N E W S Walk 04 Ang_web

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SAMO GER©AK Creative Director

HOW MUCH... FOR THE BRAINS? Špela oblak Last week I took part in a meeting for the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) in Brussels. It was traditional, in terms of the time and the place of the event. What last year's and this year's meetings have in common is a series of constant themes: the evaluation of trade marks, marketing, the agency's work and the consequential work of the brain, public competitions, bans in advertising, and what these kinds of bans actually bring about, and how much money the agency and clients lost at different competitions. Now, the Web 2.0 theme has also become a constant, and with that comes quite a mouthful; namely, how to introduce any kind of initiation of rules and/or regulations in this area. Themes that we have seen in the past also reappeared when we spoke about other medias. For example, how digital medias influence human behaviour, is self-regulation in the digital world even a real possibility, how to manage e-content, etc. Self-regulation in particular was the most frequently used word, often appearing at our meetings. In this area Great Britain leads the way, with an entire series of documents concerning good practice, which should serve as a reference for the professional activities of all involved from the level of maturity of the participants, the position of the branch, trust and even the thing on which it all depends, how these documents really come to be. The Slovene position is unique because of the tripartite nature of our Advertising Chamber (media, advertisers, and agencies are all associated under one roof). Our tripartite nature can be seen as something that slows us down, but it can also be understood as an opportunity, since accepted agreements are something that we, in reality, accept with the consensus of all involved sides, and only then do we bring them to life. If we believe in one dialogue, then it naturally makes sense to persevere in this

Director LUNA\TBWA way. We are also unique, because each of the three sides co-operates and contributes to the common result of the Chamber on a completely voluntarily basis, each one in addition to it's own regular work. So, it is possible that this aggravating environment helps us in the time we live in, to truly understand our professional areas, as well as wider and narrower social occurrences. The result of the co-operation of our branches, is, not to mention the others, four main documents (Competition, The Brief, The Assessment of Communication, and The Structure and Remuneration of Agency Services), which also came into being due to the stimulation that arose from our British colleagues and their work. ONE WORLD, ONE THEME It is interesting that some themes can be common and equally understandable (or not) across the entire world. In Great Britain they determined that during the assessment of a company 45% of financial analysts take into account merely financial indicators, while 55% also take into account non-financial ones. The majority desires more diverse information, but they do not understand marketing. McKinsey, with research done among numerous companies, confirmed the weakness, or the powerlessness, of marketing within a company: Marketing is seen as expensive and "immeasurable", it does not speak the same language as the top-staff, does not see the big picture in the business field, and people who work in marketing are seen as "flower arrangers" (in Slovenia we would call them sellers of fog). The average working period for a marketing director in the US is two years, in Great Britain three. A truly big long-term concept in this work cannot exist, or can it? Hmm, then we come across exceptional marketing and communication breakthroughs, about which financial analysts undoubtedly speak of using nonfinancial indicators. The campaign for O2, which also received the highest award from the British Agency IPA in the year 2004, increased

their investment by 60 times. They sold O2 to the Spanish telecommunications operator Telefonica in the year 2004 for a cool 18 billion pounds. Then there is the example of the purchase of Gillette by P&G, where out of the 31 billion pounds 27 billion will be tied to intangible assets (trade marks, relations and patents). How much are brains and ideas worth in this case? BANS ALWAYS SOLVED ... VERY LITTLE A constant theme in our meetings is also the more and more frequent bans, or limits placed on advertising in more and more categories. First with alcohol and tobacco, then with food, and the automotive industry. Much research has been carried out in several different countries, and it all confirms that prohibition alone never solves anything. It is only a singular action, often a tool in the hands of politicians, and in no way solves something like poor eating patterns in a family, for example. However, it seems to some that merely with a prohibition we easily cleanse ourselves of everything bad that is happening in our society. Colleagues from Great Britain, Poland, Russia, and France are looking for ways to a single common ground trust among co-workers, trust in the field. DO WE TRUST? All of us together, in some countries to a lesser degree (where they also already took the copyrights), and in others to an even smaller degree, still continuously have problems when it comes to the estimation of expenses for one item in particular: The Idea (or the brain). The more we invest in our own knowledge from the fields of marketing, communications, psychology, sociology, design, management... (there are many of these proficiencies, aren't there?), the closer we will be to the Idea, and the more we will appreciate and respect it. In the end, basically only one thing matters: we work with people, whom we trust. Clients work with the agencies, and agencies with the clients. We usually achieve our greatest success as a result of trust. Oftentimes we act completely different in our professional lives. We do not trust or respect anything, and we expect success. Hmm, this is close to that nice little definition of insanity, which goes: when you do the same thing over and over and expect different results, that is insanity.



Si.mobil-Vodafone prepared an attractive offer for their Orto Smart target group also this summer. Free phone calls during weekends, half a year of free subscription and the possibility of buying a new mobile phone every six months. In the transfer of the company’s marketing messages, Si.mobil wanted to remain just as unconventional and free-thinking as their young customers and so they opted for a somewhat different advertising campaign in two parts.

surfer, party-goer and charmer) and Frenki (a chilled-out guy who has chicks flocking around him). These are the characters appearing in the summer TV advertisement. The campaign encompasses a wide range of ATL and BTL material, through which we wish to transfer marketing messages to the young in an interesting way and at the same time involve them in the whole process.

First part - Characters

We invited the young to catch their orto side on tape and apply for the audition. And so they did! They were sending in their orto video clips and photographs and, besides, they also had to convince their friends to give them their vote on the www.ortosmart.si internet portal. Twenty most popular members of the Orto Smart group then had to reveal their orto acting talent also in front of a jury at the Arena Vodafone live! centre in Ljubljana. And so real Orto Smart stars were born and they lent their faces to the

The first part of the campaign focused on showing that everyone of us is hiding an orto side, youthful, unburdened and free. Since we wanted to bring orto close to the young, we gave it life, put a face on it, formed personalities and thus the Orto Smart characters were born - Jackie (a star and a femme fatale), DJ (the best “doer” of records in the land), the ©ubidu babes (the hottest dancers in town), BorËi (a


characters and performed in Si.mobil’s autumn TV advertisement. Second part - Orto Stars With the autumn TV advertisement, when the marketing messages - “we make free phone calls during weekends and send free SMSs all week long” - are being transferred in our stead by the newly appointed Orto Smart ambassadors, the second part of the campaign has begun. Also in this second part there is a great emphasis on the use of the Internet portal, where the stars write their blogs and chat away in the Internet chat-rooms; besides, there is also a vote taking place for the best-loved Orto Smart star. Si.mobil-Vodafone proved that an effective advertising campaign can be created in a completely different way, through fun and laughter, since they actively included their target group into the entire campaign instead of merely bombarding the group with marketing messages.

Safe with Renault Renault Have you ever seen cars dancing ballet? In September, Renault’s cars, the safest group of cars in the world, began dancing only for you on your television screens. The ballet performance was an introduction to Renault’s autumn campaign called Varnost (Safety), with which we called attention to eight models of

NIVEA FAMILY CELEBRATION BEIERSDORF The first weekend in September saw a twoday celebration for children and their parents, held by the Beiersdorf company in front of the Ljubljana cinema complex Kolosej. The event, which has a years’-long tradition in the neighbouring Austria, took place on Slovene ground for the first time - thus we were given the chance to plan everything, from the naming of the event and communication means to the course of the celebration. Various activities for children of all ages were taking place all day long and included face-painting for children, creative activities using paper and glue, puppet-making, dance workshops, preparation of a fashion show and forming shapes from balloons. Moreover, children were able to enjoy themselves on recreational equipment such as has never before been seen in Slovenia. The children were most enthusiastic about the children’s rodeo

The newspaper publishing house Delo decided to support the weekly magazine Mag with a sales campaign which enabled readers to receive Mag for two weeks free of charge, simply by sending back a special coupon or calling a designated phone

cars that received five stars at the EURO NCAP tests. Besides, the campaign drew attention of the consumers to Renault’s involvement in an educational programme for pre-school children, dedicated to safety in traffic, called KolesarËki (Little cyclists).

Luna\TBWA and surfing-simulator; the dragon-shaped tunnel, the climber-slide, and the pool filled with balls for the youngest were also popular with the children. The fun parents and children were having with the creative activities in the tent, on the recreational equipment and in the refreshments’ corner was further livened up with the daylong events on the stage, led by the actor Gaπper TiË. Thus Saturday was concluded with a concert by Romana KranjËan and Sunday with a performance of the »uki music group. The common thread of the two-day celebration was a raffle, the winnings of which were in full given to charity causes, to the “Nikoli sam” (Never Alone) project run by Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije that offers a safe haven to children every afternoon, where they can usefully spend their free time. Together with the NIVEA brand we thus carry on with its mission of social responsibility in the local environment.



Luna\TBWA number. The campaign was supported with a television telop, printed advertisements and banners in the Delo editions - all of which were joined by a powerful slogan: “Mag. Exceptional every week.”

Simply perfect Renault

For six years, Renault’s experts planned, pondered, tested and designed - all that, just so that we can now introduce perfection to you … perfection for the demanding - the new Laguna. The launch of the new Laguna was commemorated with a special event for the employees, where the representatives of the Renault Nissan Slovenia company introduced

Luna\TBWA also the new identity of the Renault brand. It is now based on three key values: humanity, trustworthiness and an inspiring spirit of the brand. Car enthusiasts, especially the demanding ones, could go for test drives organised at sales locations and they could also take part in an exclusive event at the open doors day.

IT'S TIME TO THINK ABOUT YOURSELVES! Cindi Slovenija The colon and rectal cancer, a silent killer, is the second commonest form of cancer in Slovenia and at the same time the second commonest cancer-related cause of death. Nevertheless, a hope for recuperation remains, since the further development of the disease can be prevented if discovered in time. To this end a national programme of screening tests and early discovery of the colorectal cancer was established. The program was given the name SVIT, accompanied by the slogan “It’s time to think about yourselves”, as a symbol of a new beginning and a hope for a brighter future. Besides the verbal, also a visual constant was defined, focusing on the “object” and the “method” of the screening tests. From these two elements a sign was constructed, which represents a stylised depiction of the examination of the colon as well as the letter “S”, the initial of the programme’s name. Since the matter is highly delicate, a

Luna\TBWA considerable emphasis was placed on relaxedness and positivity. A communication strategy has been prepared for the following two years - in the initial phase, our aim is to increase the public’s awareness of the disease and build on the recognition of the SVIT programme, with the help of a strong PR support. So this month SVIT fought its first battle and a press conference was held, for which we prepared an information brochure, maps and penguins. In addition, the programme was given public support from the Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janπa, the Slovenian Minister of Health Andrej BruËan, the member of the European Parliament and president of the MAC European Parliament work group Lojze Peterle and the president of the RS Parliament health committee Ljubo GermiË.

The fashionable Micra NISSAN A woman is standing in front of a mirror. What is she to wear? A typical situation with an atypical continuation. There is a new fashion accessory in town, one that governs everything that a woman wears: Nissan Micra. Her command

To-die-for good! Ljubljanske mlekarne This August, Disney/Pixar Animation Studios brought an animated film titled Ratatouille to Slovene cinemas. The animated characters tell the story of a loveable rat named Remy, who wishes to become a chef. Following an incredible series of events, he manages to do just that and he becomes the chef of a wellknown Parisian restaurant. Since cheese is frequently featured in the film, we decided, along with the Ljubljanske mlekarne dairy, to cooperate in the promotion of the film with the Joπt cheese. Even more - in a scene from the film

Luna\TBWA is: “Strike a pose!” Why should only consumers be demanding and capricious? The photographer Saπa Hes made sure that the billboard speaks also to men. Since the most beautiful dress is still that which sooner or later slips off the body.

Afraid of heights? BEIERSDORF Who is afraid of high heels? Who is afraid of a 100-metre sprint on ten-centimetre heels, the most unusual athletic event sponsored by the Hansaplast brand? The high heels in the printed advertisement seemed frightening, reminiscent of Dante and even more of the painting Crucifix, created by the last Byzantine painter Cimabue,

Luna\TBWA where Jesus looks like “a worm sliding off the cross”. That women dare to put on high heels, let alone run wearing them, thus becomes an even more remarkable feat - with a little help from Hansaplast. The brochure, shaped like a shoe-box, bears the words: “You may not particularly like the colour, but comfort is provided for.”

the coolest bank account! NLB We were faced with another interesting challenge when we had to present the NLB Prvi raËun (“the first bank account”) to the young, aged from 10 to 18. The young of these ages are going through a rebellious period, a period when they are trying to find their own place under the Sun - which is by no means an easy task and therefore also getting their attention is an extremely difficult task. This is why we developed an idea the young can identify with since the

Luna\TBWA advertisement is not a classic advertisement, but an excerpt from a day of the young. The TV advertisement is deliberately shot in the “street style”, not complicated, in a single frame. The advertisement concerns various greetings or handshakes. A greeting is no longer just that, it is almost a ritual among the young, since it represents a way to show connectedness and friendship with one’s peers. The TV advertisement certainly is lively, appealing, and close to the generation we are addressing.


the leading character Remy almost loses his life for a piece of cheese he cannot resist - so we said to ourselves: “This Joπt cheese really is to-diefor good!” This idea thus became the basis for printed and television advertisements, posters in shops and stickers for the Joπt cheese. At the first showing of the film we prepared an event in front of cinemas, where the audience and passers-by could have fun, they were given food and invited to take part in a competition that brought “prizes, to-die-for good”!

Classic symptoms of lymphoma Society of lymphoma patients For over two years now, the Society of lymphoma patients has been trying to acquaint the Slovene public as well as possible with lymphoma - a quickly spreading and, sadly, often deadly form of cancer - and to influence the early discovery of the disease. With the intention of making the society and its actions more recognisable, we prepared a unique creative solution titled “Classic photography or classic symptoms of lymphoma?” The title concerns six black-and-white photographs


which at first look like a classic work of art. But in fact the photographs display symptoms of lymphoma which, if discovered in time, can save a person’s life. We prepared noticeable billboards, brochures, posters and printed advertisements for the society. We took the project close to our hearts and we sincerely hope that it will affect the consciousness of people and so help in the discovery of lymphoma in its early stages and in the successful treatment of lymphoma.

Popularity Gongs DELO Vikend, a supplement of the newspaper Delo, distributed its traditional media awards - the popularity gongs. This time, the location of the event was moved from Bled to Ljubljana and we participated in the organisation of the distribution of the gongs, taking place in the Festivalna dvorana hall. The host of the evening was Anja Tomaæin and the audience was entertained by Lado BizoviËar, who sang Saπa Lendero’s song “Ne grem na kolena” in a style following that of Josipa Lisac. Miπa Molk chatted with the ever-critical Svetlana MakaroviË. A part of the entertainment was also Jure Godler’s performance - in a Mr. he showed what Slovene Bean-like style could silent movies


look like, and, as Dr. Hanumak, he pondered over why not all radio presenters have a speech impediment. The readers of Vikend awarded the popularity gongs to the actor Jurij Zrnec, to Bojan EmerπiË, as the best among the presenters of entertainment programmes, to the radio presenter Andrej Karoli, to the musician Adi Smolar and to Matjaæ Tanko, as the best among the presenters of news programmes. Jure IvanuπiË was awarded with the professional gong by the jury. To round the evening off, Anja Tomaæin sang “Take Me to the Moonlight” and all guests could enjoy a slice of the “kremπnita”, a vanilla and custard dessert, with the help of which at least a bit of the Bled tradition was preserved.

THE ART OF EYEBROW SHAPING Valens The trend of eyebrow shaping is conquering also the Slovene ground - since September, a world-renowned brand of eyebrow care and shaping, Anastasia Beverly Hills, is available also in Slovenia. In launching the brand’s products onto the Slovene market, the first step we took in the communication was a life-style press event, where the art of eyebrow shaping was revealed to us by the brand owner herself - Anastasia Soare, known as the “queen of eyebrow shaping” in the Hollywood world of beauty. The press event, taking place in the pleasant ambiance of the Evropa

Luna\TBWA café, was hosted by Blaæka Müller Pograjc. Among those present at the event were representatives of all key lifestyle media and some notable Slovenes, such as Miss Slovenia 2006 Iris Mulej and the winner of the first Slovene Big Brother reality show Andrej Novak. The Anastasia Beverly Hills product line, represented in Slovenia by the Valens Int. company, is for the time being available at the Nama and Maximarket department stores. Within a short space of time, counselling and eyebrow shaping service will also be available at the sales locations.

On 15. and 16. September, Bandidos Power accompanied the final of the mountainbiking world championship, taking place on the Maribor mountain range Pohorje, in the company of 23,000 visitors. With the slogans Ride on power and Zgrabi ga (Grab it), Bandidos Power appeared at the opening, where participants drank to the beginning of the last race of the world championship. All the time during the race, Bandidos Power cheered the mountain bikers on with billboards placed along the track; it could be seen on the start numbers of all participants and on a billboard next to the winners’ podium. Its name and motto embellished the shirts of the security guards, the volunteers standing along the track and other support staff, as well as the clothing of the beautiful hostesses whom Bandidos Power brought along to the event. It made an appearance also on a billboard in the press corner, where interviews with the bikers took place (so Bandidos Power joined the bikers on all photographs). Never afraid of a challenge itself, Bandidos Power likes

In 2001, Ghosn announced also an ambitious advertising mission which was to lead the company in the future: “One brand, one voice.” The most important date since Ghosn’s arrival was 2 September 2004, when he announced the arrival of six new models of cars. But what really took the breath away from everyone was Ghosn saying these words: “SHIFT - the only word that captures the passion and

dedication which will help revive the Nissan brand and which will remain to be the driving force behind the brand’s success also in the future. Everything we touch, we shift. And everything we shift, we try to make better.” With the philosophy behind the word SHIFT, Nissan challenged the world to change its relationship with the brand; the company itself changed its entire approach to the manufacturing and the sales of cars in light of the word. As Ghosn puts it: “Change is what we are and the way we work. Once you change your point of view on reality, amazing things can happen.” The “SHIFT_” campaign began in the United States, along with the launch of the new Z sports car. Once advertisements for the 350Z appeared in the media, bearing titles such as “SHIFT_dreams”, the rules of conventional car advertising collapsed. Instead of the traditional images of sports cars speeding along wet roads, the elegant and daring campaign was based on black-and-white photographs of motionless cars. Television advertisements ensued, based on the following words: “A SHIFT can change a person. A life. The world. Or it can simply change the way how you move through it.”

Accompanying these words were portraits of various kinds of people, challenging their expectations: a woman boxing; an elderly citizen doing athletics; a man with no legs climbing. The intention of these images was to encourage consumers to follow the company’s lead and change some aspects of their own lives. The philosophy behind the word SHIFT permeates all aspects of the Nissan brand even today. Ghosn says that he is proud of what they have achieved in the company, but he is by far not satisfied with what they are, since that would mean that they consent to status quo. So, to everyone reading these words: “Whenever you feel too comfortable, it’s time to SHIFT!” (Carlos Ghosn).

TBWA \ blew its competitors away

Ride on power in Maribor Pivovarna LaŠko

The story began in the late 1990's when the popular Japanese car manufacturer Nissan found itself in the red. When Carlos Ghosn took over the management of the Nissan brand in 1999, his first undertaking was the reorganisation of the company. He got rid of old silos which divided various sectors of the company and implemented cross-functional teams, joining people from the various sectors. The alacrity of radical changes within Nissan under the influence of the new management was incredible, even alarming to outside observers. In spite of warnings, Ghosn was firmly convinced that defying conventions was just as important as following them, and he thus opened the Japanese market to global ideas and influences.



to challenge others. That is why a mechanical bull was placed next to the centre stage at the finishing line, where visitors were able to test their courage. All who tested themselves in riding the bull were given a Bandidos Power to quench their thirst, and the finalists competed for a large prize. Bandidos Power recorded a complete victory in the last race of the final of the mountainbiking world championship by standing on the wallride (for all those who are not fans of biking - this is a kind of a wall which bikers mount at full speed and push from to propel themselves further along the track), which means that all participants of this discipline jumped on it and used it as a springboard. Most would tire under the weight and speed of the world champions and abandon the wallride in pain - but Bandidos Power is not said to be “full of energy” for nothing and its motto “ride on power” is not trumped-up as well. Bandidos Power victoriously and proudly stood its ground on the wall till the very end and so its bravery was forever imprinted on the photographs of reporters and the audience.

Creativity Magazine, a notable American magazine dealing with the topic of creativity in advertising and design, each year publishes a report on the most successful and creative agencies in the world. This year, TBWA\ made it to the top of the list of the most creative networks. It seems that every year one of the TBWA\ agencies especially stands out by doing something simply incredible and this in turn helps to allow the creativity to flow freely through the entire TBWA\ network. This year, the office that stands out is most definitely the TBWA\Chiat\Day office from New York and its employee Gerry Graf - the former for being the agency with the largest number of awards and the latter for being the creative director who has received the largest number of awards in the world. And this is only the beginning of the list of complimentary titles because the New York office created not one, but two TV campaigns to win the most awards, as well as TV advertisements for Mars which took the third, fourth and ninth places according to the number of awards received. At this point let us mention that Mars also took the second place in

TBWA\Worldwide the category of clients with the largest number of awards. Besides Gerry Graf being named the best, creative directors Ian Reichenthal and Scott Vitrone took second place in the category of most awarded creative directors. More over, Scott Vitrone took also the second place among most awarded art directors, and Craig Allen and Jeff Anderson took the third and fifth places respectively. The New York office can justly be proud also of the second and fifth places in the category of the most awarded copywriters, the credit for which goes to Isaac Silverglate and Ian Reichenthal. The fact that a large number of awards in the name of the whole network was given to young talented “young bloods” from all over the world also cannot be neglected. For the New York office as well as the entire TBWA\ network the awards and complimentary titles certainly are a great honour and additional proof that we deserve the leading position in the world of advertising. The awards received and the success of the entire network indubitably are a reflection of the great minds, the open hearts and the invaluable talent that power the world of advertising.

POSTBANK BH TBWA\ADRIATIC Postbank BH is one of the newer clients of the Luna\TBWA\Sarajevo agency. The agency first won the design contest for the bank’s logo and at the moment they are working on the graphic standards book, preparing the opening event for the new branch office, its outdoor advertising and many other interesting things. The logo is threedimensional, composed of individual dots or circles which together make up a quadrant.

LUNA\TBWA\SARAJEVO This represents the management of the whole network, the transparent support as well as the cooperation and partnership with the Postbank BH. The circles represent stylised coins; the colours of the logo are silver-grey and blue. Blue stands for security, trustworthiness and stability while silver-grey, as the second colour, represents wealth and adds a modern, hitech professional look to the entire image.

MEET THE LUNATICS TBWA\ADRIATIC The idea for the self-promotional campaign was born at the European TBWA\ meeting of product managers in Brussels. The initial brief of the meeting was: “What is it that sets your agency apart from others?”. Luna\TBWA\ Sarajevo agency found the inspiration for its idea in the Takken game for the PlayStation 2 games console. The main goal was to portray the agency as a unique whole, composed of completely different,

LUNA\TBWA\SARAJEVO creative individuals with unimaginable powers, who are always ready for action, ready to fight for their ideas … “If you think your agency is to be set apart from others, wait till you have met the Lunatics …” They created mini posters and handed them out to their existent and possible future clients. The campaign encompassed more than 170 companies and the response was outstanding - in just ten days the agency got a new client.

Open doors day for pets World Animal Day On the World Animal Day, October 4, we opened the doors of the agency to our pets, so that they were able to see for themselves where their owners go every day. Only the dogs Ali and Kiks plucked up enough courage to hang out with the Lunatics, but they had no problems at all with charming everyone present and conquering every last corner of the upstairs floor.

Luna\TBWA Having chosen the office of the creative director to mark his territory (the little Chihuahua indisputably does have excellent taste), Ali soon had to be chained to his owner’s chair, which she did with a heavy heart. And Kiks, following a delicious helping of the Pedigree dog biscuits, took a pleasant nap in the accounts department and guarded his owner.

Portrait GORENJKA We talked to Anamarija StanËiË, the marketing director at the Æito Group company, about how she sweetens her mornings and days, and about how she most likes to spend her time away from work.

use of my time - in the morning for work, and, when returning home, for relaxation. I listen to various kinds of music, except rock, which I do not like. Many times, especially on my way back home, I turn the volume high up, because it relaxes me.

What are your morning rituals, before you go to work? Breakfast - yes or no?

You stop at a petrol station. Do you treat yourself to anything sweet, besides buying petrol?

I must say that I have problems getting out of bed in the morning and I always catch the last minutes when waking up, even though I plan otherwise … The ritual in the bathroom is necessarily followed by breakfast - I cannot do without it: first freshly squeezed orange juice, then coffee, to wake me up. A weird combination, right? The two are followed by muesli with milk - sometimes I eat the crunchy variety and sometimes Sport muesli. I have a varied collection because I really love muesli. I like to combine various kinds and never eat just one kind.




Ë StanËi

The sound backdrop in the car on your way to work: news, radio programme or your favourite CD?

Because my drive to work and back home takes quite time, I try to make good


Sometimes, when my energy is running low. Till the end of the year your greatest challenge will be … Given the volume of my work, there are numerous challenges. For sure, the greatest challenge is coordinating the highest possible budgets with the administration board, ha-ha. When do you enjoy your work most? When I see that my employees are satisfied! Your favourite dish is … I like sea food very much, which probably has something to do with where I come from. My favourite dish is grilled prawns, I cannot say no to them - anytime and anywhere …

Which is your favourite brand of chocolate? Gorenjka, of course! I like Gorenjka with whole nuts the most. Your work demands the whole person. Is there any free time left? How do you spend yours? I really do not have much free time, so I try to make good use of the free time I do have. I like to be in motion, and I regularly visit aerobics classes, I go hiking in the hills, I like to swim and play basketball. Where did you go for your vacation this year? Sadly I did not go far - I went to Dubrovnik - but it was very nice nonetheless. I adore the sun and the sea. A deserted island - yes or no? What would you take with you? Of course, that is a dream of mine! I would really like that, and I hope I will be able to go sometime soon. The greatest problem is that these destinations are far away and my vacation is not long enough to go there. But I am working on it … With me I would take only my darling, of course.

All requests, comments, advice, compliments, criticism, ideas... are welcome at our e-mail: [email protected] Editor in charge: Helena »oæ, e-mail: [email protected], Executive editor: Anda Arko, e-mail: [email protected], tel.: 01/200 41 70 Published by: LUNA\TBWA, Koprska 106a, 1000 Ljubljana

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