Occupational Stress Ocpd

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  • Words: 1,745
  • Pages: 49

Mary Yong Meng Yoong Supt Kaunseling Bahagian Agama dan Kaunseling (BAKA)

What is STRESS? 

Physical / Psychological response to a stimulus A mismatch between PERCEIVED DEMANDS and PERCEIVED ABILITY to cope

Is Stress GOOD or BAD? 

EUSTRESS (Good Stress) - Stress that you can manage

DISTRESS (Bad Stress) – Severe and Persistent stress resulting in psychological / physiological strain 

What is Organisational Stress? Interaction of work conditions with characteristics of the worker such that the demands of work exceed the ability of the worker to cope with them

Work setting variables that influence occupational stress 

Role Characteristics

Role Characteristics •

Role Ambiguity

• Role Overload • Role Underload • Role Conflict

Work setting variables that influence occupational stress  Role Characteristics

 Job Characteristics

Job Characteristics  Work


 Repetition of Work  Shift Work  Task Attributies

Work setting variables that influence occupational stress

Role Characteristics Job Characteristics Interpersonal Work Relationship

Interpersonal work relationship

With Co-workers  With Supervisors  With Clients / customers

Work setting variables that influence occupational stress

Role Characteristics  Job Characteristics

 Interpersonal Work Relationsh  Organisational structure and climate

Organisational structure and climate  Organisational


 Position / Level within an organisation  Organisational Territory

Work setting variables that influence occupational stress  Role Characteristics  Job Characteristics  Interpersonal Work Relationship  Organisational

structure and

climate  Human resource management practices

Human resource management practices  Entering the work place

 Lacking training  Building and maintaining a career  Performance Feedback  Rewards  Job future ambiguity and insecurity  Job / Career Transitions



Intervention Strategy

Avoiding stressors Family / work balance through life adjustments Career planning or adjusting demand levels Altering stress-inducing

Type A Behaviour pattern

behaviour patterns Developing resources

coping Social support Time management

Life events Death of partner Divorce Separation from partner J ail sentence Death of a close family member Injury or illness to yourself Marriage – your own Given the sack at work Reconciliation with partner Retirement Ill health in member of family Pregnancy – your own Sexual problems/difficulties Addition of new family member Major business or work changes Change in your financial state Death of a friend Change to a different type of work More arguments with partner Take on a large mortgage Mortgage or loan foreclosed Change in responsibilities at work

Score 100 73 65 63 63 53 50 47 45 45 44 40 39 39 39 38 37 36 35 31 30

Life events


Child leaves home Trouble with in-laws Outstanding personal achievement Partner begins or stop work Child begins or ends school Change in living conditions Change of personal habits Trouble with boss or employer Change in working hours and conditions Change in residence Child changes schools Change in recreation Change in church activities Change in social activities Take on a small mortgage or loan Change in sleeping habits Change in number of family get – togethers Change in eating habits Holiday Christmas (coming soon) Minor violations of the law


* Holmes and Rahe’s Life Change Index, J ournal of Psychomatic Research, 1967 vol.II

29 29 28 26 26 25 24 23 20 20 20 19 19 18 17 16 15 15 13 12 11


Intervention Strategy

Avoiding stressors Family / work balance through life adjustments Career planning or adjusting demand levels Altering stress-inducing

Type A Behaviour pattern

behaviour patterns Developing resources

coping Social support Time management

TYPE A BEHAVIOUR -A never-ending struggle to accomplish, produce, get more things done than the time permits, impatience, irritability, anger - Suffer from a hidden lack of self esteem insecurity Self-esteem + insecurity TIME

struggle with

-Sees the darker side of other people – suspicious, distrust -Free floating hostility – almost everything is not appropriate in the environment


Poor listeners


Over competitive


Over ambitious



TIPS FOR MANAGING TYPE A BEHAVIOUR 7.Review your success 8.Believe in your ability to change 9.Self appraisal


Intervention Strategy

Avoiding stressors Family / work balance through life adjustments Career planning or adjusting demand levels Altering stress-inducing

Type A Behaviour pattern

behaviour patterns Developing resources

coping Social support Time management


Intervention Strategy

Monitoring stressors and symptoms

Stress diary Muscle monitoring Tension thermometer

Marshalling resources and attacking stressors

Social skills training Assertive training Problem solving skills

Tolerating unavoidable stressors

Lowering stressful arousal

Cognitive restructuring Stress inoculation training

Deep breathing Meditation Yoga Physical exercise

EFT Hypnosis Biofeedback Massage

COGNITIVE RESTRUCTURING Irrational beliefs (self defeating ) Belief System Over reacting / under reacting to the stressors AIM – Help individual cope with the stress by changing their belief or cognitions Help client see that it is his thoughts and beliefs that mediate the response Objective – Tolerate the stressor by replacing negative feelings with neutral or less negative ones

A-B-C MODEL ( REBT) A = Activitating event (Divorce) B = Belief (Failure as a spouse ) C = Emotional and Behaviourial consequence (Depression) D = Disputing Intervention ( Counselling to change irrational beliefs) E = Effect (Replacing unhealthy thoughts with healthy ones) F = New Feeling


Intervention Strategy

Monitoring stressors and symptoms

Stress diary Muscle monitoring Tension thermometer

Marshalling resources and attacking stressors

Social skills training Assertive training Problem solving skills

Tolerating unavoidable stressors

Lowering stressful arousal

Cognitive restructuring Stress inoculation training

Deep breathing Meditation Yoga Physical exercise

EFT Hypnosis Biofeedback Massage


Apakah EFT?

“The cause of all negative emotions is a

Bermula pada tahun 1970s – oleh psychologis Dr Roger Callahan yang menggabungkan teori quantum, kinesiologi dan accupressure untuk membantu klien yang mempunyai isu phobias dan traumatic stress disorders. Beliau menggunakan kaedah ‘tapping’ pada median tertentu. Ia juga dikenali sebagai Thought Field Therapy (TFT). Gary Craig, sebagai pelajar Dr Callahan. Memudahkan proses ini dan menamakan tekniknya sebagai Emotional Freedom Techniques, or

EFT bermula pada asas tenaga dalam badan yang dikaitkan dengan ‘meridian’ atau dipanggil ‘energy circuts’ yang terus berhubung dengan tubuh fizikal serta emosi. Dengan mengenalpasti median tertentu, ia memudahkan perjalanan ‘tenaga’ dalam badan.

Apakah EFT? Apabila berlaku ketidakseimbangan tenaga di dalam tubuh, maka ia akan menyebabkan terwujud gangguan emosi yang mengganggu fikiran. ‘Energy’ dalam tubuh perlu diseimbangkan dan teknik EFT ini dapat membantu.

KEGUNAAN EFT EFT digunakan untuk menangani isu-isu seperti:• Trauma & Stress • Kemurungan • Phobia • Sakit-sakit kepala / badan • Kegemukkan • Kekecewaan • Sukar untuk tidur • Keresahan • Tabiat tertentu seperti merokok, OCD ……………….dan banyak lagi.

Raja Kamariah Raja Hj Mohd Khalid Certified Psycho Spiritual Hypnotherapist Member of Malaysian Society of Complimentary Therapist (A 1139 Hypnotherapy) Member of Malaysian Board of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Memahami EFT

Resepi EFT 1. NYATAKAN ISU. 2. SKALA. • Nyatakan skala ‘beban’ isu yg ditanggung (terendah) 1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---10 (tertinggi)

Contoh: sakit kepala sekarang pada skala 9



1 Karate chop 2 Thumb

4 5


3 Forefinger 4 Middle Finger 5 Little finger


Tap on the  white spots  7 times  while  saying the  affirmation  statement



Soft spot ­ Rub the  Sore Spot (where  you’d pin a medal on  your chest)  Inner end of brow

2 3 4


Outer end of eye



Below eye





Middle of lower   lip

7 8

1” below collarbone 4” below armpit

7 1


Resepi EFT 4. RASAI PERUBAHAN PERASAAN. • Nyatakan baki skala ‘beban’ isu yg ditanggung (terendah) 1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---10 (tertinggi)

Contoh: sakit kepala sekarang pada skala 4



Intervention Strategy

Monitoring stressors and symptoms

Stress diary Muscle monitoring Tension thermometer

Marshalling resources and attacking stressors

Social skills training Assertive training Problem solving skills

Tolerating unavoidable stressors

Lowering stressful arousal

Cognitive restructuring Stress inoculation training

Deep breathing Meditation Yoga Physical exercise

EFT Hypnosis Biofeedback Massage

Hypnosis Hypnosis is a relaxing, naturally occurring state of mind which happens to us every day. Each time we read a captivating novel, float off in a daydream or see an engrossing movie we are in a natural state of hypnosis. For thousands of years people have recognized the power of hypnosis to enhance learning, heal emotional scars, improve performance, change habits and speed the healing process. Science is only now beginning to understand the awesome power the unconscious mind wields. It wasn't until 1958 that the American Medical Association recognized hypnosis as a valid therapeutic tool. The medical field is also beginning to recognize the major role "psychological" factors play in illness and healing.


WHY IS CHANGE SOMETIMES DIFFICULT? Why is change sometimes difficult? Because most habits, beliefs and attitudes are maintained and stored in the unconscious mind - and most people are trying to change consciously! Hypnosis is direct unconscious communication. Your unconscious is the best learning machine that has ever existed. If instructed properly healthier, more productive patterns, ideas, beliefs, attitudes and actions result. THE POWER OF HYPNOSIS During hypnotism, direct communication with your unconscious mind can be established. In a hypnotic trance, if we are guided properly, our minds and bodies are able to accept change much more readily. In hypnosis you are in control. The hypnotist is merely the guide who leads you through this comfortable, inspiring experience. The door is open to the abilities and resources of the ultra-powerful unconscious mind.


Intervention Strategy

Monitoring stressors and symptoms

Stress diary Muscle monitoring Tension thermometer

Marshalling resources and attacking stressors

Social skills training Assertive training Problem solving skills

Tolerating unavoidable stressors

Lowering stressful arousal

Cognitive restructuring Stress inoculation training

Deep breathing Meditation Yoga Physical exercise

EFT Hypnosis Biofeedback Massage

THE AAAbc’s OF STRESS MANAGEMENT Keeping the Fire Alive – Joe E. Dunlap and J. Douglas Stewart Stress Management is a decision making process • Alter it – removing the source of stress • •

Avoid it – removing oneself from the stressful situation/how not to get there Accept it -building resistance -changing your perception


Gambar-gambar berikut digunakan untuk menguji tahap pengurusan stres Lagi perlahan gambar bergerak, lagi tinggi tahap pengurusan anda. Gambar-gambar ini tidak animated – ia adalah statik.

STRESS AND POLICING Hans Selye – Father of Stress (1978) “ Police work ranks as one of the most hazardous occupations, even exceeding the formidable stresses and strains of air traffic control”

Somodeville (1978) “A police officer is under stress and pressure unequalled by any other occupation” Fennell (1981) “Policing is the most dangerous job in the world emotionally”


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