Nota Pendek

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  • Words: 2,900
  • Pages: 9
FORM 1 CHAPTER 1 Mass • Mass is the quantity of matter in an object. • SI unit : Kilogram (kg) • Lever balance

Animal : • Amoeba • Paramecium • Plasmodium

Weight • Weight is the pull of gravity on an object • SI unit : Newton (N) • Spring balance

Multicellular organisms: Plant : • Spirogyra • Sea weed • Grass

Basic physical quantities & S.I. Physical quantities SI Unit Length Metre (m) Mass Kilogram (kg) Time Second (s) Temperature Kelvin (K) Electric current Ampere (A)

Animal : • Eagle • Squirrel • Ant Cell organisation Cell → Tissue → Organ → System → Organism

Measuring tools

System and function Skeleton system: • Protects internal organs and gives support to the body

Length : • • •

Measuring tape Metre rule Calipers

Measure area of irregular shape: • Graph paper

Blood circulation system: • Transport dissolved food, gases, and waste materials

Measure volume of liquid: • Measuring cylinder • Burette • Pipette

Nervous system: • Conveys nerve impulses and reacts to stimuli


Reproductive system: • Produces reproductive cells

Structure of cell and its function Nucleus Cell control centre Cell membrane Controls the entry and exit of materials from the cell

Cytoplasm Stores dissolved materials

Chloroplast Produces chlorophyll

Vacuole Contains water and solute

Cell wall Maintains the shape of the cell

Respiratory system: • Enables the exchange of gases with the surroundings Excretory system: • Removes wastes materials from the body Digestive system: • Breaks up food into simples form to be absorbed and used by the body Muscular system: • Moves the parts of the body

Unicellular organism Plant : • Chlamydomonas • Yeast • Euglena




What is matter? • Matter is everything that has mass and occupies space • Matter is made up of tiny particles Matter exist in either: Solid: Liquid :

Particles vibrate in their position

Particles move gliding among each other

Contents of air: • Nitrogen • Oxygen • Carbon dioxide • Inert gases • Microorganisms • Water vapour • Dust

Gas :

Properties of carbon dioxide: • Colourless, odourless and tasteless gas • Slightly soluble in water • Very soluble in sodium hydroxide • Changes moist blue litmus paper from blue to red

CHAPTER 4 Basic resources of earth : • Water • Air • Soil • Living things • Minerals • Fossil fuels

Confirmation test for carbon dioxide: Limewater test: • Carbon dioxide turns the limewater cloudy Respiration

Classification of matter: Matter is classified into:



Substance which is made up of one type of particle only

2. •

Compound Substance that is made up of two or more types of elements. Chemically combined Separation method : electrolysis

• • 3. • •

Carbon dioxide Energy

Non - Metal

78% 21% 0.03% 0.9%

Confirmation test for Oxygen: Glowing wooden splinter: • Presence of oxygen causes the glowing wooden splinter to ignites.

Density = ____mass of substance (g)___ Volume of substance (cm3)


: : : :

Properties of oxygen: • Colourless, odourless and tasteless gas • slightly on water • no effect on litmus paper • supports combustion and respiration

Particles move fast and randomly

Density: • Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance. • Unit : g/cm3 Density formula:


Separation method : o Distillation o Filtration

Glucose Glucose + oxygen


water + carbon dioxide + energy

Comparison between inhaled and exhaled air: Inhaled Nitrogen – 78% Inert gases – 0.9% Oxygen – 21% Carbon dioxide – 0.03%

Mixture Substance that consist of two or more substance Joined physically

Exhaled Nitrogen – 78% Inert gases – 0.9% Oxygen – 16% Carbon dioxide – 0.03%

Combustion: Carbon + oxygen Hydrocarbon + oxygen


Light E. + Heat E. + carbon dioxide Light E. + Heat E. + carbon dioxide + water

Renewable energy sources: • Solar • Water • Wind • Biomass • Geothermal • Wave/tidal

CHAPTER 6 FORMS of energy: • Potential energy • Kinetic energy • Heat energy • Light energy • Chemical energy • Sound energy • Electrical energy • Nuclear energy

Non-renewable: • fossil fuels • radioactive substances


heat is a form of energy heat can be produced by the following ways: o rubbing two objects together o burning objects o electricity that runs through a coiled wire • heat causes solids, liquids and gases to expand and contract • differences between heat and temperature Heat Temperature A form of energy The degree of hotness or coldness of a substance Unit = Joule (J) Unit = Kelvins (K)

Potential energy: • Energy stored in an object due to its position or condition Kinetic energy: • Energy stored in any moving object Heat energy: • Is a type of energy that rises the temperature of an object. Light energy: • Energy that enables us to see Chemical energy: • Energy stored in chemical substances • Eq: Food, battery, fuel

Heat flows in three different ways: 1.

Sound energy: • Energy that is produced in vibrating object


Electrical energy: • Is produced by an electric charge or current

Conduction is the flow of heat through solid Convection is the flow of heat through fluids such as in gases and in liquids

Nuclear energy: • Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom


SOURCES of Energy: • Fossil fuels • Biomass fuels • Wind • Water • Sun • Radioactive substances • Geothermal energy

Land breeze:

Radiation is the transfer of heat through vacuum (Heat flows from hotter area to colder area) •

• • •

At night Sea is warmer than land Cool air from land flows to the sea as land breeze

Sea breeze:

Renewable & Non-renewable energy sources


• • • •

During day Land is warmer than the sea Less dense hot air on land rises Cool air from the sea flows towards the land as sea breeze

Defects of vision: 1. long sighted • Can see far objects clearly • Image formed behind retina • Causes: - eyeball too small/short - lens too thin • correction – Use convex lens

Physical process that involved in the change of states of matter. solid

2. • • • Liquid


Absorption of heat: • Durk and dull objects absorbs heat better than shiny objects

short sighted can see near objects clearly image formed infront of retina causes: - eye ball too big/long - Lens too thick correction – use concave lens

Gives out heat: • A dull, dark surface, gives out heat better than white shiny surface.

Properties of sound: • is a form of energy • produced by vibrating objects • travels in the form of waves • can be reflected (echo) • can be absorbed • can only travel through medium • cannot travel through vacuum


Stimuli and responses in plants: Phototropism: • Stimuli – Light • Response to obtain sunlight

Sensory organs: Skin: • sense of touch • Stimuli : hot, cold, pain, pressure, touch

Geotropism: • Stimuli – gravity • Response to root itself firmly in the soil/to obtain mineral salts and water

Nose: • sense of smell • Stimuli : Chemical substance in the air

Hydrotropism: • stimuli – water • Response to obtain water and mineral salts

Tongue: • Sense of taste • Stimuli:Chemical substance in the food

Thigmotropism: • Stimuli – touch • Response to obtain support and light

Ear: • •

sense of hearing Stimuli: sound


Eye: • sense of sight • Stimuli: light

Classes of food: Carbohydrate: • supply energy

Properties of light: • light can be reflected and refracted



• •

needed for growth produce new cells

Starch Protein Fat

glucose amino acids Fatty acid + glycerol

fats: • •

insulator of heat for the body supply energy

water: • helps transport excretory products from cells to excretory organs • helps the digestion of food

CHAPTER 3 Animal kingdom:

vitamins: • maintain good health

Inverertebrates: No backbones

Vertebrates: Have backbones

Minerals: • maintain good health

Mammals Body covered with hair/fur Breath through lungs Give birth to young alive

Fibre: • helps in peristalsis • prevents constipation

Birds Body covered with feathers Breath through lungs Lay eggs Have wings

FOOD TESTS Starch: • a few drops of iodine solution is added to food sample • +ve result = It turns Dark Blue

Warm Blooded

Reptiles Body covered with dry scales Lay eggs

Glucose: • Benedict’s Solution is added to the food sample and heated • +ve result = Brick red precipitate formed

Amphibians Live on both land and water Breath through lungs & moist skin Have moist skin Lay eggs

Protein: • Millon’s reagent is added to the food sample and heated • +ve result = Brick red precipitate formed

Fish Live in water Breath through gills Body covered with slimy scales Have fins Lay eggs

Fats: • A little food sample is placed on a piece of filter paper • +ve result = A translucent spot is detected.

Plant Kingdom Flowering plant




Large intestine

Breath Through lungs

Duodenum Small intestine

Monocotyledons (Plants with only one cotyledon) Leaves with parallel veins Have fibrous roots Eq: Paddy,oil palm, maize

Non-Flowering plant Ferns Mosses Fungi Algae


Dicotyledons (Plants with two cotyledon) Have net veined leaves Have tap roots Eq: beans, hibiscus, rubber trees




Biological control • is a control of pests by the introduction of their natural enemy Food web • Producer (Selalunya tumbuhan)

CHAPTER 4 Species : • A group of the same kind of organisms with common characteristics

Population : • a group of organisms of the same species living and reproducing in a defined area

Photosynthesis • merupakan process membuat makanan oleh tumbuhan hijau

Community : • is made up of different populations of organisms living together in a habitat

Carbon dioxide

Ecosystem : • consists of plants, animals and the nonliving environment interacting with each other for living


Prey-predator • Predator : animal that hunts other animals for food • Prey : The animal being hunted (hubungan pemangsa-mangsa)



sunlight chlorophyll




Preservation • Measures taken to maintain living organisms and the natural environment in their natural balance state

Interaction between living organism:

CHAPTER 5 Physical characteristics of water • water can exist in 3 states : Solid, liquid, gas • Colourless, tasteless, odourless at room temperature • Freezing point of pure water : 0oC

Symbiosis a) Commensalism • satu pihak mendapat faedah dan pihak yang satu lagi tidak ada kesan –ve atau +ve b) Mutualism • Kedua-dua pihak mendapat faedah c) •


Conservation • means proper management on the use of natural resources to maintain future accessibility

Habitat : • a place where an organism lives


Primary consumer (Yang memakan tumbuhan-Producer) Secondary consumer(Yang memakan Primary consumer) Tertiary consumer(Yang memakan Secondary consumer) Decomposers (pengurai bahan atau organisma yang sudah mati)

• •

Parasitism Satu pihak mendapat mendapat faedah dan satu pihak rugi

Boiling point of pure water : 100 oC Density of pure water : 1 g/cm3

Test for presence of water: • Cobalt chloride paper changes from blue to pink

Competition • interaksi antara organisma untuk keperluan yang sama

Composition of water


Water is a compound, made up of 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen H2O


Boiling Strengh – kills microorganisms Can’t remove insoluble particles & dissolve substance

• •

4. • •

b) Solvent • Liquid that dissolves a substance




Solution & Solubility a) Solution • a mixture of solute and solvent


Can’t remove dissolve substance & microorganism

• •

Evaporation • is a process by which liquid changes into water vapour at any temperature • Factors affecting evaporation: o Surface area o Humidity o Movement of air o Temperature of surroundings

c) •

Distillation Strengh – removes insoluble and dissolve substance/ removes microorganisms Tasteless Chlorination Strengh – kills microorganism Can’t remove insoluble particles & dissolved substance

CHAPTER 6 Kinetic theory of gas • gas particles move freely in all direction • Gas particles collide with the wall of the container and bounce back • A force is exerted by the particles onto the wall • This force produces a pressure on the walls of the container

Solute A substance that is dissolved)

Dilute solution • a solution that contains very little solute Concentrated solution • Solution that contain a lot of solute Saturated solution • Solution that contains the maximum amount of solute and cannot dissolve any more solute

Factors affecting Air pressure (AP) Volume Temperature Volume ↑ = AP ↓ Temperature ↑ = AP ↑ Volume ↓ = AP ↑ Temperature ↓ = AP ↓

Factors affecting solubility • Nature of the solute • Nature of the solvent • Temperature of the solvent

CHAPTER 7 FORCE • Is an act of push and pull • Cannot be seen • EFFECT can be seen or felt • Has magnitude and direction

ACID • Taste sour • Corrosive • pH less than 7 • Change wet blue litmus paper to red

TYPE OF FORCE • Frictional force o Occurs when two surface in contact o Always opposes the motion of the object o Acts in the opposite direction to movement o Can slow down or stop moving object

ALKALIS • Taste bitter and soapy • Corrosive • pH more than 7 • Change wet blue litmus paper to red PURIFICATION 1. Filtration • strength – Remove large insoluble solids


Gravitational force o Force that pull objects to the earth o Causes all objects to have weight

Electrostatic force o Force of attraction or repulsion between charged substance o Enables charge substance to attract neutral substance such as small pieces of paper o Same charges repel each other o Different charges attract each other

SUPPORT SYSTEM IN PLANTS Buttress Root • thick and wide roots that grow from the stem above the ground • e.q: Angsana tree, durian tree Prop roots • Roots which grow from the stem or branches • E.q.: pandan plant, maize plant Prickles • An outgrouwth of the epidermis and can be easily removed from the stem. • E.q: Rose

Magnetic force o Enables a magnet to attract magnetic substances like iron, nickel and cobalt WORK • Work is said to be done when a force moves an object over a distance in the direction of the force • Equation for calculating work done:

Tendrils • Curly string-like structures modified from stems and leaves • Curl and twine round parts of other plants or objects to help the plant to climb • E.q: Cucumber plant, bitter gourd, pumpkin

Work (joule) = Force (Newton) x distance (metre)

Stilt roots • Roots that develop from the main stem and grow into the ground for support. • E.q: Mangrove tree (Bakau)

POWER • Power is the rate of doing work, which means the amount of work done per unit time. • Power can be calculated using the equation: Power (watts) =

Clasping roots • Roots that grip onto other plants or structure to get support • E.q: betel vine (sirih), orchid

Work done (joules) Time taken (seconds)

Thorns (duri) • Sharp modified branches that cannot be easily removed • Act as hooks to hold on to supports. • E.q: Bouganvillea (Bunga Kertas)

CHAPTER 8 Vertebrates have 1. Endoskeleton • also known as internal skeleton • Made up of bones and cartilage


Invertebrates have 1. Exoskeleton • Made of cuticle or calcium carbonate • Examples animals: centipede, ant, crab

The point of equilibrium • is the point where the whole weight of an object appears to act on. • It is also the point which an object can be balanced on and it is present in all objects. • It is also known as the centre of gravity of the object

2. Hydrostatic skeleton • Consist of a muscular wall which encloses a body cavity that is filled with fluid • This body fluid pressure gives support and shape to the animal • Examples animals: earthworm, leech, jellyfish



The position of the centre of gravity.

the lower the centre of gravity, the more stable the object


The base area The wider the base area, the more stable the object

CHAPTER 10 LEVER • is a simple machine • makes work easier • have 3 parts : o F = Fulcrum o E = Effort o L = Load CLASSES OF LEVER Notice the middle part of the lever E


1st class




2nd class




3rd class



THE MOMENT OF FORCE • The SI unit for moment of force = Newton-metre (Nm) • Formula for moment of force: Moment of force Force X Perpendicular distance from the = pivot to the force (Nm) (N) (m)

LEVER IN EQUILIBRIUM • when a lever is in equilibrium, the sum of the anticlockwise moments is equal to the sum of the clockwise moments. • The principle of moments can be represented by the following formula: Load X Distance of load = Effort X Distance of effort from the fulcrum from the fulcrum (E) (L)


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