Ny B5 Civilians Fdr- List Of People To Contact- W Notes- Wtc Evacuation And Collapse 738

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LIST OF PEOPLE TO CONTACT NORTH TOWER: WINDOWS ON THE WORLD, 106 - 107: Breakfast at restaurant Wild Blue on 107 and Risk Waters Group conference on 106; most smoke most immediately on higher floors here, no power, but some landline phones working; Doris Eng, restaurant manager leads groups of about 170 people to 106th floor corridor near stairs, as per emergency training, and calls Fire Command Center on special phone; told policy is to evacuate fire floor and floor above and to leave only when directed or "when conditions dictate such actions"; many calls and emails to relatives indicating lack of information, bad conditions, even early on, no water, at least 70 people end up near windows at NW corner of 106 (Stuart Lee email), debating whether to break window, 1 person (Peter Mardikian) reports he is headed to roof; Questions: did they say they heard an evacuation announcement, from where, when? Did anyone hear one over phone? Did person describe conditions (smoke, floors, ceilings, breaking windows) location and what were times of communications (earliest / latest)? How much knowledge did the person have of what was going on? Had they tried to contact command center? 911? Had you? What were they / you told? Was advice helpful? Did they / you agree with this advice? Did person mention going to roof, not being able to? Did they wonder about rooftop rescue? Was anyone told there would not be a rooftop rescue? Could people hear PA system after crash? • • • • • • • • •

Fire Command Center operators: re reports from Doris Eng Peter Lee, at Data Synapse: o Early on, received call from Rajesh Mirpuri (he is his boss), coughing, saying he couldn't see, from 106 conference WOW Glenn Vogt, WOW general manager: o His assistant Christine Olender called him (got wife) from restaurant about 20 mins after crash, saying they heard nothing on how to leave; Cousin of Ivhan Carpio: o WOW worker, received message saying I can't go anywhere, have to wait for FF's; Wife of Jan Maciejewski, waiter WOW, 107: o call by cell phone, not enough water Wife of Peter Mardikian, Imagine Software, 106 WOW conference: o Received call from husband by landline saying he's headed to the roof and had to get off because others waiting for few working phones Laurie Kane: o Wife of Howard Kane, WOW's comptroller, received call from husband and can hear someone screaming we're trapped Sister of Peter Alderman: o Brother exhibitor for Bloomberg, LP at Risk Waters conference on 106, emails from Blackberry "I'm scared" Mother of Garth Feeney, Florida:

• • • •

o Calls mother from 106 WOW conference to say he's there (she didn't know), Data Synapse Greenwich Village Office of Stuart Lee, Data Synpase: o Receives email from him saying at least 70 people crowded near office windows in NW corner of 106th floor because everywhere else smoked out; debating whether to break windows, consensus no for then Wife of Stephen Thompsett: o Husband, at WOW conference, emailed from blackberry to say watch CNN Sister of Gabriela Waisman: o Called by sister from WOW 10 times in 11 minutes Carrie Tillman, Florida: o Called by granddaughter Veronique Bowers, WOW's collection manager saying building was hit by ambulance Other people who were there, no known communications: Neil D. Levin, Executive Director of PA, 107 (contact: wife Christy Ferrer); stockbroker Emeric Harvey, 107; Doris Eng, WOW manager, (personal contacts?); William Kelly, Bloomberg exhibitor, 106 conference, Merrill Lynch reps, UBS Warburg reps; for more info on 107 people, contact Michael Nestor, Deputy Inspector Gen'l PA, Richard Tierney, PA investigator, Liz Thompson, Executive Director of Lower Manhattan, Geoffrey Wharton, Executive Silverstein Properties: had just left restaurant before plane hit);

CANTOR FITZGERALD, 104 - _ ? : Smoke infiltrates floor and fire blocks stairs, but not immediately as bad as above with smoke or below where people were killed by impact; trading area is on 104th floor; • NW conference room. 104: about 50 employees gather, thinking they're ok at first (Andrew Rosenblum calls wife to advise families); had come from 'Jv^/ ^' * eastern-side of trading area?. As of 9:35, were still warding off smoke and f^ 1 heat by plugging vents with jackets, but eventually Rosenblum sees people falling from above and says "oh my god" to wife; Questions: Conditions? Time of calls, earliest, latest? General questions, announcements? Info received? Did they try to escape? Did they reach command desk? Did they call 911? Results? What was their plan? Previous instructions? o Jill Rosenblum, Rockville Centre NY: • Husband Andrew, stock trader, calls from NW conference room on 104th floor (confirm this) to give names of ok colleagues' families to call (get this list, or ask if any others received calls that she knows of) • Later call (find out what time) he's less calm, sees people falling. o Barry Kornblum: (get number from Jill Rosenblum) • Golf partner of Andrew Rosenblum • Receives call from him at or after 9:35 describing success in warding off smoke by covering vents with jackets (find out what time) o John Sanacore (absent colleague):

• Can place where these people usually were, where they came from; o Other people there (on list) include Tim Betterly, James Ladley; J c/w-- * Western Side of Trading Floor: 6 people received calls from people in this area talking from landlines at their desk; Questions: were they at their desks? Open space? (and same as above) o Cheryl Schneider: • Received call from husband Ian • Does she know other six people, contact info? o Absent colleague John Gaudioso also places there, Michael Wittenstein, John Casazza, Micahel DeRienzo; find out who six people were; Southern Side: Employees activate national squawk box and reach a trader in Chicago who calls a fire house near the WTC which says it knows they're there; / _ o Talk to this female Chicago trader/**•> w ' f* '' *' 1"*"'' ' * o Family friends of Stephen Cherry and Marc Zeplin 105th Floor: a group of people including Mike Pelletier, Questions: how many people, where were they, conditions? o Sophie Pelletier: Called by husband Mike, a commodities broker o Friend of Mike Pelletier, tells him it's a terrorist attack and he yells this to people around him; MARSH & MCCLENNAN, 93 - 100: All 295 people there died (usa); no known communications, probably died from impact;Q)c
FRED ALGER MONEY MANAGER, 93: All 35 people were there died (usa); find out if any communications? • Josie AlgerJ Kaddress from Vanessa Wilcox) • Cameron and Ann MacRaeL \r Cat (Catherine) Mac work; Brearley and Princeton graduate, sister Annie; Mr. Macrae is VP of Meadow Club; very private, write letter if necessary;


CARR FUTURES, 92: 'All died: about 68 people there including 67 associated with Carr and about 24 brokers for Carr's parents company there for special 8 AM meeting. Many got trapped in a conference room, and others migrated to a large space along the west side. Confirm this and figure 6ut where these people were. Torn McGinnis called from the conference room where they were trapped, seeing people jump, saying he had tc get down on the floor and the connection faded right before this tower collapsed. According to videos (nyt), fire spread westward along north face hitting them between 10:05 and 10:25. FIND OUT: whether it can be determined if all three stairways were definitely impassable; is this known or just surmised; did anyone actually try and come back and report this? . \ Iliana McGinnis: o

Receives call from husband Tom shortly before collapse, saying "this looks really really bad;" they're on the 92nd floor of a room they can't get | out of; she tries to motivate him and doesn't want him to hang up but he 9/11 Personal Privacy

has he has to get down to the floor and the connection faded right before the tower collapses; FIND OUT: if this was only call; how many people was he with; did others call from there, location. Damian Meehan, FF in Bronx: o Received call from brother Eugene, a trader, on landline saying "it's really bad, the elevators are gone"; responds that, yes, entrance is filled with smoke; tells him to get to the stairs, see where the smoke is coming from and go the other way; Eugene says he has to go but says "we" indicating other people; FIND OUT location. Arline Nussbaum, Oceanside, NY: o Received call from son Jeffrey at approx 10am, asking what collapse of south tower was ("explosion"), she told him and he said "oh my god, I love you" and the phone went dead; apparently calling on cell phone; FIND OUT location; shared his phone w/ someone named Andy Friedman; does she know who he called? Joan Dincuff: o Got call from son Christopher; knows of about 31 calls total: FIND OUT if they were from, to, same people, contact info? FIND OUT location

SURVIVED BELOW CRASH ic,/ n c"' <' £1 '• o., t c i '• ''• f ' • J AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING, 9 1 : 1 1 people were in and all survived the crash. First calm, then a shock wave went down and up the building. [Mclntyre] escaped via Stairway C, which was plugged above by sheetrock, it was in bad condition, but emergency exits were worse. He slipped down 2 flights then called co-workers to come that way. FIND OUT: if they all got out? Was it stairway C they went down? This is very important floor. Do they know for sure they all 3 stairways were blocked/impassable from 92 up? How do they know? Did they hear evacuation order? Were they personally assisted in evacuating, on way down? Did they go against any advice (given then or previous)? Did they call anywhere (911, command desk etc) for direction before evacuating or just decide to? While walking down, did south tower hit and, if so, did they know what it was? What was beginning and end time of their evacuation down stairs? What were conditions on stairs while they were evacuating? Many people still? Among last out? Where did they go out to? What authorities were there? How chaotic? Did they offer or did anyone question them about their escape route and conditions above? Where were they sent downstairs? How soon before their tower collapsed did they get out? Where were they when it collapsed? If they were all together, do not need to question everyone, but this is an important floor, should find out as much as possible about staircases being blocked. • Steve Mclntyre: o Did all 11 people go down with him? • Greg Shark: o Apparently with Mclntyre, confirm • George Sleigh:

o apparently sees plane approach? Office is calm, then engulfed in flames; FIND OUT if he was in Mclntyre's group, did he descend with them at that time; if not, describe his escape. DRINKER BIDDLE, 89: Only the receptionist was in and she got out. • Receptionist: What staircase did she go down? Closest or only passable? Did she see other people hurt or trapped on the way down? Any she knows of that got out or didn't? Level or awareness? Ever call 91 1 or command center? How did she decide to plan evacuation? Find out general questions, evac announcements? Personal help? Previous instructions? Evacuating conditions? Timing, beginning and end? Encountered at bottom? Offer, asked for any report? Evacuating during south tower? Knew what it was? Where was she when north tower came down? Conditions on street? Does she know who these people trapped on 89 or 86 were? Contact info? 86th AND 89th FLOORS: • Approx 28 people rescued by PA workers who died; FIND OUT who they are; were they trapped in rooms, elevators? Timing? Where did the rescuers go next? Had they made help calls? To where? What was answer? In conflict with what happened? General questions. ANDOVER BROKERAGE, 83: • Manu Dhingra had just gotten off elevator when plane hit; apparently fireball in elevator that burned him, but he evacuated (BBC); FIND OUT about other people in his company, how many? What happened in this elevator? How many people in it, does he know? How did he get down? ETC NEW YORK METRO TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL, 82: All 25 except three lived. FIND OUT circumstances of survivors escape? Info re ones who died. 50th FLOOR ELEVATOR: People trapped between floors and rescued themselves. Jan Demczur pried open door with a squeegee and people kicked through dry wall. FIND OUT: when it got stuck, e.g., right at impact? Did anyone call into elevator? Out? Power working? What time did they get out of elevator? Of building? (Point is how narrow was escape because if they didn't get out, elevators mechanics could have saved them but left). All other questions. • Jan Demczur: • Al Smith OTHER WTC 1 SURVIVORS: (place them) J • Paul Neal, transport consultant (BBC) • Bill Forney, commodities trader 10 floors below, ushered into concourse (BBC) DIED BELOW FIRE

GENERAL TELECOM, 83: Corner office, All 13 died. Half went through a kitchen to reach an exit and got trapped and the other half got trapped in another part of the office. 4 other companies on this floor were fine. FIND OUT: what 4 other co's were; was it just that they were trapped. How long were they alive (sending messages)? Advice, communications etc; did they call / communicate with anyone else? Location of corner? • Bill Callahan, COO: o Received [pages?] from them • According to USA list, other companies on 83rd floor were Global Crossings, Lava Trading, LLCT, Taipei Bank, and eMeritus Communications (find people from them) 10 IfA WORKERS, 64: 10 workers died at security command post w/ cameras, communication equipment; felt it was safer there, tried to leave after first collapse but couldn't; FIND OUT why? • Contact: Allen Morrison, PA spokesman. NY METRO TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL, 82: • 3 people died; find contact for this FIRST UNION BANK, 47: 4 died. 1 woman was tired and stopped, 3 men got out and died in the collapse of the south tower. CONFIRM THIS (does this count as people in building or bystanders?) BLUE CROSS, 17-31: 11 died, 9 employees and consultants. 1 man stayed with a disabled friend and they presumably died in the collapse, theory is others were in elevators etc. • Contact: Deborah Boren, VP


SOUTH TOWER BEFORE PLANE HIT: See Beverly Eckert (re husband Sean, AON, w/ announcement on message) and Stanley Praimnath, Fuji Bank (who went back up), below; Kathy and Suzanne Fraser (husband Rich, AON, called); see father of Gregory Milanowycz, AON, below (son had told others to leave but either stayed or went back up, gets trapped above on 93); brother of Kevin Cosgrove (AON fire warden, calls later trapped above; did he discuss before plane hit?); Kimmy Chedell (husband Frank Doyle, KBW, calls near roof); Anne Foodim, Mona Dunn, and apparently many others evacuate from Fiduciary Trust. What was the precise wording of the evacuation announcements?

/9/11 Personal / Privacy

MORGAN STANLEY, 43 - 74 ?: After first plane hit, Rick Rescorla^company's chief of security evacuated staff with a bullhorn, telling them to ignore building's advice. Most were out when the plane hit. 6 out of 3700 died, including 3 security people. FIND OUT how these people died. • Herb Thornhill, Morgan Stanley: | | o (per Joe Handlin), L '83, fmr chair of Admissions Committee. o FIND OUT how this fit Morgan Stanley evacuation process; is this how those 6 people died? • Find out contacts (Karen?) FIREMAN'S FUND, FIND OUT floors???: All 225 employees made it out. KEEFE BRUYETTE & WOODS, 83-85: Nearly entire investment banking department left and survived; nearly all equities traders stayed and died. About 20 people apparently seek refuge in an 87th floor NYS tax and finance conference room, Eric Thorpe calls wife from there. Frank Doyle also calls wife Kimmy Chedell saying they're trapped somewhere. (Maybe same place) • FIND OUT names of investment bankers who left and reasons, conditions, discussions with people who stayed etc, plus general questions. • Peter Mulderry: o Received call from brother, a trader, who saw blaze from his window but stayed because building management said the building was "secure" then answered phone to start work when market opened (ever hear from again?); what floor? • See Kimmy Chedell below (husband Kevin Cosgrove was fire warden and ends up trapped above) STAIRWAY A PEOPLE: Do any of these people have any info re other staircases? Who are 4 people? Clark is from 84, Praimnath is from 81, and DiFrancesco may be 84 or 91? Is he counted twice? Did someone else get down from 91 with him? • EURO BROKERS, 84: hit by upper wing of plane. Company fire warden Brian Clark leads co-workers to the nearest stairway with a flashlight and a whistle. There was a fine powder and light smoke, but they went down. At 81, they met a heavyset woman and a thin man who said you can't go down, too much smoke and flame, you have to go up. The group was debating "up or down" when interrupted by Praimnath's cry for help. At that point, Clark and co-worker DiFranceso went to help him and co-workers Coll, Vera, York and 2 other Euro colleagues went up. FIND OUT how many people from Euro were there total? Did only Clark and DiFrancsco survive? Did many die in initial impact? Did people leave before the plane hit? o Brian Clark: • Went to help Praimnath, who was separated by wall, they break through some of it, then Clark helps him jump over, and they run towards the stairwell, which was in bad condition (flames, wallboard, water, like slurry); got past heavy smoke and stairs were clear as late as 30 mins after the tower was hit. FIND OUT is

this because that's how long it took them, until about 9:30? What was evacuation like, were they after most? Did they hear 9:20 or other later PA announcements? Did they offer, or were they questioned re any info downstairs? • Was this per previously practiced procedures? For building or company? Did it just happen to be stairway A? Did they try others? Do they have any info re condition of other staircases? How many was in debating group? Know of any others who went down? Or specifically that went up? Were they motivated specifically by possibility of roof rescue? Or just thought couldn't go down? What was debate about? o Ronald DiFrancesco: Originally went to help with Praimnath situation but ended up climbing 10 floors to find air. He found the first group of debaters there. FIND OUT if there were more people there? They could not leave the stairwell, the doors would not open? Why wouldn't the doors open? FIND OUT if this staircase could have been accessed from above 91? People were exhausted and in heavy smoke. They started lying down and going to sleep. Was this sleep or becoming unconscious. He did this at first but then motivated himself to get home and ran down. Did anyone else from 91st floor group go down? •

FUJI BANK, 79 -82 (confirm this): Stanley Praimnath survived. How many there? Did everyone else die from impact? Did any leave before plane hit? o Stanley Praimnath, Fuji Bank, 81: • Evacuated to lobby but told to go back up and did; FIND OUT who told him, did he have a choice? • Sees plane, its hits his office, tower stopped westward then swayed back • All of Clark questions.

SKY LOBBY PEOPLE: Standing there debating whether to go up or down, to go back for things etc, when plane hits. Blaze in center of room and elevator shaft, everything smashed, brilliant light, blast of hot air, shock wave that knocked everything over. CONFIRM this. Kills many on impact, but many survive. Some too hurt to leave. Others stayed and helped people. Others directed to stairway. Met debris a few flights down, propped it up and left small passageway. FIND OUT if this was A too? What was timing of this vs 84* Floor people? by red bandanna guy. FIND OUT about descent. Was it after others? Did they hear announcements while descending? Did they offer, or were they questioned about escape route downstairs? What time did they get to lobby? Where were they when tower collapsed? • AON, 93 - 100?: How many in? Apparently some evacuated, some were in sky lobby, and some decided to stay and got trapped above. Fire warden, Kevin Cosgrove, gets trapped and calls brother, see below. Greogory Milanowycz apparently went down and back up and gets trapped, calls father, see below.

9/11 Personal Privacy

o Judy Wein, VP:


Was thinking of going up for car fare but Kestenbaum said he'd

give it to her; survived crash; FIND OUT about what happened before, announcements? Decision-making process? Was she led out by bandanna guy? \ Gigi Singer: 1


• Also originally going to go up. Talk about before. Kelly Reyher: \ had just gotten in elevator to get palm pilot, pried doors open a escaped

\ Donna Spira: helped by Kelly Reyher; is she with AON?


Also there but died, Howard Kesjenbaum, Richard Gabrielle (survived but trapped): maybe they made priorlcalls to families, friends, see Monica Gabrielle later _ 1 o Suzanne Fraser: • Received call from husband Rich before plane hit debating whether to evacuate o Kathy Fraser: • Calls from son Rich before plane hit. o See Beverly Eckert below. o See brother of Kevin Cosgrove below NYS DEPARMTNET OF TAX & FINANCE, 86 -87: what was story here? How many in? Evacuated? Survived? Died? Some at sky lobby when plane hit. Sankara Velamuri and Diane Urban stayed to help 2 other state employess Dianne Gladstone and Yeshavant Tembe, all died in collapse presumably. OTHER PEOPLE THERE: o Ling Young: find her, what company? o (Vijayashanker Paramsothy stayed to help people and died; what company?)

ABOVE IMPACT: Window washer Roko Camaj leads group of approx 200 people to 105th to get on roof. Even though he has key, can't open door which has a buzzer that needs to be activated as well from a 22nd floor command post that has been evacuated or destroyed. FIND OUT: were they there in 1993? What did people do when they realized they couldn't get on roof? Did they look for staircases first? Were any near stairway A? Did they check all and feel they couldn't get down or just think rooftop was better bet? Were some of these the 84th floor debaters? What floors were these people originally from? Where was everyone else? Did they see people dead/ trapped in floors on way up? Other people's thinking? How much did they know? How long did they stay on? Time of calls? How close to collapse were they still calling? Could people still hear PA system after crash? • •

Vinny Camaj, son Roko, window washer o Called by father Roko, find out TIME; did father make 91 1 call below? Beverly Eckert:

o Received 2 messages from husband Sean Rooney of AON btw 8:46 and 9:02, first saying it was the other building, then in 2nd message, starting to say we'll be here for a while but then pausing to listen to building announcement, which says "it's secure here, but if the conditions warrant on your floor, you may wish to start an orderly evacuation", then says "I'll talk to you later, bye"; o Later receives call from husband, trying to get on roof (is he in group of 200? Find out timing of these calls.) Ask her to describe fire location from TV. She calls 911 (confirm this and find call). Tells him fire is not near him but windows were hot, his breathing labored, ceilings caving, floors buckling, calls cut off, he was alone in a room filling with smoke. Did he say all this? Did he get to this after leaving group or always by himself? This calls seems to go right until the tower collapsed? [Related 911 Calls: o 9:27: man called 911 and said a group was in the north conference room on 105th; was this Roko Camaj? o 9:32: man on 105th floor asking that roof be opened.] Brother of Kevin Cosgrove: o Got call from brother, AON fire warden, who had also called 911; ask everything and about previous decision not to evacuate; was he on 105? Alone? With people? KEEFE BRUYETTE & WOODS o Kimmy Chedell: • (see above too, re before plane and KBW) • receives call from husband Frank Doyle saying doors are locked (where? To roof? In office?) and asks her to call 911 and tell them we're trapped. Ask how that went. There is a 911 call from KBW person; was he a trader? How many with him? (those were the ones who reportedly stayed). ARE THEY IN SAME PLACE? o Linda Perry Thorpe: • Husband Eric calls with 20 people on 87th floor where they sought refuge in conference room of NYS Tax & Finance • Just heard background noise, people gasping, where is fire extinguisher, which had gotten thrown out the window, is anybody, unconscious, one guy screaming, someone else soothing him, it's ok. • Are they trapped in there? Any report before? ,

^•>'' FIDUCIARY TRUST, 90 - 97: Before plane hit, Alayne GentulVd Edgar I Emery successfully evacuated many people, including Anne Foodim, who says Emery walked them down 12 flights to 78th floor elevators, got them in. Mona Dunn, a receptionist, saw Gentul on 90th floor firmly directing a group who was debating to go and indicates stairway. They then went back up to evacuate 6 people working on computer back up system on 97th floor and it


gets increasingly hot and smoky. Emery climbs on desk to cover the vent with his coat, swings a shoe at the sprinkler but it doesn't work. They don't know whether to stay or try to go. Apparently they're having a problem trying to locate stairs. FIND OUT location on floors vis-a-vis stairway A. o Anne Foodim: • Successfully evacuated by Edgar Emery; cancer survivor; • Why stairs? Just quicker? • Were they not planning on evacuating? How many people were in? Floors? Decisions? How many got trapped? Conditions downstairs? Any resistance? o Mona Dunn: • Successfully evacuated. • Presumably before plane hit that she saw Gentul? Why stairs? Just the ones to 78th floor? o Jack Gentul, Dean at NJ Institute for Technology, Newark: • Receives calls (is this at about 9:38 or after?) from wife Alayne describing actions of Emery • FIND OUT if they sought or were given any instructions by any authorities? Did they call 911? Did other people make calls? Hear PA announcements? Did they know what was going on? o Elizabeth Emery: • Receives call from husband Edgar from 97th floor looking for a stairwell any more info on this? And hears Gentul screaming "where's the stairs"? • Is this at about 9:38 or after? Confirm this o Wife of Edmund McNally: • Receives call presumably around 9:38 too from nearby floor (which one?) as floor was buckling basically to say goodbye, cancel bday trip to Rome; o Family of Ruth Ketler: (look for nyt or wsj story) • Ruth Ketler was former colleague of John Wilcox at Georgeson and Co, where he was chairman (now vice chairman) •

Joseph Milanowycz: o Son, an AON broker, calls and says he wishes he hadn't listened to the announcement to stay; he had told others to leave but went back up. FIND OUT in he actually went down and then back up, any more info on this? Where is he when he calls? o He is on 93rd floor with about 30 people; asks father to call FDNY to find out what to do; which one did he get?; they say to stay low and FF's were working their way up. He passes on this information.


Anyone in South Tower who evacuated after the plane hit:



Ask about announcements? Evacuation in stairs? Authorities? Did anyone question them about escape routes below? Conditions downstairs, where did they go? When did they get out in relation to tower collapsing. Anyone trapped and got out?

BELOW IMPACT WHO DIED: FIND OUT how many, who. • 6 people from Morgan Stanley

BYSTANDERS: does this include people who evacuated from either tower and then got killed; specifically some people from in north tower who got killed in south tower collapse. • 3 people from First Union Bank died this way • Pat Brennan, Sullivan & Cromwell: o Daughter reported she was out and then died


Nearby office buildings were doing different things; some were evacuated by building security after the south collapse. Some directed employees to a basement. Directions were given by building security. NYPD and FDNY apparently went to some later and gave (conflicting) direction. Just as many question, as much confusion, here. o Joe Handlinj | J. ••;--.. • Did some people leave on their owni right av away?, o John Wilcoxf Did some people self evacuate before directed to after collapse.: .. Apartment Buildings: Battery Park City apartments were evacuated. .........--•-""'9/11 Personal T TT ,,. I I ' Privacy o Laura Handlmj • Was everyone put on boat? • Did you have to leave? • Timing? • Who else was on boat etc?

IN LOBBY / PA SECURITY: o Fire wardens for each company? o Evac plans o Confirm improvements / explain o What were announcements, when, specific wording, for each tower, were these standard procedures? Did they consider deviating? Who did they coordinate with? , '" ,J> o Did they question people that came down? >G^'/•/"*'' ° Ask FF's what they learned? t # -.."'' o Did anyone know about stairway A? ff ^ (*' o Did they know no rooftop rescue? Did they consider telling these people, specifically the ones who called down from the roof?

..-•''9/11 Personal Privacy


Did they try to get any info from above to make announcement over PA system?

o o o

22nd floor command post, to open roof door? Was PA system still functional after crash? When people called down, did they ask them questions about conditions? What info did they give them? Re outside? Re what to do? o Was 9:20 announcement a result of FD call with 911 call (see calls')


Bob Ferreira: | [friend of Filippo GM) o Call re Trudy Allegro from Providence College

DEATHS OF PEOPLE BELOW IMPACT: Dr. Susan Wilt, leading DON study, 125 __ Worth Street, Room 315, 212-788-4471, [email protected]. XV ^ob»o6^"^o/^y \^V)\i\L QUESTIONS FO

• • •

Evacuation procedures? Frequency? Familiarity with floor plans? Were you (the person) there in 1993? What questions they want answered.



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