Menerapkan The New MaxiMarketing Pemasaran dengan Sentuhan Pribadi
Hifni Alifahmi
[email protected],
[email protected]
Evolusi Konsep Pemasaran Kontemporer-1 • Konsep pemasaran 1950-an:
- Marketing Mix, Product Life Cycle - Brand Image, Market Segmentation - Marketing Concept > Selling, Marketing Audit
• Konsep pemasaran 1960-an:
- The Fifth P (Perception) in the Marketing Mix - Marketing Myopia, Lifestyles (Psychographic) - The Broadened Concept of Marketing > Products
• Konsep pemasaran 1970-an:
- Social Marketing, Positioning - Strategic Marketing, Societal Marketing - Macro-marketing, Services Marketing
Evolusi Konsep Pemasaran Kontemporer-2 • Konsep pemasaran 1980-an:
- Marketing Warfare, Niche Marketing - Gobal Marketing, Local Marketing - Megamarketing, Database Marketing, MaxiMarketing - Direct Marketing, Relationship Marketing
• Konsep pemasaran 1990-an:
- Marketing PR, Customer Relationship Marketing - Image Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications - CyberMarketing, Sponsorship Marketing, Marketing Ethics
• Konsep pemasaran 2000-an:
- Experiential Marketing (Customer Experience Management) - ROI Marketing, Social Responsibility Marketing - Reputation Marketing, Value-Based Marketing - Brand Building Marketing, Customer Equity Marketing - Community-Based Marketing, Emotional Branding
Stan Rapp & Tom Collins:
the Author of MaxiMarketing
Stan Rapp is the Prophet of the New Marketing Technology. His books co-authored with Tom Collins: 1) MaxiMarketing, 1987. 2) The Great Marketing Turnaround, 1990. 3) Beyond MaxiMarketing: Success Secrets of the MaxiMarketing Winners, 1994. 4) The New MaxiMarketing: the Principles of Caring and Daring, 1996. Stan Rapp & Chuck Martin, The Max-e-Marketing, 2004. Rapp is Chairman of Cross Rapp Associates Consulting Group and was CEO of Rapp Collins Worldwide.
Ten Main Thoughts of
1. MaxiMarketing is customer centered new way of thinking about the Selling Process. 2. MaxiMarketing is the emerging, dominant marketing process of the information economy. 3. MaxiMarketing is much more than integrated marketing or multi-media marketing or relationship marketing or one-to-one marketing. 4. MaxiMarketing is the answer to what Alvin Toffler says that every company must prepare themselves while facing the Third Wave of civilization i.e. demassification of the market place. 5. MaxiMarketing is for every size of business: small, entrepreneur or big business tycoon.
Ten Main Thoughts of
1. MaxiMarketing gives you the chance to add powerful
2. 3. 4.
new capabilities to what you already do very well by reengineering your marketing from A to Z. MaxiMarketing places you in a direct, interactive, and personalized relationship with prospects & customers. MaxiMarketing invites you to monitor the effectiveness of your marketing practices in real time. MaxiMarketing is a holistic strategy for maximizing sales and profit by selective interaction & involvement with identified prospects and customers. MaxiMarketing is the new direction for advertising, promotion and marketing strategy.
Special Highlight from
Philip Kotler
MaxiMarketing is the model makes direct marketing techniques the driving forces in the general marketing process.
MaxiMarketing model recommends the creation of customer database and advocates making direct contact marketing a full partner in the marketing process.
MaxiMarketing consists of a comprehensive set of steps for reaching the prospect, making the sale and developing the relationship.
The New Marketing Professional Yesterday
• Product Focus • Looks Backward • Safety First • New Media Resistant • Single Channel • Share of Market
• Customer Focus • Looks Forward • Innovation First • New Media Explorer • Multiple Channel • Share of Customer
MaxiMarketing: the Database Comes First PLANED DATABASE
Prospect or customer database plan drives the other marketing components rather than tagging along Plan determines content of advertising, sales promotion, and direct contact messages Goal becomes not just “recall” or short-term sales increases but long-term profitable customer relationship
Information-Based Marketing THIRD PARTY DATABASES
The Growth-Producing Data-based Machine Database-driven marketing program
Direct response advertising to “cold” prospect
Bonding opportunities
Selling opportunities
Individualized promotions to database names
Constantly improving database
Add new names replaces lost names
Adds information improves potential
Tujuh Tahap the MaxiMarketing Model Reaching the Prospect
Making the Sale
Building the Relationship
7. Maximized customer cultivation 6. Maximized prospect involvement 5. Maximized promotion results 4. Maximized advertising impact 3. Maximized accountability 2. Maximized media exploration 1. Maximized target selection
Tujuh Tahap the MaxiMarketing Model • Target selection: Find out who and where your best prospects are, and what are the most efficient ways of reaching them. • Media Exploration: Learn how to make use both a new media and of existing media in new ways. • Accountability: Look for ways to better determine whether your advertising is affecting your intended target. • Advertising impact: Make sure your advertising breaks through the clutter to reach a true prospect, and leaves behind a meaningful impression.
Tujuh Tahap the MaxiMarketing Model • Promotion result: Take a fresh look at sales promotion and have and effective plan for generating other forms of moving the prospect to becoming a customer. • Prospect involvement: Build a bridge between the advertising and the sale by sending additional advertising and promotion material. • Customer cultivation: Use your database to forge lasting and profitable relationships.
1. Target selection: Find out who and where your best prospects are, and what are the most efficient ways of reaching them. Geografis: daftar kota, komunitas hunian dan lokasi/tempat kumpul Demografis: pekerjaan, penghasilan, agama, usia, pendidikan, etnis, jenis kelamin, dll. Psikografis: orientasi nilai/spiritual, persepsi, sikap, kepribadian, kebiasaan/habit, dll. Teknografis: pemakaian internet, email, ATM, SMS, HP, elektronik, dll
Penerapan MaxiMarketing • Media Exploration: Learn how to make use both a new media and of existing media in new ways. Daftar media cetak dan elektronik nasional/lokal Media interaktif: CDRom, internet, Hotline Media komunitas (khusus) & news-group Media komunikasi personal: klub hobi dan komunitas, telepon, fax, surat, pameran, toko. Media komunikasi konsumen
Penerapan MaxiMarketing • Accountability: Look for ways to better determine whether your advertising is affecting your intended target Apakah media cetak dan elektronik sebagai media utama/efektif? Apa media interaktif yang efektif/efisien? Media komunitas dan news-group yang direspon tertinggi? Media personal yang paling efektif/efisien? Pengaruh/efektivitas Media nasabah prima
Penerapan MaxiMarketing • Advertising impact: Make sure your advertising breaks through the clutter to reach a true prospect, and leaves behind a meaningful impression. Tema pesan iklan dan promosi: rasional, emosional, spiritual? Kombinasi tema pesan rasional dan spiritual? Dukungan promosi khusus: directmail/email, SMS, kunjungan berkala, kontak Standartelepon, Servicedll. Quality di Front-Line. Tampilan asesoris/tangible di kantor layanan.
Penerapan MaxiMarketing • Promotion result: Take a fresh look at sales promotion and have and effective plan for generating other forms of moving the prospect to becoming a customer. Promosi perdana: cindera mata/hadiah Layanan khusus: executive lounge, RS rujukan, membership Layanan berbasis emotional & spiritual: membership, klub, layanan personal, dll Promosi berkala: voucher/diskon di merchant, tiket gratis
Penerapan MaxiMarketing • Prospect involvement: Build a bridge between the advertising and the sale by sending additional advertising and promotion material. Complimentary/gift: majalah, buku, souvenir Aksi Sosial: charity/derma, event Penjualan barang: asesoris, gimmick Customer Club: seminar, gathering Program cause-related marketing: alokasi dari penjualan/laba (%/Rp)
Penerapan MaxiMarketing • Customer cultivation: Use your database to forge lasting and profitable relationships. Customer Database 1: Konsumen saat ini Customer Database 2: Konsumen pesaing Customer Database 3: Pelanggan potensial Customer Database 4: Pelanggan majalah, kartu, hobi, dll.
Data in Motion Re-Sell
Penjualan ulang (repeat buyer)
Memelihara loyalitas Menaikkan volume pembelian
Customer get members
Penjualan produk lain
Mendukung produk baru