Nova Terra on the EU supported project ‘Connected Cities’ / February 2007
nova terra on the eu supported project ‘connected cities’ / february 2007
3 6 11 17 22 27 32
editorial cohesion connected edges space and line high speed investments tramways in france – born again for urbanism towards a new mobility concept for cities covilhã: mobility in a mountain town
Nova Terra on the EU supported project
‘Connected Cities’, February 2007. Publisher
Nirov, The Hague, The Netherlands (
Editorial Board
Jan Hein Boersma Evelien Brandes Huib Haccou
Frank van der Hoeven (issue editor)
Derek Middleton (English editing) Anne Schram
Michiel Smit (editor in chief) Athanasios Ziliaskopoulos (guest editor)
Graphic design
Studio Bau Winkel Print
Gewa, Arendonk, Belgium Correspondence
Nirov, Michiel Smit,
Postbox 30833, 2500 GV
The Hague, The Netherlands,
[email protected]
Office support:
Helen Kokshoorn,
[email protected] ISSN
Project part-financed
by the European Union
editorial cohesion
tramways in france – born again for urbanism
Frank van der Hoeven
Sophie Labbouz and Youssef Diab
Public transport and regional urban landscapes
The potential of cybercars
connected edges
Henrik Sander and Michael Koch
towards a new mobility concept for cities 27
Antonio Cunha, J. Varandas, Jorge Dias, Rui Rocha and Stefan van der Spek
A spatial survey for Stedenbaan 2010–2020 The content of this
publication reflects the views of the authors.
The Managing Authority is not liable for any use
that may be made of the information contained therein.
The South Wing of the Randstad
space and line
Atelier Zuidvleugel
32 covilhã: mobility in a mountain town
Jorge Humberto, Gaspar Gonçalves and Frank van der Hoeven
high speed investments
Detlef Golletz, Egon Walesch, Gösta Weber and Celine Chambron
Cover photo: Atocha station, Madrid (photo: Frank van der Hoeven, Rotterdam)
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 3
Editorial cohesion Objective 1
Convergence Regions
Objective 1
Phasing-out Regions
Phasing-out (till 31–12–2005)
Phasing-in Regions
Phasing-out (till 31–12–2006)
Competitiveness and
Employment Regions
Special programme
Objective 2 Objective 2 Objective 2 (partly) Phasing-out (till 31–12–2005) Phasing-out (partly) (till 31–12–2005)
Structural Funds 2004–2006: Areas eligible under Objectives 1 and 2
Structural Funds 2007–2013: Convergence and Regional Competitiveness Objectives
Frank van der Hoeven, TU Delft/ Faculty of Architecture,
cohesion of this part of the city, our street was paved with noise
Lead Partner Connected Cities, Photos: Frank van der Hoeven
reducing asphalt, two bicycle lanes were added, the pavement was resurfaced and some trees were planted. In mid September the
The Interreg Community Initiative is an integral part of Europe’s
residents held a street party to celebrate the reopening of the street.
regional policy. Interreg’s main objective is to strengthen economic
The European flag was prominently displayed as the backdrop for
and social cohesion. In pursuing this objective the European Union
the local musicians who entertained the party-goers. I would not
realised that it also has to consider the territorial dimension of
even be surprised if the musicians’ fees were eligible for European
cohesion. No clear and precise definition of territorial cohesion has yet
funding as part of the dissemination measures for the project.
been made, but as European regional policy focuses mainly on economic and social disparities, territorial cohesion may follow a similar path.
As the lead partner in an Interreg IIIC project, I could disseminate
This would put it on a course for easing the territorial disparities
the experience of the renovation of my street by adding a fact sheet
that exist between countries and regions as a way to contribute to
to the on-line guide to good practice on the
the Lisbon and Gothenburg objectives. What will be the territorial
website. This would be appropriate because the renovation of the
consequences of Barroso’s call for a post-industrial revolution?
street (part of an Urban II Community Initiative project) clearly
As Interreg III comes to a close many of our partners are looking to the future. What will the new cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation programmes under the Interreg IV ‘European Territorial Cooperation’ objective bring us? In this editorial we look briefly at these policy shifts and try to assess how they relate to our current initiatives.
First and foremost, European regional policy promotes solidarity
the eu in your own street Not many people know about Interreg IIIC, Interreg III, the
combines sustainable mobility and urban development. Having
Community Initiatives, the European Regional Development Funds
added this ‘good practice’ to the website I could even claim in our next
(ERDF), or any of the Structural Funds and European regional policy
progress report to the Joint Technical Staff of Interreg IIIC West that
in general. These are not easy to explain to outsiders. Most of us
we had increased the effects of the Structural Funds programmes by
occasionally come across a construction sign with the blue EU logo
identifying another good practice related to the Structural Funds. It
with its fifteen yellow stars signalling an EU financial contribution
may sound bizarre, but, in a nutshell, this is basically what European
to the project. I came across one this summer in my own street.
regional policy is all about.
I moved to a new home in the Oude Noorden district of Rotterdam. Apparently, this district is one of the few ‘Objective 2’ pockets in
structural funds
the province of Zuid-Holland eligible to receive Structural Funds.
First and foremost, European regional policy promotes solidarity.
As part of the programme for improving the economic and social
The policy on reducing the disparities between regions and citizens
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 4
takes up about a third of the EU budget. It works mainly through
In the transition towards the new programming period (2007–2013)
four Structural Funds, one of which is the European Regional
three new objectives have taken the stage: convergence,
Development Fund. Besides the Structural Funds there are other
competitiveness and cooperation. The eligibility map has been
financial instruments, such as the Cohesion Fund.
drastically simplified. Interreg III will continue as Interreg IV, with the Lisbon and Gothenburg objectives forming the main criteria
During the 2000–2006 period most of the Structural Funds were
for assessing projects.
spent on three objectives. Objective 1 helps regions lagging behind in their development. Objective 2 supports economic and social conversion in areas facing structural difficulties. Objective 3 is
territorial imbalances Awareness of a territorial component to European cohesion
about modernising training systems and promoting employment.
policies has grown over the last six years. As a result, territorial
Financial assistance from the Structural Funds under such objectives
cohesion has emerged as a new objective alongside economic and
is restricted to specific regions or areas. The result is a complex
social cohesion. ‘The concept of territorial cohesion extends beyond
tapestry of Objective 1 regions and Objective 2 areas, as can be seen
the notion of economic and social cohesion by both adding to this
on the eligibility map.
and reinforcing it. In policy terms, the objective is to help achieve a more balanced development by reducing existing disparities,
Besides Objectives 1, 2 and 3 and the Cohesion Funds, The Structural
avoiding territorial imbalances and by making both sectoral policies
Funds support four Community Initiatives: Interreg III, URBAN II,
which have a spatial impact and regional policy more coherent.
Leader+ and EQUAL. Interreg III was financed from the European
The concern is also to improve territorial integration and encourage
Regional Development Fund and its mission was the development
cooperation between regions.’2
of cross-border, interregional and transnational cooperation. Interreg IIIC is the interregional strand of the programme. ‘Cooperations
Discussion documents on regional policy mention a number of
under INTERREG IIIC shall give access to experience of other actors
territorial imbalances and the high concentration of economic
involved in regional development policy and create synergies
activity and population in the core area of the EU, referred to as the
between ‘best practice’ projects and the Structural Fund’s mainstream
‘European Pentagon’, the area between London, Hamburg, Munich,
programmes. The overall aim is to improve the effectiveness of
Milan and Paris. The European Pentagon covers less than one fifth
regional development policies and instruments through large-scale
of the EU15 land area, but contains over two fifths of its population
information exchange and sharing of experience (networks) in a
and accounts for almost half of its GDP and even three-quarters of
structured way.’1
EU party in a Rotterdam neighbourhood.
its expenditure on R&D. The concentration of people, wealth and
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 5
Maybe territorial disparities are not so bad after all
Illustration: Mietzeb, Rotterdam.
investments in the European Pentagon is not the only territorial
The South East England Development Agency (SEEDA), located in the
cohesion issue, though. The EU faces territorial imbalances in the
north-west corner of the European Pentagon, is investing much of its
distribution of towns and cities, marked disparities between and
energy in the HST network and the economic and social opportunities
within cities, intra-regional imbalances and regions with geographical
it offers. But the United Kingdom itself is reluctant to build a high
handicaps. All of these issues should be examined in the light of the
speed rail infrastructure outside the South East. At first glance, the
Lisbon and Gothenburg ambitions. Territorial development strategies
HST looks like something that typically belongs to the European
and policies have to be aligned to Borraso’s call for a post-industrial
Pentagon. Wrong again! Look at the HST network that Spain is building.
But again we could question if this is the right approach. If the aim is to ease the stark differences between the European Pentagon and
The European Council of Spatial Planners (ECTP) warns in their on-line
the rest of the EU, it would seem to be a sound approach. But the
discussion paper on territorial cohesion that Europe might become
inhabitants of Toledo, whose regional train service has been replaced
a boring place if we try to systematically eradicate the differences
by the HST (AVE), are not at all happy about the steep price rises
between regions and places. The ECTP constitutes our Quality Team,
that came with it.
so we should take such warnings seriously. But what does this mean for our Guide to Good Practice?
The mountain town of Covilhã is one of the few partners that clearly suffers from a geographical handicap. The field demonstration of
connected cities Should we listen to the more sceptical view of Henrik Sander?
the cybernetic transportation system organised by IPN would seem to be a justifiable approach. But some doubts creep in here too.
The HafenCity Universität Hamburg, also rooted in the European
On average, the people of Covilhã spend fifteen minutes travelling
Pentagon, seems to be well aware of the territorial shortcomings
between their home and workplace. Living in the European Pentagon
of the Pentagon. Or should we applaud the Stedenbaan initiative,
is rather different. To travel home from work I can choose to travel
which tries to bring rail mobility to as many citizens as possible in
by car, take the train or use the cycle path in my street subsidised by
the province of Zuid-Holland?
the European Union. No matter which mode of transport I choose, during the rush hour my journey to and from work will take me
Sophie Labbouz (EIVP) shows that every self-respecting French town
about three times as long as the equivalent journeys made by the
is re-embracing the tram in the fight against congestion and pollution.
citizens of Covilhã. Maybe territorial disparities are not so bad after
What do we say to a partner city like Toledo that has set its mind on
all. And who knows, the ECTP may be right to make some of their
building its own tram system? Should Toledo draw on the French
experience? Or should we point out the territorial differences between French and Spanish cities? The steep hill on which Toledo’s city centre is located could be one such difference: trams cannot climb the steep slopes in the centre and would have to bypass it.
Notes 1
Source: Ibid
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 6
Public transport and regional urban landscapes
Connected Edges
Just as regional urban landscapes depend on public transport for their further development, an efficient public transport system itself depends on networks to connect regional urban landscapes. Connected edges are an integral part of connected cities. Against this background we can observe different trends and strategies, taking Germany as an example.
The German Autobahn near Essen. (photo: orange.edge, Essen)
Henrik Sander, HCU Hamburg, Department
During the period of industrialisation there
graininess of traditional urban structures
of Urban Planning
was a direct relationship between public
is being lost. This deconcentration affects
Michael Koch, orange.edge, Ruhr-Area
transport and urban development. The
not only the retail trade but schools and
expansion of Berlin by development
kindergartens too. As the distance people
Traffic infrastructure is one of the main
companies (Terreingesellschaften) was well
have to travel increase, so do the volumes
determinants of urban development.
coordinated with the development of the
of car traffic. Each business park on a highway
The mobility revolution brought about by
public transport network. The mobility
creates jobs, but if these business parks are
trains during the industrial revolution broke
patterns of the new citizens inevitably led
only linked to the public transport network
down the spatial boundaries of cities,
to high passenger frequencies on the public
by irregular bus services they do not
allowing totally new forms of urban growth.
transport network. In contemporary urban
automatically raise the demand for public
Cities like Berlin expanded into more
landscapes shaped by the individual mobility
transport, but generate more car traffic.
outlying areas, penetrating even further into
offered by the car, lifestyles, mobility patterns
the surrounding regions along the railway
and patterns of demand are becoming
lines. In the
extremely diverse, with serious implications
20 th
century the car enabled a
new scale of urban growth in more
for public transport.
diverse traffic patterns Apart from spatial fragmentation, traffic flows themselves are becoming more and more diverse. In the 1980s, traffic planning
dispersed suburbs, mainly in attractive landscapes between the main railway lines,
Changes in traffic patterns are not only
was still about managing traffic flows
stimulated by low real estate values and
influenced by the suburbanisation of housing,
characterised by commuter traffic and its
good traffic access.
but also by the suburbanisation of the retail
highly concentrated peaks. Today, commuter
industry, which is becoming increasingly
traffic in Germany only accounts for 20%
concentrated in fewer and bigger locations
of the total traffic volume, whereas leisure
in non-integrated areas. The small-scale
traffic accounts for 50%. Leisure traffic is
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 7
more diverse both spatially and temporally
a decline to 60 million inhabitants by 2050
and therefore even more car-based than
if there is no significant immigration.
commuter traffic, which itself is becoming
This demographic change itself will lead
less predictable due to shorter and more
to a dramatic decline in demand for public
flexible working times. The growing functional
transport, a trend that can already be seen
independence of suburbia creates stronger
in regions dominated by school traffic.
Since 1945 60% of all regional train services have been closed estate developments like the AirRailCenter Frankfurt and the conversion of the main
internal relationships in the outskirts of cities and increasing levels of tangential traffic flows
No conclusive answers have yet been put
station of the city of Leipzig into a major
that are more difficult to integrate into radial
forward on how public transport can face the
shopping mall. But despite investments in
public transport networks.
challenge of fragmented urban structures,
the ICE system, cuts are being made in
As for the radial based public network, in
demographic decline and increasingly
regional and local connections. In recent
Germany a discussion is taking place on the
individualised patterns of demand.
years many regional connections have been
‘renaissance of inner city districts’. The diverse
By definition, public transport depends on
cancelled and InterCity connections replaced
modes of transport available in the inner city
spatial density and more or less constant
by RegionalExpress lines. Since 1945 30% of the
are making it an ‘infrastructure home base’ for
traffic flows. The coverage of whole regions,
rail network, 60% of all regional train services
flexible working and suitable for the lifestyles
one of the prerequisites for the efficiency
and 43% of all stations have been closed.
of the knowledge-based society. But this
of main lines, can hardly be assured. At the
To provide a flexible connection to the regions,
trend cannot wipe out the social and spatial
same time, subsidies for public transport
Deutsche Bahn is offering more car-based
developments of the last 100 years. Future
are declining and are already leading to
services like Park+Ride and agreements
urban development will be characterised by
price rises and line closures.
with car sharing companies, and has been expanding its car parking space at stations
the simultaneity of centrifugal and centripetal forces, as well as by a complex diversity of
contraction of the rail network
since 2005. The newly founded DB BahnPark
Deutsche Bahn is concentrating on the
individual working and living patterns. demographic decline
company will develop and operate multi-
ICE high speed train, which provides fast
storey car parks close to the main stations.
connections between major cities, for example
Pursuing this strategy to its logical conclusion
Hamburg-Berlin and Munich-Cologne.
will lead to a point where the coverage of
will have only minor impacts on public
Deutsche Bahn is also building new
regions is abandoned in favour of
transport because of the long-term dominant
intersections. The new train station at
concentrating on the main lines that can
demographic trend. The Federal Statistical
Frankfurt Airport, for example, now has more
be operated efficiently, supported by highly
Office predicts a decline in German population
high speed ICE connections than the main
developed station areas. Car-based services
from about 83 million now to 75 million in
station in the city. The major stations are being
such as Park+Ride, car parks or car-sharing
2050 (figure one). The Institut für
upgraded and developed under a ‘renaissance
arrangements will then take over the
Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) is even predicting
of train stations’ strategy, including real
connections to the regions. A highly developed
The ‘renaissance of inner city districts’
paratransit system would make this scenario
a serious proposition. the city of short distances In response to the growth of regional urban landscapes the German government developed an urban planning strategy called ‘the city of short distances’. This concept is based on the pattern of the historical European city with mixed of housing, employment, retail and other uses. This type of concept can be
implemented successfully in traditional medium-sized cites like Freiburg with an attractive urban fabric. Between 1982 and 1999, the modal share of public transport in Freiburg was raised from 15% to 26%, while the share of car traffic declined by 4%. This has made Freiburg more attractive, but it also
Figure 1: Demographic development of Germany. (source: Statistisches Bundesamt, Bonn, 2003)
made housing in the city more expensive
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 8
dynamic centres – due to rising oil prices and the demographic trend. Instead, there will be a process in which regional urban landscapes will ‘settle down’. The trend towards singleperson households and a continuing demand for housing will lead to a more homogeneous distribution of the population density. This process of inner suburbanisation on a
AirRailcenter, Frankfurt. (source: Deutsche Bahn AG)
regional scale cannot be countered by the and speeded up the movement of residents
a contradiction in itself: density is not what
concept of the city of short distances, nor can
into the suburbs. Paradoxically, the successful
people are looking for when moving to the
it be reversed by concentrating development
implementation of the strategy is generating
edge, whereas public transport needs a certain
around points on the main railway lines,
growing traffic problems despite the traffic
density to remain economically viable:
as Deutsche Bahn is doing. However, the
management measurements. Moreover, as
– 1,000–1,500 residents within a walking
process of inner suburbanisation offers
an attractive centre for the region Freiburg has to cope with increasing commuter traffic.
distance of 300 meters to bus stop – 3,000 residents within a walking distance of 400 meters to a light rail station
New urban developments like Rieselfeld in Freiburg are also part of the strategy of short
– 4,000 residents within a walking distance of 500 metres to a regional station
quality public transport links realised at an
settlements and traffic structures more efficiently. This process will not be based on large-scale urban development projects, but on several small-scale measures for optimising regional urban landscapes and
distances. This new district, providing homes for 12,000 residents and 1,000 jobs, with high
the opportunity of connecting existing
inner suburbanisation It can be assumed that regional urban
their infrastructures. The classic approach within this context is
early stage of the development, is a prominent
landscapes will not continue to grow
densification on brownfield sites, which needs
showcase for a successful mix of functions.
significantly - with the exception of some
to be planned in relation to public transport
But most new urban developments suffer from the basic problem that a historic mix of functions is missing. Contemporary economic and social conditions make it almost impossible to create such a mix, and even where mixed-use developments can be created, diverse lifestyles and mobility patterns do not automatically mean that residents use public transport. And if public transport connections are only provided at a later stage of development or the level of service provision is too low, car-oriented mobility patterns emerge that are difficult to change later. The fragmented political/administrative structure of regional urban landscapes makes it difficult to realise the ‘city of short distances’. The logic of short distances is neither a sufficient reflection of urban reality, nor is it a fully developed planning tool under contemporary conditions of urban development. This logic may work in traditional inner city districts, but these are only a small part of the urban system in relation to the dynamic and fast-growing urban edges. Urban density in these spaces, for example at public transport stations, is
Freiburg Rieselfeld: 12,000 residents, 1,000 jobs. (source: Stadt Freiburg)
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 9
Karlsruhe Stadtbahn: integration of local and regional rail systems; passenger numbers increased six fold. (source:
so that public transport at the edges does
points, a reduction in travelling times and good
park was connected to the nearest S-Bahn
not follow on the heels of suburbanisation.
connections to other modes of transportation.
station by a hanging monorail, or ‘sky train’.
Ruhrauenpark on the southern edge of the
Saarbrücken, Chemnitz, Zwickau and other
The sky train cut the travel time to the main
city of Bochum is a good example of
towns now operate similar systems. Some
station to 15 minutes. Further extensions of
coordinated urban and traffic planning within
municipalities have even begun to concentrate
the sky train are planned.
the context of existing urban structures.
their urban development along these lines.
The development of around 600 housing units
The development of business estates is
In suburban areas, paratransit systems are
on the site of a former freight depot offered
rarely coordinated with public transport
often used if bus lines cannot be run
the opportunity to extend an existing light
planning. Office parks or shopping centres
economically. These are mainly used as a
rail line, not only to serve the housing
on greenfield sites, with their spacious car
substitute in times of low demand and today
development but also to connect to a nearby
parks, are almost synonymous with the
are isolated systems with quite complicated
railway museum.
Americanisation of European cities.
logistics. But these substitutes could
The integration of these sites into public
potentially serve bigger regions without
The Karlsruher Modell is another example of
transport systems, however, is a precondition
creating long travel times due to transfer
the opportunities that the optimisation of
for a public transport system that covers a
problems. The system is adaptable and can
existing infrastructure offers on a regional
whole region. Nevertheless, the inclusion of
cope with different mobility patterns with
these sites in the planning process is difficult:
variable destinations such as commuting or
developed a system called Stadtbahn that
in contrast to housing developments, years
leisure traffic. This, however, would require
allowed Deutsche Bahn tracks to be used by
can pass between planning and final
a massive service with efficient technology
light rail vehicles to connect the city efficiently
realisation. Nevertheless, such sites can be
and corresponding advertisements to boost
and economically with the region. Passenger
effectively integrated into public transport
acceptance, something that has not yet been
numbers increased six fold. Today, 100 light
networks at a later stage. The Dortmund
done. Jerry Schneider calculated that 10,000
rail vehicles operate on 470 km of railway
technology park near the university has
taxi-buses could replace the entire bus system
tracks. The basic principle behind this success
been under development since 1985 and
story is a combination of low investment and
today houses 235 companies with around
operating costs, a reduced number of transfer
8,400 employees. In 2003 the technology
scale.1 In the early 1990s the city of Karlsruhe
in London, and offer a door-to-door service.2
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 10
10,000 taxi-buses could replace the entire bus system in London, and offer a door-to-door service renaissance of stations The aforementioned ‘renaissance of train stations’ has some spectacular showcases, like the 30,000 m 2 shopping centre within
medium term the local authority is planning a Bike+Ride station and a café as additional services. In Harburg, a southern district of the city of Hamburg, the station has been
Leipzig main station, developed by Germany’s
transformed into a ‘cultural station’ providing
leading shopping centre construction and
additional amenities. The former first class
management company ECE. But the example
lounge is now home to the local art society
of the shopping centre cannot be used for
and regular exhibitions of contemporary
the functional and ‘psychological’ upgrading
artists are held in 300 m2 of exhibition space.
of small and medium-sized stations.
A jazz club has been based at the station since
The integration of these stations into the
2004, making the station a lively place even
urban environment is much more complicated
at night.
because shopping centres cannot be run economically in such stations. No specialised
All these different strategies are reactions
development companies have yet emerged
to the two central challenges facing public
for small and medium-sized stations. How can
transport: an ongoing suburbanisation and
these stations once again be integrated into
a declining population. Both trends lead to
public life? Ticket machines and architectural
declining population densities, casting doubt
restoration alone are not sufficient to increase
on the long-term viability of traditional public
taxi and train will have to become elements
their appeal.
transport systems. The gap between urban
in an integrated mobility system based on
development and public transport can only
new forms of infrastructure, such as
There are some examples of how stations can
partly be bridged by traditional concepts of
information networks and nodes.
be upgraded in relation to local demands,
line-based public transport systems. Public
The challenge is to fully integrate the various
mostly initiated by local authorities.
transport needs to adapt to suburbanisation
modes of transport, overcoming the
The municipality of Bönen in North Rhine
and the diversity of space as well as to
stereotyped thinking of public transport
Westphalia transformed its station into a
declining densities and the individualisation
versus individual transport, both on the supply
Bürgerbahnhof (Citizen Station). The main
of society on a regional scale. The rigid
side as well as the demand side. In essence,
communal services are no longer provided
boundaries between different modes of
this means an efficient main line network
at the town hall but at the station. In the
transport will disappear in future: car, bus,
with flexible connections to the regions,
Leipzig main station: 30,000 m2 shopping centre.
(source: ECE Projektmanagement)
with car-sharing or taxi-buses replacing the traditional line-based public transport. Such a system would be able to connect urban edges by reacting to individual lifestyles as well as the more equal distribution of traffic flows over time. But as the strategies are not coordinated – paratransit in particular is rarely a vision for the future, but more a substitute for periods of low demand – it is doubtful whether in the long run public transport will be able to connect the edges or disappear from the edges. Notes 1
See: See:
Reactions to:
[email protected] Suburbia. (photo: Henrik Sander)
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A spatial survey for Stedenbaan 2010–2020 The South Wing of the Randstad
Space and line
Western European cities are tending to spread and coalesce into lower density urban regions. As new centralities emerge within these urban fields, public transport systems will have to evolve from monocentric hierarchical structures into multinodal homogeneous networks. The Stedenbaan project in the South Wing of Randstad Holland can make a major contribution to the emergence of such a regional public transport network and support the spatial development of the region.
Atelier Zuidvleugel, Commissioned by the Stedenbaan Spatial Development Committee
Spatial transformations along the Stedenbaan.
The Zuidvleugel, literally translated as the ‘South Wing’ of the Randstad,
The ‘Space and Line’ spatial survey is one of a series of studies
is being transformed from a series of separate urban regions into a
examining several aspects of the Stedenbaan project. The survey
single cohesive metropolitan area with a heightened level of interaction
provides an overview of present and future spatial conditions in the
between functions. The regional road network and public transport
station areas along the Stedenbaan line and reveals the opportunities
system have not kept pace with these changes and are unable to meet
for their development. The study also shows the benefits of coordinating
the growing demand for transport. In 2004, the Bestuurlijk Platform
development in the 47 station areas. Many of these areas are not
Zuidvleugel (South Wing Administrative Platform, a partnership of the
intensively used at present but most are built up, the main uses being
local and regional authorities in the area and Zuid-Holland provincial
housing, employment and mixed-use functions. The Stedenbaan project
council) decided to take a critical look at the mismatch between the
will include development of greenfield areas but will also certainly
dynamics of urbanisation and transport development. The Stedenbaan
involve redefining the existing urban area with a view to greatly
project was launched in response to these developments and combines
improving accessibility.
two strategies: – The creation of a high-frequency public transport system on the existing national rail network – A regionally coordinated urban development programme based around the stations on the rail network This ‘dual-purpose strategy’ rests on the assumption that transportation
The survey was carried out in three stages, examining (a) what developments are feasible in terms of quantity, (b) what developments are most promising, and (c) what local developments are desirable in terms of their contribution to the objectives for the South Wing region as a whole.
and spatial development influence each other. A powerful planning instrument can be created by identifying the various links between
urban development and the infrastructure network and exposing their
As a first step, an inventory was made of the areas within the
development potentials. Not only will this improve overall accessibility
spheres of influence of the Stedenbaan stations that will undergo
in the South Wing, it will also be a crucial element in formulating a
change between 2010 and 2020. This inventory was based on plans
growth strategy for the region based on integrated urban and network
drawn up by local and regional authorities, and hence provides a
development. This will have an important impact on the economic
widely accepted picture of the future development space around
development and physical appearance of this metropolitan region,
the stations.
as well as its environmental, social and cultural potential.
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 12
The study shows the benefits of coordinating development in the 47 station areas
The zones within a 1,200 metre radius of the Stedenbaan stations have a combined area of 18,000 hectares, or about a quarter of the urbanised area of the South Wing. About 20% of this area – as large as the towns of Delft and Voorschoten together – will be subject to development between 2010 and 2020. The local authorities have
designated many of the station areas as housing or mixed-use zones. Employment zones are also projected, mainly in the form of business sites rather than single-use office parks. The initial results of this inventory indicate that the targets for new
uses set by the stakeholders can be met. If the land is developed at the average densities already found along the Stedenbaan line, the area around the stations will be able to accommodate more than 40,000 dwellings and 1,000,000 m2 GFA of office space. Besides
clarifying a feasible development programme, this first step provided an overview of ongoing and projected spatial transformations along the line, a crucial basis for the exchange of ideas in a development
project consisting of several dispersed but interconnected locations.
Size of the spatial transformations.
The station areas often correspond closely to one particular typology.
The dual-purpose strategy is based on developing a traffic and
For example, Rotterdam Central closely matches the ‘city centre’
transport concept in combination with a spatial development strategy.
typology, while Schiedam Kethel is more like the ‘rural’ typology.
However, this integrated urban and network development is not just
However, station areas can have a combination of indicators that
a simple equation for delivering a given number of journeys and more
correspond to two or more different potentialities. The results of this
intensive land use. Mobility networks influence a variety of spatial
analysis show the existing potentialities of the stations on the strength
characteristics, such as the size of cities and towns, the intensity of
of their position in the network and their spatial characteristics.
functions, the degree of mixed use and the decentralisation of
They also show what characteristics of the network or the station area
activities. In turn, spatial characteristics influence the development
must be changed in order to encourage a particular development.
and use of networks. desirable The second step of the survey consisted of an inventory of the existing
The integrated planning of urban development and network
relations between the areas and networks along the Stedenbaan line.
development can make use of the interactions between them not only
These relations were determined using a set of indicators which
to ensure better access within the South Wing, but also to make a broad
describe the positions of the stations within the network and the
impact on the economic development, the social and cultural potential
characteristics of the surrounding areas that will be influenced by
and the physical appearance of this metropolitan area. For instance,
the network: (a) the degree of access by public transport and (b) by
urban sprawl and fragmentation of the landscape are caused partly
car, (c) local housing and employment densities, and (d) the degree
by the growth of high-speed traffic. The low density this creates in
of mixed use. Drawing on existing knowledge about how spatial and
turn reduces the support base for services and so generates even more
network development influence each other, nine potential developments
traffic. Higher densities will make public transport viable and good
were outlined for typical situations found along the Stedenbaan.
multimodal access is an important characteristic and prerequisite for
These nine potentialities can be seen as ‘Stedenbaan typologies’.
attractive and sustainable mixed-use areas.
They describe developments that are promising since they are
The coalition of public parties involved in Stedenbaan – over twenty
inspired by the impacts of the transport network on specific areas
local authorities, five regional alliances, one provincial council and
and vice versa. The nine ‘Stedenbaan typologies’ are described briefly
central government – have set a broad range of goals for the future
on page 13.
development of the area. Furthermore, commercial and semi-public organisations are also becoming interested in a supraregional
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 13
stedenbaan typologies
Cities of the Future: easily accessible and
Randstad Hubs: not intensively used areas,
Rural Areas: spaces in the middle of the
dense housing areas; can gradually expand
but highly accessible by road and local public
landscape for low density housing
into mixed-use developments with their
transport; excellent places for experimental
development and recreational use.
own identity.
new employment and mixed-use areas.
Small Towns: new housing sites close to
Business Sites: extensively used areas along
Creative Cities: urban centres accessible by
the small towns that can expand into
the motorway to be turned into intensively
every mode of transport, well suited to new
autonomous, compact, lively, multifaceted
used employment zones.
urban-type dwellings and creative
communities set in the countryside.
Supraregional Crossroads: areas linked to
Outskirts of Cities: restructuring areas on
one of the major motorway intersections in
City Centres: key sites, well served by every
the quiet, spacious and green edges of the
the South Wing; highly suitable for
mode of public transport but less accessible
cities; these qualities are consolidated,
developing services with a supraregional
by car; will have to be better designed for
enhanced and used.
users of public transport.
approach to local development owing to the fact that a variety
The developments which are promising because they are supported
of environments responds better to a variety of market demands.
by the existing networks and areas (the potentialities) contribute to
Unsurprisingly, there are conflicts between some of the objectives
higher-level goals in varying degrees. The three scenarios have been
of the various stakeholders in the region and between the different
drawn up to reflect different aims. In each scenario the potentialities
administrative levels (local, regional, provincial and national).
are assigned to the stations differently because they contribute to
Following the inventory of development sites in the Stedenbaan
the relevant aim to a greater or lesser degree. The scenarios are
station areas and the review of the potentialities, the last stage
outlined hereafter.
of the ‘Space and Line’ study explored possible aspirations for the The Densification scenario
Stedenbaan project. Three scenarios were used to assess how these
This scenario is in line with the National Spatial Strategy, which
potentialities can be exploited to achieve the goals at the supraregional
Nine potential developments for Stedenbaan.
" L E IZ O
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cities and towns.
at the local level.
sphere of influence of transport hubs in order to create attractive
make maximum use of the potential for densification within the
ambitions of the Stedenbaan project can steer decision-making
objectives at a higher scale, and therefore also show how the
states that from a traffic/transport perspective it is important to
level. The Stedenbaan scenarios show how local choices can support
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 14
De Vink
am Centrum
@75> ;&((!2$8
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Rotterdam Centraal Leiden Noord / Merenwijk
Rotterdam Blaak
Delft Zui
Rotterdam Z
Leiden Cent
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Leiden de Mo
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H75@ G!'#;""2#;-
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P75P S$..!+,"8#-.",&$'
Plans for the 47 station areas involved in Stedenbaan.
The South Wing Network scenario In this scenario the metropolis is not defined as a single urban
transport and not in places where it is also likely to generate a good deal of vehicular traffic.
planning concept, but as a coherent programmatic whole. The scenario offers maximum diversity of services and locations within
The outcomes of the modelled scenarios show that in all scenarios
given temporal and spatial constraints. The quality of the location is
the quantitative goals for new housing and employment uses are
based on accessibility and on the sites designated for housing,
met. In the Densification scenario the amount of new housing in
recreation and employment. The main goal within this scenario is
dense urban environments goes far beyond the projected market
the formation of networks.
demand. This scenario also demonstrates that when densification is the prime goal it leads to the development of a one-sided offer
The Sustainability scenario The aim of this scenario is sustainable development. Great value is
of working environments. The South Wing Network scenario delivers a lower volume of development in terms of square metres of floor
placed on the potentialities for densification in existing urban areas,
space, but a broad variety of both housing and employment
for mixed-use, and hence more sustainable, development, and
environments. It also makes the biggest contribution towards the
which preserve the typical landscape. These potentialities support
development of an emerging regional transport network. However,
densification only where it will generate passengers for public
the high proportion of development with supraregional functions will
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 15
Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel
Rotterdam Lombardijen
P75B S$..!+,"8#J$8/"+,&4!'
P7@H G$+,+!*6.#K&!)N#D)&,
B75Q D$!.!+8!!+
Q75B K&!)N!+O!+O#""'#,!'#C[11!(
P7@P G$+,+!*6.#F81.!(N&4*O
B75A D$!.!+8!!+#R$1.
Q75Q W"3!((!#-*6$((!9""+
P75Q E"+!',+!*6.
Capelle Schollevaar
Rotterdam Alexander Den Haag Centraal
P75U DN&4',+!*6.
B75@ G!'#;""2#W!'.+""(
B75U E(!&Y$
Q75A S$..!+,"8#F(!0"',!+
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Q7@5 S$..!+,"8#I!&(&'2.!++!&'
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P7@> G$+,+!*6.#D)&,
B75B X3!'/)+2
Q75H Z$)N!O'$$3
Rotterdam Noord
generate additional traffic. The positive effects of the Sustainability
culture and development control powers are devolved to regional and
scenario can be seen in the outcomes for the environment and the
particularly local authorities. Apart from a few major infrastructure
preservation of open landscape. As expected, this scenario generates
and urban projects of national importance, most urban and
the least amount of car traffic.
infrastructure developments that exceed the boundaries of a single local authority have to be initiated, developed, coordinated or managed
from potentials to concrete ambitions Emerging metropolitan regions require not only new forms of
by regional authorities or coalitions of local authorities (either statutory or informal arrangements; the South Wing Administrative
transport but also new methods of spatial planning. Because
Platform is an example), and often in partnership with developers
interaction within the region transcends traditional planning
and other stakeholders. Such initiatives often have to be developed
boundaries it raises a number of questions, such as: Which
through a complex process of agenda-setting and negotiation.
developments should be planned and managed at the regional level? How much coordination between all parties involved (public
The ‘Space and Line’ survey by the South Wing Studio contributes to
authorities and market players alike) is necessary? Which quality
the ongoing development of the Stedenbaan project and the South
standards should be set and enforced at higher levels? And how can
Wing as a whole. The first and foremost task of the survey was to put
all this be organised and managed? Currently, in the Dutch planning
the Stedenbaan project onto the regional planning agenda. The idea
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 16
is that synergy and commitment can be stimulated by giving all the parties, both public and private, access to the same information and basic understanding. The parties involved do not always have to make hard-and-fast undertakings, but can work in a situation in which plans and development programmes are continually coordinated, refined and realigned. The stakeholders will work in a network structure whose components are flexible and can respond to new developments. A sound, flexible process will be vital for a project that encompasses the metropolitan area of South Holland, involves a wide variety of actors and will take half a generation to complete. Secondly the study assesses the merits of the project not only for the 47 individual station locations but for the entire South Wing. It aims to provide a broad understanding of what can be achieved
The Densification
at the regional level by a large-scale project such as Stedenbaan:
the satisfaction of market and transport demands within the region, the creation of a variety of complementary living and working environments that offer a wide choice and flexibility to meet changes in market demands, and development that is environmentally and socially sustainable. These qualities are based on the existing potentialities found along the Stedenbaan line. The present agreements between the leading partners in the Stedenbaan project draw on the dual-purpose strategy only for the purpose achieving their most direct goals: to generate more travellers and accommodate major housing and employment developments. But integrated urban and network development can also be a strong catalyst for developing and enhancing the qualities of a metropolitan region. The purpose of the ‘Space and Line’ survey was to explore and describe more ambitious aspirations for the Stedenbaan project. The results demonstrate that a much wider range of objectives can be met.
The South Wing
Network scenario.
about atelier zuidvleugel
Zuid-Holland provincial council established the Atelier Zuidvleugel (South Wing Studio) in May 2005. The studio is supported by the municipalities of Rotterdam and The Hague, the Bestuurlijk Platform Zuidvleugel (the South Wing Administrative Platform), the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) and the Habiforum and Transumo research programmes, who are now co-owners of the project. The studio was set up to study the evolution of the network city in the Randstad, the conurbation in the west of the Netherlands. It focuses on the effects of the increasingly complex and widespread social and economic interactions on the spatial development of the South Wing, the southern part of the Randstad.
Reactions to:
[email protected]
The Sustainability
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 17
One of the biggest challenges facing the European Union is to provide its citizens with a sustainable and competitive alternative to road and air traffic. Gösta Weber, project coordinator for HST4i, explains how two European investment projects – HST4i and HSTconnect – will increase the value of the High Speed Train (HST) network across North West Europe.
High speed investments The HST Partnership.
Detlef Golletz, Egon Walesch, Gösta Weber
Lille make them attractive to surrounding
Since their inception in 2002/3, the HST4i
and Celine Chambron South East England
regions, such as the Belgian border region
and HSTconnect projects have become more
Development Agency (SEEDA), Guildford, UK
of Leiedal. These regions are starting to form
relevant than ever. The steep rise in energy
economic clusters with the HST network as
prices, especially crude oil, together with
At its outset, the international High Speed
initial attractor. In return, strong and attractive
conflict and political instability in some of
Train (HST) Network in Europe was conceived
HST hubs pave the way for better services
the major oil producing regions, have brought
to connect the major European capitals like
and further enlargement of the HST network.
the potential risks of Europe’s heavy reliance on oil and natural gas into sharper focus.
London and Paris. Since then the network has grown so that today the HST network in North
The HST projects facilitate this process on
The connected geopolitical dangers, as
West Europe gives not only major European
different levels. First of all by co-funding
well as the direct and indirect costs of this
cities like Brussels, Frankfurt and Amsterdam
regional investments that improve the
dependency, are enormous.
the opportunity to profit from this sustainable
accessibility of the HST network; secondly,
form of public transport, but also other
by bringing decision makers from different
The transport sector is already one of the
European regions along the HST network.
regions and different countries together to
biggest consumers of petrol and consumption
The regions in close proximity to the HST
discuss and develop common economic and
is set to grow in future, according to most
network see it as an opportunity to link their
spatial strategies; and last but by no means
forecasts. Rail, however, is one of the most
regional economies to global hubs like London
least, by raising awareness on a European and
energy-efficient transport modes. It is still
and Paris and also to jointly achieve critical
national level for the needs and aspirations
growing as a market (though slower than
economic mass. For example, the advanced
of the HST regions and the potential of the
other transport modes) and has the potential
HST infrastructure of regional HST hubs like
HST infrastructure.
to significantly increase its passenger and
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 18
freight mileage year after year. The HST
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) –
European regions. For example, the low
Partnership was established to invest in
Thames Gateway Strategic Executive, Greater
capacity of South East England’s ports
creating a higher value European HST
London Authority (GLA)
causes congestion and storage problems at French harbours.
network to satisfy the transport needs of European citizens in the most efficient, reliable and sustainable way as possible. partnerships
south east england – transport bottleneck The South East England Development
SEEDA Chairman, James E Brathwaite CBE,
Agency (SEEDA) is one of nine regional
describes in his introduction to the new
development agencies in the UK. SEEDA
Regional Economic Strategy (RES) 2006–2016
is responsible for the social and economic
how critical better infrastructure is for the
international partnerships consisting of
development of South East England. Together
future of the region: ’Scenarios for the future
25 investment and strategic partners from
with London, the region is the powerhouse
demonstrate the extent of the challenge.
the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany,
of the UK economy. South East England’s
Without transforming both business
France and the Netherlands. With the
share of the UK’s annual Gross Domestic
innovation and the infrastructure of this
assistance of its European partners, the
Product is 15.7%, London’s is 16.4%.
region to meet 21st Century expectations
The HST projects are being driven by
South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) – the lead partner – was able to secure European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-funding for an investment package of € 48 million for the two projects (HST4i: € 29 M, HSTconnect: € 19 M). The projects allowed the partners to secure substantial, otherwise unavailable, funding for their regional transport infrastructure. In many cases, ERDF funding facilitated further funding opportunities. On a political level, the partners use the projects to raise awareness of their regional infrastructure needs. The partners of the HST projects by country are: Belgium Investment Partners (Cities and municipalities) Leiedal Intercommunale, Liege Strategic Partners (Regions)
SEEDA’s infrastructure projects.
Region of West-Flanders Germany Investment Partners
Due to its geographical position, South East
we may face a tipping point in the most
(Cities and municipalities) Aachen
England has strong links to its European
prosperous parts. Congestion, skills shortages
France Investment Partners
neighbours France, Belgium, the Netherlands
and reducing quality of life could turn our
(Cities and municipalities) Lille-Armentieres
and Germany. Additionally, the South East is
competitive advantages into blocks to future
Strategic Partners (Regions)
the gateway to continental Europe for all
Conseil Nord / Pas de Calais
other UK regions, thus its infrastructure has
The Netherlands Investment Partners
trans-regional importance.
The main infrastructure aims of the RES are very similar to other European regions.
(Cities and Municipalities) The Hague, Heerlen Strategic Partners (Regions) Parkstad Limburg
Along with London, South East England is one
Improving the accessibility of major transport
United Kingdom Investment Partners
of Europe’s biggest transport bottlenecks.
hubs like Gatwick airport or Southampton
(Cities and municipalities) Ashford, Cross River
The Channel Tunnel Rail Link is probably the
port are aims that can be found in regions
Partnership, Dover, Ebbsfleet, Hastings,
best known infrastructure project tackling
all over Europe. It is interesting, however,
Reading, Stratford
this problem. But the region is not only a
that beside Milton Keynes, the major growth
Strategic Partners South East England
bottleneck in terms of passenger transport.
areas of the region are along the only UK
Regional Assembly (SEERA), Government Office
Ports, roads, airports and freight corridors
HST line, the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL)
for the South East (GOSE), Transport for London
all have restricted capacities, impacting
into London.
(TfL), Government Office for London (GOL),
negatively on other UK and neighbouring
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 19
There are two reasons for this. Unlike other
restricted hinterland transport capacity
and sustainable transport modes, real-time
European regions today, the South East already
already limits the operation of French and
and continuous travel information,
faces capacity restrictions on all modes of
Belgian ports.
integrated ticketing, etc. The attractiveness
transport, whether rail, road or air. This is something that the whole of Europe does not
and accessibility of the existing European eu policy
HST network is improved by investing in
face yet, but will have to in the coming years.
The HST projects implement the aims of
Development opportunities in the region are
the Lisbon and Gothenburg Agenda, the 3rd
systems, trans-border rail services, and the
already restricted and this is why SEEDA will
Cohesion Report and the revised Transport
regeneration of stations and high density
focus on capacity management mechanisms
White Paper 2001. They focus particularly
station developments.
like distance-based road charging. The CTRL, on
on linking insufficiently connected systems:
the other hand, is one of the few new transport
spatial planning, economic planning, the HST
infrastructures in the region which offers new
network and regional transport are seen as
transport capacity not only in the form of
one entity. The assumption is that by better
are still constricted by national borders, as
international HST trains but, more important
integration of existing systems, relatively
structures, laws, regulations, responsibilities
to the immediate future, in the form of
low financial expenditure and better usage
and stakeholders change abruptly at these
domestic High Speed Train shuttles. This
of existing infrastructure, a high socio-
European borders, but this situation does
allows the UK government to promote much
economic added value can be realised.
not reflect the way of life and the mobility
the linkage to existing regional mobility
achievements Regional mobility and economic cycles
needs of European citizens. SEEDA, through
needed urban development next to the HST The projects concentrate on the weakest
the HST partnership, brings these different
points of the European travel chain e.g.
groups together via international workshops
The ports in South East England exemplify
cross-border rail services, transfer between
like the HST Station Development Workshop
how increasingly interdependent European
travel modes, the interdependence of the
in Utrecht, October 2005, to facilitate focused
regional economies are. Not only are
public realm, station developments and
exchange of knowledge and experience. On
Portsmouth, Southampton and Dover global
local businesses, industrial estates and
the ground, the HST partnership implements
access points for the whole UK, but their
public transport, suburban settlements
trans-border investments, thus overcoming
stations in Stratford, Ebbsfleet and Ashford.
Strong and attractive HST hubs pave the way for better services
Stratford – Main Urban Integration Route.
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 20
and ameliorating existing obstacles. Collected experiences are regularly fed back to the whole HST partnership in quarterly project meetings and are reflected in the three HST Studies. From the collective HST experience and lessons learned, success factors applicable to all elements of a sustainable European
Until now planning has been strongly limited by borders of communities, provinces and countries
travel chain are emerging, as follows: Character
to show EU politicians and programme
will serve both international and domestic
What is special about this place?
representatives how their political objectives
passengers and is due to open in 2007.
How is this reflected in my surroundings?
are carried out, e.g. at the HST Mid-Term
The Stratford City development partners
Continuity and Enclosure
Event on the 8th November 2006 in Brussels.
and London and Continental Railways (LCR)
Do I feel safe? Can I read the borders of
The aim is a feedback loop between policy
have been given planning consent for a
the space I am in? Do I have the feeling
and delivery.
major mixed-use development. This will
london olympics 2012
leisure development, 4,800 residential units,
of arrival? Do the borders of the space lead me on my way? Conviviality Do I feel welcome? Is the service attractive? Ease of movement
Stratford is a very good example of the
consist of 175,000 million m 2 of retail and 450,000 m2 of office space and up to 2,000
development potential the HST hubs offer.
hotel bedrooms. Over 30,000 new jobs are
Furthermore, is it an example for the urban
Is it easy to change places?
integration work of HST4i. Stratford, in East
Can I find and choose my way from A to B?
London, is an urban centre with a resident
Both stations will serve the Olympic Park.
population of 200,000. Its location between
High quality transport access to the Olympic
Do I always know where I am and where
Central London, Essex and East Anglia has
sites in Stratford and surrounding areas
my destination is?
led to it becoming a strategic transport
formed a pivotal part of London’s successful
interchange. It will also be the principal site
bid for the Olympic Games and Paralympic
Are there perceived or real barriers keeping
for the Olympic village for the 2012 London
Games in 2012. The development of Stratford’s
me from using services and the public realm?
Olympic Games. It lies within the Thames
stations is a crucial element of the 2012
Games transport strategy, and the Olympics Organisation Committee is aiming for an 80% public transport share for the games. There will be no on-site parking at the Olympic Park site. For the duration of the games themselves no international trains will stop at Stratford International – instead High Speed shuttles will arrive every three minutes from King’s Cross / St. Pancras. At Ebbsfleet international travellers will be able to change onto the Olympic shuttle, and 5,000 park and ride spaces will be provided. Kortrijk Station: HSTconnect investment.
With co-funding from Interreg IIIB, the London Partner studies and know-how of the 25 HST
Gateway Objective 2 economic area, one of
Borough of Newham will invest in a key
project partners from five EU countries have
the priority growth areas designated by the
integration route, one which will link Stratford
been collected, evaluated and underpinned
UK government for future development.
rail lands, Stratford international and regional stations with the existing Stratford town
by three scientific papers: the HST Spatial Planning & Transport Policy Study, the HST
Immediately north of Stratford rail station lie
centre. The London Borough of Newham will
Impact Study and the HST Connectivity Study.
79 hectares of developable brownfield land.
focus the ERDF resources on the public realm
These are important in order to formulate
Work is currently underway on this site to
in and around Meridian Square, which is right
common problems and perspectives. The
construct an international station as part of
at the centre of this key urban integration
essence of these is used by the partnership
the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL). The station
route. The square is the forecourt to Stratford
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 21
importance for the EU. The Stern report published in the UK on 30 October 2006 for the first time puts a staggering price tag on the impacts of climate change. European expansion and further cohesion of the single European market is creating more traffic – traffic connected to the necessary economic growth of the European community. How to realise growth with minimised traffic needs and minimised environmental impact will stay at the heart of the HST partnership. The partnership has requested that SEEDA advance the partnership by developing new projects. This development process will include expansion and a new focus of the partnership. The spatial expansion of the partnership will
Intercommunale Leiedal.
include further work on cross-border train regional station and a gateway to the Stratford
responsible for the social and economical
services. Eindhoven as HSTconnect partner,
rail land development on the one side and
development of twelve local municipalities
for example, has a strong interest in better
Stratford city centre on the other.
with 280,000 inhabitants. For several years the
rail links to Germany. This could include a
Intercommunale Leiedal has focused on better
direct link to the HST hub Aachen and further
Meridian Square will also be heavily impacted
connections to Lille, which is the regional centre
on to Köln/Bonn airport. The Parkstad-Limburg
by the development link that will bridge
as well as the nearest access point to the
region, in cooperation with the cross-border
the Great Eastern main line. This rail barrier
European high speed train network. Jointly,
business park Avantis and German partners,
currently divides Stratford rail lands, with
HST4i and HSTconnect are investing €6 million
wants to link the business park to the German
the international station to the north and
(and an ERDF share of €3 million) into the
and Dutch rail network. This would be a good
Stratford town centre, the regional station
upgrading of the stations at Wevelgem,
example of how economic development can
and the bus station to the south.
Harelbeke, Menen, Kortrijk and Waregem,
be achieved without additional traffic impact.
serving this cross-border service. Furthermore, crossing borders Besides urban investments like Stratford,
HST funds two background studies on inner-
There is further need to increase the
regional integration and on economic impact.
attractiveness of train travel and to align major infrastructure investments like HST
the HST partnership also invests in regional HST feedering services, for example from the
Interim results show an increase in passenger
with urban development. In the new Interreg
Belgian Leiedal region into Lille, France. Lille
numbers on the Kortrijk-Lille line due to the
funding period, the City of Aachen wants to
is another major European urban centre, with
improved stations and stations environments.
expand its HST project involvement. HST4i has
a population of 200,000. The conurbation,
Developing the train transport system as a
already contributed €1.9 million to Aachen’s
which includes the cities Roubaix, Tourcoing
spine in the urban network, linked to a major
station forecourt. Aachen now wants to create
and the satellite town Villeneuve-d’Ascq, has
transport node across the border (Lille), is an
a new entrance opening the station to the
1.1 million (1999) inhabitants, making it the
innovative approach to planning. Until now
neglected southern part of the city, creating
fourth biggest French metropolitan area and
planning has been strongly limited by borders
better urban through connections and
the regional centre of Nord / Pas de Calais.
of communities, provinces and countries.
development opportunities along the southern
Euralille station gives the region direct access
There is no tradition in planning for ‘borderless’
side of the railway lines. This is a good example
to the European HST network. Lille regional
urban networks.
of how economic opportunities can be opened up without the need for more mechanised
station is situated near to Euralille. Together, the two stations represent a transport hub of pan-European significance.
future The results of the HST Studies and the
traffic and at the same time upgrading the urban realm.
lessons learned by our investment partners On the fringe of the Lille conurbation, on the
lay the foundation for devising new projects
Belgian side of the border, lies the province
for the EU funding period 2007–2013. We are
of West-Vlaanderen. The HST project partner
convinced that the problems the HST projects
is the Intercommunale Leiedal, which is
are tackling will remain of paramount
Project websites
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NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 22
Tramways in France – born again for urbanism
Trams are making a comeback in French towns to combat the stranglehold of the car and the pollution it causes. Tramways are enjoying increasing recognition not only in France, but also throughout Europe and the world because of their environmental benefits and their potential for providing a backbone for urbanism. Sophie Labbouz, City of Paris Engineering School (EIVP) Youssef Diab, University of Marne-la-Vallée (UMLV), France
A tramway in Paris, quai du Louvre, 1916.
Photos: Sophie Labbouz (unless indicated otherwise) The first tramway in France was built in the Loire department in 1837
once animal traction was replaced by electrical traction in the 1880s
and was 15 km long. In 1853, a line called ‘the American railway’ was
and running costs decreased. The numbers of lines and passengers
built for the universal exhibition in Paris. Trams were subsequently
multiplied rapidly: trams became the main form of urban transport,
introduced into many French and European cities because they were
with 71 lines in Marseille, 38 in Bordeaux, 26 in Toulouse and 286 km
faster and more comfortable than the omnibus. Trams really took off
of railway scattered in the city of Lyon and its suburbs.
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 23
From the 1950s, buses became a serious rival for the tramways because of improved engine technology and the fact that they do not require an expensive infrastructure. The public authorities decided to invest in road infrastructure for cars and buses, which were viewed as a sign of progress. The tramway networks were neither maintained nor modernised and became discredited in the public’s eye. Tram vehicles seemed old, noisy and uncomfortable and people preferred to take the bus. The tramways were dismantled in most French cities during the 1950, leaving just three networks operating, in SaintEtienne, Marseille and Lille. Following the 1973 oil crisis and in the face of growing urban congestion, mobility policies changed and public transport lines were extended. A new tramway was tested in the city of Nantes, but although the project was brought to a successful conclusion,
Tramway in Strasbourg.
considerable modification was required to win over sceptical local inhabitants and satisfy changed political requirements. The new modern tramway came into service in 1985 and runs in special lanes segregated from car traffic. Grenoble, Strasbourg, Lyon, Rouen, Montpellier and Saint-Etienne have subsequently followed the example set by Nantes.
The tramway is a good compromise between the metro and the bus advantages The tramway is a good compromise between the metro and the bus: it is cheaper than the former and has a higher capacity than the latter. From the transport point of view, tramways are ideally suited
to medium-sized towns, for which a metro system is too expensive but which have need of good public transport services.
quiet, which is a much appreciated bonus because city dwellers find noise pollution to be one of the hardest forms of pollution to endure.
Trams are much more efficient than buses for several reasons. The first is the speed and, above all, the regularity of services. Thanks to
One of the most important advantages of tramways is the functional
the segregated lanes and the priority given to public transport at
link they make between transport and urbanism. The introduction of
traffic lights, trams are largely unaffected by the hazards of the urban
tramways into the urban fabric presents an opportunity for the local
environment. Secondly, the construction of new tram lines is linked
authority to reconsider the layout of public spaces and the urban
to restricted parking and car access to the town centre. Car parks are
landscape in general. Urban spaces can be designed to give priority to
built near tram stops in the suburbs to encourage motorists to take
pedestrians, cyclists and public transport, with wide pavements and
public transport rather than drive into town.
pedestrian precincts, especially in the town centre where it is pleasant to walk. The urban landscape associated with the tramway
Because trams are powered by electricity they are much more
can thus be used to increase the value of the areas through which
environmentally friendly than petrol or diesel vehicles. With air
they run: paving materials can be changed, trees planted and grass is
pollution in the cities a real problem and as sustainable development
often laid on the tramway. The image of the town is often governed
becomes increasingly important, this is another factor in favour of
by the success of the tramway project and so all the detailing is
trams. Thanks to the electric traction and the rails, trams are very
designed with a view to making life more pleasant for the residents.
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 24
For example, the street furniture, tramway and stops are usually
tramway network, the city council chose the second option and on
designed by famous architects and are specific to the city.
21 December 2003 the tram was operational again in the city. The modern network has three lines: line A carries 55,000 passengers
Tramways influence the development of the urban structure and the
each day, line B carries 60,000 per day and line C 20,000 per day.
urban fabric. By providing rapid links from the suburbs to the town
On average, the tram services account for 53% of Bordeaux’s public
centre, tramways can open up disadvantaged districts for
transport network frequentation.
development. Shops along the route benefit and real estate values and rental values increase as well. It is hard to measure the real
The philosophy underlying the network is to increase the value of all
impact of the tramway because of the time taken for the
the areas served by building new pavements, roads and urban spaces.
construction and the influence of other developments on these data.
Besides the technical requirements, aesthetic quality was the major
The city is really transformed when once the tram arrives.
consideration in the choice of urban furniture and materials. Elisabeth de Portzamparc’s design is highly specific to the Bordeaux
bordeaux The developments in Bordeaux are a good example of the
tramway. Castings, paving stones and granite kerbs were blended with grass and green elements throughout the layout. The urban
situation throughout France. In 1946 the tram network consisted of
furniture (stations, public seats, bins, etc.) has been created using a
38 lines and more than 200 km of tracks, but by 1958 all the lines were
mix of cast iron, glass and wood and is in perfect harmony with the
closed. After a long deliberation on whether to build a metro or a
urban heritage.
Montpellier. (photo: Raymond Linssen, The Hague, the Netherlands)
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 25
Two improvements deserve a special mention. The first is the renovation of all the facades along the quays at Garonne. During the construction of the tramway the city council made the owners of the buildings the façades, restoring their white colour and giving back the quays their old charm. The second is a technical innovation.
Between urban centres the tram can also operate like a train service
To respect the urban heritage and the old buildings near the line, the architects were asked to find a way to build the tramway without
2006. The original railway line, called Coquetiers’s Line, was opened
catenaries. In response, Alstom created the APS system (alimentation
in 1875 and follows the route of an old walk in the forest of Bondy.
par le sol: ground power supply) in which the trams receive their
It was closed to all traffic at the end of 2003 to allow construction
power from a third rail embedded in the tracks. No overhead cables
of the tram-train line, which is better integrated into the urban
and masts are needed, thus limiting the visual impact of the
landscape. The link between Aulnay and Bondy will serve nine
intermediate train stations on an 8 km route. The travel time is 19 minutes from end to end, or a commercial speed of 25 km/h.
the t4 tram-train Between urban centres the tram can also operate like a train service. The first such example is the T4, which runs in the suburbs of Paris between Aulnay and Bondy and was opened on 16 November
Valenciennes. (photo: Raymond Linssen, The Hague, the Netherlands)
During the rush hours the trains run at intervals of 4 minutes. The line is expected to carry 44,000 passengers per day, or 12.4 billion per year.
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 26
The conventional railway line between Aulnay and Bondy has been
The development of tramways is continuing in France. Marseille,
transformed into a tram line with a reduced impact on the urban
Angers and Le Mans are the furthest ahead with plans to build their
landscape in collaboration with the councils of the department and
first tram lines. Most towns and cities which already have tram
communes involved. Changing the old level crossings into crossroads
services are looking into possibilities to extend their networks.
improves safety and the relieves constraints on traffic flows, while
Nevertheless, the development of new tram projects may drop off in
the layout and design benefit pedestrians and bicycles. Where when
future because the French State has decided to stop financing local
the tram-train is the only vehicle to use its lane, the surfacing
public transport initiatives, which means that these towns would
material used is ballast. In the same way, all the railway furniture
probably choose to develop less expensive transport systems.
along the line is the same as that used by
Busway systems, such as the fourth major line in Nantes, are likely to
the SNCF. 1 This new light
rail service is therefore a compromise between a tram and train.
attract increasing attention because they combine the advantages of tramways for upgrading of the urban fabric with the cheap cost of a
the t3 and beyond
segregated bus lane.
After a break of 65 years, trams returned to the city of Paris on 16 December 2006. The line runs in the south of Paris from Pont de Garigliano to Porte d’Ivry, enabling passengers to interchange with five metro lines, two RER (express regional network) lines, 18 bus lines
RATP Département du Patrimoine, Les cahiers de la mémoire n°6, Le tramway, de ‘l’américain’ au métro léger (12 p), 2001.
in Paris and 19 bus lines in the suburbs.
RATP Département Développement et Action Territoriale, Insertion urbaine de tramways
Being a circle line the T3 service is a major step towards a
comprehensive public transport network in Paris. One of the major
en France, Collection Insertion Urbaine (113 p), 2005.
issues facing the Paris region is to link up the various parts of the
Bordeaux tramway:
public transport network and facilitate journeys between different
Nantes tramway:
points in the suburbs. At the moment the entire public transport network is oriented to the city centre. This new line makes it easier to travel from east to west and is the first circular tram line in Paris.
Paris tramway:
T4 tram-train: Notes 1
SNCF is the French train operator.
A connection is planned with the T2 tram line in the west of Paris. The ultimate, long-term goal is to create a continuous tram lime
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encircling the centre of Paris.
Map of Bordeaux’s public transport network.
The T3 tramway in Paris. (photo: Gérard Delafond)
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 27
The potential of cybercars
Towards a new mobility concept for cities
Small autonomous electric vehicles could provide an alternative to the motor car in an emerging new approach to mobility that tries to offer the same flexibility as the private car, but with much less nuisance and environmental impact. Their potential has been investigated in the European CyberCars and CyberMove projects.
Antonio Cunha and J. Varandas, Laboratory of Automatics and Systems, Pedro Nunes Institute, Portugal Jorge Dias and Rui Rocha, Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of Coimbra, Portugal Stefan van der Spek, Department of Urbanism, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
The use of private cars causes traffic congestion in many urban areas.
(source: European Community, 2006)
Illustrations: Antonio Cunha (unless indicated otherwise) In many urban environments the use of
less attractive to both tourists and residents.
information technologies), in many cases the
private cars causes severe problems of traffic
Moreover, the problems of many city centres
private car still offers a much better service
congestion, energy consumption (dependency
are compounded by a movement of
for the individual. As a consequence, car use is
on oil resources) air and noise pollution and
businesses to the periphery. Although public
constantly increasing. All this amounts to a
safety, leading to a general reduction in
transport systems have recently undergone
non-sustainable development of urban
quality of life and Making historic city centres
many improvements (mostly due to
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 28
Small autonomous electric vehicles or
fully autonomous driving capabilities and
to the sustainable development of the cities
cybercars, may be a flexible solution to public
are specifically designed for public use in
of tomorrow. The results of the selected test
transport systems in specific areas.
cities to provide on-demand door-to-door
sites were published and disseminated to
They could complement mass transit and
support other cities in planning future
non-motorised transportation, providing
CyberCars1 was an
passenger services for any location at any
The European project
time. Such systems are known as cybernetic
opportunity to test and exchange best
transportation systems (CTS).
practices for the development of a new
Cyber cars could complement mass transit and non-motorised transportation cybernetic transportation systems Cybercars use technologies which have
targets for increasing the physical capacity, energy saving, reducing traffic congestion and potential safety improvements.
platform for urban mobility. A major part of
In the CyberMove project a comparison was
the work carried out during the project was
made between new cybercar-based
the development of several key technologies
transportation systems in several historic
to improve the existing systems: better
cities. Public demonstrations were carried
guidance, collision avoidance, energy and
out in these cities to demonstrate that
fleet management, and the development of
cybercars offer a cleaner and safer mode of
simple user interfaces. The work was carried
transport for everyone, including people who
out on a cooperative basis in order to reach
cannot (or should not) drive, and a better
a consensus on the certification techniques
level of service than private cars (individual,
for these systems, which currently suffer
door-to-door, on-demand transportation).
from a very imprecise regulatory framework.
The essential goal was to demonstrate that
The CyberMove project2 attempted
the new mobility concept has the potential to
to make an essential contribution to the
the potential to contribute to a sustainable
demonstrate that cybercars have enough
sustainable development of the cities of
development of cities. These vehicles have
potential to make an essential contribution
tomorrow. The ultimate aim is to create an alternative transport system that can make city centres more attractive and sustainable. The advantages of cybernetic transport systems (CTS) include the reduction of congestion, better air quality and energy conservation, increased safety when compared with manual driving and no need for a driving licence. Moreover, cybernetic cars are easily moved from one location to another and, when not needed, they can drive themselves autonomously to a remote parking area. The concept and associated technologies may be appropriate for delivery of goods and even for refuse collection. The flexible design of CTS makes it possible to optimise overall system performance. CTS technology has already reached suitable levels of reliability, safety and user friendliness that they can be useful to solve some mobility problems in cities.2
Although the first Cybercar was introduced in the 1990s, the first operational project started at the end of 1997 at Schiphol Airport: the Parking Hopper (Frog). Other examples of automatic guided vehicles in the Frog peoplemover. (source: Frog navigation systems, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Netherlands are the ECS container terminal
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 29
Frog Park Shuttle in Capelle, near Rotterdam. (source: Frog navigation systems, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
in the harbour of Rotterdam and the Park
offering individual door-to-door
place in an area between the Municipal
Shuttle I + II in Capelle (Frog). During the
transportation and are capable of driving in a
Square and the S. Francisco Church
Floriade in 2002 Yamaha provided a large
mixed-use urban environment. Another type
(Rua Direita), with an approximate length of
number of cybercars based on an adapted
is the shuttle. The Park Shuttle, for example,
500 m. In two periods of four hours each, a
chassis of a golf car offering transport up the
uses a dedicated lane with fixed stops, but
fleet of three electrical vehicles was available
hill. These cars were later donated to and
tests (e.g. Delft, Monaco) show that
for the community. These vehicles covered
used in the CyberCar and CyberMove
implementation and application in a mixed
the designated area at a speed of 8 km/h,
research projects. This meant research could
urban environment is possible as well. Other
making stops at four predetermined points.
focus on technical issues only, such as
types of shuttles, like the ULTra (BSA), use a
improving guidance, navigation, collision
specific infrastructure.
Covilhã is built on the slopes of the highest mountain in continental Portugal. The
avoidance, energy management and the user interface. The design of the vehicle itself was
covilhã showcase workshop and public
uptown and historic centre lies at an altitude
less significant at that stage.
cybercar demonstration
of 680 m, the downtown at an altitude of
The Connected Cities conference, steering
550 m and the new town at an altitude of 450 m. The climate is characterised by cold
Yamaha’s cybercar, or Automated Guided
group meeting and showcase workshops
Vehicle (AGV), is comparable with Frog’s
took place in Portugal on 9, 10 and 11 October
Parking Hopper. Another example of this
2006 in the town of Covilhã. The Showcase
(about 40oC). The town is spread out along
type of People Mover or Personal Rapid
Workshop included a public demonstration
the hillside and has three natural barriers:
Transit (PRT) is Robosoft’s CyCab. All are small
of the operation and capabilities of
two creeks and the difference in altitude
vehicles for two to four people potentially
cybercars. This public demonstration took
between the uptown and the downtown.
winters (about 0oC) and very hot summers
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 30
yamaha agv
system uses filtering techniques (Kalman filters) to attain highly
Each vehicle is an electric Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV) for transporting up to four people. It is powered by lead acid batteries
accurate positioning from inertial sensors, their errors being bounded by the absolute localisation provided by DGPS.
with an operation time of 52 min/h in full mode operation. It can travel at a maximum speed of 10 km/h or more and an average speed
In this system, any user can access the CTS by walking towards the
of 8 km/h. Its range is 30 km. The vehicle was originally designed for
nearest stop and request the transportation service through the user
transporting people on golf courses and then further adapted for use
interface provided at those places.
in urban environments. It has a built-in autonomous wire guidance During a demonstration in Coimbra, YAMAHA interviewed users of
the vehicles. Sixty-two per cent of the valid respondents thought The vehicle has been provided with important add-ins, such as
AGV has prospects compared with walking, cycling and other modes
automatic passenger detection, a human-vehicle interface and
of transport, especially for distances of about two kilometres.
laser-based collision avoidance. The vehicle’s navigation capabilities
Based on vehicle specifications, AGVs are promising at a distance of
consist of an innovative navigation system, which was developed in
between one and three kilometres compared to walking and public
the CyberCars project, based on the fusion of differential GPS (DGPS)
transport. Ten aspects were checked in the interview: comfort,
and inertial sensors. The system benefits from the complementary
getting on and off, seating, safety, operation, speed, acceleration,
characteristics of both sensor modalities. DGPS provides reliable
design, ecology and silence. Most aspects scored above average,
positioning with a bounded error, but with poor precision (a few
except for seating and speed (average), and silence and ecology (very
metres). Dead-reckoning based on inertial sensors can provide high
precision short-term relative positioning (a few centimetres) but suffers from the accumulation of integration errors. The navigation
– Suggest what types of demonstrations
The gradient of the slope between the
cities. Based on the public demonstration
downtown and the uptown is about 17%, and
and the people’s opinion and reactions
are necessary to persuade the local
between the new city and the uptown about
(e.g. by urban planners, politicians, traffic
authorities (politicians, urban planners,
11%. The town has a population of about
planners, users) the workshop questioned
traffic planners, etc.) to adapt the concept
35,000. The residents of the historic centre
the future applications of cybercars in this
are mainly older people and university
specific context. An attempt was made to
students. The population of the downtown
evaluate the conditions in which cybercars
and new town, which contain three medium
could offer innovative and practical solutions
more suitable in specific (designated)
to large commercial areas, is composed
for mobility in cities. The overall objective
environments with different target groups,
mainly of middle class families.
was to develop a new product based on the
such as hospitals, university campuses,
existing cybercars.
airports, golf courses, leisure and business
workshop conclusions In general, cybercars are considered to be
parks, where the distance covered is
In terms of mobility, the historic centre of Covilhã has very narrow streets. Many of the
In the process of transforming the invention
considered to be small. Likewise, they may
streets are one-way only, or only wide
into an innovation, the following items were
be an option for tourist use, providing a fun
enough for one-way traffic. Most of the
experience and particularly suitable for old
residents of the historic centre do not have
– Suggest new functions for the system to
towns and cities – but careful marketing
a legal parking space near their homes.
fit the people needs
The main issues are traffic congestion to
– Suggest new applications for the system
and from the old city and the loss of urban
– Enumerate conditions for and constraints
functions in the old town centre. covilhã cybermoving workshop In an attempt to bridge the gap between invention and innovation, the workshop’s
would be needed. Several improvements are needed before
on the use of cybercars in cities and
cybercars can be transformed into a public
private sites
transport mode for a large number of people.
– List the potential users of this mobility technology – Suggest what types of demonstrations
The major difficulties concern safety (internal and external), accessibility, comfort, space, costs, speed, vulnerability, driving
main goal was to develop guidelines for
are necessary to promote the product to
experience, design and product value. Some
adjusting the specification for cybercars
potential users, and what partners should
of the main ideas for improving cybercar
designed specifically for use in towns and
be invited to improve the demonstration
systems (vehicles, system management, user
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 31
interface, new applications, etc.) try to
transport. Such as strategy could speed up
satisfy the general criteria listed here.
acceptance of cybercars by the public and
Several solutions were presented, some of
adoption of the technology.
them solidly practical and others wildly impractical.
Notes 1
The main advantage of AGVs is their flexibility, ease of implementation and cost-
The most important improvements to the
effectiveness. Development of these vehicles
actual cybercars that will be needed to
is already influencing car design and will
develop a new product are improved
influence our environment. New techniques
industrial design, mass customisation, voice
developed for cybercars are already available
communication, low maintenance cost,
in modern cars (cruise control, adaptive
longer battery life and higher speeds. Some
functions and dual mode cars, e.g. fuel and
extra options should be added, such as
electricity) and lorries (e.g. emergency
wireless internet, air conditioning, a platform
breaking). In future, cybercar technology may
ramp and dynamic route information. It will
give us safer and more sustainable cars.
also be necessary to ensure flexibility (no set
We might not even have to look for our car or
route), improve the sensors, add lighting,
search for a parking space: the car could find
provide automatic doors and make the
its own remote parking space and turn up
cybercar more noticeable (light and noise).
again when we need it!
The ideas collected during this exercise will be included in the Connected Cities best practices manual and will used by the Pedro Nunes Institute for the further development of the cybercar concept. conclusion Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) were first introduced some years ago. Today, several types can be found in practice. People movers using dedicated and separated lanes have been introduced to transport people at airports. Containers are moved by automatic vehicles in designated areas of ports. Shuttle buses without drivers are in service on dedicated lanes, and Phileas, in Eindhoven, is a Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT) based on AGV technology. But a new era might come with the introduction of the AGV. It makes sense to start with controlled applications of cybercars for short trips at special locations like natural parks, hospitals, airports and historic town centres before employing them in cities to complement other forms of
The car could find its own remote parking space and turn up again when we need it
– –
Parent M., Cybercars, Past, Present and Future of the
Technology, INRIA – project IMARA, 2005.
Rocha R., Dias J., Cunha A. and Varandas J., Towards A New Mobility Concept For Cities: Architecture &
Programming Of Semi-Autonomous Electric Vehicles. Proceedings of 12 thIASTED International Conference, –
Robotics and Applications, 2006.
Valejo A., Meisner T., Dias J. and Nunes U., Cybernetic Transport Systems in Coimbra: evaluation and
demonstration for CyberMove project, Proceedings of 2004 European Ele-Drive Transportation, 2004.
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[email protected]
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 32
Covilhã: mobility in a mountain town Jorge Humberto and Gaspar Gonçalves, Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal
Steep gradients in Covilhã uptown.
Frank van der Hoeven, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands Photos: Jorge Humberto and Gaspar Gonçalves The activities of the Connected Cities network include showcase
located on one of the hillsides of the highest mountain of continental
workshops. These are based on a give-and-take formula in which a
Portugal. Around half the population live in Conceição, Santa Maria,
partner can invite other partners to illustrate an inspiring case study
São Martinho and São Pedro, the four central parishes. The urban area
or present an issue or a problem and ask for advice. The ‘Mobility in
of Covilhã has a low population density, only a third of the national
Covilhã’ showcase is a clear example of the latter. Showcases are
prepared in advance. In the case of Covilhã the local authority and
The easiest way to describe Covilhã is to divide it into three parts: the
the university produced a lengthy paper and a comprehensive
uptown, the downtown and the new town. The uptown includes the
presentation. Both documents provide insights in the main
historic centre, old residential buildings, churches and services such
characteristics of the town and the mobility problems it faces. Low
as banks, insurance companies, medical services, shops, the town hall,
density mountain town Covilhã, founded in 1186, is a large town of
local government offices, police and fire brigade, the main university
35,000 inhabitants in the eastern midlands of Portugal. The town is
buildings and day care centres. The downtown has the train station,
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 33
local shops, prison, elementary and secondary schools, some financial services, day care centres, municipal offices and residential areas. The main land uses in the new town are residential developments, shopping centres, the regional bus terminal, the sports complex, the hospital and health centre and the new medical school. Almost all the old textile industries in the town have been converted into teaching facilities by the local university or have moved to the two suburban industrial parks, to the north and south of the town. The main traffic generators are the university facilities, town hall facilities, the new shopping centres, the hospital and medical school and the central business district in the uptown. barriers Covilhã faces three natural barriers: two creeks (Goldra and Carpinteira) and a difference in altitude of 230 metres between the uptown and the new town. The steep slopes and medieval layout makes it a challenge to implement good mobility solutions. The difference in altitude hampers movement through the town, especially walking. The barrier caused by the two creeks doubles the distance of the main access road to the uptown centre. The low population density does not create the best conditions for public transport. Covilhã’s road network is determined by its historical centre. The streets are narrow and most permit only one-way traffic. Slopes of over 8% are common. In the uptown some gradients are as steep as 13%. The main artery through the town is a busy national road, which is used to access the national park and ski track on the mountain passes above the town. An external ring to access the mountain is planned, but will still partly make use of the existing road network. The new town is bisected by a road that connects the town to the two industrial parks to the north and south (the TCT road axis).
Gradients to overcome by pedestrians.
modal split
The bus is the main type of public transport in Covilhã and the
The private car plays an important role in the residents’ mobility.
network covers about 65% of the urban area of Covilhã. The average
Private cars are used for about half of the trips to work and school.
distance between bus stops is around 300m. The admissible walking
A quarter of the trips to work and school are made on foot, mainly in
distance to the bus stops is limited by the steep gradients of most
the four central parishes. Buses account for about a sixth of the trips
streets: the catchment area of the bus stops is 250 m, instead of the
to work and school, in line with other cities. In some areas, the share
usual 400 m. The urban bus routes are almost all one-way loops with
of the bus in the modal split is double the average at one third.
a low frequency, on average served by one bus per hour. There is no
Local people do not seem to experience many problems with trip
space for dedicated bus lanes in most of the urban area. The
time; 90% of the journeys to work or to school take less then
commercial speed is around 15 km/h. The public transport company is
30 minutes and 60% take less then fifteen minutes. Despite this,
private and has a fleet of fourteen mostly old buses and the present
at peak traffic hours, traffic queues still form, but generally last no
operator is not encouraged to invest in providing a better service.
more than five to ten minutes each.
Occupancy rates are always lower than two-thirds and passengers
The town has well over 4,000 parking spaces for public use.
rarely have to stand. New users experience considerable difficulty
The uptown is the only area where paid parking spaces outnumber
using the system because very little information is available and
unpaid spaces and provision of off-street parking outstrips the
there are only three ticket outlets.
amount of on-street parking space. Few residents in the historic
Mobility problems Overall, Covilhã’s main mobility problems relate to
centre have access to a nearby legal parking space. Much of the
the use of public transport, private car usage and walking. These
on-street parking space here is not well defined, which results in
issues are characteristic for a small town in a rural area. The Covilhã
illegal or irregular parking. Parking in the downtown and in the new
experts did not refer to problems with links to the cities and regions
town is plentiful, mostly free and on-street.
in Portugal or Spain, let alone to cities and regions in the rest of
NovaTerra Connected Cities / february 2007 / 34
Europe. So, at first sight, Covilhã’s mobility issues seem to be restricted to the town itself. These are outlined briefly below.
desired future scenario As a next step the local authority and the university have drawn up a desired future scenario, aimed at improving the residents’
Bus system The frequency of the bus service is low. The travel time is
mobility. Although the scenario may be considered too ambitious and possibly unfeasible, its main objective, say the local experts, is to
unnecessary long because of the loop configuration of the system.
provoke a reaction from the other partners and elicit their opinions.
The buses are old and noisy, cause air pollution and use too much
The local experts wanted to know if the other partners have faced
fuel. They also have difficulty manoeuvring in the narrow streets and
similar problems and been successful in implementing adequate
road intersections.
solutions. The ambition of the desired scenario is to cut the share of the private car in the modal split by half. To achieve this the
Private car use Access by car to the historic centre is limited by reduced
proportion of journeys by public transport needs to double. In the scenario the town will design a self-sustainable public transport
manoeuvrability and illegal parking of private cars in the uptown
concession that will ensure high quality standards. At the same time
obstructs public transport and pedestrians. Most off-street parking is
the local authority will apply financial incentives for the use of non-
privately owned and out of the local authority’s control; the non-
polluting fuels. Other sustainable transport modes of transport are
central areas contain many unused parking spaces. Two underground
encouraged as well: electric bicycles (e-bikes) and walking. Residents
car parks in the town centre are privately owned. The revenues from
will be encouraged to travel to and from the uptown to make the
on-street parking contribute to their financing (for the next 40 years).
historical centre more attractive to live and shop, while the overall pedestrian accessibility of the uptown and the older public buildings
Walking The steep gradients between the downtown and the uptown
will be upgraded. Parking facilities will be improved to make them more acceptable to residents and illegal curbed as a result.
make the town difficult to navigate by foot. The materials used to
Paid on-street parking solutions will generate long-term revenue
surface the pavements are slippery during wet weather and many
that will contribute to the financing of other mobility systems.
pavements are often too narrow or cluttered with obstacles.
The Covilhã experts already had some solutions in mind, steered the
Measures and facilities to provide adequate access to the town for
discussion of the scenario by asking several detailed questions: Is the
people with reduced mobility are lacking, especially to the older
desired modal split feasible? Can the quality of the bus service be
public buildings.
enhanced by moving towards mini- or midi-buses? If alternative fuels
Local authority will apply financial incentives for the use of non-polluting fuels
are to be applied, what would be better: hydrogen fuel cells or electricity? Is it feasible for buses to include spaces for bikes? Can parking revenues or road pricing help to subsidise public transport? Could pedelecs or e-bikes provide solutions for the steep slopes of a mountain town like Covilhã? Could elevators and escalators improve the accessibility of the town centre? And finally: could park and ride systems be feasible and help to reduce traffic problems in the town centre? Ensuring sustainable urban mobility During the workshop the experts from the other partners formulated opinions based on Covilhã’s scenario. The general feeling among the Connected Cities network was that mobility should be used as a way to influence or steer urban or regional developments. Without a clear idea where the town wants to go, it is difficult to tell if a solution is right or wrong, even if the solution is generally considered sustainable. Covilhã has to develop a spatial vision before it can address the mobility questions it has raised. The local authority should undertake detailed traffic studies the get a better idea of the main origins and destinations in the town. More insight into the use of public transport and walking patterns is necessary as well. The differences between the uptown, downtown and new town seem so large that Covilhã probably needs tailor-made solutions for each of the areas, with particular attention to the relations between them. The specific conditions of the mountain town clearly require
Covilhã downtown.
innovative strategies for clean urban transport. These strategies
Covilhã newtown.
The specific conditions of the mountain town clearly require innovative strategies for clean urban transport should ensure accessibility for all. In the case of Covilhã, the
The first solution tried to integrate the existing bus system into a park and ride scheme. The second solution focused on improving pedestrian access to the town centre, overcoming the steep gradients and height differences in the town. The first solution reflects the idea that we should not choose between the car and the bus. Finding a balanced way for several modes of transport to work together might provide solutions that are more sustainable. The second solution reflects the concern that the vitality of the historic town is under much pressure. The limited accessibility is believed to contribute to that problem.
accessibility of the old town and the older public building is clearly an issue. The bus system appears to be antiquated and the feasibility
In the end we left Covilhã with the feeling that the town needs a
of a European bus system of the future should be explored. The links
spatial vision with an integrated innovative strategy for clean urban
with the outer parishes could be served by new mobility concepts for
transport based on adequate data. The Connected Cities network
passengers that guarantee accessibility for all, such as paratransit.
combines enough knowledge and experience in this area and several
All the solutions should be subjected to an interactive planning
partners expressed their willingness to help with this task.
process in which all the relevant stakeholders are represented. Once
Connected Cities can offer the local authority an opportunity to work
applied, the efficiency of the solutions should be monitored and if
in smaller expert groups on specific solutions: the overall spatial
necessary adjusted to ensure the desired results. If Covilhã is serious
vision, transport development, travel demand management, bus
about curbing use of the private car, it has to offer alternatives and
rapid transit systems and paratransit. Additionally, we could explore
apply restrictions on car access.
whether initiatives can be undertaken within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), the European research programme. FP7 has just
workshop results In the end the workshop produced two solutions. In our experience, such solutions should not be taken too literally because
published its first calls for proposals and the issues Covilhã faces seem to match FP7’s focus. The challenge is clearly there and the opportunities are plentiful. It is time to act.
they are developed in a limited time. It is more interesting is to see what their objective is; what do they try to solve?
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Connected Cities
Connected Cities is about sustainable mobility and spatial development. As EU-sponsored Interreg IIIC
Municipality of Kardjali
network it focuses on high quality public transport
mobility and quality of life in urban and rural areas.
Sénart Public Local Authority
and transport development areas, aimed at improving The network activities will continue until the end of 2007. European network
Connected Cities brings together twenty-five partners throughout Europe. The partners in Connected Cities will share their experiences and insights through
City of Paris Engineering School (EIVP)
Ghent University / Architecture and Urban Planning
Netherlands Centre for Underground Construction(COB) TNO Environment and Geosciences
Institute Pedro Nunes (IPN)
Hamburg-Harburg University of Technology (TUHH)
of Patras (ADEP)
European New Town Platform (ENTP)
structure (SRE)
Facilities (STUVA)
through a guide to good practice.
Eindhoven Regional Government Administrative
Research Association for Underground Transportation
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
management and coordination, interregional showcase
workshops, dissemination and communication, including
Municipal Enterprise of Planning & Development Development Agency of Magnesia S.A. (ANEM)
City Hall of Covilhã
Federation of municipalities and provinces of Castilla-La Mancha (FEMPCLM) Municipality of Toledo
Municipality of Philippi
United Kingdom
University of Thessaly
South East England Development Agency (SEEDA)
Region of Thessaly
Municipality of Ancona Municipality of Ferrara
Bristol City Council
Transport for London (TfL)