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MARCH 2048 A gentle vibra ting ring wak es me a little before 3: 13am These last few . years I have be en wearing th the wonders of e new model this world. Th - made from ca e processor in hidden of subc rbon, and into side is unusu onscious desir it are carved al ly powerful, ab es. The wind is in immeasura all le to recognis whipping at th ble quantities e even the mos e glass of the . It is no longe that we used t windows... ra r the rain of ch to make from in is pouring ildhood, but in spit and wate to the apartm down stead remind r, and hail dow ent there is an s me of a subs n on passers by opening. In it distribution ce tance from the balc any products ntre every tim ony. By the en that might be e the ring sen trance d es d ir s ed a message to are delivered How are we ab do so. by the le to do this? Everyone who offers anythin g is constantl And when the y informing al ring perceives l the rings of m y wishes it in to the produce the world abou forms the wor r, who sends th t their latest go ldwide centre, e product to th informing th ods. which in turn e distributor, e ring of the co sends the requ w st h o , which is paid ring is short on delivers it to th est for by the rin e desired addr funds. In that g itself. Natura es case the distri naughty, nau s w h il e lly, every once bution centre ghty, little bo in a while the reprimands th y. Better luck n e ex earthling wit t ti m e. The reaction h the words: yo time u You can just im between the request being sent and the a agine, that be ctual delivery low the entire gnomes are co to the residen surface of the nstantly mak ce is 5 minute earth there is ing deliveries. one has remai s. a kind of giga .. basically, af ned. This dist n te ti c anthill, wher r 20 years of st ributor's min practices... an e ruggles betwee d knows ever d their weakn y human on ea n distributors esses. And let rt on h , n ly al o l on th e ever abuse th eir bad habits, There is some is information their regular yogurt in a gl ! ass container me to enjoy m . By opening th y meal, plays e lid, I activate some soothin substances, w the voice insi g music and in hich will provi de, which tell forms me tha de for excellen concentration s t th e yoghurt con t concentration until then, bu tains some until 4 :00am t in any case . th I have no idea e taste of the 3: 15 am - the h why I should yoghurt is ex our when I w have quisite. as born. I step up to th e mirror. In it I see three im dawn. I fidge ages of mysel t, fully aware f. The careeris th at the image kind of momen t, the poet, th I choose will be t that I wish fo e gatherer of mine to live ou rtune tellers re roses at t for the next ally did exist. 4 :00am - I'm year... It is in I choose the ga already sittin that therer of rose g in a compar s at dawn. tment of an en The ring took or mous caterpil care of the rese lar. rvation, and measured ou I'm sitting by t for me by th the window. T e lid of my yo nervousness I he concentrati ghurt is leavin ride on. Somet on, which wa g me. Withou imes I agree w revolution on s t an y expectation it h the common ly when we su s and exagger cceeded in sep sentiment, th began mixing ated ar a t ating human we experience it into food, dr intelligence fr d our first tru inks, etc. Yogh new path I w om e urt (and the su ill choose in li the body and fe, it minimiz bstance in it) as a substance so that I can li es re ads thoughts the stress con ve out my new ; it knows wh nected with th role. ich a t, an d it takes care 5: 00am. Mea of everything dows. I lay su rrounded by m illions of swee I think of the t smelling rose possibilities th s. a t the mirror w much at all ill offer on m everything is y next birthd O.K. ay. No, actual ly I'm not thin The name of the worldwid king too e distribution ce n tr e is : WZAISALX Regardless of . Their corpor what you wil ate slogan : ev l be doing, wh erything is O.K ere will you be . in the year 20 48?

Mitja Milavec Vice president TBWA\Adriatic region



...I do know where we will be in 2010. This must count for something, wouldn't you say? If Lee Clow, who is not only among the most creative people, but also the president of one of our most creative and successful advertising agencies, TBWA Chiat Day in Los Angeles, speaks up about the year 2010, frankly, you believe what he has to say. For 30 years Lee has remained loyal, body and soul, to one agency, and still knows how to wake up the world with surprising ideas, again and again. At the beginning of May we gathered together with colleagues from around the world and considered many things, including the question of what exactly we are and where in fact we are going. "Who does an advertising agency want to be anyway?" is how Lee Clow concluded the conference of our TBWA network in Los Angeles. If someone who stands for 12,000 people in advertising agencies around the world says something like this, it is no joke. California was not chosen by accident. And the name of the conference - Hang Ten (surfing aficionados can tell you that this is something only the best of the best do) - was no coincidence either. Colleagues from TBWA CHIAT DAY received us for the introductory evening at the agency itself. Without any problems whatsoever, 500 people from around the world were able to mingle in an enormous hanger, where approximately 900 people otherwise work night and day (literally 24 hours a day - yes, they even have regular night shift teams). For that reason it isn't strange to see a basketball court in the middle of it all, simply laid out open spaces, little streets and even trees - all on the inside. Everything is done without any hint of glamour, and with a lot of soul. No designer tables, hip lights, or any of that rubbish. No sexy receptionists, ha. Only a lot of pictures, photographs, and papers covered with writing on the walls, products from clients and ideas - everywhere. And the board room? Yes, even that is something they can lay claim to - it is literally a room with boards (see photograph). Four of them, as pertaining to the four founding members. This is the origin of the sometimes difficult to remember letters T, B, W and A. So, what the heck are we going to be, if not an advertising agency? The answer is something we heard immediately in the morning of the next day. By the year 2010 we will be one of the most creative companies in the world, meaning that we will be in the same company as Apple, Google, and similar visionaries. At the beginning of the first day this seemed altogether a little too ideal, but by the end it didn't in the least.

Entrance in TBWA\CHIAT DA Y

automobiles are so extremely similar? A silver car, photographed from a certain angle, great photo, come on...

In this day and age there is no argument when it comes to the fact that if you are not moving forward, you are falling behind. And if a guru of the TBWA network like Jean Marie Dru is convinced that the best times are still ahead of us, that is something you can bank on. Today the media is more or less everything and everybody can collaborate to create ideas. Only now it is becoming really interesting. Now it is becoming important to be a leader and not just a manager. Now even more important ideas will be born, ideas that cannot be masked by some kind of ornamental mumbo-jumbo. Either the ideas will be the right ones, and you'll be on the winning side, or they won't, and you'll lose. John Hunt, the worldwide creative director of TBWA, brilliantly and in his own personal way came up with an analysis of the current egocentric advertising world. Naturally, you are familiar with the question, who's idea is this? And then appears a little creative gem that says: It's my idea. Onlookers say: Yes, that's his idea. Within a short period of time an adjective wiggles its way into the sentence. Yes, that's his damn idea. Given a little more time certain jealous people go so far as to even change the original message somewhat: That damn guy. Yes, that was his idea. For this reason Hunt recommended that we begin like so: This is our idea. And everyone who is connected with "our" idea will collaborate, take the idea on as his or her own, while also adding to it, and amazing things can happen. This is exactly what occurred at the competition for Singapore Airlines, where creative workers, strategists, and managers of TBWA trade marks from all corners of the earth created a winning collective idea. And they received a ten year contract (wow, this can still happen!) and a client, who believes in cooperation, mutual trust, and respect.

Conventions can quickly put us to sleep, but it is not impossible to resist them. To accomplish this, work is required. Thoughtfully done, and elementary in nature. The "Tao of doing", began Rob Schwartz, the creative director of the agency TBWA Chiat Day, is extremely important. A creative environment is not brought about by some far out couch, a crazy coffee machine, pool tables or table football, all present in the workspace, and also not by carelessly dressed creative workers, or celestial sculptures at the entrances. A creative environment begins with work. With thinking, creating, writing, drawing, filming, trying things out, improving them... in short, with work. Confucius was right: By talking alone we cannot cook rice. Proof of the success of disruptive thinking and work was confirmed by guests of our conferences: Jonathan Ive, for example, vice-president of the department for design at Apple and the "guilty party" behind iMac, iPod, and the up-coming mobile phone iPhone. With the appearance and content of his presentation he emphasised once more that the best people are always the most simple and understandable, because they don't have to hide behind the ballast of unnecessary words. Visionary ideas are not born in focus groups, they are born in the head and in the heart. They are born of that incredible energy, which only a very few acquire, and who in turn are then able to shift the boundaries of what we know. That is something that was embodied by our next two guests, Eric Ryan and Adam Lowery, founders of the young company Method, which bravely made strides in surely one of the most demanding categories - and one that is perceived by most of us as one of the most hostile - the category of household-cleaning products. They succeeded. With ecologically friendly products, with the right strategy, by including the users (the only true ambassadors) in the process, and with communication, which flowed mainly by means of the web and thereby successfully combated big budget competition. The conclusion of Lee Clow's interview with the two was simple: buy shares of their company now.

Dru asked us, why are we still able to succeed? Because we have "disruption", our own specific way of speaking, our own philosophy, and methodology. The easiest way to explain the concept of disruption is with the example of the Olympic athlete Fosbery from 1968. An exceptional high jumper, who at the Olympic Games lifted the entire sporting world to its feet. While his colleagues and fellow athletes were attempting to improve the height of the high jump using the technique of the time (jumping forward), Fosbery decided to use a completely new approach. He accomplished a jump over the crossbeam with his back, seen for the first time ever at that point, and he defeated his competitors not only by mere millimetres, but by significantly more. That is disruption. To recognize the conventions, which are hampering development, and to go beyond them with new ideas. Have you ever asked yourselves why the majority of communiqués for something like

Whoever has at sometime participated in a similar gathering will understand that unique energy, which you can catch from colleagues that come from varied, unique places. Germany, Malaysia, Holland, Thailand... the world is open, and you can succeed, if you choose to do so. That is why it is constantly necessary to shift our ideas, perceptions, relations, feelings, pencils and mice, every day and all year. Until the end and even further.

TBWA\CH from the IAT DAY office outside


Lee Clow, announcing his first guest, Jonathan Ive, Vice president of design dept. at Apple

Lee Clow’s off



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IN LOVE WITH THE NEW TWINGO RENAULT Renault Twingo is in a class of its own. It is the newest (also) Slovene car and as such it deserves to have a special communicative campaign. Together with the Renault Nissan Slovenia team, we have begun the elaborate preparations for the arrival of the new Twingo far back in the previous year. These preparations encompass a wide range of communicative means and channels, entwined into a unified sales promotion. An emphasis on new, interactive and nonclassic communicative paths reaching a high level of involvement of the target groups is a characteristic of the promotion. Modern communicative theories are establishing


Luna\TBWA multilogue to be the new paradigm of brand discourse. In this multilogue, an important part of communication is left to the consumers or Luna\TBWA the users of specific communicative channels. In this way, the communication manager consciously gives up the control of a part of the communication field, but, in return, gains involvement, affection, WOM (and other, “softer” communicative categories). The promotion was designed as an entity and it includes both external and internal communication (the production of the new Twingo opened up 400 new posts in the factory in Novo mesto); with varying intensity the promotion takes place all year round.

TWINGO HIT The new Twingo is communicative, dynamic, and trendy and it loves music. Therefore the Twingo Hit music contest was designed as part of the communicative campaign. The aim of the contest was to enable less known or aspiring music talents a breakthrough to the Slovene music market. At the same time we wished the new Twingo to gain a hit of its own which would fit its lively personality best. With radio advertisements, Internet banners, posters in bars, schools and public toilets and in cooperation with Radio Hit and the Stop magazine as media sponsors, we encouraged musicians to send their demo recordings in mp3 form to Twingo’s e-mail address. The response was excellent and in three weeks we received 101 recordings, which is a record among such contests. All recordings we received were carefully

listened to by a four-member jury. The members were: the advertising director at Renault Nissan Slovenia Ksenija Habjan, the programme director at Radio Hit Matej ©pehar - Racman, the music editor at the Stop magazine Miran Inhof and the well-known Slovene musician Miha Guπtin - Guπti. From all the recordings the jury chose four finalists, but the overall winner was chosen by the public through SMS voting and via the Planet portal. The clear winners of the Twingo Hit music contest were the Abstrakt band with their song “Nad oblaki”. As the main prize, the Abstrakt band will receive a professional audio and video production of their winning song. But before that they already had an exclusive live performance on June 21st in front of a throng of several thousand people at the Pozdrav poletju event.

A STAR IS BORN! TWINGO BLOG The Twingo blog is the first Slovene corporate product blog and it was well received in the general public as well as in the bloggers’ community. The blog provides a space for information on the new Twingo’s life, guest bloggers, videos and humorous contributions by Jurij Zrnec (alias Jurij GaraË, a Hollywood actor and world renowned model). Other promotional features could also be found and commented upon on the blog: the Twingo Hit music contest and events for the young and the young at heart, where we, as the main sponsor, gave away the new Twingo. There were three such events:

the concert of Radio City, which took place at the foot of the Pohorje mountain range, the Pozdrav Poletju event hosted by Radio Hit in Ljubljana and the concert of Radio Capris in Koper. The experiences of the new Twingo’s first drivers also found a spot on the blog. The favourable response exceeded even the most optimistic of expectations (to put it bluntly: had we been selling advertising space on the Twingo blog, we would have gained quite some money), which only proves the significance of using unconventional communication tools to reach specific target groups.

Slovene journalists were the first to let themselves be carried away by the new Twingo - the small urban car opened its doors to them on May 28th at the Mons hotel, which hosted over 750 foreign journalists taking test drives over the following weeks. The press event was led by the congenial hostess Katarina »as and enlivened by a special

presentation of the new Twingo, performed by Jurij Zrnec, who got to know the small car better already at the Viktorji event. More serious subjects, such as prices and sales plans, were introduced by Bruno Benayer, Renault’s marketing director and Joæe RiËnik, the product manager for the Twingo brand.

Twix Topix Crunchy for two

SAY IT WITH YOUR FINGERS.. Si.mobil Halo SMS, Si.mobil’s prepaid tariff is designed for all who frequently use the SMS service and call users of other networks. This, above all, are young people, with nimble fingers, who moved the boundaries of conventional communication via stationary and mobile telephones to new horizons. Short messages or SMSs have replaced verbal communication with their symbols, with a special alphabet from which a language typical only of SMS sending developed. In other words, the young have decided to stop using their mouths to speak, replacing them with their

MARS Twix Topix is a new brand of chocolate wafer biscuit which Masterfoods launched on the Slovene market in the previous months. The new delicious wafer biscuit is designed to be shared and crunched in company, so we decided to share the first Twix Topix wafer biscuits with you. Besides the classic advertising campaign we gave strollers in Ljubljana and Maribor a chance to pick their own wafer biscuit, available in three delicious flavours. The advertising campaign thus began with five teaser billboards at various locations in the city centres of Ljubljana and Maribor. On the fifth day, the billboards changed into real chocolatey desserts. Approximately 3000 Topixs were given

Luna\TBWA fingers instead. And so did we. We designed a marketing campaign where we said everything loud and clear and we did so with fingers. We gave the fingers faces, dressed them into colourful clothes and brought them to life, so they could convey the message in our stead: “Say it with your fingers… with Halo SMS”. Thus a clear message about the best prepaid tariff on the Slovene market, the Halo SMS tariff, was delivered to Si.mobil-Vodafone’s users and users-to-be.

Luna\TBWA to pleased onlookers. The tasty wafer biscuit got the highest level of interest at a location near Maximarket, where promoters distributed over 800 wafer biscuits. Sampling took place also in the *xyz clothes shop in the Citypark shopping centre, where buyers were given a Topix at the cash desk. The sales team wore Topix T-shirts and we also decorated the shop windows and the mirrors within the shop. The campaign was accompanied by a radio show on Radio Center, which followed the development of the campaign and searched for the most impressive adventures of friends - the author of the winning story was presented with a holiday in the mystic Egypt.






We designed a brochure for Hansaplast, which focuses on feet, changes caused by disease and old age and on the appropriate foot care. Our feet often have to bear our weight for more than 10 hours daily. Walking on hard surfaces, frequently in unsuitable footwear, has its consequences. These and other problems and the causes and solutions for them are dealt

Luna\TBWA with in the attractively designed booklet. We involved the Medical department of rheumatology of the University Medical Centre in Ljubljana in the preparation of the booklet’s contents. The booklet is designed to help also the professionals in educating individuals who have foot problems or foot diseases.

On June 14th, after a good month of activities, a charity appeal fighting for equal rights to schooling, for which the Beiersdorf company, with its NIVEA brand, and Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije (ZPMS; Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth) joined their hands and forces for the second consecutive year, reached its finale. The organisers prepared an exhibition of the selected hands, hung across the Ljubljanica river at the Tromostovje bridge, and an Internet exhibition where people could draw pictures in the provided hand-shaped outlines with the help of a special computer program. The exhibition was opened with a symbolic cutting of a ribbon by the mayor of Ljubljana Zoran JankoviË, the director of Beiersdorf Mitja ZupanËiË and the director of the ZPMS Franc HoËevar. Last year a helping hand was offered by known Slovenes, mayors of Slovene towns and numerous inhabitants of Slovenia, and thus 42,606 imprints of hands were collected. Beiersdorf contributed financial means to the teaching fund for each imprint. The favourable response and the success of the appeal gave the organisers the incentive to continue their good

Luna\TBWA work also this year. How well this year’s appeal was accepted is best attested by the number of the participating inhabitants of Slovenia, who drew or wrote on the hand-shaped outlines and sent them via post or the Internet. 50,643 people gave life to the hand-shaped outlines with the help of their imagination and in this way expressed their solidarity with children from socio-economically deprived families. For each hand they received, Beiersdorf contributed half a euro to the NIVEA teaching fund for the education of children and adolescents from economically disadvantaged families. The final sum, written on the cheque given to the ZPMS at the end of the appeal, was 25,322 euros. That imagination and a good heart go hand in hand is proved by true works of art created with coloured pencils, felt-tip pens, pencils, glue or the computer mouse and many hand-shaped outlines on which good wishes and intentions were written. A helping hand and a creative streak were offered also by known Slovenes along with their families, namely, Brigita Bukovec, Alenka Strnad - Reza, Robert PeËnik PeËo and Jure Seπek.



Fruc, the most mixed-up drink of all, strikes again. The legendary Smiley, with its natural fruity taste and totally mixed-up communication, won the palates and the hearts of all those thirsty (of fun) already years ago. This time it introduces itself as a refreshing force one cannot resist. Fruc struck with new mixed-up flavours and new communication which includes television and radio

Luna\TBWA advertisements, billboards, inventive outdoor advertising and equipment of shops. Following the victorious march across Slovenia and Croatia, Fruc began conquering new markets in Macedonia, in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Montenegro. And since it is highly likely that it is sizzling hot outside right at the moment you are reading these lines, you know what your solution is: the totally mixed-up Fruc!

Devilishly attractive


She came. She seduced. She conquered. Nissan Micra introduced herself as a city slick, a temptress, a refined beauty and in just a short while she completely won us over and

Luna\TBWA conquered our roads. Due to her trendy equipment, her safe embrace and seduction with an attractive offer, nothing else can be said of the charming miss apart from the fact

that she is devilishly attractive. And, to tell the truth, who would not want to have such a beauty at home?

2007 Disruption Awards TBWA\WORLDWIDE June 2007 saw the distribution of the Disruption Awards, which were created some years ago with the intention of recognizing and awarding advertising campaigns which follow methods of disruptive advertising. Among the campaigns that won awards in the previous years one must mention Adidas and its “Vertical Football” campaign, Pedigree’s “We Are for Dogs” and SONY’s “Shadow of the Colossus”.

SUPPLEMENTS FOR EVERY TASTE DELO Following the excellent response to the first sales campaign made for the leading Slovene newspaper Delo, we decided, along with the Delo team, to create a sequel to the campaign. Contents-wise we focused on supplements which a buyer or a subscriber to Delo gets free of charge every day and which are a source of good, interesting and

Among the trendy flavours of the Bandidos beers, a special place is reserved for Bandidos Light Lemon. Due to its lower content of alcohol and calories, Bandidos Light Lemon will gladden above all the gentler sex and physically active men who wish, after a workout, to quench their thirst with a

Disruption Awards were awarded also to the creators of the following campaigns:

• PS3 - This is Living - TBWA\London • Adidas - Kahn\Fresco - TBWA\Germany • Apple - Mac vs. PC - TBWA\Media Arts Lab • Taxi Service - Toot-n-Scoot TEQUILA\Johannesburg • Pedigree Dog Adoption - TBWA\Chiat\Day Los Angeles • Eco Store - TBWA\Whybin • Nissan - Sentra - TBWA\Chiat\Day Los Angeles & TEQUILA\ Los Angeles • Anti Piracy Foundation - Tsotsi TBWA\Hunt Lascaris • Finnish National Betting Company - Go Togo - TBWA\PHS • Nissan - Pino - TBWA\Hakuhodo

Luna\TBWA compelling reading for the whole family. Elected Slovene households were thus offered a chance to receive Delo together with supplements for two weeks, free of charge and without any obligations. Communicatively, the campaign was supported with a television telop, radio and printed advertisements and direct mail.

Grab a light one! PIVOVARNA LAŠKO

Successful disruptive advertising is based on an original and in-depth strategy which informed and inspired advertisers all around the world. This year, the main prize was for the first time given to the Nissan company for their Qashqai campaign. The campaign followed the idea of disruptive advertising more than excellently. The collective effort of creatives and the successful

cooperation of all European TBWA networks, which effectively adapted the campaign, led to the following result: Qashqai is sold out all till 2008!

Luna\TBWA modern and refreshing social drink. The light yellow colour reflects the gentle character of Bandidos. Owing to the lower content of bitter, the taste is milder and additionally rounded off by the flavours of lemon, lime and apple. So grab a chilled bottle and let yourself be taken away by this light summer enjoyment!

CANNES LIONS 2007 TBWA\WORLDWIDE In France, the largest advertising festival, Cannes Lions 2007, concluded at the end of June. 80 countries took part in the 54th festival and there were a record 25,700 works submitted, which competed for the prestigious prize in nine categories. The largest number of works was contributed by the USA (3569 works); among European participants, Germans shone with 2310 submitted works. Slovenes also contributed to the richness of the festival and this time submitted 37 works in all. While Luna/TBWA missed the most prestigious award by an inch (and we are already working on winning it the following year), we nonetheless had a reason for celebration. The TBWA advertising network, part of which is also Luna/ TBWA, won 28 statuettes - those of the “most advertising” of lions. The most sought-after and also the most prestigious award was won by TBWA/Whybin from New Zealand that beat the competition with their campaign for Adidas, titled “Bonded by Blood”, and so earned the title Cannes Lions Promo Grand Prix. TBWA/Whybin more than justified their grand victory also in the remaining categories. Among others, they were awarded the Media Lions Grand Prix for the ASB

Bank campaign, “Money Goes Digital”, and the Outdoor Lions Grand Prix, again for the Adidas campaign, “Bonded by Blood”. TBWA/Chiat/Day New York also emerged victorious and was awarded two golden lions, namely, a golden lion for the radio advertisement “Growth Spurt, France, Wrestling, Doug” (client Combos Pretzels) and a golden lion in the PR category for Snickers. The Film Lions Grand Prix was awarded to the TBWA agency in Paris. The Belgian agency TEQUILA/Agency.com was also delighted by the precious colour and was awarded the Direct Gold Lion. So TBWA enriched the largest advertising festival also this time and gladdened the advertisers and other visitors of the festival alike with their creative solutions. They brought to their cages a few more Cannes lions, which in great numbers defend the well-earned, prestigious reputation of the TBWA advertising network.

SONY PLAYSTATION DISRUPTIvno The highest force governing the world of entertainment today is… the PlayStation. Yes, you have read correctly. The ruler of the industry of games consoles, which is worth over 12 billion dollars, conquered the world and today it represents a cultural phenomenon, proudly owned by the corporate giant Sony. Despite powerful competitive brands that, in the 1990s, presented games consoles as toys for children, Sony emerged with a product that crossed the boundaries of a toy and at the same time offered a game that promised more. The PlayStation offered not only a game but also, and above all, an experience. The game as such fell into history, and the experience one got from the game became an alternative which offered more. This advantage of the PlayStation became also the essential part of its advertising campaign. The question as to how and why people should trust the new invention and abandon their conventional opinion of the games consoles emerged. In the industry as well as among consumers, games consoles have thus far been understood as a toy and not as a personal experience of entertainment. As such, the games consoles could not compete with other, real forms of entertainment as, for example TV, film and sports and they could not approach a wider audience. For the majority of enterprises that would be an insurmountable obstacle. Sony, however, turned the problem of the conventional perception of games consoles to its own benefit. The company decided on the so called disruptive advertising which, once again, proved to be the right key to success. The PlayStation and its advertising agency overcame the impossible. They succeeded in changing the values of the entire industry of games consoles and in persuading various generations from various cultures with an experience offered solely by the PlayStation.

Luna\TBWA Disruptive advertising has become the common thread of development for many PlayStation campaigns all around the world. Coming onto the market, the PlayStation 1 was introduced to the public as a cultural phenomenon which the consumers had to discover all on their own. The campaign was set into motion on all levels and the mysterious messages waited to be deciphered. The leading statement of the campaign was “U R Not e”, with the letter e being written in red, which meant “you are not ready”, not ready to go beyond the limits of conventional entertainment. When the PS1 hit the shops, people were calling out “we are ready!” The sales of the PlayStation five times exceeded the sales of its competitive product, Sega. The new millennium brought the PlayStation 2. Sony struck with new technology and faced new challenges on the market. Various campaigns round the globe carried the same message. The PS2 invited people to a new world, a world limited by imagination only. The leading statement “Live in your world. Play in ours.” was based upon the idea of blurring the boundaries between the realistic and the real. The printed advertisement with a woman giving birth to a grown-up man received the title of the best printed advertisement at the 2003 Cannes festival. In the first year, more than 8.5 million pieces of the PS2 were sold in the USA. New users represented more than 50% of sales. The world followed the trend and the PlayStation truly became a cultural phenomenon. In 2003, the PS was on a good way to the title

“entertainment of future”, but still it had one flaw: the users missed the component of social life. This was a major drawback and it was quickly growing into a serious problem. However, as it was already said, every problem presents a new solution and again Sony knew how to turn the problem to its own advantage. “Disruption!” A new leading statement, “Fun Anyone!”, was created and it summoned users to attend a PlayStation festival where computer games would be made part of their social life. The famous TV commercial in which all inhabitants of a town run towards a place where people are building a human pyramid won over also advertisers and again the PlayStation was awarded for the best TV advertisement in Cannes. The PlayStation became part of mass entertainment. The sales surpassed all initial goals and the PS continues to be the leading force on the market of games consoles with an 80% share. Finally, the PS is also the driving force of Sony since it represents 40% of the company’s profits. The PlayStation has remained true to its original disruptive idea of being “more than a game”. And, you will not believe it, the PS3 is already here and has recently won an award for the new disruptive campaign “This is Living”. Yes, the entertainment of the future has grown to a pleasure of the present!

ECHOES FROM SARAJEVO TBWA\WORLDWIDE The southern part of the TBWA Adriatic network has had a very creative period. They were involved in a new project for a very recent client, the Nova Banka bank. They designed brochures, available to

TBWA\SARAJEVO everyone visiting the Nova Banka branches. There are also ongoing arrangements for a corporate campaign which would contain mostly TV advertisements. One of their new clients is also the Prisma organisation, which deals with small loans. Luna\TBWA Sarajevo created a new, creative image of posters and fliers for the organisation.

Lunatics on the winner’s podium! BOA The introductory season of the bowling league of advertising agencies (BOA) was successful also for the Luna\TBWA bowling team. In the six rounds of the competition, Jerneja RadoviË, Aleπ Deisinger and Damijan Rifl were ranked near the top, which led to the third place in the end. Jerneja RadoviË proved especially successful and with constant form she won the fifth place overall and the second place among the representatives of the gentler sex. Fourteen teams attended the competition, brilliantly organised

luna\tBWA by the marketing department of Kolosej Kinematografi Ltd., which was held at the Arena Vodafone live! centre. The undisputed champions of bowling among advertising and media agencies come from Celovπka cesta 32. The Arih agency team, led by Igor Hauptman and Tom Petruccelli, easily won the first place and thus set the standard for challengers. According to the organizers, the winners and their challengers will meet again the following season. And we, Lunatics, will certainly be there. Just strike it!


Renault Nissan Slovenija The Renault brand introduced the new Twingo, which is manufactured exclusively in Slovenia, to the European market. This unique event rattled the entire Slovene cream of the automotive world and offered us a considerable advertising challenge. We undertook it in cooperation with our partner and client of many years, Renault, and on this occasion we present the director of marketing at Renault Nissan Slovenia, Bruno Benayer.




How well did you know Slovenia when you took on a new challenge in 2003 and became the director of marketing at Renault Slovenia?

I was in charge of the introduction of a Renault project in Slovenia and Croatia already in 2000, so Slovenia was not completely unknown to me when I moved here. However, I must confess when I first heard that I was going to work in Slovenia, I knew absolutely nothing about it! I even had problems with finding appropriate guidebooks … Was it difficult to persuade your family to move to another country? Not at all, since we did not have children back then. My wife also likes getting to know new cultures, people and their customs. And, anyway, we are not that far from our home in Provence. How long have you been employed at Renault for?

relationship with our consumers is also of great importance, and this can be achieved above all by offering a high quality of cars and services in the entire service-sales network. Which are the main differences between the Slovene and French car markets? The main difference is in the percentage of small cars on the roads (in Slovenia, there are 50% of small cars, in France only 30%). Differences can be seen also in the manner of car sales: in France, more and more consumers hire cars and they also change cars more often, while in Slovenia a consumer wishes to be the car owner. During the time we have been observing the Slovene consumer’s needs, we came to realise that French and Slovene consumers have similar tastes or similar patterns of behaviour. Renault introduced a new brand of cars to the market - eco2, with ecological and economical advantages. Are you convinced that the Slovene market is ready for such an approach? Certainly, Slovenia is closely connected with its nature and with a healthy lifestyle. Renault has committed itself to manufacturing a million cars with a low emission of greenhouse gases or with a biological carburation by 2009. The new Twingo already has the eco2 label, since it is manufactured in accordance with three fundamental ecological standards (the factory in Novo mesto has the eco2 certificate, the vehicle’s emission of greenhouse gases does not exceed 140 g/km and 17% of the plastic parts used in the car are made from recycled plastic).

17 years. What are your plans for the future, considering that Renault is among the leading car manufacturers in Slovenia? We will continue working hard and striving for innovative communication processes. Something along these lines was done with the introduction of the new Twingo. We were a step ahead of our competition because we insisted on an emotional relationship between the brand and the consumers. Besides, we are planning a continual introduction of new models to the Slovene market. By December 2008, we will have introduced a new model to the market every month. Of course, the continuation of the good

INFO point:

Renault manufactures the world’s safest cars. Are you planning on becoming also the leading manufacturer of ecological vehicles? According to independent research, we are among the three leading manufacturers of ecological vehicles in Europe. However, our goals are higher. We wish to create ecological cars or vehicles adapted to bio fuels, accessible to the widest possible group of consumers. What kind of car do you drive? I have been driving an Espace with an automatic gearbox for four years now. I highly recommend it!

Luna\TBWA Do all members of your family drive a Renault? No. Some of them, just like Lunatics, prefer other brands. What part of a car’s equipment is, in your opinion, absolutely essential? I think that all security equipment should be part of the mandatory equipment since this is the only way to ensure a complete active and passive security on the road. Besides that, I think that the new technologies, such as Bluetooth, MP3 and navigation system, are very important for guaranteeing a satisfaction of driving. Which project in Slovenia was most important to you, perhaps the introduction of the new Twingo? That’s right. I must admit that we have put a lot of energy into finding new ways of introducing the car to the Slovene market. The entire team was more than fantastic in researching new aspects of our work, such as for example interactive marketing, the cooperation with Jure Zrnec, etc. Have you discovered your favourite part of Slovenia yet, do you and your family ever go for a trip to places near you? I like the Alpine region most, especially the Triglav National Park. I feel very good also on the urban banks of the Ljubljanica river, especially during spring and summer, when they are filled with life. Moreover, twice a month my family and I travel round Slovenia or its near vicinity - Croatia and Italy To round off, as France is famous for its exquisite food, what is your opinion of Slovene food? Are you still faithful to the French cuisine? Being completely honest, good food is not what I am going to remember about Slovenia. I am a Mediterranean man and I adore Mediterranean food, everything from Moroccan, Greek, and Lebanese to French. Nevertheless, you can find me in a restaurant from time to time, tasting grilled ceps, mushroom soup or goulash.

All requests, comments, advice, compliments, criticism, ideas... are welcome at our e-mail: [email protected] Editor in charge: Helena »oæ, e-mail: [email protected] tel.: 01/200 41 70 Published by: LUNA\TBWA, Koprska 106a, 1000 Ljubljana

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