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Missions Banner Presbyterian Missionary Union & Venture Guild International

1650 Love Road, Grand Island, New York 14072 v Phone: 716-775-0442 v Fax: 716-775-3405 Email: [email protected] Web:

J UNE 2007, #219 u “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples!” Psalm 96:3

Baldwin News: Moving Isn’t Any Easier In Cambodia! What a brutal couple of weeks. While it is probably less than a year old I was having trouble getting the money I my apartment has sat empty for a while. needed to move into an apartment here. The building has five floors but the fifth is My bank card has a small limit every ten just an empty covered rooftop. Each apartdays and the credit card gave me only ment is half of a floor and quite large. My $300 then wouldn't give me anymore. I apartment came with some furniture, hiked in 100 degree heat to other ATMs though I will need a few other items as hoping it was a local problem. When I time goes on. My fridge is only 4' high but finally got home exhausted the Hotel asked makes ice and keeps things cold. me to pay up and both cards came back Being on the 4th floor I have some nice rejected. Fixing it from Cambodia could views. I love having my own place and this prove a nightmare. I decided I couldn't is a nice apartment. I'm ecstatic to have take the apartment and was a bit depressed found a place with some ventilation and no with the horror this was turning out to be. mildew. I got my laptop, went to the Internet The road in front of my building is place, and rental villas tried to get on and duPhnom Penh Street the bank webplexes. The Scene site to see if back faces a there was any street across a indication of field which has the issue not been transthere. The formed yet. It site was has some small down. I was shacks on stilts considering all built tocalling my gether. I've credit card seen the people company and being on hold forever at who live there collecting greens from the $3/minute but decided not to do so. very small field between my building and The next day, after prayerfully consid- their street. ering Whose employ I am in, I overcame On Monday, Socheat (So-Chee-et), my my feelings of dread, re-kindled my hope, Khmer teacher, took me to the center of and went off to the "Internet Phone" booth town on his moto and helped me shop. We at the Internet place and called the 800 made three round trips to the main shopnumber. It only took 5 minutes at ping area and one to a local place to buy $0.10/minute to work my way through the rice. It took 5 hours and had me totally fraud division and prove I was me and in wiped out! I even carried a 3'x4' table and Cambodia desperately trying to use my a 5' tall, 6' long clothes drying rack on the credit card. They fixed it over the phone back of his moto. I'm sure it was quite a and I was off and running. sight—an 85lb Cambodian man driving me I moved into my apartment last Saturday and all that junk on his tiny little scooter! afternoon [May 19]. Climbing to the I'm keeping busy and working on the fourth floor in the heat five times to get all language as well as trying to establish mymy stuff and supplies into my place wiped self here and make contacts. I praise God me out. Sunday I recovered somewhat by for his blessing me in finding a home and resting, reading, and going to church. I in preserving me in my labors. It's excouldn't understand much even with one of hausting but in His strength I know I can the kids helping me out. I really want to do it. Please pray to that end. Especially master Khmer so I can do this right! for the language studies.

News to Know Ed Paauwe Recovery In a recent email, Dr. Paauwe writes, “Both of my doctors are satisfied with my progress, and I will see them again on the fourth of July. The incision is healing nicely.” Ed is on a regimen of exercises and limited activity. He thanks all for their prayers and love, and especially thanks the Lord for healing. Please continue to keep the Paauwes, and the Perth congregation, in prayer while Dr. Paauwe recovers. Presbytery Camp Dates Once again, several of our BP Presbyteries are hosting youth camps this summer. Please be in prayer for the families, young people, and staff who will attend. The Florida Presbytery meets in Ocala, Florida, July 9-14, for their family camp. They will be studying Romans 12 together. The Great Lakes Presbytery meets at Rock Creek, Ohio, July 8-14. Their theme is “He is...”, a look at who God is. Additionally, the senior campers will have some training in biblical peacemaking. Finally, the Northwest Presbytery makes its way to Little Bitterroot Lake outside of Kalispell, Montana, July 12-19. Their theme is “Walk in the Spirit,” and they will also take a walk through the history of the BPC, with a view to establishing its future. Banner Photo above: Angkor Wat (temple) complex, Cambodia

Presbyterian Missionary Union is a non-profit missions agency associated with the Bible Presbyterian Church. Our purpose is to advance the cause of missions that are biblically based and practiced and to stand against any compromise of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. PMU is directed by a Council of Christian leaders who volunteer their time to guide the ministry. To learn more about missions opportunities through PMU, or about the BPC, please contact us. The Missions Banner is published ten times a year for interested individuals and churches. It seeks to promote the clear stand of the BPC by providing a biblical perspective on issues, fads, and theories in missions and church development. Editor: Len Pine. Publisher: James S. Blizzard

Passing of the Guard In a denomination the size of the Bible Presbyterian Church, the testimony of those whom the Lord allows long years of ministry has a profound effect upon the whole body, and their home going leaves a hole that can be difficult to fill. This spring has seen two venerable ministers of the BPC go into the presence of their Lord, and they will be missed. Rev. Martin Clark Freeland, born in 1919, passed away on Tuesday, April 24, 2007, at his home in Bluff City, Tennessee. Rev. Freeland graduated with honors from Vanderbilt University School of Engineering in 1941. He worked for Army Engineers in Trinidad, and joined the Navy where he served as an engineer officer on LST 276 in the South Pacific, active in D-Day in the Philippines. In 1953 he graduated from Faith Theological Seminary and was ordained to the ministry by the Bible Presbyterian Church. He served as pastor of Ryder Memorial Presbyterian Church for 38 years, in addition to serving in churches in Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina. He also taught Greek and Science at Graham Bible College for many years. Rev. Freeland died at the age of 87 in the home he loved, at the foot of the mountain he loved, surrounded by his family and without spending a day in the hospital. Rev. Earle R. White was taken home to be with his Lord on May 22, 2007, at the age of 93. Dr. White graduated from Faith Theological Seminary in 1944, and was ordained in that same year to the gospel ministry in the Bible Presbyterian Church. He served for one year as pastor of the BPC in Columbus, Ohio, before he and his wife, Dorothy, were appointed as missionaries under The Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions to the field of Chile. They served that nation until 1971. After a year in Guatemala, the Whites returned to the US in 1972, where Dr. White was appointed Assistant General Secretary of the IPBFM. He served the Lord at IBPFM headquarters thereafter in various capacities: Associate General Secretary (1976-1983), General Secretary (1984-1990), Assistant Secretary (1991-1994), President (1995-2005), and Vice President (2006-2007). Please join us in praying for the Lord’s comfort upon the families of these ministers, and for ongoing fruit from their labors in the years to come, Revelation 14:13.

Brinegar Installed in Scappoose Tuesday, May 22nd, will stand as a “red-letter day” in the history of the Columbia BPC in Scappoose, Oregon. On that afternoon the Northwest Presbytery gathered to ordain and install the first full-time pastor in the church’s twelve-year history. Rev. Steve Brinegar, his wife, Bethany, and their daughter Abby have already been an encouragement to the congregation, and Steve reports that the encouragement has been mutual!

The Brinegar family with the NW Presbytery Approximately seventy-five congregants and friends gathered that evening for the installation service, with members from the Olympia and Tacoma churches joining the members at Columbia to welcome the new pastor and his family. Pray for Pastor Brinegar and the Session, Elders Tim Hart and Russell Foulke, and the entire congregation, as they learn to work together for the furtherance of the gospel witness in Columbia County, Oregon.

PMU Hires New Missions Assistant As of this month, Mrs. Ruth Pine (Dr. Pine’s mother) is stepping down from the position of Missions Assistant which she has filled since 2002. During her tenure PMU’s mailing list has doubled, our budget has tripled, and foreign fields have quadrupled in number. Mrs. Pine has been a major factor in the ability of the office to handle this growth gracefully and efficiently. What started off as a part-time position is now full-time. We praise the Lord for her faithful and sacrificial labors, and wish her God’s blessings in retirement—though we expect she really won’t slow down very much. Stepping into this vital position will not be easy. Mrs. Karen Pine (Dr. Pine’s wife), a former administrative assistant, will take on the duties of keeping the office running smoothly. Please pray for Karen as she makes the transition, and finds new opportunities for learning patience as she supports her husband in a new venue!

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