Operation G-sting By Steven Donnini

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  • Pages: 15
Operation G-Sting. By Steven Donnini

Copyright 2009 Steven Donnini

What does it take to have expose corruption in government to the level of Operation G-Sting?

1. Willing Public Officials. 2. Benefactors. 3. Co-operative Law Enforcement 4. A Middle Man.

The true story of The G-Sting Operation in Las Vegas spans 5 years and begins in San Diego, CA. The story has been changed to compress it into a 2 hour movie. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. However most of the events are based on count records, news reports and other media accounts of who did what in the story. The players are fictionalized. The Players Anthony Bresha “T-Man” Eva Valdiz “Spanish Fly” Ed Vendetti AKA “Big ED” “Little Albert” Vendetti

Benny Borghese AKA “The Book” Jim Rodeski AKA “The Fixer” Rocco Potenza AKA “Squire”

The Story of the G-Sting When Anthony Bresha a competitive body builder, joined the ranks of the FBI he had no idea his first case assignment was going to be as an undercover strip club bouncer. It would lead him to the center of a US Government political corruption investigation in San Diego and Las Vegas. In Anthony’s world you follow the finger pointing to local law enforcement to public officials to State Legislators to the most powerful gangsters in the strip club business. The Money trail is paved with the blood of anyone who gets in the way. For Anthony it became a 5 year odyssey into the underworld of the Las Vegas sex market. Never knowing when the finger would point in his direction. lowest life form on the streets of Vegas.

A snitch is the Everyone with

something to loose is watching the next guy, wondering if he’s a player looking for a taste of the cash or a government snitch.

Getting your hands dirty is an everyday

thing for Anthony.

No request from the club boss Ed

Vendetti is questioned.

From shoving a unruly patron into

a garbage dumpster to breaking a few bones of a guy who doesn’t pay a gambling debt, its all in a days work. Clearly some people deserve what they get.

But then

there’s the working girls who are pay for the privilege of working in the clubs and can forfeit their looks or lives if they get out of line.

For them it can be a savage

lifestyle of debauchery and humiliation.

Although highly

lucrative. When Anthony falls for a young Spanish dancer named Eva, his carefully created persona is fractured.


professional code of ethics as an FBI Agent begins to shatter.

It is not uncommon for Dancers to have an “Old

Man” who carries their bags to work and watches out for them after hours.

But for Eva’s best interest she can’t

know about what Anthony is really doing. her but their relationship must be covert.

He can protect For Eva being a

secret lover has its own exciting rewards. Ed Vendetti and his son “Little” Albert, are the biggest players in the business. Some attribute them to developing the biggest strip club chain on the west coast. With over 22 clubs that average 50 million dollars a year in profit.

They are always on the radar of City Police and County Sheriffs Departments.

Violations of codes are common.


well as complaints for citizens who live in the area where they are located.

But to Vendetti, these things and law

enforcement cooperation is part of the business expenses. But there is always two sets of books. One for the Tax collectors and one for the accountant Benny Borghese. Benny has all the real numbers in his head and in a black note book he carries around. into.

No computers for anyone to hack

Just an old school note book with a simple code for

where the money is going and a number. As the investigation moves forward Anthony moves closer to the big players who he must get their trust. When the proof of loyalty is the murder of a rival club owner and his wife, the FBI have to step in to create a mini drama that is believable for Ed Vendetti and the Club Bosses. Anthony must produce a male penis and photographs as proof of a job well done.

It is supplied by a battered unrecognizable

John Doe who was hit by a car and died at a Las Vegas Hospital.

The woman another stiff from Clark County who

was decapitated while riding a ATV through a back country path. The photos were gruesome, just what Anthony needed.

The intended victims are taken to a secure location until they need to appear in court. The severed penis is presented to the Ed Vendetti on a silver platter at a birthday celebration for his son “Little Albert” at one of the Vegas clubs.

All the players

were there to see that Anthony was no one to trifle with. It was a big hit with the Club Managers as well.

And a

thinly veiled warning that there are consequences for those who are disagreeable. Anthony was quickly moved into the inner circle, bringing him closer to the money man, Jim Rodeski. The most powerful political handler in Nevada.


ruthless Public Affairs expert who was behind the failed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste fiasco.

The famed Public

Relations campaign to push forward a proposal to collect billion of dollars from the Nuclear Power producers for taking there nuclear waste off their hands. And drop it down a mine shaft in Yucca Mountain. But all the TV commercials in the world didn’t convince the 97% of people in Nevada that it was a good idea.

However, it did put Jim

Rodeski center stage of all the payouts and deal making in Las Vegas.

Now every public official who was looking for a

payday knew who to talk to.

After all they didn’t want to

talk directly to Ed Vendetti. Jim Rodeski was in the

drivers seat. In fact, when a young stripper is found dead in his home gym, the press quietly gives him a pass.


it is discovered that she is an under aged sex worker. is swiped under the dessert sand.


Her real name is never

used on the accidental cause death certificate.

A drug

over dose of unknown origin for a girl from nowhere. Anthony is building the case like a Rub Goldberg sculpture. Here one thing leeds to another pointing the way to the next person in the scheme. Only luck and carelessness can explain when Ed Vendetti’s accountant forgets his personal notebook in a Denney’s restaurant after eating breakfast one morning. The manager calls Anthony, the first name “A”, in the book to inform him to come pick it up.

When Anthony

goes through the book he realizes that there is a wealth of notes about payoffs to law enforcement, political officials and the like.

It’s a blue print to a huge corruption

scheme that reaches all the way from the strip clubs to the Governors office.

Information that would get the

accountant killed if anyone knew it was missing.

When he

called the Denney’s to recover it, the Manager told him that he didn’t see it. Someone must have picked it up. accountant was so frightened he didn’t say a word to anyone, least of all Ed Vendetti.


Anthony becomes the “The Man” a treacherous but highly trusted position. Every week he delivers thousands of dollars to Rodeski’s PR office. Each package has a note from Benny with instructions on who the money is for. “Take this to the fucking greedy “Polock”. I hate giving him this much. What a pig.” Now, Anthony has the money trail to Rodeski with Benny pointing the way. But he needs the next leg of its trip to the Police and Public Official’s. That opportunity will may have to wait for some time. What the FBI is working toward is a RICO case that would involve Ed Vendetti, Albert Vendetti, The club Managers and Rodeaski.

The others are

harder to tag with that because they can claim that they received the money for Political Campaigns or the Police Benevolent Fund. There are many ways to hide bribes. It all about the substantiation of facts, the Sheriff and Police Commissioner have strait forward payola cases with the right evidence. Anthony would have to turn Benny somehow.

And Rodeski

would have to roll on everyone he is funneling money to in return for favors.

The first step is for Anthony to find a

way to convince Benny he needs to talk to the FBI Agents

and explain all the entries in his note book.

The truth is

all the details are in his head. He is amazing in that he can remember the dates, times, amounts and who of every entry in his note book. no good reason.

They don’t call him “Numbers” for

Anthony thinks he must be some kind of

savant. Or a brilliant liar.

That could be a serious

problem for the government. There’s more than two ways to get him to talk. The first is to hold his hands over a hot gas burner until he starts talking. But, that looks bad in court. Judges and Juries understand that when someone is tortured, they will say anything.

It may not be the truth.

The other way is to become his friend and trusted collaborator. This takes more time and skill. Anthony knows that this technique will produce results that can make believable testimony in court. It worked in Iraqi when he was in Military Intelligence Officer. Gain their trust and they will talk.

Any testimony acquired in a heavy handed

manner will be thrown out, especially when it involves public officials who are well represented. So, when the prosecution points the finger, they better have proof. Bottom line is, all lawyers know that they must prove up the charges with reliable evidence.

The Strip Clubs Criminal Defense Attorney Rocco Potenza is a well known lawyer in Las Vegas.

He made his bones by

defending the Mayor from Corruption charges a few years ago. Rocco sees himself as a F.Lee Baiely of the west. He dresses in a western costume of Shepler’s finest hats, buck skin jacket and custom made Tony Lama rattle snake boots. Like Lee he too was caught taking million dollars from a drug dealer as a retainer for services. However, the court disagreed and demanded the money be handed over to the court. So, Rocco spent 6 months in the county jail for contempt of court where he made new friends and future clients.

For him it was like going to a defendant

convention. Rocco knows his way around the police department and court house. He gets a heads up when the Judges is going to be late and if they are in a bad mood. Even the court reporters, leak to him about what is happening in chambers. Rocco can expedite a new drivers license without a test, same day service. The Sheriff’s Department has four elected Officers. Hamb, Morton, Youngblood and an American Indian named Bobby White Killer. They are all corrupt but Youngblood who everyone has been trying to blame for having sex with a hotel maid

during a PGA convention.

The maid pointed the finger at

Youngblood but the DNA didn’t match him.

The damage was

done. He can’t open his mouth without drawing attention to the alleged rape incident. So, he has a job but can’t do anything.

Yet he still refuses the dirty money.

Then Las Vegas Sun News Paper Investigator Reporter Daniel Napper turns in a article about county commissioner Diane Hernandez. She was living beyond her means. A closet of expensive shoes totaling over $400,000.00, a $560,000.00 country club home, 2 new BMW’s and a jewelry collection worth over 1/2 million dollars. She explained her new found wealth as a result of an inheritance from a wealthy father in Texas who had died and left everything to her.

The only

thing is that her dad is a living dirt farmer in Matamoras, Mexico. Napper has been following the goings on in the Strip Club Mafia for sometime. He has seen it grow to freighting proportions in the last few years. In articals He calls it “The Strip’s Morbid Obesity.” Vendetti is getting too much unwanted attention these day and he wants the “Ragman” put to sleep. Naturally he turns to Anthony to solve the problem. his head on a platter.

But this time he wants

Anthony can’t say no without

causing suspicions. So, he gets more help from the FBI.

They plan to kidnap Napper on his way home from work. A parking lot next to the Las Vegas Sun is the pick-up point. They surround him and take him to a hotel room where they explain that he is about to be killed by the Vendetti’s hit man.

What they need from him is to fake his death until

the RICO case is presented to the court. There he can testify and go home under government protection. Anthony has a plan that will satisfy Vendetti without actually seeing the head of Napper.

He stages a hit in front of the

Las Vegas Sun building. Here the newly installed surveillance cameras will show the killing. be released to the press for all to see.

Then they will

It is made to

look like a robbery gone wrong. So, Anthony is not involved.

It looks like some gang banger killed him for a

few bucks before Anthony could do “The thing.” Vendetti and Rodeski are pleased that he is finally out of the picture. One less thing to worry about.

They can point at the

street gangsters and boost at their support for the police. The fact that no one could identify the killer didn’t change the outcry for more political support for the death penalty. The payoff for working with Benny “The Book” comes when Benny makes another mistake.

He forgets an entry. Benny

has never forgotten anything before. leaving the note book at Denny’s. with Benny. out.

That is before

There’s something wrong

Anthony takes him to a Doctor to check things

After an MRI they discover an 80% blockage in his

carotid artery causing memory problems for him. If this gets back to Vendetti its all over. Another unmarked grave in the desert.

The good thing is that the Benny’s entry

mistake is undetectable.

The surgery is simple and

effective and Benny is back to work. Benny a very supperstious man, this is a wake-up call.

A near death

experience which could have gone the other way. Thanks to Anthony he is going to survive. He has an epiphany of sorts. “What’s it all about Anthony?

I have been a

catering to slime ball most of my life. Like the drunken driver who blacks out and drives off the road into the desert, rolls over, flies out the window and misses everything that could have killed him.” Anthony, “Maybe its time to change your life then.” to all the bribery and payola.

As they talk Benny admits He remembers every detail.

All night long he purges the dirty deeds that follow him. Killings included.

Anthony has caught it all on tape.

Everything. Enough to build a complete RICO case.


Benny will need to take the stand in court and repeat it

all. Here Benny will point his finger at everyone including the Governor of Nevada. Then the FBI confronts Rodeski and Vendetti with the RICO case. They quickly hide behind Rocco. They turn on each other, blaming Rodeski for handing out the bribes. Rodeski blaming the Vendetti’s for threatening him if he didn’t do what he was told.

In return Vendetti points the finger at

Rodeski for extorting millions for protection from the law. In the end there’s a long trial where things get so convoluted that the Judge asks the prosecution for separate trials for Ed Vendetti, Big Albert Vendetti, Jim Rodeski. The others will face justice for taking a bribe by a public official. Napper later asked Anthony in an interview, “Anthony tell me, did the FBI recruit you or have you been an agent all along?” Anthony answered, "Can't say I remember one way or another. That’s all I can say about that." There were enough convictions to satisfy some of the people in Las Vegas, but most swiftly grew sick of the story. They couldn’t tell the good guys from the bad. After all Las Vegas has always had this kind of ugly stuff coming up about every 10 years or so. Mobsters, drugs, prostitution,

murder, crazy billionaires and weird weddings. If Benny hadn’t forgotten his note book at Denny’s that morning things might be different in Las Vegas today.

In the end, everyone got their fingers burned.

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