Morris County Division Of Community Development Grant Programs: Who, What, Why And How?

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  • Pages: 14
Morris County Community Development Grant Programs

Who, What, Why and How?

Community Development Table of Contents 1.

2011 Annual Report


Criteria for Eligibility


Eligible and Ineligible Activities


Priorities in the 5 Year Consolidated Plan


Six Critical Questions for Community Development Applications


Who is the Community Development Revenue Sharing Advisory


Application Review Guidelines


Program Year 2013 Schedule


Morris County Division of Community Development

2011 Annual Report For the period 7/1/11—6/30/12 The Division of Community Development administers 3 Federal programs for Morris County’s 39 municipalities:

CDBG CDBG— — Improvements

 Community Development Block Grant program (CDBG)  HOME Investment Partnerships program (HOME)  Emergency Solutions Grant program (ESG)


Funds come from the US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), which provided Morris County with $3,234,927 in 2011

2011 HUD Grant Award HOME, $1,030,692, 32%

ESG, $155,339, 5%

$ 166,552 Spent On completed activities

Water and Sewer  Town of Boonton, Water Tank  Town of Boonton, Water System Improvements  Town of Butler, Water Main Replacement  Township of Long Hill, Sewer Pump

CDBG CDBG— —Services Accomplishments CDBG, $2,048,896, 63%

100% of 2011 Funds Expended Benefited Low/Mod Income Morris County Households The CDBG program has flexibility in allowing communities to carry out activities that are tailored to their unique housing and community development needs. It represents an important partnership among federal and local governments and the non-profit sector in carrying out activities which improve the lives and neighborhoods of low– and moderateincome families.

The CDBG program is a competitive application process with funding recommendations made by a citizen advisory committee. CDBG funds target 4 major categories: Facilities, Housing, Improvements and Services.

$ 257,797 Spent

On completed activities

 12

Served at Adult Care Day Program

 9

Developmental Day Care Scholarships

 40

Scholarships for Summer Camp

 17

Households Receiving Caregiver Respite Care

 16

Child Care Scholarships at Homeless Shelter

 11

Case Management, Youth Aging out of Foster Care

 552 Individuals receiving Housing Counseling  8

Support Services, Individuals with Special Needs

 161 Culinary Arts Training,Individuals with Special Needs  11 Scholarships, Special Needs, High School Equivalency  386 Abused and Neglected Children, Case Supervisors  149 Abused and Neglected Children, Clinical Counseling

CDBG Activity Category Expenditure % Services 17%

Housing 35%

Improvements 11%

Facilities 37%

Page 2


Program Year 2011

$ 536,612 Spent On completed activities

Accomplishments Fire Stations/Equipment Township of Roxbury, Exhaust System and Bays Netcong, Hilltop Firehouse, Roof Replacement Public Facilities and Improvements American Legion #344, Rehab & Accessibility

CDBG CDBG--Housing

$ 516,950 Spent On completed activities

Accomplishments  529 Fix-It Clients, minor repairs  42 Households, County’s Homeowner Rehab Program  16 Units, Mt. Kemble Home, Plumbing Rehab

Neighborhood Facilities Church of the Redeemer, Rehab to Parish House St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Kitchen Renovation Interfaith Food Pantry, Parking Area Improvements Health Facilities Daytop Village, Window Replacement Senior Centers Jefferson Senior Center, Refurbishment Parks, Recreational Facilities Town of Morristown, Caldwell Park, Improvements

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

HOME Investment Partnerships Program HOME provides grants to localities, often in partnership with local nonprofit groups, to fund a wide range of activities that build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership.

On completed activities

Accomplishments 1st Time Homebuyers Individual Development Accounts—3 HHs Housing Constructed: Jewish Service/Developmentally Disabled, 1 Rental Group Home, Township of Hanover Morris Habitat, 1 For Sale Unit, Township of Pequannock Rose House, 8 SRO’s at Community Residence, Twp. Of Hanover Tenant Based Rental Assistance, 10 Households

Emergency Solutions Grant ESG is a formula grant program for communities to renovate buildings, services, operating costs and homeless prevention.

$ 284,370 Spent


$ 44,557 Spent

On completed activities

 Family Shelter: Homeless Solutions, Inc.  Shelter Nights: Jersey Battered Women’s Services  Case Management: Interfaith Council for Homeless Families  Homelessness Prevention: Morris County Office of Temporary Assistance

Page 2

Program Year 2009


$ 191,639 Spent

Stimulus Funds

On completed activities

Accomplishments Handicapped Centers ♦ Delta Community Supports, Kitchen & Bathroom Rehab ♦ Community Hope, Inc, Safety Improvements & Renovations Public Facilities and Improvements ♦ Borough of Netcong, Salt Dome

In 2009, the Division of Community Development received additional Federal funds as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: ◊

$608,627 in CDBG-Recovery funds, which were intended for shovel-ready activities and benefitting people most affected by the economic downturn.

$931,156 in HPRP funds; the Homeless Prevention and Rapid ReHousing Program targeted households affected directly by the economic downturn and were most likely to become housing stabilized within 18 months.

Health Facilities ♦ Daytop Village, Mendham Twp., Dormitory Renovation

CDBG CDBG--Housing $ 722,806 Spent Accomplishments

On completed activities

♦ 186 Fix-It Clients received minor repairs ♦ Madison Housing Authority, Renovations ♦ 28 Households Served by County’s Homeowner Rehab Program

HOME Investment Partnerships Program HOME provides grants to localities, often in partnership with local nonprofit groups, to fund a wide range of activities that build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or

$ 374,727 Spent

On completed activities

Accomplishments ♦ 1st Time Homebuyers Downpayment Assistance—4 Households ♦ Housing Constructed: : Morris Habitat, 2 For Sale Units, Morristown : Abiding Peace, 7 Senior Rentals, Mt. Olive ♦ Tenant Based Rental Assistance to 9 Households


Emergency Shelter Grant ESG is a formula grant program for communities to renovate buildings, services, operating costs and homeless prevention.


$ 44,482 Spent

On completed activities

◊ Shelter Nights: Homeless Solutions, Inc. ◊ Shelter Nights: Jersey Battered Women’s Services ◊ Drop-In Center: Our Place, Morristown

ELIGIBLE and INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES Community Development Block Grant Eligible o Acquisition of Real Property o Public Facilities and Improvements, including:  Senior and Handicapped Centers  Recreational and Neighborhood Facilities  Fire Protection Facilities and Apparatus  Parking Facilities  Street Improvements, Sidewalks and Curbs  Water, Sewer, Drainage, and Other Public Utilities o Demolition Activities o Public Services, including Child Care Scholarships, Senior/Handicapped Vehicles o Removal of Architectural Barriers (exceptions: activities which only benefit disabled children) o Rehabilitation and Preservation Activities, including:  Rehabilitation of Public Residential Structures, including Public Housing  Rehabilitation of Private Residential and Non-Residential Properties  Code Enforcement  Energy Conservation Activities  Historic Preservation  Renovation of Closed School Buildings o Planning Activities o Shelter and Services for Persons Having Special Needs o Economic Development


Public Works or Improvements to:  Buildings and Facilities for the Conduct of Government  Facilities used for Exhibitions, Spectator Events and Cultural Purposes o Purchase of Equipment, Furnishings and Personal Property o Operating and Maintenance Expenses o General Government Expenses o

Emergency SŽůƵƚŝŽŶƐ'ƌĂŶƚ    Eligible    Street outreach   Emergency shelter   Homelessness Prevention   Rapid Re‐housing Assistance   HMIS (Homeless Management Information System)   

HOME Investment Partnerships Program   Eligible   Acquisition:   o For Development   o For First‐time homebuyers  o For Rehabilitation    Construction   Rehabilitation       Allowable expenses under these activities include:    Acquisition costs   Property site improvements   Conversion costs (e.g., from business to residential)   Demolition   Financing costs   Development related soft costs:    o Legal fees  o Architectural  o Engineering     Construction/rehabilitation hard costs (e.g., painting, window  replacement, building) 

Community Development Block Grant & HOME Investment Partnerships Priorities – 2010-2014 There are four categories of activities covered by the CDBG and HOME programs. The following activities received high and medium priority. Housing:        

Types of Activities Rental Housing Subsidies Homeowner Rehab Homeownership Assistance Rehab of Multi-Unit Residential Modernization of Public Housing Residential Units Acquisition for Rehabilitation Production of New Rental Units (See chart at end for income breakdown) Production of New Owner Units (See chart at end for income breakdown)

       

Sub Populations identified as having priority needs: Special Needs: People with severe mental illness, developmentally disabled and physically disabled Seniors Public Housing People with HIV/AIDS and their families Single women with children Veterans Aging out youth College grads Latinos/Latinas

      

Facilities Parks/Recreational Facilities Senior Centers Firehouses Centers serving homeless individuals Facilities serving veterans Facilities serving youth suffering substance abuse addictions Non Residential Historic Preservation

Improvements:  Water/sewer  Flood/drainage  Street These priorities were identified through the development of the 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan, Input was provided by the public, municipal representatives and non profit providers.

            

Services Transportation Childcare Senior services Handicapped Services Employment training Recreation/ Respite care and employment training for special needs population Youth Services Substance Abuse Public Services Health Services Abused and Neglected Children Provision of food to low income families, including nutrition training Legal aid

HIGH PRIORITY - HOUSING Household Income <=30% MFI

Household Composition Elderly-Renters Small Related-Renters Small Related-Owners

# Units 20 10 25

>30 to <=50% MFI

Small Related-Owner


>50 to <=80% MFI

Small Related-Owner


Household Composition Unrelated - Renters Elderly-Owners Large Related-Owners Unrelated-Owners Small Related-Renters Elderly-Owner Large Related-Owner Unrelated-Owner Small Related-Renter Elderly-Owner Large Related-Owners Unrelated-Owner

# Units

MEDIAN PRIORITY Household Income <=30% MFI

>30 to <=50% MFI

>50 to <=80% MFI

6 5 5 7 4 11 11 17 8 11 12 16

These priorities were identified through the development of the 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan, Input was provided by the public, municipal representatives and non profit providers.

Six Critical Questions for Community Development Applications 1) Does your proposal satisfy any of the Strategies identified in the 5 year Consolidated Plan? 2) Does your proposed activity serve Low/Moderate income individuals? 3) Can you complete your:   

Community Development Block Grant activity in 1 ½ years? Emergency SROXWLRQV Grant activity in 1 year? HOME Investment Partnerships Program activity in 5 years?

4) Do you have all other sources of funding in place? 5) Do you have the institutional capacity to manage your proposal? 6) If you are applying for HOME or ESG funds, have you satisfied the match requirement?


Who Is the Community Development Revenue Sharing Advisory Committee (CDRS)? In order to select activities for funding, the Division of Community Development and its participating municipalities formed the Community Development Revenue Sharing Advisory Committee (CDRS). The committee is composed of:  2 members from each participating municipality (2 x 37)  2 Freeholder appointed At Large members = 76 members CDRS members are responsible for working with citizen groups and interested individuals to enhance participation in the Community Development process. They also serve as liaisons to the Board of Chosen Freeholders, the municipalities and the Division of Community Development. The 37 participating municipalities in Morris County are organized into 7 regions so as to provide service and leadership to municipalities with common interests. Each of the 7 regions elects a Regional Coordinator and Alternate. These Regional Coordinators develop procedures by which the entire CDRS Advisory Committee will function. Each of the 7 regions selects a representative and alternate to sit on the four subcommittees:  Housing  Public Facilities  Public Improvements  Public Services The subcommittee members review grant applications, hear presentations and present a prioritized list of activities and funding recommendations for consideration to the Regional Coordinators. The Regional Coordinators review the subcommittee recommendations and formulate the program funding recommendation to be presented and voted upon by the full CDRS Advisory Committee. The program is presented to the Board of Chosen Freeholders for their review and approval.

APPLICATION REVIEW AND DECISION-MAKING FOR Community Development Block Grant Emergency SROXWLRQV Grant HOME Investment Partnerships Program

Reviewing Applications:  What is the applicant’s experience and capacity for carrying out the activity  Does applicant have other open grant activities? (See application Summary    

 

Sheet.) What National Objective does it meet? (See Criteria for Eligibility.)  Low/Moderate Income Persons, Slum Or Blight or Urgent Need? Does the activity address a Consolidated Plan Need? (See Strategies.) Is activity an “eligible activity?” (See Eligible Activities.) Review the funding picture  Are there "other funds" to help finance this activity?  Where are the “other funds” coming from?  What is the status of those funds?  Can activity proceed if other funds do not come through?  Will the program funds be stockpiled while awaiting other funds?  Is the application for a "Phased" activity?  Will the activity be able to be completed independently of the other "phases?"  Has the match requirement been satisfied for HOME applications? Are there environmental constraints e.g., Highlands, wetlands, floodplains, etc.? Consider the Activity Time of Performance (TOP)  Is the activity "ready to go"?  Is the TOP reasonable?  Can the CDBG activity be completed within 18 months; ESG within 24 months and HOME activity within 5 years?

Ranking and Funding:  Subcommittee (Housing, Improvements, Facilities and Services) consist of

Community Development Revenue Sharing Advisory Committee members (See Who Is the Community Development Revenue Sharing Committee?). Each subcommittee will rank activities to determine funding recommendations.  If an activity ranks highly, entire requested amount is recommended.  If less than requested amount is recommended, an explanation will be provided in addition to direction as to how the funds should be used. First and Second priority lines are established.  First line reflects those activities that the committee determines should get done.  The second line reflects those activities that the committee would like to recommend if funds were available. The Subcommittees’ recommendations are presented to the Regional Coordinators (CDRS members) who vote on entire slate of activities to present to the full CDRS. The full CDRS reviews the three programs and votes to recommend to Freeholders. Freeholders review entire program and vote to approve all three programs.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT  PROGRAM YEAR 2013 SCHEDULE    Thursday, November 15, 2012   

  November 16 – January 3    January 11, 2013    January 14 – February 8 

  Thursday, February 14    March 4, 5    Wednesday, March 6      Tuesday, March 12      Wednesday, March 13    March 13 – April 5    Wednesday, March 27    Thursday, April 18      April 19 – May 1    Wednesday,  April 24    Friday May 10    July – August    1st Week of September     End of September   

Orientation Meeting  – 4:00 PM – Knox Room – Applicant Training  Public Hearing & CDRS Meeting – 5:30 PM Performance Report and Needs –  Cafeteria – 4th Floor Administration & Records Building    Staff Provides Technical Assistance to Applicants    Applications Due In Office of Community Development by 5 P.M.    Staff Reviews Applications For Completeness; Receives Comments From  County Departments; Completes Evaluation Forms On Each Activity; Prepares  Application Packages For Subcommittee Member    CDRS luncheon – Application Distribution    Evening Presentations by Applicants to Subcommittees‐3rd and 4th Floors at  30 Schuyler Place (Check presentation schedule for exact location and time)    Notices Sent To Regional Coordinators On Funding Levels By Subcommittee    Regional Coordinators Meet And Recommend Funding Levels By  Subcommittee for the 2012 Program Year    County Staff Distributes Recommended Activities And Funding Levels To  CDRS Committee Members And Board Of Chosen Freeholders    Freeholders & CDRS Committee Review Recommended Activity List    Annual Action Plan Published For Public Comment    Public Hearing – 5:30 P.M. Annual Action Plan – Freeholders Public Meeting  Room  CDRS  Meeting  –  6:00  P.M.  To  Approve  Activity  List  –  Freeholders  Public  Meeting Room    Annual Action Plan Revised As Necessary    Freeholders Approve Annual Action Plan    Action Plan Submitted to HUD    Anticipated HUD Award    Legal Notice published for CAPER With 15 Day Comment Period    90 Days After Close of Program Year, CAPER is Due 

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