, that’s what you call it?”


Ricco just smiles, “Yeah.” They continue down the road only a lot faster. Jesse, “Why are we going so fast?” Roberto, “OK, I’ll slow down.” Ricco, “Don’t worry, they’ll think it slipped out of gear and rolled off the road.”

Roberto, “What

about the wire hanger. Where is it?” Ricco, “I can’t be 100% sure, but I think its …well could be in the truck on the seat.”

Roberto, “That

blows the it just rolled of the road idea.” Ricco, “Well…Yeah.”

Roberto, “It’s coming back to

me.” Ricco, “What’s that?”

Roberto, “You always come up

with half baked ideas that get my ass in a crack.” Ricco, “You just have bad luck.” Roberto, “Only when you’re around.

What about the

time we went to Mexico with Ralph to find a manufacture for those wooden colonic toilet seat back splash device.” Ricco, “I never said it was fool proof.”


Roberto, “You said Ralph had the money for gas, food and motel.” Ricco, “I didn’t know he meant that the girl, Tracy was going to pay for the trip.”

Roberto, “She got

wise and I wound up paying for the entire trip.” Ricco, “Yeah, I know, she went shopping and spent all her money so she wouldn’t have to pay for everything.” Roberto, “Smart girl.” Jesse, “Grandpa there’s some guys in a big black truck behind us.” Ricco turns in his seat, “Minga, they’re holding guns.” Roberto, “They’re in a hurry, let’s get out of the way.” He slows down and pulls off the road.

The big

black GMC passes them, pulls sideways in the road and three hunters get out of the cab and walk back to their SUV.


Roberto gives instructions, “Cool it and stay put, I’m going to get out and talk to these guys.” He opens the door, gets out and greets the hunters. “What can I do for ya’ll?” The Hunter takes a drink from a bottle of Wild Turkey and passes it to the biggest guy John, “By chance did you push my truck out of the road back there?” Roberto, “Yeah, I sure did.

It was blocking the

road and there was no one to be found.”


“OK, then you better have a check book and some insurance.” Roberto, “I’ve got insurance, but I didn’t hit your truck.

I just pushed it out of the way.”


points his gun at Roberto’s head, “I don’t care if you like it or not.” One of the hunters is a wrestling fan.

He realizes

that they are face to face with “El Oso.” He turns to the other hunters, “Yeah, this is El Oso the champion wrestler.”


The hunter John, takes off his hunting jacket, “I’ve always wanted to be in the ring with one of these fakers.” The fan, “Man don’t mess with him, he’s bad.” Roberto, “Wait, I’m not going to fight you.” Hunter, “I knew it, they just act the part.” Ricco gets out of the truck, “El Oso is the most powerful man to ever get in the ring. You don’t want to mess with him without a bet.” Hunter, “Exactly what do you mean?” Roberto, “Shut you mouth, Ricco, you’ve caused enough trouble.” Hunter John, “Let’s hear it.” Ricco, “First man thrown off the road wins.

If you

win we’ll pay for the truck damage, but if El Oso wins we go on our way.” Hunter John, “OK, I’m up for it. Everyone agrees.

Let’s do it.”

Jesse gets out of the truck and

comes to his grandpa’s side. He walks up to the hunter.

“You’re not so big.”


The hunter pushes him down to the ground. Roberto rushes to pick him up. Ricco, “You shouldn’t have done that, man.


pissed him off.” Roberto, “Stay with Ricco.” Roberto takes off his plaid shirt and throws it on the hood of the SUV.

Everyone backs away, but

John. John taunting, “Let’s go grandpa.” Roberto doesn’t say anything, he just moves around John several times sizing him up. John takes a swing and misses, then another and another, missing again he leaps at Roberto and falls to the ground. Roberto keeps circling. The other hunters says, “Get up, or I’ll shoot you in the ass.” John gets to his feet, “Stop running grandpa.” Roberto waves him in closer and grabs his arm and twists it behind him.

He kicks John behind his

knees and he falls to the ground.

Roberto reaches


around John’s chest from behind with both arms and lifts John to his feet.

He leans backwards and

John’s feet lift off the ground.

He squeezes John

until he passes out. Roberto lets him drop to the road like a sack of grain.

He walks over to the hunters, “As I said,

we just pushed your truck off the road.”

He takes

out his wallet and opens it, “What’s the damage?” The hunter, “We made a bet and you won.

That’s the

hazards.” Roberto, “We need to push off.” The hunters struggle to their truck and drive it out of the way. Ricco, “That was a close one, let’s get out of here before they change their minds.” Roberto, “That’s the last time I listen to Ed.” Ricco, “You still have the magic touch old man.” Roberto, “He had a disadvantage.” Ricco, “What’s that?”


Roberto, “He though all professional wrestlers are actors.” They drive down the mountain road to the highway 87 and headed West.

Roberto and Ricco are talking

while Jesse reads Harry Potter in the backseat. Ricco, “When was the last time you talked to Caline?” Roberto, “It’s been a while.

She’s in school in

Monterrey.” Ricco, “That girl has been in school forever.” Roberto, “I wish I didn’t love her so much.” Ricco, “She used you.” Roberto, “I know, you don’t have to remind me.” Ricco, “Sorry, you got to remember I was your best man.” Roberto, “The first time I met her I knew we were soul mates, even though we were years apart.


always love her.” They drive in silence for a while.


Ricco, “What happened to the shredded used tire deal you had going?” Roberto, “That was a Ralph’s idea too.” Ricco, “Ralph was going to buy used tires in Texas, export them to Mexico to be shredded, then ship them back to the USA.

Then you were going to cover

a land fill in Tyler, Texas that was going to become a public golf course, if I remember right.” Roberto, “Don’t remind me.

I lost $15,000 and my

self respect on that one.” Ricco, “What happened to the amazing motor oil patent you had?” Roberto, “That was another one of Ralph’s deals. We were going to buy recycled motor oil from trucking companies, then run it past electromagnets that would clean out all the heavy metals.” Ricco, “That sounds good enough.” Roberto, “Ralph always comes up with these half baked ideas that sound good.” Ricco, “What happened?”


Roberto, “He took a gallon of old oil and put a electro-magnet in it. out of it.

We did get a lot of metal

But when we tried to take it to Mexico

to sell the idea, we got busted at the boarder crossing at Brownsville.” Ricco, “For what?” Roberto, “Ralph had gotten stopped so many times at that crossing his photo was on the watch list. They took the sample oil, and that was that.” Ricco, “Let’s stop at a rest area and have lunch.” Jesse, “Yeah, I’m hungry.” They drive down the road until they come to a rest stop with a view of the red rock mountains.


park beside a 20 year old Winnebago, it’s surface is covered with seashells, crucifixes, small reproductions of religious paintings and rattlesnake heads.

The music coming from it is

accompanied by Hare Krishna chants.

The side door

handle is a pair of vise grip pliers.


Jesse gets out of the SUV and walks over to the RV to look inside.

He is met by Greta, a 75 year old

woman dressed in wild layered outfit, obviously a fashion statement of sorts. Around her neck hangs a bear claw. She looks down at Jesse and says, “Hello, young man, we have met for a reason.

What do you think

that could be?” Roberto interrupts, “Jesse, come here I need your help.” Jesse looks at her, “Excuse me, my grandfather needs me.” He walks away, but glances back at her. at him.

She smiles

Ricco and Roberto are gathering wood for a

cooking fire near a wooden picnic table. Roberto, “Jesse, go into the woods and pick up some small pieces of dry timber we can use for cooking. Don’t go too far.” pine forest.

Jesse walks off into the thick

As he walks along he gathers wood.


Back at the picnic area, Greta approaches Ricco as he unpacks food for lunch. Greta, “Hi there, sailor, what’s for lunch.” Ricco, startled at her appearance. “Well, you are very colorful.

What’s your name?”

Greta, “I have many names.

Gypsy women have been

known to do this.” Ricco, “So, what is it today?” Greta, “Today you can call me Greta.” Ricco, “Your RV is very unusual too.” Greta, “I prefer to be less obvious, but my husband is a Leo.

He has a hot glue gun and an eye for the

eclectic.” Ricco, “So, what are you doing out here?” Greta, “We are always looking for new experiences in places that are off the grid.” Ricco, “I’ve been off the grid for sometime now.” Roberto walks to the table carrying wood.


comments, “What a beautiful day.” Ricco, “Meet Greta, she is a traveler.”


Roberto, “Where do you travel?” Greta, “Henry, my husband is a bit touched in the head.

When we have used up our welcome we just

move on.” Roberto, “So, where’s your husband?” Greta, “He’s in the woods gathering pine pitch.” Roberto is alarmed that Jesse is alone in the woods with a mad man, “I’ll be right back.”

He quickly

walks off into the woods calling out to Jesse. Jesse is on his way back to the picnic grounds when he notices a tall man following him through the woods. He is frightened, because the man is trying to hide behind trees as he follows him along the path, stalking him like a hunter. Jesse hears Roberto calling and answers back, “Over here Grampa.

They meet on the path.

Jesse, “I was scared. This man was following me along the path.” Roberto, “Where is he?” Jesse, “Out there somewhere, I can’t see him now.”


Roberto, “Sorry, I should have stayed with you.” Jesse smiles, “I’m OK, now that I’m with you.” Roberto is warmed by the comment and smiles lovingly at Jesse.

They walk back to the picnic

table. Ricco, “Looks like you’ve got enough wood for an all night campfire.” Greta, “Did you see Henry out the woods lurking around?” Jesse, “Who is Henry?” Greta, “It’s my husband.

He likes to wonder in the

woods and play hide and seek.” Roberto, “He gave Jesse a scare.” Greta, “Oh, he’s harmless.

It’s just that he lost

his childhood somewhere along the way and is trying to recapture it.” Roberto, “He should be more careful.” Greta, “He’s a wrestling fan, I’m sure you can make an impression on him.”


She looks across the picnic grounds to see Henry standing in the shadows. Greta, “Henry, come over here and meet El Oso.” To Roberto she says, “He is your biggest fan ever.” Ricco, “You can run, but you can’t hide old man.” Roberto, “That’s the price of fame.” To Ricco, “And you stop calling me old man, geezer.” Jesse, “Is he sick in the head?” Greta, “Not really, Honey, he’s just eccentric.” Henry slowly walks to the picnic table. Roberto, “Come on over and have a seat.” Ricco, “Looks like we’ll be having guests for lunch.” Greta, “I’ve got a full kitchen if we need anything.” Jesse looks at Greta, “Do you have any peanut butter?

It’s my favorite.”


Roberto, “He’s a very picky eater. his cereal in a bowl.

He won’t eat

He just sits on the floor

and eats out of the box.” Jesse, “I love frosted flakes and Count Chocula.” Ricco, “Pure granulated sugar, breakfast of champions.” Henry, “I like Slim Fast.” Greta, “It plugs him up to the point where I have to give him an enema every two or three days.” Henry, “Greta!” Ricco, “My Mama used to give us cod liver oil.” Roberto, “That stuff will give you the squirts.” Ricco laughs, “No shit.” Jesse, “So, does grandpa’s Jalapeno tortillas when he makes them too hot.” Rain drops begin to fall on the picnic table. Greta, “That’s enough talk about that end, now let’s feed the other end.

How about having lunch

in the peace wagon, out of this rain?”


They gather all the food and picnic supplies, the drops of rain become a downpour after they are all safe inside the RV.

The inside the motor home is

decorated with anti war posters, bumper stickers and literature. Jesse looks around, “Wow, look at all this stuff. My teacher has this poster in class.”


clears the stove. She asks, “How about burgers and beans?” Ricco. “We’ve got some tortillas, can you heat them up? Greta, “Sure thing.” Roberto asks, “Can I use your bathroom?” Henry answers, “Let me see if Eva is finished with her shower.” Henry taps on the bathroom door, “Eva are you done? Someone needs to use it.” Everyone waits quietly for an answer. Eva, “I’m almost done.

I’ll hurry.”

Henry, “We have company for lunch.”


Eva, “OK, I’ll be right out.” She opens the bathroom door and peeks around it to see everyone quietly looking at her. into his chair at the sight of her.

Roberto melts He can’t

believe how beautiful and elegant she is.

She is

wrapped in a terrycloth robe with a white towel around her head. Greta, “This is Eva, she is visiting with us from Spain.

We met at a anti-Globalization march in

Italy last year.

She’s a sociology graduate

student.” Jesse waves hello, “How old are you?” Eva answers with a sultry Spanish accent, “29.” Ricco, “Are you still in school?” Eva, “No, not now.

I want to live in America, but

it’s hard to get a student visa these days.” Ricco, “If you were to get married to an American you could.” Eva, “Yes, I suppose it would be easier.” Ricco, “Just get an old guy like me to marry you.”


Roberto, “Maybe she would like to get dressed.” Eva, “Yes, I’ll be right out.” She gathers some clothes to put on, opens the bedroom door and closes it behind her.


“Roberto, do you still need to use the bathroom?” Roberto entranced, “Oh, yes, as soon as she’s finished.” Henry, “Eva is traveling with us to visit the Native Indian ruins.” Eva exits the bathroom and goes into the bedroom compartment.

Roberto goes into the bathroom.

Ricco, “We are going to Tuzigoot Indian ruins in Clarkdale.” Henry, “We can caravan.

It’s better in case the

bus breaks down.” Ricco, “I’m sure we can find the way.

I know the

roads.” Greta, “It’s a good idea, Henry is mechanically challenged.

So if things were to breaking down we

could be stranded for sometime until we could get


from the Tuzigoot Indian ruins into Clarkdale help.”

Roberto comes out of the bathroom.

Jesse asks, “Buelo, can we caravan with them?” Roberto, “I could hear ya’ll through the bathroom walls.

I don’t see why not.”

Ricco looks at the bedroom door, “It’ll give us time to get acquainted.” Roberto asks Greta, “When are you planning to drive on?” Greta, “After lunch, OK with you?” Roberto, “Sure.” Jesse, “Can I ride with Greta in the bus?” Roberto asking Greta, “Is that OK with you?” Greta, “Yes.

We have 2 way radios and you can talk

with Jesse as we drive along.”

Jesse beams,

“Great.” Ricco, “I’ll drive the SUV.” Eva opens the bedroom door. Eva, “So, we’ll have an escort to Tuzigoot?” Jesse answers, “Yes.”


Eva, “Great! Lets eat, I’m hungry.” She sits down next to Roberto.

He notices she has

sweet smelling wet hair, he knows this is trouble. He can’t afford to fall for a young woman without her feeling the same about him.

His instant

attraction to her is too strong.

His thoughts and

feelings race, as he tries to eat the tortillas he made for the trip. Eva, “These tortillas are the best I’ve had.


don’t taste like this in my country.” Jesse, “Buelo made them, he puts jalapeno’s in them.” Eva, “They taste wonderful.

So you’re grandpa?”

Roberto, “His mama was my oldest.” Eva, “You are in great shape for a Buelo.” Jesse, “He’s a famous wrestler, they call him, El Oso.” Eva, “The Bear?” Greta, “He’s a professional wrestler.” Roberto, “Not anymore.”


Eva, “Tell me more.” Jesse, “They call him the Bear, because when he squeezes you, you pass out.” Eva, “I’ll bet.” Roberto, “Ah, I think that’s enough about me.” He looks out through the steamy windows to see that the rain has stopped.

A few minutes later they’re

on the highway toward Clarkdale.

Greta is driving

the bus as Henry and Jesse are sitting at the dining table talking.

Eva is riding in the window

seat in the front of the bus reading a book. Jesse points at Henry’s hat, “I like that pin on your hat.

Can I see it?”

Henry takes off his ball cap, “Sure.” Jesse touching the Army Special Forces pin, “What is it?” Henry, “It’s a Special Forces insignia pin.” Jesse, “What’s Special Forces?” Greta, “Jesse, you opened a can of worms with that one.

Tell him Henry.

Henry’s a Vietnam War Hero.”


Henry, “I signed up for the service when I graduated high school. high gear in 64’.

The war in Vietnam was in

I didn’t want to be left at home

alone while all my friends went of to the Army.” Jesse, “I bet it was fun.” Henry, “I had the time of my life. We went to Fort Derrick and then to Country. anything.

We didn’t know

We thought it was going to be just like

hanging out with the guys. hot and rainy all the time. came apart.

The first week it was The boots they gave me

So I had my Mom send me some sneakers

and T shirts in the mail.” Jesse, “What did you do?” Henry, “We would ride around in a chopper all day looking for Charlie.” Jesse, “Who’s Charlie?” Henry, “That’s what we called the Vietcong.” Jesse, “OH.”


Henry, “We couldn’t see them through all the trees. So, then the Army started spraying the trees with Agent Orange.” Jesse, “What’s that?” Henry, “It a chemical that makes all the leaves fall off of

the trees.”

Henry pulls up his pant

cuff to expose a 6 inch scar on his leg, “I got this after the leaves fell off the trees and the Vietcong could get a clear shot at the choppers. The bullets would come up through the floor of the chopper.

I got one in the leg.

Most of the time

though, you would get one in the butt.” Jesse looking at the deep scar, “That must have hurt.” Henry, “Yeah, but it’s better than getting shot in the butt.” Greta, “That Agent Orange stuff is bad shit.


if you can get your grandpa on the radio.” Jesse, “OK, great.”


Jesse picks up the radio and pushes the talk button.

“Grandpa are you there?”

Roberto answers, “I hear you clearly. 10-4.” Jesse, “What are you doing.” Roberto, “Just talking to Ricco.”

Roberto leaves

the radio open by accident. Ricco asks, “What do you think of Eva?” Roberto, “I wish I was 20 years younger.” Ricco, “Yeah me too.

I think she’s fine.”

Roberto, “She has a very different way about her than American woman.” Ricco, “You got that right?” Roberto, “American woman want to run everything. You know they don’t really like men. is sex and money.

All they want

Eva isn’t spoiled yet.”

Eva, reaches over to the radio and pushes the talk button. Eva, “American woman are spoiled that’s for sure. But, you guys are living in the dark ages.”


Roberto lifts the radio from the dashboard and turns off the talk button. Roberto, “OH Crap!” Greta takes the radio, “Come back, we heard it all boys.” Ricco takes the radio, “I guess there’s no shame here.” Roberto takes the radio, “Sorry, Eva.” Greta, “Boys will be boys.”

Later that day, they stop in Clarkdale for gas and refreshments. Roberto and Greta are going over the area map in the bus while the others are filling the gas tanks of the bus and SUV.

Roberto points

at Tuzigoot Indian ruins, “Here it is.” Greta, “How far is it?” Roberto, “About 20 minutes follow me, Ricco has been there before.

He said there’s a place there

to park the bus for the night.”


About 9:00pm Greta parks the bus into the campgrounds.

She asks everyone to get an Indian

blanket and drum, then follow her down a path to the ruins of Tuzigoot. They walk single file about a ¼ mile into the ruins and stop in a clearing. Greta opens her blanket and places it on the ground, she says, “We must sit down in a circle facing outward to experience and visualize the spirits of the Sinagua Indians.

Their spirit

protectors who come in the form of Eagles, Mountain Lions and Hawks.” Roberto, “Is it dark enough to see them?” Greta, “Not yet, but it soon will be.

We must

summon them with our drumming.” She reaches into an Indian pouch and takes out some seeds. She instructs, “Now you will take this seed and place it under your tongue.

It will help you in

your meditation.”


Roberto, “Is it safe for Jesse?” Greta, “It’s only a distraction for the conscious mind. We can’t experience the spirits with our consciousness mind. with other things.

We must therefore keep it busy Have you ever looked at the 3D

art that changes when you move it away from you and then you can see a hidden picture in it? same idea.

It’s the

Just follow what I do and you will see.

No talking.” Everyone takes a seed, placing it under their tongues. Greta, “First we must meditate, hold hands.


your mind, let it drift away from your body, it is free to do so, because we are humans having a spiritual experience, or if you like Spirits having a human experience.

Both are true.

made of the stuff of the Universe.

We are all When the

universe was created there was a void of consciousness.

God created everything in his/her


All the things in the universe that


we call real are the creation of our God consciousness, and because we are conscious, we can see and feel the presence of other spirits if we choose to.

So, open up your mind and watch the

show.” She starts drumming, then Roberto, Eva, Ricco, Jesse and Henry join in with their drums.

The sun

passes over the horizon and the stars become brighter.

Translucent lights move across the sky

as they take form. Indian Village.

A hawk flies across the old

It catches the wind and other

hawks join it in a circular pattern.

A mountain

lion walks into the clearing and sits in front of Jesse.

A deer steps into the circle.

comes to life with Indians.

The village

It appears as it once

did over 2,000 years ago with women sitting around a campfire making baskets and talking, the men sharing a pipe.

They are talking about the need to

dance for rain needed to grow the corn.


collect around a campfire and drum with exactly the


same rhythm as Greta and the others.

It’s starts

to rain with thunder and lightning all around them. Lightning simultaneously strikes into the sand in front of each one of them. all over.

Then suddenly, it is

Greta and the rest are covered with tiny

black droplets of black glass. Roberto looks around to see if Jesse is OK. Jesse stands up and says, “I saw my momma and daddy, they said they were OK.

They said they were

my guardian angels now and that they are with me all the time.” Jesse leaping and dancing about, they told me so!

I’m so happy!

“They told me so, They said they

have been with me always and they will guide me. Yahoo!

And, if I want to speak to them all I have

to do is sit quietly and listen, and they will be there.

Did you see them?

Did you see them?”

Eva, “What you saw and heard was for you and you alone.

This is a healing place and each one of us


experienced something completely different.

It was

our soul that these spirits are meant for.” Roberto, “Why can’t we do this on our own?” Greta, “Our dreams are our spirit consciousness. We just need to learn how to remember, that’s all.” Eva, “We have forgotten how, so we need help to remember.

The Sinagua simply vanished centuries

ago.” Ricco, “Were they killed off by the Hopi?” Eva, “Some believe they inner married and were assimilated.” Henry, “They were farmers in this river valley for thousands of years.

There was a long drought.

Without water things could have taken a turn for the worst.” Roberto, “In my vision there was a drought and the Sinagua were trapped.

They killed all the children

and took all their women to a safe place in the western mountains where there was plenty of water and game.”


Jesse shocked, “Why did they kill their children?” Eva, “It was better than seeing them waste away and die of starvation. and energy.

They had to conserve their food

They knew that if the women could

survive they would have other children when the conditions were better.” Ricco, “Didn’t they believed that they were spirits and could change form?” Greta, “They could.

They became birds and flew

away.” Eva, “Yeah, we are always in need of survival strategies, right?” Jesse looks up into heavens, “In my dreams, I know that if I believe that I can fly, I can really fly.”



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