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gre,rcF P{ttrHll Voiil"ynp # 11 CTTY OF PELICAN BA.Y




Pgr-rc;rnr BAY, TExAs 76.o.2CI-4500 817-444.1234 F.irx 817-444.2725 HRS: 9:OOnu€:O0prr,r PoLrcE Cntep Ennrr FRar*xur,r FIRE Crurp Mrcn.asl MTTcHELL PueLrc WoRKs Mrxe LowERY ConE ExponceMENT ANIMAL CoNTRoT.

CrrY SgcgrnRv Nrs.r,rcvNot-n WATERCI-enx Dn.ruEHESTER Counr Crenx Ppucffq BRIEF Eorron,/WRrrER RENEE' MGV\IHoRTER


817-2VO-20r O Sansou

Noru- EurRggxcy PeRrc PoLrcE Dlspnrcn





FORAI"DERMAN #2 SEAT Threeresidentsopplled tor fhe voccnt council seat #2 sfier Cclvin Hunlerlll resigned lcrslmonlh" Bcrboro Pruitl wcs oppoinled by council to fill seqt #2. Aldermsn Nightingole molioned to opprove Mrs. Pruitl'sopplicolion, in stofing thel she hos been very involved wlfh city meellngs on o regulor bqsiE.Thusbeing informed of city business. The opprovol of the Employer Policy & Proceduresond lhe ErnployeeHondbook possed. Also, lhe Workers Compensqtionfor Reserve Peoce Otlicers. TheCouncil discussedthe optlon of ellher o cosl of living wqge increqse for clty pold employees or Employee InsuronceBenefiis. It wos voled on to glve pald city employees o wqge increoseeffect Ocf l, 2005. AAAYORMEETSWITH ENGINE E R S Muyor Flcrwkinsmeet with fhe engineersconcerning ihe developnnentof 44 homes on fhe NEke.Howkinshos been wciting fo heor from fhe developers since he wos spproacfred monlhs eqrlier. The cify wlll onnex 50 qcres

into the clty limils where the homes will be built. Thisnew development could odd opproximotely $l 70.000.00to the clty's tqx bose

fiEPARTMT}'TFACg I.'FT THERE flA$ slreody been much improvement within lhe police deporirnent qnd residentsore nolicing the chonge. Afiorepoiice potrolling lhrouEhoutthe clty, uslng ;t '*, j* How mony more spot lightswhile on nighf -,! con lhe city offord?? pohols, qnd befier relotions Formerpolice officer Bryon with city residenfs. Choncelloris conternploting Officerswlll he in new blue legol ocfion ogoinsl fhe city uniformswilh Pelicon Boy snd lhe police deportmenl Policeemblemswhile on for "obuslng outhorlty". duty ond our police cors will Chancellorresignedhlg hove officlal police posilion on $ept. 12 qfter decols.(newdecols due in council demoled him lo wifhln 3 weeks). Sergeonfond ploced hlnnon RonNlghtingolehqs done supervlsedprobction. mojor work to lhe st
t^oRE 01 I ,LAwsu,Ts??



REG|STFRf*\^0, PROBIEMS -rtj PFrs vouR WITH {'e DON'Tforget lo HOUSE have your pels, cols NUftBERS....... included, regisleredwith

to clorify whol Ordincrnceno. 47 stEles... "...thol lhe posllng or signing of gheet address numben VlSlBtEFROfiITHE ls In the Interestof the SIREET publlc heolth cnd welfore for the eqse of ldentiflcolion of homes
Anlmql Conhol. Thecogt ls $5.00per pel, ond proof of cunent sholsis requlred. You will be given o log for your pet. Thishelps In identlfylng your pet if lhey become losl, Anlmol cllnic does nol offer shols.Theseore by RABIES prescrlpfiononly, but the clinlc does offer olher vqcclnotlons, fleo producfs, ond worming.

to help wlth collected donolions, wropping glffs, decorullng Clfy Holl. $ign up lo volunleer ol Cify Holl by Dec. l,2005. $hopplng eorly

8r lI\fcREAsE AAY"-?O% thtswtnter.

Thlgls whql is being reporled. Wifh fhe cost of fuel going up dolly, Experls report lhot the overoge home heoflng blll wlll olmost double. TXUls cgcln osklng for qnolher 12%Inctreose, RqbleS *^-*"1F wllh qnother due In Jonuory. voccinqfionsqre #SE A* /V \ ovolloble ot Azle And who lust got o $15 g " Vet Cllnic:817-444-3256ItilttlON dollor bonus??? Glod we don'l have TXU,bul on Tuesdqy& Thursdoy. whql wlll our own elechlc chorge? CHRISIMAS compony To help protect yourself fiom loss,Insuloleyour heofing BASKET ond doors. lf thlg PROGRAM wlndows con'f be done, ploce heovy Donollonsfor lhe duty cleor ploslfc ov€r your Cily's ChrlslmosProgrcmwill wlndow (behlnd your heovy r 986......... slqrl on NOVESBER I throuqh or ingulleddropes) ond The key word here is VlSlBLE DECETiiBER 16.ot clty holl. secure wlth opproprlole from the streel. Not behind Donoflonsof non-perlshoble tope. Flllln gops ond oll bushes,cors or blocked In food llems, toye,cosh or new openings oround plpes ony wsy. Properslzelo be clolhes wlll be occepled. ond/or doorwoys. Keep your seen from the gkeel. APPIICATIONS for o Bosket unlls filterscleqned cnd Skeet numbers ore not in o will only be occepted from chonged monlhly. Wrcrp sequence. thus trylng lo ffnd NOVETTTBFB 18 unfll outside plpes ond insulale o home con be c problem. DECE'IiBER 9. your wEler heoters, Hopefullyyou'll never need You musf be o residentof lhe especiolly lf they ore emergency personnelto Boy wilh children l6 yeors exposed fo lhe weqther. your home, but lf you do, you ond younger. Keep your thermoslqt sel on wonl lhem find lt. Thlsprogrom Is for low 78* qt oll limes. Evenwhen Income fqmllleswho wlll you ore not home. Your ++Attend tr council meeflng, need sgsistsncefor home wlll be qble lo ll's YOURQlff +++++++ Chrlslmos. moiniqin fhis temperolure Volunteerswill be needed ond your unif will nol hove to

overworkto heoVcool the home, A few smqrl sfepsmqy help with off setllngc hlgh uflllty blll thlswlnter. lf you thlnk you will need ossisloncepaylng your bllls thigwlnter,lhey lecommend lhot you opply now for poymenl plons.


,.8.F. Thql'slN CASE

JRT I-AKES'DF STORE NOW delivers to your hame. HOT

sondwiches, CO[D drinks,& grocery ifems. cALL8t7-270-5786 M-TH 7sm-9pm FR-SAf8am-lOpm SUf.I 9qm-?pm

PBVFD HAUNTED HOUSE will be open on Qct 28, 29 & 30 from 7pm-l lpm. Adults$5.00,minors$3.00

Come eniaya score and help ou|-your flre departmenf.Good fi'me for all llt!!!!!!

PBVFDlc ln deseropole need lb+ffi KNow???? of plynrood,:hlngles & lor pqper lo repoir lhc holes In Bugscon't see yellowlhe office roof. The &\ -ftrol's why lhey ore drswn lo -f .' 1 offlce floods wlth whlte llght bulbs bul nof \-t?J every roln ond yellow ones. ''' equiPmentcould be '""ft{il''"' dqmoged ftom wofer. lf onyone con help lhem oul F/lRE wllh these needed suppller;



ol EMERFEltlCY--l.C.E. Emergency personnelhqve sloted thol when respondlng lo crlllcol slluollons, flndlng o contocl number for o fcmily member wos dlfflculf, erpeclolly those wlth cell phones. When progrommlng your phones,odd "l.C.E.-then o conloct number for emergencles. (ex; 1.C.E..888555-11I 1). Fomllyond fifends Members of lhe ffre cqn lhen be noflffed. deporlment wlll be ollendlng kclnlng wfth Mlnerol Wells FlreSchoolon Ocl 15 & 16. REDR'BBON Gronls ore recelved from lhe ForeslryDlvlslonlo poy for HOMES clos3es. 1858long Circle A medlcol bog wlth 1517Quqll Run supplles wqs donoted by 1357Fox Hollow VlcH Turner. ****JR FIREFTGHTERS** PROGRAA4 PERSONNSI NOilCE Chlef ifilchell presenfed A slncereopology goer oul council wlfh o oulllne of to Brondy fitann. "Rulesfor Junlor Flrefrghlers". Pleoseoccept my ifftchell hopes lo hove lhe opology. completed rules wllh from; liellndc White definlllom by lhe meellng on Ocl t4; of whlch lfme, councll wlllvofe to occepl or nof occept.



would greolly be oppreclcled. USFD APPL'ANCES..... In yords or curbsldeis lhe responslblllly of the resldenf to dlrpose of. tlole lows requlre thst sll doors be removed or secured wfth lope qnd/or rope. Chlldren hqve dled by getllng lropped lnslde old opplloncec.

RFPA'R i,lAfLBOXFS Ocloberls FIXor your REPTACE domoged mollboxes. They musl meel USPS stondords. Code Enforcemenl wlll be surveylng the clty in secfions.

yror.AroRS BTbfARE PBPDh
& 70's. flrsf, we survived being born to nrolhers who snrokedqndlor drank while fhey csrried us" Theytook crpirin, crfeblue cheese dreselnggnd dldn'f get tested for diqbetes. Thencfler thot trqumo, our boby cribs were covered wilh brlght colored [eadbcsed polnts. We hod no chlldproof llds on medicine botfles, doors, or cqbinets End when we rode our blkes, we hod no helmelg,not to mentlon, fhe riskswe took hltchhiking. As children, vyewould ride ln cors wlth no seot bells or cir bogs. Ridingin the bqck of a plckup on cl vyormday wos olwoys c rpecicl heof. t$e drtrnk woter from the gcnden hose und not from s wqter boftle. We shored one soft drink wlth four friendg,from one botfle"cnd NO ONEcctuolly died trom this. We ule cupcakes, breod. cnd butter and drcrnksodu pcp witfi sugcr in Il, but we weren't overweighl beccruse

alwcys OUTS|DF Wf IIfERE PLAYING, lffe rvould *esve honle [n lhe rnornlngcnd pley oll dcy, os long cs we were horne when the streeflightscctme on, No one wos able to reocl'l us oll doy. And we were O.K. We would spend hours bulNdlngour go-strtts out of scrops qnd lhen ride down fhe hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. Afier running into fhe bushess few tirnEs,we lecrned fo solve the problem. We did not hcrre Nlntendo's.XPloysfolions" gome$ of oll" video Boxes,no no 99 chsnnels"no surround sound,ng cell phones,no personol cornpulers,no lniernefor Inlernetchol rooms...... tRIEND$....We hod friends..wewenl oufslde and found lhem! ltle fell out of hees, gol cut, broke hones ond leeth ond there were no lawsuih frorn lhese accidenls. We mqde gomes with sflcks and lennls b
Theidea of o parenl boiling us out if we broke the lcw wos unheurd sf, They *rctually rlded wlth flre lcw" ThisgenerElion hss produced ionne af fhe best r{sk-tskers.problennsolvers snd invenlorsever. The past 50 yeor hsve been on explosion of innovqtion qnd new idecs" ***{.

B0RN FREF {.'#***{a{c*

We hod freedom,fsilure, successand responslbllify ond we leorned N{OWTO DfiAt ltUrTH tTAr.t !!!!!! AND YOUsre one of lhem !!!!!!!!!!! c0NGRATtrtATtOt{s ( thoughtsome recders could really oppreciofe this.) 2nd CITYC0UNClt fr,tEgTNNG$, Tuerday of eqch rnonth, 7:00 Pfrfi.,ql City Meefing Holl. Frormthe Editor; As of "lonuary 2006,will be my lost newsletler.I feelihtlt It ls ffme for new eyes lo report on our cify. It's been fun, Thsnks,Renee' V0IUNTEER$ ore alwoys needed ond donoffons mude fo ihe cnimol shelfer,fire deporlment,ond Chrlstrnos progrom are olwoys opprecioted. Thunkslo our big hearled cltizens.."

Flavec ghor.rlishflclloween

gnd be csreful of the tricks.

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