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Missions Banner

20th Anniversaries — BPC of Western Australia on May 21 and Hope BPC in Adelaide, South Australia on June 4. Rev. Al Cook: Grand Island BPC is looking forward to the ministry of Rev. Al Cook who will be guest speaker for Holy Week services, April 12-16. Team Timothy—USA Knoxville: June 10-17 PMU is sending a team to Knoxville to assist with VBS. Application deadline is May 1st. Please contact our office for information. Team Timothy—Bolivia July 5—23, 2006 Please pray for each team member as they work on boot camp, field assignments and travel plans: Emily Blizzard—FL Susan Blizzard—FL George/Rita Gatis—SC Jason Huttinga—OH Eric Pastorek—TN Dr. Len Pine—NY Dr. Pine’s Itinerary: Please pray for travel safety and God’s leading in all aspects of ministry. 4/23-25 IN, OH 5/4-17 Western Reformed Seminary, Northwest BPCs 5/19-26 Vacation 6/18 Boston, NY—Concert 7/5-23 TT06—Bolivia 8/1 PMU Council Meeting 8/3-8 Synod 8/31-9/21 SE Asia. Australia, Myanmar 10/7-10 Clearwater-Concert 10/23-24 Bob Jones Univ., SC/NC/TN BPCs 12/3 Armor, NY—Concert 12/26-30 Northwest Youth Retreat

1650 Love Road Grand Island, New York 14072 Phone: 716-775-0442 Fax: 716-775-0442 Email: [email protected] Web:

Declare His Glory!

APRIL 2006, #207

News to Know

Presbyterian Missionary Union

Rev. Dyck Experiences Africa “My trip to Africa has been one of the most Rev. John Dyck and Charles Kisembo wonderful experiences of my ministry. The congregation at the Edmonton Bible Presbyterian Church has been very supportive and encouraging before, during, and after my five week absence from the pulpit. The Lord allowed me to minister the gospel to the Rendille people of northern Kenya as well as to the Maasai of the south. I also preached to the Kamba tribes southeast of Nairobi and who separated from the Presbyterian taught an introductory course on Cove- Church of Uganda a few years ago benant Theology to a class of about 70 stu- cause of unbiblical church planting dents in Nairobi that was very well re- methods as well as lack of accountability. There are five struggling congregaceived. I was able to go over to Uganda for a tions there presently. These men exfew days as well. There I met with pressed an earnest desire to be PresbyteCharles Kisembo who has expressed in- rian in both doctrine and church governterest in starting a Bible Presbyterian ment. It is my hope that brother KisChurch in Kampala. Pray for Charles embo will join with these other men of that he will be able to establish a strong the OPCU. The major drawback is that home Bible study that will develop into a the churches of that denomination are gospel preaching church. I am grateful located in central Uganda and are some for the good help of Rev. Philip Proctor distance from Kampala, where Charles who has been working with the Ugan- Kisembo lives. Pray for the church in dans for the past four years. I spent some Uganda. In many ways it is well estabtime with two pastors from the Orthodox lished, but there are many things still to Presbyterian Church of Uganda (no or- be learned. I praise the Lord for their ganic relation to the OPC in the U.S.), desire to follow the Lord in all things.”

Mark Baldwin—Studying, Traveling and Planning Mark’s first scheduled deputation visit will be in Baltimore on May 27th. For a compelling look at Cambodia and Mark’s ministry to the people in that needy country, please contact PMU for Mark’s schedule. As some of you know, Mark returned to the states for several reasons, one being a need for a good medical examination. Tests have now determined that Mark was suffering from a vitamin deficiency and he is now receiving treatments to correct that problem. While home on deputation, Mark is also studying for his ordination exams. Please pray that he will have time to study and good concentration as he studies for licensure and ordination exams.

Presbyterian Missionary Union is a non-profit missions agency associated with the Bible Presbyterian Church. Our purpose is to advance the cause of missions that are biblically based and practiced and to stand against any compromise of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. PMU is directed by a Missions Council of Christian leaders who volunteer their time to guide the ministry. To learn more about missions opportunities through PMU, or to learn more about the BPC please contact us. The Missions Banner is published ten times a year and is distributed without cost to interested individuals and churches. It seeks to promote the clear stand of the BPC by providing a biblical perspective on issues, fads, and theories in missions and church development. Our Editor is Len Pine, and our Publishing Coordinator is Tito Lyro.

Good News from Myanmar Rev. Khawl Ro Kim writes, “I have good news to tell you—one local BPC church will be planted (born) very soon at Aungtapi in Shan State. Hopefully the opening service will be held in May. Please pray for this.” (Editor’s Note: This is Rev. Kim’s second church planting—the February Banner told of the birth of the first BPC church to be planted in Myanmar (Yangon).

Rev. Kim’s report continues, “I just returned from a trip to Inlay. I was alone, but full of joy. The mission work is going well and we will have Summer Camp (Salvation Campaign) April 10—16. This is during the Water Festival which is our New Year. The young people go into the street and pour waters upon each other because they want to enter the New Year with a clean and sinless life. They believe all their sins are cleansed as they get waters poured through. “My people do not know the cleansing power of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. If they know this truth, they will have forsaken this worthless and nonsense practice. I wish I could go out on the streets and tell them the good news that all their sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ. But we are not free to do so here. What we can do is call them to come to the camp and share the gospel with them there. That is why we are planning to have The Summer Campaign during this Water Festival. We will invite about 60 non-Christian friends, mostly the Intha people, to this camp in Taunggy. If this goes well, there will be about 70 campers altogether. Please pray that the gospel will be presented to campers in such a way that they all truly know and understand the Gospel. Pray those lost souls might be found out. Please also pray for the financial needs. We are taking 5 new orphans. There are many orphans applying to come but our limited funds permit us to take only five. This orphanage ministry has a wonderful impact on the people around the area. Praise the Lord for His wonderful blessings and guidance.”

Evangel Bible Institute: ” conformed to the image of Christ.” Romans 8:29 EBI began a new semester in March. Two courses are being taught on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Edward Paauwe is teaching two classes: How to Prepare and Deliver Bible Messages and Beginning Greek. Another course, Counseling Issues, is being presented by video and taught by Dr. Jim Berg, Dean of Students at Bob Jones University. Approximately 50 students are enrolled. The Paauwes ask for prayer for their first Bible Conference to be held April 18-21. Rev. Paauwe will preach a series of messages on “The Fruit of the Spirit”. Lehia will teach the children. Their Bible-Presbyterian Church in Perth, Western Australia, has announced their theme for 2006: “Be Conformed to Christ”, Romans 8:29. “We are grateful for the interest our church people have in studying God’s Word and receiving training for His service”, writes Rev. Paauwe. “The young people are enthusiastic in evangelizing and inviting new people to church.”

A Changing Country Brings New Challenges to Miriam “...I would really like a stable job, if possible, next year. Not that I haven’t enjoyed the roller coaster ride that is this country. Sadly, almost every worker I know is in the same boat with nothing sure about next year. Several factors are at work—there is an influx of unqualified people willing to work for very little because they have their own resources. Many schools are not willing to pay adequate salaries for qualified teachers when they can pay a lot less. The business strategy here is to never spend money to make money, but spend as little as possible. When cash finally starts rolling in, then it is time to make things more professional. Also the cost of living is going up at a phenomenal rate—artificially raised because of government determination to modernize immediately. Taxis have been replaced with spiffy cars, outdoor markets have been replaced with supermarkets, etc. This makes it possible for the government to control the city’s population: the cost of living is simply too high and prevents the rural population from deserting the farms and moving to the city. Costs keep going up, but schools are unwilling to pay more than they did 5 years ago. For all these reasons and more, I will be very happy if my present teaching position with the Ford Foundation will open the door for a permanent, year-round job. “Presently I’m teaching 16 students divided into two classes based on English ability, so one group is better than the other. I teach reading three times a week to one class and reading and writing three times a week to the other class. My students were chosen because of their work in their communities. The Ford Foundation felt that they were bright, motivated and diligent enough to get a masters degree in the West and that they also truly desire to use what they know to benefit their community. One of my students is a reporter, one a cowboy, one a former Olympic gymnast. Another gentleman wants to come to the US to study moral education because of his concern for the moral decline in his province. A lady student is a lawyer, and a male student has done most of his work with disabled children. All of my classes are to prepare them for the reading and writing load they will have once they are in a US graduate school. Almost everything, except grammar, is brand new for them and they are struggling with it. While Mom was here she taught American government and its biblical foundation. Next week I plan to start inviting them to my house in small groups to give them a chance to have western food (not McDonalds!) and to be able to talk to them more personally. I’ve had a few opportunities with them, but think there will be more opportunity to talk to them over a western meal and in a small group.” (Editor’s Note: Remember Miriam as she faces the cost of living expenses, indefinite job challenges, and, most of all, the challenge of teaching the good news to her students. Miriam will be in the U.S. from June 6—August 16. If your church would like to arrange a visit, please contact PMU.) Bible-Presbyterian Church, Perth, Western Australia

Rev. Paauwe (2nd fron left, back row) with Young Parents Fellowship

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