Norme Sange.docx

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 180
  • Pages: 2
VLDL 2-38 mg/dl Acidul uric ALAT ASAT Bilirubina conjugata Bilirubina libera Bilirubina totala Colesterol HDL Colesterol LDL Colesterol total Creatinina Eritrocite Glucoza Hematocritul Hemoglobina Leucocite Limfocite Monocite Neutrofile segmentate TAG Trombocite Uree VSH Potasiu Sodiu Protrombin Fibrinogen Hematocrit L. nesegmentate L.segmentate Leucocite Limfocite Monocite Trombocite Biochimica Component investigat ALAT Amilaza ASAT Beta-lipoproteine Bilirubina conjugata Bilirubina libera Bilirubina totala Creatinina Fosfataza alcalina GGTP Y glutamin transpeptidaza Glucoza Proteina totala Uree

208-428 mcmol/l 0-49 u/e 0-40 u/e 0-3.4 mkmol/l 4.1-5.9 mkmol/l 5-21 mkmol/l 1.0-1.5 mmol/l 2.6-3.3 mmol/l 3.3-5.2 mmol/l 71-115 mkmol/l 3,7-4,7 3.89-5.84 mmol/l 36,0-42,0 120,0-140,0 g/l 4,0-9,0 19,0-37,0 3-11 47,0-72,0 0.45-1.85 mmol/l 180,0-320,0 2.1-7.1 mmol/l 2-15 3.5-5.3 mmol/l 135-148 mmol/l 70-120% 2-4 g/l 36-42% 1-6% 47-72% 4-9 *10’9/l 19-37% 3-11% 180-320 * 10’9/l Valori de referinta 0-40 u/e 0-90u/e 0-40 u/e 35-55 unitati 0-5 mkmol/l 5-16 mkmol/l 5-21 mkmol/l 44-115 mkmol/l 39-114 u/e 0-50 u/e 3-50-6.20 mmol/l 65-85 g/l 2.80-8.30 mmol/l

Coagulograma Trombocite- 150.000-400.000 /mm3 Timp ptotrombina Quick – 12-15 sec Timp tromboplastina activata si partial activata- 25-35 sec Timp sangerare Duke-2-3 min Timp trombina – 10-15 sec Fibrinogen 200-400 mg/dl

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