2004 - Complete Narrative Report

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October 22, 2004 CMC-AMA Rhijngeesterstraatweg 40 P.O. Box 75 2340 AB Oegstgeest The Netherlands Thru: Mrs. Dorien Verbeek CMC-AMA/Asia Desk Ref. #: AMA/Fil – 1218.5 Dear Mrs. Verbeek: Greetings of Peace and Love! Our First year- First phase of the project entitled: REVIVAL OF TRADITIONAL MEDIA WITHIN MODERN MASS MEDIA IN THE MEDIA EDUCATION PROGRAM OF THE CARMELITE MEDIA MINISTRY IN CARMELITE MISSION AREAS is about to end in October 2004. We, at the Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program (TBCMP) must say that it has been a very successful, well compensating and fruitful year. Successful because we have been from north to south of the country and made a full swing with our priority projects in the communities and areas. Well compensating and fruitful because we are satisfied with the results and the impact of our programs had made to the people in general. How the communities have renewed their enthusiasm and became critical and active participants. We are also happy to inform you that the recipients of the TBCMP programs will continuously develop their skills and activities through intensive training set for the next phase of the project. We would like express again and again our grateful appreciation to CMC-AMA and your countless donors and benefactors for your continuous support and fund assistance given to TBCMP. This First-Phase report of the approved Three- Year Funding will inform you of the TBCMP program implementations for the first-phase program. This annual narrative report, includes 1.) program summary report TBCMP Programs with the summary listings of beneficiaries of the detailed activity; 2.) report with photos, 3.) follow-up and forthcoming set of activities; 4) complete financial report and 4) CD of compiled photos from the activities held. This letter also serves as a formal request for the funding TBCMP needs for the coming second phase of the project.

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We hope the report will satisfy your good office and should you have some inquiries or clarifications, please you can reach us through our email address or via postal mail. Thank you very much and we hope to hear from you soon.

Very truly yours,

Ms. Maria Fatima A. Villena Program Coordinator, TBCMP

Rev. Fr. Christian B. Buenafe, O. Carm Director, TBCMP

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Introduction In this year’s first phase of the project, we have already informed your office in a written correspondence before that due to limited funds, TBCMP will prioritize the projects according to the objectives we have identified in the proposal. Aside from minor changes, we have practically implemented mostly the programs an activities we mentioned in our list of priorities. We have classified the priority programs into three major aspects that best described this first year’s efforts:

A. Media Literacy Education 1. Module making and development 2. Media Literacy Seminar-Workshops and Orientation/Philippine Media Set-up Awareness Seminars 3. Setting the conditions for the Introduction/Re-orientation of the importance of Folk Media to local communities and their efforts to developing citizens. This is through seminars and networks. B. Media Library and Managing of Resource Center 1. Systematization and updating of the Library holdings: books, magazines, journals, art films and documentaries in DVD and VCD formats, and other subscriptions. 2. Strengthening the information system between the Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program and other networks and contacts. At the same time promotion of the Program to other communities for sustainability in the future. This was done through the construction of www.tbcmedia.org. This will be launched hopefully in October 2004. 3. Resource and Library development for efficient communication and networking with communities and to accommodate the expansion of the TBCMP Resource Center has bees serving the communities, schools and religious groups in research and other TBCMP program related activities.

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C. Regular TBCMP Programs and Projects 1. Expansion and strengthening of the Film Dialogue Sessions 2. Intensify networking efforts. 3. Organizational/Office development One of the regular TBCMP Programs is the Titus Brandsma Award which is supposed to be given this year. During the meeting of the Foundation Board, they have decided to shelve the awards for this year until such time when we are certain with the focus of the awards will be. They commented that there is no deserving journalist yet to be given the award to as of the moment except for the same names who have also accepted awards in, out through the years. TBA hasn’t made an impact even to the winners. They lack enthusiasm in receiving the award. Compared to other award-giving bodies, TBA is small contributing to the less impact it has. According to the Board TBCMP should decide because if we want to make impact we have to use considerable amount of funds for its promotion and make it distinct from those other fly by night awards. They suggested to use the funds for intensifying the media education program of TBCMP particularly eyeing the young journalists who still have their idealism and values with them. The focus on folk/traditional media, though not evident in the modular courses given (in its title), is highlighted within the contents of the modules. This is in the efforts of setting the conditions and the atmosphere of re-orientation about the relevance, importance and usage of folk media side by side with modern mass media in communities and schools. Training-workshops are on the way and scheduled to be given to Mindanao youth particularly in the Carmelite schools and parishes and in Assumption before the year ends.

From the given objectives in the proposal, we would like to show the relation of these three major aspects to the former priority projects set per objective: First Objective – Traditional/Folk Media


Activity Group Study and Theatre Program Series of Workshops and Trainings

of First Aspect – Media Literacy Education

Activity Module Development: panitikan@titusbrandsma: a new approach to literary analysis and criticism with inclusion of theatre Orientation seminars on the importance of folk media (setting first the condition, introduction before the trainings to be given starting next year. Joining organizations related to theatre

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and literary to have a solid group of target audience like the rural youth (FULLHOUSE School of Performance and Creative Arts). Formation of another volunteer core group for the activities of panitikan@titusbrandsma. Second Objective - Strengthening and First Aspect – Media Literacy Education. advancement of organization and integration of practitioners. Activity Media Literacy Education Focus Group Discussion Annual Retreat and Conference

Activity Media Literacy Education Module Development (Mini-courses) Mission Seminar-Workshops/Lectures (Orientation/Media Awareness and Direction-setting especially on the Group study and theatre arts program. Third Objective – Sharpening and Second Aspect – Media Library and heightening utilization of various means in Managing of Resource Center social communication

Activity Activity Implementation of Communication Updating the media library and Systems (indigenous/group media effectively managing the resource forms) center for integral communication and networking between the Program and Film Dialogue what we call the local partners. In this way collaboration and efforts in social communication will be implemented effectively. Networking efforts Fourth Objective – Tightening and Third Aspect – Regular TBCMP programs internal structures of community media and projects programs Activity Expansion of Film Dialogue – Activity pelikula@titusbrandsma to UP Film Organization development and Institute and coordination with strengthening – policy-making and embassies and other film groups. planning, orientation and evaluation and staff development Networking efforts – other Catholic or Lay Organizations and groups on Social Communication Staff development

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PROGRAM REPORT First Phase: October 2003-October 2004 A. Media Literacy Education Program For this year, the TBCMP Media Literacy Education Program is focused on the Media Awareness Seminar - introduction to Philippine Media Set-up and Church’s efforts on Social Communication. This seminar/lecture is more on the orientation level to get a basic knowledge of the social landscape-situation and how media has become the principal mediator of reality to man, likewise, its impact to the people. It is important that the people in the communities and TBCMP will have common understanding in the way both see media and the Church’s role. The Media Literacy Education Program or MLEP ensures the effectivity of the lectures/seminar-workshops by developing modules and offering them to different schools/colleges/universities, seminaries/formation houses and lay communities. We develop the module according to the needs of the school/seminar or the community. Also, we develop a module that integrates two of the important concepts– Media and Spirituality. Also, Film Dialogue as a new concept has been developed as a technique and a tool for responsible film viewing. The contents of the modules highlight the relevance of promoting folk/traditional media and how can these help in the development of people as active and critical audiences and to fully use the medium within their reach and affordability. Below are the Course Titles of the modules TBCMP is offering with its corresponding course description: 1. Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue 2. Introduction to Film Dialogue 3. Media and Spirituality: The State of Philippine Media and the Challenges of Social Communication towards Evangelization 4. Church and Communication: Context and Challenges 5. Media and Evangelization 6. Basic Journalism Course: A Focus on Media Critique and Analysis 7. panitikan@titusbrandsma: A New Approach to Literary Criticism and Theatre (Please refer to the next pages for the Course Description)

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The list of the beneficiaries of the seminars using the modules are in a summary list after the course descriptions and a detailed activity report – with photo, attendees, date and time, venue and a short summary evaluation. (Please refer to the pages after course description on the Summary Listing) Follow-up activities are also summarized in a table after the activity report. (Please refer to Activity Report)

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Course: MEDIA & SPIRITUALITY THRU FILM DIALOGUE A. Course/Activity Description: The course is a systematic and goal-oriented activity. It is a process of sharing our discoveries of religious/spiritual dimensions in the film in the light of the Gospel. It is an interpersonal communication of the viewers in their experiences of the film which will lead to a more in- depth appreciation and reflection with regards to the film viewed. It is also highlighted in this course, the importance of folk/traditional media since even the remotest provinces have already been exposed to films through the neighbor’s television and the people is often influenced by this and somehow forget the richness of their culture and needs a re-orientation of the indigenous forms of media they have in their locality. B. Objectives: 1. To introduce basic understanding of Media and Spirituality; 2. To facilitate a process of dialogue, confrontation and clarification about one’s experience of the film; 3. To have a better understanding and perception of the film; 4. To order, digest, and integrate experiences, vision and interpretations; 5. To grow and develop one’s capacity in religious and spiritual meaning-giving. C. Target Participants: Minimum of 35 participants, maximum of 150 participants 1. Schools (administrators, teachers, non-teaching personnel, students) 2. Parishes (PPC, WESTY, Catechists, Youth groups, mandated organizations, etc.) 3. Religious Houses/Seminaries (religious, seminarians) D. Course Duration: 1 day (at least 8 hours) E. Methodologies/ Approaches: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Lecturette Film Viewing Reflection and Open Sharing Film Dialogue

F. Materials/Needs: 1. 2. 3. 4.

An enclosed room/ classroom/ Audio-Visual Room Film (VHS, VCD or DVD format) TV set for small group or LCD projector with screen for bigger group VHS, VCD or DVD player and sound system with auxiliary

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G. Expected Output: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Develop Critical Film Awareness and Sensitivity Maturity in making stance regarding film issues Formation of Social Conscience Deepened one’s Spirituality Regain respect and confidence to folk/traditional media.

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FLOW OF THE DAY A.M. 8:00 – 8:15

: Morning Praise : Welcome Remarks : Introduction and Orientation

8:15 – 9:00

: Lecturette I – Media and Spirituality

9:00 – 9:15

: Break

Local Partner Local Partner TBMP & CSM

9:20 – 11:20 : Film Dialogue Session 1 Basic Introduction to the Film Dialogue Experience (film: Children of Heaven) 11:20 – 12noon : Group Sharing and Discussion


: Lunch Break

P.M. 1:30 – 2:30

: Lecturette II – Introduction to Film Dialogue

2:30 – 4:30

: Film Dialogue Session 2 Deepening of the Experience (film: JOLOGS)

4:30 – 5:00

: Deepening of the Reflections and Conclusions

5:00 – 5:30

: Distribution of Certificates Closing Remarks

Local Partner & TBMP/CSM Local Partner

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ROLES AND TASKS OF PARTIES IN THE JOINT PROGRAM A. Titus Brandsma Media Program (TBMP) and Center for Spirituality- Manila (CSM) 1. Will take care of the transportation expenses of the Resource Persons; 2. Will facilitate the entire course;

B. Local Partner: __________________________________________ 1. Will take care of the Board and Lodging of the Resource Persons; 2. Will invite participants to the course (a minimum of 35 to a maximum of 150 participants) from the college and from other schools; 3. Will prepare the venue for the wholeday course (preferably an Audio- Visual Room); 4. Will prepare the sound system (microphone) with auxiliary, 5. Will prepare the screen, LCD for power point presentation and film viewing; 6. Will prepare DVD, VCD and VHS players for film viewing; 7. Will serve snacks and lunch to the Resource Persons; 8. Will design and reproduce the Certificate of Attendance to be given after the end of the course. The certificate will be given by the school in partnership with the Titus Brandsma Media Program and the Center for Spirituality- Manila.

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MEDIA AND SPIRITUALITY: The State of Philippine Media and the Challenges of Social Communication Towards Evangelization

A. Course Description The course is goal- oriented, interactive and discerning activity. The first part is a discussion- sharing on the state of media today – communication, media and values formation as presented thru a collection of studies and researches on media issues confronting the society today. The second part tackles the early beginnings and recent challenges of Social Communication thru the Church’s programs, documents and structures. As Church and as a people, we see and experience the effects of media influences and control in our daily lives. Our faith also pushes us to hopeful witnessing in confronting the challenges of today’s new age of media. Thus, this course motivates one’s spirituality in applying all the means of Social Communication including the traditional/folk media in the society towards Evangelization. B. Objectives 1. Make the participants aware of the Media situation and its effects in the development of society today; 2. Introduce Social Communication, integrating the concepts of Media and Spirituality in the understanding and application of one’s interaction with media; 3. Know the initiatives taken by the Church and the media structures she formed to respond to the challenges of the times of our times; 4. Discern and challenge ones’ spirituality to guide us (media consumers) in understanding media and create a critical thinking skills thru the means offered by the Church’s Social Communication. C. Target Participants:(a minimum of 30 persons to a maximum of 150 persons) 1. Parishes (PPC, WESTY, Catechists, Youth groups, mandated organizations, etc.) 2. Schools (administrators, teachers, students) 3. Religious Houses/Seminaries (religious, seminarians) D. Time Duration: 1 day (at least 8 hours)

E. Methodologies/ Approaches:

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1. 2. 3. 4.

Input Presentations Lecture Reflection and Group Sharing Plenary

F. Materials/Needs: 1. 2. 3. 4.

An enclosed room/ classroom/ AV Room with chairs Computer with CD-Rom and LCD projector Sound System VHS or DVD player

G. Expected Output: 1. Critical awareness on the state of Media, its content and values; 2. Informed and enlightened faithful on the Church’s programs on Social Communication; 3. Encouraged to take active role and contribution in the Church’s initiatives and programs on Social Communication; 4. Initiate various forms and means to complement the further development and application of Social Communication in the Church and society.

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CAMPUS JOURNALISM COURSE: Focus on Media Critique and Analysis

A. The Course/Activity Description The course has an activity-based and output-oriented program. It is to learn the rudiments of basic journalistic writing for those who wanted to try at writing and not so basic for those who are already familiar with writing because of involvement in the school paper. But who needs a deepening in making analysis or critique of news and features and be able to learn how to write it. Simply, making more sense, impact and affecting the lives of others through their writing and calling others to act on problems. Focus is also given to the importance of Campus Journalism. B. Objectives  Making grounded critiques and analysis of news, feature and editorial reports and learning how to write better with more sense and impact for the student readers even the faculty and non-teaching personnel.  Familiarize oneself on the rudiments of journalistic writing – news, features and editorial.  Write (basic but effective) journalistic articles as part of the seminar/workshop.  Understand deeply and learn to value the role of the student press.  Understand and learn more the process of making a story and its publication.  Come-up/make necessary and effective changes in the school paper. C. Target Participants Minimum of 15 participants, maximum of 30 participants.  Schools – students who are very much interested in writing and those who are already part of the school paper. D. Course Duration The course is for two days. Each day is divided into input and workshop proper. E. Methodologies and Approaches    

Lecturette Critiquing and Analysis, like a panel of discussion style Viewing of news snippets to understand coverages. Interactive activities especially during the workshop.

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F. Materials Needed  An enclosed room/classroom/audio-visual room  Audio-visual Equipment VHS/VCD/DVD format TV set for a smaller group or an LCD projector for bigger group.  If the students can be asked to write their expectations before the seminar/workshop and bring a sample of their works. G. Expected Output  Develop critical thinking especially in analyzing media content.  Value journalism (even the campus journalism) as the truest form of public service.  Write effective, sensible, objective, fair and with impact articles that would enable to act seriously on issues and help solve it.  From a passive audience to an active audience.

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FLOW OF THE DAY First Day (AM Session) 8:00 – 8:30

Morning Prayer Welcome Remarks – partner school Introduction and Orientation – by TBCMP

8:30 – 10:30

Part 1: Writing Basics Composing Process Principles of Effective Paragraph Techniques and Pattern of Organization (Composition)

10:30 – 10:45



Part 2: Journalism Basics Components of the Story Clear and Effective Writing for Print Media Guidelines to Effective Writing

11:45 – 12:00

Workshop Instruction / Open Forum

12:00 – 1:30


(PM Session) 1:30 – 2:30

Part 1: How to read the news and other journalistic articles? Critique and Analysis of Media Content (Presentation of news coverage and programs aired/ news articles and openly critique and analyze the content in a panel discussion)


Part 2: Writing Effective Articles (After the analysis, the students will learn tips/suggestion on how they can combat problematic news articles by writing their own articles and making their own better and objective version.)

3:45 – 4:00


4:00 – 5:00

Panel Discussion / Focus Group Discussion re Part 1 Effective Plans for the School Paper End of First Day

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Second Day (AM Session) 8:15 – 10:30

Part 3: Journalistic Writing Newswriting Feature Writing

10:30 – 10:45


10:45 – 11:45

Headline Writing Editorial/Newspaper Column

11:45 – 12:00

Workshop Instruction / Open Forum

1:30 – 2:30

Part 1: Newswriting Workshop Headline Writing

2:30 – 3:30

Part 2: Feature Writing Editorial

3:30 – 3:45


3:45 – 4:30

Critiquing of Articles Presentation of Plans for School Paper

4:30 – 5:00

Open Forum Closing Remarks

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TBMP & CSM POOL OF RESOURCE PERSONS Rev. Fr. Christian “Toots” B. Buenafe, O.Carm. is the Director of the Titus Brandsma Media Program (TBMP) - the Carmelite Media Ministry in the Philippines and the Coordinator of the Directing Team of the Center for Spirituality- Manila (CSM) - a research-based institute for the scientific and academic study of Spirituality; both are Carmelite programs based in Quezon City. He holds a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and currently pursuing his post- graduate degree (Ph.D. in Organization Development) at the Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute (SAIDI).

Miss Ma. Fatima “Jofti” A. Villena is the Program Coordinator of the Titus Brandsma Media Program. She finished her BS Mass Communication degree from Centro Escolar University (CEU) and currently working on her thesis for her Master’s in Journalism at the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC). She heads the pelikula@titusbrandsma, a group of film enthusiasts, professionals, students, religious, actors, writers and directors who are into film dialogue. Miss Ma. Rowena “Weng” O. Ladaga is the Research Coordinator of the Center for Spirituality- Manila (CSM). She supervises research projects and conducts her own researches for the CSM. She worked with Tri-people NGO in Mindanao for three years before she became a Researcher of the Titus Brandsma Center- Media Program. She got her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Mindanao State University (MSU) in the Islamic City of Marawi; her Master’s in Professional Studies in Communication Development from the University of the Philippines- Open University and another Master’s in Communication and Media Studies from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Mr. Anthony G. Roman is the Staff Assistant of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences - Office of Social Communications (FABC- OSC) based in Manila since 1995. He finished his BS Industrial Engineering degree from the Catholic University of Sto. Tomas- Manila and his Master’s in Communication Management major in Corporate Communications from the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC). Since 2002, he is with the UST Graduate School teaching “Church and New Media”, “Church and Public Relations”, and “Introduction to Social Communications”.

Rev. Fr. Reynold H. Caigoy, O.Carm. is currently the President of Mount Carmel College in Escalante City, Negros Occidental. He finished his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Lourdes College, Lipa City and his Master’s in Pastoral Ministry from the Our Lady of the Angels Seminary, Quezon City. In 1996, he finished his certificate course in Media Education and Spirituality from CREC-AVEX, Catholic University of Lyon, France and Gregorian University in Rome. Presently, he is pursuing his Master’s in Communications Management at the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication.

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B. Media Library and Managing of Resource Center TBCMP, aside from its efforts in the Media Literacy Education saw the need for the intensive development of its library and resource center in the service of students, seminarians, lay communities and its own Carmelite co-workers and staff. The book, magazines, journals and film collection are up by almost fifty percent (50%). This is to answer the requests and needs expressed by our partners and beneficiaries in the communities and groups. Books, manuals and modules are mostly about mass media, communication, the Church; social issues and folk literature for research and reference purposes, module making and development, and group study. Films, mostly in VCD and DVD format, were also acquired mostly about national cinemas/films from Asia, Europe, Africa and America. Art films and classic films, Filipino documentaries on social issues, Filipino feature length films and the like are also collected. All of these acquisitions are shared within the network groups and local partners of TBCMP for their Church, academic, pastoral, civic media programs.

Information communication, program promotion, organizational communication, networking and collaboration, and sustainable communities are the purposes of Integral constructing the www.tbcmedia.org, the official website of TBCMP. communication and networking will also be an essential part of the website as soon as the system is up; links and e-groups will also be established for continuous collaboration with the local partners and network groups. For the library, the materials in the resource center are organized in databases for effective reference and use. The OPAC system is also set for easy access to users wherever they are and whenever they would open the website. The official launch of the website will be on October of this year.

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C. TBCMP Major Programs and Projects 1. FILM DIALOGUE SESSION Regular Sessions Schedule: Every 2nd Saturday of every month Venue: Titus Brandsma Center (Except in some occasions) Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

Theme The Wonder Years (Coming-of-Age) What’s Love Got to do With It! The Faces of Eve (Women’s Month) Bayolente! (Violence!) Une Journeé de la Musique (Musicals) Gay and Lesbian Fest (Gay Pride) Natatawa na pala ako! (Comedy) Korean X Factor No screenings due to Film Festivals Isyu 101 (Social Issues) Originals (Original Films with Remakes) For Art’s Sake (Art Films)

Attendance 65 90 71 70 34 76 63 100 to be shown to be shown to be shown

Special Film Dialogue Sessions (Extension Program) Schedule: Every last Saturday/Sunday of every month Venue: UP Film Institute-Videotheque Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

Director/Auteur Ventura Pons (Spain) Tom Tykwer (Germany) Catherine Breillat (France) No screening No screening Francois Ozon (France) Hayao Miyazaki (Japan) Paul Verhoeven (The Netherlands) Gillian Armstrong (Australia) No screening Greg Arraki (America) Gianni Amelio (not sure yet)

Attendance 87 53 66

Sunday Sunday

70 117 62 37 to be shown to be shown

The University of the Philippines Film Institute (UPFI) had formally invited and requested the pelikula@titusbrandsma to hold Film Dialogue sessions at UP Film Institute Videotheque. The formal partnership serves as an extension program of TBCMP and an outreach project at the same time.

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Several collaborations where TBCMP helped in the organization of Film Festivals were: 1.) Cuban Film Festival last March, 2004; 2.) as a co-organizer of UPFI presents pelikula@titusbrandsma, Sneak Peeks: Sexuality in Cinema, X Factor from December 25, 2003. Open forum and talk-back sessions follow each screening. Most of the discussions were focused on the films’ sexual contexts and these films treat the characters as persons. Can Spirituality be experienced inspite of the graphic sexual scenes in the films? Can we see the divine and cultivate its relationship with the human spirit in films with sexual scenes? Six films were screened during the week-long festival with an average of 170 participants per screening.

MEDIA AND SPIRITUALITY SERIES FORA The Media and Spirituality Series of Forums was also launched. On March 27, 2004, a forum entitled Spirituality of Filmmaking featured a young Filipino film director with conviction, Mr. Jeffrey Jeturian. We featured his controversial film, “TUHOG” (weave) with incest as its theme. Thirty participants (students, religious, media practitioners) attended the forum. There was a lively and enlightening reflection and sharing took place after Mr. Jeturian ahred and screened his film. Everyone should view and look all films with a critical eye. Jeturian’s film “TUHOG” indeed have spirituality in it. It is a challenge to the participants to reeducate rural women about the patriarchal system and not be enslaved by it. The media thru the film can be a very powerful tool that distorts reality and destroy the lives of many people. The challenge therefore to have a critical and vigilant audiences.

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2. NETWORKING EFFORTS PHILIPPINE CHURCH COMMUNICATORS’ NETWORK (PCCNET) As one of the founding partners of PCCNet, TBCMP organized a major activity for this year. The group decided that it is timely to discuss and celebrate the 40th year of Inter-Mirifica, though the Church celebrated it last December of 2003. Talks on aesthetics and moral law are again on the fore, especially now that the condition of the Philippine Mass Media is on the brink of declining decency, integrity and morality. PCCNet held the seminar-workshop in commemoration of the 40th year of InterMirifica with the title Media: The Salt and the Light of the World last July 31, 2004 at St. Paul University- Quezon City. Keynote speaker was Fr. Eli Cruz, SDB who discussed on the relevance of critical thinking amidst multiplicity and the youth of today. We at the group also chose a panel of speakers who talked credibly on Media Ethics. Prof. Luis V. Teodoro, a former dean of the College of Mass Communication of the University of the Philippines and now heads the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) discussed the Ethics of the Press. Atty Delia Tantuico, professor of media ethics at the University of Asia and Pacific (UAP) talked on the current ethical issues on media. Mr. Jose Torres, editor of ABS-CBN Online, one of the biggest online businesses in the country, discussed the Internet and Online Journalism. Forum participants were from different schools and communities: City Colleges of Manila, Miriam College, University of Sto. Tomas, Polytechnic University of the Philippines(PUP); the Lord’s Flock, the National Shrine of the Sacred Heart, Daughters of St. Paul and the Order of Carmelites. The Total number of participants is 110. Workshops were with Union Catholic Asian News (UCAN) for Church News and Feature Writing; Radio Veritas Asia for Church Radio Programming, and TBCMP for Film Dialogue.

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Initial List of Upcoming Activities 1. In August 2004, the PCCNet initiated project to gather media organizations and proposed to the CBCP to write a Pastoral Letter on Media during the World Communication Sunday in May 2005 The next major activity will be a celebration of the World Communication Sunday in May 2005. PCCNet plans to act as convenor or mediator to a technical paper that would address grave issues in Philippine Media particularly the continuous killings of journalists. PCCNet will coordinate with other media organizations, like; National Union of Journalists in the Philippines (NUJP), Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR), National Office of Mass Media (NOMM). After the data gathering, the different media organizations will gather in a dialogue with PCCNet regarding the Situation of Philippine Media. PCCNet will request and commission Prof. Dr. Jose de Mesa, a lay theologian who is the representative of Asian Communicators Network (ACN) in the Philippines to write a theological- technical paper on the subject. The theological-technical paper will be presented to the Catholic Bishops to be there basis in coming up with a pastoral letter on the plight of media people and hopefully will be read in all churches on World Communication Sunday in May 2005.

2. Media Literacy Education Program

Invitations are pouring in from the following regions: Western Mindanao (Oroquieta, Pagaidan, Ipil), Southern Mindanao (Davao, South Cotabato), Northern Mindanao (Agusan and Surigao), Leyte (Ormoc, Tacloban, Maasin), Central Luzon (Tarlac), Aurora Province and Bicol region. Mostly schools and parish communities are requesting and inviting the TBCMP to give the modules and courses to their faculty and students for the schools; and to catechists, pastoral workers and seminarians in the different dioceses and parishes.

3. Continuing Module Development and Enrichment Follow-up of the TBCMP researches and other researches conducted by other institutes are developed into modules and for future enrichment of the available TBCMP module.

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ACTIVITY REPORT A. Schools/Colleges and Universities 1. Our Lord’s Grace Montessori – Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Activity: Date amd Time: Venue:

Share and Learn . . . . A Re-echoing Seminar March 15, 2004, (9-12 NN) OLGM AVR


Media and Evangelization “The Power of Image, the Power of Media” A Look at the Elections


Faculty and Mass Communication, Economics students (30 participants)

2. Assumption College of Davao – Agdao, Davao City Activity: Date & Time: Venue:

Lecture-Workshop July 10, 2004 (8-5 PM) AVR

Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Attendance: Administration, faculty, non-teaching personnel, selected highschool and college students. (Total of 67 participants) Evaluation: The course was enriching, liberating and very educative.

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4. Mount Carmel College – San Francisco, Agusan del Sur Activity: Date & Time: Venue: Course:

Journalism Seminar July 15 (8-5 PM) GKK Social Hall Basic Journalism Course: A Focus on Media Critique And Analysis

Attendance: Campus journalists/press, staff writers of the school elementary, high school and college school paper (Total of 17 students) Output: Articles on Mindanao focusing on the positive side of the region like scenic sports, dominant values of people and their culture. The image of Mindanao to people in the metro and major cities in the Philippines is always negative due to Abu Sayyaf, violence and terrorism. The participants deepening their critic and analysis on news in Mindanao have written very good articles on Mindanao and were kept in the TBCMP Resource Center.

Activity: Lecture-Workshop Date & Time: July 17, 2004 (8-5 PM) Venue: Mt. Carmel, AVR Course:

Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue

Attendance: Faculty, non-teaching personnel of all the Carmel Schools in Agusan, Carmelite postulants (Total of 36 participants)


The participants see the course as an alternative, new technique, strategy to teaching methods in class particularly in values and media education.

4. Ateneo de Davao University – Jacinto St., Davao City Activity: Lecture-Workshop Date & Time: July 19, 2004 (8-5 PM) Venue: AVR

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Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue

Attendance: Mass communication students (Total of 45 students, 2 classes) Evaluation: Inspiring and worthwhile. Students were suggesting to conduct the lecture-workshop in a longer time for more time in reflection, deepening and interaction.

5. Sta. Monica Academy – Baao, Camarines Sur Activity: Seminar-Workshop Date & Time: August 12-13, (8-5 PM) Venue: AVR Course:

Basic Journalism Course: A Focus on Media Critique and Analysis

Attendance: Campus journalists/press, staff writers of the Monican Jr. (elementary school paper), Monican Herald (highschool paper) and La Consolian (La Consolacion College , Iriga elementary school paper) (Total of 38 campus journalists) Output:

A Dummy School Publication with all the changes and modifications Suggested for their own Monican Herald, Monican Jr. and La Consolian incorporated and applied. The students renewed their enthusiasm and are excited to start their publication and release it by October.

Activity: Seminar-workshop Date & Time: August 14, 2004 Venue: AVR Course:

Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue

Attendance: Sta. Monica Academy Administration, faculty and non-teaching personnel La Consolacion College of Iriga City

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Administration, faculty and non-teaching personnel (Total of 60 participants) Evaluation:

The course in informative and eye opener. They suggested a follow-up course.

6. St. Theresa’s College of Cebu – Mango Avenue, Cebu City Activity: Seminar-workshop Date & Time: August 27, 2004 (8-5 PM) Venue: STC Little Theatre Attendance:

Administration, Faculty and Non-teaching personnel of Saint Theresa’s College of Cebu, St Francis Academy of Balamban and St. Joseph Academy of Mandaue City in Cebu province Breakdown: College Faculty – 45 Grade School Faculty – 52 High School Faculty – 31 Office Staff – 6 Office of the HS Principal – 2 Selected Mass Communication Students – 5 St. Francis Academy of Balamban– 21 St. Joseph Academy of Mandaue City– 7 STC Institutional Staff and ICM Srs. – 24 (Total of 193 participants)

Evaluation: The participants have suggested that we offer the courses to communities in rural areas because it is something that the people need especially television has reached even the remotest areas through neighbors or having their own. In relation to the seminar, they also wanted TBCMP to help them put up a film enthusiast group to help their students and guide them. St. Theresa’s College of Cebu – Mango Avenue, Cebu City

B. Theology, College Seminaries, Religious and Lay Formation Houses 1. St. Paul Foundation Seminary – Silang, Cavite Activity: Seminar-workshop Date & Time: February 27, 2004 (8-5 PM) Venue: AVR Attendance:

College seminarians and priests (Total of 40 participants)

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Educative and very interesting as most participants commented. More interaction and time must given to sharing and reflection was again mentioned as one comment.


St. Francis de Sales Theological Seminary – Marawoy, Lipa, Batangas Activity: Date & Time: PM) Venue: Course:

Seminar-workshop June 18, 2004 (8-5 Social Hall Media and Spirituality Through Film Dialogue

Attendance: Theologians, 4th year College seminarians from St. Francis de Sales College Seminary and Oblates of St. Joseph- OSJ), Benedictine Sisters of the Living Word. (Total of 49 participants) Evaluation: informative.

“The course helped me to reflect on life more deeply.” Very enriching and

3. San Alberto Carmelite Formation Center – Talamban, Cebu City Activity: Seminar-workshop Date & Time: September 24, 2004 Venue: Chapel/TV Room, Carmelite Formation Center Course:

Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue


First year to fourth year college seminarians (Total of 36 participants)


The Film Dialogue seminar had skilled them to be critical in their viewing films, TV and Advertisement commercials.

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4. Rogationist Seminary College – Cebu City Activity: Seminar Date & Time: August 30, 2004 (10:15-12:15 PM) Venue: Classroom Course:

Church and Communication: Context and Challenges


First year seminarians of Rogationist (RCJ), Redemptorist (CSsR), Augustinians (OAD), Carmelites (O.Carm.) and Alliance of Twin Hearts taking up Introduction to Philosophy (Total of 60 participants)


Informative and they suggested if the module can also to parents, students and other communities.


Immaculate Conception School of Theology Regional Major Seminary for Northern Luzon Activity: Seminar-workshop Date & Time: September 10, 2004 (8-5 PM) Venue: Hall Course:


Media and Spirituality Through Film Dialogue

106 Theologians (Students of theology) from the Archdioceses of: 1) Nueva Segovia, 2) Lingayen- Dagupan & 3) Tuguegarao; Dioceses of: 1) Urdaneta, 2) Alaminos, 3) San Fernando, 4) Laoag, 5) Ilagan, 6) Baguio, 7) Bayombong, & 8) Bangued; Vicariates of: 1)Bontoc- Lagawe, & 2) Tabuk; Prelature of: 1) Batanes Others: 31 Student- Catechists of St. Benedict Institute

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4 Benedictine Sisters of the Eucharsitic King 3 Benedictine Nuns of the Eucharistic King (Total of 144 participants)

Activity: Seminar-workshop Date & Time: September 11, 2004 (8-7 PM) Venue: Hall Course:

Media and Spirituality: The State of Philippine Media And the Challenges of Social Communication towards Evangelization


106 Theologians (Students of Theology) 3 Benedictine Nuns of the Eucharistic King (Total of 109 participants)

Evaluation and Output: In general, the courses are relevant, enriching, exciting and informative. They came up with the following suggestions for their concrete actions: Homiletics – inject present situations and use characters in “telenovelas” watched by the people every night and relate it to everyday activities and values manifested by these characters. (The seminarians are given the chance to preach, it is a part of their curriculum and training). Letters to the Editors of community/national newspapers Give media education to parishioners. Film Dialogue by BEC (Basic Ecclesial Communities) – once or twice a month they will be watching together a film and dialogue within the group. Give retreats to media practitioners. Radio Apostolate – some of the second year seminarians were given a 45 minute slot in the Archdiocese-owned radio to discuss relevant issues spontaneously. Symposia on Parental Guidance/Media Campaigns to youth, parents and lay Catechism for the youth and the family. Put up a mini-media center. Knowledge updating by personal readings and sharing it to the community. Information dissemination. Use of traditional/folk media. Vocation campaign on radio and in posters Posting of critiques of ads.

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C. Parish and Lay Communities/Organizations/Commissions 1. Carmelite communities and parishes Activity: Course:

Lecture Media and Evangelization

Parish: St. Vincent Parish, Patin-ay Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur Attendance: Parish pastoral council (PPC), catechists, lay ministers, youth (Total of 60-70 participants) Date & Time: July 11, 2004 (7-9 PM)

Parish: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Rosario, Agusan del Sur Attendcance: Parish pastoral council (PPC), catechists, lay ministers, youth (Total of 157 participants) Date & Time: July 13, 2004 (7-9 PM)

Parish: Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur Attendance: Parish pastoral council (PPC), catechists, lay ministers, youth (Total of 70-100 participants) Date & Time: July 14, 2004 (7:30-9 PM)

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San Alberto Community: Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City Attendance: Lay Carmel Cebu Carmelite Missionary Sisters Carmelite Missionaries Secular and Youth of Fatima, Cebu City (Total of 24 participants) Date & Time: August 29, 2004 (1:30-5 PM)

2. Commission of Mass Media and Social Communication Diocese of Dumaguete Activity: Seminar-workshop Date & Time: September 3, 2004 (1-9 PM) Venue: St. Paul University AVR Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Attendance: Diocesan Staff of Diocese of Dumaguete Media Program Mass communication students of St. Paul University O.Carm. Sisters and Carmelite Sisters of Our Lady Carmelite Associates Staff from Silliman University Seminarians of St. Joseph College Seminary (Total of 37 participants) Evaluation:

A good technique and skills training. Becoming critical and friendly to media.

Note: Most of the suggestions emphasized the lack of time and because of this it lacks interaction. The idea of film dialogue as a new approach was well accepted but they wanted seminar-workshop more than one day for depth of reflection and interaction.

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Summary Listings of Beneficiaries of the TBCMP Media Literacy Education Year 2004 A. Schools/Colleges/Universities 1. Our Lord’s Grace Montessori – Commonwealth, Quezon City Attendance: Mass communication students Dean Faculty (Total of 30 participants) Course: Media and Social Communication Date and Time: March 15, 2004, 9-12 PM 2. Assumption College of Davao – Cabaguio, Davao City Attendance: Administration Faculty Non-teaching personnel Selected highschool and college students (Total of 67 participants) Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: July 10, 2004, 8-5 pm 3. Mount Carmel College, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur Mount Carmel High Shool, Rosario, Agusan del Sur and Father Urios High School, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur Attendance: Campus journalists/press, staff writers of the school elementary, high school and college school paper (Total of 17 students) Course: Campus Journalism Seminar: Focus on Media Critique and Analysis Date and Time: July 15, 2004, 8-5 pm

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Attendance: Faculty Non-teaching personnel of all the Carmel Schools in Agusan Carmelite postulants (Total of 36 participants) Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: July 17, 2004, 8-5 pm 4. Ateneo de Davao University – Davao City Attendance: Mass communication students (Total of 45 students, 2 classes) Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: July 19, 2004, 8-5 pm 5. Sta. Monica Academy – Baao, Camarines Sur Attendance: Campus journalists/press, staff writers of the Monican Jr. (elementary school paper), Monican Herald (highschool paper) and La Consolian (La Consolacion College , Iriga elementary school paper) (Total of 38 campus journalists) Course: Campus Journalism Seminar: A Focus on Media Critique and Analysis Date and Time: August 12-13, 8-5 pm Attendance: Sta. Monica Academy Administration, Faculty and Non-teaching personnel La Consolacion College of Iriga City Administration, Faculty and Non-teaching personnel (Total of 60 participants) Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: August 14, 2004, 8-5 pm

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6. St. Theresa’s College of Cebu – Cebu City Attendance: Administration, Faculty and Non-teaching personnel of Saint Theresa’s College of Cebu, St Francis Academy of Balamban and St. Joseph Academy of Mandaue City in Cebu province Breakdown: College Faculty – 45 Grade School Faculty – 52 High School Faculty – 31 Office Staff – 6 Office of the HS Principal – 2 Selected Mass Communication Students – 5 St. Francis Academy of Balamban– 21 St. Joseph Academy of Mandaue City– 7 STC Institutional Staff and ICM Srs. – 24 (Total of 193 participants) Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: August 27, 2004, 8-5 pm 7. University of the Philippines – Diliman, Quezon City (UP-College of Mass Communication Broadcast Association Week) Attendance: Mass communication major in Journalism, Film and Broadcast (Total of 15 participants) Course: Introduction to Film Dialogue Date and Time: September 17, 2004, 1-4 pm 8. Sta. Monica Academy – Baao, Camarines Sur Attendance: 4th Year High School Students (Total of 118 participants) Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: September 30, 2004, 8-5 pm B. Theology and College Seminaries and Religious and Lay Formation Houses 1. St. Paul Foundation Seminary – Silang, Cavite Attendance:

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College seminarians and priests (Total of 40 participants) Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: February 27, 2004, 8-5 pm 2. St. Francis de Sales Theological Seminary – Lipa City Attendance: Theologians 4th year College seminarians from St. Francis de Sales College Seminary and Oblates of St. Joseph- OSJ) Benedictine Sisters of the Living Word (Total of 49 participants) Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: June 18, 2004, 8-5 pm 3. San Alberto Carmelite Formation Center, Talamban, Cebu City Attendance: First year to fourth year college seminarians (Total of 36 participants) Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: August 28, 2004, 8-5 pm 4. Rogationist Seminary College – Cebu City Attendance: First year seminarians of Rogationist (RCJ), Redemptorist (CSsR), Augustinians (OAD), Carmelites (O.Carm.) and Alliance of Twin Hearts taking up Introduction to Philosophy (Total of 60 participants) Course: Church and Social Communication: Context and Challenges Date and Time: August 30, 2004, 10:15-12:15 pm 5. Immaculate Conception School of Theology Regional Major Seminary for Northern Luzon, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur Attendance: 106 Theologians (Students of theology) from the Archdioceses of: 1) Nueva Segovia, 2) LingayenDagupan & 3) Tuguegarao;

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Dioceses of: 1) Urdaneta, 2) Alaminos, 3) San Fernando, 4) Laoag, 5) Ilagan, 6) Baguio, 7) Bayombong, & 8) Bangued; Vicariates of: 1)Bontoc- Lagawe, & 2) Tabuk; Prelature of: 1) Batanes Others: 31 Student- Catechists of St. Benedict Institute 4 Benedictine Sisters of the Eucharsitic King 3 Benedictine Nuns of the Eucharistic King (Total of 144 participants) Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: September 10, 2004, 8-5 pm Attendance: 106 Theologians (Students of Theology) 3 Benedictine Nuns of the Eucharistic King (Total of 109 participants) Course: Media and Spirituality: The State of Philippine Media and the Challenges of Social Communication towards Evangelization Date and Time: September 11, 2004, 8-6 pm C. Parish and Lay Communities/Organizations/Commissions 1. Carmelite communities and parishes Parish: St. Vincent Parish, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan Sur Attendance: Parish pastoral council (PPC) Catechists, Lay ministers Youth (Total of 60-70 participants) Course: Media and Evangelization Date and Time: July 11, 2004, 7-9 pm Parish: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Rosario, Agusan del Sur Attendance: Parish pastoral council (PPC) Catechists

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Lay ministers Youth (Total of 157 participants) Course: Media and Evangelization Date and Time: July 13, 2004, 7-9 pm Parish: Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur Attendance: Parish pastoral council (PPC) Catechists Lay ministers Youth (Total of 70-100 participants) Course: Media and Evangelization Date and Time: July 14, 2004, 7:30-9 pm Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City Carmelite Lay Community Cebu Attendance: Lay Carmel Cebu Carmelite Missionary Sisters Carmelite Missionaries Secular and Youth of Fatima, Cebu City (Total of 24 participants) Course: Media and Evangelization Date and Time: August 29, 2004, 1:30-5 pm 2. Commission of Mass Media and Social Communication, Diocese of Dumaguete Attendance: Diocesan Staff of Diocese of Dumaguete Media Program Mass communication students of St. Paul University O.Carm. Sisters and Carmelite Sisters of Our Lady Carmelite Associates Staff from Silliman University Seminarians of St. Joseph College Seminary (Total of 37 participants)

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Course: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue Date and Time: September 3, 2004, 1-9 pm

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Scheduled Seminars and Follow-up Activities ORG./SCHOOL/COMMUNITY Sta. Monica Academy, Baao, Camarines Sur and La Consolacion College, Iriga City, Camarines Sur

PROPOSED DATES September 30 – October 2, 2004

COURSES Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue and Introduction to Film Dialogue


October 23, 2004

Mount Carmel College

October 24-30, 2004

Spirituality of Storytelling and Scriptwriting panitikan@titusbrandsma and theatre workshop Media and Evangelization and Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue

November 6-13, 2004 Sta. Cruz Parish Bugo School of Arts and Trades, Bugo, CDO Calaanan National High School (students/faculty) Xavier (Faculty and Officers of GPSTAG group) Assumption College of Davao

November 18-22, 2004

Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue, panitikan@titusbrandsma and theatre

ATTENDANCE First course for faculty and non-teaching personnel, some parents. Second course for high school students Regular viewers and students Elementary-college students Parish Council Catechists BEC Students Faculty Parents of students

Students Faculty Non-teaching personnel Parents

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