Myanmar Student Movement 2d

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aemuf aemuf quf qw ufGJ w(24) GJ

To .............................. .............................. .............................. Date .............................. All BURMA STUDENTS’ CONFERENCE 1. The above Conference will be held in Rangoon coming the third week of April, 1936, (most probably on the 21st and 22nd of April, 1936, the exact date and place will be notified later) under the auspices of the Rangoon University Boycotters’ council. 2. The session will last two days. 3. All schools and Colleges can send delegates to this CONFERENCE, and a fee of Rs. 1/- will be levied for each delegate. 4. Free messing and accommodation for the delegates will be provided by the Rangoon University boycotters’ Council during the Conference. But delegates will have to bear their own travelling expense. 5. All Students wishing to attend as delegate are requested to inform the Rangoon University Boycotters’ Council either individually or collectively. 6. The number of delegate is not limited. 7. These attending to attend the Conference are requested to send to the Rangoon University Boycotters’ Council, before the 10th of April, 1936 all resolutions to be moved at the Conference. 8. All delegate arriving at Rangoon are requested to report at the Headquarters, Rangoon University Boycotters’ immediately on arrival in Rangoon. Previous intimation of time and date of arrival should also be sent.

Conference Section, University Boycotter’s Council Shwedagon Pagoda, Rangoon. - 1 -

aemufqufwGJ (24)

ArmEdik if v H ;kH qdik &f mausmif;om;rsm;or*¾\ tkycf sKyaf &; - pnf;rsO;f Oya' tcef; (1) trnf 1/ / þtzGJUudk ]ArmEdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mausmif;om;rsm;or*¾XmecsKyf} [k ac:wGifap&rnf/ (a½SUqufvufíum; twdkcsKH;í ]Auo} [k ac:a0:vdrfhrnf/) rSwfcsuf- or*¾cGJrsm;tzdkY? ausmif;eHrnfESifh c½dkiftvdkuf NrdKUe,fwGJí ArmEdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mausmif;om;or*¾ cGJ[k ac:qdk&rnf/ &nf½G,fcsuf 2/ / þtzGJU\ &nf½G,fcsufrsm;um;/ (1) urÇmw0Sr;f vH;k ½Sad usmif;om;rsm;ESihf ae&mwdik ;f wGif &ifabmifwef;í wOD;ESiw hf OD; jzLpifaomarwåmjzifh qufqH&ef/ aygif;oif;qufqH pnf;vHk;um ausmif;om;avmuBuD;udk wnfaxmif&ef/ (2) ausmif;om;wdkif; ausmif;olwdkif;tm; um,Av? ÓPAvESifh pm&dwåzGHUNzdK; &ifhoef aumif;rGefap&ef/ (3) ausmif;om;wdkif; ausmif;om;wdkif;tm;? wkdif;cspfjynfcspf pdwf"gwfESifh vGwfvyfaom pdwf"gwfrsm; arG;jrLay;&ef/ (4) wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk od½Sdem;vnf&efESifh ausyGefpGmxrf;aqmifEdkif&ef/ (5) ArmEdik if \ H ynma&;tqift h wef;udk jr§iw hf if&efEiS hf ausmif;om;rsm;\ &oif&h xdu k af om tcGit hf a&; rsm;udk w&m;aomenf;vrf;jzifh awmif;qdkEdkif&ef/ (6) ArmEdik if \ H vGwv f yfa&;wnfwrhH w I iG f ausmif;om;tiftm;pkonf wk;d wufaomwyfO;D tjzpfEiS hf yg0if Edkif&ef jzpfayonf/ 3/ / txufygyk'fr (2) wGif azmfjyaom &nf½G,fcsufrsm; atmifjrifap&ef or*¾\ atmufygvkyfief;rsm;udk aqmif½Gufrnf/ (1) urÇmw0Srf;vHk;½Sd ausmif;om;rsm;ESifh aygif;oif;qufqHEdkif&eftwGuf/ (u) urÇmvHk;qkdif&mausmif;om;tzGJUcsKyfESifh qufoG,fyl;aygif;rnf/ (c) Edik if jH cm;odYk ud, k pf m;vS,rf sm;apvTwjf cif;? Edik if jH cm;rS ausmif;om;ud, k pf m;vnfrsm; zdwMf um; jcif;tm;jzifh rdrdausmif;om;rsm;ESifh EdkifiHtoD;oD;½Sd ausmif;om;rsm;\ &if;ESD;pGm qufoG,frI udk BudK;yrf;rnf/ (2) ausmif;om;wdkif;tm; um,Av? ÓPAv? pm&dwåAv? rdwåAv? zGHUNzdK;&ifhoef aumif;rGefap&ef/ wkdif;cspfjynfcspf pdwf"gwfESifh vGwfvyfaom pdwf"gwfrsm; arG;jrLay;&ef wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk od½Sdem; vnf&ef ausyGefpGmxrf;aqmifEdkif&ef wdkYtwGuf(u) pum;&nfvkyGJ? aqG;aEG;yGJ? a[majymyGJrsm; usif;yjyKvkyfay;jcif;? (c) oifwef;rsm; jyKvkyfay;jcif;? (*) pmpDpmukH;NydKifyGJrsm; jyKvkyfay;jcif;? (C) pm½Gufpmwrf; pmapmifrsm; ½dkufESdyfxkwfa0jcif;? (i) pmMunfhwdkufrsm; zGifhvSpfay;jcif;? (p) tdrfwGif;upm;rIrsm;ESifh jyifyupm;rIrsm;udk tm;ay;í NydKifyGJrsm;usif;yay;jcif;? (q) ausmif;om;rsm;ESpfouf&m? 0goemyg&m? aqG;aEG;yGJ tzGJUi,frsm;zGJUpnf;ay;jcif;? (1) t*Fvdyfpm? (2) jrefrmpmay? (3) EdkifiHordkif;? (4) yx0D? (5) ywf0ef;usifavmuESifhoufqdkif&m? (6) odyÜHynm? (7) wl&d,m? (8) um,AvESifh tm;upm;? (9) EdkifiHa&;ynm? (10) tzGJUi,fwdkY jzpfonf/ (3) ArmEkdifiH\ ynma&;tqifhtwef;jr§ifhwif&ef/ ausmif;om;rsm;\tcGifhta&;rsm;udk umuG,f&efESifh ArmEdik if v H w G v f yfa&; wnfwrhH w I iG f ausmif;om;rsm;or*¾onf wd;k wufaom wyfO;D tjzpf yg0ifEikd af &; twGuf- 2 -

aemufqufwGJ (24) (u) urÇmw0Srf;vHk;½Sd EdkifiHtoD;oD;\ ynma&;pepf ynma&;0g'udk qnf;yl;avhvmjcif;/ (c) ynma&;ESiyhf wfowfí jyKjyif&ef? csUJ xGi&f ef vdt k yfonfrsm;udk oufqikd &f m tmPmydik rf sm;xHrS awmif;qdkjcif;/ (*) pmrwwfol yaysmufa&;vkyfief;rsm;udk aqmif½Gufjcif;/ (C) EdkifiHa&;ynmESifh EdkifiHa&;0g'toD;oD;udk vGwfvyfpGm avhvmqnf;yl;jcif;/ (i) ausmif;om;wyfzGJUpnf;í ppfynmavhusifhjcif;/ rSwcf su-f yk'fr (6) rysufcifpyfMum; þ (i) tydk'fwGif ausmif;om;&Jacgif[k eHrnfajymif;í ppfynmvufawGUavhusifhjcif;rS acwå&yfpJxm;&rnf/ (p) ausmif;om;rsm;onf rnfonfyh gwD *dP k ;f *Prqdk vkyif ef;pOfuu kd n f v D Qif tultnDay;jcif;? yl;aygif;aqmif½Gufjcif;rsm; jyKvkyfEdkifonf/ - ausmif;om;tusdK;twGuf wckwnf;omjzpf&rnf/ - wrsKd;om;vHk;ESifh oufqdkifaom EdkifiHa&;jyóemrsm; - ausmif;om;xkw&yfvHk;rS qHk;jzwfaomrlESifh vrf;pOfrsm;jzpfcJhaom þjyóemtoD; oD;rsm;udk aqmif½GufEdkifonf/ tcef; (2) or*¾0ifaMu;ESifU or*¾0ifa&; 1/ / ArmEdkifiH rnfonfhausmif;rsKd;rqdk? pmayoif,lavhvmqJ ausmif;om;? ausmif;olwdkif; or*¾0iftjzpf vufcH&rnf/ 2/ / txufyg tcef; (2)? yk'fr (1) t& atmufazmfjyyg t&nftcsif;rsm;ESifh jynfhpHkolrsm;udkom or*¾0if tjzpfvufcH&rnf/ (u) touf (10) ESpf jynfh&rnf/ (c) udk,fusifhw&m;aumif;rGefí or*¾\aus;Zl;opömudk apmifhod½dkaooljzpf&rnf/ (*) A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ 0ifjzpfap? c½dik t f rIaqmiftzGUJ 0ifjzpfap (odYk r[kw)f or*¾ct JG rIaqmif tzGUJ 0ifjzpfap ¤if;yk*¾dKvfrsm;xJrS ESpfOD;u tusifhpm&dwåaumif;aMumif; tmrcH&rnf/ (C) or*¾\&nf½G,fcsufESifh pnf;rsOf;rsm;udk em;vnfvdkufemEdkifol jzpf&rnf/ (i) A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ rS tcsdet f cgESiahf vsmfnpD mG owfrw S af om0ifaMu;ESihf ESppf OfaMu;aiGrsm;udk ajyvnf atmif ay;oGif;Edkifolrsm; jzpf&rnf/ (p) ½l;oGyfaoma&m*gESifh ul;pufwwfaoma&m*grsm; r½Sdap&/ (q) tpOftwdkif; wOD;\trdefYudkwOD; waoGrwdrf;emcH&rnf/ (Z) or*¾0ifvv kd Qif rSwyf w kH ifoufqikd &f mrS 0ifaMu;ESiw hf uGay;,lí axmufcpH mjzifh oufqikd &f mrSwqifh pD or*¾cGJ NrdKUe,for*¾? c½dkifor*¾\ vufrSwfygaom rSwfyHkwifwapmif XmecsKyfodkY ay;ydkY&rnf/ 3/ / or*¾0ifwdkif; or*¾tpnf;ta0;rsm; a½G;aumufyGJrsm;ü rJay;ydkifcGifh½Sdap&rnf/ 4/ / or*¾0ifwOD; tjzpf0ifa&muf&ef t&nftcsif;ESifhjynfhpHkol wOD;onf taxGaxG twGif;a&;rSL; odkYr[kwf or*¾cGJ twGif;a&;rSL;rS awmif;,l&½SdEdkifaom toif;0ifyHkpHudk tcef; (2)? yk'fr (2)? tydk'fi,f (*) t&? tmrcHolESpfOD; \ vufrSwfESifh wifoGif;&rnf/ 5/ / or*¾0ifwOD; jypfru I sL;vGecf ahJ omf or*¾ct JG rIaqmiftzGUJ u 'gPf½u kd jf cif;? acwåEw k yf ,fjcif;? vH;k 0Ekwyf ,f jcif;wdYk ukd jyKvkyEf ikd o f nf/ þuJo h Ykd jyKvky&f mwGif A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ ud, k pf m; c½kid o f r*¾ Ouú|\ oabmwlncD sufukd &,l&rnf/ 6/ / txufyg yk'fr (5) t& tjypfay;jcif;cH&aom toif;0ifwOD;onf tu,fí rauseyfvQif A[dkor*¾ OD;pD;tzGJU (odkYr[kwf) EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&m ausmif;om;nDvmcHrsm;wGif t,lcHydkifcGifh½Sdap&rnf/ 7/ / txufygtcef; (2)? yk'fr (357) ? or*¾trIaqmiftjzpf ta½G;cHEkdifcGifhonf EdkifiHa&;ygwDrsm;\ wm0efcH tvkyftrIaqmifrsm;jzpfaom or*¾0ifrsm;ü r½Sdap&/

- 3 -

aemufqufwGJ (24)


tcef; (3) or*¾\tzGJYtpnf;rsm; / or*¾\tzGJUtpnf;rsm;um; atmufygtwdkif;jzpfap&rnf/ (u) ArmEdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mausmif;om;or*¾nDvmcH (uGef*&uf) (c) A[dkor*¾OD;pD;tzGJU (aumifpD) (*) A[dktrSKaqmiftzGJU (C) c½dkiftrSKaqmiftzGJU (i) NrdKUe,ftrSKaqmiftzGJU (p) or*¾cGJtrSKaqmiftzGJU

tcef; (4) ArmEdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcH 1/ / ArmEdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHwGif atmufygyk*d¾Kvfrsm;yg0if&rnf/ (u) A[dktrSKaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm; (c) c½dkifausmif;om;or*¾wdkif;rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; (*) NrdKUe,for*¾rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; rSwfcsuf- ArmEdik if v H ;kH qkid &f mausmif;om;or*¾crJG sm;rS trsm;qE´t& a½G;aumufwifajr§mufí Edik if v H ;kH qkid &f m nDvmcHoYkd wufa&muf&rnfh udk,fpm;vS,fOD;a&udk A[dktrSKaqmiftzGJUu owfrSwfydkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ 2/ / ArmEdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHudk omreftm;jzifh wESpfwBudrfus ESpfpOfusif;y&rnf/ 3/ / nDvmcHac:qdka&;ESifh ywfoufonfh aeY&uftcsdefESifh pnf;rsOf;rsm;udk A[dkOD;pD;tzGJUu owfrSwfa&;qGJ ydkifcGifh½Sd&rnf/ 4/ / tu,fí A[dt k rSKaqmiftzGUJ tm; ¤if;wdYk onf ½St d yfaom tcGit hf a&;rsm;xuf ydrk v kd eG u f í J aqmif½u G cf suf qH;k jzwfcsurf sm; ½So d nf[k ,lqcJv h Qif ¤if;wdYk EiS hf ywfoufí nDvmcHwiG jf zpfap? A[dOk ;D pD;tzGUJ tpnf;ta0; wGifjzpfap apm'uwufEdkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ 5/ / ArmEdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHonf tcsKyftcsmtmPm tydkifqHk;jzpfí atmufazmfjyyg udprö sm;ESifhywfouf aom tqdkrsm; wifoGif;Edkifonf/ qHk;jzwfcsufrsm; csrSwfEdkifonf/ (u) or*¾\ tkycf sKyfa&; pnf;rsOf;rsm;udk jyifqif&ef? jznfph u G &f ef? twnfjyK&ef (odYk r[kw)f y,fzsuf&ef? (c) or*¾ESifhywfoufaom udpörsm;? (*) wEdkifiHvHk; wrsKd;om;vHk;ESifh ywfoufaomudpörsm;/ 6/ / nDvmcHtpnf;ta0;ü or*¾EiS ahf omfvnf;aumif;? or*¾\vkyif ef;rsm;ESiafh omfvnf;aumif; ywfoufaom ar;cGef;rsm;udk ar;jref;EdkifcGifh½Sdonf/ odkY&mwGif ar;jref;vdkaom ar;cGef;\ taMumif;t&mrsm;udk A[dktrSK aqmiftzGJUodkY BudKwif taMumif;Mum;xm;ESifh&rnf/ 7/ / nDvmcHtpnf;ta0;rS cefYrSef;xm;onfh OD;a&\ xuf0ufwufa&mufvQif w&m;0ifxajrmufonf[k rSwf,l&rnf/ 8/ / or*¾\ tkycf sKyfa&;pnf;rsOf;udk jyifqifjznfph u G f (odYk r[kw)f y,fzsufjcif;rsm;udk nDvmcHtzGUJ 0if oH;k yHEk pS yf kH u qE´rJay;í qE´rJay;olwdkY\ oHk;yHkESpfyHku oabmusrSom twnfjyK&rnf/ 9/ / EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHrS A[dkOD;pD;tzGJUudk zGJUpnf;&rnf/ ¤if;OD;pD;tzGJUwGif - pnf;rsOf;tcef; (4)? yk'fr (1)? ydk'fi,f (u) ESifh (c) t& - A[dktrSKaqmiftzGJUESifh c½dkifnDvmcHrsm;rS a½G;aumufwifajr§mufaom udk,fpm;vS,frsm; yg0ifap&rnf/ 10/ / EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mor*¾Ouú|udk wESpfwBudrf usif;yaom EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHwGif qE´rJjzifh a½G;aumuf wifajr§muf&rnf/ 11/ / txufyg tcef; (4)? yk'fr (10) t& usif;yrnfha½G;aumufyGJudk pnf;rsOf;tcef; (17) t& usif;y&rnf/ 12/ / a½G;aumufwifajr§mufjcif;cH&aom Ouú|onf pDrHESifhwGJbufvkyfudkif&ef &mxm;onfh A[dktrSKaqmif tzGJU0ifrsm;\trnfrsm;udk aMunmNyD;vQif nDvmcH\oabmwlnDcsufudk &,l&rnf/ 13/ / or*¾\ESpfywfvnftpD&ifcHpmudk EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcH (odkYr[kwf) trIaqmiftzGJUu wifjy&rnf/ - 4 -

aemufqufwGJ (24) 14/ 15/

/ EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcH tqdkyga½G;aumfrwDtpnf;ta0;rsm;wGif A[dktrSKaqmiftzGJUOuú|u obmywd? taxGtaxGtwGif;a&;rSL;u tusKd;aqmiftjzpf toD;oD;jzpf&rnf/ / tu,fí pnf;rsOf;tcef; (4) yk'fr (14) twdkif; tzGJUoHk;yHkwyHk vufrcHEdkifvQif nDvmcH\ obmywdESifh tusKd;aqmifudk A[dkOD;pD;tzGJU0ifrsm;xJrS trsm;qE´t& a½G;cs,f&rnf/

tcef; (5) A[dkOD;pD;tzGJY 1/ / tcef; (4) yk'fr (9) t& zGJUpnf;onfh A[dkOD;pD;tzGJUonf EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&m nDvmcHrSvGJí tcsKyftjcm tmPmtydkifqHk;aom tzGJUjzpf&rnf/ 2/ / A[dktrSKaqmiftzGJUESifh rNyD;jywfEdkifaom jyóemt&yf&yfudk A[dkOD;pD;tzGJUu aqG;aEG;qHk;jzwf&rnf/ 3/ / A[dkOD;pD;tzGJUudk ta&;ay:onfhtavQmuf ac:,lusif;yEdkifonf/ odkY&mwGifac:ydkifcGifhrSm Ouú|ESifh A[dk trIaqmiftzGJUüom ½Sdonf/ EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&m nDvmcHac:ouJhodkY or*¾cGJrsm;u awmif;,lydkifcGifhr½Sd/ 4/ / pnf;rsOf;Oya'ESihf ywfoufaom tcsuftvufrsm;udk ,m,Djyifqif jznfph u G jf cif;ESihf ,m,DEw k yf ,fjcif; rsm;udk A[dkOD;pD;tzGJUu qHk;jzwfjyKvkyfydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ odkY&mwGif vHk;0jyifqifjznfhpGufjcif;? Ekwfy,fjcif;rsm;udk A[dkOD;pD; tzGJUu jyKvkyfydkifcGifhr½Sd/ 5/ / A[kOd ;D pD;tzGUJ onf A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ 0if wOD;OD;tm; tjypftavsmuf &mxl;rS,m,DEw k yf ,fjcif;? &yfqikd ;f jcif;udk jyKvkyfydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ 6/ / A[dkOD;pD;tzGJU\ obmywdESifhtusKd;aqmifrsm;onf A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU\Ouú|ESifh taxGtaxGtwGif; a&;rSL; toD;oD;jzpf&rnf/ 7/ / A[dkOD;pD;tzGJUonf or*¾\vkyfief;pOf tajccHudk jy|mef;Edkifonf/ or*¾\ vkyfief;pOfrsm;ESifh ywfoufí A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUtm; pdppfEdkifonf? ñTefMum;Edkifonf/ 8/ / A[dkOD;pD;tzGJU\ tpnf;ta0;udk omreftm;jzifh wESpfvQif ESpfBudrf usif;y&rnf/ tpnf;ta0; ac:,la&; rSm tcef; (5)? yk'fr (3) t&jzpfonf/ A[dkOD;pD;tzGJU\ ESpfywfvnf tpnf;ta0;wGif (u) A[dktrSKaqmiftzGJU\ &nf½G,fcsufrsm;udk vnf;aumif; ? tpD&ifcHpmrsm;udk vnf;aumif;? aqG;aEG;t wnf jyK&rnf/ (c) or*¾\ &HyHkaiG pm&if;½Sif;wrf;udk zwfMum;twnfjyK&rnf/ (*) ukefqHk;cJhaom ESpftwGif; NyD;cJhaomvkyfief;pOfrsm;udk trSm;trSef jyefvSefppfaq;jcif; ? a0zefjcif;rsm; jznfhpGufjcif;rsm; jyKvkyf&rnf/ (C) or*¾\vmrnfhESpf 0ifaiG xGufaiG cefrSef;ajcpm&if;udk wifoGif;twnfjyK&rnf/ 9/ / A[dkOD;pD;tzGJU\ qHk;jzwfcsufrsm;ESifh ywfoufí wifvdkvQif (odkYr[kwf) rauseyfcJhvQif qdkif&mnDvmcH wGif t,lcHEdkifcGifh½Sdonf/



tcef; (6) A[dktrIaqmiftzGJY / (u) aemufwBudrf Edik if v H ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcHrS a½G;aumufwifajr§mufaom A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ opf zGUJ pnf;NyD; onftxd A[dkor*¾OD;pD;tzGJUrSty tmPmtydkifqHk;jzpfí or*¾\a½SUarSmufwGif usa&mufaom jyóemt&yf&yfudk aqG;aEG;qHk;jzwf ajz½Sif;ydkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ rdrdvufatmufcHor*¾rsm;\ vkyfief;&yf toD;oD;wGif yg0ifí tMuHÓPfay;jcif;? wdkufwGef;jcif;rsm;udk vkyfEkdifonf/ (c) A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ onf Edik if v H ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcHEiS hf A[do k r*¾O;D pD;tzGUJ rS vTt J yfaom udpt ö &yf&yfrsm;udk jzpfajrmufatmifaqmif½u G &f ef tzGUJ taeESiahf omfvnf;aumif;? tzGUJ 0ifwOD;pDtaeESiahf omfvnf;aumif; ½Sdap&rnf/ / or*¾\A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm;rSm atmufygtwdkif;jzpfap&rnf/ (1) Ouú| (2) 'k-Ouú| (3) aiGxdef; - 5 -

aemufqufwGJ (24) (4) taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL; (5) tjcm; (12) OD; xufrydkaom trIaqmifrsm;/ 3/ / Ouú|ESiAhf [dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ 0ifrsm;onf rnfonfEh ikd if aH &;ygwD\ wm0efc?H tvkyt f rIaqmifrsm; rjzpfap&/ 4/ / or*¾0iftoif;om;tjzpf tenf;qHk;wESpf 0ifa&mufNyD;rSom A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUwGif yg0ifEdkifonf/ rSwcf su-f or*¾tzGUJ csKyfEiS q hf ufo, G Nf yD; or*¾crJG sm;wGif or*¾0iftjzpf tenf;qH;k wESpyf g0ifb;l olrsm;udk qdv k o kd nf/ 5/ / A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ \Ouú|onf A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ 0iftjzpf tenf;qH;k wESpaf qmif½u G b f ;l ol jzpf&rnf/ >cif;csuf- tcef; (17)? yk'fr (7) (u)? (c) t& a½G;aumufEdkifonf/ 6/ / or*¾ESifhywfoufaom enf;Oya' ½Hk;vkyfief;ESifh oufqdkifaom enf;Oya't&yf&yfudk A[dktrIaqmif tzGJUu owfrSwf&rnf/ 7/ / pnf;rsOf;tcef; (5)? yk'fr (5) t& Ekwfy,fcH&aom (odkYr[kwf) EkwfxGufívpfvyfaom trIaqmif ae&mtwGuf A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ u A[dOk ;D pD;tzGUJ \ oabmwlncD suft& a½G;cs,fEikd o f nf (odYk r[kw)f ,m,DcefYxm; Edkifonf/ 8/ / tcef; (5)? yk'fr (5) t& Ouú|Ekwfy,fcJhaomf (odkYr[kwf) EkwfxGufcJhaomf EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcH\ oabmwlnDcsufjzifh ¤if;zGJUpnf;cJhaom A[dktrSKaqmiftzGJUrSm rysufbJ qufvufí w&m;0ifonf[k ,lq&rnf/ 9/ / A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ onf or*¾vyk if ef; wGiu f s,af p&eftwGuf trIaqmiftzGUJ cGrJ sm;ESihf XmecGrJ sm; zGUJ pnf;jcif; rsm; jyKvkyfEkdifonf/ 10/ / or*¾tzGUJ csKyftwGuf taxGaxG0efxrf;rsm; cefYxm;jcif;? Ekwyf ,fjcif;? ¤if;wdYk tm; vpmESihf axmufyahH Mu; aiGrsm; owfrSwfjcif;wdkYü A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu vHk;0wm0ef,l aqmif½Guf&rnf/ 11/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUonf or*¾vkyfief;pOfrsm;twGuf pkaygif;acgif;aqmifrIESifh wGJbuf wm0efcHrIrsm;½Sd rnf/ 12/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUonf or*¾vkyfief;w&yfw&yfESifh ywfoufí vdktyfvQif wm0efcHrnf/ A[dkOD;pD;tzGJU tpnf;ta0; ac:,lEkdifonf/ 13/ / or*¾tzGJUcsKyfydkif ypönf;tm;vHk;udkvnf; A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu pDrHtkyfcsKyf&rnf/ 14/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU tpnf;ta0;udk omreftm;jzifh &ufowå (2) ywfvQif wBudrfus pnf;a0;&rnf/ 15/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU0if wOD;OD;onf A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUtpnf;ta0;ac:,l&ef vdktyfonfxifvQif tjcm; A[dktrIaqmif (2) OD;\ vufrSwfa&;xkd;axmufcHcsufudk Ouú|xHwifoGif;vQif Ouú|uA[dktrIaqmiftzGJU\ txl; tpnf;ta0;udk ac:,l&rnf/ 16/ / tpnf;ta0;ac:ydkifcGifh tmPm½Sdolrsm;rSm Ouú|ESifh taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL; jzpfonf/ odkY&mwGif Ouú|\ oabmwlnDcsuf&&rnf/ 17/ / omreftpnf;ta0;ESifh txl;tpnf;ta0;rsm;ü tzGJU0ifOD;a& xuf0ufwufa&mufí ta&;ay:tpnf; ta0;rsm;ü Ouú|yg0ifaom trIaqmiftzGJU0if (5) OD;wufa&mufvQif tpnf;ta0; jzpfajrmufonf/ >cif;csu-f A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU\ oHk;yHkwyHkuac:,l&ef? (3) cgwdwd taMumif;jy awmif;qdkcJhaomfvnf; Ouú| rwuf a&mufcJhvQif ¤if;oHk;yHkwyHku pnf;a0;ydkifcGifh qHk;jzwfydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ 18/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm;onf rnfonfhtcgrQ udk,fpm;vS,fvTwfí vnf;aumif;? owif;pum; taMumif;Mum;ívnf;aumif; qE´rJray;&/ 19/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUonf c½dkifor*¾\ vkyfief;rsm;udk yg0ifaqmif½GufEdkifonf/ tultnD ay;Edkifonf/ vkdtyfonf xifvQif vHk;0wm0ef,l acgif;aqmifEdkifonf/ 20/ / EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&m nDvmcHjzpfajrmufa&;twGuf A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU0ifwdkif; wm0ef,l&rnf/


tcef; (7) c½kdifnDvmcH uGef*&uf / c½dkifnDvmcHtpnf;ta0;wGif atmufygyk*¾dKvfrsm; yg0ifap&rnf/ (1) c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJU? (2) A[dkor*¾OD;pD;tzGJUodkY wufa&mufaom c½dkifudk,fpm;vS,frsm;? (3) or*¾cGJrsm;rS trsm;qE´t& a½G;aumufwifajr§mufí apvTwfaom udk,fpm;vS,frsm;/ - 6 -

aemufqufwGJ (24) 2/ 3/

/ c½dkiftrSKaqmiftzGJU or*¾cGJrsm;rS udk,fpm;vS,fOD;a&udk owfrSwfydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ / (u) c½dkifnDvmcHtpnf;ta0;udk or*¾tm;jzifh wpfESpfvQif ESpfBudrfus ac:,lusif;y&rnf? (c) ta&;ay:c½dkifnDvmcHudk c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJUu ac:,lEdkifcGifh½Sdonf? (*) or*¾cOJG ;D a& oH;k yHw k yHu k awmif;qdck v hJ Qif c½dik t f rIaqmiftzGUJ u &ufowå (3) ywf BudKwiftaMumif; Mum;í c½dkiftxl;nDvmcHudk ac:ay;&rnf/ 4/ / ESpyf wfvnf c½dik n f v D mcHukd Edik if v H ;kH qdik &f m nDvmcHrac:rDtwGi;f A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ taxGtaxGtwGi;f a&;rSL;\ ñTefMum;csuft& c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJUu BuD;rSL;íusif;y&rnf/ ESpfywfvnfc½dkifnDvmcHwGif1/ c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJUopfudk pnf;rsOf;tcef; (4)? yk'fr (11) (12) (13) twdkif;? pnf;rsOf;tcef; (15) t& a½G;aumuf wifajr§muf&rnf/ 2/ EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHodkY wufa&mufrnfh A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUonf owfrSwfxm;onfh ta&twGuf twdkif; udk,fpm;vS,frsm; a½G;aumuf&rnf/ ¤if;c½dkifudk,fpm;vS,frsm;rSm EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&m nDvmcHwGif A[dkor*¾OD;pD;tzGJU0iftjzpf ta½G;cH&rnfholrsm; jzpfonf/ 3/ (u) or*¾vkyfief;ESifh ywfoufaomtqdkrsm; wifoGif;í qHk;jzwfcsufrsm; csrSwfEkdifonf/ (c) EdkifiHjyóemt&yf&yfESifh ywfoufaomtqdkrsm; wifoGif;í qHk;jzwfcsufrsm; csrSwfEdkifonf/ 5/ / c½dkifnDvmcHudk pnf;rsOf;tcef; (4)? yk'fr (14) ESifh (15) rsm; twdkif; aqmif½Guf&rnf/ tcef; (8) c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJY 1/ / c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJUrSm c½dkifnDvmcHrS trsm;qE´t& a½G;aumufwifajr§mufaom tzGJUjzpf&rnf/ 2/ / c½dkiftrIaqmifOD;a&rSm atmufygtwdkif;jzpfap&rnf/ (1) Ouú| (2) 'k-Ouú| (3) twGif;a&;rSL; (4) aiGxdef; (5) tjcm; 10 OD;xuf rydkaom trIaqmifrsm;/ 3/ / c½kdiftrIaqmiftzGJUonf (u) c½dkifausmif;om;or*¾\ vkyfief;t&yf&yfwGif vHk;0wm0ef,lí acgif;aqmif&rnf/ (c) A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ \ c½kid af usmif;om;or*¾vyk if ef;rsm;wGif yg0ifaqmif½u G jf cif;? tultnD ay;jcif;ESifh vHk;0wm0ef,l acgif;aqmifjcif;rsm;udk vufcH&rnf/ 4/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUodkY wvwBudrftpD&ifcHpmrsm; rSefrSefay;ydkY&rnf/ (1) pnf;½Hk;rSKtiftm; (2) vkyfief;pOfvmt&yf&yf (3) b@ma&;tajctae (4) XmetoDo;D toD;oD; tpD&ifcpH mrsm; yg0if&rnf/ c½dik t f rIaqmiftzGUJ Ouú|ESihf twGi;f a&;rSL; \ vufrSwfrsm;jzifh ay;ydkY&rnf/ 5/ / c½dkiftrSKaqmiftzGJUonf(u) ½Hk;vkyfief;rsm;ESifh A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUrS ñTefMum;aomvkyfief;rsm;udk aqmif½Guf&rnf/ (c) or*¾crJG sm;odYk A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ rS ay;ydYk aom ñTeMf um;vTmrsm;udk rdwLå rsm;jyKvkyí f or*¾oUkd jzefYcsd &rnf/ (*) or*¾cGJ\ pm&if;tif;rsm;ESifh vkyfief;pOfrsm;udk BudKwiftaMumif;Mum;í ppfaq;Ekdifonf/ 6/ / c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJUonf or*¾vkyfief;t&yf&yfwGif yg0ifaqmif½GufEdkifonf/ vkdtyfonfxifvQif vHk;0 wm0ef,l acgif;aqmifEkdifonf/ 7/ / c½dkifb@ma&;/ 8/ / c½dkifor*¾rsm;onf A[dkor*¾odkY ESpfpOfaMu; (50d) ig;q,fusyfwdwd ay;aqmif&rnf/ - 7 -

aemufqufwGJ (24) tcef; (9) NrdKYe,fnDvmcHtzGJY 1/ / NrdKUe,for*¾nDvmcHudk NrdKUe,for*¾trIaqmif\ qE´t& ac:Edkifonf/ NrdKUe,for*¾0ifrsm;\ oHk;yHkwyHk uvnf; ac:,l&ef awmif;qdkydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ 2/ / NrdKUe,for*¾nDvmcHwGif atmufygyk*¾dKvfrsm; yg0ifap&rnf/ (u) NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJU (c) NrdKUe,for*¾0ifrsm; 3/ / NrdKUe,for*¾\ ESpfywfvnfnDvmcHudk c½dkifnDvmcHrusif;yrD NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJUrS twGif;a&;rSL;\ ñTeMf um;csuft& usif;y&rnf/ (¤if;NrdKUe,ftwGi;f a&;rSL;\ ñTeMf um;csufonf NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGUJ \ qH;k jzwfcsuf t&om jzpf&rnf/) 4/ / NrdKUe,for*¾ESpfywfvnfnDvmcHwGif (1) NrdKUe,fnv D mcHoYkd wufa&mufrnfh ud, k pf m;vS,Of ;D a& ta&twGuu f kd NrdKUe,f trIaqmiftzGUJ rS owfrSwfonfh twdkif; jzpfap&rnf/ (2) NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJUopfudk pnf;rsOf;tcef; (17) t& a½G;aumufwifajr§muf&rnf/ (3) (u) or*¾vkyfief;ESifh ywfoufaomtqdkrsm; wifoGif;cg qHk;jzwfcsufrsm; csrSwf&rnf/ (c) wEdik if v H ;kH ESiyhf wfoufaom jyóemt&yft&yfukd tqkrd sm;wifoiG ;f um qH;k jzwfcsufrsm; csrSwf&rnf/ 5/ / NrdKUe,for*¾cGJ\ ESpfywfvnfnDvmcHwGif pnf;rsOf;tcef; (4)? yk'fr (14) ESifh (15)? tcef; (7)? yk'fr (5) wdkYt& aqmif½Guf&rnf/

1/ 2/




tcef; (10) e,f&SdtrIaqmiftzGJY / NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJUrSm NrdKUe,fnDvmcHrS trsm;qE´t& a½G;aumufwifajr§mufaom tzGJUjzpf&rnf/ / NrdKUe,ftrIaqmifOD;a&rSm atmufygtwdkif;jzpfap&rnf/ (1) Ouú| (2) 'k-Ouú| (3) twGif;a&;rSL; (4) aiGxdef; (5) tjcm; (7) OD;xufrydkaom trIaqmifrsm;/ / NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJUonf(u) NrdKUe,for*¾\ vkyfief;t&yf&yfwGif vHk;0wm0ef,l acgif;aqmif&rnf/ (c) c½dik t f rIaqmiftzGUJ \ NrdKUe,fausmif;om;or*¾vyk if ef;rsm;wGif yg0ifaqmif½u G jf cif;? tult nDay;jcif;ESifh vHk;0wm0ef,lí acgif;aqmifjcif;rsm;udk vufcH&rnf/ / c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJUodkY wvwBudrftpD&ifcHpmrsm; rSefrSefay;ydkY&rnf/ (1) pnf;½Hk;rItiftm; (2) vkyfief;pOft&yf&yf (3) b@ma&;tajctae (4) XmetoD;oD;tpD&ifcHpmrsm; yg0ifonf/ NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJUESifh twGif;a&;rSL;vufrSwfrsm;jzifh ay;ydkY&rnf/ / NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJUonf(u) ½Hk;vkyfief;rsm;ESifh c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJUrS ñTefMum;aomvkyfief;rsm;udk aqmif½Guf&rnf/ (c) or*¾cGJrsm;odkY c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJUrS ay;ydkYaom ñTefMum;vTmrsm;udk rdwåLrsm;jyKvkyfum or*¾ cGJodkY jzefYcsd&rnf/ (*) or*¾cGJ\pm&if;tif;rsm;ESifh vkyfief;pOfrsm;udk MudKwif taMumif;Mum;um ppfaq;Edkifonf/ - 8 -

aemufqufwGJ (24) 6/ / NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJUonf or*¾\vkyfief;t&yf&yfwGif yg0ifaqmif½GufEdkifonf/ vdktyfonf xifvQif vHk;0wm0ef,l acgif;aqmifEdkifonf/ 7/ / NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJUtpnf;ta0;ü atmufyg pOf;pm;aqG;aEG;jcif;? qHk;jzwfjcif;rsm;udk jyKvkyf&rnf/ (u) NrdKUe,for*¾\ pnf;½Hk;rItiftm; (c) NrdKUe,for*¾\ b@ma&;oHk;pm&if; (*) NrdKUe,for*¾\ aeYpOfvkyfief; (C) NyD;pD;cJhonfh XmetoD;oD;\tpD&ifcHpmrsm; (i) oufqkdif&me,fwGif; vlxkta&;ESifhywfoufaom jyóemrsm;/ 8/ / NrdKUe,for*¾b@ma&;/ NrdKUe,for*¾onf c½dkifor*¾odkY c½dkifnDvmcH\ qHk;jzwfcsuft& qufaMu;ay;ydkY&rnf/ tcef; (11) or*¾cGJnDvmcHtzGJY 1/ / or*¾cGJnDvmcHudk or*¾trIaqmiftzGJU\ qE´t&ac:,lEdkifonf/ or*¾cGJrsm;\ oHk;yHkwyHk uvnf;ac:,l &ef awmif;qkdydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ 2/ / or*¾cGJnDvmcHwGif atmufygyk*¾dKvfrsm;yg0ifap&rnf/ (u) trIaqmiftzGJU (c) twef;wm0efcHrsm; (*) or*¾0ifrsm; 3/ / or*¾c\ JG ESpyf gwfvnf nDvmcHukd NrdKUe,fnv D mcHrusif;yrD qdik &f mor*¾cJG trIaqmiftzGUJ rS twGi;f a&;rSL; \ ñTefMum;csuft& usif;y&rnf/ 4/ / or*¾cGJESpfywfvnf nDvmcHwGif 1/ NrdKUe,fESifh c½dkifnDvmcHudkwufa&mufrnfh udk,fpm;vS,frsm;udk a½G;&rnf/ 2/ or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUtopfudk pnf;rsOf;tcef; (17) t& a½G;aumufwifajr§muf&rnf/ 3/ (u) or*¾vkyfief;rsm;ESifhywfoufaom tqdkrsm;wifoGif;í qHk;jzwfcsufrsm;csrSwf&ef? (c) wEdkifiHvHk;ESifhywfoufaom jyóemt&yf&yfudk tqdkrsm;wifoGif;um qHk;jzwfcsufrsm; cs&rnf/ 5/ / or*¾cGJ\ ESpfywfvnfnDvmcHwGif pnf;rsOf;tcef; (4)? yk'fr (14) ESifh (15)? tcef; (7)? yk'fr (5) wdkYt& aqmif½Guf&rnf/ tcef; (12) or*¾rsm;ESifh trIaqmiftzGJY 1/ / c½dik v f ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcHoYkd ud, k pf m;vS,af pvTwaf om or*¾ct JG zGUJ tpnf;wckonf NrdKUe,frw S qifh c½dik o f Ykd qufoG,fNyD;aom or*¾jzpf&rnf/ xkdqufoG,fjcif;udk A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu todtrSwf jyKNyD;aomtcgü or*¾tzGJU csKyf\ w&m;0ifaomor*¾cGJwck jzpfvmonf/ 2/ / or*¾cGJ\trIaqmiftzGJUrSm pnf;rsOf;tcef; (15) t& or*¾cGJnDvmcHrS wifajr§mufaom tzGJUjzpf&rnf/ 3/ / or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUrSm atmufygtwdkif;jzpfap&rnf/ (1) Ouú| (2) 'k-Ouú| (3) twGif;a&;rSL; (4) aiGxdef; (5) tjcm; (7) OD;xufrydkaom trIaqmifrsm;/ 4/ / or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUonf twdkifyifcHrsm;tjzpf oufqdkif&mausmif;om;or*¾\ twef;wm0efcHrsm;udk cefYtyfEdkifonf/ xdkuJhodkY cefYtyf&mwGif oufqdkif&mtwef;\ oabmwlnDcsufudk &,l&rnf/ oufqdkif&m twef;rS a½G;aumufwifajr§mufaom (odkYr[kwf) emrnfwifoGif;aom twef;wm0efcHrsm;udk todtrSwfjyK&rnf/ - 9 -

aemufqufwGJ (24) 5/ / or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUonf oufqdkif&m or*¾tzGJU0ifrsm;tm; or*¾\0g'? &nf½G,fcsufESifh vkyfief;pOf rsm;udk vdkufemaqmif½Gufatmif BudK;yrf;&efwm0ef½Sdap&rnf/ 6/ / or*¾c\ JG trIaqmiftzGUJ onf A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ c½dik t f rIaqmiftzGUJ ESihf NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGUJ \ ñTeMf um; csufrsm;t& vkyfief;pOfrsm;udk aqmif½Guf&rnf/ 7/ / or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJU\tpnf;ta0;ü atmufygpOf;pm;aqG;aEG;jcif; qHk;jzwfcsufrsm;udk jyKvkyf&rnf/ (u) or*¾cGJ\ pnf;½Hk;rSKtiftm; (c) or*¾cGJ\b@ma&; toHk;pm&if;rsm; (*) or*¾cGJ\ aeYpOfvkyfief;rsm; (C) NyD;pD;cJhonfh |metoD;oD;\ tpD&ifcHpmrsm; (i) oufqdkif&me,ftwGif; vlxkta&;ESifhywfoufaom jyóemrsm;/ 8/ / or*¾cGJ\tpD&ifcHpmrsm;udk or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJU twGif;a&;rSL;onf Ouú|\vufrSwfjzifh NrdKUe,ftrI aqmiftzGJUESifh NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJUrSwqifh c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJUwdkYodkY wvwBudrfay;ydkY&rnf/ 9/ / or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUonf (u) or*¾cGJ\ vkyfief;rsm;wGif wm0ef,lum acgif;aqmif&rnf/ (c) c½dkiftrIaqmiftzGJU\or*¾vkyfief;rsm;wGif yg0ifaqmif½Gufjcif;? tultnDay;jcif;ESifh vHk;0 wm0ef,l acgif;aqmifjcif;rsm;udk ½Gufaqmif&rnf/ 10/ / or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJU\ tpnf;ta0;onf omreftm;jzifh &ufowå (2) ywfvQif wBudrfusif;y&rnf/ tcef; (13) or*¾\ b@ma&; 1/ / or*¾ESifh oufqdkifaom tzGJUcsKyf½Sd &efyHkaiGtm;vHk;udk or*¾trnfESifh A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu a½G;cs,faom bPfwGif tyfESHxm;&rnf/ 2/ / or*¾cGJrsm;onf NrdKUe,for*¾\nDvmcHqHk;jzwfcsuft& qufaMu;ay;ydkY&rnf/ 3/ / or*¾cGJrsm;rS 0ifaiGtm;vHk;udk? oD;oefYjy|mef;jcif;r½dSonfh tjcm;0ifaiGtm;vHk;udk omref&efyHkaiGxJodkY xnfhoGif;&rnf/ 4/ / tvSLaiGrsm;? o'¨gaMu;rsm;? aiGw;kd rsm;ESihf ESppf Of toH;k p&dwrf S ydak omaiGrsm;teuf tenf;qH;k oH;k yHEk pS yf u kH kd oD;oefY&efyHkaiGtjzpf ajymif;vJxm;&rnf/ 5/ / tvSLaiGrsm;? o'¨gaMu;rsm;? aiGwdk;rsm;ESifh ESpfpOftoHk;p&dwfrS ydkaomaiGrsm; twwfEdkifqHk; oHk;yHkESpfyHkudk oD;oefY &efyHkaiGtjzpf ajymif;vJxm;&rnf/ 6/ / or*¾\ ½H;k toH;k aqmifrsm;? y&dabm*rsm; 0,f,jl cif;ESihf jyifqifjcif;rsm;rSty oD;oefY&efyakH iGukd A[do k r*¾ OD;pD;tzGJU (odkYr[kwf) EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcH\ qHk;jzwfcsufr&vQif roHk;&/ 7/ / EdkifiHjcm;odkY ynmawmfoifapvTwfjcif;? pHkprf;Munfh½Ia&;tzGJUrsm; apvTwfjcif;? EkdifiHjcm;rS tzGJUtoD;oD;udk vufcHjcif;? taxGaxGtcrf;tem;ESifh {nfhcHjcif;wdkYtwGuf &efyHkaiGjyKvkyfxm;&rnf/ 8/ / ta&;BuD;aomudprö sm; ay:aygufvmaomtcg ta&;ay:&efyakH iGtjzpf A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ upDrí H aumuf cHEdkifonf/ 9/ / or*¾&efyHkaiG wdk;wufa&;twGuf aiGxdef;onf jyZmwf½kyf½SifyGJrsm;udk tvSLcHjcif;? uyGJrsm;usif;yjcif;ESifh o'¨gaMu;rsm;udk or*¾cGJrsm;onf oufqdkif&mNrdKUrsm;wGif aumufcHEdkifonf/ 10/ / b@ma&;tceff; (13)? yk'fr (9) t& aumufcHaom &efyHkaiGrsm;udk A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUodkY rSefuefwduspGm tpD&ifcH&rnf/ 11/ / or*¾tzGJUtpnf;wdkYonf tjcm;toif;tzGJUrsm;odkY &efyHkaiGudk vG,fvifhwulxkwfí acs;iSm;jcif;rjyK&/ 12/ / or*¾&efyHkaiGrsm;xJrS aiGxkwf&ef csufvufrSwf (odkYr[kwf) A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu pDrHay;&rnf/ 13/ / aiGxdef;onf oD;oefY&efyHkaiG wdk;wufapjcif;iSm tvSLaiGESifh o'¨gaMu;aiGrsm;pm&if;udk rdrdqE´t& zGifh xm;Edkifonf/ 14/ / or*¾\ 0ifaiG? xGufaiGpm&if;rsm;udk ppfaq;&ef A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu oifhavQmfol wOD;OD;udk pm&if;ppf tjzpf cefYxm;&rnf/ - 10 -

aemufqufwGJ (24) 15/ / ESpfpOf EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&m nDvmcHrwdkifrD or*¾\ 0ifaiG? xGufaiGpm&if;rsm;udk pm&if;ppfu ppfaq;&rnf/ ppfaq;NyD;aomtcg pm&if;rsm;udk pm&if;ppf\ tpD&ifcpH mESiw hf uG Edik if v H ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcH rwdik rf D tenf;qH;k &ufowå ESpyf wfu BudKwifNyD; A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ odYk aiGxed ;f u wifjy&rnf/ ESppf Of aiGpm&if;½Si;f wrf;ESihf pm&if;ppftpD&ifcpH mudk nDvmcHodkY wifjy&rnfh b@ma&;tpD&ifcHpmü xnfhoGif;&rnf/ 16/ / or*¾tzGJUcsKyfüxm;aom aiGpm&if;ESifh bPfpm&if;rsm;udk Ouú|u ppfaq;&rnf/ tcef; (14) or*¾ESifh tjcm;tzGJYtpnf;rsm; 1/ / or*¾onf Edik if aH &;ygwD tzGUJ tpnf;rsm;\ vufatmufcrH [kw/f MoZmtmPmcHr[kw/f oD;jcm;vGwv f yf aom tzGJUtpnf;jzpfí ausmif;om;vkyfief;ü ygwDya,m*rsm; vHk;0uif;½Sif;ap&rnf/ 2/ / or*¾\ wm0efct H rIaqmif &mxl;vufcx H m;aom yk*Kd¾ vfrsm;onf wm0efcrH sm;taejzifh ygwDya,m*rsm;rS vHk;0 uif;½Sif;ap&rnf/ 3/ / EdkifiHa&;ygwDwckck\ wm0efcH&mxl; vufcHxm;aom yk*d¾Kvfonf trsm;qE´t& or*¾\ wm0efcH&mxl; rsm;udk vufcH&aomf oufqdkif&m EdkifiHa&;ygwD\ rlv tvkyftrIaqmif&mxl;rS EkwfxGuf&rnf/ 4/ / or*¾rsm;onf tzGJUcsKyf\cGifhjyKcsufjzifh (0g) ñTefMum;csufr&bJ rnfonfhtzGJUpnf;ESifhrQ qufoG,fjcif; rjyK&/ twdkuftcH qefYusifbuf rjyK&/ 5/ / or*¾rsm;onf vlxkvkyfief;t&yf&yfwGif tzGJUcsKyf\trdefYtwdkif; waoGrwdrf;emcHí aqmif½Guf&rnf/ tcef; (15) or*¾trnftoHk;jyKa&; or*¾tzGJUtpnf;\ rnfonfhwm0efcH yk*d¾KvfrS or*¾\ trnfudkaomfvnf;aumif;? or*¾wGifaqmif½Guf aeaom wm0efuakd omfvnf;aumif; rdru d , kd af &;ud, k w f m twGujf zpfap? or*¾EiS hf roufqikd af omudpö t&yf&yftwGuf jzpfap vHk;0toHk;rjyK&ef/ tcef; (16) ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHrsm; 1/ / ausmif;ydwf&ufrsm;twGif; trIaqmif (3) OD;xufrenf; qkdif&mor*¾tzGJUtpnf;\ ½Hk;pdkuf&m NrdKUrsm;ü usef&pfvQif ¤if;wdkYrSm ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHrsm; jzpf&rnf/ 2/ / ausmif;ydwf&ufrsm;twGif; trIaqmiftzGJU0if (3) OD;xufenf;í qdkif&mor*¾tzGJUtpnf; ½Hk;pdkuf&mNrdKU rsm;ü usef&pfcJhvQif vuf½SdtrIaqmiftzGJUu ausmif;ydwf&ufrwdkifrD or*¾0ifrsm;xJrS or*¾\ wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk xrf;½Guf&rnf/ ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcH (3) OD;udk cefYxm;&rnf/ 3/ / qdkif&mtrIaqmiftzGJUonf ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHrsm;\trnfrsm;udk a½G;cs,fNyD;onfESifh wNydKifeuf aMunm&rnf/ 4/ / ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHrsm;onf b@ma&;XmerSty trSKaqmiftzGJU\ aqmif½GufqJvkyfief;ESifh wm0ef rsm;udk vufcH&rnf/ 5/ / ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHrsm;onf(u) trSKaqmiftzGJUu vTJtyfcJhaom wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;ESifh ½Hk;vkyfief;rsm;udk aqmif½Guf&efomjzpfonf/ (c) or*¾tzGJUtpnf;wckvHk;ESifh oufqdkifaom vkyfief;BuD;rsm;udk qHk;jzwfajz½Sif; aqmif½GufcGifhr½Sd/ 6/ / pnf;rsOf;tcef; (16)? yk'rf (5)? yk'rf i,f (c) ESio hf ufqikd af om ta&;rsm;ay:aygufvmcJah omf ausmif;ydwf &ufwm0efcHrsm;onf trSKaqmiftzGJUudk jyefvnfac:,lí wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk tyfESif;&rnf/ 7/ / aiGxdef;onf ausmif;ydwf&uftwGif; oufqdkif&m or*¾tzGJUtpnf;½Hk;pdkuf&mNrdKUü r½SdcJhaomf trSKaqmif tzGJUrS oabmwlnDcsufudk ,lí oifhavsmf,HkMunfpdwfcs&aom or*¾0ifwOD;OD;udk ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHtjzpf cefYxm;NyD;vQif rdrdwm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk vTJtyfcJh&rnf/ 8/ / ausmif;jyefzGifhí trSKaqmifa[mif;rsm; jyefvnfa&muf½SdvmaomtcgwGif ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHrsm;u or*¾wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk jyefvnfvTJtyf&rnf/ - 11 -

aemufqufwGJ (24) tcef; (17) a½G;aumufyGJrsm; 1/ / a½G;aumufyrJG sm;udk tzGUJ tpnf;\ tcsKyftjcmta&mufq;kH aom ESpyf wfvnfnv D mcHrsm;wGif usif;y&rnf/ 2/ / (u) a½G;aumufyGJrsm;udk trSKaqmiftzGJU\ Ouú|a[mif;rsm;u OD;pD;&rnf/ tu,fí Ouú|a[mif;onf jyefvnfta½G;cHvdkaomf (odkYr[kwf) a½G;aumufyGJwGif ysufuGufcJhaomf qkdif&mor*¾tzGJUtpnf;rS wm0efvTJtyfaom yk*¾dKvfu a½G;aumufyGJwm0efcH OD;pD;oltjzpf aqmif½Guf&rnf/ (c) or*¾cGJ a½G;aumufyGJrsm;wGif qE´rJay;í a½G;aumufwifajr§mufjcif;ESifh emrnfwifoGif;jcif; ESpf&yf teuf or*¾tzGJUtpnf;u vdkvm;aom enf;pepft& a½G;aumufyGJudk usif;y&rnf/ 3/ / a½G;aumufyrJG sm;wGif rJqE´pm&if;rsm;udk pkaqmif;jcif;? rJpm&if;rsm;udk ppfaq;jcif;rSm a½G;aumufyw JG m0efcH OD;pD;ol\ wm0efjzpfonf/ 4/ / a½G;aumufyGJwm0efcHOD;pD;olonf rdrdtultnD&&eftwGuf trSKaqmif&mxl;vufrcHrnfh or*¾0if (4) OD;udk orm"dvlBuD;rsm;tjzpf cefYtyfxm;Edkifonf/ 5/ / a½G;aumufyGJwGif vGwfvyfpGmESifh vQKdU0Sufí wkduf½dkufrJay;aom pepfudk toHk;jyK&rnf/ 6/ / or*¾odkY ay;qyf&ef½Sdaom aMu;aiGt&yf&yfudk ajyvnfatmif ray;oGif;Edkifolrsm;onf a½G;aumufyGJwGif ta½G;cHEdkifcGifh? tqdkoGif;EdkifcGifh? axmufcHEdkifcGifhrsm; r½Sdap&/ 7/ / AuowGif ta½G;cHEdkifcGifh/ ¤if;yk*dK¾ vfonf ausmif;xGufcJhNyD; (2) ESpftwGif; ausmif;om;or*¾wGif ta½G;cHvdku atmufygt&nftcsif; rsm;ESifh jynfhpHk&rnf/ (u) emrnfysuf r½SdcJhbl;jcif;? (c) AuowGif wm0efcHtrIaqmiftjzpf tenf;qHk; wESpf xrf;aqmifcJhzl;jcif;ESifh jynfhpHkcJhaomf þyk*d¾Kvf tm; (Auo) wGif trsm;qE´t& a½G;aumufwifajr§mufEdkifonf/ 8/ / ta½G;cHvdkolwOD;onf tenf;qHk; qdkif&mor*¾tzGJUtpnf;0if (2) OD;\axmufcHcsufESifh a½G;aumufyGJ wm0efcH OD;pD;olxHodkY ta½G;cHEdkifcGifh avQmufvTmwifoGif;&rnf/ 9/ / ta½G;cHEdkifcGifh avQmufvTmtpHkwckonf pnf;rsOf;t& jznfhpGuf&efvdktyfaom ta&;BuD;tcsufrsm;wGif jznfhpGufjcif; ysufuGufcJhaomf ¤if;avQmufvTmudk y,fcs&rnf/ 10/ / a½G;aumufyGJusif;yaeonfh tcsdeftwGif; rnfonfhor*¾0ifrS ta½G;cHolvlwOD;\ aumif;usKd;qdk;jypfudk qdkif&mor*¾tzGJUtpnf;odkY xkwfazmfajymqkd ydkifcGifhr½Sd/ 11/ / or*¾0ifwOD;vQif wm0efcH&mxl; wae&mtwGuf rJqE´wckxuf ydkíray;Edkif/ 12/ / wm0efc&H mxl; ae&mta&twGux f ufyí kd ta½G;cHorl sm;cJv h Qif rJta&twGuv f u kd f wm0efc&H mxl; a½G;cs,f &rnf/ qE´rJ½SifwOD;onf ta½G;cHrnfholwOD;twGuf wrJom ay;ydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ 13/ / qE´rJpm&if;udk a½G;aumufyGJaeY (odkYr[kwf) aemufwaeYwGif wm0efcHOD;pD;olonf orm"dvlBuD;rsm;a½SU arSmufü ppfaq;í a½G;aumufwifajr§mufcH&olrsm;\trnfpm&if;udk tjrefqHk;aMunm&rnf/ wm0efc&H mxl;tvdu k f aemufq;kH ta½G;cs,fc&H rnfh trSwpf OfwiG f rJqE´rJ wlnaD eygu wm0efcOH ;D pD;olonf tEdkift½IH; qHk;jzwfonfhqE´rJudk ay;ydkifcGifh½Sd&rnf/ 14/ / a½G;aumufyGJtwGuf oD;oefYxm;onfh qE´rJyHkpHpm½Gufrsm;udk a½G;aumufyGJwm0efcHOD;pD;olu xkwfa0 &rnf/ 15/ / rnfonfhqE´rJ½SifrS udk,fpm;vnfvTwfívnf;aumif;? pmjzifh taMumif;Mum;ívnf;aumif; qE´rJay;ydkif cGifhr½Sd/ 16/ / qE´rJta&twGufESifh ywfoufí rauseyfcJhvQif a½G;aumufyGJ aMunmNyD;csdefrS (72) em&DtwGif; qE´rJ½Sif (19) OD;\ qE´jzihf rJpm&if;ta&twGufudk Munfh½IEdkifonf/ 17/ / qE´rJ½Sif av;yHkwyHku a½G;aumufyGJusif;yNyD;onfh (7) &uftwGif; a½G;aumufyGJESifh ywfoufí rauseyf aMumif; Ouú|xH taMumif;Mum;vQif Ouú|onf txl;tpnf;ta0;wckac:í a½G;aumufyGJ\ taMumif;t&mrsm;udk aocsm*epGm pHkprf;&ef qE´rJ½Sif (9) OD;yg0ifaom pHkprf;a&;aumfrwDudk a½G;cs,f&rnf/ 18/ / xkdpHkprf;a&;aumfrwD\ oHk;yHkESpfyHku ta½G;cH&olwOD;onf rdrdta½G;cH&rItwGuf aiGaMu;tukeftuscHí aoG;aqmifcJhonf[k oabmwlnDcJhvQif ¤if;ta½G;cH&rIudk w&m;r0if[k aMunmí xkdta½G;cH&oludk or*¾wm0efcH - 12 -

aemufqufwGJ (24) &mxl;rsm;twGuf ta½G;cHEdkifcGifhrsm;rS wESpfwdwd &yfpJxm;&rnf/ tcef; (18) enf;Oya'ESifU bdkifavmrsm; 1/ / þor*¾tkyfcsKyfykH pnf;rsOf;Oya'udk rlwnfí enf;Oya'ESifh bdkifavmrsm;udk or*¾tzGJUtoD;oD;wdkYu usepGm aqmif½GufEdkif&efESifh usifhxkH;wkdY twllwljzpfap&eftwGuf A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu jy|mef;Ekdifonf/ 2/ / enf;Oya'udk jy|mef;&mü vnf;aumif;? jyifqifjznfhpGuf&mü vnf;aumif;? xkwfy,f&mü vnf;aumif; EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&m nDvmcHuom jyKvkyfEdkifonf/ 3/ / enf;Oya'udk ,m,Djy|mef;jcif;? ,m,DjznfhpGufxkwfy,fjcif;rsm;udk A[kdOD;pD;tzGJUu jyKvkyfydkifcGifhtmPm rsm;½Sdonf/ AuoXmecsKyf þtkyfcsKyfa&;pnf;rsOf;Oya'udk 1308 ck? 1946 ck? Zlvdkifv (3) &ufaeYwGif usif;yaom ArmEdkifiHvkH; qdkif&mausmif;om;rsm;or*¾ nDvmcHwGif zwfMum;twnfjyKonf/ (yk)H xGef;ñGefh taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL; AuoXmecsKyf 1308-1946 ck? Zlvdkifv (3) &ufaeYnDvmcHwGif a&;qGJtwnfjyKcJhaom þtkyfcsKyfa&; pnf;rsOf;Oya'udk 1948 ck? Zlvikd v f (9) &ufaeY (6) Budraf jrmuf ArmEkid if v H ;Hk qkid &f mausmif;om;rsm;nDvmcHwiG f xyfrjH yifqif Ekwyf ,fjznfh pGufí zwfMum;twnfjyKonf/ (yk)H atmifoed ;f pnf;½kH;a&;rSL;

- 13 -


PRAHA 23. XII. 1958

Inter - University Consultative Conference, Rangoon University Students Union, Union Building, University of Rangoon, Rangoon, Burma. Dear Friends, On the occasion of the Inter-University Consultative Conference we send you our greetings and hope that your conference will further consultative the unity of the Burmese students and intensify their efforts to improve education, to restore peace and safeguard the independence of your country, as well as strength their cooperation with the IUS and Students of other countries. All member organizations of the IUS look with sympathy and admiration towards the Burmese students movements they highly appreciate your spirit of patriotism and determination to build and develop, together with your people your beautiful country. Your colleagues, particularly these in the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa, greatly count on your support and your contribution to their fight against colonialism and imperialism. The IUS is aware of the active participation of the Burmese students in the fight for peace and for a ban of nuclear weapons. Undoubtedly it is a considerable contribution to the world peace movement and to the common cause of humanity. The Vth congress of the IUS in Peking has expressly supported efforts of Burmese students to protect their democratic rights. Once again, we reiterate our full support for your struggle to improve education, to remove fully legacies of colonialism and to defend your national sovereignty and world peace. Long Live the unity of students of the world 1. Long Live the fraternal cooperation between the IUS and Burmese students. Sd/ Jiri Pelikan President of the IUS - 14 -

aemufqufwGJ (28) (24)

tqift U rsK;d rsK;d ½Sad om AuotzGrYJ sm;\ Ouú|pm&if; (1945-1958) AuoXmecsKyf Ouú|rsm; udkoef; (1945 ckESpf Ekd0ifbmvrS 1946 ckESpf Zlvdkifv) udkoef;xGef;

(1946 ckESpf ZlvdkifvrS 1947 ckESpf Zefe0g&Dv)


(1947 ckESpf Zefe0g&DrS 1947 ckESpf ‘'DZifbmv)


(1947 ckESpf 'DZifbmrS 1948 ckESpf rwfv)


(1948 ckESpf rwfvrS 1948 ckESpf Zlvdkifv)


(1948 ckESpf ZlvdkifvrS 1949 ckESpf azazmf0g&Dv)

Auo (awmwGif;) Ouú| udkwifa½T (1949 - 1950) Auo (tzGJYcsKyf) Ouú| udkatmifoef; (1949 - 1950) Auo (oefh½Sif;) Ouú|rsm; udkpdefbef; (1951 - 1952) udk0if;az (1952 - 1953) Auo (udkudkBuD;-udkudkav;tzGYJ ) Ouú| udkukdBuD; (1952 - 1953) Auo (tDtufpftdk) Ouú|rsm; udkMunfñGefY (1954 - 1955) udkcifarmifEG,f (1955 - 1956) Auorsm;tzGJYcsKyf udkvS0if; udkodef;atmif udkcifausmf udkcifarmiftkef; udkaZmf0if;

Ouú|rsm; (1951 - 1952) (1952 - 1953) (1953 - 1954) (1954 - 1956) (1956 - 1960)

Auorsm;tzGJYcsKyfopf Ouú|rsm; udkbdk;omab; (1958 ckESpf pufwifbmvrS 1959 ckESpf {NyDv)

rSwfcsuf- 1962 ck? rwfv (3) &ufaeYtxd Auorsm;tzJGUcsKyf\ Ouú|rSm udkcifarmiftkef; jzpfNyD;? udkcifarmiftkef;udk awmfvSefa&;aumifpD tmPmodrf;rI aMunmcsufaMumifh Ouú|ae&mrS z,f½Sm;um 'k-Ouú| udkoufrSm Ouú| jzpfvmonf/ ,ckrSwfwrf;udkrl rlvrSwfwrf;ygtwdkif; jyefvnfazmfjyonf/

- 15 -

aemufqufwGJ (30)


zGpYJ nf;tkycf sKyyf pHk nf;rsO;f Oya' A-u-orsm; tzGcYJ sKyf - zGpYJ nf;tkycf sKyyf pHk nf;rsO;f Oya'tpD&ifcpH m zGJUpnf;tkyfcsKyfykH pnf;rsOf;Oya'qdkonfrSm tzGJUtpnf;wckwGif toJESvkH;ozG,f r½SdvQifrjzpfaom t&nf tcsif;w&yfyif jzpfayonf/ ywf0ef;usifwGif jzpfay:wnf½Sdaeaom t&yf&yftajctaersm; tay:wGif ta&mif[yfí wnf½Sdaeoifhaom t&mjzpfNyD; tajctaersm;\ ajymif;vJjyKjyifoGm;&onfESifhtnD zGJUpnf;ykHonfvnf; ajymif;vJ oGm;&ayonf/ zJGUpnf;ykHwGif tpnf;t½kH;\wm0ef&yfrsm;udk azmfjyonfh &nf½G,fcsuf? oabmxm;? vkyfief;pOf? zGJU pnf;ykH toGifvu©Pm ponfh t*Fg&yfrsm; yg0if&ayrnf/ qdkif&mtzGJUtpnf;\ &yfwnfrIae&mtrSefudk &½SdapNyD; vIyf½Sm;rIvkyfief;? OD;wnfcsuf? ñTefjycsuf/ xdef;odrf;ay;csufrsm;udk &,lapayonf/ ausmif;om;tzGJUtpnf;wck\ zGJUpnf;ykHpnf;rsOf;Oya'udk avhvmaomf ynma&;tajctaersm;? ausmif; om;ESifh ausmif;taetxm;rsm;udkrSDí ynma&;ESifh EdkifiHawmf rnfodkYqufoG,faeonf? rnfodkYaom jyóemrsm; jzpfay:aeonf? rnfonfo h abmxm;ESihf vkyif ef;wdYkukd vkyaf qmiftyfonf? vIy½f mS ;rI OD;aqmiftzGUJ tpnf; rnfoYkdwnf aqmufoifhonf? zGJUpnf;oifhonf? pnf;½kH;a&; oabmxm;ykHpH ponfjzifh t"duvdktyfaom taMumif;w&m;rsm;udk vdkufem&rnfjzpfayonf/ jrefrmEdkifiH\ynma&;&mZ0ifESifh ausmif;om;vIyf½Sm;rI wckvkH;tay:wGif a,bk,stajccHí aqG;aEG;Mu&ef jzpfayonf/ 1885 ckESpf jrefrmEdkifiHwckvkH;udk t*Fvdyfe,fcsJUtpdk;&wdkYu odrf;ydkufNyD;aemuf t*Fvdyf tkyfcsKyfrIvuf atmufwGif uRefEdkifiHtjzpf xm;½Sdusa&mufapcJhonf/ jrefrmhpD;yGm;a&;wckvkH;onf t*FvdyfwdkYtwGuf tokH;csjcif;? e,fcsJUpepftwGuf tusKd;oufa&mufjcif;wkdY jzpfapNyD; jynfow l &yfv;Hk rSm aexdik rf t I qift h wef;? ,Ofaus;rItqift h wef; wjznf;jznf; edru hf svm&um qif;&Jom; jynfob l 0odYk qdu k af &mufapcJo h nf/ udv k ekd pD ;D yGm;a&;? uRepf ;D yGm;a&;onf rnfonfh e,fcsUJ pepftwGuf rqdk touf½n S f a&;om jzpfonf/ t*Fvdyf? jyifopfponfh t&if;½SifEdkifiHBuD;rsm;\ t&if;½Sifpepf wdk;wufvmrIaMumifh ukefypönf; ydkvQHrI? ukefMurf;rsm; &,lvdkrI? ukefypönf;rsm; a&mif;cs&ef aps;uGufvkdvm;rI jyóemrsm;udk ajz½Sif;&ef aps;uGufrsm; ½Sm&if; udkvdkeDe,fy,frsm;udk ½SmazGvk,ufonfrS e,fcsJUpepfonf jzpfay:vmcJh&ayonf/ oifMum;ae&aom ynma&;onf rvGwfvyfaom tcsKyftcs,ftaESmiftzGJUcHxm;&aom uRefpD;yGm;a&;ESifh wygwnf; uRefaumif;rsm; xkwv f yk af &;omjzpfco hJ nf/ edik if jH cm;om; e,fcsJUorm;tpd;k & tkypf ;kd rIpuf,EÅ&m; vnfywf Edkifa&;udkom &nf½G,fcJhayonf/ EdkifiHtusKd;udk pGrf;aqmifEdkif&ef? trsKd;om;pGrf;tm;udk BuD;rm;vmap&ef? trsKd;om; ,Ofaus;rItiftm;pkBuD;jzpfvmap&ef &nf½G,f&rnfjzpfaom ynma&;pcef;wGif &yfwnfcGifhr&bJ e,fcsJUtpdk;&wdkY ay;orQudkom &,lae&aom ynma&;om jzpfcJhayonf/ vGwfvyfaomEkdifiHjzpfvma&;? vGwfvyfaomocifynma&; (0g) trsKd;om;ynma&;udk qufpyfí e,fcsJU acwf tajctaersm;u awmif;qdkcJhjcif;jzpfonf/ trsKd;om;ynma&; wnfaqmufa&; a
aemufqufwGJ (30) trsKd;om;vGwfajrmufa&;twGuf udkvdkeDqefYusifa&;rsKd;aphudk tcdkiftrmcsEdkifaom umvjzpfcJhonf/ (20) &mpkESpftapmydkif; Ak'¨uvsmP,k0toif;onf OD;pGmyxr trsKd;om;pdwf"gwfudk azmfxkwftm;jznfhaomtaeESifh ay:aygufvmcJhonf/ yxrurÇmppf 1914-18 ckESpf Oa&mywGif vGwfajrmufa&;ppfyGJrsm;onf jrefrmjynf\ EdkifiHjcm;pdk;rdk;rI qefYusifa&;tm; BuD;rm;pGm*,uf½kdufapcJhonfhtjyif Ak'¨uvsm,k0toif;ae&mwGif wqifhjrifhí ArmtrsKd;om;A[dk aumifpDjzpfay:vmNyD; 1921 ckESpfwGif nDvmcHrsm;ac:qdkum jyKjyifa&;udk awmif;qdkjcif;ESifh ArmhvGwfvyfa&; jyóem rsm;udk udik w f , G cf MhJ uonf/ þodYk jzpf&jcif;rsm;onf udv k ekd zD Ed ydS rf t I m; rcHr&yfEikd v f eG ;f aom jynforl sm;? ausmif;om;rsm; oydwftygt0if vIyf½Sm;rIBuD;aMumifh jzpfayonf/ 1920-22 ckESpf trsKd;om;vIyf½Sm;rIrsm;ESifh wygwnf; (*sDpDbDat) 0HomEktoif;\ OD;aqmifrIjzifh t*Fvdyfe,fcsJUorm;tm; jyKjyifajymif;vJvmapcJhonf/ jrefrmhvGwfvyfa&; &mZ0ifrSwfwdkifBuD;jzpfonfh trsKd;om;atmifyGJaeYudk zdESdyfrItcuftcJrsm; tMum;rS rSwfwrf;wifEkdifcJhonf/ trsKd;om;ausmif;rsm; wnfaxmifzGifhvSpfEdkifcJhonf/ ausmif;om;pnf;½kH;a&;ESifh ausmif;om; or*¾rsm; vdktyfvmaMumif; tajctaeu ñTefjycJhonf? ausmif;om;rsm;wGif wm0efrJh tacsmifa&omcdkvdkpdwfrsm; r0ifoifhaMumif;? e,fcsJUorm;rsm;\ vSnfhpm;jzm;a,mif;rIrsm;tm; em;ra,mifoifhaMumif;? trsKd;om;tiftm;pkrsm; nDñGwfoifhaMumif; oifcef;pmaumif;rsm; ay;tyfcJhayonf/ 1930-32 ckESpf q&mpHv,form; olykefxonfh vIyf½Sm;rIrsm;onf ArmhvlUtzGJYtpnf;tm; e,fcsJUqefYusif a&;twGuf jywfom;½Sif;vif;aom vrf;udk cif;usif;ay;cJhonf/ ausmif;om;rsm;taeESifh rSefaom e,fcsJUudkvdkeD pepfqefYusifa&; oabmxm;udk csrSwfEdkifcJhNyD;aemuf 1931 ckESpf? Zefe0g&Dv (9) &ufaeYwGif &efukefwuúodkvf ausmif;om;rsm;or*¾ukd wdu k yf rJG sm;Mum;rS wnfaqmufco hJ nf/ jrefrmjynfwiG f yxrOD;qk;H aom ausmif;om;or*¾jzpfí t*FvefEdkifiH? atmufpzdkY'fwuúodkvf zGJUpnf;tkyfcsKyfykH pnf;rsOf;Oya'wGif ygonfh ]ausmif;om;rsm;\ vlraI &;b0wGif yl;aygif;aqmif½Gufa&;? vGwfvyfa&; jrwfEdk;onfUpdwf"gwf ay:aygufa&;? ausmif;om;rsm;\ wm0ef0wÅ&m;rsm; od½Sda&;} ponfh &nf½G,fcsufrsm;udk vkyfaqmifcJhavonf/ wuoonf rsufESmjzLausmif;tkyfESifh tpdk;&\vSnfhpm;rIjzifh toGifysufcJh&m or*¾acgif;aqmifrsm;onf tvkyaf umif;&a&; wud, k af umif;pdwf arG;jrLa&; ponfh ocifynma&;vIy½f mS ;rIrsm; ysufapEdik o f nfh csKdU,Gi;f csufrsm; udk jyKusifhcJhzl;Muonfudk 0rf;enf;pGmawGU½Sd&onf/ odkYaomf rD;wkwfausmif;om;rsm;\ BudK;yrf;csuft& ausmif; om;ta&;? trsKd;om;EdkifiHa&;wdkYudk vkyfaqmif&rnf[laom todw&m;jzifh or*¾udk jyefí acgif;aqmifEdkifcJhonf/ þvrf;c&D;udk jzwfoef;vIyf½Sm;&if; ocifygwD? wdkYArmtpnf;t½kH;ESifh yl;wGJqufpyfvmcJhonf/ 193637 ckESpfwGif jrefrmwjynfvkH;rS ausmif;om;rsm;udk pkpnf;Edkifa&;twGuf jyifqifrIrsm;jyKvkyfum 1936 ckESpf *sLAvD a[m nDvmcHwiG f jrefrmEdik if v H ;Hk qdik &f mausmif;om;rsm;or*¾ukd wnfaxmifEikd cf o hJ nf/ odYk aomf pepfusaom us,fjyefY aom ausmif;om;rsm;tm; wnfNidrfrSefuefpGm pkpnf;Ekdif&ef zGJUpnf;ykHr½Sd[k ,lqEdkifayonf/ 1938 ckESpf (1300 jynfh ta&;awmfykH) onf e,fcsJUpepftm; 'kwd,tBudrf jyif;xefpGm xdk;ESufaom wdkufyGJodkY t&nftcsif;t& ul;ajymif;vmcJhonf/ a&eHajrtvkyform;rsm;? om,m0wDv,form;rsm;ESifh ausmif;om; wdkY\ pnf;vkH;nDñGwfrIonf wdkufyGJtiftm;jzpfvmum ArmhvGwfvyfa&;twGuf tqkH;tjzwfay;rnfh tcef;rS yg0ifcJhayonf/ e,fcsJUESifh azmufjyefa&; ½kyfao;tpdk;&wdkY\ vufcsufjzifh ausmif;om;acgif;aqmif Adkvfatmifausmf usqkH;cJh&onf/ Auo? wuoESifh &efukefc½kdifausmif;om;rsm;\ nDñGwfaomvIyf½Sm;rIudk ausmif;om;rsm;ut&,l EdkifcJh onf/ udkvdkeDpepfrS vGwfajrmufa&;wdkufyGJ0,f e,fcsJUqefYusifa&;wyfaygif;pk tjrLawt&if;tjrpfudk OD;pGm&,lcJh aom 1300 jynfh ta&;awmfykHonf jrefrmhvlrIawmfvSefa&;wGif BuD;rm;vSaom tcef;rS yg0ifcJhayonf/ 1941 ckEpS rf S pwifjzpfay:cJah om 'kw, d urÇmppftwGi;f zufqpfqefYusiaf &;wdu k yf w JG iG f Armhwyfom;aumif; rsm;tjzpf wyfOD;rS ausmif;om;vli,frsm; yg0ifEdkifcJhjcif;rSm or*¾rsm;\ pnf;½kH;a&;tiftm;aMumifh jzpfonf/ zqyv tzGJYcsKyfudk us,fjyefYaom zufqpfqefYusifa&;trsKd;om;wyfaygif;pk taejzifh zGJUpnf;EdkifcJh&mwGif ausmif;om;acgif; aqmifa[mif;rsm;\ yg0ifaqmif½GufrIonf xda&mufvSayonf/ zufqpf*syef vufxufwGifyif ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;\t½Sdeft0gudk r&rae xdef;odrf; ay;EdkifcJhonf/ 1945 ckESpf 'kwd,urÇmppftNyD; jrefrmjynfodkY t*FvdyfudkvdkeDtpdk;&onf tdE´d,jynf? qif;rvm;NrdKUrS jyefvnfajymif; a½TUvmNyD; qif;rvm;ynma&;pDru H ed ;f toGiw f rsKd;aom udv k ekd u D Refynma&;udk ,laqmifow G o f iG ;f cJjh yefonf/ ausmif; om;ESihf jynfow l YkdwiG f Armhvw G v f yfa&;wdu k yf EJG iS hf ocifynma&; 'Dru kd a&pDynma&; vrf;ñTerf w I m0efrsm;udk xrf;aqmif - 17 -

aemufqufwGJ (30) &efjzpfvmcJhí Auo? wuo? &uoponfh ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;udk jyefvnfí wnfaxmif zGJUpnf;jyefonf/ t"duwm0efBuD;tjzpf vGwv f yfa&;awmif;qdck sufukd tjyif;txefaqmif½u G cf MhJ uonf/ 1946 ckEpS f taxG axGoydwBf uD;ESihf e,fcsJUorm;t*Fvyd t f pd;k &tm; tusyfuikd w f u kd cf u kd af om vIy½f mS ;rIwiG f wjynfv;Hk rS ausmif;om;rsm; wuf
aemufqufwGJ (30) yGJ tNyD; Auorsm;tzGUJ csKyf 'kw, d wd;k csJU OD;pD;nDvmcHac:qdu k m tzGUJ csKyf\ pnf;½k;H a&;oabmxm;ykpH rH sm;ESihf pyfvsOf;í tzGJUBuD;rm;us,fjyefYEdkifa&;udk OD;wnfaom þzGJUpnf;tkyfcsKyfykHpnf;rsOf;Oya'udk ,m,Dtm;jzifh twnfjyKcJhayonf/ ,if;tzGUJ tpnf;\ t"du&nf½, G cf sufrsm;rSm ynma&;jyKjyifajymif;vJa&;? ausmif;om;tcGit hf a&; umuG,f xdef;odrf;a&;? vGwfvyfa&; wnfwHhcdkifjrJa&;? Nidrf;csrf;a&;wdkYudk tajccHxm;í wjynfvkH;vTrf;jcHK udk,fpm;jyKaomtzGJU csKyfBuD; jzpfvmapa&;udk toGifaqmifapcJhonf/ vuf½, dS m,D twnfjyKxm;aom zGUJ pnf;yk\ H &nf½, G cf surf sm;ESihf ykpH rH sm;onf vuf½jdS zpf&yfrsm;ESihf pyf[yfae í trsKd;om;ausmif;om;tzGJUtpnf; National Students Organisation (or) National Union of Students wckjzpfvma&;odkY OD;wnfcJhayonf/ 1947 ckESpfrS pí urÇmhausmif;om;rsm;or*¾ I.U.S (International Union of Students) ESifh w&m;0ifqufoG,fvmcJh&m Auorsm;tzGJUcsKyf\ EdkifiHwumausmif;om;vIyf½Sm;rIrsm; tusKd;jyK aprnfh &nf½G,fcsufESifh ykHpHrsm;udkvnf; þpnf;rsOf;Oya'wGif ñTefjyxm;ayonf/ ,aeY ausmif;om;xkw&yfvkH;udk vTrf;jcHKonfh udk,fpm;jyKonfh pnf;½kH;a&;ykHpHtwGuf wef;jrifhausmif;rsm;? c½kdifjrdKUe,for*¾rsm;? toufarG;0rf;aMumif; ynmoifausmif;rsm;? pufrIvuffrIausmif;rsm;? aumvdyfausmif;rsm;? wuúodkvfausmif;rsm;ESifh vlrsKd;pkausmif;om;rsm;udkyg tajccHxm;aom zGJUpnf;tkyfcsKyfykH pnf;rsOf;Oya'jzpfonf/ tem*wfArmjynf\ ausmif;om;rsm;twGuf wckwnf;aom tus,fjyefYqkH;aom trsKd;om;ausmif;om; tzGJUtpnf;BuD; w&yfjzpfay:a&;? wnfaqmufEdkifa&;udk &nfrSef;í þnDvmcHBuD;wGif tajccsay;jcif; jzpfayonf/ Armhausmif;om;vIyf½Sm;rIwGif xl;jcm;vmaom oabmudk aqmif,laeonfh þzGJUpnf;ykHtm; &JabmfwdkY tawGUtMuHK aumif;rsm;udk &if;ES;D pGmzvS,Mf uí aqG;aEG;a0zef jyifqifjznfph u G f Muapvdo k nf/ þnDvmcHBuD;rS wcJeuf twnfjyK Mu&ef jzpfayonf/ trIaqmiftzGYJ ArmEdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mausmif;om;or*¾rsm;tzGJYcsKyf ausmif;om;or*¾taqmuftOD &efukefwuúodkvf &efukefNrdKY aehYpGJ- 1960 ck? atmufwdkbmv (19) &uf

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aemufqufwGJ (30)

ArmEdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mausmif;om;or*¾rsm;tzGJYcsKyf \

zGpYJ nf;tkycf sKyyf pHk nf;rsO;f Oya' tcef; (1) trnf 1/ / þtzGJUudk ]ArmEdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mausmif;om;or*¾rsm;tzGJYcsKyf} [k ac:wGifap&rnf/ twdkaumuftm;jzifh ]Auorsm; tzGJYcsKyf} [k ac:a0:vdrfhrnf/


tcef; (2) &nf½G,fcsufrsm; / Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf\ &nf½G,fcsufrsm;rSm atmufygwdkYjzpfonf/ (u) 'Drdkua&pDynma&; wnfaqmufa&;twGuf BudK;yrf;&ef? (c) ausmif;om;rsm;tm; um,? ÓP? pm&dwå? rdwåAvrsm;ESifh jynfhpkHapNyD; jynfcspfpdwf"gwfudk arG;jrL zGHUNzdK;apum wdkif;jynfESifhvlYabmif\ wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk ausyGefpGm xrf;aqmifEdkifapa&; twGuf aqmif½Guf&ef? (*) ausmif;om;tcGifhta&;rsm;udk umuG,f&ef? (C) trsKd;om;,Ofaus;rIudk xdef;odrf;apmifha½SmufzGHUNzdK;wdk;wufap&ef? (i) vGwfvyfa&; wnfwHhcdkifjrJa&;twGuf aqmif½Guf&ef? (p) urÇmhNidrf;csrf;a&; xdef;odrf;umuG,fa&;wGif yg0ifaqmif½Guf&ef? (q) e,fcsJUqefYusifa&;ESifh zufqpfqefYusifa&;wGif tm;ay;aqmif½Guf&ef? (Z) ArmEdkifiHausmif;om;nDñGwfa&;udk wnfaqmuf&ef? urÇmw0Srf;½Sdausmif;om;rsm;? ausmif;om;tzGJY tpnf;rsm;ESifh &if;ESD;pGm qufoG,fyl;aygif; aqmif½Guf&ef/

tcef; (3) vkyfief;pOfrsm; 3/ / txufyg &nf½G,fcsufrsm; atmifjrifa&;twGuf Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyfonf atmufyg vkyfief;pOfrsm;udk vkyfudkifaqmif½Gufrnf/ (u) 'Drdkua&pDynma&;udk wnfaqmufEdkif&eftwGuf ynma&;udk ydkrdktqifhtwef; jrifhrm;vmap&ef ausmif;om;vIyf½Sm;rIrsm;? ESD;aESmzvS,faqG;aEG;rIrsm;? nDvmcHrsm; awmif;qdkcsufrsm;tm;jzifh aqmif ½Gufjcif;/ (c) upm;ckefpm;NydKifyGJrsm;udk usif;yay;jcif;/ (*) upm;ckefpm; avhusifhrIrsm;udk tm;ay;jcif;/ (C) ausmif;om;wdkif;\ ynmavhvmqnf;yl;a&;ESifh ywfoufí vdktyforQ tultnDrsm;udk ay;jcif;? aqG;aEG;&ef tzGJUi,frsm;udk zGJUpnf;OD;aqmifjcif;/ (i) pum;&nfvkyGJrsm;? pmpDpmukH;NydKifyGJrsm;? a[majymyGJrsm;udk usif;yay;jcif;/ (p) pmoifwef;rsm; zGifhvSpfay;jcif;/ (q) pmMunfhwdkufrsm; zGifhvSpfay;jcif;? pmapmifrsm; xkwfa0rIwdkYudk OD;pD;jyKvkyfay;jcif;/ (Z) pnf;urf;udk ½kdaoatmifavhusifhay;jcif;/ (ps) udk,fusifhw&m; aumif;rGefa&;? pdwf"mwf jrifhjrwfa&;? trsm;ESifhcspfcif&if;ESD;pGm aewwfa&; paom pdwf"gwfrsm;udkoGif;ay;jcif;/ - 20 -

aemufqufwGJ (30) (n) vkyftm;udk ½kdaoaom pdwf"gwf? tvkyfudk cspfjrwfEdk;aom pdwf"gwfrsm; &½Sdatmif jyKvkyfay;jcif;/ (#) pkaygif;vkyaf qmif&aomtvky?f apwemh0efxrf;tvky?f oefY½iS ;f a&;vkyif ef;rsm;udk OD;pD;aqmif½u G jf cif;/ (X) trsKd;om;,Ofaus;rI? wdkif;&if;om;,Ofaus;rIrsm;udk avhvmrIudk tm;ay;jcif;? ,Ofaus;rIyGJawmfrsm;? NydKifyGJrsm; toD;oD; usif;yay;jcif;/ (!) vGwv f yfa&; wnfwchH ikd jf rJa&;? urÇmYNidr;f csrf;a&; xde;f odr;f umuG,af &;? e,fcsJUqefYusifa&;? zufqpf qefYusifa&; paom ta&;udprö sm;wGif ausmif;om;ESifh trsKd;om;tusKd;twGuf jzpfygu ausmif;om; qE´ ausmif;om;tm;ESifh 0ifa&mufaqmif½Gufjcif;/ (¡) jrefrmwEdkifiHvkH;½Sd ausmif;om;nDñGwfa&;udk ausmif;om;tjrif? ausmif;om;qE´? ausmif;om; tiftm;wdkYjzifh ausmif;om;xkudpörsm;wGif yl;wGJaqmif½GufMujcif;jzifh ckdifrmpGmwnfaqmufjcif;/ (P) vli,f? trsKd;orD; tiftm;pkrsm;ESihf tusKd;wlupd rö sm;wGif cspfMunf&if;ES;D pGm yl;aygif;aqmif½u G jf cif;/ (w) urÇmah usmif;om;rsm;or*¾ (International Union of Students) ESihf w&m;0ifqufo, G í f urÇm w0Srf;vkH;½Sd ausmif;om;rsm;ESifh cspfMunfpGm vufwGJaqmif½Gufjcif;/ (x) tdrfeD;em;csif;wdkif;jynfrsm;ESifh tm½Swdkif;jynfrsm;rS ausmif;om;rsm;ESifh txl;cspfMunf&if;ESD;pGm qufqHjcif;/ (') Auorsm; tzGUJ csKyf\ &nf½, G cf sufrsm; atmifjrifa&;twGuf vdt k yfonf[k ,lqaom tjcm;vkyif ef; pOfrsm;udk aqmif½Gufjcif;/ tcef; (4) Auorsm;tzGJYcsKyf0if jzpfrI 4/ / Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyfodkY tzGJUvdkuf qufoG,fyg0ifEdkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ 5/ / tzGJUvkdufyg0if&rnfh Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf0ifrsm;rSm wuúodkvfausmif;om;or*¾rsm;? aumvdyfor*¾rsm;? toufarG;0rf;aMumif;qdkif&m ausmif;rsm;rS ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;? jynfe,fESifh vlrsKd;pk ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;? c½kdif ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;? NrdKUe,f ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;wdkY jzpfonf/ 6/ / tzGJUvdkufyg0ifMuonfh ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;rS or*¾0ifrsm;onf yk*¾dKvft&vnf; tvdktavsmuf Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf0ifrsm; jzpfvmMuonf/ 7/ / Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf0ifrsm;\ tcGifhta&;rsm;rSm ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;wGif yg0ifaqmif½GufEdkifcGifh? ausmif; om;or*¾ a½G;aumufyGJrsm;wGif rJay;EdkifcGifh? ta½G;cHEdkifcGifhESifh tcsKdUaomtcGifhta&;rsm;wGif OD;pm;ay;&½SdEdkifcGifhwdkY jzpfonf/ 8/ / Auorsm; tzGUJ csKyf0ifrsm;\ wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;rSm Auorsm; tzGUJ csKyf\ zGUJ pnf;tkycf sKyfyHk pnf;rsO;f Oya'udk vufcHvdkufemjcif;? Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf\ vkyfief;pOfrsm;wGif yg0ifaqmif½Gufjcif;? owfrSwfxm;aom or*¾0ifaMu; ESpfpOfaMu;rsm;udk ay;aqmifjcif;wdkYjzpfonf/ 9/ / Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf0ifrsm;onf EkwfxGufEdkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ EkwfxGufaom tzGJUtpnf;udk vufcH&mwGif A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu ,m,DvufcHEdkifonf/ 10/ / Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf0ifrsm;udk or*¾ESifhywfoufaom jypfrIusL;vGefjcif;aMumifh tzGJU0iftjzpfrS xkwfy,f ypfEikd o f nftxd tjypf'Pfay;Edik o f nf/ tjypf'Pfurkd auseyfvQif tqifjh rifah om or*¾trIaqmiftzGUJ rSonf Edik if v H ;Hk qdkif&m nDvmcHtxd t,lcHcGifh½Sdonf/ 11/ / Auorsm; tzGUJ csKyfwiG f tzGUJ 0iftjzpfvufcjH cif;? tzGUJ 0iftjzpfrx S w k yf ,fjcif; paomudprö sm;udk aqmif½u G f &mwGif EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcHonf tmPmtydkifqkH; jzpfonf/ tcef; (5) Auorsm; tzGJYcsKyfzGJYpnf;ykH / Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyfonf wEdkifiHvkH;½Sd ausmif;om;rsm;udk tzGJUtpnf;tvdkuf pkpnf;xm;aom tzGJUcsKyf

12/ jzpfonf/ 13/ / Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyfzGJUpnf;ykHrSm atmufygtwdkif;jzpfonf/ (u) EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcH - 21 -

aemufqufwGJ (30) (c) EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&muGefz&ifh (*) A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU (C) tzGJUvdkufqufoG,faomausmif;om;or*¾rsm; (i) jynfe,fESifh vlrsKd;pkausmif;om;or*¾rsm; (p) c½kdifausmif;om;or*¾rsm; (q) NrdKUe,fausmif;om;or*¾rsm; tcef; (6) EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcH (uGef*&uf) 14/ / EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcHonf Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyfwGif tmPmtydkifqkH; jzpfonf/ 15/ / EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcHwGif atmufygyk*¾dKvfrsm; yg0ifonf/ (u) A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm; (c) tzGJUvdkufqufoG,fxm;aom ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; (*) jynfe,fESifh vlrsKd;pkausmif;om;or*¾rsm;rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; (C) c½kdifausmif;om;or*¾rsm;rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; (i) NrdKUe,fausmif;om;or*¾rsm;rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; 16/ / udk,fpm;vS,fOD;a& tcsKd;tpm;udk A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu oifhavsmfovdk owfrSwfydkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ 17/ / nDvmcHudk omreftm;jzifh (18) v wBudrf usif;y&rnf/ odkYaomf vkHavmufaomtaMumif;½SdvQif A[dk trIaqmiftzGJUu a½TUqdkif;ac:,lEdkifonf/ 18/ / nDvmcHac:,la&;ESihf ywfoufonfh tcsde?f aeY&uf? pnf;rsOf;rsm;udk A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ u owfrw S yf ikd cf iG hf ½Sdonf/ 19/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU\ owfrSwfqkH;jzwfcsufudk rauseyfvQif EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcHwGif wifjyuefYuGuf Edkifonf/ 20/ / Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf\ okH;ykHwykH½Sdaom tzGJUvdkuf qufoG,fxm;aom ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;u awmif;qdk vQif nDvmcHudk ac:qdkay;&rnf/ 21/ / EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcHwGif atmufygudpörsm;udk wifjyaqG;aEG; qkH;jzwfEdkifonf/ (u) Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyfESifh ywfoufaom udpörsm;/ (c) ausmif;om;rsm;tm; oufa&mufxdcdkufEdkifonfh wEdkifiHvkH;? wrsKd;om;vkH;ESifh wurÇmvkH;qdkif&m ta&;udpörsm;/ 22/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU ESpfywfvnftpD&ifcHpmudk nDvmcHwGif wifoGif;&rnf/ 23/ / A[kdtrIaqmiftzGJUudk nDvmcHwGif a½G;aumufwifajr§muf&rnf/ a½G;aumufjcif;qdkif&m enf;Oya'rsm;udk A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUuaomf vnf;aumif;? nDvmcHuaomf vnf;aumif; jyKvkyf&rnf/ 24/ / Edik if v H ;Hk qdik &f mnDvmcHonf wufa&muf&ef owfrw S x f m;onfh OD;a&\ xuf0ufEiS hf wOD;ydí k wufa&muf vQif w&m;0ifxajrmufonf/

25/ 26/


tcef; (7) EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&muGefz&ifh / EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&muGefz&ifhonf EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcH (uGef*&uf) rS vGJvQif tmPmtydkifqkH; jzpfonf/ / EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&muGefz&ifhwGif atmufygyk*K¾ dvfrsm;yg0ifonf/ (u) A[dktrIaqmiftzJGU0ifrsm; (c) tzGJUvdkufqufoG,faom ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; (*) jynfe,fESifh vlrsKd;pkausmif;om;or*¾rsm;rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; (C) c½kdifausmif;om;or*¾rsm;rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; (i) NrdKUe,fausmif;om;or*¾rsm;rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; / udk,fpm;vS,fOD;a& tcsKd;tpm;udk A[kdtrIaqmiftzGJUu oifhavsmfovdk owfrSwfEdkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ - 22 -

aemufqufwGJ (30) 28/ / EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&muGefz&ifhudk A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu ESpfywfvnf EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcH (uGef*&uf) ESpfck tMum;wGif omreftm;jzifh wESpv f Qif wBudrf ac:,lusif;y&rnf/ A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ onf Edik if v H ;Hk qdik &f m uGezf &ifu h kd a½TUqdkif;xm;jcif;aomf vnf;aumif;? ta&;ay:uGefz&ifhtjzpf ac:,ljcif;udkaomf vnf;aumif; jyKvkyfEdkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ 29/ / owfrw S x f m;aom OD;a&\ xuf0ufxuf wOD;ydí k wufa&mufvQif Edik if v H ;Hk qdik &f muGezf &ifo h nf w&m;0if txajrmufonf/ 30/ / EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&muGefz&ifhwGif A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm;\ vkyfief;rsm;udk ppfaq;a0zefjcif;? Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyfESifh oufqdkifaom udpörsm;udk wifjyaqG;aEG; qkH;jzwfjcif;wdkYudk jyKvkyfEdkifonf/ 31/ / EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&muGefz&ifhonf A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUtm; ,m,Dtm;jzifh jzKwfcsjcif;? ajymif;vJjcif;? Auo rsm;tzGJUcsKyf\ zGJUpnf;tkyfcsKyfykH pnf;rsOf;Oya'udk ,m,Dtm;jzifh jyifqifjcif;rsm; jyKvkyfEdkifcGifh½Sdonf/ 32/ / EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&muGefz&ifh\ qkH;jzwfcsufrsm;udk EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcHwGif t,lcHEdkifonf/ 33/ / EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&muGefz&ifhrS ,m,Dajymif;vJxm;aom A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU\ vkyfief;rsm;onf vnf;aumif;? ,m,Djyifqifxm;aom zGJUpnf;tkyfcsKyfykH pnf;rsOf;Oya'onf vnf;aumif;? aemifwGif EdkifiHvkH;qdkif&mnDvmcH (uGef* &uf) \ twnfjyKrIudk r&vifhupm; xdkMum;umvwGif w&m;0ifonf[k rSwf,l&rnf/ tcef; (8) A[dktrIaqmiftzGJY 34/ / A[dt k rIaqmiftzGUJ onf Edik if v H ;Hk qdik &f mnDvmcH (uGe*f &uf) ESihf Edik if v H ;Hk qdik &f muGezf &ifw h Ykd NyD;vQif tmPm tydik q f ;Hk jzpfí þzGUJ pnf;tkycf sKyfyt Hk ajccHOya'u cGijhf yKxm;orQaom Auorsm; tzGUJ csKyf\ udpw ö Ykd ukd qk;H jzwfaqmif ½Guf ydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ vufatmufcHor*¾rsm;\ udpörsm;wGifvnf; tMuHay;cGifh? yl;aygif;aqmif½GufcGifh ½Sdonf/ 35/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUwGif atmufygyk*¾Kdvfrsm;yg0ifonf/ (u) Ouú| (c) 'k-Ouú|rsm; (*) taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL; (C) twGif;a&;rSL;rsm; rSwfcsuf- A[dktrIaqmifOD;a&ESifh Xmersm;udk A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUu oifhawmfonf[k ,lqonfhtwdkif; owfrSwfEdkif cGifh½Sdonf/ 36/ / 'k-Ouú|rsm;ESifh twGif;a&;rSL;rsm;rSm c½kdifNrdKUe,fausmif;om;or*¾rsm; qdkif&mtwGuf wOD;pD? wuúodkvf rsm;qdkif&mtwGuf wOD;pD? aumvdyfrsm;qdkif&mtwGuf wOD;pD? toufarG;0rf;aMumif;qdkif&m ausmif;rsm;twGuf wOD;pD? jynfe,fESifh vlrsKd;pkausmif;om;rsm;qdkif&mtwGuf wOD;pDESifh tjcm;vdktyfaom XmeBuD;rsm;twGuf twGif;a&; rSL; wOD;pDwifajr§muf&efjzpfonf/ 37/ / azmfjycJNh yD;aom XmeBuD;rsm;ESihf b@ma&;? pnf;½k;H a&;? jyefMum;a&; paomXmersm;twGuf vkyif ef;us,jf yefY Edkifeif;ap&eftwGuf AsL½kdrsm;zGJUpnf; aqmif½GufEdkifonf/ 38/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUonf ta&;ay:vkyfief;rsm;twGuf oufqdkif&maumfrwDrsm; zGJUpnf;aqmif½GufEdkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ 39/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUonf omreftm;jzifh wvvQifwBudrf tpnf;ta0; usif;y&rnf/ 40/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU0ifOD;a&\ av;ykHwykHu awmif;qdkvQif A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU tpnf;ta0;udk ac:qdkay; &rnf/ 41/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU0if OD;a&\xuf0ufxuf wOD;ydkí wufa&mufvQif tpnf;ta0;rSm w&m;0if tx ajrmufonf/ ta&;wBuD; tpnf;ta0;rsm;wGif trIaqmiftzGJU0ifOD;a&\ okH;ykHwykHwufa&mufvQif w&m;0if tx ajrmufonf/ 42/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUonf A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU0ifwdkYtm; ,m,Dtm;jzifh Ekwfy,fí jznfhpGufcefYxm;EdkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ 43/ / A[dktrIaqmiftzGJU0ifwdkYonf Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf\ vkyfief;rsm;udk aqmif½Guf&mwGif tzGJUvdkufaomf vnf;aumif;? wOD;csif;taeESifhaomf vnf;aumif; wm0ef½Sdap&rnf/ pkaygif;acgif;aqmifrIESifh wGJzufwm0efcHrsm; vnf; ½Sd&rnf/ - 23 -

aemufqufwGJ (30)

A[dt k rIaqmiftzGYJ Ouú| 'k-Ouú|rsm;






taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL; twGif;a&;rSL;rsm;







ynm b@m

pnf;½k;H jyefMum; Ekid if jH cm; oufomacsmifcsd upm;ckepf m;


tcef; (9) Auorsm; tzGJYcsKyfodkh tzGJYvdkufqufoG,faom ausmif;om;or*¾rsm; 44/ / ¤if;ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;rSm 'Drdkua&pDusaom pnf;rsOf;Oya'rsm;ESifhtnD pepfwuszGJUpnf;xm;aom or*¾rsm;jzpf&rnf/ 15/ / ¤if;ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;onf ¤if;wdkY\ oufqdkif&mvkyfief;pOfrsm;wGif Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf\ taxGaxG vkyif ef;pOfrsm;udk rqefYusifapbJ oD;jcm;vGwv f yfpmG aqmif½u G Ef ikd cf iG hf ½So d nf/ odYk aomf tjyifty tzGUJ tpnf;rsm;ESihf qufo, G &f mwGif vnf;aumif;? yl;wGaJ qmif½u G &f mwGif vnf;aumif; Auorsm; tzGUJ csKyf\oabmwlnrD u I kd &½S&d rnf/ 46/ / ¤if;wdYk \udprö sm;udk aqmif½u G &f mwGif Auorsm; tzGUJ csKyf\ yl;aygif;aqmif½u G rf I tultnDwYkd ukd awmif; qdk &,lEdkifonf/ tcef; (10) jynfe,fESifUvlrsKd;pkausmif;om;or*¾rsm; 47/ / ArmEdkifiHjynfe,frsm;twGif;½Sd ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;onf ¤if;wdkYa'o½Sd or*¾vkyfief;rsm; wGifus,f atmifjrifa&;twGuf jynfe,fESifh vlrsKd;pk ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;udk zGJUpnf;wnfaxmif EdkifcGifh½Sdonf/ 48/ / ¤if;ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;udk jynfe,fESifh vlrsKd;pkw&yfvkH;qdkif&m nDvmcHrsm;rS a½G;aumufwifajr§muf &rnf/ - 24 -

aemufqufwGJ (30) 49/ / ¤if;nDvmcHrsm; ac:qdka&;ESifh oufqdkif&m trIaqmiftzGJUrsm; zGJUpnf;a&;udk jynfe,fausmif;om;or*¾ trIaqmiftzGJUrsm;u oifhawmfonfhtwdkif; qkH;jzwfaqmif½GufoGm;Edkifonf/ tcef; (11) c½dkifausmif;om;or*¾rsm; 50/ / c½dkifausmif;om;or*¾rsm;udk c½dkifnDvmcHrsm;wGif wifajr§mufzGJUpnf;&rnf/ 51/ / c½dkifnDvmcHrsm;udk c½dkifausmif;om;or*¾trIaqmiftzGJUu oifawmfonf[k ,lq owfrSwfonfhtwdkif; usif;y&rnf/ 52/ / c½dkifausmif;om;or*¾rsm;onf Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf vkyfief;pOfrsm;udk atmifjrifatmif aqmif½Guf&mwGif tvGef tcsuftcsmusaom ae&mwGif wnf½Sdojzifh wc½kdifvkH;½Sd ausmif;om;ta&;udpö vIyf½Sm;rIrsm;wGif av;eufpGm wm0ef,lí tajrmftjrifBuD;rI? uRrf;usifvdr®mrI? &J&ifhjywfom;rI? owåd½SdrIwdkYESifh vkHYv0D&d,BuD;pGm pdkufxkwfum BudK;yrf; aqmif½GufMu&rnf/ tcef; (12) NrdKYe,fausmif;om;or*¾rsm; 53/ / NrdKUe,fausmif;om;or*¾ trIaqmiftzGJUu owfrSwfqkH;jzwfonfhtwdkif; usif;yaom NrdKUe,fnDvmcH rsm;wGif ¤if;ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;udk wifajr§mufzGJUpnf;&rnf/ 54/ / ¤if;wdkYonf NrdKUe,ftwGif;½Sd ausmif;om;udpörsm;udk wm0ef,laqmif½GufMu&rnf/ tcef; (13) or*¾qdkif&mqufqHa&;rlrsm; 55/ / ausmif;om;or*¾rsm;\qufqHa&;rSm 'Drdkua&pDudk tajccHaom A[kdcsKyfudkifenf;pepf (Democratic Centralism) t& jzpf&rnf/ 56/ / or*¾rsm;udk ausmif;om;xku 'Drdkua&pDenf;t& a½G;aumufwifajr§muf&rnf/ or*¾tzGJUtpnf; tqifhqifhudk atmufajcrS a½G;aumufwifajr§mufjcif;jzifh zGJUpnf;&rnf/ 57/ / or*¾tqifhqifhwdkYonf txufrSay;aom ñTefMum;csufrsm;udk atmufrSemcH aqmif½Guf&rnf/ 58/ / tqkH;tjzwfrsm;udk rsm;&mpkjzifh jyKvkyf&rnf/ tenf;pkonf trsm;pk\qkH;jzwfcsufudk emcH&rnf/ 59/ / trsm;pk\ qkH;jzwfcsufudk remcHvdkaomf tenf;pkonf ausmif;om;xkudk 'Drdkua&pDenf;t& pnf;½kH;um rdrdwdkYudk,fwdkifu trsm;pkjzpfatmif BudK;yrf;í qkH;jzwfcsufudk jyefvnfjyifqifEdkifonf/ odkY&mwGif trsm;pkqkH;jzwf csufudk remcHvdkí toif;tzGJUcGJí wnfaxmifjcif;? igwaumaumjcif;rsm;udk rjyKvkyf&/ 60/ / tenf;pk\ xifjrif,lqcsufrsm;udk vGwfvyfpGm xkwfazmfEdkif&eftwGuf trsm;pkwdkYu us,fjyefYaom 'Drdkua&pD½Sdap&ef wm0efcH&rnf/ 61/ / txuftzGJUtpnf;wdkYonf atmuftzGJUtpnf;wdkYxH ñTefMum;rIESifh vdktyforQaom tultnDrsm;udk ay;&rnf/ 62/ / atmuftzGUJ tpnf;wdYk onf txuftzGUJ tpnf;wkYd xH tajctaet&yf&yfqikd &f m tpD&ifcpH mrsm;udk ay;ydYk NyD; txufrS ñTefMum;onfwdkYukd atmifjrifxajrmufatmif BudK;yrf;aqmif½GufMu&rnf/ tcef; (14) b@ma&; 63/ / or*¾rsm;\ b@ma&;udk or*¾0ifaMu;? ESpfpOfaMu;rsm;ESifh tvSLaiGrsm;rS &½Sdonf/ 64/ / or*¾rsm;\ b@ma&;udk b@ma&;rSL;rsm;ESifh b@ma&;aumfrwDrsm;u ½SmMuHpkaqmif;NyD; okH;pGJa&; udkvnf; ¤if;wdkYuyif pepfwuscGJa0 ay;&rnf/ 65/ / wESpfvQifwBudrf owfrSwfxm;aom pm&if;ppfrsm;u or*¾ b@ma&;tajctaeudk ppfaq;NyD;aemuf b@ma&;rSL;u trIaqmiftzGJUodkY b@ma&; tpD&ifcHpmwapmifudk wifoGif;&rnf/ - 25 -

aemufqufwGJ (30) tcef; (15) ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHrsm; 66/ / ausmif;ydw&f uf twGi;f wGif ausmif;om;or*¾\ udprö sm;udk qufvuf aqmif½u G &f eftwGuf or*¾½;Hk pdu k f &mXmewGif aexdkifaom okH;OD;xufrenf;aom trIaqmiftzGJU0ifwdkYtm; ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHrsm;tjzpf vuf½Sd trIaqmiftzGJUu cefYxm;aMunm&rnf/ 67/ / ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHwdkYonf or*¾tzGJUtpnf;wckvkH;ESifh oufqdkifaom udpöBuD;rsm;udk aqmif½Guf ajz½Sif;EdkifcGifh r½Sd/ udpBö uD;rsm;udk aqmif½Gufajz½Sif;&eftwGuf trIaqmiftzGJUudk jyefvnfac:,lí wm0efudkjyefvnf tyfESif;&rnf/ 68/ / ausmif;jyefzGifhaomtcg ausmif;ydwf&ufwm0efcHrsm;u trIaqmiftzGJUtm; wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk jyefvnf vTJtyfay;&rnf/ tcef; (16) Auorsm; tzGJYcsKyf\ tvH? wHqdyfESifU oDcsif; 69/ / Auorsm; tzGUJ csKyf\tvHrmS teDa&mifatmufcw H iG f a½T0ga&mif cGyaf 'gif;onf a½T0ga&mif puf0ikd ;f twGi;f wGif ud, k yf ikd ;f usa&mufvsuf yg½Sad p&rnf/ tvH\t½G,yf rmPrSm tvsm; (9) ay? teH (5) ayjzpfonf/ BuD;i,fr[l ¤if;tcsKd;tpm; tvdkufjzpfap&rnf/ 70/ / Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf\wHqdyfrSm urÇmvkH;ykHoP²mef aemufcHpuf0dkif;twGif;wGif pmtkyfzGifhvsufykH yg½Sdapí pmtkyfykH\vuf0JbufeHab;wGif rD;wkwfudk vufjzifhudkifaqmifxm;aomykH uyfvsufyg½Sdap&rnf/ puf0dkif; tem;w avsmufwGif ywfvnf0ef;&Hvsuf jrefrmbmomtm;jzifh ]ArmEk d i f i H v k H ; qk d i f & mausmif ; om;or*¾ r sm;tzG J Y c sKyf } t*Fvdyfbmomtm;jzifh "All Burma Federation of Student Unions" [k a&;om;&rnf/

Auorsm; tzGcYJ sKyf tvHEiS Uf wHqyd f

Auorsm; tzJcYG sKyw f q H yd u f kd 1950-51 ckEpS rf S pwiftwnf jyK oH;k pJcG UJ onf/ ¤if;wHqyd rf mS urÇmah usmif;om;or*¾rsm;tzJcYG sKyf (International Union of Students - IUS) \ rl&if;wHqyd jf zpfNy;D cGijUf yKcsuaf wmif;í oH;k pJcG o UJ nf/ ,aehtxd qufvuftoH;k jyKaeqJjzpfonf/


/ Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf\ oDcsif;rSm - (wzufpmrsufESmwGif azmfjyxm;ygonf/)

tcef; (17) zGJYpnf;tkyfcsKyfykHpnf;rsOf;Oya'jyifqifa&; 72/ / Auorsm; tzGJUcsKyf\ ]zGJYpnf;tkyfcsKyfykHpnf;rsOf;Oya'} udk EkdifiHvkH;qkdif&mnDvmcH (uGef*&uf) ü jyifqif jcif;? jznfhpGufjcif;? Ekwfy,fjcif;? zsufodrf;jcif;wdkYudk nDvmcHwufa&mufol okH;ykHESpfykH\ oabmwlnDcsuft& jyK vkyfEdkifonf/ 73/ / ,m,Djyifqifcsufrsm;udk EdkifiHvkH;qkdif&muGefz&ifhwGif wufa&mufol okH;ykHESpfykH\ oabmwlnDcsuft& ûyvkyfEdkifonf/ jznfUpGufcsufrsm; tcef; (1)? tydk'f 1 wGif jznfUpGuf&ef t*Fvdyfbmomtm;jzifh "All Burma Federation of Student Unions" [k ac:wGifapí twdkaumuf tm;jzifh "A.B.F.S.U" [k ac:a0:&vdrfhrnf/ - 26 -

aemufqufwGJ (30) pmrsufESm (18)? tcef; (7)? tydk'f (28) atmufwGif oD;oefhtydk'ftjzpf xnfUoGif;&ef Edik if v H ;Hk qdik &f muGezf &ifo h Ykd wufa&mufEikd cf iG ½hf adS om tzGUJ tpnf;OD;a&\ ok;H ykw H yku H awmif;qdv k Qif A[dt k rI aqmiftzGJUu EdkifiHvkH;qkdif&muGefz&ifhudk ac:,lay;&rnf/ 1958 ck? Mo*kwfv (15-16) &ufaehrsm;wGif &efukefwuúodkvfausmif;om;rsm;or*¾ taqmuftODü usif;yaom 'kwd,tBudrfajrmuf wdk;csJY OD;pD;nDvmcHwGif wifoGif; ,m,DtwnfjyKonf/ 1960 ck? atmufwdkbmv (20-21-22-23-24) &ufaehrsm;wGif usif;yaom (6) Budrfajrmuf ArmEdkifiHvkH; qdkif&mausmif;om;or*¾rsm;tzGJYcsKyf EkdifiHvkH;qdkif&muGef*&ufwGif wifoGif;twnfjyKonf/

atmifyJGtqufquf cHOD;rnf usm; / / igwkdY ausmif;om; aygif;pnf;vkdY nD&rnf - - trsKd;om;a&;ukd BudKqkdzkdY&nf - 'Drkdua&pDynma&;twGuf&nf - -wdkYtom; wdkYtaoG;paw;vSLrnf - r / / igwkd hausmif;om; aygif;pnf;vkdY nD&rnf - -trsKd;om;a&;ukd BudKqkdzkdY&nf - vGwfvyfckdifjrJ t"GefY &SnfzkdYtwnf- - jynfcspfpdwf"gwf arG;pkdY nD - usm; / / a[ - - nDnDnmnm - - vGwfvyfa&;xdef;odrf;rnf- - zufqpf0g'Dwkdufzsufrnf a[ - nDnDnmnm- - vGwfvyfa&;xdef;odrf;rnf - e,fcsJ h&efukd wGef;NzdKrnf - r /

/ ausmif;om;todESifh ausmif;om;tcGifhwifjyrnf- - aoG;pnf;vkdY yif &mZ0ifcef;quf&Snf b0opf rkefwkdif; vSrf;csDzkdY &nf - - atmifyJGtqufquf cHzl;onf

usm; / / a[- - atmifNyD atmifNyD Nidrf;csrf;a&; xdef;odrf;rnf- - zufqpf0g'Dwkdufzsufrnf a[ - - atmifNyD atmifNyD vGwfvyfa&;xdef;odrf;rnf - - e,fcsJU &efukd wGef;NzdKrnf r /

/ ausmif;om;todESifh ausmif;om;tcGifhwifjyrnf - -aoG;pnf;vkdY yif &mZ0ifcef;quf&Snf Auorsm;tzJGUcsKyfOD;aqmif- - atmifyJGtqufquf cHOD;rnf - -/ À

t"dywdrsm;? tkycf sKyaf &;t&m&Srd sm;? armfueG ;f xde;f rsm; (1920-62) wuúodkvft"dywdrsm; 1920-23 qm&,f*sDe,f[ife&Dc&ufa'guf 1923-25 qmpyifqm[mukwfbwÅvm 1925 qm0DvsH*Refud 1925-27 qmpyifqm[mukwfbwÅvm 1928-30 qmcsm;vfpftvufZif;'g;tif;epf 1930-31 qm*sKd;ZufMo*wfpwyfarmifBuD; 1931-32 qmcsm;vfpftvufZif;'g;tif;epff 1932-36 qm[l;vif;pa'gif;pwDzifqifh

1936-39 1939-42 1947-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-60 1960-62

wuúodkvfudk,fpm;t"dywdrsm; 1947 0efBuD;apmpHzdk;oif 1948 0efBuD;Adkvfbdk;uGef; 1948 0efBuD;OD;xGef;jrifh (vif;ac;) - 27 -

qmtmpDabma'gufuvyfaumhu&drf; OD;wifxG#f EdkifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyf OD;Ek EdkifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyf OD;AaqG EdkifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyf OD;Ek EdkifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyf AdkvfcsKyfBuD;ae0if; EdkifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyf OD;Ek

aemufqufwGJ (30) 1948-49 1949 1949-50 1950-56 1956-58 1958 1958 1958 1958-60 1960

0efBuD;OD;0if; 0efBuD;ref;0if;armif 0efBuD;OD;xGef;az 0efBuD;OD;oef;atmif 0efBuD;OD;xGef;wif 0efBuD;OD;&m½Spf 0efBuD;ocifwif 0efBuD;OD;armifausmfuH 0efBuD;OD;um 0efBuD;a'gufwm{armif

wuúodkvf 'k-t"dywdrsm; 1920-21 qmcsm;vfpfarmf*ef0ufAf 1921-27 qma&mbwfppf'eD*sKdif;vfpf 1927-31 qmbif*srif;[m;Awf[D;vf'f 1931-38 a'gufwmOD;quf 1938-39 qmjrbl; 1939-42 a'gufwmOD;quf 1947-49 OD;umpD 1949-52 w&m;0efBuD; OD;{armif 1952-58 w&m;0efBuD; OD;bdkBuD; 1958-59 a'gufwmxifatmif 1959 OD;pHvGif tkyfcsKyfa&;t&m½Sd? tkyfcsKyfa&;rSL;ESifU ygarmu©csKyf 1945-46 rpöwmt,fvfxifpD 1946-47 a'gufwmxifatmif (ynma&;)? a'gufwmvSbl; (jyefvnfxlaxmifa&;)? OD;b (tkyfcsKyfa&;) 1947-58 a'gufwmxifatmif 1959-61 a'gufwmvSjrifh 1961 a'gufwmomvS 1962 OD;um wuúodkvfarmfuGef;xdef;rsm; 1920-22 rpöwm'vsLtdefav 1922-27 rpöwmatuif;bJ 1927-28 rpöwmatom*k 1928-33 rpöwmatuif;bJ 1933-35 rpöwmbDtm&fyef; 1935-42 rpöwmt,fvfxifpD 1947-53 OD;,kcif ynma&; 1953-59 1959-61 1961

OD;,kcif OD;boef; OD;armifarmifpdef

tkyfcsKyfa&; 1953- 59 1959- 61 1961 - 28 -

OD;odef;armif OD;armifarmifpdef OD;vSatmif

aemufqufwGJ (31)

aemufqufwJG (31)

'Dru kd &wfwpfausmif;om;rsm;tzGUJ ArmEkid if v H ;kH qdik &f mausmif;om;rsm;or*¾ \ zGUJ pnf;tkycf sKyyf pkH nf;rsO;f Oya'

r*FvmpmyHEk ydS w f u kd f trSwf (462) Adv k cf sKyaf wmif vrf;rawmf yef;yJwef; armfvNrdKifNrdKY

- 29 -

aemufqufwGJ (31)

'Dru kd &wfwpfausmif;om;rsm;tzGYJ ArmEkid if v H ;kH qdik &f mausmif;om;rsm;or*¾ \ zGpYJ nf;tkycf sKyyf pkH nf;rsO;f Oya'

tcef; (1) yk'fr- (1) trnf þtzGJUtpnf;udk ]ArmEkid if v H ;kH qdik &f mausmif;om;rsm;or*¾} [kac:wGifap&rnf/ twdkcsKyftm;jzifh ]Auo} [k ac:wGifap&rnf/ yk'fr- (2) txdrf;trSwfESifU tvH Auo\ txdrf;trSwfwHqdyfwHk;onf axmifhpGef;ig;ck½Sdaom Mu,fBuD;udk Mu,fi,fig;vHk;jcH&HNyD;? Mu,fBuD;\ tv,fwGif ArmjynfyHkyg½Sdap&rnf? ¤if;ArmjynfyHktv,fwGif zGifhxm;aom pmtkyfyHkyg½Sdap&rnf/ txdrf;trSwf\ ab;ywfvnfpuf0dkif;ESpfckMum;wGif ]]ArmEkid if v H ;kH qdik &f mausmif;om;rsm;or*¾}} ESifh ]XmecsKy}f [laom pmwrf;yg½Sdap&rnf/ c½kdifNrdKUe,frsm;\ wHqdyfwHk;rsm;rSm ]ArmEkdifiHvHk;qdkif&m? ausmif;om;rsm;or*¾cGJ}} ESifh oufqdkif&m c½kdif (odkYr[kwf) NrdKUe,frsm;\ trnfrsm; yg½Sdap&rnf/ Auo\tvHonf teDa&mifaemufcHum; tay:wGif tjzLa&mifcGyfa'gif;yHk yg½Sdap&NyD;? ¤if;cGyfa'gif;yHk\ udk,fydkif;onf puf0dkif;wcktwGif;wGif ½Sdap&rnf/ xdktvH\ vuf0Jbuftxufa'gifhpGef;wGif a'gifhpGef; (5) ck½Sdaom Mu,fjzLwck yg½Sdap&rnf/ yrmP- tvH\t½G,t f pm;rSm tvsm; (9) ay? teH (5) ayjzpfapNyD; BuD;i,fr[l xdt k csKd;tpm;tvdu k f jzpfap&rnf/ yk'fr- (3) wnfae&mESifU tus,ft0ef; AuoXmecsKyf\ wnf&mXmerSm omreftm;jzifh &efuek Nf rdKUwGijf zpfapNyD;? jynfaxmifpjk refrmEkid if aH wmfw0Sr;f vHk;wGif zGJUpnf;wnfaxmif&rnf/ yk'fr- (4) &nf½G,fcsufrsm; (1) jynfaxmifpkor®wjrefrmEkdifiHawmf\ zGJUpnf;tkyfcsKyfyHktajccHOya'udk xdef;odrf;apmifha½Smuf vdkufem &ef? (2) 'Drdkua&pD0g'udk avhvmusifhoHk;&ef? (3) Nidrfcsrf;a&;ESifh wnfwHcdkifjrJa&;udk ausmif;om;xktif;tm;jzifh tpGrf;ukef&,l&ef? (4) ½Srf;? csif;? u&if? u,m;? rGef? &cdkif? jrefrmtp½Sdaom jynfaxmifpkwdkif;&if;om; tm;vHk;wdkY\ pnf;vHk;nDñGwfa&;udk aqmif½Guf&ef? (5) vGwfvyfNyD;aom jynfaxmifpkEkdifiHawmfBuD;udk wdkif;wyg;om;wdkY vufodkYxdk;tyfí uRefb0odkY jyefvnfusqHk;aprnfh jynfwGif;rsKd;zsuf opömazmufwdkU\ ckwHk;taejzifh ausmif;om;xkw&yfvHk;tm; aoG;aqmifjzm;a,mif;aeaom ausmif;om;opömazmufrsm;udk ausmif;om;avmurS tukeftpOf wdkuf xkwf&ef? - 30 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) (6) EkdifiHawmfom,m0ajyma&;twGuf yg0ifaqmif½Guf&ef? (7) jynfaxmifpk jrefrmEkdifiHawmf\ ,Ofaus;rItqifhtwef;udk jr§ifhwif&ef? (8) acwfrDSaom wdkif;jynftjzpfodkY wdk;jr§ifh&mwGif vdktyfonfh avmu"gwfq&mrsm;? tif*sifeD,mrsm;? q&m0efrsm; tp½So d nfh xl;cReaf om ynmwwfausmif;om;rsm;pGm ay:aygufvmap&eftwGuf tqift h wef;jr§ifhaom ynma&;udk wnfaqmuf&ef/ (9) ausmif;om;rsm;\ w&m;rQwpGm&oifh&xdkufaom tcGifhta&;rsm;udk tEkenf;jzifhawmif;qdk&ef/ (10) jynfaxmifpk ausmif;om;xkw&yfvHk;\ pnf;vHk;rItaqmufttHk cdkifrmawmifhwif;vmatmif zefwD;&ef/ (11) ausmif;om;nDñGwfa&;ESifh w&m;rQwaom ausmif;om;jyóemwdkif;wGif ausmif;om;xk\ qE´jzifh ajz½Sif;&ef/ (12) ausmif;ol? ausmif;om;rsm;udk Avig;wefESifh jynfh0vmap&ef/ (13) jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEkdifiHawmftwGif;½Sd ausmif;om;rsm;ESifh urÇmYausmif;om;rsm; &ifaygifwef; yl;aygif;aqmif½GufEkdifap&ef/ (14) q&m? rdb? vlBuD;rsm;udk ½kdao&ef/ (15) (AuoXmecsKyf) tmPmydik t f zGUJ rsm;u umvtm;avsmfpmG owfrw S af om tjcm;aom&nf½, G cf sufrsm; udk atmifjrifatmifaqmif½Guf&ef/ tcef; (2) toif;0ifa&;ESifh ESpfpOfaMu; yk'rf - (5) jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEkdifiHawmftwGif;½Sd pmoifausmif;rsm;wGif ynmoif,laeMuaom ausmif;ol^om;wdkif; or*¾0iftjzpf ygEkdifap&rnf/ rSwcf su-f pufrIvufrI twwfoifausmif;rsm;? pdkufysKd;a&;twufoifausmif;rsm;? ul;oef;a&mif;0,fa&;twufoif ausmif;rsm;yg tcef; (2)? yk'fr (5) wGif tusKH;0ifonf/ yk'fr- (6) txufyg tcef; (2)? yk'fr (5) t& or*¾0ifvdkolrsm;onf atmufygazmfjyyg t&nftcsif;rsm;ESifh jynfh pHkap&rnf/ (u) touf (18) ESpf jynfhap&rnf/ (c) ½l;oGyfaoma&m*g r½Sdap&/ (*) or*¾\ &nf½G,fcsufrsm;ESifh pnf;urf;Oya'udk vdkufemusifhEkdifol jzpf&rnf/ (,) tusifhpm&dwåaumif;rGefí or*¾\aus;Zl;awmfudk apmifhod½kdaool jzpf&rnf/ (i) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU0ifjzpfap? c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU0ifjzpfap? NrdKUe,ftvkyftrIaqmift zGJU0ifjzpfap? odkYr[kwf or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJU0ifjzpfap? ¤if;yk*d¾Kvfrsm;xJrS ESpfOD;\ tusifhpm&dwå aumif;rGefaMumif; axmufcHpm yg½Sdap&rnf/ (p) ___ ___ &nf½G,fcsufrsm;udk usifhoHk;vdkufemEkdifol jzpf&rnf/ (q) or*¾rSay;tyfaom wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk waoGrodrf;vdkufemaqmif½GufEkdifol jzpf&rnf/ (Z) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUrS umvtm;avsmfpGm owfrSwfaom ESpfpOfaMu;aiGrsm;udk ajyvnfatmif ay;oGif;Ekdifol jzpf&rnf/ yk'rf - (7) or*¾0ifwOD;tjzpf0ifa&muf&ef t&nftcsif;ESifh jynfhpHkolwOD;onf or*¾cGJtwGif;a&;rSL;xHrS awmif;,l &½SEd idk af om toif;0ifavQmufvmT yHpk u H kd tcef; (2)? yk'rf (6)? tyd'k if ,f (i) t& or*¾trIaqmifEpS Of ;D \ tusifph m&dwå aumif;rGefaMumif; axmufcHpmESifhtwl ESpfpOfaMu;udkyg wyg;wnf; ay;oGif;&rnf/ yk'fr- (8) or*¾0ifwdkif; or*¾tpnf;ta0;rsm;a½G;aumufyGJrsm;wGif qE´rJay;ydkifcGifh? ta½G;cHydkifcGifhtqdk wifoGif; axmufcHEkdifcGifh ½Sdap&rnf/ - 31 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) yk'fr- (9) txufygyk'fr (8) t& or*¾trIaqmiftjzpf ta½G;cHEkdifcGifhonf EkdifiHa&;ygwDrsm;\ wm0efcHtvkyftrI aqmifrsm;jzpfaom or*¾0ifrsm; rjzpfap&/ yk'fr- (10) or*¾0ifwOD;jypfrlusL;vGefcJhaomf or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUu wm0efcH&mxl;rS avQmhcsjcif;? or*¾rS acwå xkwyf ,fjcif; ponfwYkd ukd jyKvkyEf ikd o f nf/ odYk aomf c½kid o f r*¾tvkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ \ oabmwlncD sufukd &,l&rnf/ yk'fr- (11) txufygyk'fr (10) t& tjypfay;cH&aom or*¾0ifwOD;onf rauseyfvQif A[dkaumifpD (odkYr[kwf) EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobifü t,lcHEkdifcGifh½Sdap&rnf/ yk'fr- (12) (u) or*¾0ifrsm;ESpfpOfaMu;rSm (1) usyf jzpfonf/ (c) ¤if;ESpfpOfaMu;udk rlvtajccHor*¾cGJrsm;u aumufcH&rnf/ 0ifaMu;udk aumuf,lrnfr[kwf/ (*) rlvtajccHor*¾rsm;rS aumufcH&½Sdaom ESpfpOfaMu;rsm;udk atmufygtcsKd;pm;twdkif; cGJa0,l&rnf/ rlvtajccHor*¾cGJrsm; &mcdkifEIef; 10 NrdKUe,for*¾ &mcdkifEIef; 50 c½kdifor*¾ &mcdkifEIef; 20 Auo (XmecsKyf) &mcdkifEIef; 20 tcef; (3) zGJYpnf;yHk yk'rf - (13) Auo (XmecsKyf) \rlvtajccHor*¾rsm;rSm aus;½Gm? (odkYr[kwf) &yfuGuf (odkYr[kwf) NrdKUr or*¾cGJrsm; jzpfonf/ yk'fr- (14) Auo (XmecsKyf) \zGJUpnf;yHkrSm atmufygtwdkif;jzpfonf/ (1) rlvtajccHor*¾cGJrsm; (2) NrdKUe,for*¾rsm; (3) c½kdifor*¾rsm; (4) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU (5) A[dkaumifpDtzGJU (6) EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobif/ yk'fr- (15) rlvtajccHor*¾wGif trIaqmiftzGJUwdkYudk ESpfpOfor*¾0ifrsm;\ ESpfywfvnftpnf;ta0;rS a½G;aumuf &rnf/ yk'fr- (16) NrdKUe,faumifpDESifhtvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUudk ESpfpOfNrdKUe,fnDvmcHu a½G;aumuf&rnf/ yk'fr- (17) c½kdifaumifpDESifh c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUudk ESpfpOfc½kdifnDvmcHu a½G;aumuf&rnf/ yk'rf - (18) c½kid af umifpo D nf zGUJ pnf;tkycf sKyfykH Oya'tcsut f vufrsm;ESihf A[dak umifp?D A[dt k vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ wdUk \ pnf;urf;csufrsm;twGif;wGif rdrdwdkY\c½kdiftwGuf aqmif½GufzG,f½Sdonfrsm;udk vGwfvyfpGmaqmif½GufEkdifcGifh ½Sdonf/ yk'fr- (19) rlvtajccHor*¾0ifrsm; tpnf;ta0;onf tMuD;qHk;aomtPmydkiftzGJUjzpfonf/ xdkxufvGefvQif NrdKU e,for*¾odkY wuf&rnf/ NrdKUe,for*¾wGif NrdKUe,fnDvmcHonftBuD;qHk;aom tmPmydkiftzGJUjzpfonf/ xdkYxufvGef aomf c½kdifor*¾odkY wuf&rnf/ c½kdifor*¾wGifc½kdifnDvmcHonf tBuD;qHk;aomtmPmydkiftzGJUjzpfonf/ xdkYxufvGef vQif Auo (XmecsKyf) odYk wuf&rnf/ Auo (XmecsKyf) wGif Ekid if v H ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcHobifonf tBuD;qH;k aomtmPm ydkiftzGJUjzpfonf/ EdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobif r½Sdonfhtcg A[dkaumifpD? A[dkaumifpDr½Sdonfhtcg A[dktvkyftrI - 32 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) aqmiftzGJUwdkYonf tmPmydkiftzGJUrsm; jzpfonf/ yk'rf - (20) xdkYtwl c½kdifor*¾ESifh NrdKUe,for*¾rsm;wGifvnf; nDvmcHobifr½Sdonfh tcg? oufqdkif&maumifpDtzGJU? oufqdkif&maumifpDtzGJU r½Sdonfhtcg tvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUwdkYonf tmPmydkiftzGJUjzpfonf/ tcef; (4) tkyfcsKyfpDrHyHkpH pepfESifU enf;vrf;rsm; yk'fr- (21) ArmEdkifiHvHk;qdkif&mausmif;om;or*¾rsm;wGif tkyfcsKyfpDrH&eft"dutcsufrSm ‘'Drdkua&pDenf;pepft&? a½G;aumufwifajr§mufí A[dkrS OD;pD;onfhpHepfjzpfonf/ (1) tm;vHk;aom aumifpDtvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUESifh udk,fpm;vS,frsm;udk trsm;qE´twdkif; a½G;aumufwif ajr§muf&rnf/ (2) A[dkor*¾\ trdefYudk vdkufemaqmif½Guf&rnf/ yk'fr- (22) NrdKUe,f (odkUr[kwf) c½kdifudk omreftm;jzifh tkyfcsKyfa&;e,ferdwftwdkif; vdkufem&rnf/ odkY&mwGif tvkyfvG,fulapjcif;udk axmufxm;í c½kdifaumifpDu oifhavsmfovdk owfrSwfydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ yk'rf - (23) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUonf c½kdifor*¾ rjzpfao;aom e,f½Sdor*¾rsm;udk wdkuf½kdufaomfvnf;aumif; eD;pyf&mc½kdifor*¾udk aomfvnf;aumif; vTJtyfítkyfcsKyfpDrHEkdifonf/ tcef; (5) EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&m nDvmcHobif yk'rf - (24) ArmEkid if v H ;kH qdik &f mausmif;om;rsm;or*¾ nDvmcHobifukd omreftm;jzifh wESpv f Qiw f Budru f s usi;f y&rnf/ odkYaomf vHkavmufaomtaMumif;rsm;½Sdu A[dkaumifpDuaomfvnf;aumif;/ A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUuaomfvnf; aumif; a½TUqdkif;Edkifonf/ yk'rf - (25) txl;nDvmcHobifrsm;udk taMumif;xl;vHak vmufr&I ½Su d A[dt k vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ u jzpfap? A[dak umifpD ujzpfap ac:,lEkdifonf/ xdkYtjyif EkdifiHawmftwGif;½Sd c½kdifor*¾rsm;\ oHk;ykHESpfyHkrS oabmwlí ac:qdkcGifhawmif;vQif vnf; ac:qdkay;&rnf/ yk'fr- (26) nDvmcHobifwGif udk,fpm;vS,frsm;rS wufa&mufEkdifolrsm;rSm(1) ukefqHk;onfhESpftwGuf A[dkaumifpDtzGJU0ifrsm; (2) ukefqkH;onfhESpftwGuf A[dktvkyfrIaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm; (3) c½kdifor*¾rsm;rS enf;vrf;wus a½G;aumufapvTwfvdkufaom udk,fpm;vS,frsm; (4) NrdKUe,for*¾rS enf;vrf;wus a½G;aumufapvTwfvdkufaom udk,fpm;vS,frsm; rSwfcsuf- nDvmcHobifodkY wufa&mufrnfh udk,fpm;vS,fOD;a&udk A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu owfrSwfydkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ yk'rf - (27) NrdKUe,fESifh c½kdifor*¾rsm;rS apvTwfaom udk,fpm;vS,frsm;udk NrdKUe,fESifh nDvmcHrsm;u a½G;aumuf&rnf/ yk'fr- (28) EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobifodkY wufa&mufEkdifaom udk,fpm;vS,frsm;onf rdrdwdkYESifhoufqdkif&m c½kdif twGuf A[dkaumifpDtzGJU0ifrsm;udk oufqdkif&mc½kdife,frS wufa&mufaom udk,fpm;vS,frsm;xJrS trsm;oabmwl a½G;aumuf&rnf/ c½kdifwckvQif A[dkaumifpD0if ESpfOD;a½G;wifEkdifonf/ yk'fr-(29) EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobifrS A[dkaumifpDtzGJUudk zGJUpnf;&rnf/ ¤if;A[dkaumifpDwGif - pnf;rsOf;Oya' tcef; (3)? yk'fr (14)? tydk'f (4) ESifh tcef; (5)? yk'fr (28)? t& - A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUESifh oufqdkif&m - 33 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) c½kdife,frS wufa&mufaom udk,fpm;vS,frsm;xJrS a½G;cs,fay;aom udk,fpm;vS,frsm; yg0ifap&rnf/ yk'rf - (30) txufygtwdkif;zGJUpnf;vdkufaom A[dkaumifpDtzGJUonf EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&m nDvmcHobiftwGuf tqdka½G; aumfrwDvnf; jzpf\/ yk'rf - (31) EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobif tqdka½G;aumfrwD tpnf;ta0;rsm;wGif A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU Ouú|u obmywd? taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL;u tusKd;aqmiftjzpf aqmif½Guf&rnf/ yk'fr- (32) EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobifü or*¾ESifhaomfvnf;aumif;? or*¾\vkyfief;rsm;ESifhaomfvnf;aumif; ywfoufaom ar;cGef;rsm;udk ar;jref;EkdifcGifh½Sdonf/ odkY&mwGif ar;vdkaom ar;cGef;\taMumif;t&mrsm;udk A[dktvkyf trIaqmiftzGJUodkY (7) &ufBudKwifí taMumif;Mum;xm;ESifh&rnf/ yk'fr- (33) (u) or*¾\tkyfcsKyfyHkpnf;rsOf;Oya'udk jyifqifjznfhpGwf (odkYr[kwf) y,fzsufjcif;ponfwdkYudk jyKvkyfvdkaom trI aqmiftzGUJ ? (odYk r[kw)f or*¾0ifwOD;OD;onf taMumif;t&m pHv k ifpmG jzifh Ekid if v H ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcHobif rusif;yrD wvBudKwifí ay;ydkYxm;&rnf/ (c) xdEdk idk if v H ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcHobifoYkd wufa&mufvmaom yk*K¾ v d rf sm;\ OD;a&oH;k yHEk pS yf u kH oabmwlro S m twnfjyK& rnf/ yk'rf - (34) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUujzpfap? A[dkaumifpDujzpfap nDvmcHobifusif;y&mí enf;vrf;wusjzpfap &ef vdktyfaompDpOfrIrsm;udk tajctaetm;avsmfpGm pDpOfñGefMum;&rnf/ yk'rf - (35) omreftm;jzifh usif;yaom nDvmcHobiftwGuf Ekid if v H ;kH qdik &f mor*¾Ouú|udk jyefvnfa½G;aumuf&rnf/ rnfuo hJ Ykd Ouú|a½G;aumuf&rnfqo kd nfh tpDtpOfukd A[dak umifprD jS zpfap? A[dt k vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ rSjzpfap pDpOfay;& rnf/ yk'rf - (36) a½G;aumufwifajr§mufcH&aom Ouú|onf rdrdESifhwGJbufvkyfudkif&ef vsmxm;onfh A[dktvkyftrIaqmif tzGJU0ifrsm;\ trnfrsm;udk aMujimNyD;vQif nDvmcHobif\oabmwlnDrI&,l&rnf/ yk'fr- (37) EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&m nDvmcHobifwGif or*¾\ ESpfywfvnftpD&ifcHpmudk A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUobif tzGJUu wifjy&rnf/ tcef; (6) A[dkaumifpD yk'rf - (38) tcef; (5)? yk'rf (2) t& zGUJ pnf;onfh A[dak umifpo D nf Edik if v H ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcHobifrv S v JG Qif tcsKyftcsm tmPmtydkifqHk;aomtzGJU jzpf&rnf/ yk'rf - (39) A[dkaumifpDtpnf;ta0;udk omreftm;jzifh wESpfvQif (2) Budrfusif;y&rnf/ tpnf;ta0; ac:ydkifcGifhrSm Ouú|ESifh A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUüom ½Sdonf/ yk'fr- (40) ta&;ay:A[dkumifpDtpnf;ta0;udk taMumif;tm;avsmfpGm ac:,lusif;yEkdifonf/ odkY&mwGif ac:,lydkif cGifhrSm tcef; (6)? yk'fr (39) t&om ac:,lEkdifonf/ yk'rf - (41) A[dkaumifpD\ obmywdESifh tusKd;aqmifonf A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU\ Ouú|ESifh taxGaxGtxGif; a&;rSL; toD;oD;jzpfap&rnf/ - 34 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) yk'fr- (42) A[dkaumifpDonf or*¾\0g'ESifh vkyfief;pOfudk jy|mef;Ekdifonf/ or*¾vkyfief;pOfrsm;ESifh ywfoufí A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUtm; pdppfEkdifonf/ ñTefMum;Edkifonf/ yk'rf - (43) A[dkaumifpDtzGJUonf A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUESifh rNyD;jywfEdkifaom jyóem&yfrsm;udk aqG;aEG;qHk;jzwf &rnff/ yk'rf - (44) A[dkaumifpDtzGJUonf A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU0if toD;oD;tm; tjypftavsmuf&mxl;rS ,m,Dxkwfy,f jcif;? &yfqdkif;jcif;rsm;udk jyKvkyfydkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ yk'rf - (45) pnf;rsOf;Oya'ESifhywfoufaom tcsuftvufrsm;udk ,m,DjyifqifjznfhpGwfjcif;ESifh ,m,Dxkwfy,fjcif; rsm;udk A[dkaumifpDtzGJUu jyKvkyfydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ yk'fr- (46) EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mOuú| (odkYr[kwf) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm; vpfvyfcJhvQif A[dkaumifpDtzGJUu yk*¾dKvftpm; a½G;aumufwifajr§mufcGifh ½Sdonf/ tcef; (7) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJY yk'rf - (47) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUonf A[dkaumifpDtzGJUrS vGJvQiftmPmtydkifqHk;jzpfí or*¾\wm0ef0wå&m;rsm; ESihf ay:aygufvmaom or*¾EiS o hf ufqikd o f nfh jyóem&yfrsm;udk aqG;aEG;qH;k jzwfajz½Si;f Ekid cf iG hf ½So d nf/ vufatmufcH or*¾rsm;\ vkyfief;&yfrsm;wGif yg0iftMuHÓPfay;jcif;? wdkufwGef;jcif;rsm;udk jyKvkyfEdkifonf/ vdktyfonfxifvQif vHk;0wm0ef,l aqmif½GufEkdifonf/ yk'rf - (48) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUonf EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobifESifh A[dkaumifpDtzGJUrS vGJtyfaom udpt ö &yf &yfudk jzpfajrmufatmif aqmif½Guf&ef tzGJUtaeESifhaomfvnf;aumif;? tzGJU0ifwOD;csif;taeESifhaomfvnf;aumif; wm0ef½Sdap&rnf/ yk'fr- (49) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUonf atmufazmfjyygtwdkif; jzpfap&rnf/ (1) Ouú| (2) 'k-Ouú| (3) taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL; (4) b@ma&;rSL; (5) tjcm; (10) OD;xufrydkaom tvkyftrIaqmifrsm;/ yk'fr- (50) Ouú|ESifh A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm;onf rnfonfhEkdifiHa&; ygwD\ wm0efcHtvkyftrIaqmifrsm; rjzpfap&/ yk'rf - (51) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUwGif yg0ifEkdif&ef or*¾0iftjzpf tenf;qHk; wESpfoufwrf;½Sdolom jzpfap&rnf/ rSwcf su-f A[dkor*¾rS todtrSwfjyKxm;aom w&m;0ifonfh or*¾cGJrsm;wGif or*¾0iftjzpf tenf;qHk;wESpf yg0ifbl; olrsm;udk qdkvdkonf/ yk'rf - (52) A[dt k vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ \ Ouú|onf A[dt k vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ 0iftjzpf tenf;qH;k trIaqmif oufwrf; ukefqHk;atmif aqmif½Gufzl;oljzpf&rnf/ yk'rf - (53) A[dt k vkyt f rIaqmif tzGUJ 0ifwOD;OD; Ekwx f u G cf ahJ omf (odUk r[kw)f xkwyf ,fjcif;cHc&hJ aomf? xdv k pfvyfaom trIaqmifae&mtwGuf A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu ,m,DcefYxm;EkdifcGifh ½Sdonf/ - 35 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) yk'rf - (54) A[dt k vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ Ouú|Ekwx f u G cf ahJ omf (odYk r[kw)f xkwyf ,fjcif;cHc&hJ aomf? Ekid if v H ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcH obif\ oabmwlnDcsufjzifh? ¤if;zGJUpnf;cJhaom A[dktvkyftrIaqmifrSm rysufbJ qufvufí w&m;0ifonf[k ,lq&rnf/ yk'rf - (55) A[dktrIaqmiftzGJUonf or*¾vkyfief;&yfrsm; wGifus,fap&eftwGuf tajctaet& XmecGJrsm;udk wdk;csJU jcif;rsm; jyKvkyfEdkifonf/ yk'rf - (56) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUonf or*¾ESifhywfoufaom enf;Oya'½kH;vkyfief;ESifh oufqdkifaomenf;Oya' t&yf&yfudk owfrSwfydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ yk'rf -(57) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUonf A[dkor*¾twGuf taxGaxG0efxrf;rsm;cefYxm;jcif;? xkwfy,fjcif;? ¤if;wdkY twGuf axmufyHhaMu;aiGrsm; owfrSwfjcif;wdkYudk jyKvkyfEdkifonf/ yk'fr- (58) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUonf or*¾ydkifypönf;tm;vHk;udk wm0ef,lí xdef;xdrf;apmifha½Smuf&rnf/ yk'rf - (59) A[dt k vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ onf or*¾vyk if ef;pOfrsm;twGuf pkaygif;acgif;aqmifrEI iS hf wGb J ufwm0efcrH rI sm; ½Sdap&rnf/ yk'rf - (60) A[dt k vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ tpnf;ta0;udk omreftm;jzifh &ufowå (2) ywfvQif wBudru f s pnf;a0;&rnf/ yk'rf - (61) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU0ifwOD;OD;onf? A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUtpnf;ta0;ac:,l&ef vdktyfonf[k xifjrifvQif tjcm;A[dktvkyftrIaqmif (5) OD;\ vufrSwfa&;xdk;axmufcHcsufudk Ouú|xH wifoGif;vQif Ouú|u A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU\ txl;tpnf;ta0;udk ac:,l&rnf/ yk'rf - (62) tpnf;ta0;ac:,lyikd cf iG t hf mPm½So d rl sm;rSm Ouú|ESihf taxGaxGtwGi;f a&;rSL;jzpfonf/ odYk &mwGif trsm;\ oabmwlnDrI½Sd&rnf/ yk'rf - (63) omreftpnf;ta0;ESifh txl;tpnf;ta0;rsm;wGif tzGJU0ifOD;a&xuf0uf wufa&mufí ta&;ay:tpnf; ta0;rsm;ü Ouú|yg0ifaom tvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU0if (7) OD;wufa&mufvQif tpnf;ta0; jzpfajrmufonf/ yk'fr- (64) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm;onf rnfonfhtcgrQ udk,fpm;vS,fapvGwfí vnf;aumif;? pmjzifht aMumif;Mum;ívnf;aumif; qE´rJray;&/ yk'fr- (65) A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUonf or*¾0if (9) OD;yg0ifaom twdkifyifcHtzGJUwckudk zGJUpnf;í tMuHÓPf rsm; ,l&rnf/ tcef; (8) c½kdifnDvmcHtpnf;ta0; yk'fr- (66) c½kdifnDvmcHtpnf;ta0;udk omreftm;jzifh wESpfvQif wBudrfus ac:,lusif;y&rnf/ yk'rf - (67) txl;c½kdifnDvmcHudk taMumif;xl;vHkavmufrI½Sdu c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmifujzpfap c½kdifaumifpDujzpfap ac:,lEidk o f nf/ xdYk tjyifoufqikd &f mc½kid rf S or*¾cJG OD;a&oH;k yHw k yHu k oabmwlí ac:qdck iG ahf wmif;vQif c½kid t f vkyt f rI aqmiftzGJUu &ufowå (2) ywfBudKwif taMumif;Mum;í ac:qdk&rnf/ yk'fr- (68) ESpfywfvnfc½kdifnDvmcHudk EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobif rusif;yrDtwGif; A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU - 36 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) taxGaxG twGif;a&rSL;\ ñGefMum;csuft& c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu BuD;rSL;í usif;yxm;ESifhNyD;jzpfap&rnf/ yk'rf - (69) Ekid if v H ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcHoYkd wufa&mufrnfh c½kid rf u S , kd pf m;vS,rf sm;udk c½kid t f vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ u owfrw S f xm;onfh OD;a&twdkif; a½G;aumufxm;&rnf/ yk'fr- (70) c½kdifnDvmcHodkY udk,fpm;vS,frsm;tjzpf wufa&mufEkdifolrsm;rSm(1) ukefqHk;onfhESpftwGuf c½kdifaumifpDtzGJU0ifrsm; (2) ukefqHk;onfhESpftwGuf c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm; (3) A[dkaumifpDtzGJU0ifrsm;jzpfaom c½kdife,frS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; (4) NrdKUe,for*¾ESifh NrdKUe,ftwGif;½Sd or*¾cGJrsm;rS enf;vrf;wus a½T;aumufapvTwfaom udk,fpm; vS,frsm; rSwcf su-f c½kid n f v D mcHoUkd wufa&mufrnfu h , kd pf m;vS,Of ;D a&udk c½kid t f vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ u owfrw S yf ikd cf iG hf ½So d nf/ yk'rf - (71) c½kdifESpfywfvnfnDvmcHrS c½kdifaumifpDudk zGJUpnf;rnf/ ¤if;c½kdifaumifpDwGif c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUESifh oufqdkif&mNrdKUe,f udk,fpm;vS,frsm;xJrS ¤if;wdkYoabmus a½T;aumufwifajrmufaom udk,fpm;vS,frsm; yg0ifap& rnf/ NrdKUe,fwckvQif c½kdifaumifpD0if( 4) OD; a½G;wifEkdifonf/ yk'fr- (72) txufygtwdkif; a½G;aumufwifajrmufvdkufaom c½kdifaumifpDtzGJUonf c½kdifnDvmcHtwGuf tqdk a½G;aumfrwDvnf;jzpf\/ yk'fr- (73) c½kdifnDvmcHtqdka½G;aumfrwD tpnf;ta0;rsm;wGif c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU Ouú|u obmywdESifh taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL;u tusKd;aqmiftoD;oD; jzpfap&rnf/ yk'rf - (74) c½kid n f v D mcHwiG f c½kid o f r*¾EiS ahf omfvnf;aumif;? c½kid o f r*¾\ vkyif ef;rsm;ESiahf omfvnf;aumif;? ywfouf aom ar;cGef;rsm;udk ar;jref;EkdifcGifh½Sdonf/ odkY&mwGif ar;vdkaomar;cGef;rsm;udk c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUodkY (7) &ufBudKwif taMumif;Mum;xm;&rnf/ yk'fr- (75) c½kdifnDvmcHwGif c½kdifor*¾ESpfywfvnftpD&ifcHpmudk c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu wifjy&rnf/ yk'fr- (76) c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUopfudk c½kdifnDvmcHrS tcef; (16) t& a½G;aumufwifajrmuf&rnf/ tcef; ( 9) c½kdifaumifpDtzGJY yk'fr- (77) tcef; (8)? yk'fr (71) t& zGJUpnf;onfh c½kdifaumifpDonf c½kdifnDvmcHrS vGJvQif tmPmtydkifqHk;aom tzGJUjzpfonf/ yk'fr- (78) (u) c½kdifaumifpDtpnf;ta0;udk omreftm;jzifh wESpfvQif (2 ) Budrfusif;y&rnf/ (c) ta&;ay: c½kdifaumifpDtpnf;ta0;udk taMumif;xl; tvHktavmuf½Sdygu ac:,lusif;yEkdifonf/ (*) tpnf;ta0;ac:ydkifcGifhrSm- Ouú|ESifh A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUüom ½Sdonf/ (C) c½kdifaumifpDtzGJU\ obmywdESifh tusKd;aqmifonf c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmif\ Ouú|ESifh taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL; toD;oD;jzpfap&rnf/ yk'rf - (79) c½kdifaumifpDopf? c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUESifh rNyD;jywfaom udp&ö yfrsm;udk aqG;aEG;qHk;jzwf vkyfaqmif &rnf/ - 37 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) yk'rf - (80) c½kid af umifpo D nf c½kid t f rIaqmiftzGUJ 0if toD;oD;tm;vnf;aumif;? or*¾0if toD;oD;tm;vnf;aumif;? tjypftavsmuf &mxl;rS ,m,Dcsxm;jcif;? xkwfy,fjcif;? &yfqdkif;jcif;? or*¾tjzpfrS ,m,D&yfpJjcif;rsm; jyKvkyfydkifcGifh ½Sdonf/ yk'rf - (81) c½kdifaumifpDonf c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU0if wOD;OD;vpfvyfcJhaomf ¤if;ae&mwGif yk*d¾Kvftpm; cefYtyf EkdifcGifh½Sdonf/ tcef; (10) c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJY yk'rf - (82) c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUrSm c½kdifnDvmcHrS trsm;qE´t&a½G;aumufwifajr§mufaom tzGJUjzpfap&rnf/ yk'fr- (83) c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUrSm atmufygtwdkif;jzpfap&rnf/ (1) Ouú| (2) ‘'k-Ouú| (3) twGif;a&;rSL; (4) b@ma&;rSL; (5) tjcm; (12) OD;xufrydkaom trIaqmifrsm; yk'fr- (84) c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUonf (u) c½kdifausmif;om;or*¾rsm;\ vkyfief;&yfrsm;wGif vHk;0wm0ef,l aqmif½Guf&rnf/ (c) A[dt k vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ \ c½kid af usmif;om;or*¾vyk if ef;rsm;wGif yg0ifaqmif½u G af y;jcif;? tultnD ay;jcif;ESifh vHk;0wm0ef,lí acgif;aqmifjcif;rsm;udk vufcH&rnf/ (*) ½kH;vkyfief;rsm;ESifh A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUrS ñTefMum;aomvkyfief;rsm;udk aqmif½Guf&rnf/ (C) or*¾cGJrsm;odkY A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUrS ay;ydkYaomñTefMum;vTmrsm;udk rdwåLrsm;jyKvkyfí or*¾odkY jzefUcsd&rnf/ (i) or*¾\pm&if;tif;rsm;ESifh vkyfief;pOfrsm;udk BudKwiftaMumif;Mum;í ppfaq;Ekdifonf/ yk'fr-(85) c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUonf or*¾\vkyfief;t&yf&yfwGif yg0ifaqmif½GufEkdifonf/ vdktyfygu vHk;0 wm0ef,lí acgif;aqmifEkdifonf/ tcef; (11) NrdKYe,fnDvmcHtzGJY yk'fr- (86) (u) NrdKUe,fnDvmcHtpnf;ta0;udk omreftm;jzifh wESpfvQifwBudrf ac:,lusif;y&rnf/ (c) NrdKUe,for*¾0ifrsm;\ oHk;yHkwyHku tpnf;ta0;ac:,l&ef awmif;qdkydkifcGifh½Sdonf/ yk'fr- (87) NrdKUe,fnDvmcHwGif atmufygyk*d¾Kvfrsm; yg0ifap&rnf/ (u) ukefqHk;onfhESpftwGuf NrdKUe,faumifpDtzGJUrsm; (c) ukefqHk;onfhESpftwGuf NrdKUe,ftvkyfrIaqmiftzGJU0ifrsm; (*) oufqdkif&mNrdKUe,frS c½kdifaumifpDtzGJU0ifrsm; (C) NrdKUe,for*¾rsm;rS udk,fpm;vS,frsm; yk'rf - (88) NrdKUe,for*¾\ ESpyf wfvnfnv D mcHukd c½kid n f v D mcH rusif;yrD NrdKUe,ftvkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ \ qH;k jzwfcsuf t&? twGif;a&;rSL;u ac:,lusif;y&rnf/ - 38 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) yk'fr- (89) NrdKUe,for*¾ESpfywfvnfnDvmcHwGif(1) NrdKUe,fnDvmcH wufa&mufrnfh udk,fpm;vS,fOD;a&udk NrdKUe,ftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu owfrSwf ay;onfhtwdkif; jzpfap&rnf/ (2) NrdKUe,faumifpDtzGJUudk zGJUpnf;&rnf/ ¤if;wGif nDvmcHwufa&mufaom or*¾cGJwdkif;rS udk,fpm;vS,f (2) OD;uspDESifh NrdKUe,ftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU yg0ifap&rnf/ (3) NrdKUe,ftvkyfrIaqmiftzGJUudk trsm;qE´t& a½G;aumufwifajrmuf&rnf/ (4) nDvmcHwGif NrdKUe,for*¾ ESpfywfvnftpD&ifcHpmudk NrdKUe,ftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu wifjy&rnf/ (5) c½kdifnDvmcHESifh EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHodkY wufa&mufrnfh udk,fpm;vS,frsm;udk a½G;cs,fxm;&rnf/ tcef; (12) NrdKYe,faumifpDtzGJY yk'fr- (90) tcef; (11) yk'fr (89) tydk'fi,f (2) t& zGJUpnf;aom NrdKUe,faumifpDonf NrdKUe,fnDvmcHrSvJTvQif tmPmydkiftzGJUjzpfonf/ yk'fr- (91) NrdKUe,faumifpDtwGuf tcef; (9)? yk'fr (78)? tydk'fi,f (u? c? *? C)? yk'fr (79)? (80) ESifh (81) rsm;uJhodkY vkyfaqmifEkdifonf/ tcef; (13) NrdKYe,ftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJY yk'rf - (92) NrdKUe,ftvkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ rSm NrdKUe,fnv D mcHrS trsm;qE´t& a½G;aumufwifajr§mufaom tzGUJ jzpf&rnf/ yk'fr- (93) NrdKUe,ftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUOD;a&rSm atmufygtwdkif;jzpfap&rnf/ (1) Ouú| (2) ‘'k-Ouú| (3) twGif;a&;rSL; (4) b@ma&;rSL; (5) tjcm; (8) OD;xufrydkaom trIaqmifrsm; yk'fr- (94) NrdKUe,ftrIaqmiftzGJUonf (u) NrdKUe,for*¾vkyfief;&yfrsm;wGif vHk;0wm0ef,laqmif½Guf&rnf/ (c) c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU\ NrdKUe,fausmif;om;or*¾vkyfief;&yfrsm;wGif yg0ifaqmif½Gufjcif;? tul tnDay;jcif;ESifh vHk;0wm0ef,l aqmif½Gufjcif;rsm;udkvnf; cH&rnf/ (*) ½kH;vkyfief;rsm;ESifh c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUrS ñTefMum;aomvkyfief;rsm;udk aqmif½Guf&rnf/ (C) or*¾cGJrsm;odkY c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUrS ay;ydkYaom ñTefMum;vTmrsm;udk rdwåLrsm;jyKvkyfí or*¾cGJ rsm;odkY jzefYcsd&rnf/ (i) or*¾cGJrsm;\ pm&if;tif;rsm;ESifh vkyfief;pOfrsm;udk BudKwiftaMumif;Mum;cg ppfaq;Edkifonf/ (p) c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUodkY wvwBudrftpD&ifcHpmrsm; ay;ydkY&rnf/ tpD&ifcHpmwGif (1) pnf;½kH;rItiftm; (2) vkyfief;pOft&yf&yf (3) b@ma&;tajctaeESifh (4) XmetoD;oD;rS tpD&ifcHpmrsm; yg0ifap&rnf/ yk'rf (95) NrdKUe,ftvkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ pnf; vkyif ef;t&yf&yfwiG f yg0ifaqmif½u G Ef idk o f nf/ vdt k yfygu vH;k 0wm0ef,l aqmif½GufEkdifonf/ - 39 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) tcef; (14) or*¾cGJnDvmcHtzGJY yk'fr- (96) or*¾cGJnDvmcHudk or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJU\ qE´t& ac:,lEkdifonf/ or*¾cGJrsm;rS or*¾0ifOD;a& oHk;yHk wyHkuvnf; ac:,l&ef awmifqdkEkdifonf/ yk'fr- (97) or*¾cGJnDvmcHwGif atmufygyk*¾dKvfrsm; yg0ifap&rnf/ (u) or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJU (c) NrdKUe,faumifpDwGif yg0ifaom oufqdkif&mor*¾rS aumifpDtzGJU0ifrsm; (*) twef;wm0efcHrsm; (C) or*¾0ifrsm;/ yk'rf - (98) or*¾cJG ESpyf wfvnfnv D mcHukd NrdKUe,fnv D mcHrusif;yrD oufqikd &f mor*¾cJG trIaqmiftzGUJ \ qH;k jzwfcsuf t& twGif;a&;rSL;u ac:,lusif;y&rnf/ yk'fr- (99) or*¾cGJ ESpfywfvnfnDvmcHwGif(1) NrdKUe,fESifhc½kdifnDvmcHrsm;odkY wufa&mufrnfh udk,fpm;vS,frsm;udk a½G;cs,f&rnf/ (2) or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUopfudk trsm;qE´twdkif; tcef; (17) t& a½G;aumufwifajr§muf&rnf/ (3) or*¾cGJ ESpfywfvnftpD&ifcHpmudk trIaqmiftzGJUu wifjy&rnf/ tcef;- (15) or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJY yk'rf - (100) c½kid v f ;kH qdik &f mnDvmcHoYkd ud, k pf m;vS,rf sm;apvTwaf om or*¾cw JG ckonf NrdKUe,for*¾rw S qifh c½kid o f r*¾ odkY qufoG,fxm;aom or*¾cGJjzpf&rnf/ xdkqufoG,fjcif;udk A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu todtrSwfjyKNyD;aomtcg A[dkor*¾\w&m;0ifaom or*¾cGJwck jzpfvmonf/ yk'fr- (101) or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUrSm or*¾cGJnDvmcHtpnf;ta0;rS wifajr§mufaomtzGJU jzpf&rnf/ yk'fr- (102) or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUrSm atmufygtwdkif; jzpfap&rnf/ (1) Ouú| (2) ‘'k-Ouú| (3) twGif;a&;rSL; (4) aiGxdef; (5) tjcm; (5) OD;xufrydkaom trIaqmifrsm; yk'fr- (103) or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUwGif twdkifyifcHrsm;? twef;udk,fpm;vS,frsm; yg0ifap&rnf/ ¤if;twef; udk,fpm;vS,frsm;udk oufqdkif&mtwef;rS a½G;aumufwifajr§mufaom (odkYr[kwf) trnfwifoGif;aom twef;udk,f pm;vS,frsm; jzpfap&rnf/ yk'rf - (104) or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUonf oufqdkif&mor*¾cGJ½Sd or*¾0ifrsm;tm; or*¾XmecsKyf\ &nf½G,fcsuf0g'ESifh vkyfief;pOfrsm;udk em;vnfvdkufem aqmif½Gufap&ef wm0ef½Sdonf/ yk'rf - (105) or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUonf A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU\ ñTefMum;csufrsm;t& vkyfief;pOfrsm;udk aqmif ½Guf&rnf/ yk'fr-(106) or*¾cGJtrIaqmiftzGJUonf- 40 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) (u) or*¾tcGJvkyfief;rsm;wGif wm0ef,líaqmif½Guf&rnf/ (c) NrdKUe,ftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUESifh c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUrS or*¾vkyfief;rsm;wGif yg0ifaqmif½Guf jcif;? tultnDay;jcif;ESifh vHk;0wm0ef,laqmif½Gufjcif;rsm;udk vufcH&rnf/ yk'rf - (107) or*¾cGJ\ tpD&ifcHpmrsm;udk or*¾cGJtrIaqmifrS twGif;a&;rSL;onf Ouú|\ vufrSwfjzifh NrdKUe,ftvkyf trIaqmiftzGJUESifh NrdKUe,frSwqifh c½kdiftvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUodkY wvwBudrf ay;ydkY&rnf/ yk'fr- (108) or*¾cGJ trIaqmiftpnf;ta0;udk omreftm;jzifh &ufowå (2) ywfvQif wBudrf usif;y&rnf/ tcef; (16) or*¾b@ma&; yk'rf - (109) or*¾ESifhXmecsKyf oufqdkifaom &efyHkaiGtm;vHk;udk or*¾XmecsKyftrnfjzifh A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu a½G;cs,faombPfwGif tyfESHxm;&rnf/ yk'fr- (110) or*¾cGJrsm;onf aumufcH&½Sdaom ESpfpOfaMu;rsm;xJrS tcef; (2)? yk'fr (12)? tydk'fi,f (*) t& oufqdkif&modkY qufaMu;ay;ydkY&rnf/ yk'fr- (111) or*¾cGJrsm;rS 0ifaiGtm;vHk;ESifh oD;oefYjy|mef;jcif; r½Sdaom tjcm;0ifaiGtm;vHk;udk omref&efyHkaiGxJodkY xnfhoGif;&rnf/ yk'rf - (112) tvSLaiGrsm;?o'¨gaMu;rsm;? aiGw;kd rsm;ESihf ESppf OftoH;k p&dwrf S ydak omaiGrsm;teuf tenf;qH;k oH;k yHEk pS yf u kH kd oD;oefY&efyHkaiGtjzpf ajymif;vGJxm;&rnf/ yk'rf - (113) or*¾XmecsKyf\ ½kH;oHk;ypönf;rsm;? y&dabm*rsm; 0,f,ljcif;ESifh jyifqifjcif;rsm;rSty oD;oefY&efyHkaiGudk A[dkaumifpDtzGJU? odkYr[kwf EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobif\ qHk;jzwfcsufr&vQif roHk;&/ yk'rf - (114) Ekid if jH cm;odYk ynmawmfoif apvTwjf cif;? pHpk rf;Munf½h aI &;tzGUJ rsm; apvTwjf cif;? ud, k pf m;vS,f apvTwjf cif; EkdifiHjcm;rS tzGJUtoD;oD;udk vufcHjcif;? taxGaxGtcrf;tem;ESifh {nfhcHjcif;wdkYtwGuf txl;&efyHkaiG jyKvkyfxm;&rnf/ yk'fr- (115) ta&;BuD;aomudpörsm; ay:aygufvmaomtcg ta&;ay:&efyHkaiGtjzpf A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu pDrHí aumufcHEkdifonf/ yk'rf - (116) b@ma&;rSL;onf oD;oefY&efyakH iG wd;k yGm;apjcif;iSm tvSLaiGEiS hf o'¨gaMu;aiGrsm; pm&if;udk rdrpd m&if;t& zGifhxm;Ekdifonf/ yk'fr- (117) or*¾XmecsKyf\ 0ifaiGtoHk;pm&if;rsm;udk ppfaq;&ef A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu oifhavQmfaomol wOD;OD;udk pm&if;ppftjzpf cefYxm;&rnf/ yk'rf - (118) ESpfpOf EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcH rwdkifrD or*¾XmecsKyf\ 0ifaiGxGufaiGpm&if;rsm;udk pm&if;ppfu ppfaq; &rnf/ ppfaq;NyD;aomtcg pm&if;rsm;udk pm&if;ppf\ tpD&ifcHpmESifhwuG EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobif rwdkifrD tenf;qHk; &ufowåywf (2) ywf BudKwifNyD; A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUodkY b@ma&;rSL;u wifjy&rnf/ ESpfpOf 0ifaiGpm&if;½Sif;wrf;ESifh pm&if;ppftpD&ifcHpmudk nDvmcHodkY wifjy&rnf/ b@ma&;tpD&ifcHpmwGif xnfhoGif;&rnf/ yk'fr- (119) or*¾XmecsKyfüxm;aom aiGpm&if;ESifh toHk;pm&if;rsm;udk ‘'k-Ouú|u ppfaq;&rnf/ yk'rf - (120) or*¾&efyakH iG wd;k yGm;a&;twGuf b@ma&;rSL;onf jyZmwf½yk ½f iS yf rJG sm;udk tvSLcHjcif;? uyGrJ sm;usif;yjcif; - 41 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) ESifh o'´gaMu;rsm; aumufcHjcif;udk or*¾rsm;onf oufqdkif&m NrdKUe,fc½kdifrsm;wGif aumufcHEkdifcGifh ½Sdonf/ tcef; (17) a½G;aumufyGJrsm; yk'rf - (121) a½G;aumufyGJrsm;udk or*¾rsm;\ tcsKyftcsm tmPmtydkifqHk;aom ESpfywfvnfnDvmcHrsm;wGif usif;y &rnf/ yk'fr- (122) (u) a½G;aumufyGJrsm;udk tvkyftrIaqmiftzGJU\ Ouú|a[mif;rsm;u OD;pD;&rnf/ tu,fí Ouú|a[mif;onf jyef vnf a½G;cs,fcHvdkaomf (odkYr[kwf) a½G;yGJwGif ysufuGufcJhaomf qdkif&mor*¾rS wm0efvTJtyfaom yk*¾dKvfu a½G; aumufyGJ wm0efcHt&m½Sdtjzpf aqmif½Guf&rnf/ (c) or*¾cGJrsm;wGif qE´rJay; a½G;aumufwifajr§mufjcif;ESifh trnfwifoGif;jcif; ESpf&yfteuf or*¾cGJu vdkvm;aom enf;pepft& a½G;aumufyGJudk jyKvkyf&rnf/ yk'rf - (123) a½G;aumufyGJwGif qE´rJpm&if;rsm;udk pkaqmif;jcif;? rJpm&if;rsm;udk ppfaq;jcif;rSm a½G;aumufyGJwm0efcH t&m½Sd\ wm0efjzpfonf/ yk'rf - (124) a½G;aumufyGJwm0efcH t&m½Sdonf a½G;aumufyGJ usif;y&eftwGuf trIaqmif&mxl;vufrcHrnfh or*¾0if (4) OD;udk orm"dvlBuD;rsm;tjzpf cefYxm;cGifh½Sdonf/ yk'fr- (125) a½G;aumufyGJwGif vGwfvyfpGmESifh vQKdU0Sufí wdkuf½kdufrJay;aom pepfudk toHk;jyK&rnf/ yk'fr- (126) qdkif&mor*¾odkY ay;tyf&ef½Sdaom aMu;aiGt&yf&yfudk ajyvnfatmif ray;oGif;aomolrsm;onf a½G;aumufyGJwGif ta½G;cHEdkifcGifh? tqdkwifoGif;EkdifcGifh? axmufcHEdkifcGifhrsm; r½Sdap&/ yk'rf - (127) ta½G;cHvo kd l or*¾0ifwOD;onf tenf;qH;k qdik &f m or*¾0ifEpS Of ;D \ axmufccH suEf iS hf a½G;aumufyw JG m0efcH t&m½SdxHodkY ta½G;cHEkdifcGifhavQmufvTm wifoGif;&rnf/ yk'fr- (128) ta½G;cHEkdifcGifhavQmufvTm wpHkwckonf pnf;rsOf;t&? jznfhpGuf&ef vdktyfaom ta&;BuD;onfh tcsuf tvufrsm;wGif jznfhpGufjcif; ysufuGufcJhaomf ¤if;avQmufvTmudk y,fcs&rnf/ yk'fr- (129) or*¾0ifwOD;vQif wm0efcH&mxl;ae&mü qE´rJwckxuf ydkíray;Ekdif/ yk'rf - (130) wm0efcHwOD;vQif wm0efcH&mxl;ae&m ta&twGufxufydkí ta½G;cHolrsm;cJhvQif rJta&twGuf tenf; trsm;tvdu k f wm0efc&H mxl; a½G;cs,f&rnf/ rJqE´½iS w f OD;onf ta½G;cHrnfo h l wOD;twGuf wrJomay; ydik cf iG ½hf o dS nf/ yk'fr- (131) a½G;aumufyGJtwGuf oD;oefYxm;aom qE´rJyHkpHpm½Gufrsm;udk a½G;aumufyGJ wm0efcHt&m½Sdu xkwfa0 &rnf/ yk'fr- (132) rnfonfhrJqE´½SifrS udk,fpm;vS,fvTwfí vnf;aumif;? pmjzifhtaMumif;Mum;í vnf;aumif;? ¤if;\ qE´rJay;ydkifcGifh r½Sd/ yk'fr- (133) qE´rJpm&if;udk a½G;aumufyGJaeYwGifyif wm0efcHt&m½Sdonf orm"dvlBuD;rsm; a½SUarSmufü ppfaq; a&wGufí a½G;aumufwifajr§mufjcif; cH&olrsm;\ trnfpm&if;udk tjrefqHk;aMunm&rnf/ - 42 -

aemufqufwGJ (31) yk'rf - (134) qE´rt J a&twGuEf iS hf ywfoufí rauseyfcv hJ Qif a½G;aumufyt JG rIaqmifukd vnf;aumif;? aMujimNyD;csderf S (40) em&DtwGif; rJqE´½Sif (21) OD;\qE´jzifh rJpm&if;ta&twGufudk Munfh½Ippfaq;Ekdifonf/ tcef; (18) aEG&moDwm0efcHrsm; yk'rf - (135) aEGausmif;ydw&f ufrsm;twGi;f trIaqmif(3) OD;xufrenf; qdik &f mor*¾\ ½k;H pdu k &f mNrdKUrsm;ü use&f pfcv hJ Qif ¤if;wdkYrSm aEG&moDwm0efcHrsm; jzpfap&rnf/ yk'rf - (136) aEGausmif;ydwf&ufrsm;twGif; trIaqmif (3) OD;xufenf;í qdkif&mor*¾\ ½kH;pdkuf&mNrdKUrsm;ü usef&pf cJv h Qif vuf½t dS vkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ u ausmif;ydw&f ufrwdik rf D or*¾0ifrsm;xJrS or*¾\wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk xrf;½Guf Ekdifrnfh or*¾0if (3) OD;tm; aEG&moDwm0efcHtjzpf cefYxm;&rnf/ yk'rf - (137) qdkif&mtrIaqmiftzGJUonf aEG&moDwm0efcHrsm;\ trnfrsm;udk a½G;cs,fNyD;onfESifh wNydKifeuf aMunm &rnf/ yk'rf - (138) aEG&moDwm0efcrH sm;onf b@ma&;XmerSty trIaqmiftzGUJ \ aqmif½u G q f v J yk if ef;rsm;ESihf wm0efrsm;udk vufcH&rnf/ yk'fr- (139) aEG&moDwm0efrsm;onf(u) trIaqmiftzGJUu vTJtyfaom wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;ESifh ½kH;vkyfief;rsm;udk aqmif½Guf&efomjzpfonf/ (c) or*¾wckvHk;ESifhomqdkifaom vkyfief;pOfrsm;udk qHk;jzwfajz½Sif; aqmif½GufydkifcGifh r½Sdap&/ yk'rf - (140) pnf;rsOf;Oya' tcef; (18)? yk'rf (139)? tyd'k if ,f (c) ESihf oufqikd af om ta&;rsm;ay:aygufvmcJah omf aEG&moDwm0efcHrsm;onf trIaqmiftzGJUudk jyefvnfac:,lí wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk jyefvnftyfESif;&rnf/ yk'rf - (141) b@ma&;rSL;onf ausmif;ydw&f ufrsm;wGif qdik &f mNrdKUür½Scd ahJ omf tvkyt f rIaqmiftzGUJ rS oabmwlncD suf udk &,lí oifhavsmf ,HkMunfpdwfcs&aom trIaqmifwOD;OD;udk aEG&moDwm0efcHtjzpf cefYxm;cJhNyD;vQif rdrdwm0ef 0wå&m;rsm;udk vTJtyfcJh&rnf/ yk'rf - (142) ausmif;jyefzGifhí trIaqmifa[mif;rsm; jyefvnfa&muf½Sdaomtcg aEG&moDwm0efcHrsm;u or*¾wm0ef 0wå&m;rsm;udk jyefvnftyfESif;&rnf/ tcef; (19) enf;Oya'ESifU bdkifavmrsm; yk'fr- (143) þor*¾tkyfcsKyfyHk pnf;rsOf;Oya'udk rlwnfí ¤if;Oya'ESifh bdkifavmrsm;udk or*¾toD;oD;wdkY usifhoHk; aqmif½GufEkdifcGifhESifh usifhxHk;wdkY twlwljzpfapEdkif&eftwGuf A[dktvkyftrIaqmiftzGJUu jy|mef;Ekdifonf/ yk'fr- (144) enf;Oya'udk jy|mef;&mwGifvnf;aumif;? jyifqif&mwGifvnf;aumif;? jznfhpGuf&mwGifvnf;aumif;? xkwfy,f&mwGifvnf;aumif; EkdifiHvHk;qdkif&mnDvmcHobifuom jyKvkyfEkdifonf/ yk'fr- (145) enf;Oya'udk ,m,Djy|mef;jcif;? ,m,DjznfhpGuf xkwfy,fjcif;rsm;udk A[dkaumifpDu jyKvkyfydkifcGifh tmPmrsm;½Sdonf/

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aemufqufwGJ (31)


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No. BC/3/57

10 January 1957

Dear Friend, In accordance with the suggestions made at the Regional Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations held in Colombo that more material relating to the United Nations should be made available in national languages, we are commencing production of radio programmes in Burmese. The attached press release will give you full information on this.

Yours sincerely, Eugenio Soler-Alonso DIRECTOR

rSwfcsuf- rl&if;pmom;rsm;udk rlvtwdkif; jyefvnf½dkufESdyfazmfjyonf/

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The President, University of Rangoon Students’ Union, Rangoon. Dear Sir, The University of Malaya Historical Society is making a Goodwill and study Tour of Burma between July and August this year. The party comprising thirty students, including three ladies, will leave for Rangoon on July 6th. They will return from Rangoon on Aug. 7th after a month’s tour of the country. Thus far we have been in touch with members of the staff of the University of Rangoon who are helping us with our arrangements, in particular Dr. Kyaw Thet of the Dept. of Far Eastern History. We have also written to Dr. Ba Nyunt. As one of the objects of this tour is to foster goodwill and understanding among students of different nationalities it is our hope that you will assist us meet students informally beside the help you could give us as one student organisation to another. At this stage we are faced with the problem of finding accommodation for the duration of our stay in Rangoon (July 9 to July 13; Aug 5 to Aug 7). I have been asked to write to you by the Consul of the Union of Burma in Singapore regarding this. He is also making other necessary arrangements through the Burmese Foreign Office. I would much appreciate it therefore, if you could suggest suitable alternative accommodation since I have been informed that the University hostels will be fully occupied at that time. As regards accommodation at the other towns on our itinerary, I have written to the Director of Public Instruction. I enclose herewith the tentative itinerary of our tour; dates of arrival and departure given are only approximate. I must before closing rSwfcsuf- rl&if;pmom;rsm;udk rlvtwdkif; jyefvnf½dkufESdyfazmfjyonf/

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apologise for writing so late. Thanking you,

Yours Faithfully,

(K. RAMANUJAM) Hon. Secretary Historical Society University of Malaya c.c. to

Dr. Kyaw Thet, Dept. of Far Eastern History, University of Rangoon.

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SITUATION OF HUNGARIAN STUDENTS REPORTS FROM INTERNATIONALORGANISATIONS (CONTINUED) PAX ROMANA In a special circular dates November 12, 1956, Pax Romana Published the following appeal which had “just been received from Budapest.” The appeal was due to have been broadcast on Radio Danapentele on November 8, 1956, according to Pax Romana. Budapest, 7 November, 1956. APPEAL TO THE STUDENTS OF THE FREE WORLD We, the Hungarian students call on the students of the Free World to come to our aid in our calamitous situation. Do not let the Hungarian drama be forgotten nor clouded by time. We call on you, students of the Free World to demand: 1. An economic boycott of the Soviet Union. No one must buy Russian products. Also, industrialists and businessmen must refuse to buy or sell Russian raw materials, finished products or byproducts. 2. All sporting events with Soviets should be cancelled immediately. The youth of Free World should not participate actively nor as spectators in any sporting events in which Russian sportsmen take part. 3.The sending or a United Nations Police Force to Hungary. The Hungarian nation does not believe one word spoken by the Soviets. The general strike continues. Nobody believes the promise given, that if the people resume work, the Russians will leave Hungary. In the last few days of our fight for Freedom, more than 12,000 young people, both men and women, and many thousands of men and women workers have died a hero’s death. WE CALL ON THE YOUTH OF THE FREE WORLD TO SHOW THEIR SOLIDARITY WITH US. DO NOT DESERT US. S.O.S. S.O.S. The Revolutionary Committee of the Hungarian Youth (PAX ROMANA)

WORLD ASSEMBLY OF YOUTH WAY issued the following circular on November 12, 1956: The President of WAY, Antoine Lawrence, launched an appeal to all National Committees on October 30th in which he asked for complete cooperation by National Committees with National Red Cross group units to aid the Hungarian insurgents. After the change of the political situation in Hungary the Bureau of WAY sent a cable on November 7th to the Secretary General of the United Nations. This Cable is as follows: rSwfcsuf- rl&if;pmom;rsm;udk rlvtwdkif; jyefvnf½dkufESdyfazmfjyonf/

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THE WORLD ASSEMBLY OF YOUTH PROTESTS AGAINST BRUTAL RUSSIAN ARMY SUPPRESSION OF HUNGARIAN YOUTH AND PEOPLE STOP WAY INDENTIFIED WITH STRUGGLE OF HUNGARIAN YOUTH FOR FREEDOM AND RIGHT OF SELFDETERMINATION SUPPORTS U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY DECISION AND LOOKS TOWARDS U.N. TO ASSIST HUNGARIAN PEOPLE IN TIME OF NEED. On November 8th, as a result of the urgent appeal sent to the fiftytwo Nation Committees of WAY throughout the world, WAY raised the equivalents of $ 2000 to be given to the Hungarian people. In order to complete the action taken by WAY on the international developments over the past two weeks, we would like to quote a cable sent by WAY to the U.N Secretary General. WAY GIVES PROFOUND THANKSGIVING TO U.N. SECRETARY GENERAL ON IMPLEMENTATION OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY DECISION FOR CEASE FIRE IN EGYPT AND PRESERVATION OF PEACS AND U.N. CHARTER. (WAY) WORLD UNIVERSITY SERVICE The latest circular, dated November 19, 1956, from WUS international headquarters in Geneva read as follows: Reporting from Vienna this afternoon, Mr. Hans Dall tells us that 150 Hungarian students are now housed in the hostel in Vienna. A load of beds is on route from Denmark, and will make it possible to house another 150-200. For the present, their is pressing need for more clothing, but books in Hungarian and dictionaries are urgently requested. The Austrian government estimates that there were another 200 students among the refugee was entered Austria last week. The British Council for Aid to Refugees has entrusted the British WUS Committee with the coordination of all office for the resettlement of students among the Hungarian refugees to be received in Britain. A special Coordinating Committee is being set up by WUS in conjunction with the National Union of Students and all major associations concerned with higher education. The International Association of University Professors and Lecturers is establishing contact with Hungarian university teachers in Austria. The Society for the Protection of Science and Learning has offered funds and assistance to refugee professors and lecturers. The American WUS Committee is making a special for scholarship and resettlement offers for Hungarian students. The French government, in collaboration with universities and voluntary agencies, has expressed its willingness to receive up to 600 Hungarian students. Over and above the offers already made from Switzerland, there is a possibility of receiving and housing, as a group, a further 100 or 150 Hungarian students. rSwfcsuf- rl&if;pmom;rsm;udk rlvtwdkif; jyefvnf½dkufESdyfazmfjyonf/

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SITUATION OF HUNGARIAN STUDENTS REPORTS FROM NATION UNIONS (CONTINUED) C A N A D A The National Federation of Canadian University Students has issued the following statement: Since the coup d’etat in Czechoslovakia in 1948 relations between the students of Canada and the students Hungary have been confined to infrequent and sometimes unfriendly meetings at the Conferences of the Communistdominated International Union of Students. Canadian students have never ceased to hope that conditions would alter and that more normal and friendly relations would be established. During recent days as the confused reports came in from Hungary this hope was raised high. Unfortunately the high hope is no more and our first feeling is one of sorrow at the fate of our fellow student in Budapest and other Hungarian cities. Their bravery against overwhelming speaks more eloquently than polemics in which we might engage. Although the recent aspiration of Hungarian students seem for the time being to have been crushed we nevertheless cherish the hope that it will be possible to establish more friendly relations. Canadian students extend to their Hungarian fellows, in their darkest hour, the hand of friendship, and assures then that they ever ready to enter into free and friendly relations on the basis of respect for each other’s national independence and sovereignty. (NFCUS) L E B A N O N The Secretariat has received the following cable singed by the Union Nationale des Etudiants Universitaires au Liban: The Arab Students Regional Organisation protests with force against the aggression of the Soviet Army which has attempted by iron and fire to stifle the cries of innocent Hungarian students eager for liberty. Such colonialists, barbaric means will never succeed in eclipsing the sun of emancipation which rises on these oppressed people. (UNEUL) N O R W A Y The following information has been received from NSS “about the development of the actions for Hungary in Norway”. This morning the first (Hungarian) refugee student arrived by plane from Vienna. She is 23, from Györ, has passed her matriculation degree (Abitur), but was not admitted at the university in her own country because of nonproletarian origin. She fled when the Russians came, and in Vienna she seems by chance to have met the representative of the Norwegian Refugee Council there, who invited her to come to us to study . . . . . . . . Saturday last ,student restaurants in Oslo had herring on the menu instead of meat which they ordinarily have, and we got the balance, kr.1200 (£ 60), for the students relief project. On Friday a three-days’ subscription of 5 kr. from each student is starting. The Oslo students were following up very successfully in their “Give one day action” by other universities, training college, secondary schools and so on, and we hope to get a part of these proceeds . . . . . . . . Our plan is to invited 10 students, pay all their expense the first year, and then the “State Loan Fund” is willing rSwfcsuf- rl&if;pmom;rsm;udk rlvtwdkif; jyefvnf½dkufESdyfazmfjyonf/ - 28 -

to take over by granting loans to the refugees on the same terms as those being for our own students. (NSS) U N I O N




The National Union of South Africa Students issued the following statement to the press on 13 November, 1956. The Nation Union of South Africa has been following with anxiety the recent events in Hungary. It has come to our attention that course of the disturbances, students actively engaged in the struggle for their freedom and that of their universities have been made to suffer grievously as a result of military and police action. The National Union has for some time been of the opinion that all students living in the totalitarian countries of Eastern Europe have been deprived of fundamental academic freedom and the most elementary of student rights. The view has been confirm by statement from leading academicians and student leaders in Hungary by a call which we received from the staff of the University of Szöged. It is a matter for deep regret that it has now become apparent that the efforts of the students have been of no avail, and that their determined actions have been taken at so great a cost. The above statement was circulated to Students’ Representative Councils in South Africa with a request from the NUSAS President, E.K. Wentzel, and Vice President for International Relations, J. Ruban. “to assist those students who suffered as a result of military bombardment and police actions”. NUSAS asked that students donate to “cash sums which may be used by those distributing relief in whatever manner is most necessary.” (NUSAS) W E S T


The Guild of Undergraduates of the College of the West Indies issued the following statement on November 9, 1956: The Guild of Undergraduates wishes to express its sincerest sympathy and complete solidarity with the students of Hungary in your fight to secure our legitimate rights. We believe that student have the right to establish and organise democratic student government empowered to act within its constitution, without any control of interference from the state. We believe in the autonomy of Universities as centers of learning and research where enquiry for knowledge can be pursued in an atmosphere of academic freedom, of students’ right to express opinion on the development of their country and to obtain an education in keeping with their aptitudes and interests. It is our fervent hope that suppression of students will cease immediately, your demands will be satisfied, and your former rights restored. We are fully prepared to give you any possible form of assistance, and will in the meanwhile give extensive publicity in our country to your struggle. We shall be pleased to receive any further information you can offer. (Guild of Undergraduates) rSwfcsuf- rl&if;pmom;rsm;udk rlvtwdkif; jyefvnf½dkufESdyfazmfjyonf/

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COORDINATION COMMITTEE International Relief for Hungarian Students PROGRESS REPORT

As you will be aware a Coordinating Committee for International Relief for Hungarian Students was set up as a result of the conference attended by 13 National Unions of Students, WUS and COSEC, which took place in Vienna November 10-11. The Committee, which consists of the Austrian National Union of Students (OH), WUS and COSEC, has two aims, to give immediate aid to Hungarian students who are in need, and to convey to them the fullest possible information on scholarships, which are offer to Hungarian refugee students and to help them in any other way to pursue their studies. The Committee has been working for one week now and is pleased to present this report on its activities and on the current situation regarding Hungarian students. At the moment there are between 1200 and 1300 Hungarian refugee students in Austria. It has not been possible to establish contacts with students in Hungary in the past week, therefore the Committee has concentrated on the work which could be done in Austria. About 400 of these 1200 students are living in one camp near Salzburg, St. Wolfgang, all coming from the same University (Hochschule) in Hungary. The rest of the students were when the Committee started its work scattered in many different camps. The Committee felt that it was essential in order to give efficient aid to register all these students as quickly as possible and to gather all those who wish, in one camp. To reach the first aim the Committee has distributed to all refugee camps postcards printed in Hungarian asking for eight basic points of information, which the camp authorities give to students. These cards are returned free of charge to the committee. Furthermore a detailed questionnaire on basis of the WUS “Curriculum Vitae” has been prepared which the Hungarian students fill out when the Committee contacts them after having received the postcards. To reach the second aim, to gather the students in one place, the Committee has succeded in obtaining a house in Vienna with a capacity of 300-350 beds. The Austrian Government has recognised this home as an official refugee camp and will, therefore, pay for the food for the students living there. The camp which was opened Saturday, November 17, took in 50 students the first day, the same number to be received daily until the camp is full. At the moment, though, it has not been possible to have all the beds promised by the International Red Cross. The Committee is in contact with the important international agencies which are working in Vienna to help the Hungarians. In order to give the students the required information about scholarships the Committee is in contact with official authorities from England, France, Canada and Germany and local authorities and rSwfcsuf- rl&if;pmom;rsm;udk rlvtwdkif; jyefvnf½dkufESdyfazmfjyonf/

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student organisations in Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland and USA. A lack of contact is felt though with some of the National Unions, which participated in the above-mentioned conference. The Committee appeals to all National Unions of Students to send all information about study possibilities in their countries to its address immediately. All transport to another country from Austria and from third to a fourth country if necessary will be paid by the International Committee for European Migration (ICEM). The Committee has been able to provide the students with clothes from the supplies received from certain National Unions. Clothes already collected by NUS’s. but not sent yet, should be sent as soon as possibles. It is the Committee’s opinion that now collections of clothes are not necessary for the moment. Financial support for the student home is urgently needed. Such funds should be sent to WUS, Geneva, or directly to the Committee. Furthermore blankets, sheets, soap, towels, pillows, books (Hungarians if possible, otherwise illustrated magazines), cigarettes, chocolate, tea, cocoa, coffee, marmalade are needed. The donors should inform the Committee before goods are shipped, and if the transport is by train the numbers of the wagons should be sent to the Committee. The administrative costs of the Committee are at the moment being covered by a donation from the Danish National Union of Students. It is our hope that the National Unions will help the Committee in the work by keeping the closest possible contact and by providing information on individual actions, study possibilities etc. Vienna, Austria, November 19, 1956.

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The name of the Union of Working Youth of Hungary (DISZ) has figured prominently in reports of recent events in Hungary of which the formation of student organisations independent from the DISZ was one feature. As a consequence, the Secretariat has received a number of requests for information with regard to the structure and functions of the DISZ, the “Student Section” of which has in the past been regarded as the national student organisation in Hungary. During his visit to Budapest at the end of the June, 1956, the Admistrative Secretary had discussion with offices of the DISZ and was presented with a French copy of its Constitution. This document was distributed in the original language to the participants at the International Student Conference in Ceylon. On the basis of the Constitution the following summery of the structure and functions of the Union of Working Youth has been prepared. There is no separate student organisation in Hungary. There is an overall youth organisation, constitutionally bound to the Hungarian Worker’s Party (the Hungarian Communist Party).There is a “Student Section” within the administrative structure, but not within the membership, and no national student meeting are held at which policy decisions are taken. The aims and objects of the organisation are summarised in Clauses 2 and 3 of the Constitution which read: 1.

The Union of Working Youth (DISZ) is the reserve of the party and its auxiliary in all aspects of the building of socialism, the DIZS operates under immediate direction of the Hungarian Workers’ Party: the resolutions of the Party are obligatory for the DISZ. According to the principle of regional division, the organisation of the DISZ are directed by the appropriate organs and committee of the party. The Central Committee of the DISZ is directly subordinate to the Central Committee of the Party.


The task of the DISZ consists in preparing its members to become mamber of the Party. The highest honour which can be obtained by a member of the DISZ is to become a member of the Hungarian Workers’ Party.


The DISZ supports in all its work the victorious doctrine of maxist-leninism. The DIZS is the heir to the progressive traditions of the revolutionary youth of 1848 and 1919, which it continues. Its considers the Union of Young Communist Workers of Hungary as its predecessor and applies in its work the fighting experiences of the Union. It takes its example from the leninist Komsomol, first rank fighter of the international movement of progressive youth”.

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According to Clause 4,the Union of Working Youth “in the spirit of socialist patriotism and proletarian internationalism” developes in the youth “an unshakable faith in the socialist Soviet Union, liberator of our country, whose continual and friendly aid is the gauge of our national independence, whose results we have obtained, and of our peace. The Union maintains friendship between the countries of the Peoples’ Democracies and teaches the youth to support the struggle of the progressive youth of the world, to appreciate the progressive national culture of other peoples of the world and to hate the enemies of our country and our people.” The organisation is composed of individual units in “factories, business firms, the armed force, agricultural machinery situation, agricultural cooperatives, State industries, educational institutions, communes, administrations, local districts of at least 3 members of the DISZ”.(Clause 29). (A later sector of the Constitution is the devoted specifically to “the organisations of the Union of Working Youth in the Hungarian Peoples’ Army and in the Armed formations of the Ministry of the Interior”. (Clauses 34 to 36). These units all form parts of regional grouping within the framework of the Union. The constitution of each unit has to be approved by “The Executive Committee of the Union at a higher level” (Clauses 29). All groups are subject to decisions of the Central Committee, the “principle basis of the Union being democratic centralism” (Clause 9). The Central Committee is responsible for the direction of the Union between meetings of the Congress which are held every three years. It was the Central Committee which decided on the question of the invitation to the Sixth International Student Conference. The “ Student Section” and other “sections” are nominated by the Central Committee: there is no specific mention of a “Student Section” in the Constitution. All units of the Union (in the university institutions, inter alia) operate under the directions of the Central Committee (Clause 17) and “when justified, the Central Committee has the right to annul the elections of any or all of the name of any committee” (Clause 26). In essence, the university student groups form local units within the framework of the overall youth organisation. The youth organisation is controlled by the Central Committee, which, for administrative purposes, has a student section. The Central Committee is directly subordinate to the Central Committee of the Hungarian Workers’ Party. Copies of the full Constitution can be obtained from the Secretariat on request. The original supplied by the DISZ is in French but translation are available in English and Spanish.

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- 2 to the crowds, and in particular to young people at the universities. The young people began to organise. They held meetings and demanded their rights. Their demands at first remained within bounds of university life - that Russian should be taken off the time table as a compulsory language, and the number of compulsory classes decreased, for example. But changes in Poland and changes in the country itself (rehabilitation of Rajk and others) encouraged them to come forward with more radical demands: - withdrawal of Russian troops from the country; open trial of Mihaly Farkas and his son. These demands were no longer within the bounds of university life, but expressed the will of the whole nation. Among them was the demand to discontinue the norm and that of compulsory contributions. With these they were able to recruit the support of both the workers and the peasantry. Not only in Budapest, but also in country places university students became organised and at times they were more successful in the country. Thus the university students of Szeged were the first to withdraw from the then existing youth organisation, the “DISZ” and this decision was of the greatest importance. The “DISZ” was, as it were, the organ which aimed to educate young people at universities in the Communist spirit and was recognised by the Communists themselves as the “ gold-stock” of the Party. Through it they tried to mobilise and use young people in the interest of the Party. But, the withdrawal from the “DISZ” had one aspect of even greater significance. In Hungary only children of working-class or peasant origin were admitted to universities and these made up 80-90% of members. Higher education was given only to young people whom it was felt could be trusted. These then were the people enjoying to the greatest extent the support of the State, and yet it was they who turned against the existing regime. The Communists wished to cover up this fact as it meant the complete failure of their rule - young people they had trusted most had turned against them! They had been children when the Soviet “liberation” came, for 12 years were raised in the Communist spirit, were spoon-fed with its propaganda and yet they rose to be rid of its oppressing yoke. They had never known the real meaning of freedom; it had been carefully hidden away. An airtight wall had shut them off from the West. They had been raised in a cage, but now they wanted to break loose of it; they wanted to find the freedom they so fervently desired

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- 3 and which had been so far denied them. They proved to Communists that no propaganda whatsoever quench the thirst for freedom. Following the example of the university youth in Szeged, one by one, students in Budapest and elsewhere withdrew from membership of the “DISZ” and formed the “MEFESZ” (Union of Hungarian University and other tertiary students). This organisation was no longer to act as the mouthpiece of Communism but to take up the interests of young people at universities. Events then moved quickly: 22 October: The students agree to approach the government and organise a silent demonstration for 23 October. That night they paste leaflets listing their demands on house walls in Budapest. 23 October: Groups loiter in the streets reading the students’ declarations. Murmurs of approval are heard from the crowd. The demonstration is scheduled for 2 p.m. At 1p.m. the Minister of Internal Affairs withdrawn permission. Students send a deputation to Broadcasting House and call upon the Minister of the Interior to withdraw his statement. At 2 p.m. the Minister gives permission for the demonstration. Thousands of students now make their way along both sides of the Danube to Bem Joseph square situated in Buda. Here the two processions meet, those from Pest passing through the inner city. Along the route people everywhere raise the Hungarian flag. At Bem joseph square, the students demand the Kossuth emblem and soldiers of the army barracks standing in this square bring it out, asking the crowd for cockades and joining the students to walk back with them to Pest and the Parliamentary building. Meanwhile the slogans of the crowd become more and more radical in character. The most popular is “Down with Gerö” ( Gero was then Prime Minister). The crowd become denser and denser until it is 60 - 70,000 strong as it reaches the Parliamentary building. As leader of the crowd, we first talk to them; then we demand that Imre Nagy talk, since the masses have previously insisted he should be the leader of the country. Students are promised their demands will be fulfilled and it is declared on behalf of the government that Gerö will give a radio-speech. At 8p.m. Gerö denounce us in his broadcast as fascist hands and threatens punishment. At that moment Russian tanks are already on their way to Budapest. Gerö’s speech fill the people with rage and they march along Stalin Road towards Stalin square to destroy the Stalin monument. Another crowd makes its way towards Broadcasting House to announce its 15 point proclamation. While the crowd in Stalin square pulls down the

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- 4 statue, these in Broadcasting House fire the first shot. And the students demand printing of their 15 points the AVO (secret police) open fire on them. This firing marks the beginning of the revolution, and with arms obtained from the soldiers, students besiege Broadcasting House. As soon as the crowds gathered on Stalin square learn of the shooting, they disarm all soldiers in town and march to the army barracks where the soldiers hand them arms. This fact was also of prime importance. The police and the armed forces whose task it was to protect the government, sided with the people, and after all they were of the people. That night, fighting started in Budapest. At first the army remained passive but when Soviet tanks appeared the next day, they openly sided with the people and began a fight of life or death. The Soviet troops were supported by the AVO whose members have even less regard for human life than the Russians, but I shall not digress here is details have been given in the newspapers. Every person who possessed arms or could obtain them, took part in the fighting - soldiers, civilians, women and even children. To replenish their ammunition the AVO use ambulances car to obtain protection and then even fired at the ambulance personnel. Doctors were fired upon and the streets littered with dead bodies and hospital packed so that wounded lay on the floors. In the street, people queuing for bread were fired upon with machine-guns and artillery. The people’s ammunition was running out, but in spite of this, the revolution was approaching a victorious end. The government changed and Imre Nagy became Prime Minister taking the place of Gerö in the Cabinet. New people filled ministerial seats and among them the despicable traitor János Kádár who had been a political prisoners under the Rakosi regime. The government asked the Russians to withdraw their troops from Budapest. Revolutionary committees were being formed and power was now in their hands. In the town itself there was chaos . A number of revolutionary committees were at wars, the most powerful of which was the committee of Hungarian intellectuals and it was this committee which had the greatest influence over the population. Gradually the fighting stopped, though here and there it continued against small scattered groups of the AVO. Complete victory was nearly ours when the insidious Russian intervention began. Pretending to secure the withdrawal of Russian troops, they occupied commune then lines between Budapest and Zahony. They occupied the

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- 5 airfields and all the other important points. Soviet tanks poured in from Rumania, until a threefold ring encircled Budapest. The Soviet attacked on 3 November. It was history’s most treacherous attack against a handful of people fighting for their freedom in the middle of Europe. The Soviet troops had a crushing superiority over the poorly equipped Hungarian army. You all knew the rest. Hungary has become one huge battlefield. There is ruin and annihilation everywhere yet the people continue still their desperate fight and will continue as long as they have weapons. But rather let us consider what this revolution has taught us, as it will be important for all countries and also for members of the Communist Party in these countries. In the first place, Communist policy has dropped its veil and shown its real face. Soviet propaganda which has always been shouting for peace and denouncing imperialism has not refrained from insidiously attacking a small nation engaged in desperate fight for its freedom. This must discredit the Soviet for ever in the eyes of the world. Of added significance also is the fact that in the cases of Korea and Vietnam, the Soviet Union declared the break-down of capitalism had started when these countries broke the chain of capitalistic oppression; but here we are with a country in the very centre of Europe which wishes to break away from the Communist chain after 12 years of propaganda. If the revolution successes, it will serve as an example for all other democracies as well, for there have been demonstrations in Rumania too. And to use the Soviet Union’s own phraseology: thus also the collapse of Communism has made a beginning. It was only to be expected for nations have always wanted freedom and stills want it today, you will always want it even in the face of oppression. And sooner or later, the world will have to submit to the will of the millions of people fighting for their freedom. Hungary is not lost and shall not be lost, however small it may be compared to the Soviet Union, for it has found many friends throughout the world, such friends as sympathise with the fate of this small Hungarian nation, still fighting for its freedom.

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Students and the Hungarian Revolution

The following matrices of photographs are available and will be sent to any student publication requesting them. There is no charge for the service. Write to the Coordinating Secretariat, Post Box 36, Leiden, Netherlands, or cable: COSEC LEIDEN. CAPTIONS FOR MATRICES Please request matrices by number N 1

Hungarian refugees on arrival at transit centre at Traeskirchen, near Vienna, after being brought in lorries and coaches from the point where they crossed the frontier into Austria. Students among these groups are picked out at Registration for special attention by the Austrian National Union of Students and other volunteer student helpers.

N 2

“Where do we go next?” - In crowded accommodation at Traeskirchen transit center Hungarian students and their young refugee discuss that the future might have in store.

N 3

Half the Hungarian student refugees came from one University and School of Agriculture at Sopron, near the Austrian border. Together with their Rector and other faculty members they have been given free one of a former women’s domestic science and commercial training college at St. Wolfgang, near Salzburg, where they have resumed coop rate university life. The picture shows Sopron students outside one of their new university buldings.

PLEASE CREDIT THESE PHOTOS TO “COSEC” For futher information, please contact COSEC

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SUPPORT FOR HUGARIAN STUDENTS Since the original Hungarian uprising on October 23, initiated largely by students of Budapest, students the world over have taken part in one of the greatest expressions of solidarity ever accorded on the international level to any action. Unprecedented sums of money have been raised virtually over night by National Unions of Students. For example, the Union in Danmark collected DKr 90,000 (£ 4,500, $ 12,600) in three days, in Finland 2.5 million Finmark. (£ 3,750, $ 10,500), in Holland Dfl 155,000 ( £ 14,500, $42,000) and in Sweden DKr 80, 000 (£ 5,700, $16,000) at a single student meeting. Students also donated large sums for Hungarian students relief in England, France, Germany, Norway, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States, among other countries. There were expressions of students solidarity with Hungarian students, including demonstrations at Soviet embassies, in Argentina, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Sweden and Switzerland, to name the most prominent. Official statements of support for Hungarian student demands for academic freedom and university autonomy have been issued by representatives National Unions of Students in every area of the globe, including Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Indonesia, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Norway, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United States, Vietnam, and the West Indies. Support has been expressed by a number of international university and student organisations including Pax Romana (International Movement of Catholic Students and its graduate partner), World University Service and the World Assembly of Youth.

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- 2 In response to requests and following the initiatives of National Unions of Students, the Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students (COSEC, Leiden, Netherlands) called a meeting of National Unions in Vienna, with the Austrian National Union as host, on November 10 and 11, to discuss the coordination of relief efforts for Hungarian students. Fourteen National Unions of Students were represented at the meeting. Its result was the establishment of a Coordinating Committee composed of representatives of the Austrian National Union of Students, World University Service, and the Coordinating Secretariat. This Coordinating Committee has been functioning since that time in Vienna in an affort to provide immediate aid for Hungarian refugee students in Austria - accommodation, clothing, food, books, medicine - and to coordinate long term scholarship opportunities for the students. The Coordinating Committee reported on November 14 that some 1,300 Hungarian refugee students were in Austria. Since that time, the Committee believes that the number has been more than doubled by students fleeing from the fear of deportation of young people to the Soviet Union. The latest estimate stand at around 3,000 and the influx of student refugees continued. Preliminary registration cards for almost 2,000 Hungarian students have been collected by the Committee and complete curriculum vitae for about 700 of these. The Committee reports that about 400 students have been accommodated at St. Wolfgang, Austria and about 300 in Graz, Austria and that a hostel accommodating up to 500 students in Vienna and another for about 120 in Switzerland have been acquired by the Committee. Registration and accommodation of student refugees is proceeding as rapidly as possible. The International Red Cross, the Austrian Government and the International Rescue Committee are providing the Committee with funds for the accommodation of refugee students in Austria and for other immediate material needs. The principle objective of the Coordinating Committee is to provide scholarships for Hungarian students to allow them to pursue their studies in other university centres. Already a number have left Austria for universities elsewhere in Europe, including 150 to Germany, 45 to Holland and 20 to Switzerland. Hundred of scholarship opportunities have been offered through National Unions of Students and governments. The Committee

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Circular No. 16/1956-57 Reference No. 110/Cuba

November 23, 1956

THE UNIVERSITY SITUATION IN CUBA Dear Friends, At the Ceylon Conference, in view of university situation in Cuba, the following resolution are adopted. The Sixth International Student Conference expresses its solidarity with the Cuban students in the struggle for liberty and for university autonomy in their country. Therefore the Conference urges COSEC to report about the university situation in Cuba through its publications (Bulletins, circulars, etc.,), in order to inform the students; urges COSEC to send to the Cuban government the present resolution and to inform it of the demands of the Conference as follows: a.) that funds be given to the universities, which belong to it rightfully according to the Constitution; b.) that freedom of association be granted to the students as well as self-government to the universities; c.) that detained students against whom no legal charges can be brought be released; d.) that students’ lives be respected and no bloodshed be committed. Lastly, the Conference urges the National Unions to give full support to the Cuban students. In this connection, the Secretariat wants to communicate to you that it has brought the above-mentioned text to the notice of the Cuban Government and that so far it has not received any answer. Later we have received reports from the Cuban University Students Declaration(FEU)in which they inform us of the extremely difficult situation through which they are passing, requesting us to circulate this information to the National Unions. It is therefore, in accordance with this resolution, that we bring to your notice the information from the FEU, annexing it to the present circular.

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As on other occasions, we would appreciate very much if you would inform the Secretariat of the actions which the National Unions undertake to apply with the resolution of the Ceylon Conference and the appeal of the FEU. With best wishes, THE COORDINATING SECRETARIAT

Jean Barros Barros Associate Secretary

John M. Thompson Administrative Secretary

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PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS There are the subjects proposed discussion in the meetings between young people during the festival in Moscow.

Miners - Working conditions, safety measures and ways of safeguarding the health of young miners. Farmers - Possibility for young farmers to have their own farms and the conditions for making them paying enterprises, Exchange of experience on farming. Dockers - Protection of the labour of young dockers during handing operations. Professional training, full employment and permanent salaries for young dockers. Electrical Engineer and Power Industry - Conditions for the training and improvement of young workers in the electrical engineering and power industry. Food Industry - Mechanization and intensification of labour in the food industry and the position of young workers. Working conditions and health protection. Building Workers - Professional training. - Mechanization in building and problems facing the young builders. Railwaymen - Intensification of labour and working conditions.

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- 3 stated in September, 1956 that “where there is no segregation, as in the position at certain Universities, it must be established or enforced.” This same Minister stated in July 1956 that apartheid would be established at the Universities “regardless of cost.” In reply to a repeated request from NUSAS and the open Universities to the Minister of Education to receive a deputation to discuss University apartheid, he replied “the provision of separate facilities is the declared policy of the Government” and that therefore he was not prepared to receive a deputation to discuss the question. This refusal seems to indicate that the Government are not prepared to take into consideration the opinion of the Universities concerned. Ever since the Government started threatening to interfere in the Universities of Cape Town and the Witwatersrand, students and staff concerned have used to arguments in reply - firstly, any enforcement of apartheid contrary to the wishes of the Universities would be a clear violation of the independence of these Universities; secondly, all the evidence from responsible persons intimately connected with the system of non-segregation in the Universities proves that nonsegregation not only a workable policy, but appears to be the best educational policy for South African Universities. The independence of the Universities is a long-honoured tradition in the Western world. It has through long experience been found essential for the proper functioning of a University as a community of staff and students who seek the truth, the ensure that there is no outside interference in the international affairs of the University has four essential freedoms - whom to teach, how to teach, what to teach and who shall teach. Any dictation to the Universities in regard to any one of these freedoms must be seen as a possible fore-runner of indoctrinated teaching. This is especially true in South Africa, where the Government are committed to a policy of separate and different education for Africans in the schools, as was conclusively proved by the Eiselen Commission “as an independent race” and to equip the Africans” to meet the demands which the economic life of South Africa will impose upon him.” (Dr Verwoerd) The late Dr. T.B. Davie, Principal of the University of Cape Town, stated in his Hoernle Memorial Lecture in 1955: “There can be little doubt that it is the intention of the framers of the Act that the education of the African child shall be different from that of the European and further, that this difference shall establish and perpetuate an inferior status in the African in relation to the European.” Those opposed to University apartheid fear that this inferior education may be lot of non-white students at any segregated colleges. Most important of all, however, of the arguments which can be advanced for the open Universities, is the success of the policy of academic non-segregation as practiced at the Universities of Cape Town and the Witwatersrand for the past 50 years. Segregated Universities in South Africa, both white and black, are often noted for their suspicion of people of the other race and for their extreme nationalism. The open Universities, on the other hand, have made a notable contribution to better race relations in South Africa. Anyone conversant with South African problems will realise that what is most conspicuously lacking in the Union today is an opportunity for educated persons of different races to meet in a friendly manner and the discuss their problems objectively. The open Universities offer the only regular opportunity in the whole of South Africa for such contact. Any move which

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prevents this contact between students and staff of different races at the open universities must be as a threat to racial peace in South Africa and eventually the whole continent. The Universities of Cape Town and Witwatersrand have strenuously argued that the presence of non-white students has made the open Universities true Universities. There can be no doubt that segregation would mean inferior facilities for non-whites and thus inferior education. This inferiority is clearly demonstrated by a comparison of the poor facilities at the University College of Ford Hare (established 1916) and the other Universities. Similarly at the University of Natal the facilities at the non-white section (except for the Medical School) are much inferior to those provided for the white students. Throughout South Africa it is commonly accepted that facilities for white should be superior to those provided for non-whites. In fact, South Africa is the only country in the world which, by a Separate Amenities Act, declared that separate facilities for non-whites need not be equal. NUSAS and the students of the open Universities go further, and support the ruling of the United States Supreme Court that “separate facilities are inherently unequal.” None of the arguments against the open Universities have been borne out in fact, and the Universities are defending their right to admit non-whites as students with every means in their power. We, as the representatives of over 10,000 South African students and in particular those at the open Universities, address this letter to you in other counties, in the hope that it will assist you to understand the threat of interference by the South African Government in the open Universities of Cape Town and the Witwatersrand, and that we completely oppose any enforced apartheid in our Universities.

Cape Town, October, 1956.

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Resolution adopted by the Sixth International Student Conference: University Situation in South Africa The Conference notes that South African Government has indicated that it intends to introduce legislation at the beginning of the next parliament which will have the effect of ending the system of “open” universities at Cape Town and Witwatersrand. The Conference therefore recommends to the National Unions that as soon as the government of South Africa gives public notice of its intention, the National Unions take action to indicate their opposition to this proposal, such action taking the form of direct letters to South Africa, intervention with the government’s diplomatic representatives, and messages from leading educators and university authorities, particularly in countries with a similar educational system to that of South Africa.

.......... The Conference also: .......... b

recommends that the protests of the National Unions of Students against the introduction of segregation into the remaining unsegregated universities should be channelled through the Coordinating Secreariat in order that those protests should be registered in the most effective way possible.

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1st Dec, 1956 Dear Friend, Herewith we are sending you a set of photos about the activities of the Chinese people and youth in support the Egyptian people in resistance to the Anglo-French aggression in Egypt. We think it will be of use to your magazines or other publications. The people’s movement in support of Egypt here is in full swing. We believe that with the support of the people the world over, the righteous struggle of the Egyptian people will certainly win. With our fraternal greetings, Sincerely yours,

Secretariat All China Federation of Democratic Youth

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National Union of Students Student Body Presidents (U.S.) International Persons

USNSA has made three full mailings to its member-school student body presidents on the recent Hungarian crisis. What began as a sympathetic response to Hungarian student demands for freedom has turned toward solving immediate needs of refugee students who have fled from Hungary. But the original cause - the cause for which Hungarian students have brought so much responsibility upon themselves - has not been forgotten by U.S. students. U.S. students marked the significance of Hungarian students in this revolt and their reasons for organizing and fighting; U.S. students have regarded the Hungarian events not as an uprising against one regime but lasted as a quest for freedom embodying the aspirations of students of students throughout the world. The second of our domestic mailings - that of 6 November - was sent in similar form to overseas addresses. Here we will bring up-to-date our reporting of the whole Hungarian situation. I. HUNGARIAN STUDENT TOURS U.S COLLEGES UNDER USNSA PROGRAM What part did Hungarian students play in the revolt? How was it that University of Budapest and University of Sopron students organized independently but at the same time, without corresponding or agreeing to organize? How was it that Soviet soldiers had been variously informed that they were being sent to Suez or to protect Hungary against “Western” invaders? How did the Sopron students first formulate their demands and then turn to military action when Soviet soldiers were ordered to break the revolt? Istvan Lazlo, elected leader of the students of the University of Sopron on 23 October, came to the U.S. on November 5 as a member of the mission to the UN of Mrs. Anna Kethy, Minister of State without portfolio of the Imrc Nagy government. When USNSA found that he was here, we endeavored to give him the opportunity of speaking to college and university audience, the group to which he thought the most important the Hungarian student plight be explained. In his talks since October 18 he has explained some of the questions which we have stated above. USNSA has organized for Laszlo a tour of colleges and universities throughout the U.S. We feel that it is important that the quest of Hungarian students for freedom be explained, that their circumstances be described, and that the events of the short-lived revolt be elaborated. By understanding this one instance in which the Universities were oppressed, matriculation made dependent upon criteria other than ability and effort, and limitations placed on personal freedom of inquiry and expression, U.S. students can gain a better understanding of their own freedom perhaps too often taken for granted. Funds collected at meetings at which Istvan appears are to be given through USNSA, at his request, to the COSEC WUS Austrian (NUS coordinating committee for international Hungarian students relief In Vienna and to the Hungarian student committee now being formed by elected representatives of the refugee students centers in Austria. rSwfcsuf- rl&if;pmom;rsm;udk rlvtwdkif; jyefvnf½dkufESdyfazmfjyonf/

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NO5 /19 PARIS 240 18 2320 LT(19 November)




- 3 IMMEDIATELY TO INFORM OF ACTIVITIES STOP ADDRESS SOPRONER STUDENTSCHAFT LARGER STROBL ST WOLFGANG SALZBURG AUSTRIA STOP US IMMIGRATION AUTHORITIES EMPHASIZING FAMILY UNITS IN AWARDING VISA UNDER 5000 QUOTA AND MAY EXCLUDE STUDENTS FROM SAME REQUEST YOUR HELP STOP JUST RETURNED FROM GRAZ EXEPECT REMAIN HERE MOST NEXT WEEK THEN POSSIBLY WARSAW SINCE HAVE OBTIANED VISA STOP PLEASE ADVISE CLIVE (5) BA418 B CDU919 111 1/50 PD INTL FR - CD WIEN VIA MACKAY 27 2310 (27 November) NATSTUD FOR JACQZ CAMBRIDGE (MASS) (WORLD UNIVERSITY SERVICE) COORDINATING COMMITTEE REGISTRATION 1000 135 LIST US PREFERENCE SUBJECT ENGINEERING DIFFERENT TYPES 60 MEDICINE 13 VETERINARY 4 CHEMISTY 10 HUMANITY 5 LAW 5 ARCHITECTURE 4 BUSINESS 4 ECONOMICS 2 AGRICULTURE 4 THIS ONLY SAMPLE LIST INCLUDING SOME ALREADY DEPARTED THROUGH IRC STOP LEAST 150 MORE ESTIMATED US PREFERENCE BASIS INTERVIEWS GRAZ VIENNA PROBABLY SIMILAR BREAKDOWN SUBJECTS STOP LANGUAGE PROBLEM SERIOUS FEW KNOW ANY ENGLISH URGE PLAN JOB AND OR LANGAUE CLASSES WITH UTILIZATION MOST STUDY SCHOLARSHIPS ONLY SEPTEMBER 1957 STOP WE READY SEND STUDENT WHEN PROGRAM READY THIS REGARD AND IF VISA QUOTA LASTS OR IS RAISED STOP SUGGEST IMMEDIATE EFFORTS SPECIAL VISA PROVISIONS STUDENTS GRAY These cables constitute the same information which the International Commission has at its disposal. Note especially the language and quota problems. III. RELIEF AND STUDY OPPORTUNITIES Some funds will be needed for administrative expenses of the COSEC-WUS-OH committee in Vienna. Registering students and keeping track of need there cost money, but must be done if relief funds are to be distributed correctly and scholarship needs and qualifications assessed. USNSA is prepared to transmit funds to that committee or to the Hungarian student committee now formed. Member schools wishint to follow this procedure may submit funds to the commission office, indication preferences as to disposition. World University Service is the chief avenue of student relief giving to aid refugee students. The National Federation of Catholic College Students is also able to transmit funds to appropriate channels. USNSA encourages your giving through one of those two groups. World University Service has informed us that it now has about $ 30,000. Major contributions so far recorded in New York, in approximate figures and not differentiated between member and non- member schools, are as follows: Louisiana State University University of So. California University of Redlands Cal Tech Bryn Mawr Miami University ( Ohio ) Vassar Rollins College Oberlin College State College of Washington Claremont Chapman (enrollment 300) UCLA Long Beach State College Yale University Harvard University Brown-Pembroke Stephens College


1,850.00 587.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 898.00 500.00 2,156.00 1,000.00 576.00 1,664.00 570.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 1,313.00 500.00

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This is not a complete list, even of major contributions. It is placed here to give an index of the giving of some institutions, and not tendered as exhaustive.

Bradford Jr. College Northwestern University University of Illinois

- 4 495.00 3,000.00 2,000.00

Twenty-eight institutions have indicated to World University Service that they can accept refugee students and provide financial aid. WUS estimates that there are now firm offers of about 100 places. However, they note that particular need lies for medical and engineering places. The following addresses may be useful: UNSA International Commission 142 Mt. Auburn Street Cambridge 38, Massachusetts

National Federation of Catholic College Trinity College Washington, D.C

World University Service National Office, 20 West 40th Street, N. Y. 18, N.Y. WUS Regional Offices: 1145 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 7, Pennsylvania 13 Auburn Avenue, Atlanta 3, Georgia 19 South La Salle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois 3012 Maple Avenue, Dallas 4, Texas 715 South hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California 813 S.W. 6th Avenue, Portland 4, Oregon Schools which have not done so are encourage to undertake emergency fund drives for Hungarian student relief. For assistance contact a WUS regional office at address at above. In summary, U.S. schools may follow one of these courses: (1) Raise funds, sending to USNSA for transmission to indicated point or for use our Judgment, for relief or other purposes; USNSA may transfer to WUS, (2) Raise funds, sending to WUS or NFCCS, especially if moneys not earmarked for administration, Hungarian committee, ect. (3) Contact WUS regarding scholarship needs; obtain guarantee of tuition from administration and provide funds to cover other needs; you may communicate either to WUS or to USNS: on this matter. (4) Continue to consider moral support of Hungarian students and implications for freedom which their actions involved; but translation of these sentiments to action most basis present need. IV. USNSA CABLE On 18 November USNSA sent the following two cables protesting widely reported deportation of Hungarian students: PRESIDENT DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, WHIT HOUSE, WASHINGTON D.C. USNSA PEPRESENTING 710,000 STUDENTS AND 311 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES URGES IMMEDIATE CLARIFICATION POSITION OF US GOVERMENT WITH RESPECT TO SOVIET DEPORTATION OF HUNGARIAN STUDENTS STOP US GOVERNMENT MUST TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION PROPER EXERCISE OF MORAL POSITION THROUGH EFFECTIVE MECHANISMS STOP US STUDENTS MORE EFFECTIVE UNITED URGING FREEDOM AND SAFETY OF HUNGARIAN STUDENTS THAN ANY PRIOR STUDENT QUESTION STOP PLEASE REPLY USNSA THE MT AUBURN STREET CAMBRIDGE MASS BRUCE LARKIN INTERNATIONAL VICE PRESENT HARALD BAKKEN PRESENT TO




28 November 1956 V

.COMMENTS U.S. students have shown marked concern about these recent events. Students’ courses in Hungarian universities have been disrupted; many students have chosen to leave Hungary; the Hungarian Universities themselves were interrupted; Hungarian students lack material necessities to study (although present reporters are that distribution of funds in Hungary itself cannot be properly guaranteed and administered). But we wish to emphasize again that other cases of university suppression and restriction of freedom exist and will be brought to our attention from time to time. Perhaps they will not be so dramatic - they probably won’t be. There won’t be so many newspaper headlines. Students alone may be concerned, not the immediate fate of an entire country. But when that happens - as it may happen when apartheid legislation is introduced into the parliament of the Union of South Africa to segregate the “open” universities - anticipated for January - students concern should be just as great as it has been in this crisis. Perhaps in other cases money will not be involved, but rather legitimates and reasonable pressure exerted from a strong moral position .Whatever form it takes, let us be aware when it happens that the principle we follow is very much like the principle we have worked from during these last few hectic weeks. The stakes are just as large. USNSA wishes to thank the national unions and member schools which have sent us their reactions, comment, and word of their doings. We would like to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Bruce D. Larkin International Vice-President

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rSjD irf;pmtkyrf sm; (yxrwJG) (1) OD;zkd;uGef; - wpfjrdKUpDaew½GmpDjcm;ukefjyD (2) aunDydwf - 1920 ausmif;om;oydwfukd,fawGU (3) q&m[def - oydwfacgif;aqmifwkdY\t"d|mef (4) a'gufwmjrifhaqG - &efukefwuúodkvfausmif;om;rsm;or*¾ yxrqkH;Ouú| ukdxGef;pdef (5) ukd&m&Spf - 1930 wuúokdvfausmif;om;or*¾ þokdYpcJhonf (6) OD;atmifZHa0 - oydwftoGifeJYtjrif (7) armifqkyef - trsKd;om;aeY orkdif;a&pD;aMumif; (8) ukdwifh (ukd,fpm;) ukdxGef;az - pdefayg[kdufpull;oydwf (ul½SifoydwfarSmufausmif;om;) (9) ndKjr - uGsefawmfi&JacG; aqmif;yg;a&;pOfu (10) ukdcifarmifav; - &efukefwuúokdvf acsmufjcm;cJhaom xkd (3) &uf (11) a'gufwmjrifhaqG - rEÅav;aumvdyfausmif;om;rsm; EkdifiHa&;vIyf&Sm;rI (12) yD,mñGefY - [kdaeYwkef;u (13) oydwfcif - tif,m;u vmcJhonf (14) a½Tjynfpkd; - tkd;olMuD; (15) vJhvJh0if; - bk&m;aqmif;wef;u oydwfoH (16) BudKUyifaumufom; - tmabmfESpfrsdK; (17) o&Jbat; - oydwfukd,fawGU (18) o&Jbat; - yif;,aqmifokdY xrif;xkyfykdYpOfu (19) b[def; (ayguf) - ewftkd;uGJ (20) odef;az - ewftkd;uGJ (21) odef;azjrifh - wuúokdvfy&0Pfukdausmfí (22) OD;oGif - trsKd;om;wuúokdvfzGifhyJGtcrf;tem; rdefYcGef; (23) vlxka':trm - usrqkHcJh&onf 1936 ta&;awmfykH (24) wkd;wufa&; tkef;jrihf - ESpf (50) qkdwm rMumvkdufyg (25) wkd;wufa&; tkef;jrifh - ausmif;om;eJY wkdYArm (26) wif{ (½Srf;jynf) - ½Srf;-ArmaoG;pnf;a&;tp wuou (27) ukdA[def;rS ukdpdefcdkokdYay;ykdYaom vufa&;rl&if; (28) udkatmifqef;rS ukdpdefckdokdYay;ykdYaom vufa&;rl&if; (2) apmif (29) ukdatmifqef;rS ukdjrpdefokdYay;pm - t*Fvdyfvkd (4) apmif (30) wwd,tMudrf AuouGefz&ifh bdwfMum;olrsm; pmtdwfpm&if; (31) &J&Jawmuf oef;wif - 1300jynfh ausmif;om;wkdufyGJ (32) &J&Jawmuf oef;wif - aoG;pnf;Mua[h (33) ukdodef;atmif (ausmif;om;acgif;aqmif) - usaemfodcJhaom Akdvfatmifausmf (34) wif;ukyfwifat; - ausmif;om;vIyf½Sm;rI vGwfvyfa&;tkwfcsyfav;rsm; - u -

(35) "r®om& (36) armifoefYpif (a';'&J) (37) ausmfñGefYrdk; (38) armifxGef;oGif (39) zsmykHpkd; (40) rEÅav;ta&;awmfykH (41) ocifpdefckd (vufa&;rl) (42) ukdukd (43) ukdukd (vufa&;rl) (44) atmifqef; (45) b[def; (46) okyPÖu

- AkdvfatmifausmfeJYtwl qE´jycJhonfhaeYu - ausmif;om;wkdYaoG;ajruscJhpOfu - Akdvfatmifausmfukd,fwkdifa&;cJhaom pmwpfyk'f - cGyfa'gif;tvHatmufrSwkdufyGJ0ifcJhol - atmifausmfpmay - aejynfawmfvGwfvyfa&; - avmifawmrJhta&;awmfykH&JU c&D;wpfaxmuf - pmrwwfolyaysmufa&;rS NAdwdoQe,fcsJUawmfvSefa&; - aqmif;yg; - avmu0d[m& - qif;&Jom;ypönf;rJhrsm;ESifhausmif;om;rsm; - "r®ESifht"r®

('kwd,wJG) (1) ppfukdif;[efwif - pmcsKyfpmwrf;rsm; (1-2-3) (2) ppfukdif;[efwiff - jrefrmEkdifiHawmfrSwfwrf; (1-2-3) (3) ppfukdif;[efwif - jrefrmhvGwfvyfa&;okdY (1-2-3) (4) &JabmfvSrsdK; - orkdif;0ifpmcsKyfpmwrf;rsm; (5) a'gufwmoef;xGef; - e,fvSnfh&mZ0if (y-'k-w) (6) a'gufwmoef;xGef; - acwfopf&mZ0if (y-'k-w) (7) jrefrmhpG,fpkHusrf; - twGJ (1) rS twGJ (15) (8) jrefrmhpG,fpHkusrf; tESpfcsKyfrsm; - 1987 rS 1995 (9) &efukefwuúokdvf a½T&wkpmapmif (ESpf 50) - twGJ (1) (10) &efukefwuúokdvf a½T&wkpmapmif (ESpf 50) - twGJ (2) (11) &efukefwuúokdvf ESpf (50) - (1920-70) (12) &efukefwuúokdvf pdef&wkpmapmif (75 ESpf) - twGJ (1) (13) rdk;BudK;? Armhacwf? aMu;rHk owif;pmrsm; - 1945-1962 (14) tkd;a0*sme,frsm; - &efukefwuúokdvforkdif; (1920-70) (15) tkd;a0r*¾Zif; - 1947-48 rS 1960-61 (16) tkd;a0pmapmif a½T&wkobif txl;xkwf (17) tkd;a0 twGJ (1)? trSwf (5) (18) tkd;a0 twGJ (1)? trSwf (7) (19) tkd;a0 twGJ (5)? trSwf (1) (20) The University Student's Union Magazine Vol: (2) -No: (1) (21) The University Student's Union Magazine Vol: (4) -No: (1) (22) The University Student's Union Magazine Vol: (4) -No: (5) (23) a½Twl*sme,frsm; (24) rsKd;ñGefYr*¾Zif;rsm; - c -

(25) Aef;armfwifatmif (26) Aef;armfwifatmif (27) wkdYArmtpnf;t½kH;ordkif; jyKpka&;tzGJU (28) wkdYArmtpnf;t½kH;ordkif; jyKpka&;tzGJU (29) OD;av;armif (30) OD;av;armif (31) orkdif;jzpf&yfrSef jyKpka&;tzGJU (32) orkdif;jzpf&yfrSef jyKpka&;tzGJU (33) &Jabmfaeatmif (34) &Jabmfaeatmif (35) wifxGef;atmif (jrefrmhtvif;) (36) OD;atmifodef;[ef (0dZÆm-*kPfxl;) (37) AkdvfcsKyfrdefYcGef;rsm; (38) OD;ykav; (39) okawoDjrifhxGef; (40) wuúodkvfae0if; (41) atmifoef; (42) atmifoef; (43) pkaygif; (44) tnMw&Jabmf (45) arjrdKUcspfaqG (46) wifpkd; (abm**kPf) (47) AkdkvfcsKyfatmifqef; (48) jrwfarmf (49) odef;azjrifh (50) odef;azjrifh (51) odef;azjrifh (52) odef;azjrifh (53) vSuGefY (54) vSuGefY (55) ocifukd,fawmfrIdif; (56) vlxka':trm (57) 0d"l&ocifcspfarmif (58) armifwifa½T (59) wkdufpkd; (60) OD;bOD; (bDat) (61) OD;zkd;usm; (62) wwd,tBudrf AuouGefz&ifh (ykodrf)

- jreffrmEkdifiHorkdif; - ukdvkdeDacwf jrefrmEkdifiHorkdif; - wkdYArmtpnf;t½kH; orkdif; (y) - wkdYArmtpnf;t½kH; orkdif; ('k) - jrefrmEkdifiHorkdif; (y) - jrefrmEkdifiHorkdif; ('k) - jrefrmEkdifiHorkdif; (y^ 1958-62) - jrefrmEkdifiHorkdif; ('k^ 1958-62) - e,fcsJUtusOf;om; (y) - e,fcsJUtusOf;om; ('k) - jrefrmhEkdifiHa&;ESifh ocifbabmif; - jrefrmEkdifiHorkdif;opf - igwkdYAkdvfcsKyf bmvkyfcJhoenf; (y-'k-w) - AkdvfcsKyftrGdKifokdYc&D;pOf - AkdvfcsKyftrSwfw& - atmifqef; - atmifqef;rdom;pk - AkdvfcsKyfatmifqef; tw¬KyÜwåd - arhaysmufír&aom atmifqef; - jynfolcspfaom AkdvfcsKyf - AkdvfcsKyf\ pD;yGm;a&; tjrif - Armhpdefac:oH - AkdvfcsKyfatmiffqef; EkdifiHa&;pD;yGm;a&;tjrif - awmfvSefa&;umv EkdifiHa&;tawGYtMuHKrsm; - ta½SUuae0ef;xGufonfhyrm - ausmfjidrf; - oydwfarSmufausmif;om; - az-yk-½Sdef - MuHawmuajymaomorkdif; - bGdKif;aumuf#Dum - q&mBuD;ocifukd,fawmfrIdif; - urÇmhvSnfhocifukd,fawmfrIdif; - ocifukd,fawmfrIdif; olYpm? olYb0 - trsKd;om;ynm0efOD;zkd;usm; - trsKd;om;aeYjzpfay:vmykH &mZ0if - trsKd;om;aeY&mZ0if tusOf;csKyf - ukdatmifqef;rdefYcGef; - 8 -


(63) rEÅav;ta&;awmfykHrSwfwrf; (64) jrbl;aumfrwD\tpD&ifcHpmESifhywfoufí AuorScefYxm;tyfaom wuúokdvfjyifqifa&;aumfrwDrSwfwrf; (65) ta½SUOa&myArmausmif;om;rsm;aumfrwD - cGyfa'gif;pmapmif (1952) (66) ppfukdif;[efwif - vkH;0vGwfvyfa&;okdY (67) ocifcspfarmif - EkdifiHa&;a0zefcsufrsm; (68) ocifAarmif - 0HomEkta&;awmfykH (69) wuúokdvfpdefwif - jrefrmhvGwfvyfa&;wkdufyGJESifh ocifApdef (70) a½TaoG; - pdefrSefuif;tppf xif;jzpfcJhpOfu (71) wkdufpkd; - *sLAvDa[mjrifuGif; (72) ausmfatmif - or*¾tvHawmfatmuf0,f (73) pHatmif - nDñGwfa&;\ta&;awmfykH (74) aZ,smarmif - puúLjzLjyZmwf (c) ArmhEkdifiHa&;tajcae (75) udktHhausmf - 1980 ckESpf? r[m0dZÆmbJGU,lpmwrf; (76) 0if;armifoef; - ausmif;om;ta&;awmfyHk (77) udkpdk;odrf;\ vufESdyfpuf½dkuf udk,fa&;&mZ0if (78) cGyfa'gif;pmpOf (rwuo - 7 &uf? Zlvdkif) (79) rsKd;cspfjynfolUygvDrefygwD (1^90) (80) General Aung San - Burma Challenge (81) Mg Mg - From Sangha to Laity Burmese Nationalist Movement (1920-1940)

(82) U Nu (83) Dr. Ba Maw

- Saturday's Son - Breakthrough in Burma: Memoirs of a Revolution (1939-1946)

(84) Dr. Htin Aung - Modern Burmese History (85) Htin Aung - Stricken Peacock (86) Maurice Collis - Last and Fast in Burma (87) G.E. Harvey - Modern Burmese History (88) Hugh Tinker - Burmese Struggle of Indenpendence (89) Dorthy Wooden - State of Burma (90) Robert Taylor - Making of Burma (91) M.A Rashid - Report of Constitution Committee (92) Aung San Suu Kyi - Freedom From Fear (93) Rangoon University Students' Union Constitution (94) New Burma weekly (95) Burma Gazetties - Vol: (1) to (24) (96) Report of the Secretariat Incident Enquiry Committee

- C -

rSDjirf;aqmif;yg;rsm; (1) ouf0if; - oxHkrD;yGm; (2) oHrPd&Jabmfa[mif;wpk - 1946-47 ckESpfqDu wuúodkvfausmif;om;oHrPdwyf (3) 1953 rS 1962 cktxd pm½Gufpmwrf;? aMujimcsufrsm; rSDjirf;pmtkyf-aemufqufwJG 1/ jirf; pmapmif- trSwfpOf (7) Zlvdkifv 2001? trSwfpOf (4) ar 2001 2/ a'gif;tdk;a0- (1^3) Mo*kwf 1997? (2^1) Zlvdkif? (1^2) Zlvdkif 1997 3/ atmifapmOD;- vGwfvyfa&;a&T&wk (yxr tBudrf)1998 Zefe0g&D 4/ wuúodkvfae0if; jynfaxmifpkAdokum AkdvfcsKyfatmifqef; (yxrtBudrf 1997? arv) 5/ jr[ef AkdvfcskKyfatmifqef;{/fpmayvuf&m (1998? Zefe0g&Dv) 6/ ocifudk,fawmfrIdif;{/f vufa&G;pOfav;csKd;w&m (yxrtBudrf 1973? Zlvdkif) 7/ OD;Ek- ig;ESpf&moDArmjynf (1941-45) (yxrtBudrf 2002) 8/ wuúodkvfESpfig;q,fjynfhpmapmif (1970) 9/ ausmfNidrf;-&JabmfoHk;usdyf yxrtBudrf (1938) 10/ '*kefwm,m zswfceJawGU&aom½kyfykHvTmum;csyfrsm; (yxrtBudrf 1997 'DZifbmv) 11/ trsKd;om;aeYESifhtrsKd;om;ynma&;vIyf&Sm;rIUordkif;tusOf; (a&T&wkobif txl;xkwf (y^tBudrf? 11^1970) 12/ a&eHajrocifbwif 1300 jynfhESpf ta&;awmfykHrSwfwrf; 13/ armifrkef;atmif qJAif;Zlvdkif (odkU) ausmif;om;or*¾{/f tpOftvmudk azsmufzsufNcif; (1^3) Zlvdkif 2005 14/ tusOf;axmifxJrS tmZmenfrsm; (1999 {&m0wD) 15/ ArmjynfuGefNrLepfygwD&JU EkdifiHawmftmPmodrf;ydkufa&;vIyf&Sm;rIrsm; (5.8.89 txl;owif;pm&Sif;vif;yJG) 16/ wyfrawmfordkif; (y-twGJ? 1994 azazmf0g&Dv)? (yOörwGJ 1962-1974) 17/ atmifapmOD; (rIdif;&mNynfh) jrefrmEkdifiHausmif;om;vIyf&Sm;rIorkdif;tusOf; (w-tBudrf 1993 pufwifbm) 18/ &SpfpuúefYNidrf pGefYvTwfol{/f&mZ0if (ar2006) 19/ cspfMunfa&;- twJG (4) Ekd0ifbm 2006 20/ wuúodkvfaumvdyfr*¾Zif; 1939 21/ &efukefwuúodkvfESpfvnfpmapmif twJG(3) trSwf(5) 1314 ck 22/ vlxka':trm 83 ESpfajrmuf txdrf;trSwf (y^tBudrf? Ekd0ifbm 29? 1998) 23/ a'gufwmoef;xGef; igajymcsiforQightaMumif; (y^tBudrf? 2001 ar) 24/ Nidrf;csrf;pGmtwl,OfwGJaexdkifa&; rl0g'rSonf ppfrSef aomNynfaxmifpkpepfqDodkY 25/ &efukefwuúodkvfausmif;om;or*¾ pdef&wk (wuo) 75 ESpf 2006 26/ tifwmeufpmrsufESm- 'DADowif;Xme? {&m0wDowif;Xme (b0½kyfyHkvTm)? acwfNydKifowif;Xme? jrefrmowif; qufoG,fa&;enf;ynm (bDtdkifwD)? 0DuDyD'D,m? atatyDyD? ol&d,

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