Newsletter - June 14, 2009

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Denver First Church June 14, 2009

keeping in touch...

DFC Ministerial Staff Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Tina Hayhurst Student Ministries Pastor

Bob Huffaker Interim Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Marvin Suyen West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board John Bruneau Curtis Clay Glenn Domokos Les Dryer Troy Edwards Vini Giannatala Bryant Jaggers Lyle Johnson Judy Jones Gregg Moran Bud Roe Kathy Tate Jim Webb Ron Williams Bonnie York

Denver First Church 3800 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80113 303/761-8370

Table of Contents 1. Vacation Bible School 2. News update


i. important info...

v. how you can help…

ii. kotchadoingood

vi. final word...

iii. news from the board... iv. timely news for the

3. Calendar of Events: June 14-20

News Update Important info... Dear Family and Friends of DFC, Sunday was a great day of services; morning and evening. Dr. Bob presented a powerful message of salvation in the morning service and a message on the subject of change in the evening service. In the evening service, he said, "There will always be change. You can always count on there being change--unless you’re talking about vending machines, of course..." These one-liners have come to be affectionately called "Huffakerisms." And we're going to miss them. We're going to miss him. One of these days--and it's coming soon--Dr. Bob's role will change, and he will no longer serve as our Interim Pastor. How blessed we are, and how blessed we have been to have had him in this role! Let's take time as a people to let our gratitude be known. Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events. Palomas Mission Trip Navajo Mission Trip Meeting

GPS Class Potluck

Singles Concert in the Park

Evening Service

Tour the Molly Brown House

Youth Orlando Missions

Singles To The Rockies Game

Singles Social Planning Meeting

MOPS Consignment Sale

Club Climateener

Youth Albuquerque Mission Trip Today’s publication will cover the following topics: •


News from the Board

Timely News for the Congregation

How You Can Help

News Update kotchadoingood! •

A week ago Sunday, at the First Impressions luncheon, the baton of leadership was officially passed from Scott Nauman to Bob Cheney and Ken Bassham. We are pleased and excited to see the wave of energy that is evident among our parking attendants, greeters, and team of ushers in recent days. Thanks to all of you for your service of greeting and hospitality! Thank you to the congregation for exceeding our goal of supporting 40 children for camp at $40 each. We are now up to at least 52 children! Thanks are due to Karen Gunstream for the outstanding service she has offered in planning and developing our adult Sunday School teacher training program. We had another training session this past Sunday; it was time exceedingly wellspent! Thank you, Karen. From reports we have received, the objectives of the Palomas trip, whether construction projects, provision of dental care, or spiritual outreach ministries, are all being met. Trip participants will return Sunday, June 14. Thank you to all who participated in ministering on the Palomas trip, and thank you, congregation of DFC, for your support in prayer. The annual reports for fiscal 2008 have just been completed. If you have opportunity to read the West Campus report, please do so. Congratulations to Rev. Marvin Suyen and his wife Cenida for a remarkably productive year in reaching their community for the Lord!

News Update news from the Board... Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The process we've all been praying through for the past six months is potentially reaching its climax! The Board has selected one candidate from the options the Search Committee presented, and we will interview that person very soon. After the interview, the Board will vote on whether to present this candidate to the congregation for consideration as our next Senior Pastor. Provided there is a two-thirds favorable vote by ballot (as stipulated in section 115 of the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene), planning will begin on how and when to present the candidate to the congregation. The congregation would then vote on whether to extend the call to the candidate, again requiring a two-thirds favorable vote of those members present. Due to the timing of this whole process, it is vital that the actual identity of the candidate not be revealed until after General Assembly occurs later this month. The Communication Committee will be working to create a process where we can present the essence of the person, his ministry philosophy, and some of his previous successes. However, if for some reason you should learn the actual identity of the candidate, could I ask you to please be responsible and considerate of the greater Body of Christ and keep that information confidential? I cannot over-emphasize the importance of our proper, discretionary handling of the ministry transition that takes place when God moves pastors from one role to another. Maybe there is some question in your mind regarding exactly what criteria has been used to assess those names presented to the Search Committee for consideration -- by the way, every name submitted to the committee was reviewed and measured against a series of criteria. Certain things were considered for the "first cut," such as the size of a pastor's current or most recent congregation, whether they would be an appropriate fit in our local culture, etc. Dr. David Ralph was crucial in assisting in that process based upon his experience and the guidelines he has developed over the course of helping churches call pastors.

News Update news from the Board...

Once through the first cut, the committee used five basic characteristics developed from the results of the Board and congregational surveys solicited earlier this year. Those five characteristics are: 1) Visionary Capacity; 2) Effective Communicator through Preaching; 3) Strong Leadership; 4) Intentional Focus on Outreach and Evangelism; 5) Excellent Relational, Shepherding, and People Skills. These are all undergirded with having a strong prayer life and being grounded in the Bible. Having this clear road map of what we are looking for helped really focus the Search Committee in the right direction. And we're thrilled to report that some of the most well-respected and highly-qualified persons in our pulpits today rose to the top of the list. We're very excited about the potential that lies in the immediate future of DFC, and we know God will use whomever we call to make us an effective, impacting body of believers on those around us! Now is not the time to lessen our prayer focus. We must continue to daily seek for the Spirit of our God to refine us and prepare our hearts to be so completely committed to Him that circumstances will play no part in influencing the promotion of the Gospel. Please stay faithful to nurturing your relationship with Him and growing more intimate in every way. Serving Him Alongside of You, Vini Giannatala

News Update timely news for the congregation...

A Message from MOPS director, Rebekah Giannatala: Our MOPS Children's Consignment Sale is well on its way to another successful fundraiser for our MOPS group this year. After our seller sign-up last Friday we have decided to go ahead and schedule an exclusive sign-up for DFC attendees on Sunday, June 21st to allow our DFC members to more fully participate as sellers or workers in our Sale (Friday-Saturday, August 7-8). We accept all things kid and maternity (furniture, equipment, toys, clothing, shoes, bath, bedding, feeding and more!). Also, remember, if you work the sale (2 hour shift) you get to shop, before the sale opens to the public, at our presale on Thursday, Aug. 6th. Meet us as the Hot Booth on Sunday, June 21st between 9am-12noon to reserve your spot as a seller! Club Climateener Are you ready for our first 14’er?! Meet in the DFC west parking lot Saturday, June 27th at 6am to ride the van to Mt. Evans (elevation 14,264). Bring $12 for fuel and $$ for breakfast and dinner out. Bring plenty of water, snacks, and sunscreen. Sign up at the Men’s Ministry booth. If you need more information call Randy’s office at 303.806.2625. All men are invited to sing on Father’s Day! Rehearsals are Wednesday at 6:30 pm and/or Thursday at 7:00 pm (only one rehearsal is required). In order to have adequate music and CDs, please RSVP to Diane at 303/806-2609 by Wednesday.

News Update timely news for the congregation... Right Place – Right Time God Given Moment This week, while listening to a speech, the following quote by Ann Schlee was woven into a passionate plea asking others to carry forward the torch of a retiring educator: “We believe in books. Somehow we want to make childhood better. And we believe that the right book at the right time can work magic in a child’s life.” As I listened to these words, I couldn’t help but wonder how many of us on life’s journey truly live passionately and act on our convictions. Are there times when we find ourselves in a situation where God has clearly given us the opportunity to share our faith with others? This summer, the Children’s Department at DFC would like to encourage you to consider inviting your neighbors, friends, and acquaintances to a variety of activities where all who attend will feel at ease and welcome as they fellowship with our DFC family. Perhaps one of these activities will provide you with “the right time” to experience God “work a miracle” in someone’s life. Preschool Outings: Tuesdays - June 16 & 30, July 14 & 28 Specific details are listed on flyers found at the Adventure Zone Welcome Desk. Incoming 1st & 2nd Grade Overnight/Camp Out: Friday, June 19 to Saturday, June 20. Details and participation slips can be found at the Adventure Zone Welcome Desk. Incoming 3rd through 6th Grade Golden Bell Summer Camp: Monday, July 6 through Friday, July 10. Details, applications and medical forms can be found at the Adventure Zone Welcome Desk. Family Water Night at Pirate’s Cove: Friday, July 24 Gates to this DFC Water Night will open at 6:45 PM. Vacation Bible School for Children Age 4 through 4th Grade: Monday, July 27 through Friday, July 31 at DFC. 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM. Online Registration is available at . “Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for the harvest.” John 4:35 NIV Sincerely, Susan Foster

News Update how you can help...

On Graduates Sunday, many of us committed to uphold our graduates in prayer. Decisions are being made at this time that hold the potential of setting these young people’s course for life. Summertime is a very active time for the youth ministries of DFC. Please pray for the safety of our youth and their leaders as they travel on missions trips, participate in service projects, camps, and many other activities. With youth ministries there are invariably many logistical issues that have to be resolved as the summer’s programming moves along. Pray for “smooth sailing” in this regard, as well. Please continue to pray for volunteers to serve in our Children’s Department. More workers are needed even at this moment. Please pray with us regarding this need. If you feel impressed to volunteer, please call Gwenda at 303/806-2612.

News Update final word...

In the days immediately following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, the sense of community among the believers was palpable. Acts 2:42-47 (NIV) "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” They were “doing life together.” Can you imagine how angry the enemy was with such a display of unity? Wouldn’t you suspect that he directed all his energies against them, trying to divert them; tempting them to become proud of their unity; setting them against each other to compete for the role of The Biggest Giver or Rated Most Spiritual? Unity is not the absence of individual differences; it is the fading relevance of those differences as we elevate our gaze—fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. God bless you. On behalf of the Ministerial Staff of DFC, God bless you. Randy Smith

Calendar of Events June 14-June 20 Sunday, June 14:

Tuesday, June 16:

8:30 am:

Youth Prayer Time

6:30 am:

Outgoing 9th Grade Spelunking

9:00 am:

Sunday School (all ages)

7:00 am:

Men’s Bible Study (GL Conference Room)

7:00 pm:

Prophesy Bible Study - Bereans (Fellowship Hall)

Nursery & Preschool open 10:30 am:

Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary) Nursery available 1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church (GLA) 5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship (Dog Pound)

12:00 pm:

Navajo Mission Trip Meeting (Community Room)

Wednesday, June 17: 9:00 am:

IN Group Tour

4:30 pm:

Hang Time in the Youth Cafe

5:30 pm:

Rock Worship Band Sound Check

6:30 pm:

Prayer Meeting (Community Room) Celebrate Recovery (Room 200, 202 & Cry Room)

GPS Class Potluck (Fellowship Hall) 2:00 pm:

Growing Kids God’s Way (Room 200) Childcare for ages birth - 3 (nursery) Childcare for ages 4 and older (GL Room #5)

2:30 pm:

Tsunami Band Practice

3:30 pm:

Collaboration Band Practice

4:00 pm:

Financial Peace (GL Auditorium)(Childcare provided in Room 5)

Youth Worship Service (Rock Room) 6:45 pm:

MASH Men’s Bible Study (Room 201)

8:00 pm:

Make Up Orlando Mission Training Mtg (Rock Room)

Friday, June 19: 5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

6:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (Fellowship Hall)

Orlando Missions Training Mtg (Rock Room) 5:00 pm:

Singles Meet for Concert in City Park

6:00 pm:

Traditions Service (Diehl Chapel) Quizzing Practice

Saturday, June 20: Youth Orlando Missions Trip 7:00 am:

Men at Prayer (Community Room) Ladies Prayer Walk (DFC Parking Lot)

Monday, June 15: 9:40 am:

Divorce Care (Fellowship Hall/ Community Room)

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

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