N E W S Walk 06 Ang Email F

  • May 2020
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f ads o w, lo sons, o n s es of e rea on) patch r all thos inally omm c e r n o i e fo om ly uld f have laus me. Ning to com hen I co what I tru to o C c a t o w t n r spr oped yone ring ome, nd Sa or sp waited fo day to c er told an quietly h f ing a r y l p t s e n I nev ” and ind. I or th patie at do d im spring w waited f bviously ll enough e or wh t ( i s a e ish e we and o early iently ar I w - the ay day w ry ye nt of the - I impat urprises, y know m e v hday rly birthd he e t Birth , e r s e l e i l c . h n d s b a t d o i e t ther is ea lly d I lov e my “Oh, nting as sm ince befor . With th aps … s n I w hat encha so for ano aturally thought, ily, I usua e l l h e h w BWA W luck arly? nts. N ways st, al . Per sent and t sun, be hone day prese time I al - which, a pre LUNA\T he future a a little e d nd e v o t ed, a king ecei e world. se into to Sant d r but t my birth the same ly desired n I i . rite f as ee-m r me limp in th open d for. At ing I tru tly fo agency s, and a g uld also w ht, fr instead o tent with ir n e g h i t e h r r e s e i b n , g f e w ve som the en, t co ften e I co d di f rtisin wish of op o more o ho are no who takethout recei starte best adve ions, big ar... mayb y n g a , n i h i spr ctat ss w the le, w ple, w eople comp is ye es a ing. Peop o do; peo selves. P the proce year'sty to lead high expe early th s m i o h c e t T m n littl ame A be r t un i morn want f un i h the oppo age also c nt came a \TBW k every hat they sfied wit nd have a ys, n u t L to wor lves w ly sati t in it a alwa ite a o pack day prese h t t : s e e i r h plet (desp ming ul pa hems idea t wis birth gges o love co do, ask t never comthe playf best their own er betray, h i b e h d t n ) o h t muc s see y far ll nev irst a most ave t us as le, w as, b o treats at we wi e are tha , as My f us peop at they h d are (al me alway e d i h n h un, w esses ll the curio selves wh verage a e same ti ing t ou w t of a yone of y is someth he long r your succ u o t them merely a , but at th a ll on t ust t tha ever being seriously . I be clients: y. Your tr partners ibility, for s a the e d t r d of s o ith i st of ou onsibili d your respons work g guilty. o w g o n d ti l p he for t lear: wha er ones feelin as to fy the tru rable res ur team a a mutua h g n h i s d wi in, justi immeasu art of yo t we have stal c d silv work y. econ a t are uld be cryur gold an e countr a h My s and ag es), is our to be a p e feel tha t h s t o o a h e e n s e n agai r mistak e are abl r more, w . ncy i ng liv ay. It eat id we s, gr y are tod urse - lo ative age t that bility, r a d all ou ecause w d. Furthe l) failures o e a e n c i r h a i f t d c s , o e e n and b motivate ccasiona ideas all respon e them nd m rrow tha EFFIEs, t effectiv t a h n g g i o e io mor as your ( mos king tomo r our o jud the r rupt nise ildren. Ta anyone t s dis stronger s. And fo tle of the g e o h well c c t e i u to r ill be d for u g jus eir ch the t ish to learn o with th t allowin of them. rd w s which w also goo ought us ing i s h s t e grow oc ents d em, no roud My d, idea rand is have br r t s p e e t r p s h D, a in th As pa sing t e fas bran for the b nt years an be of th MD, PH l at home e olved ossible. ingly nur day we c r v e t n i h good ch in rec p g fee le and v ,O e i . Dau es OMG partners owledge sy peop best way period, lo o that on r l e l t - wh a h n the ble that ng, s daug pani iness ce, k est ea wish of them st vulnera everythi and a edia com d our bus experien nts can r I r , t e e x h o t Ne ke car eir mo t we d e an of m a clie e the a mo h A is mother t reason w ow to us nal medi all ta them in t ture. Tha W B h a io \T onths a nd help e they m he m much Luna BWA a on. For th we know d our reg . T h . s y i a n how befor ork T c regi Since life a rth)d inal w e (bi n me and erything my f ncy netw Adriati changes. a better n o o t t the e ev age live now ver r jus eve i And national encies in sh this ne ters can ny fo ners beli rt to mak a m h a o r i w gh he o inte as the ag oad, I w our daug and o ybe t . Ma , clients big enou s e well when abr mother, ries. r i r f des rkers and a even om of ou sive) wor ads o my cowo energy o l , s d s e wis ut (exc ishe uch ough any w w how m ll have en m witho e o v a ill sh , I ha t we u see come w lieve tha o y , o e So ears t ht? e. I b e, rig and y support m m d ear they true. you h e … m a t o c San Dear

ROMANA DERNOV©EK managing director LUNA\TBWA

YOU TOO SAY SOMETHING NICE SI.MOBIL You may know the scene from the Slovenian film To so gadje (These Are Vipers), when a father of at least 50 years puts on a pair of jeans, and because they are “unsuitable” for someone of his age, they cause laughter among the youth passing by. Well, these days jeans are generally so acceptable, that you probably couldn't expect such a strong reaction. At the same time, most of us have probably gazed upon a woman of years and, with little smile creeping up at the corners of our mouths, noticed that she is stubbornly, and in spite of the ravages of time, wearing bold, (much) too short clothing, leading us to think that some people are just not ready to adjust to the maturity of their years. Maturity isn't a fact that affects only people, but also trade marks - including, of course, Si.mobil. If, just for fun, we count the years of a trade mark as we do with man's best friend, and Si.mobil has been with us a good 9 years, after a brief calculation we see that the trade mark has already lived with us to a mature old 63! And, if until now it has survived as an energetic, youthful and bold person, it is also time for it to enrich its dynamic and young at heart nature with all the experiences and expertise which it has acquired over the years. Yes, maturity also means changes, and hey, even castles in the sky need a new paint job now and then, if we want them to become a reality. Since the Si.mobil people are also aware of this, together with them we carefully “re-painted” and changed the trade mark in accordance with its more mature outlook on the world. However, as the Dalai Lama says, “Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.” The modernised Si.mobil trade mark has,

in that way, not renounced its values (quality, fast solutions, a global nature, and an fair price), nor has it turned its back on its dynamic, passionate and full of life personality - all of that has been enriched with more professional relations, which are the fruit of experience and maturity, and are directed towards people. Si.mobil and the people who have lived and worked with the trade mark all this time have learned that success is a story that is written by people. The vision of the modernised trade mark is not just to be a quality provider of mobile services, but also a trust worthy partner of its employees and customers. And what is most important, it knows that the customers are not only individuals who make purchases, and employees are not just workers. They are, above all, PEOPLE who LIVE, and Si.mobil desires to live with them, to have a dialogue with them, to understand them, and to be their friend.

A legendary character RENAULT The campaign for Clio Storia with Dr House is local, prepared especially for the Slovene market. The billboard portrays the British actor Hugh Laurie, who is, at the moment, perceived as the legendary Dr House by the majority of TV

Luna\TBWA viewers. His positive characteristics which bring him close to most viewers (namely infallible intuition, brilliance and genius, as well as a unique stubbornness, selfconfidence and a specific attitude to the society) were linked with the legendary car model, Clio Storia; the affinity towards Dr House is in our opinion so great that any negative associations (which House does evoke a few)

were simply taken as part of the package. Making the advertisement noticeable and thus making it catch the public’s eye were a priority in this case, and the range of emotions and the questions raised by the character of Dr House were more than welcome. In Slovenia, Dr House advertised Clio Storia on exterior surfaces and via BTL promotion materials with the concessionaires.

ECO RENAULT The last level in food decomposition, breathing out CO2, is not as harmful to the

You are probably asking yourself, how can a trade mark be your friend? When you are in a bad mood, you call your friend, and he or she tells you that after the rain, the sun will shine. How simple, and yet, how true. Only, why didn't I think of that myself! Or maybe a situation, which seems quite unsettling shows itself from an entirely new perspective, and all at once even water seems to have a better flavour. A friend listens to you, tells you something nice, and fills your cup with optimism. And that friend is also Si.mobil, a trade mark directed towards optimism, who as a friend reminds you that the world is the way we are prepared to see it, and that there is always a suitable time, place and person, for you to say something nice, making the day better for yourself and others.

Luna\TBWA environment as the exhaust fumes from a car engine powered by fossil fuels. Therefore it is especially important that we choose a vehicle with a low emission of CO2, as for example Renault. With the advertising campaign we wished to call attention primarily to Renault’s efforts in manufacturing and developing ecological and economical vehicles. The campaign includes TV advertisements, printed advertisements, billboards, a radio advertisement and Internet banners.

PAY HALF NOW AND THE OTHER HALF NEVER DACIA “Pay half the price now, and the other half never.” is the slogan that accompanies the Dacia Logan MCV advertising campaign. The vehicle is distinguished for its spaciousness,

Luna\TBWA comparable with the largest and the most resounding names in the automobile industry as well as for its attractive price. To present the advantages of Logan MCV as well as

possible, a rival vehicle was revolutionarily sawed in half in the television advertisement. You have 8,000 euros at your disposal. Would you buy half of a car or an entire car?

Before I buy, I always try SI.MOBIL


Luna\TBWA This year's European Football Championship and the intense atmosphere created by the supporters, which is an integral part of the football fever, were accompanied by adidas with their DREAM BIG campaign. The principal message of adidas’s football stars, such as Gerrard, Anderson, Ballack, Beckham … is: “Don’t try to be the new Kaka or the new Messi, because you cannot be. You cannot be something you are not, be what you are. Dream big!” The campaign was launched in May with one 60 seconds’ and three 30 seconds’ advertisements and with printed advertisements in sports magazines. And especially for this occasion, three buses in Celje, Maribor and Ljubljana were equipped with adidas’s DREAM BIG theme.

Can you imagine setting out to buy a new perfume and being unable to try out the scents? What would you base your decision on then? The likeability of the bottle, the suitable price, the kind words of the saleswoman? Trying on and testing certain products seems completely natural, even more, it is an essential prerequisite to buying. Therefore, why not enable consumers to try out also the mobile Internet before they

Luna\TBWA decide on buying it? Together with Si.mobil we spread the word about how simple and how quick the broadband mobile Internet is and that the new package enables an unlimited data transfer. It was already Confucius who said: “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” And, judging by the results of the sales and the interest generated among the consumers for Si.mobil’s 15-day free trial, the consumers obviously agree with Confucius.

UPSIDE - DOWN, UPSIDE - DOWN NISSAN At Luna\TBWA, we follow Nissan’s paradigm shift_ with the utmost seriousness. We want to change both - expectations and perspectives. “Keep your feet on the ground,” common sense demands of us every day. And Nissan’s reply but everybody to that: “Definitively,

Luna\TBWA has their own ground.” To see the right one in a multitude of billboards. The one that is supposedly placed incorrectly - but actually the one that turned everything upside-down. Let the potential driver get accustomed to the Nissan gravity.



LJUBLJANSKE MLEKARNE Drawing graffiti does not (necessarily) mean breaking the rules, graffiti rules! The art of drawing graffiti is portrayed and encouraged also in the new advertising campaign for the cheese Joπt, which is so unique, that it's triple, since it is available to cheese lovers in three different varieties (the regular, the light and the smoked variety). The campaign encompasses printed advertisements, a TV advertisement and competition with a prize. The campaign took place on the website of the Ljubljanske mlekarne dairy, where visitors wrote and


drew their own virtual graffiti on a wall they selected, using special tools. *A play on words is used in the advertisement - the Slovene noun ‘sir’ (cheese) read backwards spells ‘ris’ (a lynx).




“Naj za trenutek odloæi delo …”** The wellknown phrase, but this time in extended context. The TV advertisement, directed by Ven JemerπiË, places us into a kitchen where a beloved mother had started preparing lunch, but then disappeared without a trace in the middle of her work. Now she cannot be reached even by the radio, no matter how informal its voice becomes. The same thing is happening in the public sphere. On a computer screen in an empty office, a screensaver fills the screen: “NAJ ZA TRENUTEK ODLOÆI DELO NA© DRAGI SODELAVEC.”*** The campaign called out to new subscribers that they should not put it down,

Luna\TBWA but at the same time should not forget that there are other things in life besides … DELO. * “Delo vs. work” - the Slovene newspaper Delo gets its name from the Slovene noun for “work” and the campaign thus focuses on the dilemma between reading a newspaper and working. ** “Let ... put down his/her work for a moment…” - the introductory phrase of a radio programme, where people send greetings to their beloved on their birthdays, anniversaries, etc. *** “Let our dear colleague put down his work/ Delo for a moment.”

here and there NISSAN The five year warranty with no mileage limit does not relent. Without brakes? Not really, the driving is carefree, but that does not mean it is reckless. Micra and Note were zooming playfully across billboards, as though chasing their own tails and as though the world is too

Luna\TBWA small. The years whizz past, which is only a reason more to get into motion with Nissan. Wherever it is, it is always here and always there and, above all, always by our side.

The cult of seats NISSAN “Where are the best seats in town?” was the mysterious question which demanded a very personal answer and which was the introduction to Nissan’s image campaign, determined to shift the traditional conceptions. The participants cast their votes - everything from the hairdresser’s chair to the lap of a beloved person - at www. najsedezi.si and via a mobile-phone portal,

Luna\TBWA thus competing for seats at various events, which guaranteed a first-rate experience. Both portals continue to build the cult of seats and encourage people to apply for Nissan’s test drives. It goes without saying, since it is not only a car, but a guarantee of the best seats in town. Nissan is a vision of worlds which cannot be seen elsewhere.

NUMBER 1 NLB EnKa What else but NLB EnKa - the new item in the list of services of the largest Slovene bank. A while ago, NLB decided to transform their payment cards into smart cards. The cards received a new external appearance; a security microchip was added to them as well as the logo EnKa - marking a payment-free added value. “What is EnKa?” many people were wondering for quite a while and in spring we finally revealed what EnKa is and all that it can do, at a resounding press conference and through a TV advertisement and printed

advertisements. NLB payment cards with the EnKa logo automatically add up the discounts and benefits, which you collect at the outlets of various partners who joined the creditstanding scheme. The balance of the collected benefits can easily be checked on the receipt you get with each payment or on the www. enka.si webpage. The goal of our campaign was to let people know that with EnKa life becomes easier and more transparent, shopping becomes much more entertaining and the prices much more attainable.

Do you need more space too? NLB Stanovanjski kredit Buying a new home means a considerable expense for everybody. We all wish to have our own space under the sun, where we would not feel cramped, literally or metaphorically. Many young people wish to start living on their own, but without the help of their parents or an attainable home loan, that is

practically impossible. For the advertising of NLB Stanovanjski kredit (NLB Home Loan) we therefore created a likeable creative strategy, which portrays a family, the young and the old, crowded on a single couch. Naturally, there is not enough space for everyone on the couch, so: “Do you need more space too?” This way we called attention to the problem of the need for apartments and to a reasonable solution,

We want only the best for our dear ones, we want them to be safe and carefree, but nevertheless, life is unpredictable. That is also the reason why more and more people decide on investment life insurances. NLB Vita offers a number of different investment life insurances, so everyone is bound to find one that meets their needs. We prepared a communication campaign called “Druæinsko drevo” (A Family Tree), where all the products

of NLB Vita were presented with an interesting family tree. The TV advertisement features a little girl drawing her family tree and glueing the photographs of her family members on it. We also designed a special brochure in which all the products were presented - on the back side of the brochure a family tree is drawn, on which individuals can glue the photographs of their relatives and thus make their own family trees. The campaign attracted

LUNA\TBWA\SARJEVO Even though it is not typical of the advertising agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina to take initiative and take care of their fellow humans, we decided to help patients with chronic bowel inflammation. Because the disease affected one of our colleagues, we decided for a change and began with a project which became one of our favourites, named 1 = LIFE (meaning: we

Luna\TBWA have only one life to live, so live it well). We will design and print limited editions of 1 = LIFE T-shirts bearing symbolic motifs which will be fashionable and trendy and appropriate for all age groups and both sexes. All sales profits will go to those who need the money to cure their disease, for medication, rehabilitation costs and other specific needs.

SI.MOBIL ORTO SMART IN THE FINAL Luna\TBWA available to everyone - home loans. We designed printed advertisements and Internet banners and found also other inventive ways of communicating the home loan. Various shop windows were filled with display dummy, crowded one next to the other, and the slogan of the campaign was added, advertising the attainable offer.

Let your family tree grow

NLB Vita, Življenjska zavarovalnica

1 = Life


Luna\TBWA attention because the idea is taken from daily life, because it is simple and because almost everyone can identify themselves with the wish of having a growing family tree.

DISRUPTion The TBWA world network has awarded the Disruption Grand Prix Awards for the sixth time around. More than 90 projects were submitted by the countries in the TBWA network, and Luna\TBWA, with its Si.mobil “Orto Smart” project, ranked among the top 10. The top 10 includes four projects from Europe and four from North America and two from Asia. This year’s winners are TBWA\ Stream Hamburg, who convinced the jury with their FKP Scorpio “Nabucco” project. The communication project “We are all a bit orto” for Si.mobil’s sub-brand Orto Smart reaches into the filed of the so-called community marketing and is one of few projects in Slovenia that managed to move the activity also beyond the borders of the world wide web. The foreground of the advertising campaign was dedicated to an audition which invited the visitors to the www.ortosmart.si Internet portal to send their videos or their photographs which showed their “orto” personality. The winners of the audition became the lead actors

Luna\TBWA in the autumn advertising campaign. The public was informed about the beginning of the audition through the standard media: a TV advertisement (a storyboard of the future TV advertisement featuring the winners of the audition), billboards and radio. But we used also other media, the most important of which was the web page, and exceptionally efficient street promotions which invited the youth to send their videos or photographs via mobile phones on the spot. The visitors to the Internet portal voted for the finalists and the winners were chosen by a special jury at the large Orto party at the Arena Vodafone Live. The participants in the audition and the people who voted for them became part of a community, the main connecting channel of which is the www. ortosmart.si portal, with user profiles, video clips, forums, chat rooms … It is interesting that the winners became real “microcelebrities”. “We are all a bit orto” is combination of various communication methods, which

the experts have named ATL, BTL, online marketing, digital marketing, event marketing, street marketing - all with the common aim of building a society which will continue to exist on the portal.

Top 1 0

final ists: •TBW A\Str eam H • Lu n ambu a\TBW rg FK A Slo P S co • TBW rpio ve n ia »Nab A\Br S i.mob usse l u c co « i l “Or s Eu r • TBW to Sm ostar A\Ch art” iat\D “Just ay Lo • TBW Arou s Ang n d th A\Ch e l es P iat\D e Cor a e n e r” y digre Crea New e “Ad m” York optio Starb • TBW n Dri urst A\HA ve” “Be rr KUHO i es an • TBW DO To d A\Ch k y o iat\D Nissa ay Ne n “TI Worl IDA” w Yo d” rk AB SOLU • TBW T “In A\Ch an AB i na S hang SOLU • TBW T hai T A\PH rayto S Hel si n ki n “So • TBW fapop A\Ch dna “ iat D ” Nugg ay Ne et” “Expe w Yo ri e nc r k Skitt e th e l es Rai n bow”





SI.MOBIL Here is everything you always wanted to know, but never dared to ask about Eva AljanËiË, the head of marketing communications at Si.mobil. Of course we looked for a reliable source - Eva AljanËiË herself. Lets start at the beginning. When you were a little girl, what did you wish to become? I can’t remember at all, probably what all little girls want: a teacher, a hairdresser, a mother, I don’t know … But I do know that I could not have wished to be working in advertising, because I didn’t even know of it. :) Have your wishes changed through time, or are you close to their coming true? I wanted to study art history, until my father, the eternal cynic and realist that he is, asked me where I intended to get a job. Then I came across the study of Marketing Communications, and I instantly fell in love with it - I never even thought of studying anything else then. And I know even today that I made the right decision.

Luna\TBWA my way home and in passing make a phone call or two (my husband is the one driving, of course). And very often I go online for an hour or so also after 8 pm, when Mia has gone to bed. Can you give a rough estimate of how many e-mails and text messages you receive in one day? For instance, how many did you receive yesterday? Well, that’s a hard one - I get about 100 e-mails a day, and somewhere around 10 to 20 text messages. Does BlackBerry make your life easier or more difficult? EASIER!!! Especially now when I need to leave work earlier, if I want to spend at least two hours a day with my daughter, BlackBerry gives me a working hour or two more, on my commute and in the evening. Once (and only once) I forgot it at work and that day couldn’t and couldn’t go by the usual plan. :)

As a student I worked for various advertising agencies and my first regular employment was at Studio pet, which was a creative boutique back then. When they joined with the Publicis group, the best years began; it was non-stop activity, large clients, international projects, etc. I was never bored. But after a few years I nevertheless decided to go across, to the client’s side. At Si.mobil I started in 2002 as a specialist for market communication of corporate advertising. The volume of my work kept expanding and when the then active head of marketing communication went on a longer study break, I was glad to stand in. When her work place became available, I was offered the job. And I am still not bored. When does your working day begin and when does it end? It usually begins at around 8 am in the car, when I start reading e-mails and it ends at around 5 pm when I again read e-mails on


What is your life motto? It used to be “Work hard, play hard”, but now it is “Work hard, playground hard.” :) Is there anything you would never give up? Yes, quality time with my family. What do you like doing in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?

Perhaps meeting at Luna, including coffee and croissants? But otherwise a meeting with a heated debate, with different ideas being presented, and where in the end one convinces the other one and us all believe the best course of action was chosen.

It is good that you are asking me that this week when I have gone to the library after six months; books used to be my great passion. When I am reading a book, I simply cannot put it down and I am completely unsociable. But otherwise my husband and I like to browse through architectural and designer magazines and dream of how we are going to renovate our old Istrian house near Buzet.

What is your biggest business success so far?

The one before last question is rather traditional: What did we forget to ask??

Si.mobil’s “Povej nekaj lepega!” (“Say something beautiful!”). I believe we have set up an extraordinary brand, which will make people feel good. For us at Si.mobil it will not be difficult, because that is the way we are; in a time when only negative news and sensationalism count, we are all in need of some positive energy.

Do I like the Lunatics? A lot. :)

How do you envisage a perfect meeting? Today you are the head of marketing communications at Si.mobil. Can you describe to us, how you came to end up at Si.mobil?

friends’. But it is true that her schedule comes first, only then it is time for my husband and me. Good old girls’ nights out have sadly had to be cancelled, but they will return - most definitely! I get my strength mostly from Body Pilates, which prevents me from thinking about work, gets me completely relaxed and keeps me in shape. Sometimes three times a week, at other times only once a week.

I heard you are constantly in the action, at work and at home. How do you balance things, how can you cope? Do you have a special “recipe”? Hmm, no. I overcomplicate things as it is, regarding Mia, so I have to tell myself that she is not necessarily hungry at the same time every day and that I don’t need to pack three bags for a two-hour visit at our

Now for the final question: can you say something beautiful to the readers of Newswalk? You can look at every situation from a positive side. And that is what you should do. p.s. After the fact, a question from our copywriter, a genius - it takes only one question to know what he likes a lot: “What do you think about beavers?” Hmm, was I supposed to understand that question? :)

All requests, comments, advice, compliments, criticism, ideas... are welcome at our e-mail: [email protected] Editor in charge: Helena »oæ, e-mail: [email protected] tel.: 01/200 41 70 Published by: LUNA\TBWA, Koprska 106a, 1000 Ljubljana

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