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Constitution- It is a body of rules in accordance with which the power of sovereignty is habitually exercised. Constitution of government- These are the provisions in the Constitution, which set up the governmental structure. Bill of rights- A declaration and enumeration of the individual rights and privileges, which the Constitution is designed to protect against violations by the government or by individual or group. Political rights- The citizen`s right to participate directly or indirectly in the establishment or administration of the government. Citizenship- It denotes membership of a permanent character in a political community. Jus Sanguinis- It is one where blood relationship is the basis for the acquisition of citizenship. Suffrage- The right and obligation of qualified citizens to vote in the election of certain national and local officials of the government. Election- A political exercise whereby the sovereign people choose a candidate to fill up an elective government position. Plebiscite- A political right of the sovereign people to ratify or reject constitutional amendments or proposed law. Recall- A system by which an elective official is removed by popular votes before the end of his term. Congress- It has essentially the authority under the Constitution to make laws and to alter and repeal them. Concept of State- It is a community of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, independent of external control, and possessing an organized government to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience. Territory- It is a fixed portion if the surface if the earth inhabited by the people of the State. Government- It is the agency or instrumentality through which the will of the State is formulated, express, and realized. Sovereignty- It is the supreme power of the State to enforce its will on its members within its jurisdiction and to have freedom from foreign control. Monarchy- It is one in which supreme authority resides in the hands of a single person. Unitary- It is a form of a government in which the control of national and local affairs is exercised by the national government. Federal- It is a form of government in which the power of the governments is divided between two agencies, one for national affairs and the other for local affairs, each organ being supreme within its own jurisdiction. The following is a ground for impeachment-Treason -Bribery – other high crimes

60 days- Under the 1987 Constitution, the President is given the power to declare martial law or suspend the privilege the writ of habeas corpus for a certain number of days. Senate President- In case of serious illness of the President, the public shall be informed of the state of his health. Access to the President shall not be denied EXCEPT to the following official. List of the following official who are including who know the President Health -Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs (SDF) -Secretary, Department of National Defense (SDOND) -Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines (COSAFTP) House of Representative Electoral Tribunal- As mandated by the Constitution, this body is the only judge in all disputes about election returns and qualification of the House of Representatives. Policer power- This is the inherent right of the State to interfere with personal and proprietary rights of all people in order to protect and improve their welfare. The “upper house” and the “lower house”- The bicameral system of the legislature under 1987 Constitution refers to the two agencies or government body. ¾- In proposing amendment to or revision of the 1987 Constitution if the Philippines, it may be made by Congress as Constituent Assembly by this number of votes of all its members. 12 months- This is the required length of residency in the Philippines preceding a national election required for a citizen of the Philippines aged 18 and over to qualify as a voter. The President as the commander-in-chief of the AFP- The supremacy of the civilian authority over the military in our democratic and republican form of government is best exemplified by one of the following. House of Representative- This branch of the government has the sole power to initiate an impeachment case against the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights- Which one of the officials of the government is NOT subject to impeachment proceedings? Right to remain silent- What constitutional right is violated when an investigator forces a suspect to make confession or admission of his participation in a crime? 6 years- The President and the Vice-President of the Philippines shall be elected by direct vote of the people for a term of how many years? Article 3- The 1987 Constitution provides that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the law. This provision can be found in what article of the Constitution. Probable cause- A search warrant or warrant of arrest may only be issued by a judge upon determination of. Just Compensation- It is a constitutional guaranty that private property shall not be taken for public use unless it is paid by the government according to its determined amount. Overseas Domain- As provided on the 1987 Constitution, the follow comprises the national territory of the Republic of the Philippines EXCEPT. All citizens- Who may be required, under conditions provided by law, to render personal military or civil service. Midnight appointment- The appointment made by the outgoing President of the Republic of the Philippines, 60 days before the National election up to the end of his term which is prohibited by

the law. Civil Service Commission- The government body designated as the central personnel agency of the government, to establish a career service and adopt measures to promote morae, efficiency, integrity and responsiveness, progressiveness, and courtesy in the delivery of government service. Kalayaan Group of Islands- Which of the following is NOT part of Philippine Archipelago? The Congress- The State may not be sued without its consent. This privilege of non-suability of the State may, however be waived expressly by. Declare war- The Congress in NOT empowered to perform this act. Invasion or rebellion, when public safety requires it- Martial Law, under the Constitution, may be declared based on this ground. Congress- The following inherent powers of the government – the police power, the power of taxation and the power of eminent domain may be exercise by. Ocular inspection of vehicles and passengers- Which of the following search conducted by the police during checkpoints. The right to be heard by himself and counsel- The following are guaranteed in the Miranda Doctrine. Which is Not one of them. The list is the rights based on the Article 3 section 12 Miranda Doctrine. -The right to waive his rights -The right to remain silent -The right to counsel To the appointment of a relative to a confidential position- The Constitution expressly abhor nepotism. However, this will NOT apply. the list of will apply by The Constitution expressly abhor nepotism. -To appointees in the local governments within the 4th civil degree of the appointing or recommending authority. -To the appointment of a relative within the 3rd civil degree of consanguinity or affinity of the Department head exercising immediate supervision over the appointee. -The appointment of the President’s sister to the position of Commissioner of the COA. During in Flagrante delicto arrests- A valid warrantless search may be undertake by the police. Random drug testing of students is a violation of their privacy- Which among the choices below is NOT correct. A Prohibition for unreasonable searches and seizures by agents of the state- Every person has constitutional guarantee of their right to privacy. What is the nature of this right. Those considered as general warrants- A search warrant may be considered void in the following instances. Those conducted at check points where the driver is required to open the baggage compartment- The following will NOT require a search with warrant in the following EXCEPT. There is a need for further search- Which among the choices below is NOT a requirement under the plain view doctrine. The right to travel- A person released on bail has this right that is restricted by law. When he is at a police line-up- A person cannot invoke his right to counsel under Republic Act

No. 7438 in this instance. It is an object illegally seized- It is also known as the “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree.” An extradite under recent jurisprudence may be granted bail upon a showing to the court by a clear and convincing evidence that. -He will not be a flight risk -He will not be a danger to the community -There exists humanitarian and compelling circumstance Filipino citizenship may be acquired through any of the following modes -Repatriation -act of congress -naturalization No, because there is no more appointment to confirm- An appointee in the cabinet of President Aquino passed away before the commission on Appointments confirmed him. Is there still a need for such confirmation. He cannot be sued in any court- Under the Constitution, a member of Congress cannot be questioned or be held liable in any place for any speech or debate in Congress or any committee thereof. This may be construed as. 2/3 of all its members- The required vote by Congress in order to punish a member for disorderly behavior and to expel or suspend him. Re-enactment of the general appropriations law-failure of Congress to enact the general appropriations bill for the ensuing fiscal year has this effect. Congress- This is the repository of emergency powers. Bill increasing minimum wage- The law mandates that all bills must originate from the House of Representatives. Which of the following may not originate from the House of Representatives. In one SC and in such lower courts as may be established by law- Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution provides that judicial power is vested in. A registered voter in the LGU concerned- Recall of a local elected official may only be commenced by. Gerrymandering- The rule that each legislative district shall comprise, as practicable, contiguous, compact, and adjacent territory is a prohibition expressly provided in the Constitution against. Log-rolling legislation- Every bill shall embrace only one subject, which shall be expressed in the title thereof, is a mandate in order to prevent. Item veto- The President’s power to veto a particular provision in an appropriation revenue or tarrif bill. Custodial investigation- The Constitution provides that any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to be informed of his right to remain silent and such other rights provided in the Constitution. The investigation referred to here is called. Offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is strong- All persons criminally charged shall, before conviction, be allowed to post bail except those charged with. Arraignment- Trial in absencia allowed only when the accused has been duly notified, and his failure to appear is unjustifiable, and provided the accuse has already undergone. 70)De Facto- It is a government, which established in defiance of the legitimate sovereign.

PD. 532 - Anti piracy and anti highway robbery law PD. 533 - anti cuttle rustling law RA. 6235 - An act probihiting certain acts inimical to civil aviation RA.6539 - anti carnapping law PD. 1612 - Anti fencing law PD. 1613 - Anti arson law ( simple arson) RA. 7832 - Anti electricity and electric transmission lines RA. 8484 - Access devices regulation act of 1998 RA. 9160 - Anti money laundering act of (2001) RA. 9372 - human security act of (2007) RA. 9745 - Anti torture act(2009) RA. 9775 - Anti child pornography (2009) RA. 9208 -Anti trafficking in person (2003) RA.8049 - an account regulating hazing and other forms of initiation rites in fraternities sororities and other organization RA. 7610- Special protection of children against child abuse RA.9262- anti violence against women and their children act RA.9165- comprehensive dangerous drug act of July 4 2002 RA.9346 - An act probihiting the imposition of death penalty and amending or such purpose RA. 7659 RA. 3019- Anti graft and corruption act RA. 1379- forfeiture of questionable or otherwise III-gotten wealth RA.7080- Anti plunder act RA. 10193- Anti distracted driving act RA. 4200- Anti wire tapping law PD. 1829- law on obstruction of justice BP. 22- bouncing check law RA.10591- comprehensive fire arm law RA.10175- anti cyber crime law RA.9344- Juvenile justice welfare act of 2006

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Dactyloscopy = Practical science of fingerprint Identification and classification. Dactylography = fingerprint identification. Dactylomancy = personality interpretation. Poroscopy = study of sweat pores. Podoscopy = study of prints of the Soles. Chiroscopy = Study of the prints of the Palm. Edgeoscopy = study of the sides of the finger. Ridgeoscopy = study of ridges. Macrodactyl = enlarged finger Microdactyl = small finger Syndactyl = side fussion Polydactyl = many finger Ectodactyl = missing finger Anthropometry = measurement of bone structure. = first scientific method. Forensic Odontology = Dental identification Forensic Anthropology = skeletal identification Forensic Enthomology = study of insects DNA fingerprinting = indispensable science.

Layers of Friction skin Epidermis = outer layer ( Temporary Damage) Stratum Corneum = Outer of epidermis Stratum Mucosum = Inner of epidermis Dermis = Inner Layer (Permanent Damage) Cut = more than 1mm Burns = 2nd Degree burn. 3rd degree burns = requires amputation and the most painful degree of burns. Dermal Papillae = irregular pegs responsible for ridge formation. Friction /Epidermal/Papillary Skin Ridges = lines, hill-like, elevated portion Furrows = space, canal-like, depressed portion Sweat Pores = tiny opening, white dots. Sweat Duct = passage way Sweat Glands = producer of sweat. Fingerprint = the production of an impression on some smooth surfaces, designed by the ridge on the inside of the joint of the finger or thumb. Ridge Characteristics Basic: Ridge Dot, Ending Ridge, Bifurcation, Short Ridge. Ridge Dot= Island Ridge, period or Dot. Ending Ridge = end point/ abrupt ending. Bifurcation = splits, divides, branches into two. Enclosure/ Lake Ridge = meets to form the original ridge. (bifurcating ridge that converge at certain point) Divergence = spreading or two separate ridges. Convergence = meeting of two separate ridges. Recurve = curves back Typelines = basic boundaries of fingerprint pattern. Pattern Area = area surrounded by the typelines. Appendage = short ridge found on TOP of the recurve. Bar = (short or long ridge ) found INSIDE the recurve. Obstruction ridge = (Short HORIZONTAL ridge) found inside the innermost recurving ridge that spoiled the inner flow towards the center of the pattern. Uptrust = Horinzontal ridge that makes a sufficient raise at the center. Incipient ridge = so thin or very fine ridge which is not included as a ridge count. Focal Points / Fingerprint terminus Delta= outer terminus, found in front of TYPELINES. (requires Wide Space) Two or more which conforms = the one nearest the core (YES) Core = Inner Terminus , Found inside the recurve. (approximate center of a fingerprint patterns usually found in L & W) Ridge counting = from DELTA to CORE. Ridge count = ridge between delta to core. Ridge Tracing = From two (2) Focal Points, (Left Delta to Right Delta). (YES) Intervening ridge = between tracing ridge and right delta. 3 Groups (Loop, Arch and Whorl) ***In fingerprint probe, there are three (3) groups of pattern they are Arch , Whorl & Loops. Plain Arch (A) = enter from one side and flow to the other side). Tented Arch (T) = uptrust, angle & Incomplete loop). Radial Loop (LH \, RH /) towards the thumb. Ulnar Loop (LH /, RH \) towards the little finger.

Plain whorl (W) touch the circuiting ridge. Central P.L.W. (c) Does not touch the Circuiting ridge. Double loop Whorl (D) It has two Loop formations. (YES) Accidental Whorl (X) combination except with plain Arch. Rolled Impression = taken Individually (THUMB – towards the body) (All Except Thumb = Away from the body). ( Ten Fingerprints of whom? -Suspect) Plain Impression = taken simultaneously. (serves as guide or reference) Smudge = made by sliding motion. Fragmentary = Partial Prints. Chance Prints = left unconsciously or accidentally. Latent Prints = left or usually found at the scene of the Crime. VISIBLE = made from blood, dust and dirt etc. INVISIBLE = made from sweat/perspiration Latent Print Focal Points of fingerprint search – Point of entrance & exit, safes appliance, doors, windows, panels, desk table near the entrance. (all of these) If fingerprints pattern are not identical, there is no basis for – Comparison. Instrument Fingerprint Roller = used TO SPREAD THE INK. Ink Slab = Metal, Glass or Plastic plate where ink is spread. Fingerprint Card = used for recording Fingerprint. Latent Print Transfer Card = used to preserve latent print. Card Holder = used to clip or hold the F.P. Card . Strip Card Holder = used to clip strip card Classification Formula Checking Blocking = writing the letter symbols. Classification Formula 1. Primary Div. = numerical scoring assigned to WHORL. 1/1 =pre-established fraction used to complete the primary Division. Arch /Loop = non-numerical patterns 2. Secondary = Letter Symbols CAPITAL letters = INDEX FINGER Small Letters = T, M, R, L (rat) 3. Sub-Secondary = INDEX, MIDDLE, RING Whorl= Ridge Tr -Sana makatulong save nyo basahin nyo ng paulit ulit. Dagdag kaalaman para sa magttake ng CRIMINOLOGY LICENSURE EXAM 1.Coined in the word "Criminology" - Rafaelle de Garofalo. 2. Father of Classical criminology- Cesare Beccaria. 3. Father of Criminaliastics- Hans Gross 4. Father of Behavioral genetics- Francis Galton. 5. Father of traditional/Old Criminology - Cesare Beccaria Father of Modern Criminology- Cesare Lombroso 6. Father of Questioned Doc. Examination- Albert Osborne 7. Father of Forensic/ ModernBallistics - Col. Calvin Henry Goddard 8. Father of Probation- John Augustus 9. Father of Organized Military Espionage- Frederick the great. 10. Mother of All Criminals- Ada juke/ Margaret. 11. First probation officer in the whole world- Edward Savage 12. Coined in the word "Photography" - William Herschel

13. Father of Police Professionalization- August Vollmer 14. Father of Police Organization- Henry Vayol. 15. Father of Utilitarianism- Jeremy Bentham 16. Father of Philippine Probation- Teodulo Natividad. 17. Father of English Probation- Matthew Daven Porthill. 18. Father of Parole/Modern Penology- Alexander Macanochie 19. First prison chaplain- Rev. Jarred Curtis 20. First Probation Officer- Edward Savage 21. Father of Modern Policing- Sir Robert Peel. 22. Father of traditional polygraphy- John A. larson. 23. Father of Modern Law Enforcement- August Vollmer. 24. Father of Psycho analysis- Sigmund freud 25. Father of forensic Investigation- Dr. Edmon Locard 26. Father of Podoscopy- Dr. Edmon Locard 27. Father of Personal Identi- Alphonse Bertillion 28. Father of fingerprint- Sir Richard Henry 29. F. of Criminalistics in Austria- Dr. Hans Gross 30. F. of Crims in America- Dr. Paul Kirk 31. F. of American Prison- Zebulon Reed Brockway. 32. F.of Victimology- Benjamin Mendelson Von Henteg 32. "Criminology" - Edwin Sutherland "Criminologie" -Italian word by Paul Topinard" "Criminologia"Latin word by Rafaelle de Garofalo 33. Benjamin Robins - F of Modern Gannery/F. of Ballistics pendiulum . 34. Father of eugenics- Galton First lethal injection- Leo echagaray./RAPE 35.John Augustus-Father of Probation 36.Edward Savage-First Probation officer in the world 37.Teodulo C. Natividad-Father of Philippine Probation 38.Mathew Davenfort Hill-Father of English Probation 39.Zebulon R. Brockway-He was the first superintendent of Elmira Reformatory 40.Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise-Director of English prisons who opened the Borstal institution 41.John Howard-known as the Father of Penitentiary 42.Sir Walter Crofton-He was the director of the irish prison 43.Alexander Macanochie-Father of modern Penology and Father of Parole Republic Acts - are laws made by congress,the latter referring to house of representatives and senate of the phils.duly signed by the president Presidential Decrees- are laws made and approved by then former president marcos; here are some of them; P.D. 1414 - created the law on indigenous person,or the katutubo P.D. 1619 - solvent and volatile P.D. 968 - PROBATION LAW P.D. 603 - THE CHILD AND YOUTH WELFARE ACT CODE..EFFECTIVE JUNE 8 1975 P.D. 1069 - PHIL EXTERNAL/EXTRADITION LAW P.D. 532 - ANTI PIRACY AND ANTI HIGHWAY LAW OF 1974 P.D. 533 - ANTI-CATTLE RUSTLING LAW OF 1974 P.D. 1602 - ILLEGAL GAMBLING P.D. 1866 - AS AMENDED BY R.A. 8294,ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF FIREARM AND EXPLOSIVES P.D. 1612 -ANTI FENCING LAW P.D. 684 - CREATED SK P.D. 1184 - CREATED THE PPSC P.D.229 -DECLARING BGY CHAIRMAN AS PERSON IN AUTHORITY P.D. 557 - DECLARING ALL BARRIOS AS BARANGAY P.D. 1508 - CREATION OF BARANGAY COURT ✅











Ans:Free Legal Assistance Act "In Vino Veritas in Aqua Sanitas" means: Ans:In Wine there is truth, In water there is health. National Crime Prevention Week is commemorated every; Ans:1st Week of September (1-7 of September) Guilty act Ans:Actus reus A guardian appointed by the court to represent the interest of a minor. Ans:Guardian ad litem The "Electoral Reform Law of 1987" Ans:R.A 6646 The largest organ of the human body is. Ans:Skin The hardest substance of the human body. Ans:The enamel of the teeth The largest internal organ is. Ans:Liver How many teeth does an adult have. Ans:32 Moonlighting, Ans:Sideline The first recorded account of due process is found in the. Ans:Bible A document issued by a public official. Ans:Public Document Quantum of proof required in civil case. Ans:Preponderancenof evidence The adjudication by the court that the accused is guilty or not guilty. Ans:Judgement A document regulated by the code of commerce. Ans:Commercial document A document executed by a private person without intervention from a notary public. Ans:Private document Also excuted by a public official in the exercise of the function of public service. Ans:Official document It is any written statement by which a right is established or an obligation is extinguished. Ans:Document This law prohibits the receiving and giving of gifts of public officials and employees including Christmas. Ans:P.D 46 Quantum of proof required in administrative case. Ans:Substantial evidence It is a logboom containing all crime incidents and other significant reports. Ans:Police blotter Police blotter shall contain. Ans:5W's and 1H Refers to the maltreatment of a child whether habitual or not. Ans:Child Abuse Refers to a child accused or adjudged as having committed an offense. 😊
























Ans:Child in conflict with the law The place from which most physical evidence associated with the crime will be obtained. Ans:Crime scene Refers to the policeman who first arrive the crime scene to provide initial police actions. Ans:First responderlaw PD. 532 - Anti piracy and anti highway robbery law PD. 533 - anti cuttle rustling law RA. 6235 - An act probihiting certain acts inimical to civil aviation RA.6539 - anti carnapping law PD. 1612 - Anti fencing law PD. 1613 - Anti arson law ( simple arson) RA. 7832 - Anti electricity and electric transmission lines RA. 8484 - Access devices regulation act of 1998 RA. 9160 - Anti money laundering act of (2001) RA. 9372 - human security act of (2007) RA. 9745 - Anti torture act(2009) RA. 9775 - Anti child pornography (2009) RA. 9208 -Anti trafficking in person (2003) RA.8049 - an account regulating hazing and other forms of initiation rites in fraternities sororities and other organization RA. 7610- Special protection of children against child abuse RA.9262- anti violence against women and their children act RA.9165- comprehensive dangerous drug act of July 4 2002 RA.9346 - An act probihiting the imposition of death penalty and amending or such purpose RA. 7659 RA. 3019- Anti graft and corruption act RA. 1379- forfeiture of questionable or otherwise III-gotten wealth RA.7080- Anti plunder act RA. 10193- Anti distracted driving act RA. 4200- Anti wire tapping law PD. 1829- law on obstruction of justice BP. 22- bouncing check law RA.10591- comprehensive fire arm law RA.10175- anti cyber crime law RA.9344- Juvenile justice welfare act of 2006 Cap 😊


LEA Brig Gen Rafael Crame ---- the first Filipino chief of the Philippine Constabulary in 1917. Col. Lamberto Javalera --- the first chief of police of the Manila Police Department after the Philippine Independence from the united states of america in 1946. Col. Antonio Torres --- the first Filipino chief of police of the Manila Police Department in 1935. and he declared Manila as an open city (DEC.8,1941) Gen. Arthur McArthur (father of Douglas MacArthur) - first District Director of Metropolitan Police Force . P/Dir Gen. Cesar Nazareno ---- the first chief of the Philippine National Police . Captain George Curry -- first chief of Police in Manila Delilah - who was able to gain info. by using her Beauty and Charm. Sun Tzu - Art of war Sir Arthur Wellesly - Greatest military Spymaster at All time.

Frederick the Great - father of organized military espionage. Karl Schulmeister - "Napoleon's Eye" Joseph Petrosino - pioneer in the fight against organized crime. Herbert Yardley - the american black chamber. Akbar - 'the great Mogul' Alfred Redl - a Homosexual double spy who while working as intilligence direct proof Austria and Hungary,spied the Russian. National in scope --- means that the PNP is a nationwide government org. Whose jurisdiction covers the entire breadth of the Philippine archipelago . Civilian in character --- means membership in the PNP is by virtue of one's qualification as set by the law. 1:500 --- Nationwide average 1:1000 --- minimum police-to- population ratio POLICE greek word "POLIS" means "city-state" - another Greek word POLITEIA means "government of the city" POLITIA (roman) means "condition of the state or government " POLICE (French) means "Person who enforced the law" and it was later adopted by the English language. Officer de la paix --- French term which claimed to be origin of the term Police officer. Commanding officer -- officer who is in command of the department ,a bureau ,a division ,an area ,or district. Superior officer --- one having supervisory responsibilities ,either temporarily or permanently over officers of lower rank Sworn officers -- all personnel of the police department who have oath and who possess the power to arrest. Ranking officer -- officer who has the more senior rank in team. Length of service -- period of time that has elapsed since the oath of office was administered . Sick leave -- period which an officer is escused from active duty by reason of illness or injury Suspension -- a consequence of an act which temporarily deprives an officer from the privilege of performing his duties as result of violating directives. Span of control -- maximum number of subordinates that a superior can effectively supervise Delegation of authority --- conferring of certain specified authority by a superior to subordinate Chain of command -- the arrangent of officers from Top to Bottom on the basis of rank or position and authority . Unity of command -- should onle be ONE MAN commanding the unit to ensure uniformity in the execution of orders. Scalar Principle -- defines an unbroken chain of units from top to bottom describing explicitly the Flow of Authrity Promotion -- upward movement from one classification or rank to another carrying higher benefits and more responsibility . Regular Promotion -- promotion granted to police officers meeting the mandatory requirements for promotion . Compulsory -- upon reaching the age FIFTY SIX (56) .the age if retirement .

Optional -- upon completion of TWENTY (20) YEARS of active service Inductive reasoning --- moves from specific to more general. Deductive -- it moves from general to the specific . SOP 1 - POLICE BEAT PATROL PROCEDURES SOP 2 - BANTAY KALYE SOP 3 - SIYASAT SOP 4 - REACT 166 SOP 5 - LIGTAS (ANTI-KIDNAPPING) SOP 6 - ANTI CARNAPPING SOP 7 - ANTI TERRORISM SOP 8 - JOINT ANTI BANK ROBBERY SOP 9 - ANTI HIGHJACKING/HIGHWAY ROBBERY SOP 12 - ANTI ILLEGAL GAMBLING SOP 16 - ANTI PORNOHRAPHY SOP 19 - ANTI ILLEGAL LOGGING SOP 20 - ANTI ILLEGAL FISHING SOP 21 - ANTI ILLEGAL DRUGS 10-0 - caution 10-1 - unable to copy/change loc 10-4 - Acknowledgment 10-12 - stand by 10-50 - accident 10-52 - ambulance needed 10-74 - negative 20 feet or more - outside 50 feet or more - Inside Mercury Vapor Lamps - blue green color Sodium Vapor Lamp - yellow light Quarts lamp - very bright white light For PSAs -- minimum of 200 and maximum of 1000 For CSFs -- minimum of 30 and maximum of 1000 100-199 guards - P 50,000.00 200-499 guards - P 100,000.00 500-799 guards - P 150,000.00 800-1000 guards - P 200,000.00 Patrol - (French) "Patrouiller" means to go through paddles;to travel on foot. PNP RANK Classification and its counterpart in the MILITARY -Director general--- General -Deputy Director Gen--- Lt.Gen -Director --Major General -ChiefSuperintendent -- Brigadier General -SeniorSuperintendent -- Colonel -Superintendent -- Lt. Colonel -Chief Inspector-- Major -Senior inspector -- Cap Greek-politeia Roman-politia French-police

Nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege” – meaning there is no crime when there is no law punishing such act. “Actus me invitus factus non est meus actus” -- “An act done by me against my will is not my act” While ignorance of the law excuses no one (ignorantia lege neminem excusat), a mistake of fact excuses the actor from liability (ignoranti facti excusat). “Non facit reum nisi mens sit rea” (an act does not make the doer guilty, unless the mind is guilty.) “Dura Lex Sed Lex” (The law is harsh but it is the law.) “El que es causa dela causa es causa del mal causado” (He who is the cause of the cause is the cause of the evil cause.) “Mens rea” ( Evil intent) Bill of attainder = a legislative act that inflicts punishment without trial. Its essence being the substitution of legislative fiat for a judicial determination of guilt. -TERMS & DEFINITION PARRICIDE-Pag ptay s tatay o nanay ng 1 anak, o Pag ptay ng lolo sa knyang apo,o Pag ptayan ng mg asawa ( dapat ay kasal ) HOMICIDE- di sadyang pagptay ng 1 tao MURDER- pag pty n pinagplanuhan, sa likuran sinaksak o binaril, niresbakan, patraydor, karumal dumal, at wlang laban ang biktima. INFANTICIDE- pag patay s sanggol n less than 3 days old. Kpg lgpas n 3 araw abg bata ang kso ng pumty n my edad n ay murder dhil s puntong yon ay walang laban ang bata s kanya ABORTION-makasalanang pag papalaglag s cnapu2nan ng bata. PHYSICAL INJURIES-pananakit sa 1 tao na magdudulot ng pasa o pagkabali ng katawan o paltos. UNJUST VEXATION-pang aasar,pangu2tya o pang iinis s 1 tao s harap ng marami o ibang tao. MALICIOUS MISCHIEF- paninira ng gamit ng iba VANDALISM-ipinagbabawal n pagsusulat o pagbaboy o pagdudumi ng 1 pader o khit anong bwal sulatan. VAGRANCY-bagansya, ipingbabawal n pag gala tuwing gabi ALARM &SCANDAL-pag wawala, pag ssigaw, pang gugulo s thimik n lugar. ( mdalas to s mga lasing n ngwwla twing gabi o ngsi2ga-cgaan ). BATAS-YONARYO FORGERY-pamemeke ng,ID, card, files o ng kahit anong dokumento. PERJURY-nanumpa n mgssbi ng katotohanan s harap ng judge tpos babawiin . GRAVE THREAT- matinding pananakot s 1 tao s pmmgitan ng pgba2nta s buhay. USURPATION OF AUTHORITHY – pag –panggap n sya ay pulis,nbi, khit hindi. ILLEGAL USE OF INSIGNIA/UNIFORMPagsusuot ng uniporme ng pulis,tsapa o rango ABDUCTION-pagtanan s 1 babae, SEDUCTION- pang aakit n malaswa s 1 babae. ACT OF LASCIVIOUSNESS -pang hihipo o bastos n gawain ng lalake s harap ng babae. LIBEL-pnnrang puri o ng dangal ng 1 tao s pmmraan ng pnaskil s bilbord,s dyaryo,tv, magazine, radio, SLANDER- pnnrang puri o ng dangal ng 1 tao s pmmraan ng( minura s harap ng ibang tao, sinabihan ng pokpok yang babae n yan,kabet o kirida, SLANDER BY DEED- nasira ang dangal ng 1 tao s harap ng iba dahil cnmpal sya,sinabunutan, o dinuraan. BIGAMY-nakasal n kinasal p ulit s iba.( kpg ptay n o di n mkita dhil nwwla ung asawa, dpat ay

lumipas muna ang 7 taon bgo mgpaksal muli s iba) CONCUBINAGE-ang lalake ayksal ngunit may kabit at dinadala s bahay ng pmilya, ADULTERY- ang babaeng kasal n ay nakikipagsama p s ibang lalake o nkikirelasyon. ARBITRARY DETENTION-Pulis, baranggay o opisyal s oras ng trabaho ngkulong ng tao o may sala s loob ng 1 araw s kulungan n wala namang isinasampa o issmpang kaso. ILLEGAL DETENTION-kahit cnong tao n magkukulong s 1 pang tao ng 1 araw o mahigit ( kht s c.r., loob ng kwarto, cabinet,o kulungan man ng aso ) KIDNAPPING-pag kuha, pagdukot o pagtago s bata o tao ng mahigit 1 araw n may hinihinging kapalit. ROBBERY-pag kuha sa 1 bagay o gamit, pag mamay ari ng iba n gnmitan ng dahas,paninira, o pananakot ( Mga uri ng halimbawa ) Robbry snatching- Hinablot Robbery Hold-up-Hinoldap Robbery with d use of force-Para mpsok ang bhy cnira ang pinto o bintana. THEFT- pagkuha s 1 bagay o pag mamay ari ng palihim, salisi , padukot, o ndampot khit alam kung cno my ari ngunit d cinoli. ( Mga uri ng halimbawa ) Shoplift-,salisi, budol-budol TRESPASS TO DWELLING – pag pasok s bahay ng iba ng di alam o walng phintulot ng may-ari. ( trespassing lang nksnayn n slita d2 ) MUTILATION-pag putol s parte ng katawan ng buhay n tao hal. Tenga, dila, o ari ESTAFA- may kasunduan o may kontrata s ngunit d tinapos byaran o tinaksan SWINDLING-planadong panloloko s pmamaraan ng pera,hal. Ahente o negosyante pagkatapos byaran o makuha ang pera o bayad ay tatakasn, may bnenta ngunit palpak ( hal. Budol-budol at illegal recruit ) TREASON-pag ttksil s sariling bayan s oras ng pkikidigma o pakkpag away s ibang bansa ESPIONAGE- paniniktik ng di kilalang tao o dayuhan s loob ng sskyang pndigma ng pilipinas MUTINY- pag aklas o pag aaklas-(Hal. Sundalo di sumunod s superior officer para mag aklas..( MAGDALO SOLDIERS ) EXPULSION- public officer o emlpeyado pinlayas ang 1 tao s tinitirhan di naman sya authorized person Whats the law exclude do not include A. INTRO. TO CRIMINOLOGY CRIMINAL – is a person who had committed or omitted an act in violation of the law and was been convicted through final judgment by the court having the jurisdiction of the case. CRIME – is an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it. FELONY – is an act committed in violation of the revised penal code Intentional Felony - those committed with malice Culpable Felony – those committed because of negligence, lack of foresight and imprudence OFFENSE – is an act committed in violation of special laws. MISDEMEANOR – is an act committed in violation of simple rules and regulations and is usually committed by minors. SEASONAL CRIMES- are those that are committed only at a certain period of the year. Situational Crimes - are those which are committed only when given a situation conducive to its commission. Ordinary Criminal- considered as the lowest form of criminal in a criminal career. He doesn’t stick to crime as a profession but rather pushed to commit crimes due to great opportunity.

Professional Criminal – a person who is engaged in criminal activities with high degree of skill. He usually practices crime as a profession to maintain a living. Adolphe Quetelet (1796-1874) - He discovered, basing on the research that “crimes against persons increased during summer and crimes against property tends to increase during winter. Stages in the Commission of Crime 1. ATTEMPTED - commences the commission of a felony but failed to perform all the acts of execution for various reasons. 2. FRUSTRATED - all the acts of execution were performed but failed to produce the felony by reasons or causes independent of the will of the perpetrator. 3. CONSUMATED - when all the elements necessary for its execution and accomplishment are all present to produce a felony. B. CORRECTION Code of King Hammurabi (Hammurabic Code) – Babylon, about 1990 BC, credited as the oldest code prescribing savage punishment, but in fact, Sumerian codes were nearly one hundred years older. Punishment: - It is the redress that the state takes against an offending member of society that usually involves pain and suffering. - It is also the penalty imposed of an offender for a crime or wrongdoing. Banishment or Exile – the sending or putting away of an offender which was carried out either by prohibition against coming into a specified territory such as an island to where the offender has been removed. Parole - a conditional release of a prisoners after serving part of his/her sentence in prison for the purpose of gradually re-introducing him/her to free life under the guidance and supervision of a parole officer. Probation – a disposition whereby a defendant after conviction of an offense, the penalty of which does not exceed six years imprisonment, is released subject to the conditions imposed by the releasing court and under the supervision of a probation officer. Duration of Penalties 1. Death Penalty – Capital punishment 2. Reclusion Perpetua – life imprisonment, a term of 20-40 yrs imprisonment 3. Reclusion Temporal – 12 yrs and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment 4. Prision Mayor – 6 yrs and 1 day to 12 years 5. Prision Correctional – 6 months and 1 day to 6 years 6. Arresto Mayor – 1 month and 1 day to 6 months 7. Arresto Menor – 1 day to 30 days 8. Bond to Keep the Peace – discretionary on the part of the court. PRISON Defined: - A penitentiary, an institution for the imprisonment (incarceration) of persons convicted of major/ serious crimes. - A building, usually with cells, or other places established for the purpose of taking safe custody or confinement of criminals. - A place of confinement for those charged with or convicted of offenses against the laws of the land. The Two Rival Prison System in the History of Correction

A. The Auburn Prison System – the prison system called the “Congregate System”. - The prisoners are confined in their own cells during the night and congregate work in shops during the day. Complete silence was enforced. B. The Pennsylvania Prison System – the prisons system called “Solitary System”. - Prisoners are confined in single cells day and night where they lived, they slept, and they ate and receive religious instructions. Complete Silence was also enforced. They are required to read the Bible. PRISONER - A prisoner is a person who is under the custody of lawful authority. A person, who by reason of his criminal sentence or by a decision issued by a court, may be deprived of his liberty or freedom. - A prisoner is any person detained/confined in jail or prison for the commission of a criminal offense or convicted and serving in a penal institution. - A person committed to jail or prison by a competent authority for any of the following reasons: To serve a sentence after conviction – Trial – Investigation – General Classification of Prisoners 1. Detention Prisoners – those detained for investigation, preliminary hearing, or awaiting PHILIPPINE HISTORY Philippines – Pearl of the Orient, comprises more than 7,100 islands. 1898 – The Spanish-American War ended. Martial Law – imposed by President Ferdinand E. Marcos. Pearl Harbor- the Japanese surprise attack in America Clark field in Pampanga- bombing mission of Japanese in the Philippines. Hiroshima & Nagasaki – City in Japan wherein the American Air Force drops a Nuclear Bomb. People Power Movement – 4 day protest in Manila, in EDSA Ferdinand Magellan – 1st recorded European contact with the Philippine Island. Cebu – Island of ZUGBO, Humabon in waging a battle against a rival chieftain, Lapu-Lapu of Mactan. The Capital of the new Spanish colony. 1565 – 1st Spanish settlement in the Philippines was established on cebu by Miguel Lopez de Legaspi. Rajah Soliman – controlled an area of Luzon. The NEW Capital of the Spanish colony. KKK – kataastaasan kagalang galang na katipunan ng mga anak ng bayan, KATIPUNAN, organized by Andres Bonifacio. Biac-na-bato – a place that in negotiated truce. Treaty of Paris – Peace negotiation between spain and the United States. William Howard Taft – President of United States appointed General MacArthur to rule and govern the Philippines. Deep-water harbor – at subic bay, major anchorage for the US naval fleet. Jones Act – instituted an elected Philippine senate and compromised eventual independence. Franklin D. Roosevelt – New President of US who supports the Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934 stipulated that the Philippines would become an independent republic on July 4, 1946. HUKBALAHAPS- hukbong ng bayan laban sa hapon 1944 – Osmenia succeeded Quezon, who died in the US. April 1946- Roxas became the 1st president of the new republic. April 1948 – Roxas died and was succeeded by Vice President Quirino, who won presidency in 1949. Luis Taruc – HUKS Leader.

1953- Magsaysay was the clear winner in the presidential election. March 1957 – Magsaysay died in plane crash and was succeeded by his vice president Carlos Garcia, and was elected president in his own right in November 1957. 1961 - Diosdado Macapagal win the presidency. 1965 – election gave to presidency to Ferdinand E. Marcos. The 1st president who win a second term. September 21, 1972 – President Ferdinand E. Marcos Proclaimed Martial Law by virtue of Proclamation No. 1081. EDSA – epifanio de los Santos Avenue Mendiola Massacre – government security forces opened fire on the protester and killed 20 people.

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