Narrative Report

  • November 2019
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University National Service Training Program Civic Welfare Training Service Manila

Narrative Report Community Immersion Submitted By: Leader: Jennifer Aquino (AFT) Members: Josephine Cay (AFT) Krisna Joy Dela Torre (AFT) Ma. Eloisa Pacleb (AFT) Abegail Patino (AFT) Vanessa Marie Tantay (AFT) Jeannette Yap (AFT) Hector Badong (FET) Elias Catindig (FET) John Marvin Jusay (FET) Luigi Brian Nicolas (FET) Joel Llovido (FET) Submitted to: Mrs. Natividad Aquino

January 6, 2007

“Courtesy Call at the Barnaggay 338” This Saturday January 6, 2007, it’s the three king’s day, it is our courtesy call to the barnaggay, we met the baranggay chairman of 338 zone 34 3rd district.Mrs. Aquino first introduce us to the chairman and we also introduce ourselves, we’ve talked about the projects that we are going to accomplish in six (6) periods, or six Saturdays. After some conversations, the decision was made, and we are going to repaint the chapel of the baranggay, not necessarily the whole barnaggay but we are only assigned to paint all the chairs inside the chapel, we are also going to plant 6 paet trees along the side walks. And last but not\ the least our last project is the repainting of gutter along P. Guevara st. Beautification in this barnaggay is our main goal and we have to accomplish it as soon as possible.


January 13, 2007

“Tree Planting Activity” This Saturday January 13, 2007, we arrived at the the baranggay at exactly 8:00 in the morning. We first join the aerobics activity of group six They lead the dance floor and the people there participated in that said activity. We enjoy it too much. After that, we went to our proposed baranggay which is near to that place, we called the assistant of the chairman and seek for some help, regarding to the places or spots that we are going to plat trees. We get all the necessary things needed for tree planting which are the digging rod, shovel, trash bags, rake and water. We plant six (6) paet trees along the side walk of P. Guevara street and Milagros street we all have a hard time especially to those boys who dig the soil, but despite of it we have fun while we are doing this activity, this activity is really exciting because this is the very firs time we plant trees. We finished the 6 paet trees and we came back to the baranggay at around 12:00 in the afternoon.


January 20, 2007

“Repainting of Gutters” This Saturday, January 20, 2007 our activity seems to be more complicated as we go deeper, today we are going to repaint the gutter along P. Guevara Street this is where the house of the chairman is located. We canvass first for the prices of the necessary materials that we are going to use which is the enamel (white) paint, brush, two (yellow-gold) tinting color, brush, rollers and thinner. We start painting at 10:30 in the morning we’re late because we attended the morning activity of the other group so we have to double time so we could finish it on time. First the girls clean the surface to be painted, then the boys followed it with brush, we use the alternate method in order for all the members experienced to paint, because our tools is not enough to us. We finish painting at around 2:00 in the afternoon. While we are doing this activity we really enjoy it because we all worked together, although this work is too hard to do for us.


January 27, 2007

“Continuation of Painting Gutters” This Saturday, January 27, 2007 is only a continuation of painting of gutters. We started it around 9:45 in the morning we didn’t join the activity of the other group because we are running out of time. we use the excess paint on our previous activity, but this time the group six join us in our proposed project they helped us cleaning along the P. Guevara street and Milagros street, so we are really thankful because, they helped us. We group ourselves; the boys were assigned for the continuation of painting gutters, while the girls and group six clean the environment. This time we finished our task early because the other group helped us, so good for all of us because we can go home early and we are not going to work under the sun no more.


February 3, 2007 “Beautification to the Baranggay” This Saturday. February 3, 2007 we’re almost there, we arrived to the 2 to the last day of our program; we are all excited to finish it with gladness as soon as possible. Beautification towards the baranggay is one of goal, actually this is our main project, and this time we’re just maintaining the cleanliness. The Baranggay provides the walis ting-ting, garbage bag and pandakot we started cleaning at around 8:30 in the morning, well this activity is not too easy to do, imagine we are going to sweep the street of P. Guevara but its okay because this is a part of our project and we are willing to do this task because we are working together and we have team work. We finished cleaning at around 11:45, we are tired and hungry, Mrs. Natividad Aquino gave us drinks and food to eat, we are very thankful she is very kind hearted. The volunteer which is kuya Jericho arrived at our destination to seek and checked if we are really working, well that’s the part of the program. Kuya Jericho suggested putting some placards along the areas that we finished cleaning. Well that’s a good idea, nd


February 10, 2007

“Closing Ceremony” This Saturday February 10, 2007 is the last day of our immersion. We finally arrived to the last day of program this is the closing activity, it was held at the baranggay hall. The Leaders of group six and seven and Mrs. Natty Aquino lead the ceremony; they give certificates to those who participated in our program especially to those who participated in aerobics. We want to express our gratitude and appreciation. Of course the ceremony will not be completed without pictorials. These activities give pleasure to our dear hearts, until now we can’t believe that we all accomplish our tasks. After the ceremony we all went to Baeta floreska, selya street to participate to the closing ceremony of others group. Mam natty, prepared some give away to the less fortunate children’s for remembrance and for expressing their gratitude for participating to their activity. After the ceremony, Mrs. Aquino conducted a meeting regarding to our next activity to be held in Mt. Makiling. Then its time for to say Goodbye to our members and friends. The essence of team work and hardworking was build.



3 Mobilization Training • • • • • •

Place: Mt. Makiling Date: March 4, 2007 Assembly area: TUP Campus Assembly time: 4:00 a.m. Bus no.7 Activities: Obstacles, Water survival and Nature appreciation


March 4, 2007

“3rd Mobilization Training” Objective: to be able to accomplish our tasks and to maintain the discipline in our group. The most awaited part of this subject is the camping; we are required to go to Mt. Makilig as a part of our activity. March 4, 2007 Sunday, we are scheduled to go to Mt.Makiling for the third mobilization program. Our assembly time is 4:00 in the morning at Technological University of the Philippines, we leave the school at exactly 4:30 in the morning and we arrived there at 5:30. The first thing that we did is the orientation, the volunteers and professors join force to discipline us, they orient us regarding to the activities that we are going to do. Kuya Jericho was assigned to us, he told us to group ourselves into 20 members per group. Our fist activity is the Obstacles, this is the most exciting activity that we’ve ever encountered, we are amazed to their preparation, there are lots of thrilling moments, such as when we enter the tunnel, when we cross through the web cubs, when we climb up to the finish line, after this we have our nature appreciation, where we make a song about nature. We finished the obstacles around 11:45, its time for us to eat our lunch. We are hungry and tired so we decided to eat our lunched. After we ate we take a nap for awhile to have rest in order for us to be ready in our next activity which is the Water Survival. We are here into our last activity, the water survival this is the most awaited part of this camping, and we want swimming!!! We changed our clothes and we face the trainers, they teaches us how to swim and survive. We learn ed to do proper breathing, flutter kick and to float, after this we proceed to the next level we learned how to survive if we are about to face some calamities such as floods. We hold the rope and we swim to cross to the other side of the pool. The enjoy swimming! We leave at Mt. Makiling at Exactly 5:30 in the afternoon before we go there’s a call check to suit it that we are complete. Its time for us have rest because of our activity. We all do have fun, and we really enjoy those activities.


“Nature appreciation”

This picture was taken while we are waiting for the water survival training.


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