Newsletter No_ 29

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ATHLETICS MALTA NEWSLETTER Issue No: 29 Date of issue: 23rd March, 2009

Dear Friends in Athletics, A week ago the MAAA organized a very interesting half-day seminar on the subject of “ Improving Middle and Long Distance Running.” It was a very successful seminr and the association has good reason to be happy with the attendance but more with the positive intervenions from those present. One could not but note the genuine interest that exist among athletes and coaches alike towards this very popular branch of athletics. The speakers at the Seminar were quite frank and to the point with their remarks and observations. Their speeches provoked a lot of positive ideas and suggestions. One can also say that the conclusions reached during the two workshops were very realistic and the Association would do well to study how these suggestions could now be implemented. While the seminar was in progress two local coaches, namely Gwen Fava and Mario Pisani, where in Nairrobi, Kenya, attending a course leading to the IAAF Level 3 Certificate in Middle and Long Distance Running. The MAAA is indeed lucky to have two more Coaches, with the good qualities that Mario and Gwen have, within its ranks. Readers will be interested to read on the relatively large number of teams and athletes who will be coming to participate in the Malta International Inviation Meeting. Indeed the number of athletes who are expected to take part in the April meetings has surpassed all the expectations of the Association. The format of the annual competition which was known as the European Cup (formerly know as the Bruno Zauli ) has now been changed. The European Association will, as from this year, be organizing the “European Team Championships”. Local athletes will be taking part in these championships as part of the Combined Team of the Small States of Europe knows as the AASSE ( Athletic Association of the Small States of Europe) and the selection of the team will continue to depend on the performance of our athletes during the GSSE games. Our athletes will be competing in a League against athletes coming from 13 other European countries most of which having a population which is much bigger than that of Malta. Yours in sport , Anthony Chircop Contents. COJI ( Island Games ) Mallorca 2009 European Team Championships 2009 Middle & Long Distance Seminar – Report Foundations Course for Technical Officials MALTA INTERNATIONAL INVITATION ATHLETIC MEETING MAAA Aggregate 1 Meeting – RESULTS MAAA Aggregate 2 Meeting – Program of events Important dates to watch out for ……

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COJI GAMES JEUX DES LLS MALLORCA 2009 The COJI games are this year being held in the island of Mallorca between the 28th and the 31st of May, 2009. Only Youths born in 1992, 1993 and 1994 are eligible to participate in these games. The following are the Minimum Qualifying Standards that eligible athletes need to achieve to qualify togethere with other technical details which may be useful for coaches.

Minimum Qualifying Standards Man 11.3 / 11.54 23.2 / 23.44 51.8 / 52.05 2:02.00 4:14.00 9:22.00 6:34.00 15.6 / 15.84 60.04 1.80 6.50 3.00 13.00 13.20 45.80 36.00 38.00 4 x 100m 4 x 400m

Event 100m 200m 400m 800m 1500m 3000m 2000 m Steeplechase 110m Hurdles 100m Hurdles 400m Hurdles High Jump Long Jump Pole Vault Triple Jump Shot Javelin Discus Hammer Relays Relays

Women 12.6 / 12.84 26.8 /27.04 60.7 / 60.94 2.24.95 4:57.00 11:25.00 8:04.90 15.7 / 15.94 71.04 1.55 5.10 2.60 10.60 9.40 28.5 29.00 29.00 4 x 100m 4 x 400m

Men 700 gr 5 kg 1500 kg 5 kg

Throwing Implements Javelin Shot Discus Hammer

Women 600 gr 4 kg 1000 kg 4 kg

Men 91.40 cm 84.00 cm

Hurdles 100m 110m 400m

Women 76.20cm 76.20 cm


EUROPEAN TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS 2009 The European Athletics Association has just issued the fixtures for the first European Team Championships, 2009. Apart from the Super League, there are now three levels of competition and these are (a) the First League and (b ) the Second League and (c ) the Third League. A selection of local athletes will be competing in the Third League as part of the Comined team of the Small States of Europe ( AASSE ) in Bosnia & Herzegovina in a league comprising in total fourteen European teams. The formation of each League will be as follows:-

SUPER LEAGUE Venue: eiria – Portugal Qualified teams Czech Republic France Germany Italy Poland Portugal Russia Spain Ukraine

21-22 June

SECOND LEAGUE 21-22 June Venue: Banska Bystrica – Slovak Rep Qualiefied teams Austria Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Ireland Latvia Lithuania Slovak Republic

FIRST LEAGUE Venue: Bergen – Norway Qualified teams Belarus Belgium Estonia Finland Hungary Netherlands Norway Romania Serbia Slovenia Switzerland Turkey

21 – 22 June

THIRD LEAGUE 21 – 22 June Venue: Sarajeva – Bosnia & Herzegovina Qualified teams AASSE Albania Andorra Armenia Azerbaijan Bosnia & Herzegovina Denmark Fry Macendonia Georgia Iceland Israel Luxemburg Moldova Montenegro


The MAAA organized a very successful and interesting seminar on Saturday 7th March, 2009, with the theme:IMPROVING MIDDLE AND LONG DISTANCE RUNNING The seminar was held at the Hotel Le Meridien, St. Julians The seminar was chaired by Mr. Mark Cutajar, Director of Sports, MOC. The speakers who made presentations during the seminar were the following:Mr. Mark Farrugia – “We have the wrong genetics” Mr. Xandru Grech - “ Running with your heart not with your feet” Ms. Giselee Camilleri– “Factors effecting to the decline of long distance running” Mr. Ivan Roshnov – “Analysis of the situation in Local and World Distance running for the past fifteen years”. Mr. Edwin Attard - “The Past, Present and the Future “ After the coffee break the delegates attending the Seminar where divided into two groups to participate in two different workshops to discuss and report on the following subjects: a) How can we give some incentives to young athletes to take up Middle and Long Distance? b) Should we include more 3000m events on the track or for example 1000 x 4 relays? If we do would we find enough athletes? c) Would the introducation of a Marathon Relay generate more interest in Long Distance running? d) Should a Mide Medley Relay be included in our Track and Field program? Ms Francesca Arrigo acted as the Rapporteur of the Semianr .

Photos: Curtsey of Mr. Justin Mifsud


The following is the report of the first Workshop:1. How can we give incentives to young athletes to take up middle and long distance running? There are many incentives that can be included namely: • • • • •

A notice board outside the athletics track that will highlight good middle and long distance performances This idea of notice boards could be implemented in schools Provide a scholarship scheme to promising/good performing athletes More media coverage- highlighting good/improving performances Setting reachable criteria for athletes to compete abroad – especially in teams e.g. 4x2K relays

2. Should we include more 3K’s or 4x1K relays? If we include the relays will there be enough athletes?

The inclusion of relays will certainly help and motivate young athletes. Having teams will relieve the idea of pressure from an individual into a team. Moreover you will get 4 individuals placing 1st 2nd 3rd 4th etc and not one individual.

3. Would the introduction of a marathon relay generate more interest? • Yes definitely, everyone was in favor of the idea of having a marathon relay introduced. • Paul of Zurrieq Wolves stressed his point that teams taking part in the Road Runnig League should consist of 6 runners and not 4. He claims that this will create more interest and eventually better performances. (Letter of this proposal submitted to Mr. Tony Chircop) • Everyone respected Paul’s idea but some individuals claimed that this mentioned proposition might be backfire on some clubs who are currently struggling to get 4 athletes 4. Should a mile medley be included in our Track and field program? • Yes this will be a very exciting race to watch and will definitely go down well with spectators Kevin Zammit Work Shop Coordinator

The following is the report of the Second Workshop The following are the main points that have been pointed out through the workshop: 1. Does MAAA has a mission statement? Is the main aim of the association to bring home medals or to bring more people of all ages doing the sport? 2. What are the reasons for which students are not taking athletics as their sport, can we go into schools and find these reasons? 3. Does athletics give the opportunity for the athlete to become someone, get financial reward, opportunity to compete and show his/her talent abroad like for example footballers do get? 4. More incentives to be administered such as overseas competition, scholarships.


5. Clubs must be very well organised with social events being held to promote a family recreational aspect together with the competition aspect for their children or even for the parents themselves. 6. We need to have more exposure of the sport in the schools by athletes who have achieved and even by those who take the sport seriously but are still striving for results. Athletes can give a good feel of the sport and with their enthusiasim can attract new students and youths to athletics. Explain and gives reasons and benefits of doing athletics. 7. Increase drastically athletes' achievments and participation abroad in the media. 8. Schools having athletics teams and inter colleges competition. Very important to give credit and small awards for those participating. Very important that Heads of Schools and Colleges are aware of how important these competitions and their preperations are, and work together with the P.E. teachers to be able to achieve students participation and results. 9. Improving Marsa track facility such as showers, changing rooms, even the opportunity to have a meeting area to socialize for the whole family. 10. Long distance running must also aim to have specatators for example during road races and the marathon where after it becomes a social event. These are more or else the issues. Although I tried to direct participants towards the four questions, most of them felt that first we have to orient our culture to sports and athletics especially in schools and give more exposure of athletics in the media. Many agreed that this has to start of from the top management of schools. I also thank you for this opportunity, Caroline Ciappara

Photos: Curtsey of Mr. Justin Mifsud


FOUNDATIONS COURSE FOR ATHLETICS TECHNICAL OFFICIALS It is now known that the International Invitation Meetings which the MAAA is hosting on the 15th April (for Youths ) and Saturday 18th April, 2009 (for Junior and Senior athletes) will be the biggest ever held in Malta. Teams from Wales, United Kingdom, Finaland, Switzerland and France have already confirmed that they would be participating in the Malta meetings with over 150 foreign athletes. From the entries received so far it shows that the standard of the athletes participating in these meetings will be quite high. In preparation for the hosting of these meeting, the MAAA is planning to hold a Foundations course for Technical Officials and is inviting individuals interested in athletics, including parents of athletes as well as P.E. Teachers, to attend for this course. Those who attend, who will be asked to assist in the officiating of the above mentioned meetings, will be given a Certificate of Attendance issued by the MAAA. The course is expected to be held on Friday 27th March (at 6.00pm ) and would continue on Saturday 28th March ( at 8.30am ). All those interested are kindly requested to contact one of the following officials:Mr. Anthony Chircop on: [email protected] Mr. Edwin Attard on: [email protected] Mr. Charles Pullicino on: [email protected] Officials of Clubs affiliated to the MAAA are requested to try to encourage Club officials and parents of their athletes to attend for the above course/s.

IAAF LEVEL 1 COACHING COURSE – KIDS ATHLETICS The Malta Amateur Athletic Association is planning to hold another IAAF Level 1 Coaching course, which will probably be held in April, 2009. The MAAA now has qualifed Lecturers and can organize such courses in –house. Those who would successfully complete this course will qualify as IAAF Level 1 Coach and would be entitled to teach ‘KIDS ATHLETICS ’. All those interested in attending for this course are kindly requested to contact either Mr. Anthony Chircop on email address : [email protected] or Mr. Edwin Attard on email address: [email protected];


INTERNNATIONAL INVIATION MEETING MALTA 2009 The Council of the MAAA is currently making preparations for the hosting of the International Invitation Meeting which is being held on the 15th and the 18th April, 2009. As one can see from the first page of the promotional leaflet that the Association had published for this purpose, the meeting which is being held on Wednesday the 15th April is meant for youths or to be precise, athletes between the ages of 13 and 15. The meeting that will be held on the 18th April is for Junior and Senior athletes. The principal aim of this meeting is to provide local athletes with a good competition in preparation of the GSSE games which are being held in Cyprus during the first week of June. It would also give a large number of local athletes, even young athletes with an opportunity of participating in a meeting against foreign athletes. The organization of such meeting cannot but help to promote the local facilities for warm-weather training camps with the participating team. From the confirmations received to date it appears that this is going to be a meeting of a very high standard considering the level of athletes who will be participating, apart from the fact some of the athlete have already represented their respective countries in international competitions.

The teams which have to date confirmed their participation are the following:Northern England – 24 athletes plus 6 officials. Wales A. Assoc. - 20 athletes plus 2 officials + Coach (Paul Wilson) Egyptian Assoc - 5 athletes plus 1 official UK Athletics - 13 athletes plus Coach ( McFarlane ) Italian team - 16 (Juniors ) Italian (Sen ) - 3 French Team - 25 athletes plus 2 officials + Coach Scotland - 20 athletes plus 1 Coach Yorkshire Team - 6 (Throwers ) Finish Team - 6 (Sprinters ) plus 2 officials/ coach Ribble Valley UK – 21 athletes plus 2 Officials + Coach Swiss - 1 Athlete

James D’alfonso

One athletes who will be making his debut with the Malta team will be James D’alfonso. James who lives in Australia whose father is Maltese has written to the Association expressing his wish to represent Malta. James specializes in the 400m and has a PB, which he achieved only a week ago, of 48.09 seconds. James has this year also registered too times for the 100m, 200m and the 800m. Note: To see a video film of the 400m in which James clocked 40.09 just click on :


M.A.A.A. Aggregate Meeting 1 14th March, 2009

RESULTS Prepared by Mr. Anthony Fava

WOMEN Event 3 Girls 14–15 High Jump National R: 1.60 28/04/2007 Gambin, Chloe, San Andrea School No./Name Yr Club 305 Saliba, Letizia 94 Pembroke Athleta Event 7 Girls 12-13 70m hurdles Pos.No./Name Yr 1 14 Henderson, Donna Lee 2 24 Gatt, Nicole 3 21 Vella Busuttil, Destiny 4 40 Von Brockdorff, Sandie 4 11 Formosa, Lisa 4 6 Grima, Gabriella 7 16 Massa, Thalia 7 13 Sapiano, Angeline 7 1 Gatt Meli, Rachel 10 8 Sammut, Haley 11 5 Formosa, Charlene 12 9 Grech, Joanna

Club 96 Pembroke Athleta 97 Starmax A C 96 Starmax A C 96 San Andrea School 96 St Patrick's A C 97 St Patrick's A C 96 Pembroke Athleta 96 Pembroke Athleta 96 San Andrea School 96 St Patrick's A C 96 St Patrick's A C 96 St Patrick's A C

Height 1.20m


Event 9 Women High Jump National R: 1.60 28/04/2007 Gambin, Chloe, San Andrea School Pos. No./Name Yr Club 1 Gambin, Chloe 92 Pembroke Athleta 2 477 Mifsud, Sarah 93 Allcomers Aloysians Event 13 Women Discus Throw National R: 42.20m 26/04/2008 Chouhal, Antonella, A S Libertas No./Name Yr Club 763 Chouhal, Antonella 76 A S Libertas Event 15 Women 100m National R: 11.93 13/05/2007 Attard, Charlene, Pembroke Athleta Pos. No./Name Yr Club Cat. 1 769 Scerri, Lara 88 Pembroke Athleta 2 453 Sciberras, Marija 93 A S Libertas I 3 474 Sare, Rebecca 91 Pembroke Athleta J 4 461 Vassallo, Annalise 92 Zurrieq Wolves I 5 739 Buttigieg, Maria 89 Pembroke Athleta

Wind H# 12.7h 1.7 14.0h NWI 14.1h 1.7 14.2h NWI 14.2h NWI 14.2h 1.7 14.4h 1.9 14.4h 2.6 14.4h 1.9 15.4h 2.6 15.5h 2.6 17.9h 1.9

1 4 1 4 4 1 3 2 3 2 2 3

Height 1.55m 1.35m

Distance 40.11m

Time 12.79 13.36 13.56 13.57 16.05

Wind 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0


Event 18 Girls 14-15 100m National R: 13.14 04/05/2004 Xuereb, Martina, Starmax Pos. No./Name Yr Club/School 1 319 Lapira, Ylenia 94 Pembroke Athleta 2 323 Gauci Borda, Daniela 94 Pembroke Athleta 3 326 Brinch Iversen, Leah 95 San Andrea School 4 310 Grixti, Adelaide 94 Starmax A C 5 311 Grima, Ilona 94 Starmax A C 6 327 Robinson, Holly 94 San Andrea School 7 328 Bonello, Myra 94 San Andrea School 8 305 Saliba, Letizia 94 Pembroke Athleta 9 316 Zarb, Ruby Anne 95 Starmax A C

Time 13.4h 13.8h 14.0h 14.5h 14.6h 14.7h 14.9h 15.0h 16.0h

Wind 1.2 1.2 1.2 2.0 1.2 2.0 2.0 1.2 2.0

Event 20 Women Long Jump National R: 5.95m 05/07/2003 Camilleri, Rebecca, Pembroke Athleta Kyocera Pos. No./Name Yr Club Cat. Time 1 767 Mangion, Angie 86 Pembroke Athleta 5.63m 2 474 Sare, Rebecca 91 Pembroke Athleta J 4.92m 3 761 Camilleri, Denise 89 Allcomers Aloysians 3.91m

Wind 1.1 1.4 1.9

Event 21 Girls 12-13 300m National R: 42.99 Pos. No./Name 1 24 Gatt, Nicole 2 15 Bonavia, Charlotte 3 21 Vella Busuttil, Destiny 4 22 Borg, Alexia 5 17 Grech, Janice 6 5 Formosa, Charlene 7 12 Micallef, Carla 8 1 Gatt Meli, Rachel 9 23 Garzia, Lara 10 6 Grima, Gabriella 11 40 Von Brockdorff, Sandie 12 11 Formosa, Lisa 13 10 Fenech, Louisa 14 39 Azzopardi, Martina 15 30 Borg, Martina 16 35 Mifsud, Chantal 17 9 Grech, Joanna 18 38 Micallef Bartolo, Darrelyn 19 34 Battistino, Victoria 20 32 Hampton, Paula 21 8 Sammut, Haley 22 33 Cremona, Andrea

30/05/2004 Xuereb, Francesca, Starmax Yr Club/School Time 97 Starmax A C 45.9h 96 Pembroke Athleta 49.2h 96 Starmax A C 49.3h 96 Starmax A C 49.4h 97 Pembroke Athleta 50.6h 96 St Patrick's A C 50.7h 96 Allcomers Aloysians 51.3h 96 San Andrea School 52.5h 97 Starmax A C 53.1h 97 St Patrick's A C 53.3h 96 San Andrea School 55.2h 96 St Patrick's A C 55.4h 97 St Patrick's A C 55.7h 96 San Andrea School 55.8h 97 Pembroke Athleta 57.0h 97 Pembroke Athleta 58.6h 96 St Patrick's A C 59.0h 96 San Andrea School 59.5h 96 Starmax A C 59.8h 97 Pembroke Athleta 1:00.4h 96 St Patrick's A C 1:01.0h 97 Pembroke Athleta 1:03.0h

Event 24 Women 800m National R: 1:59.56 01/05/2003 Blake, Tanya, Eugene, U.S.A. Pos.No./Name Yr Club/School Cat. 1 765 Pace, Celine 86 Pembroke Athleta 2 700 Attard, Josann 84 Starmax A C 3 451 Zammit, Tiziana 92 A S Libertas I

2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1

4 3 2 3 3 4 4 1 3 4 1 4 1 3 1 4 3 2 2 2 3 2

Time 2:21.4h 2:32.1h 2:44.5h


Event 26 Girls 12-13 High Jump National R: 1.49 21/09/2006 Vella, Tamara, Malta Selection, Brno, CZE Pos. No./Name Yr Club Height 1 24 Gatt, Nicole 97 Starmax A C 1.05m 2 23 Garzia, Lara 97 Starmax A C 1.00m --- 21 Vella Busuttil, Destiny 96 Starmax A C NH Event 29 Women 18 – 19 Javelin Throw National R: 42.27m (old specs) 29/05/1984 Pace, Jennifer, La Salle No./Name Yr Club Cat. 479 Zerafa, Tiziana 90 Pembroke Athleta J Event 32 Women 200m National R: 24.52 12/05/2007 Attard, Charlene, Pembroke Athleta Pos. No./Name Yr Club Cat. 1 461 Vassallo, Annalise 92 Zurrieq Wolves I 2 476 Camilleri, Kim 91 Allcomers Aloysians J 3 477 Mifsud, Sarah 93 Allcomers Aloysians I 4 478 Buttigieg, Charlene 90 Starmax A C J 5 700 Attard, Josann 84 Starmax A C 6 762 Atanasio, Mildred 89 Starmax A C 7 739 Buttigieg, Maria 89 Pembroke Athleta

Distance 21.46m

Time 27.5h 28.8h 29.4h 29.9h 30.1h 31.3h 35.5h

Wind 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Event 35 Girls 12-13 Shot Put National R: 9.71m 03/03/2007 Vassallo, Ramona, Zurrieq Wolves Pos. No./Name Yr Club Distance 1 15 Bonavia, Charlotte 96 Pembroke Athleta 7.75m 2 13 Sapiano, Angeline 96 Pembroke Athleta 6.37m 3 39 Azzopardi, Martina 96 San Andrea School 6.15m 4 21 Vella Busuttil, Destiny 96 Starmax A C 5.04m Event 36 Girls 14-15 Shot Put National R: 11.02m 13/08/2008 Aquilina, Nadine, Maria Regina School Pos. No./Name Yr Club Distance 1 324 Aquilina, Nadine 94 Maria Regina Girls 9.64m 2 318 Vassallo, Ramona 94 Zurrieq Wolves 9.32m 3 327 Robinson, Holly 94 San Andrea School 5.50m 4 328 Bonello, Myra 94 San Andrea School 5.17m 5 305 Saliba, Letizia 94 Pembroke Athleta 4.02m Event 37 Girls 14-15 1500m National R: 4:56.6h Pos.No./Name 1 303 Cremona, Clarissa 2 320 Paris, Laura 3 302 Tabone, Rebekah 4 321 Warrington, Eve 5 301 Pace, Ylenia

Aquilina, Karin, AS Libertas Yr Club/School 95 Pembroke Athleta 94 Pembroke Athleta 95 Allcomers Aloysians 94 Pembroke Athleta 95 Allcomers Aloysians

Event 40 Women 1500m National R: 4:29.01 07/06/2003 Blake, Tanya, GSSE Malta Pos. No./Name Yr Club 1 700 Attard, Josann 84 Starmax A C

Time 6:08.0h 6:35.0h 6:47.5h 6:51.4h 6:53.3h

Time 5:15.3h


2 736 Ciappara, Caroline 3 762 Atanasio, Mildred

75 Allcomers Aloysians 89 Starmax A C

Event 44 Women Shot Put National R: 13.06m 22/02/2001 Pos.No./Name 1 763 Chouhal, Antonella 2 437 Alden, Stephanie 3 739 Buttigieg, Maria

Cachia, Antonella, Minsk, BLR Yr Club Cat. 76 A S Libertas 91 Pembroke Athleta J 89 Pembroke Athleta

Event 45 Girls 12-13 1200m National R: 4:00.2 No./Name 24 Gatt, Nicole

5:33.8h 7:29.1h

Distance 11.53m 6.98m 4.65m

01/05/2004 Xuereb, Francesca, Starmax Yr Club/School Time 97 Starmax A C 4:15.0h

Event 49 Women 16 – 17 400m National R: 55.10 11/07/2007 Xuereb, Francesca, Malta – Ostrava, Czech Rep. No./Name Yr Club Time 461 Vassallo, Annalise 92 Zurrieq Wolves 1:05.0h Event 50 Girls 14-15 400m National R: 56.17 Pos. No./Name 1304 Abdilla, Amy 2 306 Bezzina, Rachel 3 323 Gauci Borda, Daniela 4 327 Robinson, Holly 5 328 Bonello, Myra 6 325 Macelli, Bettina

25/05/2006 Xuereb, Martina, Malta – Syracuse Italy Yr Club/School Time 94 Pembroke Athleta 1:06.6h 95 Zurrieq Wolves 1:10.1h 94 Pembroke Athleta 1:10.7h 94 San Andrea School 1:14.7h 94 San Andrea School 1:17.4h 95 San Andrea School 1:20.8h

Event 52 Women 5000m National R: 16:43.8h 08/04/1995 Galea, Carol, Malta Pos. No./Name Yr Club 1 735 Camilleri, Giselle 74 St Patrick's A C 2 456 Camilleri, Monalisa 91 A S Libertas 3 700 Attard, Josann 84 Starmax A C 4 450 Bonaci, Julia 92 Starmax A C

Cat. J I

Time 17:22.9h 19:28.8h 19:35.2h 24:21.6h


MEN Event 2 Men 16-17 100m hurdles No./Name Yr Club 425 Borg, Jeremy 93 Allcomers Aloysians Event 4 Boys 12-13 Discus Throw Pos.No./Name Yr 1 825 Farrugia, Luke 96 2 831 Valletta, Peter 96 3 860 Livori, Shaun 96 4 827 Buttigieg, Luke 96 5 869 Buttigieg, Roberto 97 6 836 Mifsud, Christian 97 7 861 Saliba, Christopher 96 8 832 Abela, Joseph 97 9 833 Vella, Ryan 97 10 863 Zammit, Ryan Glenn 97 --- 874 Musumeci, Gianluca 96 --- 862 Agius, Adrian 97 Event 6 Boys 80m hurdles Pos.No./Name 1 214 Farrugia, Thomas 2 234 Cuschieri, Dylan 3 238 Robertson, Lee Event 8 Men 16-17 High Jump No./Name 445 Gambin, Gerald out of competion 214 Farrugia, Thomas

Yr 95 94 95

Time 14.9h

Club/School Savio A C Savio A C Savio A C Savio A C St Paul’s Missionary College Pembroke Athleta Savio A C Savio A C Savio A C Savio A C San Andrea School Savio A C Club/School Starmax A C San Andrea School San Andrea School

Distance 22.01m 22.00m 20.07m 18.97m 16.69m 16.36m 16.13m 13.83m 11.03m 6.66m ND ND


Yr Club/School 93 San Andrea School

Time 13.6h 15.2h 0.8

Wind 0.8 0.8

Distance 1.61m

95 Starmax

1.35 m

Event 10 Men 16-17 Discus Throw Pos.No./Name Yr Club 1 423 Bugeja, Malcolm 92 Savio A C 2 422 Gauci, Luke 92 Savio A C

Distance 32.01m 29.34m

Event 12 Men Discus Throw Pos.No./Name 1 646 Mifsud, Mario 2 657 Huskinson, David

Yr Club 83 Allcomers Aloysians 50 Pembroke Athleta

Distance 40.42m 24.46m

Event 14 Men 100m Pos. No./Name 1 643 Borg, Neal 2 563 Moghrabi, Stephen 3 433 Sullivan, Michael 4 446 Faure, Roberto 5 420 Pace, Luca 5 647 Camilleri, Mark

Yr 85 88 91 93 92 87

Club/School Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Pembroke Athleta Starmax A C Allcomers Aloysians Starmax A C

Wind NWI



Time 11.2h 11.5h 11.6h 11.7h 11.9h 11.9h

Wind 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9

1 1 1 1 1 1


Event 14 Men 100m (continued) Pos. No./Name Yr 7 427 Saliba, Philippe 93 8 426 Camilleri, Ryan Mark 93 8 443 Cassar, Darren 91 10 439 Borg, Francesco 93 11 666 Meilak, Christian 88

Club/School St Aloysius College Allcomers Aloysians Pembroke Athleta Starmax A C Starmax A C

Event 16 Boys 12-13 100 Pos. No./Name 1 835 Borg Saywell, Eric 2 846 Migneco, Andrea 3 840 Mifsud, Bradley 4 860 Livori, Shaun 5 831 Valletta, Peter 6 827 Buttigieg, Luke 7 850 Mifsud, Thomas 8 825 Farrugia, Luke 9 828 Dalli, Kurt 10 848 Attard, Simon 11 861 Saliba, Christopher 12 837 Azzopardi, William 13 832 Abela, Joseph 14 821 Gatt Meli, Edward 15 857 Muscat, Malcolm 16 863 Zammit, Ryan Glenn 17 823 Formosa, Benji 18 809 Curmi, Andrew 19 818 Vassallo, Nicky 20 862 Agius, Adrian 21 864 Duivenvoorden, Ian

Yr 97 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 97 96 96 97 97 96 97 97 97 97 97 97

Time 12.0h 12.2h 12.2h 13.1h 13.8h

Wind 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.9

Club/School Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Pembroke Athleta Savio A C Savio A C Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Pembroke Athleta Savio A C San Andrea School Savio A C Savio A C San Andrea School San Andrea School San Andrea School Savio A C Savio A C

Time 13.55 13.6h 13.71 13.8h 13.94 14.36 14.7h 15.21 15.33 15.47 15.80 16.18 17.0h 17.20 17.22 17.45 17.65 18.03 18.08 18.15 18.3h

Wind 2.8 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.8 2.8 2.4 2.8 2.3 2.1 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.8 2.1 2.8 2.3 2.4

Event 17 Boys 14-15 Discus Throw Pos.No./Name Yr 1 225 Vella, Daniel 94 2 226 Gauci, Jean 94 3 224 Gauci, Daniel 95 4 233 Pace, Pierre Luc 94 5 227 Camilleri, Jean Luc 95 6 222 Bugeja, Robert 94

Club Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians

Distance 27.47m 26.03m 24.87m 21.00m 19.74m 14.27m

Event 19 Men 16 - 17 Long Jump Pos. No./Name Yr 1 425 Borg, Jeremy 93 2 445 Gambin, Gerald 93 3 444 Zammit, Jamie 93 --- 435 Cassar Torregiani, Andrew 92

Club/School Allcomers Aloysians San Andrea School San Andrea School Pembroke Athleta

Time 6.30m 5.52m 5.18m ND

Event 22 Boys 14-15 Javelin Throw Pos.No./Name Yr 1 206 Caruana, Andrea 95 2 224 Gauci, Daniel 95 3 233 Pace, Pierre Luc 94

Club Savio A C Savio A C Savio A C

Cat. I I J I

2 2 2 2 1

4 3 1 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 4 2 4 1

Wind 1.3 1.4 1.6 NWI

Distance 19.11m 17.04m 15.92m


Event 23 Boys 14-15 800 m Pos.No./Name 1 207 Chetcuti, Christian Luke 2 209 Attard, Samuel 3 202 Frik, Thomas 4 204 Bezzina, Neil 5 206 Caruana, Andrea 6 210 Briffa, Roberto

Yr 94 95 95 94 95 95

Club/School Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians San Andrea School Zurrieq Wolves Savio A C Pembroke Athleta

Event 25 Men 800m Pos.No./Name 1 523 Brimmer, Neil 2 411 Borg Olivier, Alan 3 405 Cacciattolo, Luca 4 444 Zammit, Jamie 5 413 Borg, David J

Yr 84 92 92 93 91

Club/School Zurrieq Wolves Pembroke Athleta Savio A C San Andrea School Savio A C

Event 27 Men 16-17 Javelin Throw Pos.No./Name 1 423 Bugeja, Malcolm 92 2 427 Saliba, Philippe 93 3 422 Gauci, Luke 92

Yr Club/School Savio A C St Aloysius College Savio A C

Event 30 Boys 12-13 600 m Pos.No./Name 1 839 Fenech Salerno, Benji 2 828 Dalli, Kurt 3 835 Borg Saywell, Eric 4 838 Fleri Soler, Nigel 5 870 Scerri, Carl Joseph 6 811 Aarohi, Luke 7 853 Abela, Matthias 8 808 Debattista, Julian 9 827 Buttigieg, Luke 10 859 Bugeja, Bernard 11 854 Chetcuti, Jonathan 12 865 Esposito, Alex 13 847 Mercieca, Mark 14 818 Vassallo, Nicky 15 857 Muscat, Malcolm 16 864 Duivenvoorden, Ian Event 31 Men 200 m Pos. No./Name 1 649 Croker, Matthew 2 433 Sullivan, Michael 3 425 Borg, Jeremy 4 421 Ciantar, Shaun 5 420 Pace, Luca 6 424 Caruana, Keith 7 invalid number --- 643 Borg, Neal

Time 2:04.9h 2:20.2h 2:24.9h 2:30.8h 2:32.8h 2:48.4h Cat. I I I J

Distance 28.95m 26.90m 26.33m

Yr 96 96 97 96 96 97 97 97 96 97 97 97 96 97 96 97

Club/School Pembroke Athleta Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Pembroke Athleta St Paul’s Missionary College San Andrea School Allcomers Aloysians St Paul’s Missionary College Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians San Andrea School Savio A C Savio A C

Yr 89 91 93 92 92 92

Club Savio A C Pembroke Athleta Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians

85 Allcomers Aloysians

Time 2:04.4h 2:11.9h 2:16.6h 2:17.2h 2:23.0h

Cat. J I I I I

Time 1:42.2h 1:51.9h 1:55.5h 1:58.1h 2:01.7h 2:02.1h 2:05.5h 2:08.4h 2:08.6h 2:11.5h 2:16.3h 2:17.2h 2:17.6h 2:20.1h 2:30.7h 2:32.9h Time 23.2h 24.1h 24.3h 24.6h 24.7h 25.1h 26.7h DNF

Wind 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2

2 2 2 1 2 1 1


Event 33 Boys 12-13 Long Jump Pos. No./Name 1 840 Mifsud, Bradley 2 831 Valletta, Peter 3 846 Migneco, Andrea 4 860 Livori, Shaun 5 835 Borg Saywell, Eric 6 861 Saliba, Christopher 7 859 Bugeja, Bernard 8 818 Vassallo, Nicky 9 811 Aarohi, Luke 10 853 Abela, Matthias 11 850 Mifsud, Thomas 12 854 Chetcuti, Jonathan 13 848 Attard, Simon 14 865 Esposito, Alex 15 828 Dalli, Kurt 16 833 Vella, Ryan 17 857 Muscat, Malcolm 18 823 Formosa, Benji 19 809 Curmi, Andrew 20 863 Zammit, Ryan Glenn 21 864 Duivenvoorden, Ian

Yr 96 96 96 96 97 96 97 97 97 97 96 97 97 97 96 97 96 97 97 97 97

Club/School Pembroke Athleta Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians San Andrea School San Andrea School Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Savio A C Savio A C San Andrea School San Andrea School Savio A C Savio A C

Time 4.60m 4.33m 4.27m 4.18m 3.97m 3.72m 3.55m 3.52m 3.44m 3.30m 3.28m 3.27m 3.20m 3.02m 2.97m 2.88m 2.86m 2.71m 2.53m 2.45m 2.39m

Wind 1.6 NWI -2.1 -0.1 1.1 1.5 -0.6 -0.1 0.6 0.6 -1.3 0.9 +0.0 1.2 NWI -0.9 -0.7 -0.3 NWI 0.1 -1.3

Event 34 Boys 14-15 200m Pos. No./Name 1 214 Farrugia, Thomas 1 223 Anastasi, Michael 3 207 Chetcuti, Christian Luke 4 228 Schembri, Brandon 5 209 Attard, Samuel 6 217 Zammit, Matthew 7 233 Pace, Pierre Luc 8 234 Cuschieri, Dylan 9 238 Robertson, Lee

Yr 95 94 94 94 95 95 94 94 95

Club/School Starmax A C Zurrieq Wolves Allcomers Aloysians Pembroke Athleta Allcomers Aloysians Starmax A C Savio A C San Andrea School San Andrea School

Time 25.1h 25.1h 25.2h 26.1h 26.5h 27.9h 28.5h 29.7h 30.4h

Wind NWI NWI NWI 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 NWI 1.5

Event 38 Men 16 - 17 1500 m Pos. No./Name 1 406 Zammit, Robert 2 400 Bonaci, Adrian

Yr Club 93 Savio A C 93 Starmax A C

Event 39 Boys 14-15 Long Jump Pos. No./Name 1 207 Chetcuti, Christian Luke 2 214 Farrugia, Thomas 3 206 Caruana, Andrea 4 209 Attard, Samuel 5 238 Robertson, Lee 6 210 Briffa, Roberto

Yr 94 95 95 95 95 95

Event 41 Men 16-17 Shot Put Pos. No./Name 1 423 Bugeja, Malcolm 2 422 Gauci, Luke

Yr Club 92 Savio A C 92 Savio A C

Club/School Allcomers Aloysians Starmax A C Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians San Andrea School Pembroke Athleta

2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1

Time 4:49.9h 5:38.0h Time 4.96m 4.41m 4.38m 4.37m 4.24m 3.65m

Wind -1.2 -1.0 -1.3 NWI -1.6 -0.9

Distance 11.04m 9.88m


Event 43 Men Shot Put No./Name 657 Huskinson, David

Yr Club 50 Pembroke Athleta

Distance 7.49m

Event 2 Men 16-17 100m hurdles No./Name Yr Club 425 Borg, Jeremy 93 Allcomers Aloysians

Time 14.9h

Event 4 Boys 12-13 Discus Throw Pos.No./Name Yr Club/School 1 825 Farrugia, Luke 96 Savio A C 2 831 Valletta, Peter 96 Savio A C 3 860 Livori, Shaun 96 Savio A C 4 827 Buttigieg, Luke 96 Savio A C 5 869 Buttigieg, Roberto 97 St Paul’s Missionary College 6 836 Mifsud, Christian 97 Pembroke Athleta 7 861 Saliba, Christopher 96 Savio A C 8 832 Abela, Joseph 97 Savio A C 9 833 Vella, Ryan 97 Savio A C 10 863 Zammit, Ryan Glenn 97 Savio A C --- 874 Musumeci, Gianluca 96 San Andrea School --- 862 Agius, Adrian 97 Savio A C Event 6 Boys 80m hurdles Pos.No./Name 1 214 Farrugia, Thomas 2 234 Cuschieri, Dylan 3 238 Robertson, Lee Event 8 Men 16-17 High Jump No./Name 445 Gambin, Gerald out of competion 214 Farrugia, Thomas

Yr 95 94 95

Distance 22.01m 22.00m 20.07m 18.97m 16.69m 16.36m 16.13m 13.83m 11.03m 6.66m ND ND

Club/School Starmax A C San Andrea School San Andrea School

Time 13.6h 15.2h 16.9h

Yr Club/School 93 San Andrea School

Distance 1.61m

95 Starmax

Wind 0.8 0.8 0.8

1.35 m

Event 10 Men 16-17 Discus Throw Pos.No./Name Yr Club 1 423 Bugeja, Malcolm 92 Savio A C 2 422 Gauci, Luke 92 Savio A C

Distance 32.01m 29.34m

Event 12 Men Discus Throw Pos.No./Name 1 646 Mifsud, Mario 2 657 Huskinson, David

Yr Club 83 Allcomers Aloysians 50 Pembroke Athleta

Distance 40.42m 24.46m

Event 14 Men 100m Pos. No./Name 1 643 Borg, Neal 2 563 Moghrabi, Stephen 3 433 Sullivan, Michael 4 446 Faure, Roberto 5 420 Pace, Luca 6 647 Camilleri, Mark 7 427 Saliba, Philippe

Yr 85 88 91 93 92 87 93

Club/School Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Pembroke Athleta Starmax A C Allcomers Aloysians Starmax A C St Aloysius College

Wind NWI



Time 11.2h 11.5h 11.6h 11.7h 11.9h 11.9h 12.0h

Wind 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2

1 1 1 1 1 1 2


8 8 10 11

426 Camilleri, Ryan Mark 443 Cassar, Darren 439 Borg, Francesco 666 Meilak, Christian

93 91 93 88

Allcomers Aloysians Pembroke Athleta Starmax A C Starmax A C

Event 16 Boys 12-13 100 Pos. No./Name 1 835 Borg Saywell, Eric 2 846 Migneco, Andrea 3 840 Mifsud, Bradley 4 860 Livori, Shaun 5 831 Valletta, Peter 6 827 Buttigieg, Luke 7 850 Mifsud, Thomas 8 825 Farrugia, Luke 9 828 Dalli, Kurt 10 848 Attard, Simon 11 861 Saliba, Christopher 12 837 Azzopardi, William 13 832 Abela, Joseph 14 821 Gatt Meli, Edward 15 857 Muscat, Malcolm 16 863 Zammit, Ryan Glenn 17 823 Formosa, Benji 18 809 Curmi, Andrew 19 818 Vassallo, Nicky 20 862 Agius, Adrian 21 864 Duivenvoorden, Ian

Yr 97 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 97 96 96 97 97 96 97 97 97 97 97 97

Club/School Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Pembroke Athleta Savio A C Savio A C Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Pembroke Athleta Savio A C San Andrea School Savio A C Savio A C San Andrea School San Andrea School San Andrea School Savio A C Savio A C

Event 17 Boys 14-15 Discus Throw Pos.No./Name Yr Club 1 225 Vella, Daniel 94 Allcomers Aloysians 2 226 Gauci, Jean 94 Allcomers Aloysians 3 224 Gauci, Daniel 95 Savio A C 4 233 Pace, Pierre Luc 94 Savio A C 5 227 Camilleri, Jean Luc 95 Allcomers Aloysians 6 222 Bugeja, Robert 94 Allcomers Aloysians Event 19 Men 16 - 17 Long Jump Pos. No./Name Yr 1 425 Borg, Jeremy 93 2 445 Gambin, Gerald 93 3 444 Zammit, Jamie 93 --- 435 Cassar Torregiani, Andrew 92

Club/School Allcomers Aloysians San Andrea School San Andrea School Pembroke Athleta

Event 22 Boys 14-15 Javelin Throw Pos.No./Name Yr Club 1 206 Caruana, Andrea 95 Savio A C 2 224 Gauci, Daniel 95 Savio A C 3 233 Pace, Pierre Luc 94 Savio A C


12.2h 12.2h 13.1h 13.8h


Time 13.55 13.6h 13.71 13.8h 13.94 14.36 14.7h 15.21 15.33 15.47 15.80 16.18 17.0h 17.20 17.22 17.45 17.65 18.03 18.08 18.15 2.4

1.2 1.2 1.2 1.9

2 2 2 1

Wind 2.8 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.8 2.8 2.4 2.8 2.3 2.1 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.8 2.1 2.8 2.3 3

4 3 1 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 4 2 4 1

Distance 27.47m 26.03m 24.87m 21.00m 19.74m 14.27m

Time 6.30m 5.52m 5.18m ND

Wind 1.3 1.4 1.6 NWI

Distance 19.11m 17.04m 15.92m


Event 23 Boys 14-15 800 m Pos.No./Name 1 207 Chetcuti, Christian Luke 2 209 Attard, Samuel 3 202 Frik, Thomas 4 204 Bezzina, Neil 5 206 Caruana, Andrea 6 210 Briffa, Roberto

Yr 94 95 95 94 95 95

Club/School Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians San Andrea School Zurrieq Wolves Savio A C Pembroke Athleta

Event 25 Men 800m Pos.No./Name 1 523 Brimmer, Neil 2 411 Borg Olivier, Alan 3 405 Cacciattolo, Luca 4 444 Zammit, Jamie 5 413 Borg, David J

Yr 84 92 92 93 91

Club/School Zurrieq Wolves Pembroke Athleta Savio A C San Andrea School Savio A C

Event 27 Men 16-17 Javelin Throw Pos.No./Name 1 423 Bugeja, Malcolm 92 2 427 Saliba, Philippe 93 3 422 Gauci, Luke 92

Yr Club/School Savio A C St Aloysius College Savio A C

Event 30 Boys 12-13 600 m Pos.No./Name 1 839 Fenech Salerno, Benji 2 828 Dalli, Kurt 3 835 Borg Saywell, Eric 4 838 Fleri Soler, Nigel 5 870 Scerri, Carl Joseph 6 811 Aarohi, Luke 7 853 Abela, Matthias 8 808 Debattista, Julian 9 827 Buttigieg, Luke 10 859 Bugeja, Bernard 11 854 Chetcuti, Jonathan 12 865 Esposito, Alex 13 847 Mercieca, Mark 14 818 Vassallo, Nicky 15 857 Muscat, Malcolm 16 864 Duivenvoorden, Ian Event 31 Men 200 m Pos. No./Name 1 649 Croker, Matthew 2 433 Sullivan, Michael 3 425 Borg, Jeremy 4 421 Ciantar, Shaun 5 420 Pace, Luca 6 424 Caruana, Keith 7 invalid number

Time 2:04.9h 2:20.2h 2:24.9h 2:30.8h 2:32.8h 2:48.4h

Cat. I I I J

Time 2:04.4h 2:11.9h 2:16.6h 2:17.2h 2:23.0h

Distance 28.95m 26.90m 26.33m

Yr 96 96 97 96 96 97 97 97 96 97 97 97 96 97 96 97

Club/School Pembroke Athleta Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Pembroke Athleta St Paul’s Missionary College San Andrea School Allcomers Aloysians St Paul’s Missionary College Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians San Andrea School Savio A C Savio A C

Yr 89 91 93 92 92 92

Club Savio A C Pembroke Athleta Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians

Cat. J I I I I

Time 1:42.2h 1:51.9h 1:55.5h 1:58.1h 2:01.7h 2:02.1h 2:05.5h 2:08.4h 2:08.6h 2:11.5h 2:16.3h 2:17.2h 2:17.6h 2:20.1h 2:30.7h 2:32.9h

Time 23.2h 24.1h 24.3h 24.6h 24.7h 25.1h 26.7h

Wind 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1

2 2 2 1 2 1 1


Event 33 Boys 12-13 Long Jump Pos. No./Name 1 840 Mifsud, Bradley 2 831 Valletta, Peter 3 846 Migneco, Andrea 4 860 Livori, Shaun 5 835 Borg Saywell, Eric 6 861 Saliba, Christopher 7 859 Bugeja, Bernard 8 818 Vassallo, Nicky 9 811 Aarohi, Luke 10 853 Abela, Matthias 11 850 Mifsud, Thomas 12 854 Chetcuti, Jonathan 13 848 Attard, Simon 14 865 Esposito, Alex 15 828 Dalli, Kurt 16 833 Vella, Ryan 17 857 Muscat, Malcolm 18 823 Formosa, Benji 19 809 Curmi, Andrew 20 863 Zammit, Ryan Glenn 21 864 Duivenvoorden, Ian --- 862 Agius, Adrian

Yr 96 96 96 96 97 96 97 97 97 97 96 97 97 97 96 97 96 97 97 97 97 97

Club/School Pembroke Athleta Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians San Andrea School San Andrea School Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Allcomers Aloysians Savio A C Savio A C Savio A C San Andrea School San Andrea School Savio A C Savio A C Savio A C

Time 4.60m 4.33m 4.27m 4.18m 3.97m 3.72m 3.55m 3.52m 3.44m 3.30m 3.28m 3.27m 3.20m 3.02m 2.97m 2.88m 2.86m 2.71m 2.53m 2.45m 2.39m ND

Wind 1.6 NWI -2.1 -0.1 1.1 1.5 -0.6 -0.1 0.6 0.6 -1.3 0.9 +0.0 1.2 NWI -0.9 -0.7 -0.3 NWI 0.1 -1.3 NWI

Event 34 Boys 14-15 200m Pos. No./Name 1 214 Farrugia, Thomas 1 223 Anastasi, Michael 3 207 Chetcuti, Christian Luke 4 228 Schembri, Brandon 5 209 Attard, Samuel 6 217 Zammit, Matthew 7 233 Pace, Pierre Luc 8 234 Cuschieri, Dylan 9 238 Robertson, Lee

Yr 95 94 94 94 95 95 94 94 95

Club/School Starmax A C Zurrieq Wolves Allcomers Aloysians Pembroke Athleta Allcomers Aloysians Starmax A C Savio A C San Andrea School San Andrea School

Time 25.1h 25.1h 25.2h 26.1h 26.5h 27.9h 28.5h 29.7h 30.4h

Wind NWI NWI NWI 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 NWI 1.5

Event 38 Men 16 - 17 1500 m Pos. No./Name 1 406 Zammit, Robert 2 400 Bonaci, Adrian

Yr Club 93 Savio A C 93 Starmax A C

Event 39 Boys 14-15 Long Jump Pos. No./Name 1 207 Chetcuti, Christian Luke 2 214 Farrugia, Thomas 3 206 Caruana, Andrea 4 209 Attard, Samuel 5 238 Robertson, Lee 6 210 Briffa, Roberto

Yr 94 95 95 95 95 95

Club/School Allcomers Aloysians Starmax A C Savio A C Allcomers Aloysians San Andrea School Pembroke Athleta

2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1

Time 4:49.9h 5:38.0h Time 4.96m 4.41m 4.38m 4.37m 4.24m 3.65m

Wind -1.2 -1.0 -1.3 NWI -1.6 -0.9


Event 41 Men 16-17 Shot Put Pos. No./Name 1 423 Bugeja, Malcolm 2 422 Gauci, Luke Event 43 Men Shot Put No./Name 657 Huskinson, David Event 46 Men 400m Pos. No./Name 1 644 Cini, Jonathan 2 443 Cassar, Darren 3 444 Zammit, Jamie 4 654 Camilleri, Leslie Event 51 Men 5000m Pos. No./Name 1 509 Grech, Gerald 2 516 Mifsud, Melvin 3 520 Lia, Simon 4 402 Rota, Matthew

Yr Club 92 Savio A C 92 Savio A C

Distance 11.04m 9.88m

Yr Club 50 Pembroke Athleta

Distance 7.49m

Yr Club/School 81 Allcomers Aloysians 91 Pembroke Athleta 93 San Andrea School 66 Pembroke Athleta

Yr Club 76 A S Libertas 79 Zurrieq Wolves 72 Zurrieq Wolves 93 A S Libertas

Cat. J I



Time 55.1h 57.7h 1:00.7h 1:04.6h

Time 16:30.2h 16:51.2h 17:22.5h 18:52 .8h

“ We are or we bcome those things that we repeatedly do. Therefore excellence can become not just an event but a habit ” – Albert Einstein


MALTA AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Aggregate Meeting 2 - Saturday 28th March 2009 (Provisional program)

Venue : Matthew Micallef St.John Athletic Stadium, Marsa TIME TRACK JUMPS 12.45


1:30 1:40 1:50

110m/100m H

M/ W

75m hurdles

inter, jun, sen inter, jun, sen youths

M W Girls

2:00 2:15

75m hurdles 100m

cadets inter, jun, sen

Boys M



inter, jun, sen














4:00 4:05

800m 800m

youths inter, jun, sen

Girls W

4:10 4:20

800m 600m

inter, jun, sen cadets

M Girls



inter, jun, sen




inter, jun, sen


4:40 4:50

200m 1500m

youths youths

Girls Girls



inter, jun, sen


5:10 5:20

1500m 1200m

inter, jun, sen cadets

Women Boys

5:30 5:35 5:40 5:50

400m 400m 400m Relay Medley

inter, jun, sen inter, jun, sen youths youths/inter

Men Women Boys M/ W

80m hurdles


High Jump

youths boys

High Jump

inter (m/w)

Long Jump

inter (m/w)

High Jump

cadets boys

Long Jump

cadets girls

Long Jump

Triple Jump

jun (m/w)

jun (m/w)

sen (m/w)


cadets girls


inter (m/w)


youths girls


youths girls


jun (m/w)

sen (m/w)

inter (m/w)

jun (m/w)

sen (m/w)


cadets boys

youths boys


inter (m/w)

jun (m/w)

sen (m/w)

youths girls

inter (m/w)

jun (m/w)

sen (m/w)

sen (m/w)

(100,200,300,400m) N.B. HURDLES - Competitors for hurdles have to be entered on entry sheet and confirmed one hour before the event.

Gwen Fava and Mario Pisani – IAAF Level 3 Coaches Ms Gwen Fava and Mr Mario Pisani have just returned from a 15 day course in Nairobi where they have attended for the IAAF Course for Coaches. Both Gwen and Mario have satisfied the examiners and have qualifed as IAAF Level 3 Coaches in Middle and Long Distance Running. These courses are part of a five year program of the “Coaches Education & Certification System” designed and managed by the IAAF to meet the ever growing need for qualified Coaches. On behalf of the Council of the MAAA I would like to congratulate both Gwen and Mario for their success in Nairobi. A. A. Chircop, President MAAA.


Important dates to watch out for …… 2009


Friday 27th March, 2009

Foundations Course for Technical Officials - will be held at the offices of the MAAA

At 6.00pm

Saturday 28th Marchg, 2009 at 1.30pm

AGGREGATE T & F MEETING 2 At the Matthew Micallef St.John Stadium, Marsa

Sunday 5th April 2009


Wednesdy 15th


Saturday 18th April, 2009


At the Matthew Micallef St. John Stadium


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