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lood Pressure (BP) is a Pressure generated in the peripheral channels (arteries) during contraction of and relaxation of heart muscles, (systolic and diastolic). Blood Pressure is measured at the level of the blood channel in the forearm and expressed as mm Hg systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower) BP. The average normal blood Pressure is 120/80 in an adult. Here are some Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Without Medication. By combining the following diet along with other options, you can effectively reduce and cure High Blood Pressure (hypertension). 0SBOHF+VJDFDrinking a glass of any type of orange juice twice a day significantly reduced both systolic and 14| MARCH 2009
diastolic blood Pressure. It improves blood vessel function, a measure of elasticity of the blood vessels. #BOBOBT Banana a unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect to beat high blood Pressure. Two bananas a day is believed to be a very wholesome diet for those who suffer from irregular blood Pressure. #FFUSPPU Drinking beetroot juice a day can significantly reduce blood Pressure. The key beneficial ingredient appears to be nitrate, which is also found in green leafy vegetables which helps in reducing high blood Pressure. #PUUMFHVBSE Extensive researches confirm that regular use of cooked bottle-gourd its soup or juice is useful food for persons suffering from diaADVISORS
betes and high blood Pressure. Swami Ramdev in his Yoga sessions on TV says that juice of bottle-guard taken in the morning is highly effective in reducing and curing high blood pressure. (BSMJD One of the best known, and most widely used in herbal medicine. Garlic it controls cholesterol and high blood Pressure. In a meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials of garlic supplements, three trials showed a significant reduction in systolic (upper) blood Pressure and four in diastolic (lower) blood Pressure. Researchers concluded that garlic has proved to be of clinical use in patients with mild high blood Pressure. Garlic can thin the blood (reduce the ability of blood to clot) similar to aspirin. Garlic is also anti-inflammatory and reduces plaque formation in the arteries. 0MJWF 0JM By using olive oil while cooking food helps to lower blood Pressure. Olive oil contains oleic acid, which is a mono-unsaturated fatty acid, and polyphenols that help reduce the blood Pressure . Polypheno-
lic compounds also protect the blood vessels. Olive oil is curative and effective in reducing high blood Pressure. Olive oil also scores over butter, coconut oil, palm oil, and sunflower oil in terms of its health benefits. $FMFSZPhysicians have long used celery to dependably reduce High Blood Pressure. Scientists have discovered exactly why it works so well. Celery contains a unique oil that relaxes the muscles that regulate blood Pressure, improving flow, and lowering Pressure. Celery diet given to rats for four weeks reduced their systolic blood Pressure by 12-14% and effected a substantial reduction in their cholesterol levels according to a study of the researchers at the University of Chicage. .VTUBSE 0JM Magnesium present in the seeds of mustard helps lower blood Pressure. Mustard oil also helps reduce blood fat (triglycerides) and lowers the tendency of blood clotting. Also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it is useful in the treatment of conditions such as asthma and arthritis. Eating food cooked in mustard oil can also help lower blood Pressure. Turmeric: A powerful Indian herb used in curry dishes, turmeric extract contains curcumin which is a strong anti-inflammatory. Curcumin to helps lower Blood Pressure and makes blood flow easy. Its antioxidant ability improves blood flow and strengthens blood vessels. 8BUFS .FMPO Provides potassium: Watermelon, like most fruits and vegetables, is a good source of potassium. Foods high in potassium seem to help protect against high blood Pressure. Potassium also helps regulate fluids and mineral balance in and out of body cells, aids in muscle contraction and helps transmit nerve impulses. Its very low in cholesterol and is favourite fruit of all weight watchers. It helps control blood Pressure and also lowers the risk of stokes. It has a cooling effect on the body. It is a natural diuretic. Water Melon is highly benefi-
cial in reducing blood Pressure. 0OJPOOnions contain which Quercetin, help reduce blood Pressure by an average of five millimeters of mercury. A new research study, said to be the first to report the blood Pressurelowering activity of onions. Supplement of quercetin led to significant reductions in the blood Pressure of 22 people with high blood Pressure. In one study, two to three tablespoons of onion essential oil a day lowered blood Pressure in 67 percent of people with moderately high blood Pressure. Their systolic levels fell an average of 25 points and their diastolic readings fell 15 points. You can promote healthy blood Pressure by adding more onions to your diet. )POFZ reduces high blood Pressure. Acetycholine, present in honey, increases the blood flow to the heart and thus decreases the blood Pressure and the heart rate. Honey is an all-natural food that is reputed to have dozens of health benefits. For high blood Pressure you can mix one teaspoon each of honey, ginger, and cumin powder. Drink twice a day for maximum effect. Some ingredient of honey, increases the blood flow to the heart and thus decreases the blood Pressure and the heart rate. Pineapple: Pineapple diet for managing hypertension is really helpful, since it contains higher amount of potassium and lesser amount sodium, which is significantly important for reducing blood Pressure. (SBQFT The antioxidants in grapes keep blood flowing freely. People in a study experienced better blood flow in their bronchial arteries just three hours after eating the equivalent of one and a quarter cup of grapes. The blood flow benefits were even better after three weeks of consistent eating. Researchers think it may be the antioxidant in grapes that help keep blood vessels relaxed and blood flowing freely. Therefore it helps keeping blood Pressure under control.
Green Tea: reduces high Blood Pressure Balkh Institute reports that green tea given to Russian patients reduced their blood Pressure and strengthened their blood vessels. Extensive research has uncovered that simply drinking one cup of green tea on daily basis can significantly reduce high blood pressure. This study was undertaken by Chinese people who regularly drink green tea. Research has also shown that people in the western world are now reducing their high blood pressure much the same way as people have been in China for years. Journal of American medical association also conducted a study on the benefit of green tea and confirmed it reduced high Blood Pressure. "MGB "MGB has elements for softening hard arteries. It is good for high blood Pressure. Eat your way out of high-blood Pressure with this plant that contains something magical that helps lower blood Pressure. 5VMTJ(holy basil) lowers blood Pressure. Vitamin-C and other anti oxidants in Holy Basil, apart from repairing damages done by the free radicals, also minimize the stress induced by these oxidants. They soothe nerves, lower blood Pressure, reduce inflammation and thus reduce stress. One such component is Camphene. Potassium also reduces blood Pressure related stress. 0BUTEaten daily, oats lower High Blood Pressure. A new clinical study has found that eating oatmeal and other wholegrain oat cereals can help control blood Pressure levels. The study, published in the recent issue of the scientific journal Preventive Medicine in Managed Care, showed that 73 per cent of participants who ate oat cereal daily for 12 weeks were able to reduce or eliminate their need for blood Pressure medication. Oat bran or oat meal has natural cholesterol lowering “properties.”, which lowers blood Pressure also. 4BĊSPO This herb contains a blood Pressure-lowering chemical called MARCH 2009 |15
crocetin. Daily use of saffron either in milk can make a big difference in blood Pressure levels. Some researchers speculate that the low rate of heart disease in Spain is due to the Spaniards’ high consumption of saffron. 4PZBCFBOT Taking soyabean daily works very well in lowering high blood pressure. Dr. Francine K. Welty of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and her colleagues found that women having high bloodpressure who consumed Soyabeans could reduce their systolic blood pressure (the top number) by 9.9 percent, and a drop in diastolic blood pressure (the lower number) by 6.8 percent. (Source: Archives of Internal Medicine May 28, 2007) 8BMLJOH IFMQT MPXFS blood Pressure Regular walk or exercise helps in maintaining blood Pressure levels normal as physical activity strengthens the heart muscles. This helps in pumping of blood without exerting much Pressure on the arteries. Yoga also helps to reduce Blood Pressure: Light Yoga asanas help in bringing about a balance in the autonomous nervous system, a center that controls stress. Yoga helps in regulating the blood Pressure by stabilizing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. :PHJD /JESB (Relaxation Pose) is excellent reducing blood Pressure 1. Lie Flat on your back 2. Close your eyes 3. Be aware of the body parts and turn your attention to them 4. Relax the body parts at will from toes to head. Relaxation has to be induced 5. Mind should be made free from all disturbing thoughts 6. When the posture is executed perfectly, it promoter peace and calmness which reduces High Blood Pressure. Pranayam is the Body’s software. Yogic breathing exercises like Nadi Shodhana reducing blood Pressure: This practice is also called alternate nostril breathing. 16| MARCH 2009
Practice of Nadi Shodhana helps to calm the mind of its disturbances and makes it conducive for meditation. Nadis are the carriers of prana to the different parts of the body. According to yogic science, there are 72,000 nadis in the human body. Pranayama cleanses these channels and the body is energized with the flow of prana. Steps - 1. Sit in a comfortable position and relax all the body parts. 2. Close your eyes. 3. Close your left nostril with your thumb and inhale slowly. Exhale the breath through the right nostril. This constitutes one part of the breathing. 4. Alternate the breath to the right nostril, i.e, inhale through the right nostril by closing the left nostril. Then, exhale through the left nostril. Meditation is an excellent method for reducing high blood Pressure Meditation helps to be in touch with the inner self which gives tremendous relief to all the body system and in reducing blood Pressure. Steps - 1. Just close your eyes and focus your attention on the point between the eyebrows. 2. One can chant ‘Om’ for a few minutes until a peaceful feeling touches you. Fill the mind with faith in the divine that always protects and relaxes one’s mind. Which results in drop in Blood Pressure level. )PXUPQSFWFOUIJHICMPPEQSFTTVSF • Keep a check on your weight, over weight/obesity can lead to high Blood Pressure • Eats lots of fresh fruits and green vegetables • Do not smoke • Avoid consumption of Alcohol Live an active life full of physical activity • Do some light exercises or yoga asanas, Yoga asanas helps to reduce high blood pressure • Keep emotional stability • Use low salt High Blood Pressure affects the internal organs like heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. Blood Pressure is ADVISORS
elevated with anxiety, hostility, anger and through excessive consumption of fat-rich diet. High blood pressure can also increase due to consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol and tobacco. It is important that natural ways are adopted to reduce the damage caused by high Blood Pressure. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and obesity are also the reasons for high Blood Pressure. Exercise helps to improve the condition of the heart, by making it pump more blood efficiently. Take stairs instead of elevator will burn more calories and helps to reduce the high Blood Pressure. Some other methods used to reduce cure blood Pressure are walking, meditation, deep breathing and healthy foods. When stress is reduced, the body’s immune system gets a boost, that also effectively reduces high Blood Pressure. Therefore, it is very important for us to have a holistic approach through exercise, meditation, yoga and a balanced diet which will help in maintaining a healthy life and also help in maintaining blood pressure.